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Capellan Confederation
Ares - Bergan Industries:
2479+: Stinger STG-3R
2499: Locust LCT-1V
2581: Stinger STG-3G (possible factory)
2811: Locust LCT-1E (probable factory, limited run)
Bryant - HartfordCo Industries:
Note: Destroyed in 2nd SW in 2840.
2740: Cicada CDA-2A
2840: Cicada CDA-2B (limited run)
Cicada CDA-3C (limited run)
Bryant - Lantren Corporation:
Note: Factory destroyed 2843.
2780: Grasshopper GHR-5H
Capella - Ceres Metals Industries:
2826: Vindicator VND-1X (super short run)
Vindicator VND-1R
2863: Vindicator VND-1AA "Avenging Angel" (rare, most went to Rasalhague in 3030
Corey - Hollis Incorporated:
2561: Catapult CPLT-C1 (factory destroyed 1st SW)
2563: Catapult CPLT-A1 (probable factory)
2564: Xanthos XNT-2O (primitive)
2565: Catapult CPLT-C4 (probable factory, refit to CPLT-C4C in 3055)
2579: Xanthos XNT-3O (extinct by 2nd SW, return in 3060s)
2830: Battlemaster BLR-1G (only a few per year)
2860+: Highlander HGN-733 (refurbishing line until mid 3030s)
Grand Base - Earthwerks Incorporated:
2479+: Stinger STG-3R
2581: Stinger STG-3G (possible factory)
Menke - StarCorps Industries:
2825: Warhammer WHM-6L (possible factory)
Nanking - Kallon Industries:
Note: May be more stuff built here.
Note2: This factory was founded in 2808 according to House Liao, but Kallon Indu
stries is much older, especially the Wolverine which is probably originally from
2575: Wolverine WVR-6R (probable factory, Kurita refits to WVR-6K from 2498)
2649: Crusader CRD-3R (probable factory)
2753: Crusader CRD-3L (probable factory)
2816: Wolverine WVR-6M (probable factory)
3007: Exterminator EXT-4A (only 25 built, very brief run)
Sian - Hellespont Industrials:
2471+: Wasp WSP-1A
2799: Wasp WSP-1L (possible factory)
3024: Raven RVN-1X (refits to 2x or 4x by Davion and Liao)

St. Ives - HildCo Interplanetary:

2508: Victor VTR-9A
Victor VTR-9A1
2510: Victor VTR-9B (refit by Steiner to VTR-9S in 2998)
Styk - Tao 'Mechworks:
Note: Lost to FedSuns in 3028. Recaptured by 3063.
Note: It isn't known what mechs were produced prior to 3025.
Tikonov - Earthwerks Incorporated:
Note: Controlled by FedSuns from 3028~3067.
2491: Thunderbolt TDR-1C (until 2505)
2504: Koschei KSC-3I (finished in 2714)
2634: Koschei KSC-3L
2719: Koschei KSC-4I
2723: Koschei KSC-4L
3025: Cataphract CTF-0X
Cataphract CTF-1X
Draconis Combine
Al Na'ir - Wakazashi Enterprises:
2735: Bombardier BMD-12D (until ~2850)
Alshain - Alshain Weapons:
Note: Hostile takeover by Gorton, Kingsley and Thorpe Enterprises in 2975.
Note: Captured by Ghost Bears at end of 3051.
2739: Panther PNT-8Z (limited run)
2759: Panther PNT-9R
Dieron - Whitworth Company:
Note: Destroyed 2776
2610: Whitworth WTH-1S (refit to WTH-1H periphery variant in 3066)
2689: Whitworth WTH-1
2754: Whitworth WTH-0 (Amaris Dragoons, only 24 made)
Irece - LexaTech Industries:
Note: Destroyed by Nova Cats in 3050.
2688: Stinger LAM STG-A1
2800+: Stinger LAM STG-A5
Stinger LAM STG-10
Jarett - Alshain Weapons:
2603+: Phoenix Hawk PXH-1K (probable factory)
Lapida II - Nimakachi Fusion Products Limited:
2800+: Spider SDR-5V
2850: Spider SDR-5K
2850+: Warhammer WHM-6R (stopped around 3020-3025)
Luthien - Luthien Armor Works:
Note: Dragon lines destroyed in 3068.
2665: Charger CGR-1A1 (closed in 3030, Steiner refit to CGR-SB in 3025)
2752: Dragon DRG-1C (uncommon)
2754: Dragon DRG-1N (line ceased by 3055, field refits to DRG-5N from 3047, then
DRG-5Nr in 3076)
2779+: Quickdraw QKD-4G
2784+: Jenner JR7-D (factory destroyed by 2848, rebuilt in 3046)
2864: Lancelot LNC-02 (shutdown time unknown, but 3-400 left in 4th SW)
3022: Charger CGR-1L (sold to Liao, some refit CGR-1A5 in 3023)
3024: Grand Dragon DRG-1G (production model in 3040)
Marduk - Victory Industries:
2492+: Griffin GRF-1N
New Oslo - Alshain Weapons:
2759: Panther PNT-9R (went to Rasalhague in 3034)
New Samarkand - Luthien Armor Works:
2468: Gladiator GLD-1R (production ends 2475)
2487: Gladiator GLD-2R (line shutdown 2488)
Ozawa - Diplan 'Mechyards:
2784: Jenner JR7-A (prototype only)
2784+: Jenner JR7-F (factory destroyed 2837, few made)
2785+: Jenner JR7-D (factory destroyed 2837)
2660: Mongoose MON-66 (destroyed 2837)
2830: Mongoose MON-67 (destroyed 2837, also refits)
Sverdlovsk - Kankoku MFC:
2487: Von Rohrs VON 4RH-5 (shutdown 2510, Hebis extinct in 2518)
Federated Suns
Crofton - StarCorps Industries:
Note: According to Field Report 2765: Federated Suns, a major factory world in t
he Star League period.
2620: Longbow LGB-7Q
Demeter - Lycomb-Davion IntroTech:
2499+: Guillotine GLT-3N (destroyed early 1st SW)
2665+: Awesome (destroyed early 1st SW)
Errai - Maltex Corporation:
2572: Thug THG-11E (destroyed 2835, return in 3064)
2660: Wyvern WVE-5N (downgrade to WVE-6N in 2821)
2821: Wyvern WVE-6N (destroyed 2835, refits to 9N in 3052)
2676: Assassin ASN-21 (unofficial refit to ASN-101 by Fed Suns from 3024)
Hoff - Friden Aerospace Park Research Facility:
Note: Destroyed by Black Widow Company in 3022.
3020: Super Wasp WSP-2A-X (2 prototypes only)
3020: Super Griffin GRF-2N-X (1 prototype only)
Kathil - General Motors:
2609: Cestus CTS-6X (until CTS-6Y in 2776)
2757: Blackjack BJ-1 (destroyed 2796, davion refits to 1DB in 3023, 1DC in 3024)
2769: Blackjack BJ-1X (prototype, somehow made after the regular)
2767: Nightstar NSR-9J (destroyed 2786, returned 3057)
2776: Cestus CTS-6Y (destroyed start 2nd SW, reintroduced mid 3050s)
2819: Marauder MAD-3R
2834: Marauder MAD-3D (uncommon version, probable factory)
New Avalon - Achernar BattleMechs:
2459 BattleAxe BKX-1X (Primitive)
2471+: Wasp WSP-1A
2475: BattleAxe BKX-7K (field refits to BKX-7NC from 2480)
Hammerhands HMH-3D
2492: Hammerhands HMH-4D
2499+: Locust LCT-1V
2610: Dervish DV-6M (field refits to DV-6Mr in 3073)
2568+: Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
2571: Locust LCT-1M (probable factory)
2586: Phoenix Hawk PXH-1D (probable factory)
2777: Enforcer ENF-4R
New Avalon - Corean Enterprises:
2787: Valkyrie VLK-QA
3012: Centurion CN9-A (field refits to CN9-Ar in 3072)
Northwind - Cosara Weaponries:
2719: Crab CRB-27 (factory destroyed 2786, rebuilt 3050, kurita refits to CRB-C
in 3056)
Crab CRB-27sl (SL only)
2743: King Crab KGC-000 (factory destroyed 1st SW ~2786)
2812: Crab CRB-20 (refit downgrade only)
Northwind - MatherTechno Incorporated:
2777: Vulcan VL-2T (destroyed ~2787)
2778: Vulcan VL-5T (destroyed ~2787)
Ozawa - General Dynamics:
3rd SW: Kintaro KTO-18
Talcott - General Motors:
2823: Wasp WSP-1D (inactive by Jihad)
Talon (Wernke) - Kallon Industries:
Note: Destroyed in 3069.
2492+: Griffin GRF-1N
2505+: Rifleman RFL-3N
2774: JagerMech JM6-S
2778: JagerMech JM6-A
2990: Hornet HNT-151
3021: Rifleman RFL-4D (refit from RFL-3N)
Tikonov - Earthwerks Incorporated:
Note: Controlled from 3025 to 3067 only.
3025: Cataphract CTF-1X
3027: Cataphract CTF-2X
3029: Cataphract CTF-4X (FSuns prototype)
3050: Cataphract CTF-3D (FSuns)
Free Worlds League
Alula Australis - Merryweather Industries:
2490: Gladiator GLD-3R (only this year)
Gladiator GLD-4R (closed 2495)
Asuncion - Earthwerks Incorporated:
2475: Trooper TRP-1 (early name for Flea FLE-17)
2501: Flea FLE-4 (on and off production until Wolf's Dragoons write a contract)
Calloway VI - Earthwerks Incorporated:
Note: Earthwerks-FWL after Jihad.
2474: Archer ARC-2R
2479+: Stinger STG-3R
2550+: Shadow Hawk SHD-2H
2866: Bombardier BMB-10D (downgrade refit from BMB-12D only)
Connaught - Kong Interstellar Corporation:
2578: Black Knight BL-6-KNT (production ends 2802)
2694: Ostsol OTL-4D (line destroyed 2802, refurbished 3065, refits to OTL-5D by
Davion in 3065)
2700: Ostscout OTT-7J (line destroyed 2802)
2751: Black Knight BL-6b-KNT (production ends 2802, rebuilt in 3065)
2793: Ostroc OSR-2M (line destroyed 2802)
2809: Black Knight BL-7-KNT (line destroyed 2820, Marik refits to BL-7-KNT-L fro
m 2809)
2871: Ostsol OTL-4F (refit of OTL-4D)
Emris IV - StarCorps Industries:
2521: Warhammer WHM-6R
2529: Longbow LGB-0W (line destroyed between 3014 and ~3040)
2620: Longbow LGB-7Q (line destroyed between 3014 and ~3040)
Gibson - Gibson Federated BatttleMechs (FWDI):
2800+: Locust LCT-1V
Graham IV - Mitchell Vehicles:
2460: Helepolis HEP-1H (primitive)
2488: Helepolis HEP-2H (until 2775)
2570: Galahad GLH-2D (until 2775)
~2570: Shogun SHG-2H (lost 1st SW)
2625: Helepolis HEP-3H (until 2775)
2742: Mercury MCY-99 (lost 1st SW)
2810: Mercury MCY-98 (lost 1st SW)
Irian - Irian Technologies:
Note: Shutdown in 3091 by the Republic
2499+: Guillotine GLT-3N (until 2825)
2632: Hermes HER-1S (downgrade refit to HER-1A/B from 2856)
2798: Hermes II HER-2S
2802: Hermes II HER-2M "Mercury" (SAFE only)
2825: Guillotine GLT-4L (on and off until 3049, some refits to GLT-4P from 2833)
3025: Hermes II HER-4K "Hermes III" (to Kurita only)
Kalidasa - Kali Yama Weapons Industries Incorporated:
2456: Orion ON1-C
2464+: Wasp WSP-1A
2525: Orion ON1-K (some refits to ON1-V in 2799 and ON1-VA in 2901)
2800+: Hunchback HBK-4G (many swayback refits - 4H, 4J, 4N, 4P, 4SP)
Trebuchet TBT-5N
Kendall - Kali Yama Weapons Industries Incorporated:
2525+: Orion ON1-K
Keystone - Earthwerks Incorporated:
2479: Stinger STG-3R
2492+: Griffin GRF-1N
2505: Thunderbolt TDR-5S
2568+: Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
2572+: Thug THG-11E (12 per year until 2835)
2800+: Battlemaster BLR-1G
2835: Thug THG-10E (12 per year)
Marcus - Orguss Industries:
2675: Urbanmech UM-R63 (factory destroyed in 2837)
Oliver - Brigadier Corporation:
Note: Lyran controlled 3030-3057
2570: Scorpion SCP-1N (factory destroyed 2837, refits to SCP-1O in 3049)
2652: Goliath GOL-1H
2752+: Crusader CRD-3R
Pollux - Allied Aerospace:
2701: Phoenix Hawk LAM PHX-HK2 (destroyed 2799)
Procyon - Maxwell Manufacturing, Inc.:
24??: Griffin GRF-1A (absorbed by Earthwerks in 2492)
Ramen II - Corean Enterprises:
2801: Centurion CN9-A (destroyed 2845, refits to CN9-AH in 2874 and AL in 2915)
Savannah - Technicron Manufacturing:
2665: Awesome AWS-8Q (field refits of AWS-8R in 2683, AWS-8T in 2815 and AWS-8V
in 2980)
2779: Quickdraw QKD-4G
2847: Quickdraw QKD-4H (field refit from QKD-4G)
3002: Quickdraw QKD-5A (field refit from QKD-4G)
Shiro III - Irian Technologies:
2464+: Wasp WSP-1A
2800+: Stalker STK-3F
Stewart - Corean Enterprises:
2470: Icarus ICR-1X (primitive, only 6 made)
2471: Hector HOR-1B (obsolete 2520)
2471+: Hector HOR-1C (obsolete 2520)
2518: Icarus II ICR-1S
2652: Goliath GOL-1H
2780: Trebuchet TBT-3C
2799: Trebuchet TBT-5N (refit to TBT-7K for prototype testing in 3025)
2850: Trebuchet TBT-5J
2864: Trebuchet TBT-5S
Tematagi - Nimakachi Fusion Products Limited:
2787+: Vulcan VL-2T
Thermopolis - Kallon Industries:
2505: Rifleman RFL-1N
2556: Rifleman RFL-2N
2575: Wolverine WVR-6R (probable factory)
2770: Rifleman RFL-3N
2816: Wolverine WVR-6M (probable factory)
Wallis - Ronin Incorporated:
2515+: Warhammer WHM-6R (possible factory)
Lyran Commonwealth
Arcturus - Arcturan Arms:
Note: Crossbow factory shutdown in 2490 (with attempts to restart until 2550).
2468: Crossbow CRS-X
2473: Crossbow CRS-6B
2481: Crossbow CRS-6C
Carlisle - Bowie Industries:
2474+: Archer ARC-2R
2612+: Marauder MAD-3R
Coventry - Coventry Metal Works:
2462: Ymir BWP-X1 (primitive prototype, halted 2475)
2463: Commando COM-1A (primitive)
2471: Eisenfaust EFT-2 (primitive, only 1 prototype made)
2475: Ymir BWP-2B (halted prod 2648)
2478: Ymir BWP-2E (halted prod 2648, field refit to BWP-3A from 2733)
2480: Commando COM-1D
2481+: Stinger STG-3R
2486: Commando COD-2D
2568+: Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
2573: Alfar AL-A1 (extinct by 1st SW)
2787+: Vulcan VL-2T
~2900: Firestarter FS9-H
3015: Commando COM-1B
3020: Commando COM-1C
3025: Commando COM-3A
Furillo - Defiance Industries:
2471+: Wasp WSP-1A
2499+: Locust LCT-1V
2567: Locust LCT-1S (probable factory)
2577+: Zeus ZEU-6S
Hesperus II - Defiance Industries:
2445: Banshee BNC-3E (production stopped 2455)
2456: Orion ON-1C (primitive, until 2525)
2474: Archer ARC-2R (probable)
2492+: Griffin GRF-1N
2510: Chameleon TRC-4B/CLN-4V (until 3052)
2515: Eisenfaust EFT-4J (prototypes, only a few made)
2525: Orion ON1-K (line lost ~2800)
2570: Galahad GLH-1D (replaced by 2D in 2594)
2594: Galahad GLH-2D (mostly used by SLRoyal)
2651: Sentinel STN-1S (obsoleted by succession wars)
2652: Sentinel STN-3L (until STN-3K in 2830, downgrade to STN-3M for Kurita in 3
2755: Atlas AS7-D (refit to AS7-Dr in 3070)
2787: Zeus ZEU-5T
2788: Zeus ZEU-5S
2796+: Flashman FLS-7K (field refits by Kurita to FLS-C from 3063)
2830: Sentinel STN-3K (shutdown in 3014, field refits to STN-3KA, STN-3KB, STN-4
2857: Griffin GRF-1S
2898: Zeus ZEU-6S
2915: Archer ARC-2S
2922: Zeus ZEU-6Y (prototype only)
3023: Hatchetman HCT-3F
3025: Valkyrie VLK-QA
Hesperus II - Stormvanger Assemblies, Light Division:
2582: Falcon FLC-4N (destroyed 2789)
Inarcs - Blackstone BattleMechs Limited:
2670: Talon TLN-5V (presumably replaced by TLN-5W)
2760: Talon TLN-5W (nuked in 2815, extinct in 2830, line reopened in 3056)
Loburg - StarCorps Industries:
2529+: Longbow LGB-0W
2610: Longbow LGB-7Q
Loxley - Blue Shot Weapons:
2772: Starslayer STY-2C (shutdown in just a few decades)
Loxley - Norse Storm Technologies:
2640: Spector SPR-4F (lost with star league)
2771: Thunder Hawk TDK-7X (line shut down in 2780, returned ~3055, refits to TDK
-7Y from 3058)
Kwangjong-ni - Weigel Armory and Munitions:
Note: Factory destroyed 2767.
2735: Rampage RMP-2G
2750: Rampage RMP-4G
2767: Rampage RMP-5G
New Earth - Newhart Interstellar Industries:
Note: Factory destroyed 2776.
2499: Guillotine GLT-3N
2620: Hussar HSR-200-D
2650: Spider SDR-5V
Pandora - Red Devil Industries:
2770: Rifleman RFL-3N
~2900: BattleMaster BLR-1G
3025: Battlemaster BLR-1S
Skye - Argile Technologies:
2550: Firestarter FS9-A (until 2703)
2550: Firestarter FS9-K (until 2703)
2703: Firestarter FS9-H (until 2895)
2890: Firestarter FS9-M "Mirage" (until 2895)
Solaris - Blue Shot Weapons:
2761: Lynx LNX-9Q (line destroyed 2928, field downgrades to LNX-8Q from 2853)
Solaris - Norse-Storm Technologies:
2767: Nightstar NSR-9J (line lost in 2786, restarted ~3055)
Son Hoa - StarCorps Industries:
2592: Highlander HGN-732 (destroyed 2nd SW, refurbished by 3057)
Sudeten - Olivetti Weapons:
Note: Lost to Jade Falcons in September-October 3050.
3005: Warhammer WHM-6R
~3020: Thunderbolt TDR-5S
Tharkad - TharHes Industries:
2752+: Crusader CRD-3R
Twycross - Trellshire Heavy Industries:
Note: Lost to Jade Falcons in June 3050, recaptured in september, then lost to S
teel Viper in September 3051.
2770: Rifleman RFL-3N
2800+: Stalker STK-3S
Stalker STK-3F
~2900: BattleMaster BLR-1G
Vendrell - Mountain Wolf BattleMechs:
2656: Night Hawk NTK-2Q (destroyed 2945, refurbished 3055)
Wotan - Krauss-Lieman Incorporated:
2520: Phoenix PX-3R (extinct ~2780)
2581: Phoenix PX-4R (very unpopular, swiftly cancelled)
Central Regions
Caph - General Systems:
2630: Exterminator EXT-4D (lost 2793)
Exterminator EXT-4C (lost 2793)
Caph - Lang Industries:
2467: Shadow Hawk SHD-1R (primitive, until <2550)
2550: Shadow Hawk SHD-2H (lost ~2800)
2796: Shadow Hawk SHD-2D (Davion field refits only)
2803: Shadow Hawk SHD-2K (Kurita field refits only)
Caph - Stormvanger Assembles, Unlimited:
Note: Factory destroyed 2774.
2571: Striker STC-2C (line destroyed 2867, refits by Steiner to STC-2S in 2845 a
nd by Liao to STC-2D in 3056)
2751: Javelin JVN-10N
2710: Cyclops CP-10-Z (line destroyed 2774)
2750: Cyclops CP-10-HQ (probable factory, very rare!)
Epsilon Eridani - Harvard Company:
2690: Wasp LAM MK I WSP-100 (SLDF, destroyed 1st SW)
2703: Wasp LAM MK I WSP-100b (SLDF "Blackhearts teams, destroyed 1st SW)
Mars - Cosara Weaponries:
2743: King Crab KGC-000 (line destroyed in 2767)
King Crab KGC-010 (prototype SL only until 2767)
Mars - General Mechanics:
2464: Wasp WSP-1
2471: Wasp WSP-1A
2587: Kintaro KTO-19 (~2766, factory closed down, 2792 last narc factory lost)
Mars - Krupp Stellar Technologies Inc.:
Note: Factory destroyed in 2779.
2581: Lancelot LNC25-01
2594: Lancelot LNC25-05 (probable factory)
2765: Lancelot LNC25-01X (prototype)
2876: Lancelot LNC25-03 (downgrade field refit on LNC25-01)
New Earth - Bergan Industries:
Note: Factory destroyed in 2776 and again in 3078.
2602: Champion CHP-1N (common field refit to CHP-1N2 from 2667)
2810: Champion CHP-2N (downgrade field refit)
Outreach - Blackwell Heavy Industries:
3012: Marauder II MAD-4A (WD only until 3028)
Terra - Amaris Arms Corporation:
2775: Matar SAM-RS2 (boondoggle prototype only)
Terra (Germany) - Blankenburg Technologies:
2735: Crockett CRK-5003-1 (extinct in 4th SW, downgrade refits to CRK-5003-0 fro
m 2881, returns in 3054)
Terra - Coventry/Earthwerks Combine:
Note: Destroyed 2779?
2790: Firefly FFL-???
Terra - Ford Military Limited:
2490: Thorn THE-F
2549: Thorn THE-N
Terra - Krupp Stellar Technologies Inc.:
Factory: Retooled in 2779, unclear to what
2771: Dragoon AEM-01
2771: Dragoon AEM-02
2771: Dragoon AEM-03
2771: Dragoon AEM-04
Terra (Australia) - Martinson Armaments:
2443: Kyudo KY2-D-01 (primitive, replaced in 2625)
2584: Hoplite HOP-4A/C (line destroyed 2767, Wolf's Dragoons refit to HOP-4D in
2625: Kyudo KY2-D-02 (line destroyed ~2770)
2684: Hoplite HOP-4B
2764: Spartan SPT-N1 (prototype)
2765: Spartan SPT-N2 (line destroyed ~2770, refit to SPT-NF from 2770 and SPT-N3
in 3064)
Terra (North America) - Mitchell Vehicles:
2621: Shootist ST-8A (line lost by SW, field refit to ST-8C in 3062 and ST-9C in
Terra - Ostmann Industries:
2500: Ostwar OWR-2M (primitive) (until ~2573)
2511: Ostroc OSR-2C (line destroyed 2777, refits to OSR-2D in 3050)
2876: Ostroc OSR-3C (field refits)
2884: Ostroc OSR-2L (field refits)
Terra - Quarry Arms:
2442: Emperor EMP-1A (primitive, by 2502, the EMP-5A existed, manufacturer unkno
Terra (Russia) - Skobel MechWorks:
2439: Mackie MSK-5S (prototype)
2470: Mackie MSK-7A
2576: Mackie MSK-8B
Mackie MSK-9H
2619: Excalibur EXC-B1 (prototype)
2620: Excalibur EXC-B2 (factory lost by SW)
2742: Mercury MCY-99 (line lost in SW)
2765: Jackrabbit JKR-8T (mothballed ~2800, became Nexus in 3055)
Terra - StarCorps Industries:
2612: Emperor EMP-6A (SLRoyal only until 2nd SW, returned in 3057)
Magistracy of Canopus
Canopus - Majesty Metals and Manufacturing:
2471+: Wasp WSP-1A
2481+: Stinger STG-3R
2499+: Locust LCT-1V
2568+: Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
2612+: Marauder MAD-3R

Dunianshire -Majesty Metals and Manufacturing:

2499+: Locust LCT-1V
2550+: Shadow Hawk SHD-2H (Davion buys and refits to SHD-2D2 from 3049)
Taurian Concordat
Illiushin - Vandenberg Mechanized Industries:
2564: Xanthos XNT-2O(Primitive)
2481+: Stinger STG-3R
????: Commando COM-2D
????: Griffin GRF-1N
MacLeod's Land - Pinard Protectorates Limited:
2481+: Stinger STG-3R
2499+: Locust LCT-1V
New Vandenburg - Vandenberg Mechanized Industries:
2474+: Archer ARC-2R
2481+: Stinger STG-3R
Perdition - Pinard Protectorates Limited:
2471+: Wasp WSP-1A
Pinard - Pinard Protectorates Limited:
2612+: Marauder MAD-3R
????: Phoenix Hawk (not listed in Objective Raids that covers ~3054)
Pinard - Vandenburg Mechanized Industries:
2505+: Thunderbolt TDR-5S
2521+: Warhammer WHM-6R
Taurus - Taurus Territorial Industries:
Note: Major destruction in 3066.
2471+: Wasp WSP-1A
2499+: Locust LCT-1V
2505+: Thunderbolt TDR-5S
2521+: Warhammer WHM-6R
2819+: Marauder MAD-3R
????: Wolverine (source: Field Report 2765, don't have it)
Outworlds Alliance
Alpheratz - Alliance Defenders Limited:
2471+: Wasp WSP-1A
2481+: Stinger STG-3R
2499+: Locust LCT-1V
3010: Merlin MLN-1A
Alpheratz - Mountain Wolf BattleMechs:
3010: Merlin MLN-1A
Ramora - Ravenna Electronics:
2655+: Charger CGR-1A9
Unknown Factory Locations
Hephaestos (Wolf Dragoons Space Station):
Note: Destroyed in 3028.
3010: Archer ARC-2W (probable factory)
Star League Weapons Research (Terran Hegemony):
2445: Banshee BNC-1E (primitive)
2475: Banshee BNC-3E
Triad Technologies:
Note: Destroyed in SWs
2594: Stalker STK-3F (some refit to STK-4N in 2876 or STK-4P in 2928)
2638: Stalker STK-3H
Star League Royal Refits:
Note: No actual factory, just refits of aging mechs to superior standards.
2598: Highlander HGN-732b
2599: Warhammer WHM-6Rb
2610: Locust LCT-1Vb
2612: Marauder MAD-1R
2649: Crusader CRD-2R
2660: Wyvern WVE-5Nb
2688: Catapult CPLT-C1b
2700: Ostscout OTT-7Jb
2705: Stalker STK-3Fb
2715: Sentinel STN-3Lb
2718: Exterminator EXT-4Db
2719: Crab CRB-27b
2720: Stinger STG-3Gb
Rifleman II RFL-3N-2
2729: Ostroc OSR-2Cb
2731: Kintaro KTO-19b
2735: Hussar HSR-200-Db
Excalibur EXC-B2b
2738: Osprey OSP-15
2740: Mongoose MON-66b
Hermes HER-1Sb
2743: Thorn THE-Nb
King Crab KGC-000b
King Crab KGC-010
2751: Griffin GRF-2N
Champion CHP-1Nb
2752: Shadow Hawk SHD-2Hb
Archer ARC-2Rb
Crockett CRK-5003-1b
2753: Thunderbolt TDR-5Sb
2760: Phoenix Hawk PXH-1b "Special"
Marauder MAD-2R
Thug THG-11Eb
Battlemaster BLR-1Gb
2761: Warhammer WHM-7A
2763: Battlemaster BLR-1Gc (for Star League non-Royal favored units)
Battlemaster BLR-1Gbc
2765: Atlas II AS7-D-H (SLRoyal only)
2770: Wolverine II WVR-7H
2784: Phoenix Hawk PXH-1c "Special" (experimental prototype only)
Known Field Refits:
2475: Banshee BNC-3M (Marik refit of BNC-3E)
2815: King Crab KGC-0000 (General Motors downgrade refit)
2866: Highlander HGN-733C
2910: Thunderbolt TDR-5SE (ELH)
2915: Banshee BNC-3Q (Marik)
No proper source/factory:
2575: Pillager PLG-1N (for 20 years in Reunification War)
2756: Crusader CRD-3D (Davion variant of CRD-3R)
2765: Crusader CRD-3K (Kurita variant of CRD-3R)
Titan TI-1A (prototype only)
2776: Atlas AS7-D-DC (Command Console variant)
2779: Annihilator ANH-1X (pentagon worlds variant only)
2801: Cyclops CP-10-Q (variant of CP-10-Z)
2823: Annihilator ANH-1G (pentagon worlds variant only)
2830: Warhammer WHM-6K (Kurita and Davion variant of WHM-6R)
2835: Warhammer WHM-6D (Davion variant of WHM-6R)
2856: Archer ARC-2K (Kurita variant of ARC-2R)
2867: Battlemaster BLR-1D (Davion variant of BLR-1G)
2873: Marauder MAD-3M (Marik variant of MAD-3R)
2892: Atlas AS7-RS (based on Atlas II config and later the AS7-K looked similar)
2905: Marauder MAD-3L (Liao variant of MAD-3R)
2925: Battlemaster BLR-2C (refit? Kurita had one or two)
3005: Imp IMP-2E (Wolf's Dragoons only)
3009: Annihilator ANH-1A (Wolf's Dragoons only)
3028: Annihilator ANH-1E (Wolf's Dragoons only)
3048: Annihilator ANH-2A (Wolf's Dragoons only from this source)
3049: Crusader CRD-4D (Davion refit of CRD-3R?)
3049: Crusader CRD-4K (Kurita variant of CRD-3R?)
3071: Crusader CRD-7W (WOB variant, now with mercs)
2930: Thunderbolt TDR-5SS (Steiner variant)
3005: Shogun SHG-2E (Wolfs Dragoons variant)

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