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Adjective + preposition

xcited sorry worried famous important prepared

about for
bad good surprised different free safe

at from
ashamed afraid tired angry bored happy
of with
devoted accustomed used interested in
to keen on

1. Choose the correct option:

1. He is excited in / on /about his trip to France. 4. Pavarotti was very famous about / for / from
2. This coat is different from / by / of others. his voice.
3. Mark is very good at /on /into Maths. 5. I was surprise to / at / on his insistence.
2. Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition:
1. I am worried ________ my health. 5. I didnt know Mary was afraid ________
2. Arent you capable ________ anything right? spiders.
3. He said he was worried ________ the 6. Mark finally felt free ________ a 9 to 5 job.
situation. 7. She is not accustomed ________ being
4. He is very good ________ tennis. treated like that.
8. They are really keen ________ music.
3. Complete the sentences using the right adjective and the corresponding preposition: of (5X),
with, in (2X), about, on.
keen ashamed pleased annoyed fond fed up bored nervous afraid
1. My father is very _________ taking photos when we are in holidays.
2. Toms grandparents are _________ travelling to the Galapagos Island.
3. We are _________ reaching the top of the mountain.
4. Our class is _________ getting such low marks in English.
5. Suzy is _________ walking to school in the morning.
6. Andrew is _________ repeating the same thing every day.
7. The Winstons are _________ living in that suburban area.
8. When we are abroad Im always _________ getting lost.
9. People who cant see properly easily get _________ watching TV.
10. The players are _________ playing against that aggressive team.
Choose the correct option, adjectives ending ED or ING.

1-We were so ____________ after watching that horror film. (scared-scaring)

2-Please, be quite and stop talking. Youre so _____________ (tired-tiring)
3-Its _______________ when you have to talk about money (embarrassed-embarrassing)
4-I thought you had given up smoking! Im so _____________ (annoyed-annoying)
5-Are you _____________ in sports? (interested-interesting)
6-I enjoyed reading that book. I found it very _____________ (excited-exciting)
7-After the fire everybody was _____________. (shocking-shocked)
8-He feels ___________ at work. He finds his job ___________.(boring-bored)
9-Her mother was _____________ that she passed the examination. (surprising-surprised)
10-This rainy weather makes me feel _______________ (depressing-depressed)
11-Sally is a nurse and she finds her job very _____________ (satisfied-satisfying)
12-The journey was very _________. We were __________ when we arrived. (tired-tiring)
13-The book was badly written. I soon got _______ with it (boring-bored)
14-History was very ___________ at school. I really liked it (interested-interesting)
15-I was so __________ when I heard a big noise. (frightening-frightened)
16-Ben felt so ___________ when he fell down on stage. (embarrassing-embarrassed)
17-This room is filthy! Its really _______________ (disgusted-disgusting)
18-I fainted and when I woke up I was a bit _______________ (confusing-confused)
19-I must admit this is a _______________ situation. (worrying-worried)
20-At the end of the days work he is often _______________. (exhausting-exhausted)
21-When she saw her boyfriend with another girl she was ___________ (shocking-shocked)
22-We were all _____________ when we heard about the accident. (horrifying-horrified)
23-Are you an ______________ person? (interested-interesting)
24-When was the last time you felt really _____________? (disappointing-disappointed)
25-Have you ever experienced an _____________ situation? (embarrassing-embarrassed)
26-Diana, you look ____________ tonight. This dress is great (amazed-amazing)
A) Choose between FOR and SINCE:
1. Ive worked here for/since six years. 7. Ive lived here for/since I was a child.
2. I lived here for/since three months. 8. Weve been in Paris for/since we were
3. Ive worked in this factory for/since 1970. married.
4. Hes been abroad for/since five years. 9. Ive known them for/since years.
5. I studied French for/since twelve years. 10. We practised for/since months.
6. Ive known her for/since 1982.
B) Write sentences with the correct tense of the verb in brackets and choose between FOR and
1. I (study) German for/since six years, but then I stopped.
2. She (work) for me for/since she left school.
3. I (work) in the restaurant for/since six months, but then it closed.
4. I (live) here for/since I was a little girl.
5. He (be) in prison now for/since three years.
6. I (not see) him for/since several years, and then I met him again last week.
7. I (not see) her for/since she left the office.
8. We (be) in Vienna for/since 1950.
9. I (work) here for/since seven years, but its time to leave now.
10. I (live) in London for/since 1983.

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