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CHAPTER 5: The Performance Diagnosis Process


DEFINITION: Figure 5.1. Diagnosing Performance CASE STUDY - See Handout

Performance diagnosis is a problem-defining method ________

that results in: Assess ________
________ Process
accurate identification of actual and desired ________ Connections
organizational, process, and individual performance ________ to Story
Articulate Specify Construct
levels. initial perforamnce improvement
purpose. measures proposal ________
specification of interventions to improve ________
performance. (p. 38, paragraph). Determine
performance ________

FIVE PHASES OF A PERFORMANCE DIAGNOSIS: Figure 5.4 Matrix of Enabling Questions Figure 5.7 Taxonomy of Performance

1. Initial Purpose phase articulates the original purpose

of the diagnosis. VARIABLES

Organization Level ProcessLevel Individual Level

2. Performance Variables phase assesses the five Does the organization Do the process goals Are the professional and
performance variables at the three performance Mission/
mission/goal fit the
reality of the economic,
enable the organization to
meet organization and
personal mission/goals of
individuals congruent
levels. political, and cultural
with the organization's? Changing
To produce a new method, process, device, or
the system from study or experimentation.
Does the organization Are processes designed in Does the indvidual face
System system provide structure such a way to work as a obstacles that impede System To advance an existing method, process, device,
3. Performance Measures phase specifies the relevant Design and policies supporting system? their job performance? Improve
or system to a better state or quality.
the desired performance?
output units of performance at the organizational, To locate and eliminate sources of trouble in
process, and/or individual levels. Does the organization have Does the process have the Does the individual have Maintaining an existing method, process, device, or system.
the leadership, capital, and capacity to perform the mental, physical, and the Troubleshoot
Capacity infrastructure to achieve its (quantity, quality, and emotional capacity to
mission/goals? timeliness)? perform? System To run or control the functioning of a
4. Performance Needs phase identifies performance method, process, device, or system..

needs at the organizational, process, and individual Do the policies, culture,

and reward systems
Does the process provide
the information and
Does the individual want
to perform no matter Understand To comprehend the language, sounds,
form, or symbols of an existing method,
Motivation support the desired human factors required to
levels and classifies them according to the taxonomy performance? maintain it?
!!!!!!!!!!!!process, device, or system.
of performance. Does the organization Does the process of Does the individual have
establish & maintain developing expertise meet the knowledge, skills, and
Expertise selection & training the changing demands of experience to perform?
5. Improvement Proposal phase involves constructing a policies and resources? changing processes?

performance improvement proposal. (Discussed in Richard A. Swanson 1994

chapter 6). !! Richard A. Swanson 1994

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