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Social Leisure at its Best OW ea CM ETO Te EN ATES 3 Breen aN Cons STANDOUT peiisk THE GRAND LISBOA AND WYNN MACAU Ce eee SLL ouroa’s nore | rawe nner NO EXCUSES {some point i Le, you seed to et aside all your exewtes and rmareh on toward your goals, Thats te lean we learned frorn our cover story this month, Atty. Arnel Paciano Casanova, President ‘and CEO of the Base: Couersion and Development Authority (BCDA), His story stars on page 56 Foe a man to emerge from his hardsersbble yonth and become uly to Finish college at che University of the Philippines ar Later on gain a degree at Harvatd University at that i already a great ssccolplidtient an itulE But Gor Aly. Casas ta put hitsell ha postin i lead at important government agency where, as fate would have it, the heal office isa hop, skip ‘ai jump away from the shanty howe where he lepton the Noor ~ chat really speaks ‘ifthe determination needed to succeed despite all the ods deed, "no excuses” she themve that rns through this second inue of Powes Pua Tour maiden ise (hich is sill sold in your favorite bookstores and magazine hops the first in his & bay the ways please get copies, ye, loteof then highlighted the eay fe and the epulence of our featured subjects, then this second offering shows the single-minded foeus one thcel to get to the top aid ually enjoy the gic Lie that our taping whoeates “Take, far iaatance, Mess, Romolo Nati and Jojo Levise of HlPinas joage 46) Tustead of joining the bandwagon of property develupers that erate housing projects jist fr a ice prot, tis young Italian Filipino tandem has wade Eanth-feienely green ‘architecture » working and viable propostion, in areas that ae just slighty off the tusben centers where condominiuns and other skyscrapers and growing by the mltte Trtnkes a certain personality and conviction, anda lot ofentreprenetital courage to do Inusines any from Che obvious lations and TalPinas is one aach example Sport ia bottrales well of examples of persistence, ata so we alo have stories ‘on our beloved Manny Pacquiao (page 34) ane the teams playing inthe ongoing World ‘Cup of faotall page 38) I'you havent heard or read about baskeall legend Ramon ermandes lately our exclusive starting on page 64 texview witl "El Presidente” should sate your curiosity, ut "ni exeuses” also neceseatly extends to busiest and Ieimre, and vo you get the uncompromising quality ofthe 2014 Jaguar XE [page 26), the terifc taste of & Cuts rethiuin Hatgers page 30), the wartth and geandst of Dianiond Hatel Philipines (page 68) and the amazing resort experience at Movenpick Mactan (page 78). These ‘ay’ be luxuries that ars enjoyed only by a select few, but no doubt a lot of work went io, theye prochicts and institutions to make them what they ate at present. Speakitig of work, Team PavresPuar traeled to Hong Kong and Macau recently ty capoure for you, dear readers, the sighs of sore of the best resort casinos there TT, je wee all Hone-tved and wiff after males and miles of walking through Macai’s actiactions (and Hong Kong's MTR tire), but it was an experience we woulda’t trade for any cher I an experience we gladly share with you, jssue and all our Future ones that we also wont ta socal lente ningutine that you deserve. fear reales, as we try to prove ~in this excuses give you the best, 4 mba. a Jimbo Owen Gulle ‘dior in Chict AY KMRIS MARC RONQUILLO PHOTOGRAPHY BY MESPESA VOOULON'T HELP ITT now cidart want ta lak ike gawking tourist ut The Diatond Hostel’ elegant fagade doew te in Ti give me the impreaion tal the entice building woes made of towering crystal colunnns asthe glans panes glittered in the takdmorning aut. That fit impression set the totie Kor my eating aay at arguably Mauil's mow icone hol slaug the Roxas Boulevard strip, which recently completed an extensive Tn retrospect, E ould have loved to get picked up by a limousine from the airpore, but since L was alteady fn Che ity the week prior, I decided to commute. Then when 1 got tothe main entrance, Twas greeted by lots of leaning smiles. Aad then, when I finally had a chance t get a good look around the lobby, Tineded a tame vo tegain tay beasngs, When T give the Labby’«aweeping look, Teo help but think, i's bigger ‘om the inside! And that's how my Diarnond experience before I even got offically checked in, ‘What do Vaay was the very first word that cane to wind ta describe Diamond Hotel? Well, wen T saw all the golds and blacks I wanted to say “glitzy,” but then hag cn, tha’ tot quite sight. T pat a pin om that dhought and decided E needed a better lok Express checkin at the Chub Lounge wae over at the 25th floor, and what a smooth check-in it was. The late! i parsiculady proud ofits paperless check-in procedures, and best, ‘fall, Iwas justin tine forthe Last serving of breakst cote, cab aud fats while enjoying a view of Manila Bay Thad a chance to see my room before went dows far Junck: with enwds, And T was mot disappointed; it was cine of Diamond Hotels Chub Raonas. Ht was cozy and modern, pevfect for relaxation and busines, with an elegant work table and ualinted WHF; access coded personally to your cheekin details. CCTY eatnerae monitor all hallways, and for adaled security, guest Moora are secre Ido — they cannot be accessed e levator without the Ving Card iawed for your rom, perp aneveet eh sor ohen te srcsaet SO snare ise Soe MOND CLUB ROOM ACTUALLY ciVES YOU -Expret checkin and checkout athe Claman Club Lounge “Aenean buffet esa fromm 6 2m. to 193m. {Cafe and es srviee with sracksfrom 9) atta pm, *Complmenary anda cockat dans fm 530 pm. toa, ‘complimentary shoe shine serve csimale machines for patsaral use in ques moms (subject tozvaabty) ‘onpmen “Stature ath Loshow cafes nd tea ervce ‘Late check-out pn. nsand of 12 noon, subject to araabity “one-way argon vansier “acluse concerg servic fom am. 1010 pm. ‘encusne ccesste ub Lounge and Chis rlacs ‘Local and feign nenspapers also avaiable Inquest rooms) ‘reference books, racing materials 2rd ganebaarls ‘ease af ‘Fate sles tthe Ofmona CE Lounge “Warlstation wih anieret acces atthe Dianend Cub cunge {LED Tad ned dockimthe guest oom use ofthe amore Clu conference toa fo the st we (2) hous pressing of ane sult des pt bos aenities supplies in tha guest roars 5 es ntertanment snd retrain elements fete It to) hows ‘So back to fist impressions: the hotel is finitely powb, the clientele alone speaks {or ielG, But even in the midst of tumarbous {autefal amenities, the overall Kel T got was comfortable, wot mobbish. Team sow say it wasnt ltr, because that speaks of lash over substance instead [would describe Diamond Hotel as clay. When hunger finally suappeel mie out fof my. fanboyih. daydreams, 1 friends for “irae Restaurant, one of four reaurant the Botel ground flor. I thought this hotel ‘would Keep a selfie addict aceuped Fo thee entire say, al tat Yurakuen as a perfect place to stan. The main dining area was adorned with cherry basom tees with tnkling plas leaves, giving it quite a serene, ethereal Fel. ‘The teat T looked forward to, however, leaned more to the gastronomic rather than the vial, and Twas not disppointed “Lane took place in an inmate dining area urounding & teppanyaki grill. We were served two colorful sushi platery Laden wile ‘Various Kinds of sashimi, including octopus, crab, shrimp, urchin, and me, partnered with {our kinds of dipping sce. And that wa jst Iie starter. Ta came our chet for the afernoon, and Tee treated us to quite & performance atthe aril He sliced and diced, ninjasicing fre. eggs in thin air and dishing out serving Aer weaving af fresh quick fed vegetables, shicake mashrooms and fish, and sewoned fo perfection. And when we thought there could’ poatbly be any mare, the Vurskven =the day, is an open and very inviting ball piece de resistance arrived a three quarter inch prime cut ofthe legendary Wagy bet Our ‘chet perietly seared ad 1 abled bring to the center stage, its whirl, heely goodies However, Japanese foad is wot all chere is for the consummate foodie. Wonderful as YYurakuen was, ay favorite place o satay iy ering: haa to be Corniche, Daring seasoned. the beautiily of glass and marble; at night, it carne into an elegant mood lit dining apace, perfect for quiet diners for two ora relaxing tiene with Friend and Eonily- Indeed, you can have a buffer at Coraiche any time you want Ireakfit,lanch or dinner YOU CAN TELL THAT THE OIAMOND HOTEL'S ROOMS So ee WERE DEFINITELY MADE FOR STAYING IN. | MEAN, IF YOU CHOSE TO STAY AND NEVER LEAVE TILL CHECK OUT, YOU'RE PRETTY MUCH COVERED, Four limes a week for dinner, a diferent culinary culture ayaite the Carniehe patron. cuisine of daha and shells on Spree, High protein lovers like myself should chmier fearing on high quality Norwegian salmon during Friday Saluion Nights. Orsay tothe fhod af our culinary consis dating 28 Mexicana on Satay OF course Italian, Chin other dining choices ate the Corniche, but dont court aut Filipino ‘eisne, I wonld have to say that thie slow cooked, meltin-yourmouth pork sixigang in tomato broth would be appreciated even by foreign palates; that’s sinigang gone international. Q a he eating (got me worried about packing on. pound Buc F couldn't stop jus yt: I ad to try the deserts. Kids would love Ue Feu skewers the chocolate Stain, alongside the vatious eabes, macatwons, and, ine creat, 1 do: recommend the green tea ice cream and the tatural chocolate ice creara, it (quite good. And for quick snacks, thete’s the bby Long hat server the mod indulgent version ofensaymada T've ever sank my tet flo — not mention Diamond. Hotels Deateling cates, Slightly feeling guiey (aot really) H was relieved to know that I could atone for eny ictasy Iminigresions, because “Diamodd Hotel has something believe no hotel dhol be without — a gyi It wis a riedet-daed yim, but it wae well equipped ad Twas able to dea fll body eizeul, The equipment is professional grade, from prograramable asd incline variable tveadrnills Wo mwld-enereise fable workout dations, and of eoune [hee weights including keufebell, with hotel staff fan standby seady 1 assist you. IP you get sote fom all that working cut, there's also ‘ masage mom, a ean and indoor Jacuzzi for both men and weinen. TE pumping iron 34 not your thing, go ical aru take laps on the pool, then rea in the outdoor Jaca, or channel your inner Federer ut the tennis cor. ed pas Sng oa For creates of the night there's & perfect patty waiting for you every day of the week At the hotels Sky Lounge via their Inchstry Nights aid ined catch tbe Monday Madness, Say goodbye to Monday sickness while Tuesday's Rule i fr those working it fevernisene and etubanies Being it your BFFs on Wednesday nights, ladies, while he Caplain and workers of the friendly shies soar in Thursday's Fight Night. Manly men in particula, the exseutives, employees and visting expats of tke manner and shipping industey — get their RAR on Friday nights, aad the night owl of the BPO industry get play atl on Saturday The diffrent races sted faces meetin he lobby, the Corniche ard eliewhere, fle quite at home there, For those too young to remember, Diamond was Kavewn as "the" Japanese Hotel in the Philippines. Tt war Guile by the Japanese vad catered altout entirely w a Japanese tlieutele. About nine years ago, shoul alter corporate titan Ramon 8. Ang “acquired it, the hotel started moving ffom that and rebranded itself asa busineseisure hotel Renovations ive ‘eet ‘done to the htel and snore aze atl fs the works, not for any patilar aesthits: there — though the Dotel is definitely photogenic but 10 make it more castemporary and responsive fuutrent demands From accommodations to Tinetion hall to eniine, is all very elasic ol elegant but still very 20et century (Credit for this transformation goes mainly to Dione Hotel's General Manager, Vanessa Suatengeo, whi iniisted the renovations sce joining the boli 2009, (One Japanese legacy that the hate is pattieulaily proud of proved ive during the orm surge that flooded Metro Mania a Jew years back. The former oveners, aware of hs vicinity to Manila Bay, deigoed the Intel with a tana’ barrier. During torn, While ‘eghboring hotels were inundated, Diianaond’s undeeground parking wasn't even flooded, tothe extent that neighboring Ibotele actualy tamer their guests over {a Diamond Hotel woulda?'t be sunprised if 5k was bu to withstand earthguakes a well, Inowing the Japanese T was abies other acconamadations af the hotel and each one was mone elegant than the nex, all with the same attention to detail aed great sense of eign. At a whole, the soon fl onganie to the entire hotel, r nd yet every bake woe diferent, Like 'a diamond with many facets and every cut having jes own fire, every grade of accommodation had something new to offer, wat expansion ofthe one below it. ply aa ‘But T would have to say that E was most impressed with the Presidential accommodations Te Fa more like ah ‘haa a suite, having separate living rooms, bedrooms and a diving roous, I think Trust Ive walled one too many apy Micke because Lcould imagine wysell doing a-roomrie-maom search shouting “Cleat!” aller every room. The Presidential Suite is coutemporarly decorated, working wonderfully ava cobesive hole, but without one pice of farnisue calling attention to fuel. From there, one has a pancennaic view af Manila Bay ed it petfect suet andthe let of Ress Boulevatd, which rakes Mila look like past ff a different country fiom up there. [Cea perfect place fr allernoon tea oF cofle: ote can seta lot of readin done, and the lacation offers wondexful slouette seis to boot ‘What allows Diamond Hetel ta be 20 dynamic and responsive ints mpproach ia the fet that itis not part afa hotel chain, Indepemderice allows the hotel to be flexible with regards {eit guess” tequests, and ite autonomy allows neanagernent ta update and upgrade servises ate amenities promptly ‘The recent renovations ofthe hotel, for example, have strengthened Diamond Hotel's ‘eddies ta hawt events. By events, T dow mean sity wedding receptions and weiklita pies. Diamond Hotel ie fo the hotel of choice fr rmany convention, exhibits, produc Taunches, diplomatic Tinetions, rest conferences fashion shows, and more In fact, T attended book launch the day” flowing ny stay, and it was aed gite well, the hors focuvres ‘were delectable and the wine selection was excellent pe Sinpaisspasevay aman ‘AS ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END, | SAY GOODBYE TO THE STATELY HOTEL WHICH | INCORRECTLY FELT WAS: SMALL ON THE QUTSIDE, WITH MY FINAL THOUGHTS BEING. | DON'T WANT TO GO ‘There are three floors designated for Vasting funetions. The largest is the Diamond Hatel Balltoom on the ground floor. Fully open, it has almost 500 34 1m of floor space or sulivide imo three 165-14 m ballrooms), not including tmore than 250 1q m of pre-unction area Moar space for rogitrations and afterfinctinn final alk. Overall, dhe sce fs gue far shout 700 participants. Walls ase sound: poof andthe sound stem is sate of He art with sarvound jound, elimiating those fevhatig Teedhacks from il-adjisied sound syste Thee are eight smaller function roms at the second Moor, most of which evetdook the Corniche: at their entrances. And what the ote deserves a the “ideal vere fa inspired meetings” i the 27th Mout, etberwise known asthe Constellation, The hallway between the Sunetion soon Constellation has a science fiction Gal to i, where you eaivt halp but notice how the constellations on the ceiling are reflected by the pattems ou the carpet below. Among the rooms in Constellation, wo stand out) the Flees Culinary Studio and the Leo Exeeutive Boanlruotn, The Stadio ia filly equipped modern Kitchen, designed to make an executive chet fel right Canney at home, goad enough to even host cooking show. The kitchen offers the datnct privilege of entertaining your guests with a chef af your ‘nto cook dishes on the spot apart ofthe ambiance, if you so wish Leo, meanwhile, isa corporate Boardimom that has.» long continence table on oie side again offering a panoramic view of Manila Bay. Bat i alsa has a spacious living. root, space fr drinks ancl socialization, Serene eaters a eee ay as OF course, as wonderful as Diamond Hite is, sooner ar Inter goed may want to stretch theis legs and see the sights of the big cy. Aral that is another of Diamond Hotel's important features: it is close ta everything in the cultural and entertainment destinations of Manda. Ifyou've arcived vis NAIA Terminal $, you would Know that is onl aay rom the bargeoting E Manila, and even closer tothe Ma Eves dose is Malas Ritorial and tcuret dewinations like the Cultural Center of the Philippines and Intramnuros, while its being in ‘he vicinity’ af Manila Bay makes ita peafect, jeaging rome in the eaty morning. TT you faney yourself = high ruler, the Diamond Hotel gives place to be aay fiona it all when you choose to hit the gating lables in Bact the Pageoretn casinos ate just, Tein it Just fir enough to keep the poker Thug at arn’ length, allowing you to do other Mull with Gani and (ends dill you've ready to ples your bets again. (As all good things tite come to an end 1 say gondiye to the stately hotel which 7 incorrectly elt wae small om the out, with ny Final thoughts being, I don't wanna ga

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