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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey


Span Length Ls = 12 m
Girder Length Lg = 12 m
Total bridge width Wb = 12 m
Bridge Effectiv width Wbe = 11 m
Angle angle = 90 deg
Girder spacing Sg = 1200 mm
Number of girder = 10
Number of lane = 3 [A3.]
Multiple presence factor = 0.85 (table 4.7) [A3.6.2.1]
Wearing surface
Asphalt has = 75 mm
Paving hpv = 0 mm
Concrete and Reinforcement
Compressive strength 28j f'c = 30 Mpa
Density of Concrete c = 24 KN/m3
Density of wearing suface w = 22.5 KN/m3
Modulus of Elasticity Ec = 27691.47 Mpa
Modulus of Rupture fr = 3.450652 Mpa
Shear reinforcing bar fy = 240 Mpa
Main reinforcing bar fy = 400 Mpa
Modulus of Elasticity Es = 200000 Mpa

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

Wheel and uniform loads

Front Wheel load P1 = 145 kN
Back Wheel load P2 = 35 kN
Lane load w = 9.3 kN/m
Tandem load P3 = 110 kN
4.1: Criteria for Deflection
fmax L/800 = 15 mm
4.2:Optimal criteria for span to depth ratio
Ls 0.045*L = 540 mm (LRFD
Depth girder h = 550 mm (Table2.
4.3:Concrete cover (LRFD 5.12.3) (Table
Top concrete cover = 50 mm
Bottom concrete cover = 25 mm
b = 1190 mm
h = 550 mm
5.1: Structural analyse
STATE I (Single Simple Beam) : Self-Weight
STATE II : Self-Weight, Pave, Railing.
5.2: Summary of Section Properties
Unit Girder Interior Exterior
b= m 1.19
h= m 0.55
A= m 0.6545 0.6545 0.6545
Iy = m 0.07724 0.07724 0.077236
Ix = m 0.0165 0.0165 0.016499
yt = m 0.275 0.275 0.275
yb = m 0.275 0.275 0.275
wt = m
wb = m3
5.3: Load Distribution
Din = Distribution Factor for Moment Interior Beam
Din = k*(b/7600)0.6*(b/L)0.2*(I/J)0.06 Table:
k= 2.5*(Nb) = 1.577393
J= A4 /(40*Ip) = 0.048941
Ip = Ix+Iy = 0.093735
Din = 0.305999
Dex = Distribution Factor for Moment Exterior Beam
Dex = e*Din Table:
Correction factor e= 1.04+de/7600 = 1.048553

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

Distance between the center of exterior beam and the interior edge of curb
traffic barrier d e
de = b/2-530 = 65 mm
Dex = = 0.320856
Din-s = Distribution Factor for Shear Interior Beam
Din-s = (b/4000)0.4*(b/L)0.1*(I/J)0.05 Table:
Din-s = 0.462829
Dex-s = Distribution Factor for Shear Exterior Beam
Dex-s = e*Din-s Table:
Correction factor e= 1.02+de/15000 = 1.024333
de = b/2-530 = 65 mm
Dex-s = 0.474091
5.4: Dynamic Load Allowance (Impact)
The static effect of Design Truck or Tandem shall be increased by following
IM = 33% For Brudge Cinoibebts (Girder)
IM = 75% For Deck Joint
IM = 15% For Fatigue Limit State
The Dynamic Load Allowance shall not be applied to Design Lane Load
5.5: Computation of Moment and Shear
5.5.1: Live Load:
Truck or Tandem
Moment = Pi x
Shear = Pi x
Uniformity Load :
Moment = w.FM
Shear = w.F
Truck 35 145 145 Total
Moment 0.85 3 0.85 588 KN.m
Shear 0.1427 0.5 0.1427 98.186 KN
Moment 0.1 2.25 1.175 500.125 KN.m
Shear 0.033 0.392 0.75 166.745 KN
Moment 0.1287 0.3222 0.5157 126 KN.m
dv from bearing
Shear 0.238 0.597 0.955 233.37 KN
At bearing Shear 0.2833 0.6416 1 247.948 KN
Tandem 110 110
Moment 3 2.4 453 KN.m
Shear 0.5 0.4 75.5 KN
Moment 2.25 1.95 361.5 KN.m
Shear 0.75 0.65 120.5 KN
Moment 0.5157 0.4617 84.996 KN.m
dv from bearing
Shear 0.955 0.855 157.4 KN
At bearing Shear 1 0.9 165.5 KN

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

L/2 Moment 167.4 KN.m
Moment 125.55 KN.m
Shear 27.9 KN
At bearing Shear 55.8 KN

5.5.2: Dead loads

b1 = 1190 mm
b2 = 600 mm
h1 = 400 mm
h2 = 250 mm

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

Stage I
Girder self-weigth
Ac = = 0.3875 m2
Wdc = Ac x rc = 9.3 KN/m
Stage II
Wsidewalk = = 4.65 KN/m
Wbarrier = = 0.93 KN/m
Was1 = has(Sg -0.5)*as = 1.18125 KN/m Exterior
Was1 = has(Sg)*as = 2.025 KN/m Interior
CIP concrete
CIP = (Sgxh-Ac)xc = 6.54 KN/m
5.6: Load and load combination:
Table of moment and shea for exterior girder
Moment Shear
dv from dv from
Location L/2 L/4 L/2 L/4 End
bearing bearing
Girder self-weigth 167.4 125.55 25.2 0 27.9 51.43 55.8
Sidewalk 83.7 62.77 12.6 0 13.95 25.71 27.9
Barrier 16.74 12.555 2.52 0 2.79 5.143 5.58
Asphalt 21.26 15.95 3.2 3.544 6.531 7.0875
CIP concrete 117.7 88.29 17.72 0 19.62 36.17 39.24
Live load 304.63 253.71 - - - - 182.7953

Table of moment and shea for interior girder

Moment Shear
dv from dv from
Location L/2 L/4 L/2 L/4 End
bearing bearing
Girder self-weigth 167.4 125.55 25.2 0 27.9 51.43 55.8
Sidewalk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barrier 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Asphalt 36.45 27.34 5.487 0 6.075 11.2 12.15
CIP concrete 117.7 88.29 17.72 0 19.62 36.17 39.24
Live load 290.53 241.96 - - - - 178.4529


h: Limit state load modifier where [A1.3.2.1]

: Resistance factor [A5.5.4.2]
: Load factors (Table 3.4.1-1)

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

Resistance factor
For flexure 0.9 N/A N/A
For shear 0.9 N/A N/A
Axial 0.75 N/A N/A
For Bearing on concrete 0.7 N/A N/A
Strength Service Fatigue
h D= 0.95 1 1
hR= 0.95 1 1
hI= 1.05 N/A N/A
Strength Service Fatigue
DW = 1.5 1 N/A
DC = 1.25 1 N/A
LL = 1.75 1 1
7.1: Strength I Limit state
a, Exterior Girder: L/2
Mu = hiMi
Mu = h[dc(Mgirder+Mbarrier+Msidewalk+MCIP)+(DWxMasphalt)+(LLxMLL+IM)] = 994.5774 KN.m
h= = 0.95 528.29
Load combination and load factor 1341.296
Strength I: Basic load combination relating to the normal vehicular use of
the bridge without wind [A3.4.1]
Load factor (Strength I)
Moment due to live load:
MLL+IM =[max(MTruck; MTandem)x(1+IM/100)+MLane]xDex = 304.6335 KN.m
Dynamic load allowance:
IM = 33% all others limit states
Concrete cover
Top concrete cover = 50 mm
Bottom concrete cover = 25 mm
( Precast soffit from pannel minimum cover to main bares shall be 25mm) [A5.12.3]
The effective concrete depth for positive and negative bending will be different
because of different cover requirement.

Assuming a bar = 25 mm
dpos = 512.5 mm

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

dneg = 487.5 mm
A simplified expression for the required area of steel can be developped by neglecting the
compressive reinforcement in the resisting moment to give [A5.7.3.2]

We have Aps =0, A's= 0, neglecting f'c=0 so the equation become:


Assuming that the lever arm (d-a/2) is in dependent of As, we can replce it by "jd" and
solve for approximate As required to resist Mn = Mu

So; fy = 400 N/mm2

= 0.9
j = 0.92
As = 5859.416842mm
As,propose = 6381.4 mm2 13 DB 25 @ 100
Because it is and approximative expression, it will be necessary to verify the moment
capacity of the selected reinforcement
Maximum reinforcement [A5.] us limited by the ductility requirement of
C 0.42dc or a 0.421dc [A5.7.2.2]
We have C 0.42dc [A5.]
a = 1C [A5.7.2.2]
=> a 0.421dc
See [A5.7.2.2], we get
28 MPa< f'c = 30 MPa < 56 MPa => 1 = 0.85 - 0.05 ( f'c -28)/7 = 0.835714

thus: a 0.35dc where [A5.]

Aps = 0 => dc = ds = d => a 0.35 d

=> a = 84.117 0.35 d = 179.888 OK

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

Minimum reinforcement [A5.] for component containing no-prestressing steel

is satified if
= : ration tension steel to gross the area

For the given material properties, the minimum area of steel

mini. At = = 1372.22 mm2 OK
Checking moment strength:
Mn = Asfs ( d - a/2) = 1080.74 KN.m > Mu = 994.577 KN.m OK

b. Interior Girder: L/2

Mu = hiMi
Mu = h[dc(Mgirder+Mbarrier+Msidewalk+MCIP)+(DWxMasphalt)+(LLxMLL+IM)] = 873.4996 KN.m
Limite state modifier
h: Limit State load modifier where h=hDhRhi 0.95 [A1.3.2.1]
hD = 0.95 Ductile component [A1.3.3]
hR = 0.95 Redundant member [A1.3.4]
hi = 0.95 Operational importance [A1.3.5]
thus h= 0.95
Load Combination and Load Factor
STRENGTH I : Basic load combination relating to the normal vehicular use of the bridge
LOAD FACTOR (Strength 1) (Table 3.4.1-1)
DW = 1,5 Component and Attachment
DC = 1,25 Wearing Surface and Utilities
LL = 1,75 Live Load factor


MLL+IM =[max(MTruck; MTandem)x(1+IM/100)+MLane]xDin = 290.5276 KN.m


IM = 33 % all other limit state all other limit state

Concrete cover (Table A5.12.3-1)

Top concrete cover = 50 mm
Bottom concrete cover = 25 mm
( Precast soffit from pannel minimum cover to main bares shall be 25mm) [A5.12.3]
The effective concrete depth for positive and negative bending will be different
because of different cover requirement.

Assuming a bar = 25 mm
dpos = 512.5 mm
dneg = 487.5 mm

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

A simplified expression for the required area of steel can be developped by neglecting the
compressive reinforcement in the resisting moment to give [A5.7.3.2]

We have Aps =0, A's= 0, neglecting f'c=0 so the equation become:


Assuming that the lever arm (d-a/2) is in dependent of As, we can replce it by "jd" and
solve for approximate As required to resist Mn = Mu

So; fy = 400 N/mm2

= 0.9 [A5.]
j = 0.92
As = 5146.103687mm
As,propose = 5890.5 mm2 12 DB 25 @ 100
Because it is and approximative expression, it will be necessary to verify the moment
capacity of the selected reinforcement
Maximum reinforcement [A5.] us limited by the ductility requirement of
C 0.42dc or a 0.421dc [A5.7.2.2]
We have C 0.42dc [A5.]
a = 1C [A5.7.2.2]
=> a 0.421dc
See [A5.7.2.2], we get
28 MPa< f'c = 30 MPa < 56 MPa => 1 = 0.85 - 0.05 ( f'c -28)/7 = 0.835714
thus: a 0.35dc where [A5.]

Aps = 0 => dc = ds = d => a 0.35 d

=> a = 77.647 0.35 d = 179.888 OK

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

Minimum reinforcement [A5.] for component containing no-prestressing steel

is satified if
= : ration tension steel to gross the area

For the given material properties, the minimum area of steel

mini. At = = 1372.22 mm2 OK
Checking moment strength:
Mn = Asfs ( d - a/2) = 1004.47 KN.m > Mu = 873.5 KN.m OK


Action to be considered at the service limit state shall be cracking, deformation

and concrete stresses, as specified in Article , and 5.9.4 respectively.
The cracking stress shall be taken as the modulus of rupture specified in Article

. .
M ser = 675.86kN.m

Load combination and Load factor

SERVICE I: Load combination relating to the normal operation use of the bridge
and with all loads taken at the normal values. Also related to control crack width in
reinforced concrete structures. [A3.4.1]

Limite state Load modifier

: Limite state modifier where =D.R.t 0.95 [A1.3.2.1]

D= 1 Ductile component [A1.3.3]

R = 1 Redundant member [A1.3.4]
t= N/A Operational importance [A1.3.5]

Thus, = 1

LOAD FACTOR (Service 1) (Table 3.4.1-1)

DW= 1 Component and Attachment

DC= 1 Wearing Surface and Utilities
LL= 1 Live Load factor

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

7-2-1.CONTROL OF CRACKING [A5.7.3.4]

Checking tensile stress against fr [A5.4.2.6, A5.7.3.4] to verify if fc > 0.8 fr section is cracked

where 1 11.27MPa
0.63 = 3.4507 MPa so that 0.8 f r = 2.761 <Section is cracked>

Verify if the cracked section is useable or not :

Elastic section with 12DB25 and @= 100mm so As = 5890.49 mm

Static moment to determine the location of neutral axis

. . . . where nE7.22 de= 480mm
595x =42543.69(480-x)
Solving x = 153 mm

Moment of inertia of cracked section:

Icr=(IGi+Aid )

12 64 2
Icr= 1E+10 mm4
Steel stress
, . ,


f s= 139.3Mpa < 0.6fy 240MPa <Section is cracked but useable>

For Z= 30000 N/mm dc= 70 mm N= 1
We use 12DB25 and @= 100mm so, As = 5890.49 mm
so that b= 100mm
. 14000 mm2

= 158.976 Mpa

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

So fs= 139Mpa Mpa < fsa= 159MPa OK

a.Dead Load Camber: [A2.5.2.6]

WDL=WDC+WDW=Wgirder+Wsidewalk+Wbariere+WCIP+Wasphalt= 188.1225 kN/m

MDL=WDL.L /8 = 3386.21 KN.m

By using Ie [A5.]
5. .

384. .

Ie given by the equation , 1 , 0.12596 m4

For which . 207.025 kN.m

. 4
0.0165 m

, 0.164989 m

0.275 m

3386.21 kNm

, ,
0.125953 m
Ie : effective moment of inertia
Ig : gross moment of inertia
Mcr : cracking moment (
fr : modulus of rupture concrete as specified in [A5.4.2.6]
Yt : distance from the neutral axis to the extreme tension fiber (mm)
Ma : maximum moment at the stage for which deformation is computed (
so that : 14.562 mm

Long time deflection factor for A's = 0 is equal to

3 1.2 3

, , 3 43.686 mm

By using Ig :
5. .
11.117 mm
384. .

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

Long time deflection factor = 4

, ,
4 44.470 mm

, = 44.47 mm

b. Live Load Deflection : ( optional ) [A2.]

15 mm

Use design truck alone or design lane load plus 25%truck load
[A3.] when using design truck alone, it should be place so that the
distance between its resultant and the nearest wheel is bisected by spane
centerline. All design should be loaded [A2.]

Number Lane : NL = 3 so multiple presence fac0.85

P2=P3=NL.m.145= 369.75 kN
P1=NL.m.35= 89.25 kN


IM = 33 % All other limit state

The value of Ie change with the magnitude of applied moment M a . The moment
associated with the live loaded deflection includes the dead load moment plus the
truck moment.

, 1 ,

10 8 ,
2 , )= 3051.88 kN.m

2 , 8 , 334.12 kN.m

2 , 8 , 2933.49 kN.m

Ma= 6319.5 kN.m

Ie= 0.126 m4
6EcIeLs= 251140844.3
. .

6. . .

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

For First wheel Load P1= 89.25 kN a= 11.03m

L= 12 m x= 6.728m
b= 0.973m

So we get the deflection for the first load x= 0.002mm

For Second wheel Load P2= 369.75 kN a= 6.728m

L= 12 m x= 6.728m
b= 5.273m

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

So we get the deflection for the second load x= 0.052mm

For Third wheel Load P3= 369.75 kN a= 8.6m

L= 12 m x= 5.273m
b= 3.4m

So we get the deflection for the second load x= 0.026mm

Thus,LL+ID=x= 0.08mm < = 15mm OK

Design Lane Load :

9.3 1 31.541 kN/m

567.74 kNm
5. .
2.4415 m
384. .
25% Deflection of Truck =25%.LL+IM= 0.0202mm
so,Lane+25%.LL+IM= 2.462mm < = 15 OK
7-3. FATIQUE : [A5.5.3]
We verify by using LL , IM , and CE only.
Fatigue load : [A3.6.1.4]
- One design truck with cnstant spacing of 9000 mm between 145 KN axles [A3.6.1.4]
- Dynamic load allowance IM = 15 % [A3.5.2.1]
- Distribution factor for one traffic lane shall be used [ A3.]

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

Limite state load modifier

: Limite state modifier where =D.R.t 0.95 [A1.3.2.1]

D= 1 Ductile component [A1.3.3]
R = 1 Redundant member [A1.3.4]
t= N/A Operational importance [A1.3.5]

Thus, = 1 3.65

LOAD FACTOR (Service 1) (Table 3.4.1-1)

LL= 1 Live Load factor

. 1 206.9165
a. Tensile Live Load Stresses:
. 38.8mm Mpa

b. Reinforcing Bars: [A5.5.3.2]

The stress range in straght reinforcement shall not be exeeded:
145 0.33 . 55

Where f min = 0 because deck is treated as a simple beam, thus there is no

moment reversal

So, ff= 161.5 > fmax= 38.8mm OK

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey


Design Procedure: [A5.8.1]

Where the traditional beam theory based on plane section remain plane after bending
are valid The component shall be designed for shear either the strut and tie or the
section model.
h = 550 mm
L/2 = 6 mm > 2h = 1100 mm
So we use section model in article [A5.5.8.3]

Shear Strengh
Vt = F. Vn
F= 0.9 For Shear in article [ A5.5.4.2]
Vu = h(iVi) = 466.61 kN
LOAD FACTOR ( Strength 1) (Table 3.4.1-1)
DW = 1,5 Component and Attachment
DC = 1,25 Wearing Surface and Utilities
LL = 1,75 Live Load factor
} we use strength I Limite state
for Shear Design

Limite state modifier

h: Limit State load modifier where h=hDhRhi 0.95 [A1.3.2.1]
hD = 0.95 Ductile component [A1.3.3]
hR = 0.95 Redundant member [A1.3.4]
hi = 0.95 Operational importance [A1.3.5]
thus h= 0.95

Shear force effect:

Determine dv: [A5.8.2.7]

The effective shear depth shall be taken as the distance between of the resultant of
tensile and compressives forces due to flexure but it need not to be taken less than the
greater of 0.9de or 0.72h or de - a/2

0.9 de = 0.9 x dpos = 461.25 mm

dv = 0.72 . h = 396 mm
de - a/2 = 470.44 mm

=> dv = 470.44 mm

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Estimate = 42 degree
Calculate :
. .
x = = 0.00174 < 0.002 OK

Es = 200000 MPa
As = 6381.3601 mm2
Mu = 994.57741 KN.m

calculate : = 0.0308704

where v= = 0.9261114
. .

bv = 1190 mm
f'c = 30 MPa

Determine & from figure by comparing th previous values [AASHTO]

we get = 42 degree and = 1.9


0.083 = 34906.7 N

a = 90 degree
We use Stirrup RB 12 => Av = 113.0973 mm2
fy = 400 Mpa

Determine the required spacing of stirrups renforcement :

Maximum spacing of stirrups renforcement
266.08 mm

83.6232 mm
It must also sastisfy the maximum spacing requirement of AASTHO [A5.8.2.7]

If Vu < 0.1f 'c .bv.d v then S< 0.8 dv < 600mm

If Vu > 0.1f 'c .bv.d v then S< 0.4 dv < 300mm
Vu = 466.61437 kN < 0.1f 'c .bv.d v = 1679.48 kN OK
So S < 0.8 dv = 376.35302 mm
thus, S propose = 80 mm

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

Check additional demand on the longitudinal reinforcement caused by shear

0.5 cot

2552544.031 2567689 Not good
Increasing Vs to satisfy the inequality

2 tan

Vs 104314

S 89.0385

Increasing As to satisfy the inequality

As 6419.22 mm2

Thus we use the strirrups RB 12S= 80 mm

As= 6419.223 mm2

The amount of the bottom tranverse reinforcement may determine either by two directional
analysis or the amount of distribution reinforcement may be taken as the percentage of the
main reinforcement required for positive moment taken as
for reinforced concrete construction :
50% Where L : Span Length

= 15.975241 %

a. Interior Girder:
Longitudinal reinforcement bars = 5890.49 mm /m
So the transverse reinforcement bars = 941.019 mm2/m

Use 7 DB 14 @200 =>As = 1077.566 mm2/m Tranverse bottom bars

b. Exterior Girder:
Longitudinal reinforcement bars = 6419.22 mm2/m
So the transverse reinforcement bars = 1025.49 mm2/m

Use 7 DB 14 @200 =>As = 1077.566 mm2/m Tranverse bottom bars

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey


Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses shall be be provided near surface
of concrete exposed to daily temperature changes and in structural mass concrete. Temperature
and shrinkage reinforcement shall be added, so that the total on exposed surfaces is not less than
that specified here in.
The area of reinforcement in each direction shall not be less than :

As0.75 = 1227.1875 mm2/m

Where :
Ag : 654500 mm2 2
gross area of section ( mm )
fy : 400 N/mm2 specified yield strengh of reinforcement bars (MPa)
So the bar area of top layer and bottom layer is equal to :
= 613.59375 mm2/m

Use 6 DB 12 @140 =>As = 678.584 mm2/m Tranverse top bars in 1m

11-1. In case of putting the precast girder in abuttement:

We will use ultimate limit state to verify the resistance of precast girder during the construction
Load considered for the verification are:

Self-weight of precast girder: Wselt= 9.3 kN/m

Mself= 167.4 kN/m
Weight of CIP: WCIP= 6.54 kN/m
MCIP= 117.7 kN.m
site load during the construction: Msite= 1 kN.m (we use W=1kN/m)

Mu=DC(Mgirder+MCIP)+LLMsite = 358.125 kNm

LOAD FACTOR (Stre(Table3.4.1-1)

Top cover: 25
Low cover: 25
DC= 1.25 Wearing surface and utilities
LL= 1.75 Live load factor

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

As h= 400 mm

b= 1190 mm

b= 1190 mm
h= 400 mm
Assuming bar = 25 mm
dpos= 362.5 mm
we found As= 2982.883558 mm
As,propose = 3926.990817 mm2 8 DB 25 @ 100
Because it is an apporximative expression, it will be necessary to verify the moment capacity to 0
The selected reinforcement
Maximum reinforcement [A5.] is limited by the ductility requirement of
C<0.42de or a0.421d [A5.7.2.2]
We have C<0.42de [A5.] a0.421de
a=1C [A5.7.2.2]
See [A5.7.2.2], we get:
28MPa<f'c=30MPa<56MPa 1= 0.83571

. . . .
Thus: a0.35de where de [A5.]
. .

Aps=0 de=ds=d a0.35d

Where a .

=> a = 51.765 0.35 d = 127.238 OK

Minimum reinforcement [A5.] for component containing non-prestressing steel is satified if

0.03 : ration tension steel to the gross area

For the given material properties, the minimum area of steel

Asmin= 0.03 .b.d = 970.5938 OK

Check strength of Moment

As.fy(d )= 475.882 > Mu= 358.125 OK

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

11-2. When we bring up the girder to put on

In this case there is negative moment

Mu = 29.062 KN.m
b'= 600 mm
h= 400 mm
Assuming bar = 25 mm
dpos= 362.5 mm
we found As= 242.0623022 mm
As,propose = 490.8738521 mm2 1 DB 25 @ 300

Because it is an approximative expression, it will be necessary to verify the moment capacity 0

The selected reinforcement
Maximum reinforcement [A5.] is limited by the ductility requirement of
C<0.42de or a0[A5.7.2.2]
We have C<0.42de [A5.] a0.421de
a=1C [A5.7.2.2]
See [A5.7.2.2], we get:
28MPa<f'c=30MPa<56MPa 1= 0.83571

. . . .
Thus: a0.35dwhere de [A5.]
. .

Aps=0 de=ds=d a0.35d

Where a 51.76458

a= 6.4706 < 0.35d= 127.2375 OK

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

Minimum reinforcement [A5.] for component containing non-prestressing steel is satified if

0.03 : ration tension steel to the gross area

For the given material properties, the minimum area of steel

Asmin= 0.03 .b.d

= 489.375 OK
Check strength of Moment

As.fy(d )= 59.4853 > Mu= 29.062 OK

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Bridge Assignment Professor: KAING Saoserey

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