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Egroops User Manual for the Society Registration Department

Egroops - An online software system developed by the Centre for

Development of Imaging Technology(C-DIT) for the effective registration
of Societies to the public.

The Egroops software is available through internet and can accessed by the authorized
users of the system in the URL

Login: - All the users can enter the egroops software through the login option provided
on the main screen of the software. Here the different users have to type their user names
and password and click the login button to enter the software.

The Society Registration Department has two user types

o Society Clerk
o Society Registrar
Login Screen: - Authorized users can enter the E-Groups software through the login
option provided in the main screen of the Software. Here users have to type their user
name, password and click the LOGIN button.

When the user login for the first time, he is redirected to the change password screen as
shown below

After changing the password the user can use that password for further logins.
User:-Society Clerk

Inbox: - The inbox of the Society clerk officer consist of different three sections.

New Registration

Rejected Applications

Expired Applications

Returns Filing

As shown in the fig below

1. New Registration: - Public those who submitted the application of new
registration of society are under this new registration head in the inbox of society
clerk. By clicking a particular application link, the society clerk will be directed to
a page which is new registration application that forwarded by the public. The
clerk can verify the application, enter the society registration act and upload the
memorandum of association of society then by clicking the next button
application has redirected a new page of members details entry.

After the completion of members details entry and then select the option of verified
and found correct or verified and found defective then by clicking the submit button
the application form forward to the inbox of district society registrar .
2. Rejected Application: - Society registrar has submitted the application of
rejected new registration applications are under this rejected application head in
the inbox of society clerk. By clicking the particular application new registration
form will displayed correct the application form and forward to the district society
registrar as in the same case of new registration. Other wise if you have delete the
application by selecting the check box of the corresponding application and then
delete link will click the corresponding application will delete from rejected
application head in the inbox of the society clerk.
3. Expired Application: - public has submitted the application of new registration,
but the public cant attend the interview time, after the 30 days the applications
are under this expired application head in the inbox of society clerk. By clicking
the particular application new registration form will displayed the application
form and forward to the district society registrar as in the same case of new
registration. Other wise if you have delete the application by selecting the check
box of the corresponding application and then delete link will click the
corresponding application will delete from expired application head in the inbox
of the society clerk.
4. Returns Filing Application: - The society had get user name and password after
the registration. Using this username and password the society secretary can file
the documents through online. Society Secretary submitted the application of
returns filing of society are under this Returns Filing head in the inbox of society
clerk. By clicking a particular application link, the society clerk will be directed to
a page which is returns filing page that forwarded by the society secretary. The
clerk can verify the returns filing application and forwarded to the Registrar of the
Society Registration.
Society clerk login the menu bar contain following menu bar option Society Registration
and Society Report as shown below
Society Registration head contains following sub links New Registration, Returns filing,
Society Details etc. fig. as shown below

1. New Registration: - For public does not fill the application forms online, the
society clerk has to enter the application details through this option on the basis of
hardcopy or soft copy of memorandum of association, the clerk can enter the
details of society registration and upload the memorandum and bylaw of the
society and then forward to the society registrar.
2. Returns Filing: - After the registration of Society has to file their list of office
bears, New Address, Account statement and Byelaw Amendment in the district
society registration office. This filing can be generated by selecting the Society
Registration option of the Returns File Menu in the inbox of the clerk.

Then the clerk is directed to the Returns Filing page as shown below.
Then the clerk will enter the details of date of filing, Document Description, Date of
Annual Meeting, Remarks by clerk and upload the filing document then the clerk will
forward to the district society registrar.

3. Society Details: - The clerk has to view the society details by selecting the
Society Registration option of the Society Details Menu in the inbox of the clerk.
Then the clerk is directed to the Society details page as shown below.
User:-Society Registrar

Inbox: - The inbox of the Society Registrar consist of different two sections.

New Registration Application

Return Filing Applications

As shown in the fig below

1. New Registration Application: - Society Clerk those who submitted the

application of new registration of society are under this new registration
application head in the inbox of society registrar. By clicking a particular
application link, the society registrar will be directed to a page which is new
registration application that forwarded by the clerk. The registrar can verify the
application and select the option approve or rejected then click the submit button,
fig as shown below.
Registrar is selecting the option approve then to click the submit button the new
page is displayed that shows print receipt button and application is successfully
submitted, as fig is shown below.

Click the print receipt button then shows the registration certificate, cash receipt and
acknowledgement receipt for the user name and user password of the society user login in
PDF format that can take the print, if the registrar is clicking the close button the page
will directed to home page of the society registrar, Fig as shown below.
2. Returns Filing application: - Society Clerk those who submitted the application
of returns filing of society are under this returns filing application head in the
inbox of society Registrar. By clicking a particular application link, the society
registrar will be directed to a page which is returns filing application that
forwarded by the society clerk. By clicking particular returns filing application
that will shows all the details of filing then the registrar verify the document
details and then click the submit button a new page is displayed that will shows
the returns file successfully submitted, fig as shown below.
Society Registrar login the menu bar contains following menu bar option Society
Registration, Society Report and master as shown below

Society Registration head contains the sub link is Society Details fig. as shown below
Society Details: - The Society Registrar has to view the society details by selecting
the Society Registration option of the Society Details Menu in the inbox of the

User Creation: - The society registrar can create user accounts for society clerk through
the User Creation option provided in the Master Menu as shown below.
Report Generation
The Society Registrar and Society Clerk can view different reports under the
Reports Menu in the Inbox.

Society Register: - This report shows the details of registered society and also include
the details of return file.
Daily Report: - This report shows the daily cash collection of the society registration.
Daily Registration Report: - This report shows the daily registration of the society

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