Bashar ReadingMaterial 1683

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or reflect a reality to each other wherein they believe they are not self-empowered and cannot create the

reality they desire without having to hurt anyone else or themselves in order to do so.
Anything, no matter how negative, can always be transformed into a positive. Do remember: everyone
is eternal; everyone is infinite. And in that sense, in the long run it does not really matter; what matters
is what you make of what you do, what meaning you give to it, and how you choose to learn from it and
transform it in positive directions. The being that was murdered still lives. Many individuals, almost all
of you at one time or another, in the thousands of lives you have had, in the tens of thousands of years of
reincarnation you have created, have all murdered and been murdered at one time or another. Here you
are again, to choose once again: confusion, self-empowerment. You follow the idea?
Victims & Perpetrators
Q: Well, I was thinking about the holocaust, what we call the holocaust in Germany around 1945. Why
did so many people, almost as a group, choose to create that collective experience?
B: There are race and culture-wide belief systems as well. And recognize that gatherings are no
accident. Again, remember that when we say you choose and create your reality, that doesnt mean its
always a conscious choice or act, "Oh yes, I want to be killed today." No, no, no. That is not what we
are saying. What we are saying is that individuals of like frequency will find themselves gathering
together and existing within a type of a reality that is generated by their particular frequency that they
give off, that they generate from their individual or collective beliefs.
There are many reasons for that particular kind of manifestation. One reason is simply that it was a
manifestation of the fear, of the belief in persecution, that many of those individuals have with their
cultural beliefs. It was partly a manifestation of that. It was also, to some degree, a karmic manifestation.
Again, not that it has to happen that way, because karma has nothing to do with retribution. Many of you
may believe that it does, and many of you have created karma and reincarnation to be of a kind of
retribution. But karma, in and of it self, has nothing to do with judgment and retribution. Karma is
self-imposed. Many individuals, in creating an unconscious recognition of things they have done in the
past, or in past lives, have gathered together as a group and taken upon themselves the idea of the guilt
and the idea of the persecution. Sometimes to atone in the ways they think they need to atone.
Again, it does not have to happen that way. But recognize that the particular culture that you refer to as
being persecuted in the holocaust have had many holocausts of their own where they have been the
persecutors in times past. Therefore, simply recognize that all we are saying is that when you create
confusion in your own reality, many times in your past that has been done unconsciously out of fear, out
of doubt or out of guilt.
In no way, shape or form is what I am about to say an implication or a definition that needs to be thought
of as a distinct label for any one particular person or group of people upon your planet. But you
yourselves in your own cultural awareness are very ready to admit that there are some cultural groups of
people that deal very strongly with the idea of guilt much of the time. And that is what you have
referred to. So the idea is to recognize that there is a grain of truth in the understanding that the

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