Cheese Tart

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Adapted from Dreamersloft

Makes 24 Tarts (6cm top x 3.5cm base)
Tart Shell:
340g Plain Flour
70g Icing Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
170g Cold Unsalted Butter, cubed
4 Egg Yolks
1 tsp Fresh Milk
Cheese Filling:
300g Cream Cheese
120g Mascarpone Cheese
40g Parmesan Cheese, finely grated
80g Unsalted Butter
60g Caster Sugar
100ml Heavy Cream
60ml Plain Yogurt
40ml Evaporated Milk
25g Corn Starch
2 Eggs
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
Eggwash: 1 Egg Yolk + 1 tsp Milk
1. To make the crust, place flour, salt and icing sugar in a bowl, add cold butt
er and start to rub with your finger tips until it resembles coarse sand.
2. Add egg yolks and milk then stir with a spatula until combine, the knead ligh
tly with your hand until mixture forms a dough. Wrap in cling wrap and refrigera
te for 30 mins.
3. Start on your cheese filling. In a double boiler, melt your butter, cream che
ese, mascarpone and parmesan along with the caster sugar.
4. In a small measuring cup, combine evaporated milk, yogurt, heavy cream and co
rn flour. Whisk by hand to combine.
5. Once cheese mixture has melted, add the milk mixture and stir constantly as i
t will thicken up. Add beaten eggs, lemon juice, vanilla and salt. Stir until sl
ightly thicken. Don't wait for it to get too thick.
6. Strain mixture to get rid of any lumps and transfer to a piping bag. Set asid
7. Back to the shells. Grab small amount of the dough, knead lightly and press t
hem into the mould. Press the dough upwards at the sides and cut off any overhan
8. Make several holes with a fork then bake at a preheated 180C oven with fan for
10 minutes. Rotate pan half way if your oven does not heat evenly.
9. Remove from oven. Cool slightly then pop the shells out of the mould to cool
completely on a wired rack.
10. Once shells are cooled, pipe the filling into the shells. Place the tip of t
he bag halfway in the shell and fill them until a dome appears. Pull the bag up
leaving a small pointy tip which you can later press down lightly with a wet fin
11. Place your filled shells in the fridge for 30 minutes to firm the filling fo
r their egg wash. Preheat your oven at 220C top grill with fan.
12. Remove the tarts from the fridge and spray the tops lightly with water. Then
apply the eggwash gently. Bake for 6 minutes. Sit in front of the oven and keep
and eye out at this stage. You may need to rotate the pan halfway to get and ev
en charred look. Remove and eat at your desired stage.
Tarts can be served at different stages:
Warm = Molten Filling
Room Temp = Soft Filling
Chilled = Firm Filling

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