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Timet H e r a l d , Carroll, la.

, W a d b m e t e y , f e p l e m t a i 3 , 1*79 - P a * * 1 7

3 U w l C o n aY Truck. 71 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 - SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 3 -

1974 MONTE Carlo 350, black.
PS. PB A/C, AM 8-track. sun
I P.M. Antiques li household
goods-Wayne* Phyllss Jans.
3:30 P.M House It lot auc-.
tion. Located 206 North. Main

roof, console. fltt-sMt 'after Westside. i Walt Johnson, "Auc Street, Carroll.'Iowa. Fred 4
11 krvceMiMal walking 8:30. 71-174-Jtc tioneer, Betty Welti. Owners.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Kerkhoffi Kerkhoff & Kasper ACROSS 49 luego: UNITED Feature Syndicate
. i l M t t l l ' M ' K M o l l , i3 1171 CADILLAC 4 dr. Radlals, bauer. Auctioneers.
w m n m

air It runs fine, 8J5.00. Olid- 1 Cinders Sp. good Tuesday's Puzzle Solved:
M w/53iM cMMki tvmy'nMtrn 'den Auto Sales," 71-174-llc 7 P.M. 3 bedroom home, 1148 SUNDAY! S E P T E M B E R 2 3 - 6 Mine en bye.
North Grant Road. James & 1 P.M. Home It furniture auc trance SO Young bird nnnnn mnnn nnnn
VSSSmm*** ewmt ** waft 1*74 OLDS M r - loaded, 7924328 P a t r i c i a Carroll. Owners. tion at 716-'West 19th St, 10 Outburst 51 Suggest n o o n rannn nnnci
S S w M , MH tent, let* ttoraw. or7tM812. . 7M71-MC J a c k Kasperbauer. Dave Richard Luchtet. Owner. Mc 14 Tin alloy 52 Theory a n raoon n a n
M M M M r t r g t M d family room In Carville, Scharfenkamp It 15 Scottish 55 Hit from be nnnacia n n n n n n n n
1974 CHEVROLET* ton pickup, Kerkhorf ft. Meryl Kerkhoff.; nnnci n n n n n n n
HM*TwajR-it Mtmml'l lira* Auctioneers,-; Rupiper. Auctioneers. bank hind
yard W/geraan spew. Entire twmt 7924328 or 792-4812. 7l-171-Stc aaaaFina nan
urpatadanddraptd. Ctntral air and T U E S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 3 - 16 Noted 58" a c i a a n aacion - i n n
1977 CHRYSLER Newport 4 door 11 1 P.M. Antiques, household Alaskan Dlnsmore" nan nrjcian anna
UMiiWtnf. - sedan, Fac. air,.speed control,
SHOWffcY APPOINTMENT 1 P.M. Closing out farm sale. goods It machinery auction. 17 Not diluted 60 Sea bird pnn nrjcian nnnnn
tilt wheel, padded: roof, plus Arthur Hulsing. Lake View. 18 Park struc 61 Worry naa Tiananmen
Hone 792-2660 Ah miles north of Carroll on
- ; ^320N.Wtt w t s M K
many other extras; Just 38.000
I o w a O w n e r . Wayne ture 62 Installs nana nana
local 1-owner miles. Will Highway 71. Ervln aa ana
Baumhover. Owner. Jack Stewart. Auctioneer. 20 Pshaw 63 Tinted a a Q a crarja aaaarj
CALL tUS to buy or sell your lease the most discriminating
lUyer. 1974 Ford LTD 4 door, Kasperbauer. Meryl Kerkhoff M O N D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 21 Current 64 Is in debt uuuu a a a a a a a a a
home, ( a r m . o r commercial 24- 23 Doubly 65 Rummages aaaa aaaa aaaaa
roperty. '.Fleshlier Family fac. air, tilt wheel, speed con D a v e Kerkhoff. Auc
RcafryVfa-HH, > 63-137-ttc trol, super sharp inside & out.
Both units just in and ready
1:30 P.M. 40 a c r e farm.
Located 1'4 mile east of Vail.
24 Nitwit
. 26 Became ver
BIERL .REALTY Co. Commer- for many trouble-free miles. 7 P.M. Special bred gilt and John Rosener. Owner. Paul dant
\ clal. residential. rentals. Wittrock Motors, 71-188-tfc 28 Strives 1 Butt 19 Saturate 40 Pronounced
sow sale. To be held at the Grote. Auctioneer. 22 Angeles 41 Box
63-35-tfc 30 Fish basket 2 Ms. Home
TO FINANCE your new or used Farmers Livestock Auction SATURDAY, S E P T E M B E R
31 Diminish 3 Bunker, for 25 lota 42 Entertainer
COMES REAL Estate. 792-42M car see Personal Lenders. located 2 west It U north of 29- 26 Wheat, e.g. 43 Cereal
ot 7M-H79 to buy or sell 32 Quebec's mally
Thomas Plaza, Carroll. Call Hwy. 71 It 30 Jet. Carroll 1 P.M. House St household 27 German 45 Container
homes, acreages, farms. . founder 4 Antelope
792-2555. 71-233-tfc Leonard Wieland. Owner. contents. Leonard Schoessler. river 46 Read avidly
3-M6-tf< 36 Sick 5 to:
Dave Kerkhoff. Jack Kasper Owner. Westside. Walt John 37 N.Y; island Burn 26 Cave 47 Storage
GRIFFITH FORD-MERCURY bauer It Meryl Kerkhoff. Auc
TEXTOR REALTY serves Car Inc. Authorized sales & ser son. Auctioneer. 38 Old 6 Head monk 29 Adept place
roll residents and newcomers vice, jet. Hwy. 71 It 30 Car- tioneers. SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 3 0 - 39 Cutback 7 Sketch 30 Daphnis' 48 Airfoil
Phone 792-1540. 63-131 tic roll. 792-1505. 71-16-tfc SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 P.M. House, lot & household 42 Enter a car: 8 Rhodesia's love 49 Conceals
18- items. 232 South Maple. Mrs. 2 words Smith 32 Catch on 51 Now
OUR LAND is dirt cheap. Halbur KOBERG CHEVROLET - Your 1 P.M. Furniture auction. 424 L i l l i a n T r e c k e r . Owner. 33 Evaluation 53 Locale
Realty Co., Carroll. 792-2M6. authorized GM dealer in-Car 44 Touch 9 Spread
6th Street. Manning. Norm Rupiper. Scharfenkamp & 45 Uncouth 10 card 34 Flower 54 Jumble
63-174-ltc roll. Top dollar paid for used Eigenheer, Owner. Meryl McCarville. Auctioneers.
cars. 792-9236. . 71-124-tfc 46 Rousing 11 Anew 35 Not any 56 Cpl. or Sgt.
Kerkhoff. Dave Kerkhoff It SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 3 0 - address: 12 Cut into 37 Others: 57 Crow
Lovely remodeled J a c k K a s p e r b a u e r . Auc 1 P.M. Closing out equipment 2 words 59 Pasture
2 words 13 Finished
3 bedroom home Motorcycles 73, tioneers. auction. F r a n c i s Tunink.
^situated on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Owner. Located Odebolt.
1979 SUZUKI T.S. 125. 1.000 15 Iowa. Meryl Kerkhoff. Jack PEANUTS
APPROX. 5 ACRES miles. '775.00. Call 653-0601.
73-174-31C 1 P.M. Closing out farm sale K a s p e r b a u e r & D a v e
O n l y 1'A m i l e s f r o m From Scranton l' miles east Kerkhoff. Auctioneers.
1977 SUZUKI PE 250. Good con on old Hwy. 30. Mrs. Clarence FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 -
Carroll. dition. Must sell. 675 or best 1:30 P.M. 136 acre Carroll Co.
O u t b u i l d i n g s suitable for Gliem, Owner. Rupiper.
offer. 792-4951 or 659-3879 after Scharfenkamp & McCarville. farm. (Henry Reineke Estate
hogs, horses,-etc. Must be 6 p.m. 73-174-5tc Auctioneers. . F a r m ) . Newton Township.
seen. FOR SALE: 1972 Harley David, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER From Dedham. 3 miles east
Better hurry though! I son 250. Good condition. Low 1 P.M. House, lot. household on Hwy. 141. 'a mile north on
miles. 750. Ph.: 792-3935. goods & antique auction. 1109 east side of road. Seldl &
WILSON REAL ESTATE 73-173-21C North West, St. Emmett Lahr. Rupiper. Auctioneers.
Ph.:792-3974 O w n e r , R u p i p e r , S c h a r SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6
63-174-Jtc fenkamp It McCarville. Auc 1 P.M. household goods. Mr.
EXCEPTIONALLY NICE Calendar of tioneers. & M r s . Jucrgeri Luetje.
Owners. Westside. Iowa. Walt
2 Story 3 Bedroom home Sale Dates 18 Johnson & Loren North. Auc
IN GLIDDEN 1 P.M. House It household tioneers.
' Nice yard.
Claimed goods sale in Arcadia. Iowa SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 -
and Marcellus Grundmeier 1 P.M. 2 bedroom house &
Well located near park. furniture. 1734 North Carroll
Owner. Gerken & Grote. Auc
Better check this onelll Auction Sales tioneers. Street. Jim Duncan. Estate
All types of auctions will be run SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Owner. McCarville. Schar
WILSON REAL ESTATE in this Auction Calendar FREE if 1 P.M. Mrs. Verna Musfeldt fenkamp & McCarville. Auc
Phone 792-3974 we have the advertising copy of closing out farm sale. 2 miles tioneers.
your ad in our office. east It 4 miles south of Man SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7
After 5 p.m. call 1 P.M. house It furniture auc
Keith Chapman 659-2202 ning. Iowa. Meryl Kerkhoff.
EVERY THURSDAY tion. 1916 Quint Avenue. Car
63-174-3IC Jack Kasperbauer &"Dave
7:00 P.M. Carroll Livestock Kerkhoff. Auctioneers. r o l l . E m m e t t Sr Eileen
H e m For Rent 64 Sale. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Peterson. Owners. Jack
18 Kasperbauer. Dave Kerkhoff
NICE 3 bedroom ranch with at EVERY SATURDAY & Meryl Kerkhoff. Auc
tached garage.'275 per month. 6:30 P.M. 5 bedroom home.
1 P.M. Farmer's Livestock tioneers.
No pets. Comes Real Estate 127 South Carroll: Mr. & Mrs.
Auction. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 4 -
792-4295. 64-174-2tc SATURDAY, S E P T E M B E R Merle Dailey. Owners. Grote
1 P.M. antique & household
It Gerken. Auctioneers.
8 goods sale. Lawrence (Bud)
Apoctmewt f o r Kent 65 1 P.M. Don E. Winnett closing DON'T LOSE out on a service or H e s s l i n g h . O w n e r . 1014
out farm machinery & an installation job because people Salinger Ave.. Carroll. Schar
FIRST FLOOR duplex apart don't know what you can do
ment. Furnished. Avail, im tique auction. Located 10 fenkamp. Rupiper & Johnson
miles south & <4 west of Glid Everybody reads these Want Auctioneers.
mediately. 792-4811. 65-174-3tc Ads advertise your services
den. IA. Dave Kerkhoff. Jack
TWO BEDROOM apartment here.
K a s p e r b a u e r , & Meryl
i Stove & refrigerator furnished. 1
KerkMff.'AUttioneersr -* p
792-9535. ' 65-174-5tc SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 9 " RIMEPRTSTTGE"HOME
FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. 1 P.M. shop and hand tool Enjoy the unspoiled view of the city and countryside in the
L a r g e 3 b e d r o o m home. auction. Located 2 blocks privacy of this lovely 4 bedroom home. Vaulted ceiling,
792-5821 or 792-1349. 65-174-5tc West & l'a South of Van's generous use of windows, breakfast bar, dining room,
Cafe. 1 block East & l ' j fireplace plus many unique features. Superior blend of
Apartment Wonted 66 blocks South of school in landscaping on 34 acre to greet you in area of fine homes. By
Auburn. Wm. L. Bauer. appointment. (B59)
1 or 2 bedroom apartment. Estate. Albrecht. McCrea &
Reasonable. Call between 10
a.m. It 3 p.m. 793-5310.
Green, Auctioneers.
66-174-3tp 1 P.M. Household goods It an- Member of Carroll multiple Listing
tiqes of Clarence L. and Mary RSMS- P h . 792-4295
U s e d C o n > Trucks 7,' Goreham. 819 West 6th St.. . After 5 call Roy or Zita C o m e s 792-1679 2
Carroll. Auctioneers: Jack M a r c e l la K a n n e Robert K r a u s M a r s h a Feick
1984 CORVETTE Stingray. Call Kasperbauer. Meryl Kerkhoff 792-2371 792-302J 669-3548
after 6 889-3362. 71-174-5tc & Dave Kerkhoff.
1973 MERCURY Monterey/power SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 9
steering & brakes, air. cruise. 1 P . M . H o u s e , l o t s It
Good 2nd car. '650. 464-3756.
Lake City. 71-174-3tc
household goods. Lanesboro.
Iowa. Lydia Dial Estate. PART-TIME HELP WANTED
Owner. Scharfenkamp.
1969 BUICK Elec. 225. Local
t r a d e . McCarville & Son
Motors. 71-174-ltc
Rupiper & McCarville. Auc
tioneers. _
for Circulation Department


DRIVERS must be dependable, must fur
8 Acres with excellent nish own car to deliver bundles to surroun
ding towns. 18 per mile. c

Apply in person only
Morton building and to Danny Tigges.
farrow-to-finish hog buildings.
Ron Burdine, Glidden
Phone 659-3750 63-170-7tC

i i / Don't Forget . . .
in order for you to get your
phone ringing for the best
results on your classified ads we
MUST have your ad copy for
classified ads and classified display
ads in the Times Herald Office by 4
P.M. the day before publication
223 East 6th Monday through Friday.

Formerly Don's Auto Sales

Dial 792-3573
Contract Available Classified D e p a r t m e n t

Craig Neppel 70-17J-MC

Carrpll .Daily Times Herald
792-2419 or 792-4276


*WMV 0 0 CATS'
A _
Most of us have
seen a cat's eyes
glowing beside
the road a t night. The glow
reflects the light of a car's
headlights and causes the
cat's eyes to glow brightly.
The cat's special kind of
is simply a reflection pf a eyesight allows it to do
car's headlights. The back most of its hunting a t
of a cat's eye is lined with night. A cat cannot see in
KATHYOVD, complete darkness, any
OPVOaVPA., a special mirror-like mate
WIN9APKIZ1 rial called "tapetum." This more than we can.
IO*TH9UMTION. shiny layer help* the cat to Vni cm win Waritt AJmj<
see in dim light by catch- H K If your qutttlon U
ttacted. I*ni your nam*
' lag even the f a s t e s t gleam and < JOHNNY WON-
of light and concentrating DEB. c/o thta iwwiBtptf,
P.O. Ron tut?!DAI ' -
it on t h e . retina. I t also Cns,CANNI.

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