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Vitavas Kitiyanasap 1101 5861175

Pongporn Wintakorn 1101 5861116

Nopparuj Vipusirikup 1101 5861082

Waiwarit Wongsawangpanich 1101 5861177

Momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object, quantified in kilogram-meters per

second. It is dimensionally equivalent to impulse, the product of force and time, quantified in newton-seconds.

Newton's second law of motion states that the change in linear momentum of a body is equal to the net impulse

acting on it.

Elastic Collision is collisions in which both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved. The total

system kinetic energy before the collision equals the total system kinetic energy after the collision

Inelastic Collision is collisions in which kinetic energy are not conserved due to the action of internal

friction. While momentum of the system is conserved in an inelastic collision, kinetic energy is not. This is

because some kinetic energy had been transferred to something else. Thermal energy, sound energy, and

material deformation are likely culprits.


To demonstrate the Law of conservation of Momentum


2 Block

1 Track

1 Stopwatch

1 Ruler


Elastic collision

- Weight both cart and put them on the track

- Setup the first cart at 40 cm and the second cart at 60 cm, 20 cm apart.

- Prepare the stopwatch

- Push the first cart, at the same time start the stopwatch.

- When the first cart hit the second cart, lap the stopwatch.

- When the end second cart pass through the 80 cm, stop the stopwatch.

- Write down the time and calculate momentum before and after collision using

m11vv11++ m
m m22vv22 == m v11++ m
m11v v22..
-Find the percentage of different

Inelastic collision

- Weight both cart and put them on the track

- Setup the first cart at 40 cm and the second cart at 60 cm, 20 cm apart.

- Prepare the stopwatch

- Push the first cart, at the same time start the stopwatch.

- When the first cart hit the second cart and stick with each other, lap the stopwatch.

- When the end of the first cart pass through the 80 cm, stop the stopwatch.

- Write down the time and calculate momentum before and after collision using

mm11vv11++mm22vv22==(m )vf f
-Find the percentage of different

Elastic Momentum

Mass 2 Mass 1

M2, V2 M1, V1=0


Mass 2 Mass 1

M2, V2 M1, V1

Inelastic Momentum

Mass 2 Mass 1

M2, V2 M1, V1=0

Mass 2 Mass 1

M2, V2=Vf M1, V1=Vf

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