Standalone Financial Results For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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Punjab Gommunications Limited

PCL/CS/14769 14th February,2017

The Secretary
The Bombay Stock Exchange litd,
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street,

Reg: Quarterly Unaudited Fi4ancial Results.

Dear Sir.

Pursuant to Regulation 30(2)(Fara A (4Xh)) of Part A of Schedule lll) of SEBI (Listing

Obligation & Disclosure Requirpments) Regulations 2015, please find enclosed herewith
a copy of the Unaudited Quaiterly Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter
endedon 31't December,2OlA adopted in the 189th Meeting of the Board of Directors
held on Tuesday, the 14th day of February, 2017 in the Committee Room of Punjab
Bureau of lnvestment Promoti$n, 2nd Floor, Udyog Bhawan, 18, Himalaya Marg Sector-
17, Chandigarh. The meeting $tarts at tl. fw A'rland concluded at rr' tS
p'rt .

This is for your information & records please.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully

(Madh{r Bain Singh)

Comp{ny Secretary

Regd. Office : B-91, Phase Vfll, lndl. Area, S.A.S. Nagar (Chandigarh) - 160 071 India
Phone No. : +91-172-2237101(4 Lines), +91-172-5022901(4 Lines)
Fax No. : +91-'172-2237125, E-mail :
CIN:L32202PB19q1SGC004616 Website : wvt/w,
Regd Office : B-91, Phase Vlll, Industrial Area, S A S Nagar (Chandiqarh)-160071
(ClN:132202P81 981 ScC00461 6) (Web: w!
(Rs in Li

S. No. Particulars 3 months Preceeding 3 uorrespondtng Year to date Year to date Prevtous
ended figures for figures for year ended
in the previous current period the previous
year ended year ended
31.'t 2.2016 30.09.201 6 31.12.2015 31.12.2016 31.12.2015 31.03.201 6
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
tItu9IIte Itgtn 9peraU9ns
(a) Net Sales / Income from operations (Net of excise duty) 1028 1t 868.54 513.88 2,230.11 I ,364.1 I 1,998.1(
(b) Other Operaling lncome nAf 0.89 2Aa . 12.1i 't1.97 '17.9(
Total income from operations (net) 1029.0( 869.4: 516.4? 2,242.2t 1.376.16 2016.00
2 Expenses
a) Cost of materials consumed 212,l:fi, 288.17 228.76 657 7l 666.1 1 863.76
b) Purchases of stock-in{rade 295;69 62.76 165.57 ..383..t2 230.39 287.55
c) Change in inv3ntories of finished goods, 4116t 83.04 (24.15) on ol 15.15 (1 1.1 e)
work-in-progress and stock-in-trade ; (lncc), Dec(+))
d) Employee benefits expense 593165 608.12 570.08 1,17t,.54 1,716.17 2287.27
e) Depreciation and amortisation expense 1a R4 11.94 4.02 36.38 11.91 22.30
f) Other expens,,.s (Any item exceeding 10olo of the 147.14 138.22 134.51 351.8i1 349.19 499.22
tolal expenses relating to continuing operations
to be shown separately)
Total expenses 1262.91 1192.2! 1 078.7! 32192,i02 2.988.92 3.948.9'
3 Profit/(Loss) frorn Operations before Other Income, (233.91' (322.82) (562.32) (1,O49.74 (1,612.76) (1,932.91
finance costs & exceotional ltems 11-2)
Other Income 227,,45 219.50 230.48 ooJ.o/ 710.2? 929.7(
5 Profit/(Loss) frorn ordinary activities before finance costs & exceptional (6'40J (1 03.32) (331.84) (386;07' (902.53) (1,003.21
items (3 t 4)
6 Finance costs 2:46 1.95 3.71 4.8i 8.04 7.4t
7 ProfiV(Loss) fronn ordinary activities after finance costs but before (9.s2) (105.27) (335.5s) 19oo,ob; (e10.57) (1 ,010.69
exceptional items (5 6) I
8 Exceptional ltems 36.89
:i l:
9 Profit/(Loss) fronx ordinary activities before tax (7 I 8) '(8:2) (1 05.27) (335.5s) (390.89: (910.s7) (1,047 58
10 Tax Expense (a) Tax Provision (MAT)
(b) Deferred Tax Asset written off
1 Net Profiu(Loss) from ordinary activities after tax (9 t 10) (8.921 n05.271 (335.551 {390.8S1 4910.57 1.047.58
ExtE94!l!!lli!qms (net oftax expense Rs. Lakhs) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A
Net Profiu(Loss) forthe period (11 ! 12) n05.27) (335.55 {390i891 (910.57 {1.047.58
Share of profiv(bss) of associates N.A. N,A N.A, NiA. N.A, N.A.
Minority illelqql' N.A, N.A N,A. N.A. N.A, N.A.
Net Profiu(Loss) after taxes, minority interest & share of profiu(loss) (8192) (105.27 (335.55 (3s0.89) (910.57 (1,047.58
of associates (13 t 14 t 15) .
17 Paid up Equity Share Capital 1,202^36 1,202.3( 1,202.3( 1,202.36 1,202.3( 1,202.3(
(Face value of the share is Rs 1 0/-)
Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve as per 7,1 59.01
balance sheet of previous accountinq year
19.i Earnings per share (before extraordinary items)
(of Rs.10/- each) (not annualised):
(a) Basic (giQ7) (0.88 (2 79 (3:25) (7.57. (8.71
(b) Diluted (0.07) (0.88 (2 79 (3,?5) (7.57. (8.71
1 f.ii Earnings per share (after extraordinary items)
(of Rs.10f each) (not annualised):
(a) Basic (0:07) (0.88 (2.79 (3,?f) (7.57. (8.71
(b) Diluted {o,07\ (0.88 Q.79 l3 25\ (7 57 (8.7'l
. Aoolicable in the case of consolidated results.

I TheaforesaidUnauditedQuartedyFinancia|Resu|ts(ProVisiona|
14th February, 2017.
2 The company is F,rimarily engaged in the business of Teleconr and its spares. As the basic nature of these activities are governed by same set of risks and retums, the sales have b

interest income on the Investments made by the company.

be reviewed and considered in the audited annual accounts for the year ending 31st March,2017. I \
4 The figures for the previous period have been regrouped and restated wherever necessary, to make them comparable. I I
| | toranoonoenalfoftheBoard t
(Vikas Pratd, IAS)
Place: S. A. S. Ngar
Dated : February 1 4, 2017 Vice Chairperson & MD

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