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Jinghpaw Wunpawng Amyu Sha Hpung

Kachin National Organization

Email:, Website:

6th March 2017

The Permanent Peoples Tribunal (PPT)

Via Della Dogana Vecchia,
5 00186 ROMA,
Tel: 06/68 80 14 68. Fax: 06/68 77 774

Ref: Charges against the Myanmar State for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity
against the Kachin People of Northern Burma

Dear Sir,

The Myanmar State and its armed forces are guilty of carrying out War Crimes and Crimes
Against Humanity against the Kachin people of Northern Myanmar or Burma.

These criminal acts include grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions such as the deliberate
targeting of civilians by military forces, rape and other forms of sexual violence as a weapon of
war, extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detention, torture, enslaving, destroying churches and
restrictions on the provision of humanitarian assistance to more than 120,000 internally
displaced civilians. Such heinous violations have been the systematic and deliberate policy of
successive Myanmar Governments and amount to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

Therefore, we, the Kachin National Organisation here officially submit charges against the
Myanmar State and its armed forces for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.


Hkanhpa Sadan
General Secretary
Kachin National Council
Kachin National Organisation

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