Assignment 2 Markarmstrong

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Curriculum Design & Development

Assignment 2

My Alignment Issue in Conflict Management

Due March 5, 2017

By Mark Armstrong

Assignment Questions My Assignment Responses

Description and Rationale There are a numbers of issues I plan to update in the conflict management course in the future.
However, the issue in relation to this assignment is updated the measurement/evaluation tools.
What is the issue? 90 percent of the course measures cognitive domain issues through assignments and written tests.
Only 10 percent related to psychomotor domain and affective domains. Being that this course is in
the Police Foundations Program it is surprisingly inadequate. Conflict is dynamic and constantly
Why did you select this
I have now inherited the overall responsibility for the three classes in the discipline and feel that to
issue? best serve student success through not only employment skills but life skills overall. The techniques
and skills that are the basis for the learning outcomes must be practiced and measured to ensure
that the outcomes are met across all three domains and scenarios must be undertaken. Learning
Transfer Theory states that if skills are not applied within 60 to 90 days after being acquired the skill
set will diminish.

Curriculum Alignment My analysis of the Evaluation Criteria is that it can be updated to reflect the recent recommendations
Analysis of the Iaobucci Inquiry. I am looking at revising the Evaluation Criteria to ensure that the learners
develop a skill for their personal tool kit that will remain with them for life. It will be accessible at a
What is your analysis of moments notice because it will be a part of their personal make up. This really falls under the realm
the issue? of Experiential Learning. It will be similar to the idea of muscle memory. The way the Evaluation
Criteria are currently stated, they do not, in my opinion, optimally support our colleges commitment
to student success.

My proposed revisions to the existing Evaluation Criteria is a realistic approach to social issues that
are frequent in todays policing world. The positive attributes of the practiced skills of conflict
management go way beyond the issue of employment skills. As previously stated a life skill will
benefit society as a whole whether the learner continues into law enforcement or not. The
application of scenario based training and evaluation is the strongest foundation for the learner to
build upon for success. There are a number of employment skills that do benefit the learner in this
discipline outside of employment and this course is truly a life skill in my opinion. There are certain
skills in the discipline that should not be applied in life as opposed to employment such as the
interviewing course that I facilitate in the fall semester. I cannot stress enough that interrogating your

spouse is not a good idea.

Recommendations Please see my recommended solutions in the Current and Revised Evaluation Criteria charts
below. In the revised version, you will note that my recommended changes are to:
What are your 1. Replace the Presentations and Group Assignments (worth 10% and 20%)
recommendations or 2. Replace the first two written assignments (worth 5% each total 10%)
solutions? 3. Simulation Scenarios through the course in weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
(First 2 scenarios will not be marked and the next 2 will be worth 10% and the final scenario
will be worth 20%)
Impact Overall the impact of these changes can be substantial. The scenario based training is dominated by
the psychomotor domain. However, the cognitive and affective domains are also involved and
What is the impact of benefit for this type of approach. Technology is a wonderful thing and learners are consuming it as
your recommendations fast as it is developed. However, with the development of technology certain basics skills are
on other components of diminishing. The ability to communicate face to face is an art form which used to be practiced on a
daily basis in the work environment. This is no longer cost efficient and by-passed in many
the curriculum? environments on a daily basis To meet course learning outcomes a diverse strategy must be
employed to ensure all employment skills which reflect all domains. This discipline is dominated by
hands on face to face communication and we must give our learns the skills to succeed no only in the
profession but in life.

Specifically, the impact of:

1. It will move this course curriculum from dominated by the cognitive domains through the
assessment tools and teaching approach to cover all domains of learning. The delivery
Impact continued process will require participation by learners which is a drastic revision of the established
evaluation criteria.
2. The curriculum will now be aligned with recommendation of Inquiries such as Iaobucci which
involved three fatal confrontations with police that although found no criminal responsibility
made recommendations to increase officers training and education when dealing with
persons in crisis.

OLD Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria:
(A full description of the Academic Appeals Process can be found in your Student Handbook.)

In Process (attendance and/or in class assignments) 20%

Mid Term Test 25%

Group presentation 10%

Team Assignment 20%

Final Test 25%

Total 100%

Revised Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria:
(A full description of the Academic Appeals Process can be found in your Student Handbook.)

Scenarios(4 events 2 practice and 2 evaluated at 10% each) 20%

Mid Term Test 25%

Written Assignment 10%

Final Scenario 20%

Final Test 25%

Total 100%

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