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Umme Sara Hoque

Democrats Abroad Australia Chair Candidate Statement

The here and now is all we have. And if we play it right, its all well need. - Former Texas Governor
Ann Richards

I am nominating because of the here and now. Our party and our country needs to be revived. And it
is up to all of us to play it right at this moment.

Growing up a woman, a first generation American of Bengali and Muslim heritage, a progressive in a
small town in Texas, I have learned the importance of the here and now - the moments that
determine the outcomes for the future. And the importance of bringing everyone together to
address not only issues locally, but also federally and even internationally. I have seen individuals,
communities and a society that needed - and needs - hope and a vision. And this is what has
motivated me throughout my life.

Inspired by the need to create this hope and vision for a better future, I have been involved in our
Democratic party for nearly 15 years. I have worked tirelessly in the deep South and mid-West to
turn counties blue through personal volunteering and professional work during the 2004, 2006, 2008
and 2010 elections before moving to Australia in 2011.

During my day job, I work in community and union campaigning, including organising and
communications, to utilise public interest and strength to ensure a better, more progressive future. I
have been working for nearly 10 years to motivate and move people, to engage them by tapping into
their issues and activating them for a bigger fight and to use this strength to influence decision
makers and corporations to make real changes. It is these skills I want to bring to Democrats Abroad.

My passion and profession is social justice campaigning, fighting for the rights of workers, migrants,
women and environmental justice. I am passionate about building and exercising the power of the
collective to win. Right now, the US needs strong Democrats and our collective voice more than
ever. We have an opportunity to revise the narrative in the United States and harness the power of
the resistance movement to be strategic and change the future of our country. Our time is now, and
we must utilise it.

That is why I want to utilise what we have here in Australia and now with this moment in the dark
days of Trumps presidency. Because I believe this is what we need to move forward, to move
together and to be strategic and thoughtful to give hope to Democrats in the US and around the
world. Our role of Democrats is not to give up - it is to respond, to be active and to be proactive in
our belief for the future of our country.

I am motivated to nominate for Democrat Abroad Australia Chair because I believe that our party is
in disarray. After the horror of the 2016 election, it is important that we revive and rebuild our party
to be one that leads with a vision of what we believe in - social justice achieved through economic,
gender and racial justice. Our differences make us stronger, and by harnessing our collective power
and wisdom, we can revolutionise our country to increase the minimum wage, hold corporations to
account, address wealth inequality, provide health care for everyone, address climate change, and
ensure and grow rights for all minority groups, including immigrants, LGBTQI people, disabled
individuals and everyone else.

If elected, I will work hard to make Democrats Abroad Australia an active chapter, organising and
campaigning to fix our party and influence fellow Democrats and our US politicians from half a world
away. I will use the skills I have developed through successful political and community campaigning
to activate, develop and engage members and involve Democrats Abroad Australia in the current
fight at home.

Please contact me on 0468 427 640 or if you have any questions.

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