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Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the con- ciplines. This allows for many diering philosophies
struction of an object, system or measurable human inter- and approaches toward the subject (see Philosophies and
action (as in architectural blueprints, engineering draw- studies of design, below).
ings, business processes, circuit diagrams, and sewing The person designing is called a designer, which is also
patterns).[1] Design has dierent connotations in dif-
a term used for people who work professionally in one
ferent elds (see design disciplines below). In some of the various design areas, usually also specifying which
cases, the direct construction of an object (as in pottery, area is being dealt with (such as a fashion designer, con-
engineering, management, coding, and graphic design) is cept designer, web designer or interior designer). A de-
also considered to use design thinking. signers sequence of activities is called a design pro-
Designing often necessitates considering the aesthetic, cess. The scientic study of design is called design sci-
functional, economic, and sociopolitical dimensions of ence.[5][6][7][8]
both the design object and design process. It may in- Additional denitions, Design is planning to manufac-
volve considerable research, thought, modeling, inter- ture an object, system, component or structure. Then,
active adjustment, and re-design. Meanwhile, diverse the word design can be used as a noun or a verb. In a
kinds of objects may be designed, including clothing, broader sense, the design is an applied art and engineering
graphical user interfaces, skyscrapers, corporate identi- that integrate with technology.
ties, business processes, and even methods or processes
of designing.[2] With a design denition is fairly broad, the design has a
myriad of specications that professionals in their elds,
Thus design may be a substantive referring to a categor- and yet there is one institution that can collect all of the
ical abstraction of a created thing or things (the design of
manifesto of the design as a whole, although it does not
something), or a verb for the process of creation, as is mean we do not nd the schools that initiated the birth of
made clear by grammatical context. It is an act of cre- designers.
ativity and innovation.

1 Denitions 2 Design as a process

Substantial disagreement exists concerning how design-
More formally design has been dened as follows.
ers in many elds, whether amateur or professional,
alone or in teams, produce designs. Dorst and Di-
(noun) a specication of an object, manifested
jkhuis argued that there are many ways of describing
by an agent, intended to accomplish goals, in a
design processes and discussed two basic and funda-
particular environment, using a set of primitive
mentally dierent ways,[9] both of which have several
components, satisfying a set of requirements,
names. The prevailing view has been called The Ra-
subject to constraints;
tional Model,[10] Technical Problem Solving[11] and
(verb, transitive) to create a design, in an The Reason-Centric Perspective.[12] The alternative
environment (where the designer operates)[3] view has been called Reection-in-Action,[11] Evolu-
tionary Design,[8] co-evolution,[13] and The Action-
Another denition for design is a roadmap or a strategic Centric Perspective.[12]
approach for someone to achieve a unique expectation. It
denes the specications, plans, parameters, costs, activi-
ties, processes and how and what to do within legal, politi- 2.1 The Rational Model
cal, social, environmental, safety and economic constraints
in achieving that objective.[4] The Rational Model was independently developed by
Simon[14] and Pahl and Beitz.[15] It posits that:
Here, a specication can be manifested as either a plan
or a nished product, and primitives are the elements
from which the design object is composed. 1. designers attempt to optimize a design candidate for
known constraints and objectives,
With such a broad denotation, there is no universal lan-
guage or unifying institution for designers of all dis- 2. the design process is plan-driven,


3. the design process is understood in terms of a dis- 1. Designers do not work this way extensive empirical
crete sequence of stages. evidence has demonstrated that designers do not act
as the rational model suggests.[21]
The Rational Model is based on a rationalist philoso- 2. Unrealistic assumptions goals are often unknown
phy[10] and underlies the waterfall model,[16] systems de- when a design project begins, and the requirements
velopment life cycle,[17] and much of the engineering de- and constraints continue to change.[22]
sign literature.[18] According to the rationalist philosophy,
design is informed by research and knowledge in a pre-
dictable and controlled manner. Technical rationality is 2.2 The Action-Centric Model
at the center of the process.
The Action-Centric Perspective is a label given to a col-
lection of interrelated concepts, which are antithetical to
2.1.1 Example sequence of stages The Rational Model.[12] It posits that:

Typical stages consistent with The Rational Model in-

1. designers use creativity and emotion to generate de-
clude the following.
sign candidates,

Pre-production design 2. the design process is improvised,

3. no universal sequence of stages is apparent anal-
Design brief or Parti pris an early (often the
ysis, design and implementation are contemporary
beginning) statement of design goals
and inextricably linked[12]
Analysis analysis of current design goals
Research investigating similar design solu- The Action-Centric Perspective is based on an empiricist
tions in the eld or related topics philosophy and broadly consistent with the Agile ap-
proach[23] and amethodical development.[24] Substantial
Specication specifying requirements of a
empirical evidence supports the veracity of this perspec-
design solution for a product (product design
tive in describing the actions of real designers.[21] Like
specication)[19] or service.
the Rational Model, the Action-Centric model sees design
Problem solving conceptualizing and as informed by research and knowledge. However, re-
documenting design solutions search and knowledge are brought into the design process
Presentation presenting design solutions through the judgment and common sense of designers
by designers thinking on their feet more than through
Design during production the predictable and controlled process stipulated by the
Rational Model. Designers context-dependent experi-
Development continuation and improvement ence and professional judgment take center stage more
of a designed solution than technical rationality.
Testing in situ testing a designed solution
2.2.1 Descriptions of design activities
Post-production design feedback for future designs

Implementation introducing the designed so- At least two views of design activity are consistent with
lution into the environment the Action-Centric Perspective. Both involve three basic
Evaluation and conclusion summary of pro-
cess and results, including constructive criti- In the Reection-in-Action paradigm, designers alter-
cism and suggestions for future improvements nate between "framing", making moves, and evaluate
moves. Framing refers to conceptualizing the problem,
Redesign any or all stages in the design process i.e., dening goals and objectives. A move is a tenta-
repeated (with corrections made) at any time before, tive design decision. The evaluation process may lead to
during, or after production. further moves in the design.[11]
In the Sensemaking-Coevolution-Implementation
Each stage has many associated best practices. [20]Framework, designers alternate between its three titular
activities. Sensemaking includes both framing and
evaluating moves. Implementation is the process of
2.1.2 Criticism of the Rational Model constructing the design object. Coevolution is the
process where the design agent simultaneously renes its
The Rational Model has been widely criticized on two mental picture of the design object based on its mental
primary grounds picture of the context, and vice versa.[25]

The concept of the Design Cycle is understood as a cir- Software design

cular time structure,[26] which may start with the think-
ing of an idea, then expressing it by the use of visual Sound design
and/or verbal means of communication (design tools), the Spatial design
sharing and perceiving of the expressed idea, and nally
starting a new cycle with the critical rethinking of the Systems architecture
perceived idea. Anderson points out that this concept
emphasizes the importance of the means of expression, Systems design
which at the same time are means of perception of any
Systems modeling
design ideas.[27]
Urban design

3 Design disciplines User experience design

Visual design
Army design methodology[28]
Web design
Applied arts
4 Philosophies and studies of de-
Automotive design
Biological design
Communication design There are countless philosophies for guiding design as
the design values and its accompanying aspects within
Conguration design modern design vary, both between dierent schools
of thought and among practicing designers.[29] Design
Design management philosophies are usually for determining design goals. A
Engineering design design goal may range from solving the least signicant
individual problem of the smallest element, to the most
Experience design holistic inuential utopian goals. Design goals are usu-
ally for guiding design. However, conicts over imme-
Fashion design diate and minor goals may lead to questioning the pur-
Game design pose of design, perhaps to set better long term or ulti-
mate goals. John Heskett, a 20th-century British writer
Graphic design on design claimed, Design, stripped to its essence, can
be dened as the human nature to shape and make our en-
Information architecture vironment in ways without precedent in nature, to serve
Information design our needs and give meaning to our lives.[30]

Industrial design
4.1 Philosophies for guiding design
Instructional design
Design philosophies are fundamental guiding principles
Interaction design
that dictate how a designer approaches his/her practice.
Interior design Reections on material culture and environmental con-
cerns (sustainable design) can guide a design philosophy.
Landscape architecture One example is the First Things First manifesto which
was launched within the graphic design community and
Lighting design
states We propose a reversal of priorities in favor of
Modular design more useful, lasting and democratic forms of communi-
cation a mindshift away from product marketing and
Motion graphic design toward the exploration and production of a new kind
of meaning. The scope of debate is shrinking; it must
Organization design
expand. Consumerism is running uncontested; it must
Product design be challenged by other perspectives expressed, in part,
through the visual languages and resources of design.[31]
Process design
In The Sciences of the Articial by polymath Herbert A.
Service design Simon, the author asserts design to be a meta-discipline

of all professions. Engineers are not the only profes- Speculative design, the speculative design process
sional designers. Everyone designs who devises courses doesnt necessarily dene a specic problem to
of action aimed at changing existing situations into pre- solve, but establishes a provocative starting point
ferred ones. The intellectual activity that produces mate- from which a design process emerges. The result
rial artifacts is no dierent fundamentally from the one is an evolution of uctuating iteration and reec-
that prescribes remedies for a sick patient or the one that tion using designed objects to provoke questions and
devises a new sales plan for a company or a social wel- stimulate discussion in academic and research set-
fare policy for a state. Design, so construed, is the core of tings.
all professional training; it is the principal mark that dis-
tinguishes the professions from the sciences. Schools of
engineering, as well as schools of architecture, business, 4.3 Methods of designing
education, law, and medicine, are all centrally concerned
with the process of design.[32] Main article: Design methods

Design methods is a broad area that focuses on:

4.2 Approaches to design

A design approach is a general philosophy that may or Exploring possibilities and constraints by focusing
may not include a guide for specic methods. Some are to critical thinking skills to research and dene prob-
guide the overall goal of the design. Other approaches are lem spaces for existing products or servicesor the
to guide the tendencies of the designer. A combination of creation of new categories; (see also Brainstorming)
approaches may be used if they don't conict. Redening the specications of design solutions
Some popular approaches include: which can lead to better guidelines for traditional
design activities (graphic, industrial, architectural,
Sociotechnical system design, a philosophy and etc.);
tools for participative designing of work arrange- Managing the process of exploring, dening, creat-
ments and supporting processes - for organizational ing artifacts continually over time
purpose, quality, safety, economics and customer
requirements in core work processes, the quality of Prototyping possible scenarios, or solutions that in-
peoples experience at work and the needs of society crementally or signicantly improve the inherited
KISS principle, (Keep it Simple Stupid), which
strives to eliminate unnecessary complications. Trendspotting; understanding the trend process.

There is more than one way to do it (TIMTOWTDI),

a philosophy to allow multiple methods of doing the
same thing.
5 Terminology
Use-centered design, which focuses on the goals and The word design is often considered ambiguous, as it is
tasks associated with the use of the artifact, rather applied dierently in a varying contexts.
than focusing on the end user.

User-centered design, which focuses on the needs, 5.1 Design and art
wants, and limitations of the end user of the de-
signed artifact. Today, the term design is widely associated with the
applied arts as initiated by Raymond Loewy and teachings
Critical design uses designed artifacts as an em- at the Bauhaus and Ulm School of Design (HfG Ulm) in
bodied critique or commentary on existing values, Germany during the 20th century.
morals, and practices in a culture.
The boundaries between art and design are blurred,
Service design designing or organizing the experi- largely due to a range of applications both for the term
ence around a product, the service associated with a 'art' and the term 'design'. Applied arts has been used
products use. as an umbrella term to dene elds of industrial design,
graphic design, fashion design, etc. The term 'decorative
Transgenerational design, the practice of making arts' is a traditional term used in historical discourses to
products and environments compatible with those describe craft objects, and also sits within the umbrella
physical and sensory impairments associated with of applied arts. In graphic arts (2D image making that
human aging and which limit major activities of ranges from photography to illustration), the distinction
daily living. is often made between ne art and commercial art, based
5.3 Design and production 5

tionary denes design as: To conceive or fashion in the

mind; invent, and To formulate a plan, and denes en-
gineering as: The application of scientic and mathemat-
ical principles to practical ends such as the design, manu-
facture, and operation of ecient and economical struc-
tures, machines, processes, and systems..[34][35] Both are
forms of problem-solving with a dened distinction be-
ing the application of scientic and mathematical prin-
ciples. The increasingly scientic focus of engineering
in practice, however, has raised the importance of new
more human-centered elds of design.[36] How much
science is applied in a design is a question of what is
considered "science". Along with the question of what is
considered science, there is social science versus natural
science. Scientists at Xerox PARC made the distinction
of design versus engineering at moving minds versus
moving atoms (probably in contradiction to the origin
of term engineering - engineer from Latin in genio
in meaning of a genius what assumes existence of a
mind not of an atom).

The new terminal at Barajas airport in Madrid, Spain

on the context within which the work is produced and how

it is traded.
To a degree, some methods for creating work, such as em-
ploying intuition, are shared across the disciplines within
the applied arts and ne art. Mark Getlein suggests the
principles of design are almost instinctive, built-in,
natural, and part of our sense of 'rightness.[33] How-
Jonathan Ive has received several awards for his design of Apple
ever, the intended application and context of the resulting Inc. products like this MacBook. In some design elds, personal
works will vary greatly. computers are also used for both design and production

5.3 Design and production

The relationship between design and production is one

of planning and executing. In theory, the plan should
anticipate and compensate for potential problems in the
A drawing for a booster engine for steam locomotives. Engi- execution process. Design involves problem-solving and
neering is applied to design, with emphasis on function and the creativity. In contrast, production involves a routine or
utilization of mathematics and science. pre-planned process. A design may also be a mere plan
that does not include a production or engineering pro-
cesses although a working knowledge of such processes
is usually expected of designers. In some cases, it may be
5.2 Design and engineering
unnecessary and/or impractical to expect a designer with
In engineering, design is a component of the engineer- a broad multidisciplinary knowledge required for such de-
ing process. Many overlapping methods and processes signs to also have a detailed specialized knowledge of how
can be seen when comparing Product design, Industrial to produce the product.
design and Engineering. The American Heritage Dic- Design and production are intertwined in many creative

professional careers, meaning problem-solving is part of 7 Footnotes

execution and the reverse. As the cost of rearrange-
ment increases, the need for separating design from pro- [1] Dictionary meanings in the Cambridge Dictionary of
duction increases as well. For example, a high-budget American English, at (esp. meanings 15
project, such as a skyscraper, requires separating (design) and 78) and at AskOxford (esp. verbs).
architecture from (production) construction. A Low-
budget project, such as a locally printed oce party invi- [2] Brinkkemper, S. (1996). Method engineering: engi-
neering of information systems development methods and
tation yer, can be rearranged and printed dozens of times
tools. Information and Software Technology. 38 (4):
at the low cost of a few sheets of paper, a few drops of 275280. doi:10.1016/0950-5849(95)01059-9.
ink, and less than one hours pay of a desktop publisher.
This is not to say that production never involves problem- [3] Ralph, P. and Wand, Y. (2009). A proposal for a for-
mal denition of the design concept. In Lyytinen, K.,
solving or creativity, nor that design always involves cre-
Loucopoulos, P., Mylopoulos, J., and Robinson, W., ed-
ativity. Designs are rarely perfect and are sometimes itors, Design Requirements Workshop (LNBIP 14), pp.
repetitive. The imperfection of a design may task a 103136. Springer-Verlag, p. 109 doi:10.1007/978-3-
production position (e.g. production artist, construction 540-92966-6_6.
worker) with utilizing creativity or problem-solving skills
to compensate for what was overlooked in the design [4] Don Kumaragamage, Y. (2011). Design Manual Vol 1
process. Likewise, a design may be a simple repetition
[5] Simon (1996)
(copy) of a known preexisting solution, requiring mini-
mal, if any, creativity or problem-solving skills from the [6] Alexander, C. (1964) Notes on the Synthesis of Form,
designer. Harvard University Press.

[7] Eekels, J. (2000). On the Fundamentals of Engineering

Design Science: The Geography of Engineering Design
Science, Part 1. Journal of Engineering Design. 11 (4):
377397. doi:10.1080/09544820010000962.

[8] Braha, D. and Maimon, O. (1998) A Mathematical The-

ory of Design, Springer.

[9] Dorst and Dijkhuis 1995, p. 261

[10] Brooks 2010

An example of a business workow process using Business Pro- [11] Schn 1983
cess Modeling Notation.
[12] Ralph 2010

[13] Dorst and Cross 2001

5.4 Process design
[14] Newell and Simon 1972; Simon 1969
See also: Method engineering
[15] Pahl and Beitz 1996

Process design (in contrast to design process men- [16] Royce 1970
tioned above) refers to the planning of routine steps of a [17] Bourque and Dupuis 2004
process aside from the expected result. Processes (in gen-
eral) are treated as a product of design, not the method of [18] Pahl et al. 2007
design. The term originated with the industrial designing
of chemical processes. With the increasing complexities [19] Cross, N., 2006. T211 Design and Designing: Block 2, p.
99. Milton Keynes: The Open University.
of the information age, consultants and executives have
found the term useful to describe the design of business [20] Ullman, David G. (2009) The Mechanical Design Pro-
processes as well as manufacturing processes. cess, Mc Graw Hill, 4th edition ISBN 0-07-297574-1

[21] Cross et al. 1992; Ralph 2010; Schn 1983

6 See also [22] Brooks 2010; McCracken and Jackson 1982

Design elements and principles [23] Beck et al. 2001

Design-based learning [24] Truex et al. 2000

Design thinking [25] Ralph 2010, p. 67


[26] Thomas Fischer: Design Enigma. A typographical Dorst, K.; Cross, N. (2001). Creativity in
metaphor for enigmatic processes, including designing, in: the design process: Co-evolution of problem-
T. Fischer, K. De Biswas, J.J. Ham, R. Naka, W.X. solution. Design Studies. 22 (2): 425437.
Huang, Beyond Codes and Pixels: Proceedings of the doi:10.1016/0142-694X(94)00012-3.
17th International Conference on Computer-Aided Ar-
chitectural Design Research in Asia, p. 686 Dorst, K., and Dijkhuis, J. Comparing paradigms
for describing design activity, Design Studies (16:2)
[27] Jane Anderson: Architectural Design, Basics Architec-
1995, pp 261274.
ture 03, Lausanne, AVA academia, 2011, ISBN 978-2-
940411-26-9, p. 40 Faste, R. (2001). The Human Challenge in Engi-
[28] Headquarters, Department of the Army (July 2015). ATP neering Design (PDF). International Journal of En-
5-0.1: Army Design Methodology. Washington D.C.: gineering Education. 17 (45): 327331.
United States Army.
McCracken, D.D.; Jackson, M.A. (1982). Life
[29] Holm, Ivar (2006). Ideas and Beliefs in Architecture and cycle concept considered harmful. SIGSOFT
Industrial design: How attitudes, orientations and underly- Software Engineering Notes. 7 (2): 2932.
ing assumptions shape the built environment. Oslo School doi:10.1145/1005937.1005943.
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[30] Heskett, John (2002). Toothpicks and Logos: Design in Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972.
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[32] Simon (1996), p. 111. H. Engineering design: A systematic approach, (3rd
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[33] Mark Getlein, Living With Art, 8th ed. (New York: 2008)
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ence Research in Information Systems and Tech-
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nology (DESRIST 2010), Springer, St. Gallen,
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9 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

9.1 Text
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ClueBot, GPdB, HughFlo, The Thing That Should Not Be, Thebluedavis, Stevebenecke, Arakunem, Mulisha69maiden, Mild Bill Hiccup,
Erudecorp, Casty~enwiki, Blanchardb, LizardJr8, Manishearth, DragonBot, Kaileewestwood, Jotterbot, Anita Burr, Oujea, SchreiberBike,
Cp fan, Jeevin, Apparition11, Bristolian46, Nadine Peschl, Vanished User 1004, XLinkBot, Fede.Campana, Gtcreative, Leemaschmeyer,
Little Mountain 5, Bywater100, Frood, Necz0r, Wyatt915, Addbot, Non-dropframe, Shadikhouri, Fgnievinski, Metagraph, Fieldday-
sunday, Amumby, Fluernutter, Blue Olive, Teda13, MrOllie, Sara USA, Glane23, Sulmues, Roux, Favonian, 5 albert square, Bruce wasser-
man, Irontightarguments, Tide rolls, Bultro, Objectmedia, MirjanaDevetakovic, Yobot, Ptbotgourou, Kirrmy, TaBOT-zerem, Amirobot,
Webgain, Ningauble, Ya mum3, AnomieBOT, Floquenbeam, Jim1138, Galoubet, Piano non troppo, Alysami, Hanningguo, Materialsci-
entist, Marzbarchick, Kalamkaar, Pardon my English, Xqbot, Mat9786, Capricorn42, Jmundo, Jlowell, PippinFudge, J04n, Swentibold,
Omnipaedista, Mathonius, Amaury, Alainr345, Doulos Christos, Shadowjams, Rgatten, SchnitzelMannGreek, Honza97, ESpublic013,
Jollygreeng, FrescoBot, Yawar747, Krj373, Georgefondue, Redgreen88, Chaim Shel, Soc8675309, Jnthn0898, Airborne84, Takharii,
Abraham70, Teuxe, Davinapo, MacMed, Pinethicket, HRoestBot, 10metreh, Qaismx, Calmer Waters, SpaceFlight89, Paulralph, Green-
Grammarian, Pyxzer, SchreyP, Asherrard, Topspinserve, Ingi.b, Vrenator, Bluest, Reaper Eternal, Style3000, Sideways713, Mistywest,
Ballparx, NathDZ., EmausBot, John of Reading, Avenue X at Cicero, Gfoley4, Madyokel, RA0808, Simonchalky, Daniela Berger, Kc-
nram, Jurzola, Dcirovic, Jereyrobinson92, Think.robin, Nanomega, Carnchris, Christopher McMahon, Elektrik Shoos, Geezergaz77,
Averaver, Wenttomowameadow, Architect21c, Inci siker asd, Jj98, Zenao1, Donner60, Grizanthropy, Ems2715, Mb bs, Labargeboy,
Dj Mario8, DASHBotAV, StanC8, IrinaSztukowski, ResearchRave, Helpsome, Will Beback Auto, ClueBot NG, Gallura, Joshuagnizak,
Yemreh, Snailwiki, O.Koslowski, Widr, FrauKramer, A3dinnovation, Emmabrock, Helpful Pixie Bot, BG19bot, Tgdmatters, Maurice
Barnwell, Wiki13, Matt Chase, Vijayjoseph, Parmeshvarsharma, Da wanga, Naderi ds, Hhh0000, Aniston9, Daytonarolexboston, Don-
skum, Ezyoncat, Insidiae, Poojagrawal, Tnuocca987456321, BellBoy32, Designergene, Cyberbot II, Mmj2love, DisruptiveTigers, Faadhil2,
Kushalbiswas777, Daddi1991, Bizworldusaanu, Graphium, Cody369, 93, Supercoolguystyle123, Ueutyi, Consider42, Lemnaminor, Bio-
geographist, Kuyi123w, Uwais Jahmeerbacus, Goyah, , ETood, Adug2345, FrB.TG, Noegid, Jaytmac, Gabedb,
Csusarah, 2A21, Jacksalssome, Frogmilk, Q**78, Lynx dc, Clive Roux, Naeem Abass Gadehi, TerryAlex, Kesterton, KBH96, Zppix,
Kashish Arora, Dallas123dog, Walderbach, Sheldon.andre, Nimatam, Grassview, KasparBot, Andremartz, JeremiahY, CAPTAIN RAJU,
Rupandas, Bengali sh, Mejs44, MMDC, DrinkBeerKillWar, BernardMohr, Bender the Bot, Aliaminisefat, Tryrtyrty, Stoicjoe, Usman-
khaki, Absibnu, Heididoerr061, Home Lander, Body to body massage, Terah Melford and Anonymous: 610

9.2 Images
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cense: LGPL Contributors: Own work based on Image:Nuvola apps kcmsystem.png by Alphax originally from [1] Original artist:
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