Learning Objective: 2.3 Synthesising Food Web

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Learning Objective: 2.3 Synthesising food web.

Learning Outcomes:
Explain what producers, consumers and decomposers are.
Combine a few food chains to construct a food web.

1. Complete the statements below to explain the following terms using the words given.

feeding food dead

a. Producers are living organisms that are able to make their own ____________.
b. Consumers are living organisms that are not able to make their own food. They
get their food by ___________________on other organisms.
c. Decomposers are living organisms that feed on the remains of _____ organisms.

2. The diagram below shows examples of living organisms.

Paddy Chicken

i) Complete the two food chains below by using the examples above.
Paddy Grasshopper Snake Eagle

Paddy Rat Eagle

ii) Combine the two food chains above to construct a food web in the box below.

Learning Objective: 2.3 Synthesising food web.

Learning Outcome:
Identify the producers, consumers and decomposers in a food web.

1. The diagram below shows the interaction between living organisms in a food web.

Caterpillar Bird


Chicken Eagle


Identify the producer and the consumers in the table below, based on the food web

Producer Primary Secondary Tertiary

Consumer consumer Consumer

Learning Outcomes:
Learning Objective: 2.3 Synthesising food web.

Construct a pyramid number from a food chain.

Relate the food web and the pyramid number to energy flow.
Predict the consequences if a certain component of living organisms in the ecosystem
are missing.

1. The table below shows the population of different living organisms living in the same

Living organisms Population

Grass 20000
Caterpillars 1200
Snakes 20
Frogs 400

Label the pyramid of number below using the information in the table above with the
correct living organisms according to its population.



c. S

2. The diagram below shows the energy flow of a food chain in a food web.

Grass Caterpillars Frogs Snakes

Underline the correct answer in the statement below to relate the food web and the
pyramid number to energy flow.

As the number of the organisms in the pyramid number decreases, the amount of
energy transferred along the food chain (increases / decreases).

3. Based on the pyramid number above, underline the correct answer in the statement
below to show the consequences to the population of snakes and caterpillars if the
population of frogs decreases.

The populations of snakes will (increase / decrease) while the population of caterpillars
will (increase / decrease).

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