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Rédding A-Z a Fluency “ni The Statue Name. n_ ——— - = _ Word Count: 248 The Statue Matha squéezed Hélena’s anh tightly, alost aS tightly 8 7 as‘Heléna squeezed her dofl. They stared over the railing 18 a of tke boaf af the sanfe gray ocean and gray sky that had 31 surrourtde thém sincé they left Europe. Heléna buried Ker 40 “ ndse in the doli’s hair and smelied thé famifiar scents of 51 wood smoke, Matha’s stew, ard her own deét feather bed. 61 ed ae Z ae This was the only one of Grandinother 's haitd-made dolls 70 sh@ had beef ablé té take frdm the house in | Poland. Thete 82 just wasn't roofn in tle suitcases for anf mofe. She had so” 94 many feelifigs jumbled up int heF chest as she stafed thfough 105 the gray f5g—sadnéss about leaving hothe, feaf about going 115 toanew pl&e, excitefnent about starting anew life. 125 Suddénly, ske cotild her shoiits from thé rer of the boat. 136 Peopté were looking uf arid péinting, crying/ “There she is!” 146 Ish’t sKe magnificent?” Z 149 (.0S 7 Page 1 of 2 wX- édding A- ecCN ‘luency Passage—Fiction Name gel, Helena?” Matha sAid, afd a uf, tod Heléna 158 pent aH st thrgh Ne PREG cat tangead <8 thirg—ah enotnots ati. Thén, shé began té make ott & 180 pointed crown and d large, stérn facé. For a'r momént, she 191 forg6t t6 brefthe. Ske had always thought of statues asbeirig —-202 wae thé size of Papa, bat this was thé largest th thirig shé had’ 215 ~The Sate Word Count: 248 eve sé&n—largéer & even thén thetr bost. Hé heért fluttered, 225 ani J suddehly if seerfed like thé excitefent in her chest 235 grew arid grew wl while thé sadfteés afid fear shrank. “Shés 245 beautiful,” Heleita said. 248 A2Nor Page 2 of 2 1d Fs 4 5 Jumber of Errors b Accuracy (%): AC Fo teading Rate (Words Per Minute): RGET pee 90 100 110 120 130 140 “150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Learning AZ Alig eserves wowreadinga-2com

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