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Semarang, 5 April 2016

Herewith I listed my history of Sertifkat Keahlian Arsitek (SKA) from Ikatan Arsitek
Indonesia (IAI) Jawa Tengah with the copies attached for completing the Asean
Architect (AA) administrative requirements, i.e. :

1. SKA no. 0356313

Name : Sukawi. IAI
Classification & Qualification : Arsitek Madya
Registration No. :
Place of Registration : Semarang
Date : 10 July 2015
Expiry Date : 10 July 2018 (3 years)

2. IAI Membership No. 15359

Name : Sukawi
Membership type : Reguler
Place of registration : Jakarta
Date : 08 July 2014

Yours Sincerely,

Sukawi, ST, MT, IAI

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