1297.0 - Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2008

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1/4/2014 1297.

0 - Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2008

1297.0 - Australian and New Zealand Standard Research

Classification (ANZSRC), 2008
Latest ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 31/03/2008

Contents >> Fields of Research >> DIVISION 09 ENGINEERING >> GROUP 0906

This group covers electrical and electronic engineering, other than that associated with computer
hardware and communication technologies. It includes signal processing.
This group has ten fields:

090601 Circuits and Systems

090602 Control Systems, Robotics and Automation
090603 Industrial Electronics
090604 Microelectronics and Integrated Circuits
090605 Photodetectors, Optical Sensors and Solar Cells
090606 Photonics and Electro-Optical Engineering (excl. Communications)
090607 Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Renewable Power)
090608 Renewable Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Solar Cells)
090609 Signal Processing
090699 Electrical and Electronic Engineering not elsewhere classified

a) Control theory is included in Group 0102 Applied Mathematics.
b) Optoelectronics and quantum electronics are included in Group 0205 Optical Physics.
c) Intelligent robotics is included in Group 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image
d) Robotics used in manufacturing is included in Group 0910 Manufacturing Engineering.
e) Mechanical aspects of automation and control systems and energy generation,
conversion and storage engineering are included in Group 0913 Mechanical Engineering.
f) Electrical and electronic engineering associated with communications technologies are
included in Group 1005 Communications Technologies.
g) Electrical and electronic engineering associated with computer hardware is included in
Group 1006 Computer Hardware.
h) Molecular and organic electronics are included in Group 1007 Nanotechnology.

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This page last updated 18 January 2012

Commonwealth of Australia 2014

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