FGP Flow Dojo Angel Raise

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2015 Seed Round Investment Prospectus

privileged and conden/al

Watch Flow Dojo Trailer Here
Executive Summary
Weve bootstrapped our way to serious validationthe best in the world want what we do
Rise of Superman book success
media, speaking, brand awareness (top publicationsNYT, WSJ, HBR, FastCo, Time, etc.)
$500K in revenue
world-class advisory board and partners
consulting with leading tech and finance firms with an eye to long-term partnerships and contracts
25K community members (with rave reviews of our beta trainings)

Now, we need growth capital to get ahead of our abundant opportunities.

Once we execute our 18-24 month roadmap, we will be well-positioned to do a Series A round at double the valuation (constant
20% dilution) and then scale the Dojo concept and our research to $50M in five years. As a seed round investor you could get out
at the A round or decide to stay with us to the next inflection where we will sell or get acquired

We are not a unicorn company, but deeply believe that what were doing--mapping the source code of intrinsic motivation and
accelerated learning--are big ideas with huge markets and applications (and plenty of research validation!)

We want funders who get that, who want to see this in the world, and who believe they can help grow this into a game-changing
Intriguing, but how do we (and you) make money?

Three tiered strategy

Tier OneFlow Hacker Nationonline community to whom we sell Flow related trainings ($500-$5000 each) and goods (via
curated store front) They also serve as our MVP testing ground and research base. ($3-10M)

Tier TwoEnterprise TrainingFortune 1000 clients (current include Deloittes partner group, Nikes Innovation Team, Google,
and USSOCOM and Naval War College). These provide high-margin revenues to fuel organic growth, access to elite populations
to train and learn with, strong brand positioningand more data ($5-50M)

Tier ThreeFlow Science and Health ProtocolsThis is where the data gathering and high user numbers pays offwe will have
actionable insights that few academics can replicate (typically small sample groups), tech companies are too siloed to see, and
insurers dont even know how to look for. Flow trainings as PTSD and Depression treatment, and deployed across healthcare
portfolios to manage risk and improve outcomes (scaling the science of motivation and learning). The iFlow app. ($50M--$1B)
Financing: Deal Terms
We are raising $1M in this seed round as a SAFE with a $5M valuation cap.

We intend to host a Series A round for $2M ($10M post) in 24 months

Our ideal investor is one who shares a deep sense of the mission and impact of our project, wants to personally experience its
benefits and can help strategically get us to where were going. This is impact investing, not extract investing!

Unless we need significant growth capital to scale later, we do not intend to further dilute the cap table. We want to protect our
early supporters and maintain control of our lives work.
Milestones: What we are going to do with the money
Use of Seed Round Proceeds:
$350,000: Flow Dojo Structures90 dome and two 45 domessemi-permanent, custom designed for projection mapping A/V
and heavy-duty framing for riggingallowing us to deliver high impact/high visibility activations and events like X-Games, SXSW,
Summit Series and MaiTai Global, building brand, gathering user data and securing enterprise sponsors for further development

$250,000: Continued development of core training equipmentbuilding out large extreme playground equipment and tools,
linking to pro-sumer grade biometrics, and integrating with light, sound and feedback for full immersive training experiences
that do not exist in the current marketplacefurther unique differentiation and powerful training experience

$175,000: Core team salaries--Executive Director (33% comp--$75,000) Program Director ($50,000 base + % sales) Marketing
($50,000) lets us ramp up professional training and sales to $1M+ and self-fund key initiatives

$75,000: iFlow app developmentto capture worldwide data on Flow performance and user metrics that allow us to host the
largest database on optimal performance in the world (we are at 6,000 users today and need to get beyond 10,000 and are
partnering with a best in app store global firm) This lets us monetize the insights at scale

$150,000: Platform Buildoutweb, marketing funnel, video production, and ad spend that allows us grow our online
community to 100,000+ in next year (currently at 25,000) generate additional earned media and brand value from our
upcoming book (Stealing Fire, Harper Collins 2016) and convert into corporate contracts and sales of our trainings
Milestones: Our Big Goals for the Next Year

Build our first Flow Dojo at Summit in Eden, UT as a world-class high altitude training and performance centre.

Secure long-term major contracts with Google, Deloitte and one other enterprise client, and deliver scalable Flow performance
training to their senior teams(creating high margin profitability that lets us grow organically)

Deliver awesome Flow Dojo activations (via a modular traveling version) at Summit at Sea (November), Ocean Elders Gala
(December) at XTC (January) SXSW (March) and X-Games (June) (building our brand by exposing cultural influencers and media
to our mission and the Flow Dojo experience)

Complete our next book on ultimate performance Stealing Fire, run a killer campaign and have it be a NYT bestseller that further
confirms our position as leaders in this space and serves as driver for all of our programs and research

Break the 10K sample size mark for our Flow Profilewhich gives us the largest data set in Flow psychology ever conducted (and
the beginnings of a monetizable data play)

Launch an iFlow app that further scales and automates on-demand Flow training and research (consumer validation, research
data, product development for ultimately scalable tech play)

Drive our online digital community Flow Hacker Nation to 100K (currently 25K) and monetize at an average customer lifetime
value of $1100
Who Else Is Out There and Can We Compete?
Redbull, Cirque du Soleil, Equinox Fitness (experiential offerings)
Apple, Samsung, Intel, Google (smart health plays)
DARPA/USSOCOM (tech-enhanced performance training)
The Energy Project/Complete Coherence (corporate executive performance training)

In tracking this space, we are consistently 6-18 months ahead of anyone but DARPA. The larger organizations all want what we
have (why they invite us to speak/consult) but are unwilling to deviate from their proven formulas to innovate that quickly.

The tech companies are getting better in creating ecosystems for their tools (e.g. the iWatch) but most appear to struggle with
creating seamless user-centric experiences that help people get better and perform better in the moment. They default to
gamification and a lot of data gathering without real-time feedback loops (via haptic and audio-visual) and often lack the big
picture framework that the Flow Genome Matrix provides. The Flow Dojo provides a vertically integrated incubator for smart tech.

We believe that our network in the research and tech spaces and our world-class community of advisors, plus the depth of our
research and roadmap will keep us ahead of the competition provided we fund and execute crisply in the next 18 months (and
compound that lead from there).
We Are Defining a Market of Our Own
NYT bestselling Rise of Superman has positioned us as thought-leaders in the neuroperformance space, steady demand for
keynotes and trainings, and a partnership with global media giant Mindshare to launch a multi-platform media rollout of the
book and its stories (and second book on way in 2016 Harper Collins)

Speaking and strategic engagements with Google, RedBull, Nike, DEVGRU (aka SEAL Team 6), US Naval War College, Deloitte,
Cisco, Singularity University, YPO, Morgan Stanley

Earned Media in Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, INC. , Wall Street Journal, Time, Forbes

Partnerships with Summit Series, MaiTai Global, SenseLabs Technology, MindBodyGreen for distribution and community support

Beta class of our online training resulted in 4.8/5 average feedback score
Our Founders

Director of Research Steven Kotler: One of the most prolific authors in the fields of guerilla neuroscience,
disruptive technology and adrenaline sport, Steven has an unrivaled ability to translate bleeding edge science and trends into
accessible and engaging insights for businesses. A three time New York Times bestselling author (Rise of Superman, Abundance
and Bold), an advisor to Singularity University, US Naval War College, global banks, multinational corporations, and a highly
regarded researcherhe has perhaps one of the richest networks of academics, athletes and technologists available, and sits at
the perfect intersection of disciplines to coordinate our next generation of research and development.

Executive Director Jamie Wheal: Jamies whole career as a leadership and performance expert has led to founding
the Flow Genome Project. He has spent 20 years in the high performance leadership and training field, from mountaineering
and guiding, to founding learning organizations. He knows how to build and scale companies--running multi-year strategy
engagements with dozens of mid-market companies from $25M to $3B. He is an expert in designing and delivering best-in-
class executive education programs for CEOs. He has worked with RedBull, with US Navy special operations, Rackspace, Google,
Abbott Labs and Young Presidents Organization, and is a sought after speaker in the field of developmental learning and peak
Interested investors please visit us on AngelList
and contact us at info@flowgenomeproject.co

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