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Student Self Assessment : The key to develop self acceptance, self esteem
and reflective skill

Jinitha V V
S.N. College of Education, Muvattupuzha

Self- assessment is the process of looking at oneself in order to assess
aspects that are important to ones identity. It is one of the motives that drive
self evaluation, along with self-verification and self-enhancement. The self
assessment motive will prompt people to seek information to confirm their
uncertain self-concept and at the sametime people use self-assemment to
enhance their certainty of their own self knowledge. In the current era of
education, student self assessment stands as a promise of improved student
motivation in social skills learning. This article focuses student self assessment
and its importance influencing students self acceptance and development
reflective skills.


Assessment is the process of gathering information from a variety of

sources that accurately reflects how well a student is achieving the curriculum
expectations in a subject. Student self assessment is the process by which the
student gathers information about and reflects on his or her own learning. It is
the students own assessment of personal progress in knowledge, skills,
processes or attitudes. Self assessment leads a student to a greater awareness
and understanding of himself/herself as a learner. Self assessment by pupils, far
from being a luxury is in fact an essential component of formative assessment.
When anyone is trying to learn, feedback about the effort has three elements.

To evaluate the importance of self-assessment in developing reflective

thinking skills.
To emphasize the importance of self-assessment in the personality
development of a student.
To analyse what is student self assessment.
To evaluate how it helps to form a self esteem.
To conclude the idea of importance of student self-assessment in
determine professional goal through developing reflective thinking skills.
To evaluate how the administration of self-assessment help in developing
self acceptance.

Data collection and methodology

Collection of data was done by using survey method. A rating scale was
prepared for it. The tool is prepared for assessing ones strengths and weakness I
used the 3.1 rating scale which includes the responses from pupils as always,
sometimes and never. The ability to self assess effectively develops overtime
and with experience. Within this mind it is helpful for teachers to select tools
and strategies that can be used in all divisions. There are different kinds of tools
including rating scale, rubrics etc.

Analysis and Interpretation

As part of the two year B.Ed programme I got the opportunity to teach
the pupils of eights standard for 3 months. following the syllabus we have to
done a self assessment of students. It was done based on a rating scale and the
tool we prepared in groups. First they had no idea about self assessment and I
explained it to them. After that they were so curious to do their own assessment.
There are 26 pupils and they read the tool individually and ticked against the
correct answer.
The tool was prepared on the basis of writing. Writing is one of the four
skills that is essential for language development. There are questions about
punctuation marks, spelling, space between words etc. It is very important to
develop the writing skill of the pupils in the high school classes. Better making
the tool I distributed among the pupils and I could see the smiling faces of them.
That was a new experience for me and them.

Self assessment is an opportunity to the pupils to find out the negatives

and positives inside them. Self assessment is not aims to find the negative side
of pupils but it opens a way for self examination or evaluation through
organizing the writing skills they can improve their writings in future.

The response after the assessment was amazing. Most of the pupils
enjoyed it. 75% people done hundred percentage justice to the evaluation. I had
an over all idea about the pupils of my class and some of them put wrong times
marks against same questions. The problem that affects most of the pupils were
the use of punctuation marks. They often target to put proper punctuation marks
at the end of the sentences. Through evaluation I could also judge my pupils
writing skills. The pupils could realize the weaker areas in their writing skills.
The pupils could realize the weaker areas in their writing skills rather than some
small mistakes. Self assessment of pupils gave also the opportunity to assess the
sincerity of pupils.

Statistical Analysis
Class intervals Frequency Mid value of the fixi
class intervals
0-5 0 2.5 0
5-10 9 7.5 67.5
10-15 5 12.5 62.5
15-20 7 17.5 122.5
20-25 5 22.5 112.5
N=26 fixi = 365
Arithmetic mean = fixi

= 365

= 14.038

Standard Deviation

SD = n
fixi (x1-x)fi
i=1 N

Class Frequency xi xi-x (x1-x)2 (x1-x)2 fi

0-5 0 2.5 11.5 132.5 0
5-10 9 7.5 6.5 42.25 380.25
10-15 5 12.5 1.5 2.25 11.25
15-20 7 17.5 3.5 12.25 85.75
20-25 5 22.5 8.5 72.25 362.25

Graphical Representation
0-5 5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25


Self assessment is one of the tool we can model for our students. Self
assessment involves pupils in evaluating their own work and learning progress.
Self assessment is a valuable learning tool as well as part of an assessment
process through self-assessment pupils can identify their own skills gaps, where
their knowledge is weak and to see where to focus their attention in learning.
This process helps the pupils to stay involved and motivated and encourages
self reflection and responsibility for their learning. The self assessment helps the
pupils to develop realistic action plans that are practical and directly linked to
the goals that have been selected.

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