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Winthrop University

Richard W. Riley College of Education

ECED/ELEM Common Lesson Planning Sheet

Title of Lesson: Children and their Families in the Past and Present

Subject(s)/Content Area: Social Studies

Name: Tristan Langley

Grade level(s): A Montessori Kindergarten class

Lesson Duration: 28minutes

Date Lesson is Taught: March 11, 2014

National/St Objective(s) Assessment Tool Mastery or

ate Performance Level,
Standards Criteria
required by
and Change

Standards: Objective 1: Students will be 1. Students must
Standard K-4: Students will be assessed by a complete 4 out of 5
The student able to compare the checklist. (80%) expectations on
will daily lives of the checklist to to mee
demonstrate children and their the passing criteria.
an families in the past
understandin to the present with
g of the way 80% accuracy
families live through a drawing.
and work
together as Students will be 2. Students must
well as in the Objective 2: assessed by a complete a 4 out of 5
past. Students will be checklist. (80%) on the checklist
able to compare the to meet the passing
K4.1- daily lives of criteria.
Compare the children and their
daily lives of families in the past *For students who did
children and to the present with not meet the objective
their families 80% accuracy will provide them with
in the past through matching an extra explanation on
and present cards. the topic, together we
will re-read the book
K-4.4 Long Ago and Today by
Recognize Rozanne Williams and
that families talk about the
of the past examples given in the
have made book. Students will
choices to then be given an
fulfill their opportunity to to draw
wants and another picture
needs and comparing the lives of
that families children and their
do so in the families in the past to
present. the present.

Materials and Vocabulary

Materials/Equipment :
The teacher: one copy of the book Long Ago and Today by
Rozanne Williams and one completed copy of the past and
present worksheet to show as a model for the students.
Each student: a mixture of color pencils and crayons and one
blank copy of the past and present worksheet for each student
(18), 10 laminated matching cards( five things that were done in
the past that match with five things that are done in the

Academic Vocabulary:
Past: Referring to an earlier time in your life or an earlier event.
Present: Referring to something that is happening now.
Plow: a farm tool having one or more heavy blades to break the
soil and cut a furrow prior to sowing.
Instructional Procedure(s)

*This is a Montessori lesson; students will be taught the lesson as a

group but will complete the activity individually on their own time
throughout the day.

Introduction (10minutes)
The teacher will tell students to sit on the carpet for group time
before entering the classroom after lunch.
The teacher will sit down on a chair at the front of the carpet and
tell students that today they will be learning about the daily lives
of children and their families in the past and in the present.
The teacher will ask students if they know what the term past
and the term present mean. If students know what they mean,
then call on a student to share their answer. If they do not know
what the two words mean, then explain the two terms to them
(see definitions above in vocabulary section).
The teacher will explain to students why they are learning about
the daily lives of children and their families in the past and today
in the present. The teacher will say; learning about the daily lives
of children and their families in the past and today in the present
is important because we can compare our lives today to children
and their families lives from the past. We will be able to see that
now we do some things differently than people did in the past
and that today, we do some things the same.
The teacher will read the title of the book Long Ago and Today by
Rozanne Williams to the class.
The teacher will ask the students if they know of any examples of
things that families in the past did which are different from today.
Students will share their answers.
The teacher will read the book Long Ago and Today by Rozanne
Williams to the class.

Body of the Lesson (this will be different for each child, but
around five minutes for demonstration and ten minutes for
each student to complete the activity)
After reading the book Long Ago and Today by Rozanne Williams,
the teacher will ask students what they learned from the book.
The teacher will explain to the students that today, they when
they get to do their social studies lesson activity; they are going
to take the ten laminated matching cards out of the lesson
The teacher will hold up each card and show the class, then the
teacher will lay the card on the mat. One by one the teacher will
match a past card to a present card until all cards are matched.
The teacher will then tell students that the matching cards are a
self-check activity. There are colored dots on the back of the
cards. The cards that match have the same color dot on the back
of the cards.
The teacher will model checking the matching cards by flipping a
pair over that she matched and look to see if they both have the
same color dot.
Next the teacher will explain to the students that they are going
to take one worksheet out of the lesson container and draw one
picture in each of the two different labeled boxes on the
worksheet showing the difference between families and children
long ago to families and children today.
The teacher will pick up the work sheet and show students which
box they will draw their picture of families and children long ago
in and which box they will draw their picture of families and
children today in (see attached).
The teacher will show students a modeled copy of the activity
they are required to complete; families from long ago hunting
and families today going to the grocery store (see attached).
The teacher will tell students that the activity will be placed on
the social studies shelf and that is where they can find the
activity when they complete their social studies lesson for the
The Students will complete the activities:
First the students will match the ten cards ( the five past cards
to the five present cards)
Then the students will complete their drawing.

Closure and transition (3minutes)

Once students are done completing their picture, they will raise
their hands and the teacher will come over to check their work.
The teacher will ask the student to explain what they drew.
The teacher will collect their page.
The student will clean up the lesson and put it back on the shelf
for so the next student can complete their social studies lesson;
their picture.
The student will get a new lesson and go back to their mat to
complete it.

Extension Activities for the lesson

One technology application This
website informs viewers of things children from long ago played with. It
shows pictures and has a description of each game or activity.
One game or activity sheet Students can create their own picture
story book pretending they lived long ago.
One literacy activity Bozzo, L. (2010). Community Helpers of The
Past, Present and Future. New York: Enslow Publishers, Inc. This is a
book which talks about all different types of community member and
how they have changed today from the past.

Differentiation of Instruction
Accommodations/Modifications for students
Students A and B both lower learning students. They often need more
instruction and guidance to understand concepts. For these students I
re-read the story to them right before they complete the lesson activity
and will also will provide them each with a copy of the book to look at
while they draw their picture one thing that people do today and
people did in the past.

Student C is physically impaired with fine motor skills. For this student I
will provide them with paint, instead of using crayons and color pencils
to draw their picture, they can use their finger to paint a picture one
thing that people do today and people did in the past.

Students D is a hearing disabled student. For this student I will make

sure to place them close to the front of the room when I do my read
aloud and I will wear a microphone around my neck so he/she will be
able to hear me speaking clearer.

Student E is visually impaired. For this student I will let them sit close
to me while I am doing my read aloud or I could make a PowerPoint
showing each page of the story I am reading to the class.

Student F is a gifted and talented student. For this student I will have
them find draw a picture of one thing that people do today and people
did in the past, but also write a sentence explain what their picture is.


(n.d.). In Kids.Net.Au Dictionary. Retrieved February 21, 2014, from
Williams, R. L. (1996). Long Ago and Today. N.p.: Creative Teaching

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