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Technology Integrated Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: The Branches of the Government

Teacher: Ms. Owens
Subject: Social Studies
Grade Level: 5

Lesson Objectives:
SWBAT identify the three branches of government
SWBAT identify the people involved in every branch
SWBAT to describe the functions of each branch

Standards: In this section include the state and/or national standards which will be met through
meeting the lessons objectives.
PO 3. Describe how the checks and balance system which established the three branches of the
federal government works.


Anticipatory set:

Tell your students that they will be learning about the three branches of
Put up a poster board, and divide it into two columns. Label the first column
know and the second column learned.
Ask your students to tell you what they know about the three branches of
Write down the information that your students tell you on the poster.

Modeling I do: Pass out The 3 Branches of Government worksheet to your students.

Go over the worksheet with your students and explain the content about the three
branches in detail.
An example to elaborate information on the worksheet would be to tell your
students that vetoing a law means that when Congress sends a bill to the President, he can
reject it. After that, the bill goes back to Congress. If two-thirds of the members of
Congress want it to become a law, it still becomes a law even though the President has
rejected it.

We do:
Ask your students to complete the Branches of the US Government worksheet
using the 3 Branches of Government worksheet and class notes they heard during explicit
Go over the worksheet with your students as a class.

You do:

Give your students 3 index cards each.

Ask your students to write the name of the branch on the front of the card. Have
them also include the people who make up that branch on the front of the card.
Direct your students to write two jobs of that branch on the back of the card.


The students will be given the opportunity to complete the gravitiy actvity on

Closing:Pull out the poster that you used during the introduction.

Place the poster on the board.

Ask your students what they learned from the unit and write the things that they
learned in the second column.

Technology Integration: In this section determine if the lesson objectives can be supported by
the use of technologies. The technologies may be used by the teacher, but should be used,
primarily, by the students to demonstrate their understandings of the objectives.

At the end of the lesson the students will engage in the gravity activity on quizlet regarding the
branches of government and questions about it.

Differentiated Instruction: In this section you will describe how you will meet the needs of
special populations. These include English language learners, special education students, gifted
students and students at-risk of failing. Be sure to refer to information about SIOP lessons
universal design. Include:
Modifications for English language learners
Modifications for special education
Modifications for gifted students
Modifications for at-risk students
Enrichment: Ask your students to think about current laws. Have them pick a
law that they don't like. Instruct them to research the law. Direct them to write the details
and punishments for breaking the law in the first paragraph. Have them write how they
would modify the law to make it more suitable in the second paragraph.
Support: Play the video Three Branches of Government House School Rock by
ABC. Ask your students to describe the three branches of the government to you using
examples from the video. Clarify concepts that are still unclear to your students.

Assessments: In this section describe the items that will be assessed. Include descriptions of the
criteria that will be used for assessing student success. If needed, attach rubrics, checklists, or
other documents used for assessment.
10 minutes)

Ask your students to complete the Branches of Government Match-Up worksheet.

The teacher will assess whether the students matched up everything correctly and record the
student's gravity scores.

Instructional Materials/Resources: In this section describe any instructional materials that you
will develop or use during the lesson. Include:
Poster board
The 3 Branches of Government worksheet
Branches of the US Government worksheet
Index cards
Notebook paper
Branches of Government Match-Up worksheet
Three Branches of Government House School Rock by ABC

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