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ABC Community School

March 3, 2015

Sarah Green
Green, 2

In todays society technology is a powerful and influential element in everyday life.
Technology has become an essential part of lives from personal entertainment to work related
tasks. It has become difficult for one to excel with little or no technological knowledge. In the
International Journal of Information and Education Technology (2015), F. Dampil mentions the
following statistics:
For students readiness in online technology and technology access it showed that
85.42% of students have technology access (own or have an access to a computer),
internet connection which is 84.97%, and tools is 92.11%. Technology skills are also
considered. The skills of the students showed 95.76%, computer literacy is 88.35%, and
basic internet skills which is 86.51%. (Dampil, 2015, p. 822)
Dampils statistics overwhelmingly support how significant technology is throughput our
society. It can be seen all around us. Cellphones, computer, laptops, and GPS are only a small
portion of the technology that surrounds us on a daily basis.
Computers have gone from being solely used for businesses to being used in every
aspect of a persons life. Not only are they for writing papers and doing research but they also
provide a way for people to communicate with each other and they are a great form of
entertainment. Programs such as Microsoft Word and Powerpoint have made it possible for all
students to construct well written papers and create extraordinary presentations. The internet
gives a person the ability to listen to any song or watch any music video by simply typing in the
title. Applications such as Skype have made is possible for people all over the world to stay
connected using a webcam. Now people can do more than just talk on the phone they can
literally see each other as if they were face to face.
The current working generation is familiar with technology as they were the first to
experience certain aspects such as the internet and computers. The newest generation is not only
familiar with technology but they excel and thrive for it. As technology continues to develop ,
the need for technologically savvy people in the work environment will increase. It is imperative
for students to learn the fundamentals considering its significance ion the modern world.
Knowledge and experience with technology has become an essential part of what
employers take into account when considering someone for a certain position. Countless careers
and positions require the use of technology, a key example is cashiering. Cashiering requires
experience with a POS system, which is the system used to process sales. Of course experience
for certain job positions is not a requirement, but when it gets down to a person who has some
experience versus a person who has none it is more than likely the experienced person will be
selected. Although a person can be trained to use the system, the employer will consider the
advantages of someone who has any sort of technological experience.
It is in the students best interest to learn as much as they can in the technological field.
An education including technology will ensure that the students receive the appropriate tools
needed in this technological society. School is an essential environment for students to safely
participate in learning about programs, applications and how to benefit from the internet.
Students deserve to be exposed to the types of skills that will give them a chance at a better
future. As educators and administrators the duty falls on us to ensure the students advance and
succeed always keeping in mind that technology is the way of the future.
Green, 3

The state of Nevada is working on implementing a program relating to technology that is
referred to as Nevada Ready 21. Nevada Ready21 will provided the structure for education in
middle schools to high schools. The purpose of this program is to ensure students will have the
necessary skills to succeed in their future. Nevada Ready 21 will not only benefit students, it will
give teachers the opportunity to be creative and trying different teaching styles with the use of
technology. Due to low scores and low student success, Nevada finds that is is of the utmost
importance to motivate students with new technology while also preparing them for the
workforce. Succeeding in the 21st century requires an abundance of technological skills.
Implementing Nevada Ready 21 will aide in moving Nevada from their technology ranking of
47th to somewhere in the top tiers. In the past various counties of Nevada have created and
implemented technological programs, for example, Empower Carson City which launched in
2012 worked to gives students a one to one experience with technology. In 2014 the program
went from middle school and high school to select elementary schools as well. The main goal is
for students to receive individualized experiences with technology.
The National Educational Technology Standards apply to students, teachers,
administrators and even coaches. They provide standards to be met with example on the
objectives and outcomes. The standards provide key points regarding what should be achieved
using different approaches. With technology students are able to be creative while having fun and
learning at the same time. Technology gives them the ability to create digitally and opens up their
imagination. Handling technology requires responsibility, students are learning how to be
responsible when using technology. Teachers are the models for students, they work hard to find
new and innovative ways to inspire learning with the use of technology. An important standard is
research fluency. It is important for a students to not only know how to look up Youtube videos
but to learn how to find reliable research. NETS has provided simple yet strong standards for
schools to use as a blueprint.

Lesson Plan

Lesson: I can Write!

Grade Level: High School

Technology Standard: Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity - Teachers use their
knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that
advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face
and virtual environments.

Objective: Students will construct an essay using the help of technology.

Material Needed: Computer

Individual Assignment

Procedure: Students will constructs their papers and submit to a program in which they receive
feedback in real time. Students will have the ability to make correction immediately.

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