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Mr JB Corbyn ‘Tax Calculation for 2015/16 (year ended 5 April 2016) Income received (before tax taken off) Pay from all employments plus Benefits and expenses received Thinus Allowable expenses Total from all employments Profit from setf-employment Interest received ‘rom UK banks and building societies UK pensions and state benefits Total income received minus Reduced Personal Allowance Total income on which tax is due Income Tax calculated on total income above oe/o2r2017 £ £ 77,018 1,200 78 36,045 114,342 (6817) “Your basic rate limit has been increased by £6,775 to £38,560 for Gift Aid payments, This reduces the amount of income charged to higher rate tax. Pay, pensions, profit etc Interest received from a bank ar building society etc. ‘Total income on which tax has been charged Income Tax charged minus Tax deducted From all employments, UK pensions and state benefits Interest received from UK banks and building societies Total tax deducted Total income Tax due 2015-16 Payment summary Tax owed for 2015-16 at 31 January 2017 Total amount owing at $1 January 2017 Calculation of payments on account for 2016-17 A. Total Tax and NIC due B. Less: Student loan repayments, CGT due and 2016/16 tax ta be coded out . Relavant amount (A minus 8) D. Total income Tax and NIC x 20% ‘Amount above is more than tax due for 2015-16. No payment on account is due. @2%= 7.71200 @40%= 27,554.80 @40% = 31.20 36,298.00 (32,558.00) (15.75) (32.571.78) 2,726.25 2.72625 272625 2726.25 (0.00) 2,726.25 7,058.60 MJ B Corbyn YEARTO 5 APRIL 2018 CLIENT SCHEDULE TO TAX RETURN Form Section Page TR 3; Interest and dividends from UK banks, building societies etc Interest paid net £ 2 £ Amount Tax Taxable after tax paid amount Interest from UK banks, building societies and other lenders (paid net) Nationvride 5.53 1.38 691 Nationwide Savings 58.29 1487 72.96 eaa2 1595 war Total per tax retum box 1 63.00 Mr JB Corbyn YEAR TO 5 APRIL 2016 CLIENT SCHEDULE TO TAX RETURN Form Section Page TA 3: UK pensions, annuities, and other State benefits received State pensions and benefits 5 £ Taxable ‘Type of pension/benefit Tax deducted Amount State pension State Retirement Pension 6,484.00 Total per tax return box 8 £ 0 Mr JB Corbyn YEAR TO 5 APRIL 2016 CLIENT SCHEDULE TO TAX RETURN Form Section Page TR 3: UK pensions, annuities, and other State benefits received Other pensions and retirament annuities Name of provider Public Offies Unison Total per tax retum box 12, 11 £ £ Exemption Mdeduction Tax deducted 3,877.10 995.60 9,692.70 £ 9,833.00 £ Gross 27,192.22 2,989.68, 28,581.90 £ 20,581.00 MrJBCorbyn YEAR TO 5 APRIL 2016 CLIENT SCHEDULE TO TAX RETURN Form Section Page TA 4: Charitable giving Charitable giving Gift Aid payments Freedom From Torture: Oxia Wer on Want Total per tax retum boxes 5 10 8 £ Paid in current year 300.00 120.00 £000 £ Payments carried back £ Paid in later year 5,000.00 £ 5,000.00 Mr JB Corbyn YEAR TO 5 APRIL 2016 CLIENT SCHEDULE TO TAX RETURN Self employment - J Corbyn Profit and Loss Account from 06/04/2015 to 05/04/2018 Income Turnover Net profititoss) 4,200 aa Mr.J B Corbyn YEAR TOS APRIL 2016 CLIENT SCHEDULE TO TAX RETURN Self employment - J Corbyn Adjustments to Profit and Loss Account from 06/04/2015 to 08/04/2016 Profiti(loss) par accounts Profit(loss) for tax purposes. 1,200 £4,200

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