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Journal of Functional Foods 27 (2016) 131139

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j ff

Effect of fermentation on the content of bioactive

compounds in tofu-type products

Ylenia Riciputi a, Diana Isabella Serrazanetti b, Vito Verardo c,*,

Lucia Vannini a,b, Maria Fiorenza Caboni a,b, Rosalba Lanciotti a,b
Department of Agri-Food Science and Technology, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Piazza
Goidanich 60, 47521 Cesena, FC, Italy
Interdepartmental Centre for Agri-Food Industrial Research (CIRI Agroalimentare), Alma Mater Studiorum,
University of Bologna, Piazza Goidanich 60, 47521 Cesena, FC, Italy
Department of Chemistry and Physics (Analytical Chemistry Area) and Research Centre for Agricultural and
Food Biotechnology (BITAL), Agrifood Campus of International Excellence, ceiA3, University of Almera,
Carretera de Sacramento s/n, E-04120 Almera, Spain


Article history: Tofu is part of Asian cuisine and may be the most popular food made from soy. Due to the
Received 11 May 2016 influence of processing on some compounds (fatty acids, tocopherols, phospholipids, sterols
Received in revised form 18 August and phenolic compounds) content of soy food products, soybean flour, traditional tofu and
2016 tofu obtained by soymilk fermentation were studied. Fermentation was performed using
Accepted 27 August 2016 lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus acidophilus.
Available online Fermentation by lactic acid bacteria plays an essential role in the reduction of isoflavones
glycosides/aglycone ratio (from 0.14 to 0.89 in traditional and fermented tofu, respectively)
Keywords: and in the higher bioavailability of isoflavones, however it does not significantly affect soybean
Soybean fatty acids and tocopherols. This behaviour suggests the use of these microorganisms to
Fermented tofu enhance the added value of soybean products, and promote the selection of tailor made
Isoflavones starter culture able to growing well in soy milk and contemporary to produce bioactive com-
Tocopherols pounds for specific consumers category.
Phytosterols 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

increase in annual production. The increase in soybean pro-

1. Introduction duction can be attributed to increased crop yield and demand
as food and fuel needs (Orf, 2010).
Since the past centuries, soybean has been one of the most One of the major reasons is its unique chemical composi-
important agricultural commodities in the world, with a gradual tion; thus, for many years soybean has been recognised as a

* Corresponding author. Department of Chemistry and Physics (Analytical Chemistry Area) and Research Centre for Agricultural and Food
Biotechnology (BITAL), Agrifood Campus of International Excellence, ceiA3, University of Almera, Carretera de Sacramento s/n, E-04120
Almera, Spain. Fax: +39-(0)547-382348.
E-mail address: (V. Verardo).
Chemical compounds: -Tocopherol (PubChem CID: 14985); Sitosterol (PubChem CID: 222284); Campesterol (PubChem CID: 173183); Stig-
masterol (PubChem CID: 5280794); Phosphatidylethanolamine (PubChem CID: 6437392); Phosphatidylinositol (PubChem CID: 86289142);
Phosphatidylcholine (PubChem CID: 24778933); Daidzin (PubChem CID: 107971); Genistin (PubChem CID: 5281377); Glycitin (PubChem
CID: 187808).
1756-4646/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
132 Journal of Functional Foods 27 (2016) 131139

great source of nutrients. On average, dry soybean contains isoflavone conversion from glycosylated and/or acylated to agly-
about 4041% protein, 824% oil, 35% carbohydrate, and 5% ash cone, consequently, promoting their absorption (Hendrich, 2002;
(Medic, Atkinson, & Hurburgh, 2014). Protein and fatty com- Pyo, Lee, & Lee, 2005). It is reported by Chien, Huang, and Chou
ponents in soybeans are high in quality as well as in quantity. (2006) that fermentation of soymilk with LAB and Bifidobacterium
In particular, soy protein contains all the essential amino acids, transforms acetyl (A) and malonyl (M)-glucoside (G) isoflavones
most of which are present in amounts that closely match those to aglycones, the biologically active oestrogen-like isoflavones
required by humans or animals. Moreover, soybean lipids (Setchell & Cassidy, 1999) which are absorbed faster and in
contain a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, includ- higher amounts than their glucosides in humans (Izumi et al.,
ing oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids and minor lipid 2000). In fact, it has been showed that fermentation of soy-
components as phospholipids, phytosterols and tocopherols beans enhanced the bioavailability of isoflavones due to the
with a significant impact on human health (Medic et al., 2014). faster absorption of soy isoflavones aglycones (Izumi et al., 2000).
The tradition of preparing soy foods, typical of Asian culture, Genistein-rich products such as fermented whole-soy foods and
has been spread to the world in the last years, thanks to ag- their extracts may be useful in preventing osteoporosis, meno-
ricultural and processing innovation, cultural exchanges and pausal symptoms, coronary heart disease and cancers.
the influence of Chinese and other Asian immigrants. Thou- Moreover, Lactobacillus acidophilus was reported as present-
sands of studies (in vivo and in vitro, with animals and human ing the ability to metabolise oligosaccharides during the
subjects) have shown that soybeans and soy components have fermentation of soymilk (Donkor, Henriksson, Vasiljevic, & Shah,
many health-promoting effects, including hypocholesterolemic, 2005).
anticancer and antioxidant properties (Sugano, 2006). In par- In this context, the overall aim of this research was to evalu-
ticular, since FDAs approval of soy health claim, many studies ate the potential of selected strains of LAB to produce functional
have further demonstrated the link between soy product con- tofu-type product having an increased concentration of bioactive
sumption and lowering the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) compounds including isoflavone aglycones, phenolic com-
(He & Chen, 2013). Moreover, regular consumption of soy can pounds and unsaturated long chain fatty acids. In particular,
help prevent breast and prostate cancers, improve bone health traditional tofu obtained through coagulating soy milk with
and memory and alleviate menopausal symptoms in some chemical agents and tofu obtained through the fermentation
women. with selected lactic acid bacteria strains (L. casei and L. aci-
Many types of biologically active components, including dophilus) before the addition of coagulating agents were
isoflavones, lecithin, saponins, lectins, oligosaccharides, and compared and characterised in terms of lipidic and phenolic
trypsin inhibitors, have shown to be partially responsible for profiles, focusing mainly on isoflavone content.
these effects (Anderson, Smith, & Washnock, 1999; Barnes, 1998;
Liu, 2004; Messina, 1999; Messina, Gardber, & Barnes, 2002; Shu
et al., 2001).
Soymilk is the liquid extract of soybeans and it is used to 2. Materials and methods
produce tofu (Liu & Lin, 2000). Tofu, a fundamental compo-
nent of Asian food culture, is a traditional oriental food, 2.1. Solvents and reagents
composed principally by proteins and lipids and produced di-
All solvents were purchased from Merck KGaA (Darmstadt,
rectly by coagulation of soymilk. Historically, tofu is a major
Germany). Reagents were provided by Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis,
source of proteins in the Chinese diet and calcium-coagulated
tofu also serves as an important source of calcium, an essen-
tial macro-mineral. Unfortunately, tofu products vary greatly
in their composition even within the same variety because there 2.2. Samples and samples preparation
is no established standard of identity (He & Chen, 2013).
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have been applied as starter cul- The samples studied were represented by soybean flour, tra-
tures in fermented foods and beverages for a long time, because ditional tofu and fermented tofu. Soybean flour was provided
they can improve their nutritional, organoleptic, technologi- by Company ConBio (Santarcangelo, Italy) and it was ob-
cal and shelf-life characteristics (Leroy & De Vuyst, 2004). Despite tained from soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) belonging to the
recent advances, the study of LAB and their functional activi- PR91M10 variety. Also the two different kinds of tofu were pre-
ties in soy based products is still an emerging field of research pared by Company ConBio (Santarcangelo, Italy). Traditional tofu
that has to realise its full potential yet (Florou-Paneri, Christaki, was prepared according to the company flow chart (Fig. 1),
& Bonos, 2013). instead, fermented tofu was obtained by fermentation of
The ability of LAB to rapidly grow in soymilk showed that soymilk with L. casei and L. acidophilus according to Serrazanetti
this is a suitable habitat for these microorganisms, as already et al. (2013).
demonstrated by several authors (Serrazanetti, Ndagijimana, The strains were co-inoculated in soymilk (6 log CFU mL1)
Miserocchi, Perillo, & Guerzoni, 2013; Wang, Yu, Yang, & Chou, and then incubated at 32 C for 15 hours. Coagulation agent
2003). In fact, many probiotic strains possess -galactosidase Nigari (Nigari composition: MgCl2 + 6H2O: more than 95%; Zn:
activity, which allows their growth in soymilk (Fung & Liong, less than 70 ppm; As2O3: less than 4 ppm; provided by Soluzione
2010). Moreover, some Lactobacilli are known to hydrolyse Naturale, Brescia, Italy) was added in order to standardise the
-glucosides, increasing the bio-availability of isoflavones. In curd formation. For Nigari preparation, 243 g of Nigari salt was
fact, it is known that LAB fermentation can increase the nu- solved in 1 L of distilled water; 24 mL of that solution was added
tritional values of soy-derived products; in fact it causes for every litre of soymilk after the heating step (80 C). The curd
Journal of Functional Foods 27 (2016) 131139 133

2.5. Phytosterol analysis of soybean flour, tofu and

Traditional tofu Fermented tofu fermented tofu

Hot soymilk (80 C) Soymilk + LAB The lipidic fraction was saponified at room temperature using
(106 CFU/ml) 10 mL of methanolic 0.5 M KOH for 18 h in the dark under con-
stant stirring. After saponification the organic fraction was
Addition of coagulant
(Nigari) Incubation (32 C, 15 washed with deionised water and the unsaponifiable matter
hrs) till pH 5.5 was extracted three times with diethyl ether. The organic frac-
Curd formation tions were pooled together and solvent was removed under
Curd formation vacuum. The unsaponifiable matter was stored in n-hexane/
Filtration and 2-propanol (4/1 v/v) at 18 C until GC analysis.
centrifugation Heating (80 C) The previous extract was analysed by GC after silylation.
The trimethylsilyl derivatives (TMS) of sterols were analysed
Vacuum packaging Addition of coagulant as reported by Iafelice, Verardo, Marconi, & Caboni (2009) by
(Nigari) GC-FID. The analysis was carried out in triplicate for each
Pasteurization sample.
(75 C, 10 min) Vacuum packaging

Pasteurization 2.6. Determination of tocopherols in soybean flour, tofu

(4-10 C) (75 C, 10 min) and fermented tofu

Storage One gram of fat sample was dissolved in 10 mL of n-hexane

(4-10 C) and then, it was filtered through a 0.45 m nylon filter. The to-
copherols were determined by HPLC equipped with a
Fig. 1 Process flow diagram of traditional tofu and tofu fluorimeter detector. The excitation wavelength was 290 nm
produced after soymilk fermentation (L. casei and and the emission one was 325 nm. The used column was a Luna
L. acidophilus). Hilic (250 mm 4.6 mm i.d., 5 m particle size) Phenomenex
column in isocratic conditions as reported by Gomez-Caravaca,
Verardo, & Caboni (2010). The calibration curves were con-
structed with standard solutions of each compound and they
was pressed mechanically with a filter press in order to obtain
were used for quantification.
firm and regular tofu, which has been cut in small portions
(125 g). The tofus produced were vacuum-packaged and
2.7. Phospholipids determination of soybean flour, tofu
pasteurised. The samples were freeze dried and the analysis
and fermented tofu
was performed on dry matter.
Phospholipids analysis in tofu samples was carried out ac-
cording to the method of Verardo et al. (2013). Briefly, the
2.3. Lipid extraction from soybean flour, tofu and
extracted lipids were weighed (100 mg), dissolved in 1.5 mL of
fermented tofu
chloroform/methanol (88/12 v/v) and transferred into capped
Lipid fraction was extracted according to a modified version test tubes for HPLC analysis.
of the method described by Folch, Lees, & Sloane-Stanley (1957), Phospholipids separation was performed on an Agilent
as reported previously by Boselli, Velazco, Caboni, & Lercker HP 1200 Series liquid chromatograph (Agilent Technologies)
(2001). with a PL-ELS1000 evaporative light-scattering detector
The milled samples (20 g) were homogenised with 200 mL (Polymer Laboratories, Church Stretton, UK). A silica column
of chloroform/methanol solution (1/1, v/v) in a glass bottle with (150 mm 3 mm, 3 m particle diameter; Phenomenex) main-
screw cap. The bottle was kept in an oven thermostated at 60 C tained at room temperature (25 C) was used. The HPLC system
for 20 min before adding 100 mL chloroform. After 3 min of was controlled by Agilent ChemStation software (Agilent Tech-
homogenisation, the content of the bottle was filtered. The fil- nologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA), while chromatogram registration
trate was mixed thoroughly with a 1 M KCl solution and left and data processing were assessed by ClarityLite Version
overnight at 4 C in order to allow phase separation. The lower (DataApex, Prague, Czech Republic). Each extract was
phase was collected, dried with a rotary evaporator, dis- injected three times.
solved in 5 mL hexane/isopropanol 4/1 (v/v) and stored at 18 C
until analysis. 2.8. Extraction and analysis of isoflavones and bound
phenolic compounds

2.4. Total fatty acid composition analysis Briefly, free phenolic extractions were performed following a
protocol of Verardo, Riciputi, Garrido-Frenich, & Caboni (2015).
The FA composition of soybean and tofu samples was 4 g of soybean flour or dried tofu was extracted by a Starsonic
determined from the lipid fraction as FAMEs by capillary 90 Liarre ultrasonic bath (Bologna, Italy), at 40 C for 10 minutes,
gas chromatography analysis as reported by Verardo, with 40 mL of methanol/water mixture 4/1 (v/v). After cen-
Gmez-Caravaca, Gori, Losi, & Caboni (2013). trifugation at 1000 g for 5 min, the surnatant was removed and
134 Journal of Functional Foods 27 (2016) 131139

the extraction was repeated twice more. The surnatants were Similar results were showed by Caprioli et al. (2016); accord-
collected in a flask, evaporated at 50 C under vacuum, dried ing to their data we can affirm that soybean is, with lentil,
under nitrogen stream and reconstituted with 5 mL of water/ chickpea and fava bean, a good legume source of linolenic acid.
methanol 1/1 (v/v). In fact, the -3 fatty acids content accounted for 4.59 mg/
The residues from free phenolic extraction were treated by 100 mg of fat. The presence both of linolenic acid and -3 fatty
alkaline hydrolysis. acids confirms the health promoting effects of soy based prod-
The extracts were then stored at 18 C until analysis. Each ucts. In fact, the role of these substances as important
extraction was replicated three times. component of all cell membranes is recognised and more-
Phenolic compounds analysis was performed, in tripli- over they are essential in growth and development throughout
cate, by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS according to a previous work (Verardo the life cycle (Omoni & Aluko, 2005; Simopoulos, 1991).
et al., 2015). The technology used to transform flour to traditional tofu
did not significantly affect fatty acids composition. In fact, the
2.9. Statistical analysis main fatty acids were those described previously in soybean
flour, and also in traditional tofu, and the ratio saturated/
The results reported in this study are the averages of three rep- unsaturated fatty acids was 0.20. Comparing LAB-fermented
etitions (n = 3). LSD Fisher significant difference multiple tofu with traditional tofu and with soybean flour, it can be
comparison (one-way ANOVA) was evaluated using Statistica noticed that fermentation and other technological steps do not
6.0 software (2001, StatSoft, Tulsa, OK, USA). influence the fatty acid composition of the raw material. In par-
ticular, the samples studied were characterised by the same
fatty acid composition where linoleic and oleic acid repre-
sented the first and second fatty acid (34.18 and 22.2 mg/
3. Results and discussion
100 mg fat for fermented tofu, respectively) and their
contribution to the total amount was higher than 75%, in agree-
3.1. Fatty acid composition
ment with literature (Prstamo & Fontecha, 2007). However,
production process significantly affected the content of C18:3
As reported in Table 1 soybean flour fatty acid composition was
3 (4.24 and 4.25 mg/100 mg in traditional and fermented tofu,
characterised by C16:0, C18:1, C18:2, C16:0 and C18:3 3 as the
respectively) compared to soybean flour (4.59 mg/100 mg); these
major compounds (7.78, 22.49, 34.52, 7.78, and 4.59 mg/100 mg,
results showed that the C18:3 3 content was not affected by
respectively) with the predominance of unsaturated fatty acids,
the LAB fermentation.
as confirmed by the saturated to unsaturated fatty ratio (0.19).
In all the products analysed, unsaturated fatty acids (UFA)
(sum of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids) accounted for
more than 80% of total fatty acid and the UFA/SFA (saturated
Table 1 Fatty acids composition (mg/100 mg fat) of fatty acids) ratio in all samples showed values much higher
soybean flour and tofu samples (traditional and (UFA/SFA~5) than 2, that is the right ratio for a correct diet, as
fermented by L. casei and L. acidophilus). Different letter
suggested by the Italian Society of Human Nutrition.
in a row means significant differences (p < 0.05).
In this way, tofu should be considered a good source of UFA
Fatty acid Soybean Traditional Fermented
fatty acids that can report several beneficial effects on cardio-
flour tofu tofu
vascular disease including improved blood lipid profile,
C8:0 nd 0.08 0.00 a 0.09 0.00 b improved insulin sensitivity, lower incidence of type 2 diabe-
C10:0 0.06 0.00 a 0.06 0.03 a 0.12 0.02 a
tes and anti-arrhythmic effects (Caprioli et al., 2016).
C11:0 nd 0.03 0.01 a 0.03 0.01 a
C11:1 0.03 0.01 a 0.07 0.03 a 0.05 0.01 a
C14:0 0.06 0.01 a 0.06 0.01 a 0.06 0.00 a 3.2. Sterols analysis
C16:0 7.78 0.28 a 7.48 0.19 a 8.06 0.41 a
C16:1 0.06 0.00 a 0.06 0.01 a 0.11 0.05 a Sterol composition of soybean flour showed -sitosterol as the
C17:0 0.07 0.01 a 0.06 0.00 a 0.07 0.00 a main compound (172.23 mg/100 g fat), accounting for 57.7% of
C17:1 0.04 0.01 a 0.04 0.00 a 0.05 0.01 a the total content. In soybean flour campesterol (60.12 mg/
C18:0 3.29 0.28 a 3.19 0.01 a 3.41 0.04 a
100 g fat), stigmasterol (50.82 mg/100 g) and 7-avenasterol
C18:1t 0.13 0.03 a 0.11 0.03 a 0.20 0.03 a
C18:1c11 22.49 1.02 a 19.89 0.48 a 22.20 2.03 a
(15.11 mg/100 g) were also identified and quantified. As
C18:1c12 0.96 0.16 a 0.98 0.01 a 1.06 0.01 a reported in Table 2, -sitosterol was also the most abundant
C18:2 34.52 0.97 a 33.70 0.78 a 34.18 0.34 a sterol in tofu, ranging from 55.2 to 57.1% of total sterols
C18:3 3 (ALA) 4.59 0.13 a 4.24 0.06 b 4.25 0.07 b (156.2168.2 mg/100 g of fat), followed by campesterol (20.2
C20:0 0.30 0.05 a 0.30 0.00 a 0.33 0.02 a 21.3%, 59.560.4 mg/100 g of fat), stigmasterol (16.818%, 49.5
C20:1 0.15 0.05 a 0.15 0.02 a 0.14 0.00 a
51.1 mg/100 g of fat) and 7-avenasterol (5.55.8%, 15.517.1 mg/
C22:0 0.35 0.03 a 0.35 0.01 a 0.37 0.00 a
100 g of fat). The concentration of 7-avenasterol was higher
C24:0 nd 0.04 0.01 b 0.04 0.01 b
C24:1 nd 0.04 0.00 b 0.04 0.00 c than the results reported by Ozawa et al. (2001) indepen-
C22:5 nd 0.06 0.00 b 0.05 0.00 c dently on the presence of fermentation process probably due
Total fatty acids 74.88 70.99 74.89 to the use of whole soybean flour.
UFA/SFA 5.29 5.09 4.96 The sterol composition of fermented tofu was not so dif-
Trans-fatty acids 0.13 0.03 a 0.11 0.03 a 0.20 0.03 a ferent compared to soybean flour and traditional tofu except
-3 Fatty acids 4.59 0.13 a 4.24 0.06 a 4.25 0.07 a
for -sitosterol (its content was significantly lower compared
Journal of Functional Foods 27 (2016) 131139 135

tional production process decreased the content of -tocopherol

Table 2 Sterols composition (mg/100 g fat) of soybean
compared to soybean flour, while the fermentation process
flour and tofu samples (traditional and fermented by
L. casei and L. acidophilus). Different letter in the same counteracted this reduction. In fact, -tocopherol was the only
column means significant differences (p < 0.05). tocopherol that significantly decreased in traditional tofu.
Soybean -tocopherol, the biosynthetic precursor to
Soybean Traditional Fermented
flour tofu tofu -tocopherol, is the predominant form found in the bean,
whereas -tocopherol is the most bioactive component (Tavva
Campesterol 60.12 0.25 a 60.42 0.17 a 59.53 0.45 a
Stigmasterol 50.82 0.85 a 51.11 0.06 a 49.55 0.53 a
et al., 2007). In fact, among the tocopherols, -tocopherol has
-Sitosterol 172.23 0.35 a 156.22 0.45 c 168.23 0.19 b a well-recognised key physiological role and exerts the most
7-Avenasterol 15.11 0.14 a 15.46 0.19 a 17.08 0.06 b potent biological activity compared to the others (Jiang, 2014;
Total 298.27 1.58 a 283.21 0.87 b 294.39 1.12 a Yoshida, Saito, Sargent Jones, & Shigeri, 2007). Consequently,
the results obtained showed the positive role of lactic acid bac-
teria in maintaining the natural occurring level of vitamin E
to soybean flour but higher than traditional tofu) and of soybean flour in traditional and fermented tofu.
7-avenasterol (17.08 mg/100 mg of fat with respect to
15.11 mg/100 mg of fat in soybean flour and 15.46 mg/100 mg 3.4. Phospholipids determination
of fat in traditional tofu) (Table 2). The higher concentration
of -sitosterol and 7-avenasterol in fermented tofu com- The phospholipids in soybean flour were characterised by three
pared to traditional tofu suggested that the fermentation by main compounds (phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidyle-
LAB could increase the bioavailability of this compound in the thanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine (PC), 12.5, 32.9 and
final product. In general sterols are considered prebiotic com- 54.6% of the total content, respectively) in agreement with data
pounds which can improve the colonisation of probiotic bacteria previously reported by Lee et al. (2010). Phospholipids are one
in the gut (Tsai et al., 2014). Moreover, since phytosterols and of the important constituents of the cellular membrane bilayer;
phytostanols are structurally similar to cholesterol (except that both the polar head groups and fatty chains in phospholip-
they possess different side chains and the latter is devoid of ids not only affect the physicochemical properties of the
a double bond) they affect the absorption of cholesterol in the membrane, but also play distinctive roles in biological events
body and hence may reduce the total LDL cholesterol levels (Stubbs & Smith, 1984). In detail, phospholipids and particu-
in the blood (Borrelli & Ernst, 2010). Thus, these substances are larly PC play a positive role in cholesterol homeostasis,
proposed as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) stabilisation of the membrane functions and supporting the
for menopausal women (Borrelli & Ernst, 2010). hepatic functions (Ipatova, Prozorovskaia, Torkhovskaia,
Looking at the content of total free sterols, they ranged Baranova, & Guseva, 2004; Lee et al., 2010).
from 283.2 to 298.3 mg per 100 g of fat with no significant The total content and the contribution of single phospho-
differences between soybean flour and fermented tofu (298.3 lipids varied significantly in relation to the fermentation process
and 294.4 mg/100 g fat, respectively), while those samples were (Table 4). Soybean flour total phospholipid content (87.05 g/g
significantly different if compared with traditional tofu of fat) was 12% higher than in traditional tofu (76.60 g/g of
(283.2 mg/100 g fat). fat) and 52.4% than in fermented tofu (41.45 g/g of fat). In tofu
samples the distribution was: 10.9/38.7/50.4% (traditional tofu)
3.3. Tocopherol evaluation and 14.2/44.1/41.7% (fermented tofu) for PI, PE and PC, respec-
tively. No lyso-forms were found in the samples analysed.
As reported in Table 3, no significant differences were ob- However, according to Serrazanetti et al. (2013), the fermen-
served in the content of total tocopherols among the three tation process resulted in tofu having different textural
samples, which ranged from 463.4 to 509.9 g/g of fat. These properties, lower pH values and higher syneresis compared to
concentrations were in agreement with those reported previ- traditional one. These features can contribute to the loss of
ously by Guzman and Murphy (1986). Alpha-tocopherol, phospholipids in fermented tofu, compared to the traditional
-tocopherol and -tocopherol were the tocopherols detected one and to soybean flour, during whey release. In fact, a less
in the samples analysed independently on the production solid structure seemed to enhance syneresis of whey and, thus,
process adopted. They represent, according to literature data, the loss of molecules such as phospholipids that constitute the
the main tocopherols of soybean flour and products (Tavva et al., membrane fat globules (Burgain et al., 2014).
2007). In particular, 67.9% of total tocopherols in soybean flour To our knowledge, no previous studies have been done about
corresponded to -tocopherol and the other 32.1% was the sum the effect of LAB fermentation on phospholipids in soybean
of -tocopherol (9.8%) and -tocopherol (22.3%). The tradi- and soybean products.

Table 3 Tocopherols composition (g/g fat) of soybean flour and tofu samples (traditional and fermented by L. casei and
L. acidophilus). Different letter in the same column means significant differences (p < 0.05).
-Tocopherol -Tocopherol -Tocopherol Total
Soybean flour 50.06 5.85 a 346.40 12.90 a 113.40 4.19 a 509.85 22.93 a
Traditional tofu 32.91 0.11 b 313.21 0.13 a 112.60 9.61 a 458.72 9.60 a
Fermented tofu 48.88 4.82 a 313.83 30.08 a 100.70 12.52 a 463.42 47.43 a
136 Journal of Functional Foods 27 (2016) 131139

Table 4 Phospholipids composition (g/g of fat) of soybean flour and tofu samples (traditional and fermented by L. casei
and L. acidophilus). Different letter in the same column means significant differences (p < 0.05).
PI PE PC Total
Soybean 10.85 0.35 a 28.65 0.35 a 47.55 0.49 a 87.05 0.49 a
Traditional tofu 8.35 0.64 b 29.65 0.07 b 38.60 0.28 b 76.60 0.99 b
Fermented tofu 5.90 0.14 c 18.30 0.28 c 17.25 0.64 c 41.45 1.06 c
PI, phosphatidylinositol; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; PC, phosphatidylcholine.

3.5. Determination of free and bound phenolic concentration was lower in fermented tofu if compared with
compounds soybeans flour and traditional tofu.
Comparing the two kinds of processed product with soybean
The regular consumption of isoflavones may help reduce the flour used to produce them, traditional tofu showed a strong
risk of certain diseases. In fact, recent studies on the effects of increment of daidzin (20.68 mg/g dry matter), genistein-G
isoflavones on heart health, bone health and post-menopausal (17.38 mg/g dry matter) and daidzein (7.38 mg/g dry matter),
symptoms indicate positive effects that are highly attractive but the content of genistein-G-M and genistin decreased sig-
to the functional foods market (Brouns, 2002). In this study the nificantly to 11.7 and 12% of total isoflavone content. The same
analysis of isoflavones allowed the identification of fifteen com- trend can be seen in fermented tofu isoflavone profile, com-
pounds, eight aglycones and seven glycosylated derivatives, with pared to soybean flour. It has been reported that the not
an increased aglycones/glycosylated ratio in fermented tofu com- conjugated isoflavone aglycones were the predominant chemi-
pared to soybean flour and traditional tofu (0.53 in fermented cal forms in fermented soy products (Oh, Hwang, & Lim, 2012).
tofu vs. 0.03 and 0.12 in soybean and traditional tofu, respec- However, among tofu, the fermented one showed a hard dec-
tively) (Table 5). In detail, genistein-G-M and genistin were the rement of daidzin and genistein-G but fermentation increased
most abundant isoflavones in soybean, contributing for 28.2 the content of genistein-G-M (10.26 mg/g dry matter) and in
and 27.4% of the total isoflavone content, followed by daidzin particular daidzein (21.17 mg/g dry matter), the major isoflavone
(12.73 mg/g dry matter, 15.7% of the total content) and an isomer in fermented tofu (34.5% of total isoflavones content).
of genistein-G (9.35 mg/g dry matter, 11.5% of the total content). As concerning total isoflavones content, traditional and fer-
Moreover, different genistein-G-A isomers were identified and mented tofu showed a reduction of isoflavones of 13.4% and
quantified in soybean, contributing for 6% of the total content 24.2% (70.08 and 61.36 mg/g dry matter respectively) com-
(4.88 mg/g dry matter). These results are in part in agreement pared to soybean flour, confirming the study of Lee et al. (2015).
with other studies about isoflavone composition of soybean The present data confirmed that some isoflavones were lost
and soybean products (Lee, Chung, Kim, & Jung, 2015; Shao et al., in the processing steps (Jackson et al., 2002) and they were re-
2011). Some differences in the results could be due to envi- covered in the wastes of production process (i.e. whey).
ronmental and botanic characteristics and process technologies The difference between the two types of tofu could be due
of analysed samples (Zhang, Chang, & Liu, 2015). to production technology; fermented tofu had a less compact
Soybean flour and tofu samples showed significant differ- structure and, therefore, some compounds may have been lost
ences in terms of total isoflavones content. Moreover, glucoside during curd breaking or purge step.

Table 5 Isoflavones composition (mg/g dry matter) of soybean flour and tofu samples (traditional and fermented by
L. casei and L. acidophilus). Different letter in a row means significant differences (p < 0.05).
Compound Soybean Traditional tofu Fermented tofu
Genistein-G <LOQ <LOQ <LOQ
Daidzin 12.73 0.46 b 20.68 0.20 a 2.86 0.07
Glycitin 3.20 0.17 b 3.65 0.04 a 0.25 0.03 c
Genistein-G-A 1.44 0.01 a 0.43 0.01 b 0.49 0.01 b,c
Genistein-G-A 0.92 0.01 b 1.01 0.02 a 0.84 0.02 c
Glycitein-G 0.47 0.04 a 0.02 0.00 b
Genistein-G 9.35 0.42 b 17.38 0.06 a 2.12 0.02 c
Genistin 22.22 0.24 a 8.17 0.16 c 9.88 0.05 b
Dihydroxy-methoxyisoflavone 2.87 0.47 a 0.88 0.07 c 1.223 0.002 b
Genistein-G-A 0.20 0.01 <LOQ <LOQ
Genistein-G-A 2.32 0.03 a 0.772 0.001 b 0.85 0.02 b
Genistein-G-M 22.84 0.19 a 8.432 0.003 c 10.26 0.03 b
Daidzein 2.09 0.02 c 7.26 0.41 b 21.17 0.42 a
Glycitein <LOQ <LOQ 1.92 0.16
Genistein 0.31 0.01 c 1.39 0.14 b 9.50 0.03 a
Total (mg/g dry matter) 80.96 0.26 a 70.08 0.06 b 61.36 0.62 c
Aglycones/glycosylated isoflavones ratio 0.05 0.14 0.89
A = acetyl; G = glycosyl; M = malonyl.
Journal of Functional Foods 27 (2016) 131139 137

Table 6 Bound phenolic compounds (mg/g dry matter) in soybean and tofu samples. Different letter in a row means
significant differences (p < 0.05).
Compound Soybean Traditional tofu Fermented tofu
p-Hydroxybenzoic acid 0.19 0.01 c 0.26 0.02 b 0.41 0.04 a
Vanillic acid 1.84 0.08 a 1.29 0.05 b 1.87 0.07 a
Syringic acid 9.32 0.16 c 13.68 0.21 b 20.95 0.19 a
p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde 0.69 0.06 c 0.93 0.05 b 1.39 0.07 a
Ferulic acid derivative 3.04 0.13 b 3.71 0.08 a 3.92 0.12 a
p-Coumaric acid 5.17 0.05 b 5.70 0.10 b 8.40 0.14 a
Ferulic acid 3.37 0.12 c 4.49 0.10 b 7.69 0.22 a
Synapic acid 1.35 0.05 b 1.12 0.02 c 3.17 0.09 a
Phloridzin 2.12 0.12 b 1.92 0.10 c 3.29 0.09 a
p-Coumaric acid hexose derivative 2.94 0.17 c 4.06 0.21 b 6.33 0.29 a
Total (mg/g dry matter) 30.04 1.10 c 37.16 1.56 b 57.42 1.47 a

In terms of aglycones and glycosides, isoflavones aglycones (sterols and phospholipids), isoflavones and other phenolic com-
were higher in fermented tofu compared to the traditional pounds compared to soybean or traditional tofu.
one. Glycosides decreased from 74.4% to 28.2% and aglycones The reduction of glycosides/aglycone ratio and conse-
increased from 25.6% to 71.8% in fermented tofu compared to quently the higher bioavailability of isoflavones, the increase
traditional tofu, confirming the role of fermentation on agly- of antioxidant polyphenols, sterols and bioactive phospholip-
cone increasing in soy products (Oh et al., 2012). Daidzein and ids in fermented tofu suggest the use of these microorganisms
genistein protect the cells from the damaging effects of free radi- to enhance the added value, in terms of bioactive com-
cals that are known to promote ageing and to be involved in a pounds of soybean products. Sterols, phospholipids, aglycones
number of disease states like atherosclerosis, joint inflamma- and polyphenols are key substances that can positively improve
tion and diabetic complication. Moreover, the consumption of and help womens metabolism specifically in the post-
aglycones has been recommended to women in order to relieve menopausal period of life. In particular, aglycone-rich products
the main symptoms of post-menopausal life phase (Brouns, 2002). such as tofu obtained by fermented soy milk may be useful
Table 6 reports the content of bound phenolic compounds in preventing menopausal symptoms and other diseases.
identified in soybean and tofu samples. Lactic acid bacteria are very promising sources for novel
Total bound phenolic content was 30.0, 37.2 and 57.4 mg/g products and applications, especially those that can satisfy the
dry matter for soybean flour, traditional tofu and fermented increasing consumers demands for natural products and func-
tofu respectively. As reported for total bound phenolics, except tional foods. They can be used in the diet of humans and
for vanillic and ferulic acid derivatives, all the bound pheno- animals, with particular role in their health status.
lics reported higher amounts in fermented tofu compared with In this context, the specific selection of tailor made starter
traditional tofu and soybean. The principal bound phenolic com- culture of lactic acid bacteria strains able to grow well in soy
pound was the syringic acid and it represented the 3136.8% milk and contemporary to produce bioactive compounds for
of total bound phenolic compounds. p-coumaric, ferulic and a specific consumers categorycould be suggested.
p-cumaroyl-hexose derivatives represented the other princi-
pal bound phenolic compounds.
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ganisms to release aromatics and small phenolic acids, which
alter the bioactivity and bioavailability of flavonoids (Cardona,
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and the modulation of colonic microbiota may both contrib- post-doctoral contracts.
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cholesterol, reinforcement of intestinal epithelial cell-tight junc- old consumers.
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