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A towering edifice that imposes on the surrounding parking

lot. A moniker near the front reads "THE RUBY HOG". The
camera pushes through the decadent revolving door.


Passing through the lobby and into the central aisle of the
main dining room, overlooking families conversing with menus
obstructing their faces, and a waiter joking with a guest.

We keep on moving. The camera bursts through a pair of white

double doors, revealing the back kitchen. A team of cooks,
around six or seven members, are bustling about the small

Food hovers mid-air from a flip and chefs bark orders to one
another. A hostess walks up to the head chef, inquiring
about a complaint from a man in wheelchair concerned about
his mobility to the bathroom.
Out of nowhere, the fire alarm wails and auxiliary water
showers activate. The chefs scramble out of the room,
attempting to cover all exposed dishes on the way out. One
cook stealthily snatches a crme brle for himself and
makes a run for it.
The kitchen is now both completely drenched and empty. ZOOM
to the drain lid under a central table and we hear a noise
that sounds like the lid is being penetrated.
The lid breaches and a small pug climbs slowly onto the
floor, limb by limb. Exhausted, the pug slumps and collapses
to the tile floor. We will come to know her as PENNY.
Sluggishly opening one eye, Penny peers at an unscathed
chicken marsala in the far corner. A bolt of energy shoots
through his body as he strides towards the counter. She
slops up all avilable morsels, tasting the quality
commensurate with the five-star designation.
While taking in such ornate surroundings, her eyes land on a
PIG, an apple stuffed in its mouth. Something feels very
curious, as if the pig isnt a part of the cuisine here...
until the pig rears its head and winks at her.

Penny is taken aback, so much so that she starts suffocating

on the chicken.She backs up into a sizable pot of spaghetti
sauce and they both topple back on the floor, the pot
landing on her head. Penny is now disoriented and, paired
with her previous exhaustion, starts to hallucinate.


A disembodied pig voice emanates from the darkness, and

chicken and lamb choruses chime in, gradually increasing in
volume. The voices materialize into their animal form and
loom over her, with grim, Muppet-like expressions. And just
as Penny cant take it anymore, the SOUS-CHEF returns
through the double doors.
The chef immediately sees her tail poking out and rushes
over to remove the pot from her head. The Chef seems to
suspect that the pug may be responsible for the fire alarm
but cleanses Penny of the now-caked tomato sauce in order to
present her outside.
Families crowd under the awning of the restaurant, waiting
for their taxi ride while the valet employee hands out
complimentary towels and gift cards. The Sous-chef rolls out
of the entrance, dog in hand.
While the chef looks around for a potential owner, Penny
hangs her head low, ashamed of her decision to commit to
this heist at all.

A GIRL, dressed in a sequined purple dress, enters Penny"s

view. She grabs her parents by the leg and redirects their
gaze to despondent eyes, begging her parents to keep the
homeless pug. The parents exchange a few words with the
sous-chef, and just as the taxi pulls onto the curb, they
all pile in the back seat, now with a new friend.
The door to the apartment opens slowly, and Penny runs
through as soon as the opening allows her, followed by the
girl in pursuit, then the parents. They fill a bowl of the
standard doggy chow and lay it under the puppys salivating
The father heads out immediately, explaining that he needs
to retrieve something from the car. The friends play some
fetch with a tennis ball (slow motion) and a slowed,
sentimental backing track is playing to emphasize the dogs
desire to stay in this fleeting moment.
Then, the record scratches. Camera quickly pans to reveal
the father kicking open the door. His hands are full.
In his grasp, a roast pig with an apple in its mouth, the
Ruby Hog himself. He winks. Cut to Penny, with an ambiguous
expression beginning to form on her face.


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