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J Clin PcriiKhmol 1903; 20: 570-577 Copyright Miinksgiiard 1993

Pruned in Denmark . .411 righii rt'serv

cliflical periodontologii
ISSN 0303-6979

On the relationship between M. Olsson\ J. LJndhe^ and

C. P. Marinello^
^Department of Periodontology, Faculty of

crown form and clinical features of

Odontology, University of Goleborg,
Goteborg, Sweden;
^Department of Crown and Bridge
Prosthodontics, Dental Institute, University of

the gingiva in adolescents ZiJrioh, Zurich, Switzerland

Olsson M, Lindhe J and Marinello CP: On the relationship between crown form
and clinical features of the gingiva in adolescents. J Clin Periodontol 1993; 20:
570-577. Munksgaard, 1993.

Abstract. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship
between the form of the crowns in the maxillary front tooth segment and (1) a
group of morphological characteristics and (2) the thickness of the gingiva. 108
subjects devoid of symptoms of destructive periodonta] disease were examined
regarding, e.g., probing depth, thickness of the free gingiva, width of the kera-
tinized gingiva and the contour of the marginal gingiva. From clinical photo-
graphs of the maxillarj' front tooth region, the width (at the apical third - CW)
and the length (CL) of the crowns of the 6 front teeth were determined. A CW/
CL-ratio was calculated for each tooth and averaged for each tooth region. The
individual mean CW/CL-ratio values for the central incisors were ranked. After
correction for incisal attrition, the 10 subjects ranked highest and the 10 ranked
lowest were selected as having either a long-narrow (group N) or a short-wide
(group W) form of the crown of the tooth. The data for each of the examined
parameters were averaged for each tooth region in each subject and mean values
for subjects in groups W and N were compared using the Student i-test. Stepwise
multiple regression analysis, including data from the whole sample, was performed
for each tooth region with the thickness of the free gingiva as the dependent
variable. The results from the analyses demonstrated that individuals with a long-
narrow form of the central incisors displayed, compared to individuals with a
short-wide crown, form (i) a narrow zone of keratinized gingiva, (ii) shallow
probing depth, and (iii) a pronounced "scalloped" contour of the gingival margin.
There was no significant difference between groups N and W with respect to the
thickness of the free gingiva. The CW/CL-ratio data revealed that a certain form
of the crowns in the central incisors was accompanied by a similar form in the
lateral incisor and canine tooth region. The regression analyses demonstrated
that the thickness of the free gingiva in central incisors was significantly related to
(i) the width of the keratinized gingiva, (ii) the buccolingual width of the crown
and (iii) the presence of an interproximal gingival groove. In lateral incisors,
the thickness of the free gingiva was associated with the probing depth at the Key words: gingival thickness; periodontal
biotype; gingival characleristics.
buccal surface. No single variable was significantly related to the thickness of
the gingiva in canines. Accepted for publication 19 August 1992

The morphological characteristics of of the crown (Hirschfeid 1923, Morris (Oschenbein & Ross 1973, Weisgold
the periodontium in general, and the 1958) and that the alveolar bone and 1977, Seibert & Lindhe 1989), The
gingiva in particular, are in part reiated the gingiva of a tooth with pronounced "scalioped-thin" gingiva was described
to the shape and form of the teeth mesiodistal curvature and/or marked to be associated with a tooth with (i)
(Wheeler ]96!, Glickman 1972, Seibert cervical convexity were located more tapered crown form; (ii) subtle cervical
1973, Schluger et al, 1977, Grant et ai, apicaily than at a tooth with a flat sur- convexity; and (iii) minute proximal
1988). Early empirical reports suggested face. It was aiso proposed that two basic contact areas located near the incisai
that the position of the gingivai margin types of gingival architecture exist, the edge of the tooth. The "flat-thick" gin-
was influenced by the cervical convexity "sca!loped-thin" and the "flat-thick'' giva, on the contrary, was described to
Crown form and gingiva 571

correspond to a tooth with (i) squared crown and (!) the morphological tance was measured midbuccally, to the
facial form, (ii) distinct cervical con- characteristics and (2) the thickness of nearest mm, from the mucogingival
vexity and (iii) relatively large, more the gingiva. The examination was con- junction to the gingivai margin. If the
apically located contact areas. fmed to the maxillary front tooth seg- mucogingival junction was not readiiy
Not only the gingival morphology ment. perceivabie, the "wrinkle technique"
but also the thickness of the alveolar (IVlazeiand 1978) was utilized.
bone was considered to be related to the Presence of gingival groove. Presence/
Material and Methods
form of the tooth. Hence, the "scal- absence was assessed at 2 locations;
loped-thin" gingivai "morphotype" may The subject sample consisted of 108 vol- midbuccal over Ihe root and midbuccal
be accompanied by a comparatively unteers, 16-19 years of age (mean age over the distal papilla.
thinner bone than the "flat-thick" 17.1 years), who were recruited from Gingival thicktiess. The thickness was
counterpart. It has also been proposed the patient pool of the Public Dental measured midbuccaliy at the base of the
that the severity of different symptoms Service, Molndal, Sweden. They were probeabie pocket. After the depth of the
associated with periodontal disease may all scheduled for a regular dental exam- buccai pocket had been recorded, the
vary in dentitions of different peri- ination during the first 4 months in probe was placed on the outside of the
odontal "morphotype" (Oschenbein & 1990. Since tooth size has been shown gingiva with the probe lip placed at the
Ross 1973, Weisgold 1977, Seibert & lo vary between different racial groups level of the recorded pocket depth. A
Lindhe 1989). Thus, deep periodontal (Lavelle 1972), the sample was confined disposable sterile syringe needle ( 0 =
pockets may be the result of a plaque to Caucasians. 0.40 mm/27 G) witii an endodontic
associated inflammation in individuals In conjunction with the dental exam- depth marker was pierced into contact
with a "flat-thick" appearance of their ination, a comprehensive survey of the with the tooth surface at a direction
periodontal tissue, while individuals maxillary front tooth segment (centra! perpendicular to both the mesiodistal
incisors, lateral incisors, canines) was and the eoronoapical planes of the
with a "sca!loped-thin" appearance may
performed. This additional examination tooth surface. The depth marker was
respond with recession of the gingival
was comprised of clinical measurements placed in contact with the gingiva after
margin. In order to identify these vari-
and analysis of various criteria in clin- whicii the needle was removed. The dis-
ous morphologic types, the term "peri- tance from the needle tip to the depth
odontal biotype" was introduced by Sei- ical photographs and study models.
marker was measured in the iight micro-
bert & Lindhe (1989). scope (magnification x 25).
Olsson & Lindhe (1991) analyzed the
Clinical measurements
relationship between the form of the
crown of the maxillary central incisors Assessments of gingival inflammation
Citnicai photographs
and symptoms associated with peri- (Loe !967), probing depth (PD), clinical
odonta! disease. They reported that in- attachment level (CAL) and location of A ciinical photograph (magnification
dividuals with a long-narrow form of the gingival margin (GM) were per- !:1) was obtained from each of the 6
the upper central incisors had experi- formed at 6 !ocations at each of the 6 front teetli. Each photograph was mag-
enced more recession at bttccal surfaces, teeth; mesiobucca!, bucca!, distobucca!, nified (X 10) on a screen by empioying
than subjects with a short-wide form. mesiolingual, !ingua! and distolingual. an ADA-Realist radiograph viewer
This was found to be valid not only at Values for approximal surfaces (mcsio- (ADA Products Inc. Milwaukee. USA).
the central incisors (the reference teelh) buecal, distobuccai, mesiolingua!, disto- A transparent paper was mounted on
but at al! teeth in the dentition. Due to lingual) were averaged and a mean the screen, the outline of the tooth was
the character of the study no expla- value for the approxima! surfaces was depicted and the image analyzed in a
nation could be provided with respect computed for each tooth. Measure- digitizer (Bit Pad One, Summagraphics,
ments of probing depth, clinicai attach- Fairfield, CT, USA). The following as-
to the cause of the difference in the
ment level and location of the gingival sessments were made (Fig. I).
amount of recession between the
groups. Animals studies have indicated, margin were made using a calibrated Length of the crown (CL). The dis-
however, that an inllammatory lesion periodonial probe (00.45 mm) and tance was measured between the gingi-
residing in a thin gingiva] tissue may were determined to the nearest mm. val margin, or if discernible, the cemen-
result in more gingival recession than The degree of incisal attrition was
if the lesion occurs in a thick gingiva scored according to Smith & Knij^ht
(Baker & Seymour 1976, Ericsson & (1984). Score 0 = no ioss of enamel sur-
Lindhe 1984, Wennstrom et al. 1987). face characteristics for incisors, and no
Since recession is an important symp- loss of contour for canines. If loss of
tom of periodonial disease and an un- enamei surface characteristics for inci-
desired side-effect in periodontai ther- sors or minimal loss of contour for can-
apy, it seems important to further ana- ines were noted, a score 1 was given.
lyze the reiationship between the Score 2 was given lo incisors which dis-
morphology of the crown, the shape p!ayed dentine exposure or canines with
Fig. 1. SchaTiatic illustration of measured dis-
and thickness of the gingiva and symp- loss of contour but less than 1 mm deep tances of ciinical photographs (CL, CW. a,
toms of periodontal disease. The pur- defects in the enamel. b. c) and on casts (PH). CL = crown length.
pose of the present study was to exam- For assessment of gingivai morph- CW = crown width. Lines a, b and c are in-
ine, in a subject sample devoid of symp- ology, the following parameters were re- corporated in the cosine formnia for assess-
toms of destructive periodontal disease, corded. ment or the angle a. PH = height of distal
the relationship between the form of the Width of keratinized gingiva. The dis- papiila.
572 Olsson et al.

to-enamd junction and the incisal edge tracted from the in/e;ranine-distance.
of the crown. Thus, a low denVdi arch value repre-
Width of the crown (CW). The CL- sented an '(7"-/brmed arch and a high
distance was divided inio 3 equaJ por- value a "V"-formed arch.
tions: Cervical (C). Middle (M) and In- Height of the interdental papilla, A
cisal (I), The width of the crown was line was drawn on the cast connecting
measured between the approximai tooth the most apical points of the gingivaJ
surfaces at the borderiine between por- margin at midbuccal points of two ad-
tions C and M. jacent teeth. The distance from the top
Gingival angle (GA), The curvature of the papilla to the line was determined
of the marginal gingiva was defined as parallel to the tooth axes. Each value Fig, 2, Individual with a long-narrow crown
the angle that forms at ihe intersection was then associated with the mesiaily form of [he upper central incisors (group N),
betv^'een the 2 lines that connect the positioned tooth (Fig, 1).
most apical portion of the buccal gingi- Cervical convexity, A surveyor with a
val margin with the most coronai por- depth of 0,5 mm was placed with the
tions of the papillae. The angle was cal- undercut edge in contact with the tooth
culated by means of the formula; surface at the midbuccal level of the
cosa^(a- + b- e-)/2ah. Hence, the dis- gingival margin. After placing a colored
tances from the most apical portion of occlusal paper between the shankle of
the gingival margin to the most coronal the surveyor and the tooth surface,
portions of the papillae was measured short mesiodistal movements were per-
(a and b in the formuJa). The hne con- formed, generating marks oi" the loca-
necting the top of the two papillae was tion of contact. The distance from the
measured and constituted the c-value in most apical mark to the gingival margin
Fig, 3, Individual with a short-wide crown
the formuia. was determined. Hence, a tooth with form of the upper central incisors (group W),
pronounced cervical convexity pro-
Study models
duced a mark close to the gingival mar-
gin and a low measurable value, while were compared by means of a Student
Alginate impression of the upper jaw a tooth with a flat surface had the mark /-test.
were taken after completion of al! regis- placed more coronally. The infiuence of various parameters
trations and study models produced. Ail measurements on the casts were on the thickness of the free gingiva was
The following parameters were assessed recorded to the nearest 0.01 mm, using examined by means of stepwise multiple
on the casts. a dial caiiper (Mitutoyo 500-300, Mitu- regression, including data from the
Position. The position of each indi- toyo Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Japan) whole sample. Hence, linear models
vidual tooth was determined in relation with tips sharpened to improve access were constructed with the thickness of
to an imaginary ideal line following the in the interproximal areas. the gingiva as the dependent variable
midiine of the aiveoiar process (Bjdrn and the individual mean CW/CL-ratio
et ai, 1964). Teeth whose contact points for central incisors, the width of the
deviated ^ 2 mm from the ideal line Data analysis keratinized gingiva, the probing depth
" were classified as having a normal posi- A CW/CL-ratio {Olsson & Lindhe at midbuccai surfaces, the presence of a
tion. If the distance was > 2 mm., a buc- 1991) was calculated separately for each gingival groove, the "gingival angle",
cai or lingual alignment was recorded. tooth and an individual mean value was the height of the papilla, the cervical
Rotation. A tooth was considered ro- computed for each tooth region (central convexity, the mesiodistal width of the
tated if the mesio-distal axis was deviat- incisors, lateral incisors, canines). Since crown, the buccolingual width of the
ing ^45"" from the ideal hne, the CL-value can be influenced by the crown, and the arch form as indepen-
Mesio-distal width of the erown. The degree of incisal attrition, teeth with at- dent variables. Regression analysis was
distance was measured between the ap- trition scores > 1 were excluded from performed separately for each of the
proximai contact points or surfaces in the computations, 12 individuals dis- three tooth regions. A /^-value of 0,15
a piaiie parallel to the incisal and ves- played attrition values > 1 in both of or iower was the prerequisite for a vari-
tibular planes, according to description their centra! incisors and were excluded able to be included in the models. How-
by Hunter & Priest (I960). from al] analyses. Based on the individ- ever, the discriminating ratio (mean
Bueeo-lingual width of the crown. The ual mean value for the central incisors, ratio-vaiue in central incisors) was al-
distance was measured between the the remaining 96 subjects were ranked ways included irrespective of the signifi-
most prominent points on the buccal according to ascending mean ratio- cance level.
and palatal surfaces and parallel to the vaiues. The 10 individuals ranked low- Since the thickness of the free gingiva
incisal and vestibular planes. est and the 10 ranked highest were se- may be infiuenced by factors such as
Form of the dental areh. The form was lected as having a long-narrow (group (i) pronounced buccal or hngual tooth
determined by measuring the width of N) (Fig, 2) or a short-wide (group W) position (Wennstrom et al. 1987). (ii)
the arch at 2 locations; between the (Fig, 3) form of the central incisors. rotation, and (iii) degree of gingival in-
highest points of (I) the mesiopalatal The data for each of the examined fiammation, all teeth in a buccal/lingual
cusp tips of the first molars and (2) the parameters were averaged for each or rotated position or with a gingiva!
incisal tips of the canines. The intermo- tooth region in each subject and mean index score > 1 were excluded from the
iar-distance was subsequently sub- values for subjects in groups W and N multiple regression analyses.
Crown form and gingiva 573

Table I. Standard deviation of duplicate as- gingival and denta! characteristics in than in individuals with long-narrow
sessments of clinica! parameters and cast groups W and N are reported in Table 3, central incisors. The greatest difference
and are presented separately for central between the groups was noted in the
gin^val groove 0,38 incisors, lateral incisors and canines. central incisor (1.35 mm, p<0,01) and
gingival index 0.41 The ratio-data revealed that a low CW/ the smallest in the canine tooth region
gingivai margin 0.3K CL-vaiue in central incisors was ac- (1.20 mm, p<0.05). The scailoped con-
gingival thickness 0.30 companied by low values in lateral inci- tour of the gingiva margin can be de-
gingival width 0,68 scribed in terms of height of the inter-
sors and canines. Thus, individuals with
probing attachment level 0.08
a long-narrow form of the central inci- dental papilla and the "gingival angle".
probing depth 0.36
attrition 0,18 sors had a similar crown form in their Consistently larger values in mean
buccolingua! width 0,07 lateral incisors and canines and con- height of the distal papilla were ob-
distance 13-23 0.19 versely, individuals with a short-wide served in individuals in group N com-
distance 16-26 6,13 form of the reference teeth displayed pared to individuals in group W. The
mesiodistal width 0.06 a similar form in lateral incisors and differences varied between 0.62 mm in
papilla height 0.25 canines. The difference between the canines (/<0.05) and 0.81 in central
groups was statistically significant in incisors {p<0.0\). In both the N- and
both lateral incisors (/'<0.001) and W-groups, the highest and the lowest
The Statistical Analysis System pack- canines (p<0.05). papilla scores were invariably found in
age (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, The data for gingival characteristics, canines and lateral incisors, respectively.
USA) was used for all calculations. i.e. thickness of the free gingiva, width A more acute "gingival angle" was
of keratinized gingiva, height of inter- observed in all tooth regions in group N
dental papilla and ''gingival angle", compared to group W, with a difference
Error ot the method were found to be in agreement with the between the groups of 8.5'' (canines,
10 randomly selected subjects and 10 descriptions of the 2 basic "biotypes": ;j<0.05), 18,9^ (central incisors, p<
randomly selected study models were the "scalloped-thin" and the "flat- O.OOi) and 19.8' (lateral incisors, p<
examined and measured, with respect to thick". Thus, in group N, in reference 0.001),
all parameters, twice with an interval of teeth as well as in lateral incisors and The differences in the mean values
!-week. The variation in the measure- canines: (i) the free gingiva was thinner: for the cervical convexity followed no
ments for each of the parameters as- (ii) the zone of keratinized gingiva was consistent pattern, were of small magni-
sessed was calculated as the standard more narrow; (iii) the height of the pa- tude (0.21-0.33 mm) and not statisti-
deviation of duplicate registrations and pilla was higher; (iv) the "gingival cally significant for any tooth type. The
is presented in Table 1, angle" was smaller, compared to the mesiodistal width of the crowns was sig-
corresponding values for group W nificantly larger in central {p < 0.05) and
(Table 3). lateral {p<0.0\) incisors in group W
Results However, when the various morpho- than in group N, The buccotingual
The individual mean values for ratios, logical parameters were studied separ- width of the crown, however, displayed
gingival and dental characteristics in the ately, the differences in thickness of the no unifonn pattern and the observed
entire sample are presented in Table 2. free gingiva were small (0.06-0.18 mm) differences were of a smaller magnitude
Mean values for probing depth and clin- and not statistically significant for any than those which were seen in the mesi-
ical attachment level arc presented in tooth type. odistal dimensions.
Fig. 4, The data are reported separately The zone of the keratinized gingiva The mean values for the maxillary
for central incisors, lateral incisors and was found to be significantly wider in arch form revealed that individuals with
canines. all tooth types in individuals with a a long-narrow crown form tended to
The individual mean data for ratios. short-wide form of their central incisors have a more "V"-shaped dental arch,

Table 2. Mean values and standard deviation for ratios, gingiva! and dental characteristics in all subjects (JJ = 108)
Central Lateral
incisors incisors Canines
Variables mean SD mean SD mean SD mean SD

ratio CW/CL 0,76 (0.07) 0.66 (0,09) 0,69 (0,09)

gingiva! thickness 1,46 {0.27} 1,15 (0,26) 1.12 (0,22)

width keratinized gingiva 4,92(1.10) 5,76 (1,15) 3.79(1.31)
papilla height 4,16(0.64) 4,02 (0,65) 4.21 (0.70)
gingiva! angle 86.60 (7.72) 82,80 (10.48) 80.29 (8.98)

gingival groove buccally - percent presence 29 28 28

gingival groove approximally - percent presence 22 28 62

cervical convexity 2.93 (0,60) 2.75 (0,56) 2,86 (0,74)

buccolingual width 7.33 (0.56) 6.51 (0,57) 8.29 (0.65)
mesiodistal width 8,80 (0.53) 6.88 (0,59) 7.92 (0,46)
arch form 5.93 (2,69)

SD: standard deviation.

574 Olsson et al.

CETIB-SI Indstus LaleiaJ \mlias CanJnss

Approxlmsl surface

d d

Cemral inosffls Uleral iso Csninas

O CT. CM rsi OS
(~J c^ >o o lO

Lfngual surfaces
o cJ r-^ d d

rN od

' O IO O
Cenual incisors Lareral Jncfscrs (N p u"i so
o _.: o &!
Fig. 4. Mean values and standard deviation
for probing depth and clinical attachment
leve! in central incisors, lateral incisors and
canines in all subjects [n--^ 108). The probmg
depths are given positive values and the clin-
ical attachment levei valu es are given negative

while in individuals with a short-wide

form the dental arch was more "U"-
shaped. This difference between the
groups was, however, not statistically
significant. rN l O
O d
The mean values for probing depth
and chnical attachment level for group
N and W are presented in Fig. 5. The
probing depth was consistently greater
in group W than in group N. The
greatest difference between the 2 groups o IO m
was observed at buccal surfaces in cen- rzi ci a
tral incisors, with a mean depth of 1.15
mm in group N and 1,85 mm in group
W. Statistically significant differences
between the groups were observed at
buccal surfaces in central (p<0.01) and
lateral incisors (p<0.05).
It was observed that the clinical
attachment level occasionally, and ex- a.
^ -
clusively at buccal surfaces, was located
apical of the cemento-enamel junction.
The mean attachment loss was signifi-
cantly greater in lateral incisors in group
N than in group W (/J<0.05). NO sig-
nificant difference was observed for the
other tooth types.
The results fi-om the three stepwise V
multiple regression models are pre-
Crown form and gingiva 575

reached a level of significance ( p ^ 0.01), tation recognized we observed, how-

Furthermore, multiple regression re- ever, that most of the gingival variables,
vealed that the variability in thickness which in the present study were con-
of the free gingiva couid be explained, sidered relevant to the "biotype" hypo-
to 56% in central incisors, 29% in lateral thesis, displayed /^-values of <0,01.
incisors and 14% in canines, by the vari- The CW/CL-ratio used in the present
ables that displayed a /'-value<0,I5, analysis has previously been used in a
study where the relationship was exam-
ined between the form of the crown of
Discussion the maxillary central incisors and symp-
In the present investigation, attempts toms associated with periodontal dis-
were made to study if individuals with ease (Oisson & Lindhe 1991), The prob-
different morphologica] characteristics lem of using the CW/CL-ratio to ident-
of the gingiva could be distinguished ify the tooth form is mainly associated
by the form of the crown of maxillary with difficulties in determining the
central incisors. The results demon- proper reference points. Thus, at teeth
strated that individuals with a long-nar- with (1) no attachment toss but (2) deep
row form of Ihe centra! incisors dis- probing depth, the true apical border of
played, compared to individuals with a the crown will be concealed and the CL-
short-wide crown form (i) a thin free value underestimated. In cases with high
gingiva, (ii) a narrow zone of kera- papillae, the length of the CW-line may
tinized gingiva, (iii) shallow probing be difficult to properly determine. Ac-
depth, and (iv) a pronounced "scal- cordingly, there may be a risk for a high
loped" contour of the gingival margin, degree of covariation between the CW/
expressed as the height of the distal pa- CL-ratio and the variables "gingival
pilla and the "gingival angle". Although angle" and "papilla height". This prob-
Fig. 5. Mean values and standard deviation statistically significant differences be- lem is, however, difficult to overcome
for probing depth and clinical attachment tween group N and W were not ob- since in subjects with minimal attach-
level in central incisors, lateral incisors and served for the thickness of the gingiva, ment loss a part of the crown will con-
canines in group N (n^\0) and W (w=10). the findings of the present study and the sistently be covered by the gingiva. In
The probing depths are given positive values data by Olsson & Lindhe (1991) tend to an older age-cohort, the gingival margin
and the clinica! attachment level values are support the hypothesis of the existence
given negative values. Filled bars denote
will often be positioned apical to the
of two basic groups of periodontal "bio- cemento-enamel junction and will,
group N and hatched bars denote group W, types", i.e. the "scalloped-thin" and the therefore, not interfere with CL- and
"flat-thick" (Oschenbein & Ross 1973, CW-measurements. In such an older
Weisgold 1977, Seibert & Lindhe 1989),
seated in Table 4, The thickness of the sample, however, incisal attrition (Hu-
and that such "biotypes" may be dis-
gingiva in central incisors was signifi- gosson et al, 1988) may compromise the
tinguished by the CW/CL-ratio.
cantly influenced by the buceo-lingual CL-determinations.
width of the crown (p = 0.00\), the Since several tests of statistical sig- The present data failed to support
width of the keratinized gingiva (/> = nificance were performed in the pres- the hypothesis that a "scalloped-thin"
0.001) and presence of interproximal ence analysis, the problem of multiple periodontal "biotype" is associated with
gingiva] groove {p = 0.04). In lateral in- comparisons must be considered when a thin gingiva and a "fiat-thick biotype"
cisors., the probing depth at buccal sur- the various differences between the is associated with a thick gingiva. Thus,
faces was the sole variable which groups are evaluated. With this limi- in the present study the differences in

Table 4. Stepwise multiple regression analyses: dependent variable: gingival thickness

Parameter Estimate /j-value
central incisors ratio -0,58 0,34 degrees of freedom: model 7
bucco-lingual width 0.22 0.001 degrees of freedom; error 37
width keratinized gingiva 0.15 0.001 r-square 0,56
gingival groove approximal 0.16 0.04
probing depth - buccal 0,12 0,06
arch form 0.02 0.12
cervical convexity -0.09 0,14
lateral incisors ratio -0,04 0,90 degrees of freedom: model 4
probing depth - buccal 0,08 0.01 degrees of freedom; error 42
gingival groove - buccal 0.07 0.12 r-square 0,29
papilla height -0,05 0.13
canines ratio 0,07 0,90 degrees of freedom; model 2
probing depth - bucca! 0.13 0.06 degrees of Ireedom; error 27
r-square 0,14
576 Olsson et ai

gingival thickness between group N and strong relationship (;7 = 0.001) between Zahnregion mit der Dicke der freien Gingiva
W were small and statistically insignifi- the 2 variables in the stepwise multiple als abhangige Variable durchgefuhrt. Die Er-
cant. Moreover, the regression models regression model in central incisors. gebnisse der Anaiysen zeigten, daB Individu-
used in the present sample failed to This observation is in accordance with en mit einer langen-schmalen Form der mitt-
demonstrate a relationship between the leren Inzisivi im Vergleich zu Individuen mit
Wennstrom et a H 1981, 1982) who ana- einer kurzen-breiten Kronenform (i) eine
discriminating CW/CL-ratio and the lyzed the dimensions of the gingiva in schmaie Zone keratinisierter Gingiva, (ii) ge-
thickness of the gingiva. In the present the beagle dog foiiowing various surgi- ringe Sondierungstiefe und (iii) eine betont
analysis, however, a positive relation- cal treatments. They reported that gin- "giriandenformige" Kontur des Gingivaran-
ship was observed between the thickness gival units with a wide zone of kera- des aiifwiesen. Zwischen Gruppe N und W
of the free gingiva and the probing tinized gingiva was consistently more bestand kein signifikanter Unterschied im
depth. This finding confirms data pre- voluminous than units with a narrow Hinblick auf die Dicke der freien Gingiva.
sented by, e.g., Goaslind et a!. (1977) Die Daten zum CW/CL-Verhiiitnis legten
and suggests that the form of the crown dar, daG eine bestimmte Kronenfomi der
mittieren Inzisivi mit einer ahnlichen Form
may determine the position of the mar-
der lateralen Inzisivi und Eckzahne verbun-
ginal soft tissue but not the thickness of Acknowledgements
den ist. Die Regressionsanalysen zeigten. dafi
the free gingiva. The authors would like to thank Mr. die Dicke der freien Gingiva an mittleren In-
It has been suggested that a relation- Tommy Johnsson, Department of Stat- zisivi signifikant mit (i) der Breite der kerati-
ship exists between the cervical con- istics, University of Goteborg for assist- nisierten Gingiva. (ii) der bukkolingualen
vexity of the crown and the position of ance with statistical analyses, and the Breite der Krone und (iii) der Anwesenheii
the gingival margin (Hirschfeld 1923, einer approximaien Furche verbunden war.
staff at Public Dental Service, Moindal, Bei den lateralen inzisivi war die Dicke der
Morris 1958, Oschenbein & Ross 1973, County of Molndal for notable service freien Gingiva mit der Sondierungstiefe der
Weisgoid 1977). Morris (1958) de- in administering the subjects in the bukkalen Flache assoziiert. Keine einzige Va-
scribed the gingiva to be positioned study. This study was supported by riable war mit der Dicke der Gingiva bei den
more apically in the cases of a marked grants from the Colgate-Palmoiive Co., Eckzahnen signifikant verbunden.
prominence of the crown, while Weis- Piscataway, NJ, USA, Faculty of Odon-
gold (1977) related a tooth with pro- tology, University of Goteborg and
nounced cervical convexity to a "fiat- Resume
Swedish Dental Society.
thick biotype". In the present study, Rapport entre la forme de la cowonne dentaire
however, no infiuence of the convexity et les earaeteristiques cliniques de la gencive
of the crown on the two basic "bio- Zusammenfassung chez les adolescents
type"-groups could be observed. This Le present travail avait pour but d'etudier le
may in part be explained by the fact Uber das Verhdltnis zwischen der Kroiienform rapport entre ia forme des couronnes dentai-
und klinischen Merkmalen der Gingiva von Ju~ res dan.s le segment anterieur de la machoire
that in cases with no attachment loss, gendlichen superieure et (I) un groupe de caracteristi-
some part of the convex area is located Der Zweck der vorliegenden Studie war die ques morphologiques et (2) l'epaisseur de la
subgingivaliy and thereby not readily Untersuchung des Verhiiltnisses zwischen der gencive. Chez 108 sujets ne presentant aucun
accessible for measurement (Weisgold Kjonenfonn im maxiliaren Frontzahngebiet symplome de maladie parodontale destructri-
1977). und (1) einer Gruppe von morphologischen ce, on a pratique un examen concernant entre
The observed relationship between Charakteristika sowie (2) der Dicke der Gin- autre la profondeur des poches, I'epaisseur
the thickness of the gingiva in central giva. 108 Personen ohne Anzeichen einer de- de la gencive libre, la hauteur de ly gencive
incisors and the buccolingual width of struktiven Parodontalerkrankung wurden keratinisee et le contour du rebord gingiva!.
hinsichtlich folgender Merkmale untersucht: Sur des photographies cliniques de la region
the crown (/? = 0.001) was anticipated Sondierungstiefe, Dicke der freien Gingiva, anterieure de ia machoire superieure, la lar-
and compatible with the observations Breite der keratinisierten Gingiva und Kon- geur des couronnes des 6 dents anterieures
of a reiationship between a lingually or tur der marginaien Gingiva. Anhand von kli- (au tiers apical - CW) et leur longueur (CL)
buccally posifioned tooth and the nischen Photos des maxillaren Fronizahnge- ont ete mesurees. Un rapport CW/CL a ete
thickness of the associated gingiva bietes wurde die Breite (im apikalen Drittel calcule pour chacune des dents et sa moyenne
(Wennstrom et al. 1987). - CW) und die Lange (CL) der Kronen der calculee pour chacune des regions dentaires.
The most apparent difference be- 6 Frontzahne bestimml. Das CW/CL-Ver- Les valeurs moyennes individuelles du rap-
tween groups N and W was the vari- haltnis wurde fiir jeden Zahn berechnet und port CW/CL pour les incisives cenlrales ont
der Durchschnitt fur jede Zahnregion gebii- ete classees par ordre de grandeur. Apres cor-
ation in width of the keratinized gin-
det. Ftir die individuellen Mittelwerte des rection pour I'attrition incisale, les !0 sujets
giva. Thus, individuals with a short- CW/ der mittleren Inzisivi ayant les valeurs rangees comme les plus ele-
wide form of their upper central incisors wurde eine Raiigfolge ersLellt. Nach Korrek- vees et les iO sujets ayant les vaieurs rangees
had 1.20-1.35 mm wider zones of kera- tur der inzisalen Abnutzung wurden die 10 comme Jes plus basses ont ete choisis comme
tinized gingiva than individuals with a Individuen mit dem hochsien und die 10 mit ayant une forme de couronne dentaire
long-narrow crown form. Also the dem niedrigsten Rang ausgewahlt und nach longue-etroite (groupe N) ou une forme cour-
width of the attached gingiva (kera- dem Vorliegen einer langen-schmalen (Grup- te-large (groupe W). Les moyennes des don-
tinized gingiva minus the probing pe N) oder kurzen-breiten (Gruppe W) Form nees obtenues pour chacun des parametres
depth) was wider in group W than in der Zahnkrone ausgewahlt. Fiir jede Person consideres ont ete calcuiees pour chacune des
wurden die Durchschnitte aller untersuchten regions dentaires chez chacun des sujets, et
group N. Parameter fiir jede Zahnregion gebildet und les valeurs moyennes pour les sujets des grou-
Since both the width of the kera- die Mittelwerte fur Personen in den Gruppen pes W et N ont ete eomparees a I'aide du
tinized gingiva and the thickness of the W und N wurden unter Verwendung des test-r de Student. Une analyse de regression
gingiva are important variables in the Student r-Tests verglichen. Mit den Daten multiple echelonnee, concernant les donnees
characterization of various "biotypes", des gesamten Untersuchungsgutes wurden de tout i'echantillon, a ete pratiquee pour
it was interesting to find that there was a schrittweise Regressionsanalysen fur jede chacune des regions dentaires, l'epaisseur de
Crown form and gingiva 577

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