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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Lun Sian Cing

Date: 31.1.2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What
could be improved? How? What will I do
differently? How does this connect to the
theory I have read from class?)
- The students paid attention when I call - After yesterdays lesson, my classroom
them by their names. teacher gave me label-stickers so that I
could write down the students name.
However, I could remember their names
with their unique features the next day.
My classroom management was much
more effective when I learned their

- I only used Warning as my strictest - My classroom teacher warned her

discipline. students three times before she moved
them off from the carpet. However, it
was hard for me to apply the same
because I felt like I have no authority to
do this. I had to come up with my own
expression and my method of discipline.
It was much better for me because the
students could see my different images
and know what is going on.

- The students enjoyed drawing. - I taught them how to draw a seahorse.

The students loved it when I put funny
stories in the steps of drawing. They can
also come up with their own idea of
seahorse which was amazing. One of
them drew tanks beside his seahorse.
They were able to express themselves
through the pictures they drew.

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