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CompanySafety Policy

CanadianCuttingand CoringLtd.,PacificConcreteCuttelsLtd.and City Engineering

Inc.("TheCompany")recognizethe rightto work in a safe,healthyand productive
and is thereforecommittedto providingsucha workplacefor all onsite
employeesand personnel.

In fulfillingthis commitment,
this comprehensive
healthand safetyprogram
has beendesignedand implemented as a meansof.

' reducingthe occurrencesof illness,injuries,accidents,near-misses, and/or

propertydamagethroughemployeeeducation,participation, and empowerment
' identifying
the rolesand responsibilitiesof all personnelin orderto applysage
' ensuringthe worksiteis in full compliancewith relevanlregulatoryrequirements
' communicating, consulting,and cooperating with employeesto addresshealth
and safetyissuesand concems

Living Document

Thisdocumentis a livingdocumentandwill continueto evolveovertime;incorporating

new knowledge,work procedures,
and safework praclicesas theyarise.

Confl ict with ReguI ation

Whereverdiscrepanciesoccurbetweenthis documentand governmentregulation,

governmentregulationwill take precedence.


All personnelwill receivedocumentedon-the-jobtrainingand instructionin all aspects

ofthisdocument relevantandapplicable
to theirjobdutiesor assignments.


All aspectsof this documenthavebeenreviewedand endorsedby the hotder.

zfrfu{7 / 2 c,t5-
JOhn - President
Cutting & CoringLtd.
Pacific ConcreteCuttersLtd.
City Engineeing lnc.

Revised:March2012 Approvedby: John van Dyk

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