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The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media

John Durham Peters

University of Chicago Press, 2015

What happens to our understandings of humanness and Leroi-Gourhan and Friedrich Kittler in order to resituate and media studies and interactive computing professor
of nature if we take seriously the question, Are clouds the readers perception of fire, for example, as both a at the Georgia Institute of Technologyas an exemplar
media? The answers one brings to this question have medium (that enables ceramics and chemicals to inter- of hipster media theory. Yet he never states what it is
significant impacts on our understanding of a range of act) and a technique (for negating the properties of other that he finds objectionable about Bogosts work; sur-
human endeavors, from ethical obligation to the nature materials). As anyone familiar with these last two media rounding himself with existing research instead, Peters
of art. scholars might surmise, this book is concerned with rightly suggests the necessity for critical response to
What is intended by the term media in John Durham human technicity, which means that it is about how trends in art theoretical discourse, without ever con-
Peters The Marvelous Clouds is expansive: media are the humans understand objects and subjects. necting the punch. Andrew Coles Those Obscure
containers and vehicles through which our fundamental With great accessibility, Peters presents an overview Objects of Desire, a recent attack on Harman published
being is communicable. Media are not only the means of media philosophy since the mid-20th century. Figures in Artforum, is another example of the generally thinly
through which messages are deliveredor, as Marshall notorious for their opaque philosophical ruminations, sourced scholarship that supports arguments made
McLuhan famously suggested, the messages them- such as Martin Heidegger and Marshall McLuhan, are against object-oriented ontology. Peters singles out

selvesthey are also the ways in which beings are dis- introduced with an inviting blend of humor and clarity. Bogost twice in the 400-plus page Marvelous Clouds
closed. Thinking of media as such, Peters argues, frees Throughout his thorough discussions of contemporary seemingly minor moments that, like the proverbial splin-
the reader from the limitations of studying communica- German media theory, Peters blends in unexpected liter- ter, do linger. What is this anxiety about critical theory?
tion as only a matter of clarifying signals. The Marvelous ary allusions and offers comparisons to American think- Left unsaid here is that while philosophy may not in
Clouds is explicitly not a book that speculates about the ers such as Thoreau or Emerson. Peters ability to turn a itself be an obvious thing or activity, historically and intel-
future of digital technologies (e.g., the cloud), nor is good phrase is welcome in the thick of what is, at heart, lectually it has authority.
it a book about the environmental crises that confront a book about ontology and metaphysics. In a chapter At times, The Marvelous Clouds, though written
humanity. Rather, Peters invites the reader in explicit devoted to articulating the performance of indexicality very well, begins to bludgeon the reader with literature
terms to consider the typically unnoticed elements of and the mystery of languageits truly less tedious than reviews of other scholars epistemologically grounded
our lives as the infrastructure that forms and supports our it soundsPeters offers an illuminating simile: A book work. There is a rhetorical value in assembling so
existencethe prefix con- meaning with, the author is like the sea: perfectly happy to exist without meddling, many pages of studies about cetacean communication
points out, and sidera meaning stars. Every thing, then, but fully inaccessible without some technical labor. It research, popular neuroscience, and contemporary
is an object appropriate for the revelations that arise from is this technical labor that marks a book as a craft: both German media philosophy: the heft of the book con-
media studies. Although the book is replete with schol- an object upon which we assert our creative energies tributes to its authority. There are several instances in
arly apparatus, Peters states that he wrote it for both the (our craftwork) and a tool for navigating language (like the work wherein the study of media is put forward as a
general reader interested in the human condition and the an aircraft). A book is a network; it makes reference to replacement for philosophy: Peters positions his weird
academic seeking an account of contemporary media the worlds outside of itself and implicitly hearkens to all media theory (itself a parroting of Harmans weird real-
theory, and that it presents media studies as the task of books ever written, la Borges The Library of Babel. ism) as a successor to metaphysics that might aid
exposing the unthought environments in which we live. The Marvelous Clouds is topical for anyone in con- us in more fully understanding ontology, which is just
The books chapters concern the technical manage- temporary art circles, given the recent ascendancy forgotten infrastructure. The stated aim of supplanting
ment and navigation of environments and elements. To of speculative realism and object-oriented ontology philosophy in this manner is to enact a new synthesis.
support his claim that media studies is a general medi- after relational aesthetics lost its primacy in artspeak. I greatly enjoyed the presentation of a breadth of topics,
tation on conditions, Peters presents an overview of (ArtReview magazine has deemed object-oriented and appreciated the masterly transmission and transla-
research concerning, among other things, dolphin and ontologists Graham Harman, Quentin Meillasoux, Ray tion of ways of thinking about media that are not easily
whale communication in the ocean, as an illustration of Brassier, and Iain Hamilton Grant, collectively ranked communicated; amid these readings, however, no such
techniques for communication that must necessarily dif- 68 in 2014, as more powerful than relational aesthetics new synthesis became clear.
fer from those developed by humans on dry land. Crucial Nicholas Bourriaud, ranked 76 in 2014, for the last two Paul Boshears
to this book is the recognition that the environments in years of its popular Power 100 list.) Peters takes pains
which humans find themselves predisposes or neces- to distinguish his work from certain trends in cultural
sitates the development of techniques for continued theory: perhaps sensing a likelihood for comparison, he
existence. Peters draws heavily from the work of Andr lashes out at Ian Bogosta critic, video game designer,

ABOVE: screenshot from preview of The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media, John Durham Peters (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015)


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