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Exadata: Extreme
Performance for SAS AnalyEcs
The Highest Performing, Lowest TCO PlaRorm for
Customers Running SAS with the Oracle Database
April 2016
SAS Global Forum

Mathew Steinberg
Product Management
Oracle Database Development In associaEon with:

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Safe Harbor Statement
The following is intended to outline our general product direcEon. It is intended for
informaEon purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a
commitment to deliver any material, code, or funcEonality, and should not be relied upon
in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and Eming of any features or
funcEonality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discreEon of Oracle.

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Top Technology Trends of 2016
IT no longer supports the business; it is the business. As a result, IT is learning to think
in business terms and ask quesEons such as, "How will we dierenEate?" and "How will
we grow our top line and bo[om line?
But as 2016 approaches, the focus is shi^ing toward more specic decisions guided by
relevant data in criEcal contexts. Bringing in new sources of data to complete the
analy;cal picture the right sources for the right analysis will allow IT-driven
businesses to improve the decisions, at scale, that deliver the most produc;vity, while
miEgaEng risk to the organizaEon.
cloud pla?orms really begin to typify the development style. IT is going to need to
look more like cloudsproduce private cloud for the enterprise that has most of the
same proper;es as the public cloud.

Dan Hushon, Chief Technology Ocer

CSC (SoluEons and Services)
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Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |
Exadata Vision

Drama;cally BeEer Pla?orm for All Database Workloads

Ideal Database Hardware - Scale-out, database opEmized compute,

networking, and storage for fastest performance and lowest costs
Smart System So^ware specialized algorithms vastly improve all
aspects of database processing: OLTP, Analy;cs, Consolida;on
Full-Stack IntegraEon Database-to-disk opEmizaEon, automaEon,
tesEng, patching, and support to reduce operaEonal costs

Iden;cal On-Premises and Oracle Public Cloud

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Ideal Hardware Architecture for Database
Most Advanced - Highest Performance - Always Available - Starts Small, Scales Huge

Ideal Server Architecture Scale-Out with Fastest CPUs

Ideal Network Architecture Unied Ultra-fast InniBand

Ideal Storage Architecture Scale-Out Servers, Database Ooad

Ideal Flash Architecture Ultra-fast NVMe PCIe Flash

Ideal Capacity Architecture Tier PCIe Flash & Huge 8TB SAS3 Disks

PCI Flash In associaEon with:

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Smart System So^ware Highlights
Smart Analy;cs Smart Storage
Move queries to storage, not Hybrid Columnar Compression
storage to queries reduces space usage by 10x
AutomaEcally ooad and parallelize Database aware Flash Caching gives
queries across all storage servers speed of ash with capacity of disk
100x Faster AnalyEcs DB backups ooad in storage

Smart OLTP Smart Consolida;on

Special InniBand protocol enables CriEcal DB messages always jump to
highest speed lowest latency OLTP head of queue for ultra-fast latency
Ultra-fast transacEons by using DB I/O issued by interacEve users and
opEmized ash logging algorithms important workloads is prioriEzed
Highly Available In-Memory DB by 4X more Databases in same hardware
mirroring memory across servers

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Exadata On Premises and Cloud

Designed to give choice to the customer
Each commercial model uniquely addresses specic market requirements

Same Architecture
On Premises Oracle Cloud
Purchase, Hosted,
Same So^ware
Lease, Right to Use Same Skills

Exadata PCM

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SAS High Performance AnalyEcs with Exadata
SAS/Access Interface to Oracle, SAS Scoring Accelerator

PARTNER PERSPECTIVE Linear Scalability for Scoring Accelerator

SAS/ACCESS to Oracle and SAS Scoring Scale up consistency: Time; Rows/sec
Accelerator support for Oracle combines
the power of Oracle Exadata with cu[ng 30x scalability from Qtr to Full Rack
edge analy;cs for SAS to decrease )me
to business insights and improves model Near linear scalability with maximum parallelism
scoring performance, which translates to > 25 x improvement with maximum parallelism
top-line and bo9om-line impact for our
customers. Scoring Accelerator was over 2X faster on Exadata
- Dave Manning,
than baseline system to score 100M records
Global Alliances Manager, SAS

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Synchrony (GE Capital)

Use SAS with Exadata for: Exadata Benets

ReporEng and PorRolio AnalyEcs
> 10 x Decreased Eme to producEon
Advanced Modeling for new customers
ForecasEng High availability
OperaEonal Environment Superior backup, restore and
600 users in risk, markeEng, recovery
operaEons, nance, decision science
and fraud Magnitudes of performance

200 + TB operaEonal data improvement

> 300 million accounts Hours to minutes
Minutes to seconds

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Major PharmaceuEcal Company
Exadata a key plaRorm for SAS and other key
clinical related applicaEons
Exadata selected for analyEc and reporEng
Consolidate other clinical applicaEon databases
with SAS on Exadata
Could not consolidate databases with alternaEves
No sacrice in performance when consolida;ng

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SAS On Demand Exadata for Database
SAS On-Demand - hosted service with Exadata
ObjecEve for database plaRorm
Performance (for consolidated workloads)
Maximum availability
Single database stack simplies administraEon and support
Fast deployment
Proven, repeatable delivery methodology

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Exadata and
Highest Performance just by changing the hardware plaRorm
Runs SAS unchanged
Real Eme Enterprise Faster ApplicaEons
Maximum Availability
Reduce AdministraEon and Maintenance Costs
Same Oracle Database: same skill set, same tools, not disrupEon to operaEons
Simplify IT: The enEre stack comes from Oracle
Improve Time to Market for ApplicaEon Delivery
Faster Time to Deploy
Faster Time to Provision
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Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |
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