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Top Ten Strategies for English Learners

1. Scaffolding-The use of scaffolding (i.e. graphic organizers, visual aids, peer help, etc)
can support EL students when completing tasks. Teachers can gradually remove these
supports as the students develop their skills.
2. Modeling-Teachers need to SHOW students versus simply telling them. Students need
to understand the process and apply what they learn to the activity.
3. Chunking-This strategy helps break down difficult text into manageable pieces
4. Closed Captioning-When showing videos or audio, make sure to turn on the closed
captioning for EL and hearing-impaired students. This allows students to follow along
easier as they process the information.
5. World Wall-Post new vocabulary on the whiteboard or create a G-Slide deck to post on
Google Classroom in an organized manner. This allows for easy access for students to
review key vocabulary if necessary.
6. Consistent Routines-Teachers need to establish a routine in the classroom, therefore,
students know what is expected of them.
7. Think-Pair-Share-Another strategy that allows students to discuss with their peers
before speaking to the teacher. This affords them the time to evaluate their responses to
the question before responding to the teacher. Students feel less pressured and
embarrassed in class.
8. Sentence frames/starters-This strategy is important for EL students who struggle
getting started on writing assignments. It is also great for collaboration with peers. The
structured sentences provide students a way to start the conversation. The biggest issue
with collaboration is students often dont know where to start.
9. Give verbal and written directions-The use of both of this directions will help students
understand more clearly. They have a reference point to revisit if they become confused
during the oral directions.
10. Colleague collaboration-Working with other teachers is instrumental in the
development of EL classroom strategies.

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