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AI Index: IOR 41/009/2013

01 July 2013

United Nations: Amnesty International oral and written statements to the

23rd regular session of the Human Rights Council (27 May 14 June 2013)

Amnesty International delivered the oral and written statements available at the links below at the
22nd session of the UN Human Rights Council, which took place in Geneva from 25 February - 22
March 2013. The links are organized by agenda item.

Item 1- Organizational and procedural matters

Syria: Oral statement at the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: MDE 24/035/2013, 29 May 2013)

Item 2 Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of
the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Secretary-General

Update by the High Commissioner, followed by general debate

USA: Statement at the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: AMR 51/044/2013, 27 May 2013)

Item 3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural
rights, including the right to development

Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary


India: Oral intervention at the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: ASA 20/030/2013, 30 May 2013)

General debate

Cooperation with Special Procedures: statement at the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: IOR
41/006/2013, 4 June 2013)

Written statements

India must take prompt steps to address concerns of UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women: Amnesty
International written statement to the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: ASA 20/026/2013, 17 May

Moratorium on fully autonomous robotic weapons needed to allow the UN to consider fully their far-reaching
implications and protect human rights: Amnesty International written statement to the 23rd session of the UN Human
Rights Council (AI Index: ACT 30/038/2013, 22 May 2013)

Item 4 Human rights situations that require the Councils attention

Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus

Belarus: Oral intervention at the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: EUR 49/010/2013, 4 June 2013)

Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea

Eritrea: Oral intervention at the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: AFR 64/008/2013, 4 June 2013)

General debate

Egypt: Statement at the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: MDE 12/028/2013, 5 June 2013)

Written statements

Belarus: What is not permitted is prohibited: Silencing Civil Society in Belarus: Amnesty International written
statement to the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: EUR 49/006/2013, 20 May 2013)

Sri Lanka: Assault on dissent thrives in Sri Lanka's climate of impunity: Amnesty International written statement to the
23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: ASA 37/011/2013, 10 May 2013)

Item 6 Universal Periodic Review

Bahamas: Amnesty International welcomes the Bahamas commitment to ratify several UN Conventions, but deeply
regrets its rejection of recommendations to abolish the death penalty (AI Index AMR 14/001/2013, 6 June 2013)

Barbados: Amnesty International echoes UN calls to Barbados to abolish the death penalty and to decriminalize same-
sex relations (AMR 15/001/2013, 6 June 2013)

Liechtenstein: Amnesty International welcomes Liechtensteins support of recommendations to establish a National

Human Rights Institution (AI Index EUR 31/001/2013, 7 June 2013)


United Nations: Amnesty International oral and written statements to the 22nd regular session of the Human
Rights Council (25 February - 22 March 2013)
Mali: Amnesty International welcomes investigation into human rights violations by Malian soldiers (AI Index AFR
37/005/2013, 6 June 2013)

Montenegro: Amnesty International calls for justice and reparations for victims of crimes under international law and
for legal status to be granted to internally displaced persons from Kosovo (AI Index EUR 66/001/2013, 7 June 2013)

Romania: Amnesty International urges protection of Roma and other vulnerable groups from forced evictions and
calls again for independent investigation into Romanias role in CIA renditions and secret detention programmes (AI
Index EUR 39/011/2013, 6 June 2013)

Serbia: Amnesty International calls on Serbia to bring justice to all persons suspected of, or complicit in, crimes
under international law (AI Index EUR 70/010/2013, 7 June 2013)

Tonga: Human Rights Council adopts Universal Periodic Review outcome on Tonga (AI Index ASA 40/001/2013, 14 June

United Arab Emirates: End abuses in the criminal justice system (AI Index MDE 25/005/2013, 7 June 2013)

Item 8 Follow-up and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

General debate

Lethal Autonomous Robotics: statement at the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: IOR 41/007/2013,
10 June 2013)

Item 10: Technical assistance and capacity-building

Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on the human rights situation in Cte

Cte d'Ivoire: Oral intervention at the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (AI Index: AFR 31/008/2013, 11 June


United Nations: Amnesty International oral and written statements to the 22nd regular session of the Human
Rights Council (25 February - 22 March 2013)

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