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A M o n t h l y P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e Te x a s F l y f i s h e r s Vo l . 2 1 / I s s u e 7 August 2002

boat ride from his bay house. His box of flies or extra leader. He has
destination was a half moon shaped been known to forget his reels at the
cove few others ever bother to fish. house. This time he left his water
NEAR TOWN He tells me that the little bay is well bottle under the seat of his boat.
protected in southerly winds and is Half way toward the reef he made a
one of his favorite spots. I wish I mental note to go back and get it
Saltwater knew exactly where it was. after a few casts.
Fly Fishing Only fish and shrimp rippled the As his first cast sailed towards the
water that morning a few weeks ago. reef, a bluish tail held up by muscled
Not even the slightest of breezes bronze arose from the water. A large,
could be felt. Sweat began to trickle black, concentric dot at the base of
down his back within minutes of the tail gave away the species.
shutting off the engine. A cloudless Redfish! Amazingly, his fly landed
by Captain Chris Phillips morning intensified the bright yel- within inches of the tail, as if by
low sun beating down on his face divine intervention. One short strip
It's hotter than hell outside. and reflecting off the water. It was and bang, he caught a twenty inch
Galveston Bay, and Sabine Lake for one of those odd days when he actu- red. A second identical fish rolled in
that matter, are balmy and more ally wished there was wind. It was the water after bait fish, further into
than occasionally dangerously hot in 6:30 a.m. and stifling, like a sauna, the little bay. A forty foot cast in
late summer. Temperatures seldom but without towel and gin and tonic. front of the tell-tale wake brought
reach the upper 90s on the coast, but After two cups of coffee to wake another immediate strike, and in
whenever we have a combination of up, he should have drunk as much short order, another twenty inch red-
air and water temperatures near 90, water as he could stand, but the mill fish was released. By now sweat
no wind, and close to 100 percent pond-like surface suddenly erupted soaked his shirt and trickled into his
humidity, it can be a dangerous mix. near a long oyster reef. Fish! He eyes. Thirsty but preoccupied, he
The other morning, a friend of climbed out of the boat, slid into the continued to work the shoreline
mine was out fly fishing in East Bay. warm water and shuffled towards the away from his boat towards a pocket
He tells me that at dawn, the air commotion on the shoreline. Always in the reeds where he had heard
temperatures were already in the mid mindful of nasty things in the water, quite a redfish party going on earlier.
80s with 100 percent humidity and he was even more focused on his prey He held his position about fifty
no wind. He set out alone, intent on and forgot a very important item on feet away from the pocket.
fly fishing the South shoreline of a day like that. Usually he forgets
upper East Bay, about a 10 minute something important like his net, a Continued on Page 3


President, Texas Flyfishers

If it ain’t broke, don’t fit it. Ben Franklin, TFF is blessed with having excellent regular mail to Corey Rich, 1900 N.
Thomas Edison, Madame Marie Curie, or warm water fishing for bass and perch, Memorial Way, Houston, TX 77007).
someone equally wise authored that great saltwater flats fishing, and when the Everybody means everybody. Articles are
quote. So it goes with the Texas Flyfishers Guadalupe River cooperates, good rain- always needed. We can never get enough.
Club. TFF is firing on all pistons, and has bow fishing. All three types of fishing are Send in a page and, sooner or later, it will
been ginning down the road to success for within an easy drive from Houston. How see print. (Editor’s note: Please try to limit
nearly twenty-five years. For what else lucky can we be? Those three topics have your contributions to 850 words or less.)
should I endeavor but to keep the system been at the forefront of our meeting top- So here we are. There may be minor
going? ics and will continue to be so. A shaman, changes, but those would come only in a
As a member in the audience, I conservationist, or regulatory speaker or manner relating to organization, effort, or
watched past presidents Mark Hollier, Lee two are usually included to round out the personnel. The goals and purpose of TFF
Pinion, Phil Staley, Bev Edwards, Ken yearly schedule. will remain just as they are outlined in
Brumbaugh, Bill Waldron, and Mike The Wind Knots has always been, our by-laws. In the process of achieving
Eberhard call our meetings to order. besides our monthly meetings, our lifeline those goals, we will continue to strive to
There were many others before. All served of communication. We thank Greg and make the Texas Flyfishers fun,
well, an impressive lot they are. Corey for publishing and editing, respec- educational, and worthwhile.
My task this year, as I see it, is to keep tively. A great effort will be spent on
the motor running and stay on track. And adding a section on tying flies. The old Jerry
without tinkering or saying too much, “Fit To Be Tyed” will probably once again
assist the executive board and committees see print. We may need graphic art assis-
to continue to make TFF both fun and tance or consultation to enhance this effort.
educational for all members. To help keep It may be that a fly tier with a digital cam-
it so, one tradition is to be reborn. That is era could help. If you qualify, call Greg.
a fly-tying demonstration before the Speaking of the Wind Knots, please
meeting. It is always enjoyable to learn a note: I am officially asking everybody to
good pattern or technique. There are so type up a one-page story, article, fishing
many excellent fly tiers in our club, why report, fishing or tying technique, event,
not use them? If you want to join in and cause, or experience and mail it to the
tie your favorite pattern before a meeting, Wind Knots editor (preferably by email
talk to Frank Schlicht, 281-437-6915. to, otherwise by

Upcoming Events
Notice: Thursday night informal September 24, 2002
fly tying has been postponed until late The monthly meeting featuring 1141-05 Uptown
August. For more information contact Bev Edwards with a presentation on
Frank Schlicht.
Parkway Blvd
Bass Fishing on the Cheap.
Houston, Texas 77056
August 17, 2002 September 28, 2002
Saltwater Outing to the Port Aransas REDFISH RODEO! To be held in Port 713-993-9981
jetties. Contact David Murrell for more O’Conner. Contact David Murrell for
information. (Phone #s on page 11.) more details. (Phone #s on page 11.)
15% off of all
August 27, 2002 October 29, 2002
The monthly meeting featuring Lance The monthly meeting featuring Captain Fly-tying Materials for
Robinson from TPWD with a presenta- Chris Phillips from Houston’s Wesbank all TFF Members.
tion on Speckeled Trout Issues. Anglers. Chris will be giving a presenta-
tion on flyfishing Galveston Bay
w w w. t e x a s f l y f i s h e r s . o r g

Neartown Back in his boat, he drank as much

water as he could stand, pouring
But be careful. On a day too rough
to go offshore recently, I guided a
Saltwater more over his hat and shirt. The
nausea passed but still feeling
couple of guests around West Bay.
On our first stop, one of them
Continued from Cover incredibly weak and dizzy, he knew stepped on a stingray. The barbed
After long minutes of waiting and his fishing was done for the day. It spine penetrated through the toe area
watching, interspersed with a few was 8:30 in the morning. of his Predator Reef Boot (you heard
casts whenever a redfish came out of What worries me about this whole me right) and nailed him on the top
the reeds, he hooked a huge redfish, story is that my friend is young, of his foot. Mind you, it was not bad
too big to be that far into the bay in compared to me, in his early forties, as stingray hits go, and I am sure the
such shallow water. He reared back and in fair shape. This can happen to boot slowed down the spine, but he
on his nine weight to the point at anyone, and can have a very sad end- still hollered in extreme pain. We
which either the rod or his fourteen- ing. But ask my friend if he plans on had to call the trip short and cart
pound leader (he had run out of going back next weekend and he'll him off to the hospital. A young girl
twelve-pound) should snap, but the say “Hell, yeah”! I know of was hit in the thigh and a
fish charged deep into the reeds like It may be hot as hell now, but so is year later she was still oozing pus
a high speed freight train, oblivious the fishing. With the right tides, from the wound, even with all the
of the strain, and proceeded to swim early mornings in the summer are medical treatment. I would rather be
figure eights around clumps of shore the time to fly fish for redfish. I’ll bitten by a rattlesnake. Watch where
grass. My friend slogged through the admit that generally speaking, fall you're stepping, wear guards and do
deep mud towards the thrashing fishing is probably the better, but its not lift your feet while walking,
monster, only to have it bend out the hard to beat the morning redfish especially in extremely muddy water.
stainless steel hook and disappear as action at this time of year. Redfish There are so many in the bays during
he was about to net the thirty-two- do defy logic occasionally, feeding in summer and they just love muddy
plus-inch monster, or at least that’s incredibly warm water during the areas.
what he said. After tipping his hat heat of the day, even at low tide, but I'll have more on redfish and trout
to the redfish, he slogged back out of usually they are more active and easi- near town next month.
the reeds and soft mud to collect his er to find in the relative cool of the Until then...
thoughts and scan for more activity early mornings. Often they will feed
further down the shoreline. late into the mornings and early Tight Lines and Screaming Reels,
Wearing a cap, a long sleeve shirt afternoons if the water is moving,
for the sun and long wading pants but if the tides are still, don’t waste Chris
for jellyfish, he had been sweating your time. Late in the day near sun-
profusely since climbing out of the set, on an evening high tide or if the Captain Chris Phillips is a Galveston
boat, but hadn't given it a moment’s day has been overcast and not too Bay and offshore fly fishing guide and
thought. Now nausea and a bizarre oppressive, redfish and flounder will can be reached at 1-409-935-0208, or
feeling of utter weakness swept over often move back into the shallow come and see him at Westbank Anglers,
him. A couple of casts away he heard water to ambush shrimp and other usually on Monday, Tuesday and
another commotion and saw a sub- bait that leave the protection of the Thursday for free advice on equipment,
marine wake shoot out the reeds and reeds to forage, as they do at dawn. flies, destinations or if you just want to
do a quick u-turn. He took a few If you have any energy left, it can be talk fishing. Westbank's new location is
slow steps towards the fish, more out well worth the effort. On weak tide on the corner of South Post Oak and San
of habit than intention, but warning days, concentrate on areas near the Felipe, tel. 713 961-3474.
bells rang inside his head. He passes or in areas which will have
trudged back to his boat, sick, dizzy tidal movement and avoid the mid-
and without any strength, as if bay flats.
someone had pulled his batteries.


restricted in number in that part of

Bounty on the Beaverhead

the river (there are restrictions on
where guides can operate). The drift
boat ride itself was exhilarating. We
(Part One) by Greg Switzer passed through a number of what
For those of you yearning for wild were warned that mornings tended must have been class two and three
trout of the fresh water variety, cool, to be slow, I felt a little despondent rapids. I was surprised by how easily
dry air and higher altitudes, I hope I after traveling so far and paying so the drift boat weathered the more
am not rubbing salt into any wound. much for a day’s fishing. Let’s say intense flows. By the end of the day
Four of us just arrived back from a that my expectations were high. The I felt like I got my money’s worth.
trip to Montana to fish the blue rib- scenery was quite spectacular and if I Coming from a cheapskate like me,
bon waters of the Beaverhead and hadn’t been so single-minded in pur- that’s saying something.
Big Hole rivers. I’m still a little suit of trout, I might have actually Our guide was a seasoned profes-
weary from fly fishing long and hard felt humbled by the raw beauty of sional and a likeable guy to boot. As
for five days in a row, and from the place. The upper and middle Big is obviously the unwritten agreement
catching so many fish, mostly on dry Hole is truly a spectacular Western with the fly shop, he had us buy $20
flies, and drinking great beer. Tired, river, except for one unsightly castle to $30 worth of flies but unlike my
yes, but think of it as soul strength- that some doctor with far too much other guided trips I’ve been on, we
ening exercise. money and no sense of aesthetics or saved those flies for another day. He
Day one saw us floating down the shame recently built, almost on the provided us with his own, at no
legendary Big Hole river in a water. We agreed that he must have charge, many of which he tied him-
Klackacraft drift boat with a guide, a had a very small appendage indeed self. His collection of flies was truly
rather expensive form of amusement and all hoped for a quick thousand- impressive. I am sure he had at least
but well worth the money if only year flood to remove the unsightly several thousand crammed into half a
done once a year or so. Although we tribute to excess. dozen large plastic cases that some-
probably could have caught more As the day grew longer, our strikes how fit snugly into a large back
fish with weighted nymphs, our increased tenfold. Michael Smith and pack. He probably had more than
guide insisted we use dry flies and I began catching a number of fish most of fly shops or at least the ones
that was fine with me. I stoop to out of our boat. I was not blown I have had the fortune to peruse. I
nymphing only when the trout away by their size, but I am not was impressed. Montana winters
refuse to feed on the surface (which complaining either. We caught must be long.
more often than not they do, so I many, many fish from twelve to On the following day, we provided
spend a lot of time nymphing!) about nineteen inches, with the aver- much amusement to guides and their
The Big Hole is one of the few age being about fourteen inches. clients alike on the upper Beaverhead
undammed rivers of any length left Chris Lyndrup and his nephew Erin, River, just below the dam. The river
in the lower forty-eight. Although it a marine biologist from Maryland (I was considerably higher than last
was the end of June, the river was think), also caught good numbers, year, when we had floated it with a
still running high with a rash of but apparently missed many more, guide. This year we decided to save
recent rains. Unfortunately, the probably from striking too quickly. some money and float down with our
famed salmon fly hatch (a big type of Erin was especially frustrated with own inflatable rafts. My uncle was
stone fly) was largely over, but a few himself. He was also the only one of passing through the area that day
were still hatching. Dozens of differ- us young enough to still have quick and offered his “five man” raft for
ent stoneflies, caddis and mayflies reactions, which can sometimes work the drift. We crammed three men
did hatch throughout the day, pro- against a person in dry fly fishing. into his raft (he later admitted that
viding plenty of incentive to use dry Later we found out that the larger the raft box had a picture of one
flies. Our first few hours of floating fish tended to be in the lower section skinny dad and four small children ).
passed by with no rises, few strikes of the river but I suspect that guides I decided to do the rowing and navi-
and just a few fish. Although we were either not allowed or are gating since I certainly didn’t trust

w w w. t e x a s f l y f i s h e r s . o r g

my uncle and had a little more expe- time, but we drifted past many good tion was after the irrigation diver-
rience than Michael. areas unable to guide the raft to sion, smaller and far more placid.
We ran aground on a big rock in shore. More important, it was closed to
the middle of some rapids on the Other areas were taken by guides guides and we saw no one all day. It
side of the river about ten seconds and their clients. The river seemed was wonderful, peaceful, serene and
after we took off. The oars were too overrun with guides. Local fly shops full of fish. I do not really remember
short and the paddle blades so small were supposed to be restricted to two how many fish we caught but all of
that they barely moved the raft. In a or three guides per day on the us finished the third day with grins
strong current, they were useless, Beaverhead, but obviously some were plastered all over our faces, erasing
better suited for a swimming pool. not playing by the rules. We did the previous day’s debacle. Erin was
The oars had no place in a swift manage to catch some decent fish, still having a little trouble striking
river, but like the idiots we were, we but the day was an exercise in frus- too fast, being in his twenties and
went on anyway. Actually, after tration and I am sure we will be the unmarried and all that. A number of
entering the river and getting caught butt of most jokes in the local fly our fish were large, some over twenty
in the current, there was no turning shops for years to come. We even inches. Almost all were taken on dry
back anyway. With an endless string nearly ran into a moose that had flies. Three of us agreed that the
of expletives emanating from my decide to cross the river right in average was probably a respectable
mouth, we careened out of control front of us. It wasn’t a good day. sixteen inches but the young marine
down the river, crashing into banks On some advice from the owner of biologist argued that it was fifteen
and brush piles, hanging on for dear the house we had rented, the follow- and a half inches. We solved the dis-
life. Only by the grace of divine ing day we floated the lower section pute democratically. Erin caught
intervention, or dumb luck, did we of the Beaverhead near Dillion, smaller fish.
not puncture the inflatable or beak Michael and I in my bright, yellow
our rods. I actually managed to gain Seyvlor Inflatable canoe and the two (The second part of this article will
a semblance of control from time to others in a two man raft. This sec- appear in a future edition. Ed.)

Our resident Federation of Fly Fishers-certified casting The preamble was written by Lee Wulff at the orga-
instructor, Troy Miller, was looking at the Federation’s nizational meeting for the formation of the FFF in
web site recently and came across the preamble to their Eugene, Oregon on or about June 21, 1965. According
by-laws. He was impressed and moved by it, and to the folks who were there, Lee wrote the preamble on
thought the rest of us might be, too. We print it here, the back of a napkin at the Country Squire Inn (where
with permission from, and credit to, the Federation of the meetings were being held). It was adopted on the
Fly Fishers. spot by the delegates assembled.
It has been part of their bylaws ever since. The last
“We, in conclave assembled, out of a firm and abid- time the bylaws of the FFF were re-written in 1994,
ing conviction that fly fishing as a way of angling there was unanimous support to retain the preamble
gives to its followers the finest form of outdoor recre- (even though it is somewhat unusual to have a pream-
ation and natural understanding, do hereby join in ble to corporate bylaws).
common effort in order to maintain and further fly Texas Flyfishers is affiliated with the Federation of
fishing as a sport, and, through it, to promote and Fly Fishers. TFF members are encouraged to join the
conserve angling resources, inspire its angling litera- FFF as well. See their web site for details: www.fedfly-
ture, advance its fellowship, and broaden the under-
standing of all anglers in the spirit of true sport.”


The Southeast Asian Green Lipped Mullet

By Bruce (Commodore Show-Me-the-Money) Heiberg

Disclaimer: alone on a desert island. There were “Is that your boat?”
This is a totally true story about last jackrabbits, deer, and all kinds of “Yeah, you want a ride?”
year’s Port O’Connor spring outing, birds. Almost every step stirred up “Yeah, but we’ve got to let the
except for the parts I made up to some sort of wildlife. I started to get ranger know or they’ll send out a
make it sound more interesting. uneasy about snakes, but the morn- search party if I’m not on the 4:00
Which is most of it. Several mem- ing was cool enough I didn’t have to p.m. ferry.”
bers of the Texas FlyFishers are men- worry much. At last I came to “Okay” and we spent the rest of
tioned, not by name, but fictitious Pringle Lake. An enormous expanse the afternoon tootling around the
moniker. If you think I’m talking of flat shallow water. Perfect for bay looking for the fish. We did
about you, I’m not, unless you like feeding redfish and those who want finally find some, but it was too late
the article, but you’ll think I’m talk- to catch them. to do much about it.
ing about you anyway. Only those At least that’s what I expected.
When we got to the party, I
who were there in 2001 will know The reality was a little different. The
bragged about my mullet, but every-
what’s real and what’s delusional. lake was beautiful, but the redfish
one else was upset because they did-
Prologue: weren’t there. I spent hours casting
n’t catch anything either. Low-Tide
Eeeuuu, dead fish. Mutilated, with at mullet. They’re impossible to
didn’t even look up. “So you foul
tongues, lips and eyes eaten away by catch with a fly rod; and hey, it was
hooked a mullet, that doesn’t count,”
scavengers. Most of their mouths boring. Five hours of standing
he grumbled.
were gone and the carcasses were rot- around and no game fish.
How did he know I foul hooked
ting in the bay. There were dozens of Nevertheless I was there and who
it? “Who says I foul hooked it any-
them. Dead fish washed up on the knows, I never caught a fish by not
way? It wasn’t an ordinary mullet; it
flats, waiting for crabs to finish the trying. I had my snacks, plenty of
was a Southeast Asian Green Lipped
job until nothing remained but the water, some cigars and a couple of
mullet. It had green lips and a blue
memory of decay and disfigured diet Cokes in a cooler. At one point I
cadavers. came across a school of feeding mul-
let. It was frenzy and I did manage “Horse-pucky.”
Story: “No it’s true, it’s an endangered
to catch one anyway. Thank God, the
A few weeks later I had the opportu- species.” There was no going back
day wasn’t a shutout.
nity to go fishing on Matagorda now. I was in too deep. “They were
About 2:30 I started walking back
Island. The are no bridges so the thought to be extinct. During the
and saw something orange on the
only way to get there is by boat. Vietnam war marines found local
horizon. As I got closer I noticed it
Since I don’t have a boat I took the fisherman using gill nets to catch
was another fly fisherman. I didn’t
ferry. The ferry leaves Port O’Connor them. They learned they used the
know whether to say hi or walk
at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Return trips are lips to make soup and believed it
around, when I waved. He lowered
at 2:00 p.m. and 4 p.m. sharp. After was a powerful aphrodisiac. The
his pole. That was a clear invitation
that, the club was having a barbecue demand was so high the species was
for conversation.
at the house of one of the members. wiped out before they realized what
The best part of fishing is getting to “How ya doing, My name’s
happened. The theory is that the
share your stories with like-minded Geronimo.”
Vietnamese fisherman in Seadrift
enthusiasts. “Seamore?”
smuggled them into the country and
When the ferry landed I thanked “Is that Flat-Tire?” tried to farm them. In 1997 the
the crew and headed off to my secret We didn’t recognize each other Colorado River flooded its banks and
spot. Nobody followed me and with all the sun gear on. the fish escaped. The U.S.
nobody missed me. I disappeared He said he saw some reds but they Department of Interior ruled them
into the brush. In minutes I was weren’t biting anyway. extinct for a second time.”
w w w. t e x a s f l y f i s h e r s . o r g

About this time Snapper picked up a high price for aphrodisiacs.” Wardens, the Nature Conservancy,
on the scam and couldn’t resist get- With everyone ganging up on him, and a couple of local sheriffs swarm-
ting in on it. “It’s true, I’ve heard Low-Tide decided to back off and ing all over the porch asking all the
the same thing. They say you can just said, “Okay, if you say you stupidest questions about mullet you
only catch them on fly rods because caught a Southeast Asian Green could ever imagine. Even an
they’re vegetarians. They feed on Lipped mullet, I’m not going argue Assistant Deputy something or
algae sucked through their gill with you.” another from Washington showed
plates. If he hooked him there then Now all this time Froggy was sit- up. Actually I think they were all
it’s a fair catch.” ting on the sidelines listening to all looking for an excuse to expense
Not to be left out, Banana-Bandito this. Just soaking it up. Now he their fishing trips.
threw in about when he and I found started to ask questions. “Where We tried to tell them we just made
those dead mullet: “At first we were these dead mullet?” it up, but that only fueled their anxi-
thought Satanist were practicing Snapper answered, “They were ety. They started thinking we were
mullet mutilation as part of some down at Shoalwater Bay just past trying to cover it up and the only
cult ritual or aliens had landed first cut into the bay. There’s an old reason we would do that is if we were
because we found these donut shaped duck blind there on Dewberry guilty. Finally, they realized the only
cuts in the sea-grass. But then Salt- Island. The area’s real shallow so evidence they had against us was sec-
Grass told us that’s how flats guides boats don’t go in there much.” Then ond hand hearsay testimony of a
get their boats to plane by turning Froggy said he had to use the phone bunch of fly-fishers and notorious
tight circles to build up enough and went inside. liars. They let us off with a warning
speed. That’s when we figured that That’s when it hit me. Froggy is an and said they’d be watching.
someone was poaching the mullet to avid conservationist. There are two I really don’t know what killed
get their lips. We figured the Asian things you don’t say to a conserva- those fish; but the next time I go fish-
Mafia must be behind it because who tionist: “endangered species” and ing’ down there, I’m bringing some
else had the resources to smuggle “mutilations.” Before we knew what blue dye and green lipstick.
exotic body parts back to China happened, we had Texas Parks and
where the black market still supports Wildlife Wardens, Fish and Game

Many of you may not recognize this as a view of Whitewater A view of the new channel cut by the 80,000 cubic feet per
Sports on the Guadalupe River. As can be seen, only half of a second of water that flooded over the emergency spillway at
chimney remains standing. Fifteen feet of water racing at Canyon Lake Dam. This photo was taken five weeks after the
thirty miles per hour devastated twenty miles of river. flood and it is still flowing over the spillway at 3000 cfs. The
Red Dam Barn is about one mile up the road to the left.


Fishing Report
Tira Overstreet and her fishing consort, Corey
Rich, fished four days recently with Capt. Eric
Glass in the Lower Laguna Madre, from just
south of Port Mansfield to South Bay and the
jetties. The first night, in South Bay, Tira
caught several fat snook, a redfish and a big
ladyfish. Corey caught three nice trout, a small
red and a small fat snook.
Over the next three days the pair caught a
bunch of redfish.

Early morning tailers and

cruisers took small poppers, coming half-way
out of the water to get their underslung
mouths around the bugs. After about 10:00
a.m. Eric recommended a switch to crab-like
patterns. The current hot Laguna pattern is
a #4 Kwan fly with a bead head.
More spectacular than the reds were the
literally hundreds of large speckled trout
Eric showed the pair. Several dozen of the
fish spotted were over 10 pounds. And
almost without exception, they wouldn’t
eat. Tira did catch the smallest of a trio of
cruisers. Hers went about 22 inches. The
two with it were in the 30-inch range.
The trout, and several reds, took a white
bend-back with black topping.
At the jetties one evening the couple
tried for tarpon and snook. Tira caught a
small fat snook. Just before dark several
tarpon started busting sardines right
against the rocks. Neither Tira nor
Corey could get one to give up eating
fish in favor of feathers.

w w w. t e x a s f l y f i s h e r s . o r g


by Jack Ellis fish a chance to take. Bluegill gener- in the depths.
ally inspect a fly for several seconds The natural world moves at a slow-
(Editor’s note: this article first ran in the December
1990 issue of Wind Knots. It is as timely today as it before hitting. Have you ever er pace than human civilization. If
was then.) noticed a swirl behind the fly just as we discipline ourselves to move at
you picked it up? Any movement of nature’s speed, we will not only be
Most of us retrieve warm water flies the fly will spook the fish. more effective fly fishers, but add
way too fast. It seems that every time Bass hunt by ambush in pond years to our lives.
I turn to chat with a companion or habitat where juvenile sunfish are
watch the wildlife, my bug disap- the main forage. Small bluegill are
pears in an explosive boil. This hap- usually taken when they are preoccu-
pens time after time and it ought to pied with feeding, not when they are
tell me something. Dave McMillan, fleeing in panic. A streamer retrieved
the big bass champ of Texas, smokes with fast, steady pulls will often be
an entire cigarette before beginning less effective than one that makes
his retrieve. Although as unhealthy several short darts and then remains
for him as for the bass, this is proba- motionless for ten seconds or so.
bly the reason behind his consistent Everyone has seen small frogs float-
success with big fish. ing on the surface, remaining
Fly fishers often fail to consider the absolutely motionless for long periods. Orvis Houston
natural behavior of the organism they Mr. Bigmouth is most likely to grab 5848 Westheimer Rd.,
are imitating. A dragonfly nymph them at that time. I never see frogs Houston, TX, 77057
doesn’t swim in rapid spurts at an gurgling along the surface. When we 713-783-2111
intermediate depth. He crawls slowly fish a bug that way we may be trig-
along the bottom searching for prey. gering the bass’s territorial instinct,
Terrestrials don’t swim when they fall but I do not believe we stimulate a
in the water; they either struggle to feeding urge. Why go to all the trou-
free themselves or sink helplessly. I ble to tie an elaborate hair bug and
recently fished a “hatch” of small then fish it like a spinner bait?
oakworms with a friend. The smooth We usually spook fish when we
larvae were falling in considerable present a cast. But not to worry --
numbers, and big bluegill were tak- these fish are spooked many times a
ing them as they sank toward the day by natural predators and they
bottom. We were both using the recover quickly, but a minute can be
same green woolly worm but my an eternity when one is eager to start
friend was not taking fish. Once I gurgling his bug. Another common
pointed out that a worm is not error of impatience is failing to fish
equipped with any anatomical out a misplaced cast, missing the
appendages to propel itself through target and immediately picking it up Westbank Anglers Houston
the water, he began fishing the fly to try again. I know one guy who 1704 Post Oak Blvd.
properly and started taking the hand- thinks that every cast has to be per- Houston, TX 77056
some 8 - 9” bluegill. 713.961.3474
fect. He curses and false casts, his
Many impatient fly fishers fail to Fax 713.961.3478
oaths reaching ever-deepening levels
fish out each cast completely. They of depravity, until he finally hits the
present the fly, wait a few seconds, target. By this time, of course, the
and cast again without giving the terrified bass is cowering somewhere


Church on Westheimer between River Education Committee, it is my

Oaks Blvd. and Kirby. At this first responsibility to see to it that someone
meeting, I will demonstrate tying is "volunteered" to do this before each
foam flies. Due to the equipment meeting. Be warned that if I know
requirements, this will be a demon- you know how to tie, you may be
stration-only session. called upon to serve. If you would like
Sessions will continue weekly on to tie at one of the meetings, give me
Thursday evenings thereafter. At sub- a call at the number below.
sequent sessions you can tie whatever At the July meeting we also decided
you need for your boxes. If you need to consider becoming the official certi-
help with a particular pattern or tech- fying group for the new Boy Scout fly
Fly Tying, et cetera nique, someone there should be able fishing merit badge. Before I pursue
by Frank Schlict, to help you. Come one, come all. this with the local council I would
Education Committee Chair At the July Executive Committee like to know how many in the club
meeting we decided to have someone would be willing to volunteer some
Thursday evening fly tying sessions give a tying demonstration before each time to help. Please let me know if
are scheduled to resume September 5 monthly club meeting, beginning at you are willing to help. My phone
at 7:00 p.m. at the Bethany Christian 7:00 p.m., as was the tradition in number is 281-437-6915.
years past. As chairman of the

WHO At a recent executive committee meeting someone asked the proper name
and spelling of the club.
Are we the Texas Fly Fishers, the Texas FlyFishers, the Texas Flyfishers,

or some other construction of the name? You'll see it spelled at least these
three ways, often in the same issue of Wind Knots, and occasionally even
in a single article.
Jerry Loring looked at the club's by-laws and discovered that we are the

WE? Texas Flyfishers, just two words and two capital letters. The by-laws also
say we can refer to ourselves as TFF for convenience.

The Best in Kayaks,

canoes,outdoor clothing,
travel gear and fly fishing equipment

5808 S. Rice Ave

The Complete Fly Shop at Cut Rate Fishing Tackle
Houston, Texas 77081 8933 Katy Freeway • Houston, Texas 77024• (713)827-7762
12800 Gulf Freeway • Houston, Texas 77034 • (281) 481-6838

w w w. t e x a s f l y f i s h e r s . o r g

The Texas Flyfishers monthly JERRY LORING COREY RICH
President Legal
newsletter needs your help.
Work: 713-819-9050 Work: 713-861-1928
Otherwise, we’ll run out of Home: 713-464-8687 Home: 713-621-6071
material to print. Please send
your newsletter contributions to:
Greg Rhodes VP Programs Librarian
16335 Leedswell Ln. Home: 281-379-7944 Home: 713-768-8444
Houston, TX 77084
Home: 281-345-9792 Secretary / Membership Work: 713-512-3657
Work: 713-690-7878 Home: 281-359-7077 Home: 713-641-0022
All articles, photographs and
newsworthy events are appreciat- BRUCE HEIBERG DAVID MURRELL
ed. If you know of any upcoming Treasurer Saltwater Outings
Work: 713-623-0381 Work: 281-265-6500
events other members might be
Home: 281-550-2993 Home: 281-870-9156
interested in please let us know so
we can keep them informed.
Information and articles should be Auction Special Events
submitted before the second week Work: 713-666-7100 Work: 713 721-4755
of each month. Home: 713-661-0793 Home: 713 223-7041


Communication / Webmaster Raffles & Door Prizes
WEBSITE INFO Work: 281-589-4941 Home: 281-360-3203
Home: 281-265-5156
Please send your pictures, ideas,
links, etc... to the TFF webmaster WINDKNOTS
e-mail address listed on the DAVE M. BEHR
web page at: Conservation GREG RHODES
Work: 713-970-8527 Publisher
Home: 281-480-0722 Work: 713-690-7878 Home: 281-345-9792
TFF Webmaster Education COREY RICH
Home: 281-437-6915 Editor


Attention: Fly Casting
Work: 713-466-2322 WRIGHT GUTHRIE
Previous issues of the Windknots Home: 979-865-5117
publication are now posted online JOHN SCARBOROUGH
in PDF format for downloading
and viewing. Each new ED RIZZOLO MIKE EBERHARD
Fly Tying Festival
Windknots will be posted imme- Home: 281-997-2789 JOE DEFORKE
diately following it’s release.
Please keep this in mind if you JIM BRIDGES
don’t recieve an issue!

Texas Flyfishers
P.O. Box 571134
Houston, Texas 77257-1134


3318 Little Bear, Dr., Kingwood, TX 77339
New Application / Renewal
Attention New and current members! To join or renew please complete this form and mail it with your check to the address
above. New members should prorate their dues to July because everyone renews during that month, or bring this form with you
to any of our monthly meetings. Meetings start at 7:00 PM the last Tuesday of every month (except December) at the Holiday
Inn, located on the Katy Freeway between Antoine and Silber. Guests are welcome with a complimentary pass to come learn of
our numerous outings, instructional classes and social gatherings.

NAME _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


HOME PHONE __________________________________________WORK_________________________________________________

E-MAIL ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TFF is affiliated with a national organization, the Federation of Fly Fishers.

Membership in the F.F.F. is encouraged and benefits the club, but is not required.
Membership applications are available through the FFF website at:
P.O. Box 571134
Houston, Texas 77257-1134



3318 Little Bear, Dr., Kingwood, TX 77339
New Application / Renewal
Attention New and current members! To join or renew please complete this form and mail it with your check to the address
above. New members should prorate their dues to July because everyone renews during that month, or bring this form with you
to any of our monthly meetings. Meetings start at 7:00 PM the last Tuesday of every month (except December) at the Holiday
Inn, located on the Katy Freeway between Antoine and Silber. Guests are welcome with a complimentary pass to come learn of
our numerous outings, instructional classes and social gatherings.

NAME _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


HOME PHONE __________________________________________WORK_________________________________________________

E-MAIL ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TFF is affiliated with a national organization, the Federation of Fly Fishers.

Membership in the F.F.F. is encouraged and benefits the club, but is not required.
Membership applications are available through the FFF website at:

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