6th Exercises3

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Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase.

1. I wondered if you free this evening? (are / were)

2. Im looking forward . you again. (to see / to seeing)

3. I . football. (like not / dont like)

4. She doesnt like dancing, but I (like / do)

5. That meat smells funny, ..? (does it / doesnt it)

6. Then he .. a very strange thing. (did / made)

7. Could you . the ironing first? (do / make)

8. He while trying to swim across the river. (drowned / was drowned)

9. My grandfather was in hospital . six months. (during / for)

10. I will try to call you . the meeting. (during / in)

Because and so
FEBRUARY 15, 2017 -

One conjunction is enough to join two clauses. We do not normally use two.

Because I was ill, I took a day off.


I was ill so I took a day off.

The conjunction because is used to express the cause/reason. The conjunction so is

used to express the effect/result.

Dont use both because and so in a sentence.

Do not write: Because I was ill, so I took a day off.

Incorrect: Because she was fat, so she couldnt run fast.

Correct: Because she was fat, she couldnt run fast.

Correct: She was fat, so she couldnt run fast.

Complete the following sentences using so or because.

1. .. I loved him, I tried to save him.

2. I loved him, .. I tried to save him.

3. I was not feeling well, .. I decided to consult a doctor.

4. We lost the contract we couldnt complete the project.

5. We came back dad fell ill.

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions.

1. One must never deviate .. the right path.

a) to
b) from
c) with
d) out

2. Eventually she acceded .. my requests.

a) at
b) with
c) at
d) from

3. There is no cure . many forms of cancer.

a) of
b) for
c) by
d) with

4. She is keen .. pursuing higher education in the US.

a) at
b) on
c) with
d) none

5. His latest novels make several allusions . Hindu Mythology.

a) at
b) with
c) to
d) of

6. He was anxious contact his parents.

a) about
b) of
c) at
d) to

7. She has an aptitude music.

a) to
b) for
c) with
d) of

8. The indulgent mother is always blind . her childs faults.

a) at
b) with
c) to
d) none of these

9. He was brought .. by his grandparents.

a) about
b) out
c) in
d) up

10. He is addicted . drinking.

a) with
b) to
c) at
d) by

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition. Each question is followed by four
suggested answers. Choose the most appropriate one.

1. The officer was deaf .. our requests for help.

a) at
b) to
c) with
d) on

2. Physical activity is beneficial health.

a) with
b) for
c) to
d) of

3. Are you conscious .. your responsibility in this matter?

a) of
b) about
c) after
d) on

4. We regret that we cannot comply .. your request at the moment.

a) with
b) to
c) at
d) on

5. The award was conferred him at the ceremony.

a) at
b) with
c) on
d) for

6. They congratulated him .. his promotion.

a) at
b) for
c) on
d) with

7. He is thoroughly conversant .. the problem.

a) about
b) with
c) of
d) around

8. The headmaster has called an explanation from the students.

a) on
b) for
c) at
d) out

9. I dont care your opinion: I have decided to do it.

a) of
b) for
c) after
d) with

Add appropriate question tags.

1. You dont work on Sundays, ?

a) do you
b) dont you
c) will you

2. They havent forgotten us, .?

a) have they
b) havent they
c) do they

3. There is little point in doing anything about it, ..?

a) is there
b) isnt there
c) was there

4. She didnt recognize him, ..?

a) did she
b) didnt she
c) had she

5. You passed the test, ..?

a) did you
b) didnt you
c) had you

6. They bought a new car last week, ?

a) did they
b) didnt they
c) hadnt they

7. She wants to be a writer, ..?

a) does she
b) doesnt she
c) hasnt she

8. They make a lot of money, ..?

a) do they
b) dont they
c) have they

9. No one helped him, ..?

a) do they
b) did they
c) didnt they

Complete the following sentences using appropriate phrasal verbs.

Choose your answers from the options given below. You may have to make changes to
the tense.

(come across, put on, make up, keep up, hold on, get back, call off, take place)

1. We .. from our vacation yesterday.

2. I . an old friend of mine in the morning.

3. Please I will call father.

4. The accident near the post office.

5. They .. the meeting because of the chairmans illness.

6. Please walk slowly. I cant with you.

7. The boy a story to avoid punishment.

8. She a hat because it was very hot.

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate expression with care.


If you care for something or someone, you like it or them.

If you care about something, you feel that it is important.

1. Who .. people in hospital?

a) cares for

b) takes care of
c) cares after
2. . when you are crossing the road.

a) Take care
b) Take care of

3. Raju is too young to his pet dog.

a) take care of
b) care for
c) care about

4. I dont .. your objections.

a) care for
b) care about
c) take care of

5. I dont whether it rains or shines I am happy.

a) care
b) care of
c) care for

d) care about

6. He really . his wife.

a) cares about
b) cares for
c) cares

7. I dont much . fish or meat.

a) care about
b) care for
c) care of

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the word given in the

1. Why were you so .. about asking for help. (hesitate)

2. She offered to help without any (hesitate)

3. Moving the cartons from the attic to the basement was a .. task.

4. These steep stairs are .. (hazard)

5. His . made him thoroughly unpopular. (haughty)

6. The death of the patriot was a (grief) loss.

7. Beethovens Ninth Symphony is a piece of music. (glory)

8. His . made him an ideal companion. (gallant)

9. She is very when it comes to planning a menu. (fuss)

10. She gets whenever you mention her weight problem. (fury)

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase.

1. The older I get, I am.

a) the happy

b) the happier

c) happier

d) happy

2. Your accent is in the class.

a) worst

b) the worst

c) worse

3. I stayed an extra night so that I . see Ann.

a) can

b) could

c) may

4. While I . a shower, I slipped on the floor.

a) am having

b) was having

c) had

5. The man . she married was an old friend of mine.

a) that
b) whom

c) Either could be used here

6. The house .. I live is very small.

a) that

b) where

c) Either could be used here

7. There is the girl .. works with my sister.

a) who

b) whom

c) Either could be used here

8. The road is getting .

a) more steep and more steep

b) steeper and steeper

c) more and more steep

9. I have got . than I used to have.

a) less energy

b) lesser energy

c) least energy

10. She likes music, and ..

a) so I

b) so do I

c) I so

Rewrite the following changing the active sentences to passive and passive sentences
to active.

1. The thieves have been arrested by the police.

2. The marvelous performance delivered by the children enthralled us.

3. He has been invited to their party.

4. We have shipped your order.

5. The girl recited the poem beautifully.

6. The guests enjoyed the party.

7. The child impressed everyone with his polite manners.

8. A girl from Chennai won the first prize.

9. The readers like the latest book of the writer.

10. They are painting the walls.

11. The car has been fixed by the mechanic.

12. She accepted their invitation with pleasure.

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase.

1. Her endless .. was infuriating.

2. You will put yourself in . by crossing a man like that.

3. During the storm the crew .. much of the ships cargo.

4. He was not .. in the way he managed his money.

5. At that .., he decided to proceed with his original plans.

6. The movie was aimed at a audience.

7. The orphan the womans maternal instincts.

8. Although his speeches were , they were informative.

9. The thief was charged with ..

10. He was blackballed by the club for his . conduct.


Jabber idle talk, non-sense, blabber, chatter

Jeopardy danger, peril, vulnerability

Jettison cast off, throw over, discard, throw out

Judicious sensible, discerning

Juncture occasion, moment, point of time

Juvenile young, youthful

Kindle stir, arouse, inspire

Laconic short, brief

Larceny robbery, theft, burglary

Lascivious indecent, obscene


Make a sentence of each pair below.

1. She walked out. She was smiling.

2. He lived alone. He had been forgotten by everybody.

3. The old man sat outside. He was smoking his pipe.

4. The girl entered the room. She was singing a song.

5. The boy stood up. He was showing himself to them.

6. There is a woman over there. She is crying her eyes out.

7. I didnt know what to do. I phoned the police.

Change the future tense in these sentences into the future continuous tense.

1. At this time tomorrow, I will leave.

2. The baby will walk soon.

3. What will you do this evening?

4. Summer term will start on 20th.

5. She will come with us.

6. The plane will leave at 3 oclock.

7. I will think of you.

8. He will attend the conference.

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. Choose your
answers from the options given below.

(wavered, weakling, wayward, withered, whimsical, wistful, weird)

1. Whenever she speaks of her childhood, she has a . look on her face.

2. Frosts . the leaves until the trees were bare.

3. You are too to be a businessman.

4. noises came from the haunted house at night.

5. Stand up for your rights and dont be such a .

6. The judge sent the boy to a home for youths.

7. He never in his determination to become a doctor.


Wistful pensive, reflective, sorrowful, sadly thoughtful

Withered wilted, desiccated

Whimsical eccentric, notional, erratic

Weird mysterious, eerie, spooky

Weakling coward

Wayward rebellious, unruly, disobedient

Waver falter, hesitate

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the word given in the

1. The lonely man longed for . (companion)

2. This dinner is . to the best Italian cooking. (compare)

3. The .. judge gave the young offender a light sentence. (compassion)

4. The couple attributed their happy marriage to complete . (compatible)

5. The young surgeon showed exceptional (competent)

6. The of data for the report took six months. (compile)

7. The .. of the new road is scheduled for June. (complete)

8. The reviews were full of . Remarks on the actresss performance.


9. The story was a fantastic . of lies. (concoct)

10. The .. political rallies caused a traffic jam. (concur)


1. The lonely man longed for companionship.

2. This dinner is comparable to the best Italian cooking.

3. The compassionate judge gave the young offender a light sentence.

4. The couple attributed their happy marriage to complete compatibility.

5. The young surgeon showed exceptional competence.

6. The compilation of data for the report took six months.

7. The completion of the new road is scheduled for June.

8. The reviews were full of complimentary remarks on the actresss performance.

9. The story was a fantastic concoction of lies.

10. The concurrent political rallies caused a traffic jam.


1. Whenever she speaks of her childhood, she has a wistful look on her face.

2. Frosts withered the leaves until the trees were bare.

3. You are too whimsical to be a businessman.

4. Weird noises came from the haunted house at night.

5. Stand up for your rights and dont be such a weakling.

6. The judge sent the boy to a home for wayward youths.

7. He never wavered in his determination to become a doctor.

1. At this time tomorrow, I will be leaving.

2. The baby will be walking soon.

3. What will you be doing this evening?

4. Summer term will be starting on 20th.

5. She will be coming with us.

6. The plane will be leaving at 3 oclock.

7. I will be thinking of you.

8. He will be attending the conference.


1. She walked out smiling.

2. He lived alone forgotten by everybody.

3. The old man sat outside smoking his pipe.

4. The girl entered the room singing a song.

5. The boy stood up showing himself to them.

6. There is a woman crying her eyes out over there.

7. Not knowing what to do, I phoned the police.


1. Her endless jabber was infuriating.

2. You will put yourself in jeopardy by crossing a man like that.

3. During the storm the crew jettisoned much of the ships cargo.
4. He was not judicious in the way he managed his money.

5. At that juncture, he decided to proceed with his original plans.

6. The movie was aimed at a juvenile audience.

7. The orphan kindled the womans maternal instincts.

8. Although his speeches were laconic, they were informative.

9. The thief was charged with larceny.

10. He was blackballed by the club for his lascivious conduct.


1. The police have arrested the thieves.

2. We were enthralled by the marvelous performance delivered by the children.

3. They have invited him to their party.

4. Your order has been shipped by us.

5. The poem was beautifully recited by the girl.

6. The party was enjoyed by the guests.

7. Everyone was impressed with the polite manners of the child.

8. The first prize was won by a girl from Chennai.

9. The latest book of the writer is liked by the readers.

10. The walls are being painted by them.

11. The car mechanic has fixed the car.

12. Their invitation was accepted (by her) with pleasure.


1. The older I get, the happier I am.

2. Your accent is the worst in the class.

3. I stayed an extra night so that I could see Ann.

4. While I was having a shower, I slipped on the floor.

5. The man that/ whom she married was an old friend of mine.

6. The house where I live is very small.

7. There is the girl who works with my sister.

8. The road is getting steeper and steeper / more and more steep.

9. I have got less energy than I used to have.

10. She likes music, and so do I.


1. Why were you so hesitant about asking for help?

2. She offered to help without any hesitation.

3. Moving the cartons from the attic to the basement was a Herculean task.

4. These steep stairs are hazardous.

5. His haughtiness made him thoroughly unpopular.

6. The death of the patriot was a grievous loss.

7. Beethovens Ninth Symphony is a glorious piece of music.

8. His gallantry made him an ideal companion.

9. She is very fussy when it comes to planning a menu.

10. She gets furious whenever you mention her weight problem.


1. Who takes care of people in hospital?

2. Take care when you are crossing the road.

3. Raju is too young to take care of his pet dog.

4. I dont care about your objections.

5. I dont care whether it rains or shines I am happy.

6. He really cares for his wife.

7. I dont much care for fish or meat.


1. We got back from our vacation yesterday. (get back = return)

2. I came across an old friend of mine in the morning. (come across = meet by chance)

3. Please hold on. I will call father. (hold on = wait)

4. The accident took place near the post office. (take place = happen, occur)

5. They called off the meeting because of the chairmans illness. (call off = cancel)

6. Please walk slowly. I cant keep up with you. (keep up = progress at the same speed)

7. The boy made up a story to avoid punishment. (make up = invent, create)

8. She put on a hat because it was very hot. (put on = wear)


1. You dont work on Sundays, do they?

2. They havent forgotten us, have they?

3. There is little point in doing anything about it, is there?

4. She didnt recognize him, did she?

5. You passed the test, didnt you?

6. They bought a new car last week, didnt they?

7. She wants to be a writer, doesnt she?

8. They make a lot of money, dont they?

9. No one helped him, did they?

1. The officer was deaf to our requests for help.

2. Physical activity is beneficial to health.

3. Are you conscious of your responsibility in this matter?

4. We regret that we cannot comply with your request at the moment.

5. The award was conferred on him at the ceremony.

6. They congratulated him on/for his promotion.

7. He is thoroughly conversant with the problem.

8. The headmaster has called for an explanation from the students.

9. I dont care about your opinion: I have decided to do it.


1. One must never deviate from the right path.

2. Eventually she acceded to my requests.

3. There is no cure for many forms of cancer.

4. She is keen on pursuing higher education in the US.

5. His latest novels make several allusions to Hindu Mythology.

6. He was anxious to contact his parents.

7. She has an aptitude for music.

8. The indulgent mother is always blind to her childs faults.

9. He was brought up by his grandparents.

10. He is addicted to drinking.


1. Because I loved him, I tried to save him.

2. I loved him, so I tried to save him.

3. I was not feeling well, so I decided to consult a doctor.

4. We lost the contract because we couldnt complete the project.

5. We came back because dad fell ill.


1. I wondered if you were free this evening?

2. Im looking forward to seeing you again.

3. I dont like football.

4. She doesnt like dancing, but I do.

5. That meat smells funny, doesnt it?

6. Then he did a very strange thing.

7. Could you do the ironing first?

8. He drowned / was drowned while trying to swim across the river. (In British English,
both active and passive forms of drown are used to talk about accidental drowning. In
American English, the active form is used to talk about accidental drowning and the
passive form is used to talk about deliberate killing.)

9. My grandfather was in hospital for six months.

10. I will try to call you during the meeting

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