Letter Naming Fluency

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Letter Naming Fluency

Based on the DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Assessment


Say these specific directions to the student: Here are some letters. (Point
to the student probe). Tell me the names of as many letters as you can.
When I say Begin, start here (point to the first letter) and go across
the page (point). Point to each letter and tell me the name of that
letter. If you come to a letter you dont know, Ill tell it to you. Put
your finger on the first letter. Ready, begin.


Aqu hay algunas letras. (Point to the student probe). Dgame los
nombres de todas las letras como pueda. Cuando digo Comienza,
empiece aqu (point to the first letter) y vaya a travs de la pgina
(point). Seale cada letra y dgame el nombre de esa letra. Si llega a
una letra que no conoce, se lo dir. Ponga su dedo en la primera
letra. Listo, empieza.

TEACHER: Time the student for one minute.

Letter Naming Fluency letters

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