Permanent gr140608 439s1 23sept2004

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[G.R. NO.

140608 : September 23, 2004] of herein defendant, the same does not bind him and
that it did not truly express the real intention of the
PERMANENT SAVINGS AND LOAN BANK, parties as stated in the defenses; '9
Petitioner, v. MARIANO VELARDE, Respondent.
During pre-trial, the issues were defined as follows:
1. Whether or not the defendant has an outstanding loan
In a complaint for sum of money filed before the obligation granted by the plaintiff;
Regional Trial Court of Manila (Branch 37), docketed
as Civil Case No. 94-71639, petitioner Permanent 2. Whether or not the defendant is obligated to pay the
Savings and Loan Bank sought to recover from loan including interests and attorney's fees;
respondent Mariano Velarde, the sum of P1,000,000.00
plus accrued interests and penalties, based on a loan 3. Whether or not the defendant has really executed the
obtained by respondent from petitioner bank, evidenced Promissory Note considering the doubt as to the
by the following: (1) promissory note dated September genuineness of the signature and as well as the non-
28, 1983;1 (2) loan release sheet dated September 28, receipt of the said amount;
1983;2 and (3) loan disclosure statement dated
4. Whether or not the obligation has prescribed on
September 28, 1983.3 Petitioner bank, represented by its
account of the lapse of time from date of execution and
Deputy Liquidator after it was placed under liquidation,
demand for enforcement; and
sent a letter of demand to respondent on July 27, 1988,

demanding full payment of the loan.4 Despite receipt of 5. Whether or not the defendant is entitled to his
said demand letter,5 respondent failed to settle his counterclaim and other damages.10
account. Another letter of demand was sent on February
22, 1994,6 and this time, respondent's counsel replied, On September 6, 1995, petitioner bank presented its
stating that the obligation "is not actually existing but sole witness, Antonio Marquez, the Assistant
covered by contemporaneous or subsequent agreement Department Manager of the Philippine Deposit
between the parties '"7 Insurance Corporation (PDIC) and the designated
Deputy Liquidator for petitioner bank, who identified
In his Answer, respondent disclaims any liability on the the Promissory Note11 dated September 28, 1983, the
instrument, thus: Loan Release Sheet12 dated September 28, 1983, and
the Disclosure Statement of Loan Credit Transaction.13
2. The allegations in par. 2, Complaint, on the existence
of the alleged loan of P1-Million, and the purported After petitioner bank rested its case, respondent, instead
documents evidencing the same, only the signature of presenting evidence, filed with leave of court his
appearing at the back of the promissory note, Annex demurrer to evidence, alleging the grounds that:
"A" seems to be that of herein defendant. However, as
to any liability arising therefrom, the receipt of the said (a) PLAINTIFF FAILED TO PROVE ITS CASE BY
amount of P1-Million shows that the amount was PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE.
received by another person, not the herein defendant.
Hence, no liability attaches and as further stated in the (b) THE CAUSE OF ACTION, CONCLUDING
special and affirmative defenses that, assuming the ARGUENTI THAT IT EXISTS, IS BARRED BY
promissory note exists, it does not bind much less is PRESCRIPTION AND/OR LACHES.14
there the intention by the parties to bind the herein The trial court, in its Decision dated January 26, 1996,
defendant. In other words, the documents relative to the found merit in respondent's demurrer to evidence and
loan do not express the true intention of the parties.8 dismissed the complaint including respondent's
Respondent's Answer also contained a denial under counterclaims, without pronouncement as to costs.15
oath, which reads: On appeal, the Court of Appeals agreed with the trial
I, MARIANO Z. VELARDE, of age, am the defendant court and affirmed the dismissal of the complaint in its
in this case, that I caused the preparation of the Decision16 dated October 27, 1999.17 The appellate
complaint and that all the allegations thereat are true court found that petitioner failed to present any
and correct; that the promissory note sued upon, evidence to prove the existence of respondent's alleged
assuming that it exists and bears the genuine signature loan obligations, considering that respondent denied
petitioner's allegations in its complaint. It also found
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that petitioner bank's cause of action is already barred evidence of their existence, have no legal basis to stand
by prescription.18 on. They are not competent evidence. Such failure
leaves this Court without ample basis to sustain the
Hence, the present Petition for Review on plaintiff's cause of action and other reliefs prayed for.
Certiorariunder Rule 45 of the Rules Court, with the The loan document being challenged. (sic) Plaintiff did
following assignment of errors: not exert additional effort to strengthen its case by the
required preponderance of evidence. On this score, the
suit must be dismissed.23
The Court of Appeals concurred with the trial court's
finding and affirmed the dismissal of the complaint,
DOCUMENTS. 'The bank should have presented at least a single
witness qualified to testify on the existence and
execution of the documents it relied upon to prove the
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING disputed loan obligations of Velarde. - This falls short
THAT PETITIONER'S CAUSE OF ACTION IS of the requirement that (B)efore any private writing
ALREADY BARRED BY PRESCRIPTION AND OR may be received in evidence, its due execution and
LACHES.19 authenticity must be proved either: (a) By anyone who
saw the writing executed; (b) By evidence of the
Before going into the merits of the petition, the Court genuineness of the handwriting of the maker; or (c) By
finds it necessary to reiterate the well-settled rule that a subscribing witness. (Rule 132, Sec. 21, Rules of
only questions of law may be raised in a Petition for Court)'
Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Court, as "the Supreme Court is not a trier of facts."20 It It is not true, as the Bank claims, that there is no need to
is not our function to review, examine and evaluate or prove the loan and its supporting papers as Velarde has
weigh the probative value of the evidence presented.21 already admitted these. Velarde had in fact denied these
in his responsive pleading. And consistent with his
There are, however, exceptions to the rule, e.g., when denial, he objected to the presentation of Marquez as a
the factual inferences of the appellate court are witness to identify the Exhibits of the Bank, and
manifestly mistaken; the judgment is based on a objected to their admission when these were offered as
misapprehension of facts; or the CA manifestly evidence. Though these were grudgingly admitted
overlooked certain relevant and undisputed facts that, if anyway, still admissibility of evidence should not be
properly considered, would justify a different legal equated with weight of evidence. - 24
conclusion.22 This case falls under said exceptions.
A reading of respondent's Answer, however, shows that
The pertinent rule on actionable documents is found in respondent did not specifically deny that he signed the
Rule 8, Section 7 of the Rules of Court which provides loan documents. What he merely stated in his Answer
that when the cause of action is anchored on a was that the signature appearing at the back of the
document, the genuineness or due execution of the promissory note seems to be his. Respondent also
instrument shall be deemed impliedly admitted unless denied any liability on the promissory note as he
the defendant, under oath, specifically denies them, and allegedly did not receive the amount stated therein, and
sets forth what he claims to be the facts. the loan documents do not express the true intention of
the parties.25 Respondent reiterated these allegations in
It was the trial court's opinion that: his "denial under oath," stating that "the promissory
The mere presentation of supposed documents note sued upon, assuming that it exists and bears the
regarding the loan, but absent the testimony of a genuine signature of herein defendant, the same does
competent witness to the transaction and the not bind him and that it did not truly express the real
documentary evidence, coupled with the denial of intention of the parties as stated in the defenses '"26
liability by the defendant does not suffice to meet the Respondent's denials do not constitute an effective
requisite preponderance of evidence in civil cases. The specific denial as contemplated by law. In the early case
documents, standing alone, unsupported by independent of Songco v. Sellner,27 the Court expounded on how to
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deny the genuineness and due execution of an Respondent claims that he did not receive the net
actionable document, viz.: proceeds in the amount of P988,333.00 as stated in the
Loan Release Sheet dated September 23, 1983.31 The
'This means that the defendant must declare under oath document, however, bears respondent's signature as
that he did not sign the document or that it is otherwise borrower.32Res ipsa loquitur.33 The document speaks for
false or fabricated. Neither does the statement of the itself. Respondent has already impliedly admitted the
answer to the effect that the instrument was procured by genuineness and due execution of the loan documents.
fraudulent representation raise any issue as to its No further proof is necessary to show that he undertook
genuineness or due execution. On the contrary such a the obligation with petitioner. "A person cannot accept
plea is an admission both of the genuineness and due and reject the same instrument."34
execution thereof, since it seeks to avoid the instrument
upon a ground not affecting either. The Court also finds that petitioner's claim is not barred
by prescription.
In fact, respondent's allegations amount to an implied
admission of the due execution and genuineness of the Petitioner's action for collection of a sum of money was
promissory note. The admission of the genuineness and based on a written contract and prescribes after ten
due execution of a document means that the party years from the time its right of action arose.35 The
whose signature it bears admits that he voluntarily prescriptive period is interrupted when there is a
signed the document or it was signed by another for written extrajudicial demand by the creditors.36 The
him and with his authority; that at the time it was interruption of the prescriptive period by written
signed it was in words and figures exactly as set out in extrajudicial demand means that the said period would
the pleading of the party relying upon it; that the commence anew from the receipt of the demand.37
document was delivered; and that any formalities
required by law, such as a seal, an acknowledgment, or Thus, in the case of The Overseas Bank of Manila v.
revenue stamp, which it lacks, are waived by him.28 Geraldez,38 the Court categorically stated that the
Also, it effectively eliminated any defense relating to correct meaning of interruption as distinguished from
the authenticity and due execution of the document, mere suspension or tolling of the prescriptive period is
e.g., that the document was spurious, counterfeit, or of that said period would commence anew from the receipt
different import on its face as the one executed by the of the demand. In said case, the respondents Valenton
parties; or that the signatures appearing thereon were and Juan, on February 16, 1966, obtained a credit
forgeries; or that the signatures were unauthorized.29 accommodation from the Overseas Bank of Manila in
the amount of P150,000.00. Written extrajudicial
Clearly, both the trial court and the Court of Appeals demands dated February 9, March 1 and 27, 1968,
erred in concluding that respondent specifically denied November 13 and December 8, 1975 and February 7
petitioner's allegations regarding the loan documents, as and August 27, 1976 were made upon the respondents
respondent's Answer shows that he failed to specifically but they refused to pay. When the bank filed a case for
deny under oath the genuineness and due execution of the recovery of said amount, the trial court dismissed
the promissory note and its concomitant documents. the same on the ground of prescription as the bank's
Therefore, respondent is deemed to have admitted the cause of action accrued on February 16, 1966 (the date
loan documents and acknowledged his obligation with of the manager's check for P150,000.00 issued by the
petitioner; and with respondent's implied admission, it plaintiff bank to the Republic Bank) and the complaint
was not necessary for petitioner to present further was filed only on October 22, 1976. Reversing the
evidence to establish the due execution and authenticity ruling of the trial court, the Court ruled:
of the loan documents sued upon.
An action upon a written contract must be brought
While Section 22, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court within ten years from the time the right of action
requires that private documents be proved of their due accrues (Art. 1144[1], Civil Code). "The prescription of
execution and authenticity before they can be received actions is interrupted when they are filed before the
in evidence, i.e., presentation and examination of court, when there is a written extrajudicial demand by
witnesses to testify on this fact; in the present case, the creditors, and when there is any written
there is no need for proof of execution and authenticity acknowledgment of the debt by the debtor" (Art. 1155,
with respect to the loan documents because of Ibid, applied in Gonzalo Puyat & Sons, Inc. v. City of
respondent's implied admission thereof.30 Manila, 117 Phil. 985, 993; Philippine National Bank v.

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Fernandez, L-20086, July 10, 1967, 20 SCRA 645, 648; The Namarco sued Marquez and his surety on
Harden v. Harden, L-22174, July 21, 1967, 20 SCRA December 16, 1964. They contended that the action had
706, 711). prescribed because the ten-year period for suing on the
note expired on June 25, 1962. That contention was not
A written extrajudicial demand wipes out the period sustained. It was held that the prescriptive period was
that has already elapsed and starts anew the prescriptive interrupted by the written demands, copies of which
period. Giorgi says: "La interrupcion difiere de la were furnished the surety.
suspension porque borra el tiempo transcurrido
anteriormente y obliga a la prescripcion a comenzar de Respondent's obligation under the promissory note
nuevo" (9 Teoria de las Obligaciones, 2nd Ed., p. 222). became due and demandable on October 13, 1983. On
"La interrupcion . . . quita toda eficacia al tiempo July 27, 1988, petitioner's counsel made a written
pasado y abre camino a un computo totalmente nuevo, demand for petitioner to settle his obligation. From the
que parte del ultimo momento del acto interruptivo, time respondent's obligation became due and
precisamente, como si en aquel momento y no antes demandable on October 13, 1983, up to the time the
hubiese nacido el credito" (8 Giorgi, ibid pp. 390-2). demand was made, only 4 years, 9 months and 14 days
had elapsed. The prescriptive period then commenced
That same view as to the meaning of interruption was anew when respondent received the demand letter on
adopted in Florendo v. Organo, 90 Phil. 483, 488, August 5, 1988.39 Thus, when petitioner sent another
where it ruled that the interruption of the ten-year demand letter on February 22, 1994,40 the action still
prescriptive period through a judicial demand means had not yet prescribed as only 5 years, 6 months and 17
that "the full period of prescription commenced to run days had lapsed. While the records do not show when
anew upon the cessation of the suspension". "When respondent received the second demand letter,
prescription is interrupted by a judicial demand, the full nevertheless, it is still apparent that petitioner had the
time for the prescription must be reckoned from the right to institute the complaint on September 14, 1994,
cessation of the interruption" (Spring v. Barr, 120 So. as it was filed before the lapse of the ten-year
256 cited in 54 C.J.S. 293, note 27). That rule was prescriptive period.
followed in Nator and Talon v. CIR, 114 Phil. 661,
Sagucio v. Bulos, 115 Phil. 786 and Fulton Insurance Lastly, if a demurrer to evidence is granted but on
Co. v. Manila Railroad Company, L-24263, November appeal the order of dismissal is reversed, the movant
18, 1967, 21 SCRA 974, 981. shall be deemed to have waived the right to present
evidence.41 The movant who presents a demurrer to the
Interruption of the prescriptive period as meaning plaintiff's evidence retains the right to present their own
renewal of the original term seems to be the basis of the evidence, if the trial court disagrees with them; if the
ruling in Ramos v. Condez, L-22072, August 30, 1967, trial court agrees with them, but on appeal, the appellate
20 SCRA 1146, 1151. In that case the cause of action court disagrees with both of them and reverses the
accrued on June 25, 1952. There was a written dismissal order, the defendants lose the right to present
acknowledgment by the vendors on November 10, 1956 their own evidence. The appellate court shall, in
of the validity of the deed of sale. addition, resolve the case and render judgment on the
merits, inasmuch as a demurrer aims to discourage
In National Marketing Corporation v. Marquez, L-
prolonged litigations.42 Thus, respondent may no longer
25553, January 31, 1969, 26 SCRA 722, it appears that
offer proof to establish that he has no liability under the
Gabino Marquez executed on June 24, 1950 a
loan documents sued upon by petitioner.
promissory note wherein he bound himself to pay to the
Namarco P12,000 in installments within the one-year The promissory note signed and admitted by respondent
period starting on June 24, 1951 and ending on June 25, provides for the loan amount of P1,000,000.00, to
1952. After making partial payments on July 7, 1951 mature on October 13, 1983, with interest at the rate of
and February 23, 1952, Marquez defaulted. 25% per annum. The note also provides for a penalty
charge of 24% per annum of the amount due and
His total obligation, including interest, as of October
unpaid, and 25% attorney's fees. Hence, respondent
31, 1964, amounted to P19,990.91. Written demands for
should be held liable for these sums.
the payment of the obligation were made upon Marquez
and his surety on March 22, 1956, February 16, 1963, WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
June 10, September 18 and October 13, 1964. Marquez Decisions of the Regional Trial Court of Manila
did not make any further payment.
Page 4 of 5
(Branch 37) dated January 26, 1996, and the Court of Chua v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 88383, February
Appeals dated October 27, 1999 are SET ASIDE. 19, 1992, 206 SCRA 339, 346.
Respondent is ordered to pay One Million Pesos 32
(P1,000,000.00) plus 25% interest and 24% penalty Id., p. 5, Exhibit "B-1."
charge per annum beginning October 13, 1983 until 33
Associated Bank v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
fully paid, and 25% of the amount due as attorney's
123793, June 29, 1998, 291 SCRA 511, 527.
fees. Costs against respondent.
Article 1144, Civil Code.
Article 1155, Civil Code.
20 Ledesma v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 106646, June
New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. v.
30, 1993, 224 SCRA 175, 177-178.
Philippine National Bank, G.R. No. 148753, July 30,
2004. 38
G.R. No. L-46541, December 28, 1979 (94 SCRA
21 937).
Philippine Lawin Bus Co. v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
No. 130972, January 23, 2002, 374 SCRA 332, 337. 39
Records, p. 8, Exhibit "D-1."
Supra., New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. 40
Id., p. 9, Exhibit "E."
case, note 20.
FGU Insurance Corporation v. G.P. Sarmiento
Filipinas Textile Mills v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. Trucking Corporation, G.R. No. 141910, August 6,
119800, November 12, 2003. 2002, 386 SCRA 312, 322-323.
Velasquez v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 124049, June 42
Radiowealth Finance Company v. Del Rosario, G.R.
30, 1999, 309 SCRA 539, 547. No. 138739, July 6, 2000, 335 SCRA 288, 297.

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