EDT Drilling SummaryReleaseNotes

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Engineers Desktop R2003.16.

Drilling Summary Level
Release Notes


Introduction ...............................................................................................................................2
System Requirements ...............................................................................................................6
Before You Install ...................................................................................................................23
Installation ..............................................................................................................................35
Licensing .................................................................................................................................36
Integrated Workflows .............................................................................................................38
Enhancements and New Functionality ...................................................................................39
Fixed Problems .......................................................................................................................47
Known Problems .....................................................................................................................50
Running Drilling Applications ................................................................................................53

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 2006

Welcome to Landmark's Windows-based Engineer's Desktop (EDT) 2003.16 release. This release of
the Engineer's Desktop provides the Drilling & Completions applicationsWell Engineering, Tubular
Design, and Well Data Managementon a shared data model. The Production & Economics
applications have not been upgraded for this release.
Major functionality developed for this release includes:
Enhancements to OpenWells that extend well operations reporting to a larger portion of the
well lifecycle, operations performance benchmarking

Sharing of common functionalities across applications, such as common well schematic,

sharing of all catalogs

Major enhancements to WELLPLAN, including synthetic muds, OptiCem, WallPlot

Composer, and reporting with EDT Report Manager.

Many feature enhancements to COMPASS.

Basic tubing design added to StressCheck

This release of Engineers Desktop is focused on the following application areas:

Engineer's Data ModelAdministration Utility, EDM MSDE Administration, Drilling &
Well Services Data Migration

Drilling EngineeringCasingSeat, COMPASS, StressCheck, WELLPLAN

Data ManagementOpenWells, Data Analyzer, PROFILE, and Real-Time View. Later

releases of EDT will continue to broaden operation data management coverage, including
advanced Well Cost Estimating, and additional capabilities.

Engineers Desktop release R2003.16 setup is comprised of three separate installation programs
that enable you to install all of the products in the EDT release from two CDs (Volumes 5 and 6).
Read the important note on page 23 regarding the install!
An overview of possible installation scenarios is provided in Planning the EDT Installation
(EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf), located on CD Volume 5 in the Products\EDT\Docs folder. For
detailed installation instructions, please refer to the installation guides provided with this release:
EDM Installation Guide, and the EDT Drilling Installation Guide, located on CD Volume 5 in the
Products\EDT\Docs folder.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 2 of 68 June 2006


EDT 2003.16.0 is a new product. If you are currently using a pre-2003.14.0 version of the EDM database, you
must upgrade to at least 2003.14.0 BEFORE you install EDT 2003.16.0.

Install 2003.16.0 in a different directory than the previous release. Refer to the Installation Checklist on page 23
for details.

After installing EDT 2003.16.0, upgrade your existing EDM 2003.14 or higher database to 2003.16.0.

IMPORTANT: Documentation available on CD Volume 5

The following documents are provided in hardcopy with the release media:

Engineers Desktop R2003.16. Drilling Summary Level Release Notes

EDM Release Notes (EDM_ReleaseNotes.pdf)
Planning the EDT Installation (EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf)

The following helpful documents are available on CD Volume 5 (in the Products\EDT\Docs folder) in PDF
format only:

EDM Installation Guide (EDM_Install.pdf)

EDT Drilling Installation Guide (EDT_Drilling_Install.pdf)
EDM Drilling Database Guide (EDM_Drilling_database.pdf)
EDM Drilling Data Migration Guide (EDM_Drilling_DataMigration.pdf)
EDT Citrix Guide (EDT_Citrix.pdf)

Individual product release notes are available on CD Vol 5 in the Products/EDT/Docs folder.

To get going quickly, refer to Quick StartThe Installation Process in a Nutshell in the Planning the EDT
Installation guide.

The following sections of this document detail more general information about the EDT release
and the enhancements provided with R2003.16. Contact your Landmark Sales or Support
Representative for further information on upcoming EDT release plans.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 3 of 68 June 2006

Engineers Data Model (EDM) Overview

Previous versions of Drilling and Completions applications utilized a number of disparate

databases and file-based data management systems. Migrating these applications to a common
database will facilitate intra-drilling software integration. Additionally, shared user interface
components, common functionality, and software modules provide for consistent data
management, navigation, and usage of all EDM applications. These integration enhancements
will increase the user's ability to use the Drilling and Completions applications and become a
more productive asset team member.
Many products provided in the Engineer's Desktop R2003.16.0 release have added new features
and repaired existing defects outlined in their product-specific release notes.
The integrated Well Data Management platform is a wellbore-focused enterprise data
management system designed to store all Prototype, Planned, and Actual Wellpath and operations
information. Integrated data sets promote engineering workflows, reduce the data entry burden
required by engineers, and facilitate comparison of planned and actual design and operations.
Support for multiple-prototype designs effectively removes the barrier experienced by users when
trying to perform 'what-if' engineering analyses.
As a data management system, EDM provides a common method of storing and extracting data
from the database. Features include a set of Common Data tables shared by multiple EDM
applications, application-specific tables storing data required for only one application, and a
common Unit Management System (UMS) which supports user-defined Display unit sets which
convert values from the system storage unit set within EDM to user units. EDM also provides
support for Reference Datum Levels (RDL) that enables viewing of depth-referenced data to
multiple depth datum elevations for the wellbore.
EDM provides for a common Security system, multiuser concurrency support, andfor certain
applicationsa common Reporting Engine. The EDM Report Manager shipped with the
Engineer's Desktop R2003.16 applications is used to view, save, and send Output Reports created
with the EDM Administration Utility, and is available to the OpenWells, WELLPLAN, and
COMPASS applications.
Support for attached documents and folders is enabled, providing the user with the ability to store
links to common folders, associated proposals, basis of design documents, spreadsheets,
photographs, and design assumption documents with data stored in EDM. Attached documents
may be stored in the database directly or saved as links to the file system path to the document.
Along with these Drilling Summary Level Release Notes, the EDM Release Notes, release notes
for individual Drilling applications and online Help files, your Engineer's Desktop R2003.16
release includes the following online documentation:

Planning the EDT Installationthis guide describes the various installation scenarios
available for Engineers Desktop release 2003.16. The file is called
EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf, and is located in the Products\EDT\Docs folder on CD Volumes 5.

EDM Installation Guidethis guide contains the full installation instructions for installing the
Engineers Data Model (EDM), including database creation program. Standalone and Network

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 4 of 68 June 2006

Client/Server installation procedures are fully described. The file is named EDM_Install.pdf,
and is located in the Products\EDT\Docs folder on the Volume 5 CD.

EDT Drilling Installation Guidethis guide contains the full installation instructions for
installing the Drilling applications. Standalone and Network Client/Server installation
procedures are fully described. The file is named EDT_Drilling_Install.pdf, and is located in
the Products\EDT\Docs folder on the Volume 6 CD.

LAM 2003.0Windows Release Notesthese notes explain the procedures for installing,
configuring, and managing the license system for Landmark applications. Directions are also
given for uninstalling older versions of the FLEXlm license server. The file is named
LAMReleaseNotes.pdf and is located in the Products\EDT\Install\LAM folder on the
Volume 5 CD.

EDT Citrix Guidethis guide offers instructions for installing and using EDT on Citrix. The
file is named EDT_Citrix.pdf, and is located in the Products\EDT\Docs folder on the Volume
5 CD.

EDT Drilling Migration Guidethis guide explains how to migrate legacy data from
COMPASS, WELLPLAN, and DIMS databases into the EDM database. The file is named

EDM Drilling Database Guidethis guide explains how to install, configure, upgrade, and
manage your EDM Oracle, or MSDE database, and includes configuration, SQL scripts,
preparation of the server. The file is named EDM_Drilling_Database_Guide.pdf.

You will also receive a Landmark OpenBooks CD. This CD contains all available PDF user
documentation for Landmark Products.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 5 of 68 June 2006

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

The minimum and recommended system requirements follow.

Network Clients or Standalone

Recommended for Windows XP Platform Minimum for Windows XP Platform

Windows XP Professional, SP 2 Windows XP Professional, SP 2
2 GHz processor 1 GHz processor
1 GB RAM or greater 512 MB RAM or greater (will work with 256
MB RAM, but 512 is preferred)
SVGA Color Monitor SVGA Color Monitor
106-key Windows-ready integrated keyboard 106-key Windows-ready integrated keyboard
MS-compatible mouse or pointing device MS-compatible mouse or pointing device
TCP/IP based network connection 100 Mbps, TCP/IP based network connection 100 Mbps,
or or
FLEXid dongle (bitlock), FLEXlm version 7.2i FLEXid dongle (bitlock), FLEXlm version 7.2i
(for licensing) (for licensing)
3 GB or better disk space 2.1GB disk space (with everything installed)
CD-ROM drive (not required if installing from CD-ROM drive (not required if installing from
a network location) a network location)
For Standalone systems, should have parallel For Standalone systems, should have parallel
port or USB port if dongle/bitlock license used port or USB port if dongle/bitlock license used

Recommended for Windows 2000 Platform Minimum for Windows 2000 Platform
Windows 2000 Professional, SP 4 Windows 2000 Professional, SP 4
2 GHz processor 1 GHz processor
1 GB RAM or greater 512 MB RAM or greater (will work with 256
MB RAM, but 512 is preferred)
SVGA Color Monitor SVGA Color Monitor
106-key Windows-ready integrated keyboard 106-key Windows-ready integrated keyboard
MS-compatible mouse or pointing device MS-compatible mouse or pointing device

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 6 of 68 June 2006

Recommended for Windows 2000 Platform Minimum for Windows 2000 Platform
TCP/IP based network connection 100 Mbps, TCP/IP based network connection 100 Mbps,
or or
FLEXid dongle (bitlock), FLEXlm version 7.2i FLEXid dongle (bitlock), FLEXlm version 7.2i
(for licensing) (for licensing)
3 GB or better disk space 2.1GB disk space (with everything installed)
CD-ROM drive (not required if installing from CD-ROM drive (not required if installing from
a network location) a network location)
For Standalone systems, should have parallel For Standalone systems, should have parallel
port or USB port if dongle/bitlock license used port or USB port if dongle/bitlock license used

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 7 of 68 June 2006


Recommended for Windows 2000 Server Minimum for Windows 2000 Server
Platform Platform

Windows 2000 Server, SP 4 Windows 2000 Server, SP 4

2 GHz or higher 1.5 MHz processor
2 GB RAM or greater 1 GB RAM or greater
SVGA Color Monitor SVGA Color Monitor
106-key Windows-ready integrated keyboard 106-key Windows-ready integrated keyboard
MS-compatible mouse or pointing device MS-compatible mouse or pointing device
TCP/IP based network connection 100 Mbps TCP/IP based network connection 10 Mbps
2-4 GB or better disk space 2 GB disk space
CD-ROM drive (not required if installing from CD-ROM drive (not required if installing from
a network location) a network location)

Recommended for Windows 2003 Server Minimum for Windows 2003 Server
Platform Platform

Windows 2003 Server, SP 1 (changed for Windows 2003 Server, SP 1 (changed for
2003.16) 2003.16)
2 GHz or higher 1.5 GHz processor
2 GB RAM or greater 1 GB RAM or greater
VGA Color Monitor VGA Color Monitor
106-key Windows-ready integrated keyboard 106-key Windows-ready integrated keyboard
MS-compatible mouse or pointing device MS-compatible mouse or pointing device
TCP/IP based network connection 100 Mbps TCP/IP based network connection 10 Mbps
2-4 GB or better disk space 2 GB disk space
CD-ROM drive (not required if installing from CD-ROM drive (not required if installing from
a network location) a network location)

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 8 of 68 June 2006


The 2003.16 Engineers Desktop applications have been certified in a Citrix thin-client
environment. The test environment consisted of three server-class PCs:

Server 1 (Database server, SAM server)

Operating System: Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition, SP 1 (changed for 2003.16)

Services: Oracle 9i (9.2)

EDM database
(SAM) Simultaneous Access Monitor (Note that the SAM server should not
be on the same server with Citrix and the published applications)
Server 2 (Citrix and Applications)

Operating System: Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition, SP 1 (changed for 2003.16)

Services: Citrix Presentation Server 4.0.1, with Citrix Hotfix PSE400WK3R01 (refer
to the Citrix support page for details on this hotfix:
http://support.citrix.com/kb/entry.jspa?externalID=CTX107504 (changed
for 2003.16)
Citrix Resource Manager
Citrix License Server components
NFuse Elite (Windows Web Client), version 9.150
Server 3 (Citrix and Applications)

Operating System: Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition, SP 1 (changed for 2003.16)

Services: Citrix Presentation Server 4.0.1, with Citrix Hotfix PSE400WK3R01 (refer
to the Citrix support page for details on this hotfix:
http://support.citrix.com/kb/entry.jspa?externalID=CTX107504 (changed
for 2003.16)
Citrix Resource Manager

Citrix Servers (Tested Configuration)

Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition, SP 1 (changed for 2003.16)

2 x 933 MHz Intel Pentium III processors
TCP/IP-based network connection 100 Mbps (both NICs)
18 GB disk space

Note: Citrix can be configured in a number of different ways. Landmark has only certified the
configuration outlined above.

For more details, refer to the EDT Citrix Guide (EDT_Citrix.pdf), located on CD Volume 5.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 9 of 68 June 2006

ODBC Drivers

The following table lists ODBC Drivers and their corresponding version numbers used by
Landmark during testing of the Engineers Desktop R2003.16 Release. This table describes which
ODBC drivers our test labs have certified and which drivers Landmark supports for use with
EDM applications.

ODBC Driver Name Version Supported

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 2000.81.9042.00 Supported

Oracle 8.1.7 ODBC Driver No longer supported

Oracle 9i ODBC Driver Supported. Other available drivers are NOT supported. For
example, the following are NOT supported:
Oracle 10g ODBC Driver Supported for Production & Economics; not supported for

Note: OpenWorks will now work with Oracle 9i. If you need to integrate EDM applications with
OpenWorks, you will have to use Oracle 9i.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 10 of 68 June 2006

Configuration Combinations For Engineers Desktop, DecisionSpace,

and OpenWorks

Engineers DecisionSpace Engineers DecisionSpace DecisionSpace
Desktop R2003.10.0.7, Desktop R2003.10.0.7/ R2003.10.0.7/
R2003.16, on on Oracle 9i R2003.16, OpenWorks OpenWorks
Oracle 9i or on MSDE R2003.12, R2003.12, on
10g on Oracle 8.1.7 Oracle 9i
Windows yes; see 5 yes yes yes; see 1 yes; see 1
2000 below below below
Operating System

Windows yes; see 5 yes yes yes; see 1 yes; see 1
2000 Server below below below
Windows XP not tested; see 5 yes yes see 1 and 4 see 1 and 4
Professional below below below
Windows yes; see 5 untested yes untested untested
2003 Server below

DecisionSpace only supports Oracle 8.1.7 client, but it will support an Oracle 9i database.
If you want to run Engineers Desktop R2003.16 and DecisionSpace R2003.10.0.7 on the same standalone
workstation, you MUST run on Windows 2000.
3 If you want to run Engineers Desktop R2003.16 and DecisionSpace R2003.10.0.7 on an XP workstation,
then they MUST connect to an OpenWorks instance on another workstation.
Oracle 8.1.7 Client is not officially supported by Oracle on any platform above Windows 2000. You may
need to perform some special installation operations to enable this driver on this platform. See the instal-
lation instructions included with either DecisionSpace and/or OpenWorks for more information.
5 Oracle 10g is not officially supported for Drilling applications in this release.

Third-Party Applications and Why They Are Needed

A number of third-party applications must be installed prior to

installing EDM or the Drilling and Completions applications. If Third-
Party Components have not been installed, the Engineers Desktop
2003.16 installation will not continue. Failure to install these
applications prior to running the EDM Database and applications will
cause problems when using the database, applications, and tools.

The Third-Party installation is available on each of the Engineers

Desktop Installation CDs (Volumes 5 and 6). This install can be run
from the Landmark splash screen, which appears when the CD is
inserted. To run the installation, select Engineers Desktop - 3rd

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 11 of 68 June 2006

Party (located on the left side of the Landmark splash screen), then
click Install (on the right side of the screen) and follow the prompts.

Once the Third-Party install has completed, a reboot is necessary to

launch the installation of Microsoft Visual J# .NET Redistribution
Package 1.1. This tool is necessary to run EDM Publishing Service and
Report Manager. Click Yes to install Microsoft Visual J# .NET
Redistribution Package 1.1 and follows the prompts.

The major third-party applications are discussed below.

Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8 (MDAC)

MDAC supplies the database drivers that are certified for use with the
Engineers Desktop. Landmark does not support the use of any other
driver versions.

Crystal Reports 11.5

Crystal Reports 11.5 is the runtime component that is used by the

Engineers Desktop Output Reporting engine. This component is
required by OpenWells, PROFILE, WELLPLAN, COMPASS, EDM
Publishing Service, and iWellFile.

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

The .NET Framework provides an execution environment for various

Engineers Desktop applications and services (e.g., EDM Services
Controller, EDM Publishing Service, and each of the EDM Services).

Landmark LAM 2003

Landmarks License Application Manager (LAM) is based on

Globetrotter Softwares FLEXlm licensing server package. LAM
installation files are included in the Third-Party installation.
Information on installing LAM is located in the LAM 2003 Guide
UNIX and Windows manual. This manual is included with the Release
2003 box of materials. An Adobe .PDF version of this document is
included on the OpenBooks CD.

Release 2003.0 requires FLEXlm 7.2e. FLEXlm 7.2e server and

license files incorporate new security enhancements used by Release

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 12 of 68 June 2006

2003.0. As a result, Release 2003.0 applications will not work on

earlier versions of FLEXlm.

If you are using a FLEXlm dongle (bitlock), you must install FLEXlm
7.2i on the standalone or client machine.

Bitlocks and OpenWorks

Bitlocks are not supported by OpenWorks. Clients who want to connect to

OpenWorks must use regular network licenses, and not USB bitlocks.

Therefore, clients using OpenWire, Engineers Link, EDM to OpenWorks,

and COMPASS Live Link must use Network licences.

Microsoft Visual J# .NET Redistribution Package 1.1

The Visual J# .NET Redistribution Package is used to run Visual J#

.NET applications. Without this package, EDM Publishing Service will
fail to run properly.

Complete List of Third-Party Software For Release 2003.16

The following table describes the operating systems (OS) and third party software upgrades
supported for applications in Release 2003.16.

Product/Package Microsoft Windows Windows XP Profes-

2000 sional and Microsoft
Windows Server 2003
Certified OS Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional,
SP 4 SP 2; Windows 2003 Server,
SP 1 (changed for 2003.16)
Adobe Systems Inc., Adobe Reader 6.0 6.0
(changed for 2003.16)
Adobe Systems Inc., Adobe Acrobat 6.0 (TOW/cs only) 6.0 (TOW/cs only)
Apache/XML Xerces 14.0 14.0
Blue Marble Carto
Commons BeanUtils 1.4.1 1.4.1
Commons Collections 2.0 2.0
Commons Logging 1.0.2 1.0.2
ComponentOne LLC Chart 7.0 7.0
ComponentOne LLC TrueDBGrid Pro 7.0b 7.0b

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 13 of 68 June 2006

Product/Package Microsoft Windows Windows XP Profes-

2000 sional and Microsoft
Windows Server 2003
Crystal Reports (note that one Crystal 11.5 11.5
Reports Developer license per site is required
if you want to customize reports) (changed for
Data Dynamics, Ltd., ActiveBar Pro 2.0 (TOW/cs only) 2.0 (TOW/cs only)
Decisioneering, Inc. Crystal Ball Crystal Ball 2000 Standard Crystal Ball 2000 Standard
Desaware Inc., SpyWorks 6.3 Professional 6.3 Professional 6.3 Professional
DEX 2003.14.3.70 2003.14.3.70
DirectX 9.0c 9.0c
FarPoint Technologies Inc., Spread 7.0 7.0
FarPoint Technologies Inc., FarPoint
Technologies TabPro
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., 6.1a; 6,5 (ARIES only) 6.1a; 6.5 (ARIES only)
Compaq Visual Fortran
Hummingbird Ltd., Exceed/Exceed 3D 7.0 (VIP Desktop 2003) ----
7.1 (VIP Desktop 2003)
Infragistics Corp., Active Threed Plus

Infragistics Corp., Active Toolbars

Infragistics Corp., Active ListBar
Infragistics Corp., Active TreeView
Infragistics Corp., Data Widgets 3.1 3.1
Infragistics Corp., Calendar Widgets 1.1 1.1
Infragistics Corp., NetAdvantage 2004, Vol. 3 2004, Vol. 3
Infragistics Corp., UltraToolBars 4.01 4.01
Inner Media Inc., DynaZip 4.0.0 4.0.0
INT 3.4 3.4
Mabry Software Inc., FTP/X Control
Macrovision Corporation Flexlm 7.2i 7.2i
Macrovision InstallShield Admin Studio 6.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 6.0
Microsoft JET 4.0 SP8 4.0 SP8
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.70.9001 2.8 SP1
Microsoft Office 2003 SP1 SP1

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 14 of 68 June 2006

Product/Package Microsoft Windows Windows XP Profes-

2000 sional and Microsoft
Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Office 2000 (Microsoft Access, SP2 SP1
Microsoft Excel)
Microsoft XP Professional (Microsoft ---- SP2
Access, Microsoft Excel)
Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine 2.0 SP3A 2.0 SP3A
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3 2000 SP3
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 1.1 1.1
Microsoft Visual Studio 6 SP6 SP6
Microsoft Visual Studio 7 (.NET) 1.0 1.0
MKS Inc., NuTCRACKER 4.2a 4.2a
OPC Foundation SDK 2.00 2.00
Oracle Corporation, ORACLE Client 9i/10g (10g not supported for 9i/10g (10g not supported for
Drilling) Drilling)
Oracle Corporation, ORACLE Server 9i/10g (10g not supported for 9i/10g (10g not supported for
Drilling) Drilling)
PaTENT MPI Dev Kit 4.0.15 4.0.15
PaTENT MPI Runtime 4.0.15 4.0.15
Rawtech List Collection LC3 3.0 3.0
Rogue Wave 6.0.4 6.0.4
Rogue Wave Software, Inc., Stingray Studio 8.11 8.11
Objective Grid PRO
Rogue Wave Software, Inc., Stingray Studio 8.03 8.03
Objective Grid Standard
Rogue Wave Software, Inc., Stingray Studio 8.03 8.03
Objective Toolkit Standard
SCGrid.com, SCGrid Active X grid Control
SDI 5.3 ----
Silicon Graphics, Inc. OpenGL 1.2 1.2
Softel vdm, Inc., Sft Tree/DLL 4.5 4.5
Software FX, Inc., Chart FX Active X
Software FX, Inc., Chart FX .NET Control 6.2 6.2
Sun Microsystems Inc., Java 2 Runtime 1.4.2_06 1.4.2_06
Environment, Standard Edition

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 15 of 68 June 2006

Product/Package Microsoft Windows Windows XP Profes-

2000 sional and Microsoft
Windows Server 2003
sysFire LLC, GreenLeaf Software 2.13 2.13
TCL Library (Tclib) 8.2.3 8.2.3

Space Requirements for Individual Applications and Tools

The table below shows the minimum disk space requirements for various installation

Applications Approximate Disk Space Needed to Install

Engineers Data Model (EDM) 780 MB
Administration Utility (required)
MSDE Administration (required) (Required support files will be copied into the Windows
Drilling Data Migration installation directory; the installation of EDM and
Production and Economics Data Migration MSDE support and temporary installation files requires
Database Upgrade Utilities 400 MB of disk space)
Drilling & Completions: Engineering 280 MB
Drilling & Completions: Well Data Management 250 MB
Data Analyzer
Real-Time View
TOTAL: Everything ~2.0 GB

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 16 of 68 June 2006

Screen Resolutions/Video

Recommended Minimum
1024 x 768 or higher 1024 x 768

If you experience display problems when running PROFILE, PROFILE Symbol Manager, or
graphs in WELLPLAN Critical Speed module, upgrade your video driver to the latest version.

When using PROFILE, the following are required:

For the 1D and 2D schematics, any NVIDIA or ATI card from the past two years is
recommended (e.g., NVIDIA GeForce 3, NVIDIA Quadro FX Go700, or ATI Radeon 7500

For full 3D visualization, the latest graphic card from NVIDIA or ATI would be
recommended along with 1.5Ghz+ processor with the above specification for the 1D or 2D
as the minimum.

Other Requirements

Applications require you to install a Landmark LAM or a FLEXlm dongle (bitlock) for
licensing purposes. Landmark does not distribute FLEX dongle bitlocks for use on
application servers.

Applications require Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.8 or higher.
The Setup Program automatically installs MDAC 2.8 if necessary.

Windows XP Professional users must install all Critical and Recommended Windows

Drilling and Completions Oracle users must use the Oracle 9i client SP2 (Oracle 10g is not
supported for Drilling).

You need Internet Explorer 6.0 for a successful installation.


EDM Installshield and MSDE Install Requirements

The Engineers Desktop installation always copies required support files into the Windows
installation directory. This is in addition to disk space required for the EDM program files, which
go into a separate directory. The installation of EDM and MSDE support files requires

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 17 of 68 June 2006

approximately 30 MB of disk space for files, as well as an additional 50 MB for temporary files
created by the installation.

MSDE Install Behavior with SQL Server Client/SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine or MSDE is the standalone database provided with the
Engineers Desktop R2003.16.0 release. MSDE is a technology that provides local data storage
that is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and above. It is designed and optimized for use
on smaller computer systems, including a single-user computer or small workgroup server.

MSDE installation issues impacting PCs with SQL Server installed are listed in MSDE
Installation Issues in the EDM Installation Guide.

Upgrading the EDM Database

This installation is NOT an upgrade from a previous version of the Engineers Data Model. The
EDM Installation is meant for new users of the Engineers Data Model. If you are currently using
a pre-2003.14.0 version of the EDM database, you must upgrade your EDM database to 2003.14.0
or 2003.14.1.0 prior to upgrading to the 2003.16 release.

Note that once the EDM database has been upgraded to 2003.16, you will no longer be able to
access it using the 2003.14 applications. Consequently, if you intend to run both 2003.14 and
2003.16 applications, you should make a copy of your 2003.14 database and upgrade the copy to
2003.16. This leaves your original 2003.14 database accessible by 2003.14 applications. Landmark
supports concurrent installs of 2003.14 and 2003.16 versions.

For information on upgrading the Engineers Data Model, or migrating data to the 2003.16 version
of EDM, refer to Planning the EDT Installation (EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf), and the EDM Drilling
Database Guide (EDM_Drilling_Database.pdf).

Installing With Previous Versions

When installing Engineers Desktop EDM 2003.16 on a machine that contains a previous version
of EDM, verify that 2003.16 is installed in a different directory and given a unique Programs
Folder. CAUTION: If the same installation directory and Programs Folder are used, the previous
version will be overwritten. This install scenario is not recommended.

Before you can upgrade your existing EDM version, the database must first be upgraded to at least

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 18 of 68 June 2006

Microsoft Security Warnings When Installing

A security warning may appear when trying to install software, due to security restrictions imposed
by recent Microsoft security updates:

Security Warning: Do you want to run this software?

Simply click Run to proceed with the EDM installation.

Install Is Now Fully Compliant with Microsoft Windows Installer

The installation is now fully compliant with Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI). Windows
Installer enables better corporate deployment, and provides a standard format for component

Online Help Viewing Problems Due To Microsoft Security Updates

Some Microsoft security updates cause problems for the following online Help files:

WebHelp, which is comprised of uncompiled HTML files (Windows XP SP 2 platform)

HTMLHelp (.chm) files accessed from a server machine (all platforms).

These issues are discussed in detail below.

Windows XP SP2 Default Security Settings Block Some Online Help (WebHelp)

Windows XP SP2 includes improvements to Internet Explorer security that are intended to help
most users by stopping local web pages that contain active content from accessing your computer
maliciously. Active content includes Java Script, Java applets and ActiveX controls. Even very
innocuous Java Script such as that found in online help is deemed by Microsoft to be active content,
and will trigger this security setting. OpenWells and EDM Administration Utility use WebHelp
files of this type.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 19 of 68 June 2006

When you try to open the help file in either of these two applications, Internet Explorer displays a
light-yellow information bar, warning you that it is blocking active content. (Note that this
behavior only occurs in Internet Explorer, not in other browsers, such as NetScape or Mozilla). The
following graphic illustrates the behavior.

Internet Explorer pops up this

information bar and blocks the

Temporary Solution

If you want to view the help file, click the bar and select Allow Blocked Content from the drop-
down menu. A warning dialog will appear, which you must acknowledge by clicking Yes. Now
you will be able to view the help page. This will occur each time you access the help.

Permanent Solutions

You may choose to permanently allow Internet Explorer to view Active Content on local files. This will
prevent the warning from appearing again. There are two permanent solutions you can choose from:

Solution 1: Turn off the security check for active content in the Internet Explorer

Solution 2: Replace the WebHelp provided by Landmark with FlashHelp provided by

Landmark on CD Vol 5. This solution requires you to download the Flash plug-in from the
Macromedia website.

Details follow.

Permanent Solution 1
To turn off the active content security check in the Internet Explorer for the local machine:

1. From the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, select Internet Options.

2. Navigate to the Advanced tab in the Internet Options dialog and then scroll down to
the Security section.

3. Enable the checkbox labeled Allow active content to run in files on My Computer.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 20 of 68 June 2006

Please note that this may allow malicious active content in files on your local computer to cause
problems, so you should only do this if you feel confident in your computer's security

Permanent Solution 2
You can replace the WebHelp files for OpenWells and EDM Admin Utility with FlashHelp
files (requires Flash plug-in version 6 or higher to be installed on your machine). To do this,
proceed as follows:

Download Flash Plug-in:

1. Find out if you have Flash plug-in version 6 or higher installed:

Open http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/welcome in your Internet Explorer


In the Macromedia Flash Player box, move the mouse over the About box to
show the currently installed version.

2. If you already have the Flash plug-in installed, proceed to Step 3. If not, go to
Macromedias website (http://www.macromedia.com/downloads/) to download the

Under Download Free Players select Macromedia Flash Player.

Uncheck Yahoo! TOOLBAR (Not required for operation of Flash Player).

Click Install Now, and follow any prompts.

Replace WebHelp Files with FlashHelp Files:

3. Files for replacing WebHelp with FlashHelp in the EDM Administration and
OpenWells applications can be found on the Volume 6 CD directory
\Products\EDT\Docs. The following outlines the procedure for replacing WebHelp
with FlashHelp for these applications.

Copy the files FlashHelp.exe and InstallFlashHelp.bat to a temporary directory on

the drive containing the Engineers Desktop 2003.16 applications. For the
OpenWells application, use the files found in the \\Products\EDT\Docs\OpenWells
Help folder on the CD. For the EDM Administration application, use the files found
in the \\Products\EDT\Docs\EDM Admin Help folder on the CD.

Run the InstallFlashHelp.bat file from the temporary location. This file will rename
the current WebHelp folder and extract the FlashHelp to the applications help

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 21 of 68 June 2006

Follow the prompts in the batch file.

Launch the application help system to verify that the new help system is working.

Now when you access the Help files from EDM Administration Utility or OpenWells,
FlashHelp versions of the help will open, and the security check will not be triggered.

Cannot Open Help Files Located On A Server After You Install Security Update
896358 Or Security Update 840315

For Windows 2000/XP and Windows 2003 Server, installing recent Microsoft security updates
(896354 and 840315) mean that .chm files (HTMLHelp) may not display correctly under some
circumstances. The problems do not occur if the help files are on a local drive (rather than a
mapped drive).

After installing these Microsoft security updates on a server machinewhere .chms (HTML
Help files) are stored for viewing and downloadingif you open a .chm file sitting on that
server, you will receive an Action Cancelled error on the .Help file's viewer frame. The TOC
and Index display normally. No matter which topic you try to view using the TOC or Index, an
Unable to open this web page message appears in the .Help file's viewer frame. This problem
does not occur if the help files are on a local drive (rather than a server or mapped drive).

The reason for this is that the Microsoft security updates disable all Internet Security zones
except the Local Machine zone.

If the help files reside on a server or mapped drive, you can apply the fixes suggested in one or
more of the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles in order to access the help:

KB902225 if the help file does not open at all


KB896054 if the help file opens, and displays the index but no contents

IMPORTANT! The Microsoft Knowledge Base fixes (KB896054 and KB902225) require
adjusting the registry on the server machine.

Be aware that you cannot solve this problem by adjusting the Security Zones feature in Internet Options in
Internet Explorer. It MUST be done via the servers registry. There is no other workaround other than moving
the Help files to the local machine.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 22 of 68 June 2006

Before You Install

ATTENTION: For the 2003.16 release, the installation has been broken up into three separate
installs, which should be run in this order:

Third-party components (CD Vol 5)

EDM (CD Vol 5)
Drilling and Completions applications (CD Vol 6)

Note that you will NOT be prompted to enter these CDs. Run the Third-part Components install first, from CD
Vol 5. When it completes, run the EDM install (also on CD Vol 5). After it completes, insert CD Vol 6 to install
Drilling and Completions applications.

For an outline of various installation scenarios, see Planning the EDT Installation (EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf),
which can be found in the \Products\EDT\Docs folder on each installation CD. For complete installation details,
see the following online guides, which can be found in the same folder:

EDM Installation Guide (EDM_Install.pdf), and EDT Drilling Installation Guide (EDT_Drilling_Install.pdf).

To get going quickly, refer to Quick StartThe Installation Process in a Nutshell in the Planning the EDT
Installation guide.

Before installing Engineers Desktop R2003.16, review these release notes entirely. The release
notes provide you with necessary information about:
the applications in Engineers Desktop R2003.16
the hardware and operating systems on which you can run Engineers Desktop R2003.16
product dependencies

These release notes do not note all of new features or known problems for individual products; for
this information, consult the release notes of the individual products that you use.

Installation Checklist

The applications found in Engineers Desktop R2003.16 require a certain order of installation.
The following checklist outlines the phases of the installation process.
1. If you have a previous installation of the EDM database, make sure that you have upgraded
your database to 2003.14.0 or higher before proceeding with the 2003.16 installation and
database upgrade! Once the database has been upgraded to 2003.16, you will no longer be
able to access it using the 2003.14 EDT applications. Consequently, if you want to be able to

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 23 of 68 June 2006

run both 2003.14 and 2003.16 applications, make a copy of your 2003.14 database and
upgrade the copy to 2003.16.

2. Upgrade the Operating System, if necessary. For Windows 2000, SP4 must be installed for use
with FLEXlm LAM Client/Server. For Windows XP, SP2 must be installed. For Windows
2003 Server, SP1 must be installed.

3. Install Oracle client 9i (if you use Oracle).

4. Patch Oracle to SP2 ( (if you use Oracle).

5. Before installing products you must load Adobe Acrobat Reader (you can download the latest
Reader from Adobes website: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.) to
read the available documentation.

6. Uninstall any existing FLEXlm license servers (LAM servers) older than R2003.0 (FLEXlm
version 7.2i). See LAM 2003.0Windows Release Notes (LAMReleaseNotes.pdf), located in
the Products\EDT\Install\LAM folder on CD 5, for details.

7. Run the Third-Party Components install to ensure that you have required third-party
components, such as .NET, etc.

8. Install EDM (available on CD Volume 5).

9. Install desired individual Drilling & Completions products (available on CD Volume 6).

10. Install the 2003 LAM server (FLEXlm version 7.2i) and obtain product licenses. See LAM
2003.0Windows Release Notes (LAMReleaseNotes.pdf), located in the
Products\EDT\Install\\LAM folder on CD 5, for details.

11. Upgrade existing EDM 2003.14 or higher databases to 2003.16. See the EDM Drilling
Database Guide (EDM_Drilling_Database.pdf) for details.

12. If you dont have an existing EDM database and want to create one on Oracle, see the EDM
Drilling Database Guide (EDM_Drilling_Database.pdf) for details.

13. Migrate any existing pre-2003.11 databases to 2003.14; then upgrade from 2003.14.0 to
2003.16.0. For Drilling applications, see the EDT Drilling Data Migration Guide
(EDM_Drilling_DataMigration.pdf) for details.

14. Before attempting to run PROFILE, if you will be exporting PROFILE WallPlot Composer
schematics to JPG file format, Windows color depth should be adjusted to a resolution higher
than 256-bit.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 24 of 68 June 2006

MSDE Install Behavior with SQL Server Client/SQL Server

Microsoft Desktop Engine or MSDE is the standalone database provided with the Engineers
Desktop R2003.16 release. MSDE is a new technology that provides local data storage
compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2000. It is designed and optimized for use on smaller
computer systems, such as a single-user computer or a very small workgroup server (5 users or
Microsofts utility for installing MSDE is included within the Landmark Engineers Desktop
R2003.16 install program. The behavior of the MSDE install on a PC is different if the PC already
has Microsoft SQL Server Client installed or SQL Server itself. Landmark has no control over
this MSDE install behavior, as these are Microsofts own installation tools. Complete
documentation of this behavior and recommended installation procedures are provided in the
installation guide. These instructions enable a client to successfully install Engineers Desktop
and MSDE without affecting existing SQL Server Client applications. It is important that clients
using Microsoft SQL Server Client or SQL Server review the installation instructions thoroughly
before attempting to install Engineers Desktop R2003.16.

Contents of the Engineers Desktop R2003.16 Release CDs

Engineers Desktop R2003.16 is contained on the following volumes:

Volume 5Engineers Data Model (EDM)
Volume 6Drilling Engineering and Data Management

The Engineers Desktop R2003.16 Release includes the following applications and tools:

Acrobat Reader

Acrobat Reader is needed to view the release notes and other documentation in .PDF format. If
you already have version 6.0 or later of the Reader installed, you do not need to re-install it. You
can download the latest Reader from Adobes website: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/

Engineers Desktop R2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes

This document.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 25 of 68 June 2006

Engineers Desktop R2003.16 Installation

The InstallShield will install EDM and the Engineers Desktop applications you select. For
convenience, the installation program groups applications into three natural combinations:
Engineers Data Model (CD Vol. 5)
Drilling Engineering (CD Vol. 6)
Data Management (CD Vol. 6)

These combinations are detailed below.

Engineers Data Model Combination

This Installation Combination Installs

Engineers Data Model By default, selecting Engineers Data Model includes the database
plus the following common components:
EDM Database
Catalog Editor
Unit Converter
EDM Report Manager
Field Office Data Transfer (Drilling)
EDM to OpenWorks Link
EDM Publishing Service
EDM Services Controller and associated Windows services

You can elect to install the following:

Administration Utility
MSDE Administration
Drilling Data Migration
Production and Economics Data Migration
Database Upgrade Utilities
Database Creation
Database Update

EDM Database
EDM (Engineers Data Model) is Landmarks newest integrated database product. This release
of Engineers Desktop R2003.16 enables the migration of legacy data from COMPASS,
WELLPLAN, and DIMS applications into the new common database. CasingSeat and
StressCheck can directly import legacy data files. Common data from each legacy database can
be merged into one set of shared business objects, preventing future duplication of information.

The EDM database allows for centralization of Drilling application data sets and enables
naturally integrated engineering workflows. For this release, integrated workflows are
available between Drilling applications. Later releases will accommodate more complex
workflows between both Drilling applications and Production & Economics applications.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 26 of 68 June 2006

Catalog Editor
(Drilling) Catalogs are used as equipment selection lists to design a casing, tubing, liner, or
drillstring. Read-only system catalogs are distributed with the software. Additional custom
catalogs can be created that will allow changes. A catalog can be copied and pasted (including
read-only catalogs); copied catalogs are editable and can be customized. Custom catalogs are
useful because the catalog content can be customized to the available pipes or other drilling
products used by the company. A catalog can be locked to prevent changes. You can also merge

The Catalog Editor application allows you to edit the catalog selected in the Well Explorer.

Rig Editor
The Rig Editor utility allows you to enter information regarding the identity and properties of
the rig, derrick, related equipment, and capacities. In WELLPLAN, StressCheck, and
CasingSeat, this utility opens when you right-click on a contractor. COMPASS users can enter
rig information by selecting Rig Editor from the Start > Landmark Engineers Desktop
2003.16 > Tools menu. In OpenWells, a rig and contractor information can be modified in the
Contractors tab of the Well Explorer.

Unit Converter
Use the Unit Converter application to convert a numeric value from one unit measurement
system to an equivalent unit measurement system based on unit types (categories) defined in
the database.

EDM Report Manager

This application is used to generate, view, save, and send Output Reports created with the EDT
Drilling and Completions applications and is available to applications such as OpenWells,
PROFILE, WELLPLAN, and COMPASS. Landmark plans to implement this Report Manager
in other EDM applications in future releases.

Field Office Data Transfer (Drilling)

The Field Office Data Transfer application is used to transfer the database hierarchy, wells,
wellbores, events, and reports between EDM databases. It also has an option to import and
export site and picklist metadata information. Data can be sent through the LAN or through
Dial Up Networking. Data can be transferred through email or FTP. Two Windows Services
must be run in the background for the receiving EDM database: Email Watcher, and Data
Receiver. A dedicated PC is normally used for this purpose.

Email Watcher scans the recipient's email for attached data transfer files. Once a file is
received, it is moved to the receiving directory. When using FTP, the data is ftpd to the

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 27 of 68 June 2006

receiving directory. The Data Receiver service monitors for newly imported files in the
receiving directory and automatically uploads the data transfer file contents into the EDM

Additionally, the Field Office Data Transfer allows for Status updates, so when data is sent the
sender can come back at a later time and update the status information, which grabs the log file
on the receiver and updates the sender with the current status of the transfer.

The Field Office Data Transfer application also contains a Well Explorer, from which you can
Import or Export, create nodes, edit properties, etc., as you can in the other EDM applications.

EDM to OpenWorks Link

EDM-OpenWorks Link is a tool that enables you to map wells in the selected EDM database
to projects in the selected OpenWorks database. This association between databases is called
mapping. After a well is mapped to a project in OpenWorks, you can use the Engineer's Link
application to transfer data from the EDM database to OpenWorks.

For this release of EDM-OpenWorks Link, the mapping is enabled in one direction only: EDM
to OpenWorks.

EDM Publishing Service

The EDM Publishing Service is a configuration utility and Windows service that enables
automated or manual generation and/or email distribution of OpenWells Reports in printed
(hard copy) or electronic (.PDF) format.

EDM Services Controller

The EDM Services Controller runs in the Windows System Tray and enables EDM Services to
be configured, started, stopped, and restarted. The following Services are managed by the EDM
Services Controller: LGC EDM Data Receiver (Email), LGC EDM Data Receiver (File
System), LGC EDM Simultaneous Activity Monitor, and LGC EDM Publishing.

EDM Administration Utility

The EDM Administration Utility is a central utility to implement and administer a rollout of
the Engineers Desktop. It is used to configure and implement applications settings from a
single location for all Engineers Desktop applications.

The following operations can be performed using the EDM Administration Utility:

Create and customize EDM Output Reports, System Settings, and Unit Display Sets
Create and customize OpenWells Data Entry Forms, Preview Panes, Shortcut Bars, Job
Types, Data Validation Rulebooks, System Lookups, Carryovers, and Status Colors

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 28 of 68 June 2006

Configure EDM Security

Import and Export source files and EDM Administration Utility configurations
Generate EDM Schema for output reports

MSDE Administration Utility

Use the EDM MSDE Administration Utility to perform the following functions:

Install MSDE (Microsoft Desktop Engine) if it is not present on the local machine
Create a blank copy of the EDM database
Attach an EDM database file to MSDE
Create two default users for new MSDE databases:
username: EDM, password: landmark (Default application user)
username: EDM_SA, password: EDM_SA (Administration only).
Compress existing MSDE databases
Detach existing MSDE databases

Drilling Data Migration Utility

The migration of pre-2003.5 COMPASS and WELLPLAN legacy data to EDM is a three-step
process using the Data Migration Toolkit provided with the Engineers Desktop R2003.16
release. Legacy DIMS data can also be migrated using this toolkit. Tubular casing design data
from StressCheck and CasingSeat applications is not migrated using this process. After
installing EDM, CasingSeat and StressCheck users may import legacy data sets in either .SCK,
.PDI, or .XML format from previous versions directly into EDM using the File > Import menu
within the applications. To accomplish the migration of data from pre-2003.5 databases to
EDM, the following tools are used:

Drilling Field Mapping Tool

Drilling Data Migration Tool
EDM Data Merging Tool

This data migration process is critical to ensure integrity of the EDM data set created. Further
information of the Data Migration process is available in the EDT Drilling Migration Guide
document shipped with the EDT 2003.16 Release.

After the data migration, the first time that COMPASS is launched it re-calculates definitive
surveys for new data based on the survey program and survey station data.

If you install WELLPLAN, the WELLPLAN 2000 wfw Migration utility will also be
installed. This utility allows you to migrate .wfw transfer files from WELLPLAN 2000 into

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 29 of 68 June 2006

Drilling Engineering Combination

This Installation Combination Installs

Drilling Engineering COMPASS

The COMputerized Planning and Analysis Survey System, is a comprehensive software tool
used by oil companies and directional drilling contractors for directional well design and
construction. COMPASS offers a fast and accurate means of well planning and identification
of potential directional drilling or anti-collision problems at the earliest possible stage.

It includes all the features required for complex well trajectory design, survey and anti-collision
monitoring, and analysis. COMPASS also includes tools for survey data management, multiple
planning methods, torque-drag optimization, anti-collision plotting, and analysis, and platform

Landmarks CasingSeat application is used to design viable schemes consisting of casing shoe
setting depths and casing sizes. It provides rigorous shoe selection calculation routines to
optimize shoe locations based on pore pressure, fracture gradients and user-defined design
constraints. It features inventory-based management of permissible hole and casing size
combinations. The application provides layer- and lithology-based characterization of
subsurface boundary conditions and operating constraints, including those associated with
wellbore stability, minimum overbalance, and differential sticking.

CasingSeat is fully integrated with StressCheck, enabling a precise engineering workflow for
more detailed design and stress load analysis of the casing design.

Landmarks StressCheck application is the first graphics-based casing design product for
Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP platforms. It incorporates an array of
attributes to enable the user to quickly, systematically, and accurately evaluate casing wear
limits, minimum cost design, and working-stress design for burst, collapse, axial installation,
and service-life load cases.

StressCheck is based on casing design principles that are broadly accepted and employed in the
petroleum industry. CasingSeat and StressCheck are referred to as Tubular applications.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 30 of 68 June 2006

WELLPLAN is Landmarks drilling engineering analysis system designed for use at the rig site
and the office to provide both well planning and operations analysis. The different engineering
modules of WELLPLAN are seamlessly integrated and address aspects of data collection,
analysis, well planning, and modeling.

WELLPLAN can be used to improve well designs, prevent stuck pipe and BHA failures,
prevent drilling problems, and essentially drill the right wells the first time at a lower cost.
General well information is entered through common editors to enable basic Case data
components to be entered (e.g., wellbore editor, string editor, fluid editor, and survey editor).
These editors are generally available in most WELLPLAN modules depending on which
module or mode of analysis is being used. Additional data required for particular analyses are
entered using editors available within each analysis module (e.g., Torque/Drag Actual Loads,
Cement Job Editor, etc.).

Data Management Combination

This Installation Combination Contains

Data Management Data Analyzer
OpenWells Utilities
PSA CDRS Report Generator
Property Loader
Performance Reviews
Real-Time View

Data Analyzer
Data Analyzer provides an easy-to-use, powerful tool for EDT Drilling & Completions users,
which enables them to realize maximum value from their captured well operations and
engineering information. Data Analyzer provides all user levels the ability to quickly and easily
build simple and complex ad-hoc queries against drilling and well services data. Ad-hoc
queries can be generated, with the user selecting from the same user-defined labels and data
input structure that they are familiar with in the applications.

Landmark's latest Drilling, Completions, and Well Servicesand now Construction and
Reclamationoperations reporting application, OpenWells, is a fully integrated and
comprehensive, communications, analysis and corporate engineering information data
management system. It is used to capture information for all operations across the entire well
life cycle.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 31 of 68 June 2006

Wellsite operations reporting offers a new look and feel by taking advantage of the flexibility
of a new Java-based architecture and Landmark's Engineers Data Model (EDM) to provide
integration between Drilling, Completions, Well Services, and Production products.
OpenWells shares a common database with CasingSeat, StressCheck, COMPASS,
WELLPLAN, Data Analyzer, PROFILE, and Real-Time View. All products also have
consistent Data Management, Navigation, Security, Data Synchronization, Unit Management,
Geodetic, and Depth Reference Datum Elevation systems. Consistent user interface
components and methods have been implemented wherever possible between all EDM
applications to provide the user with a consistent experience across applications.

You can configure OpenWells to meet the specific needs of a company through customizable
Data Entry Forms, Preview Panes, Output Reports, and the Unit Management System.

The following utilities are available:

PSA CDRS Report Generator: The Norway Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) requires
that ongoing drilling activities are reported on a daily basis (weekdays) to the PSA drilling
database before 12:00 noon. PSA reports must be created as per the Norway Petroleum
Safety Authoritys User Guide for the Common Daily Drilling Report System (CDRS). The
PSA Reporting application generates information on daily drilling activities from
OpenWells and uses this information to create specially formatted ASCII data files (DDRS).
These files can then be sent to the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway to be added to their
Drilling Data repository.

OpenWells Performance Reviews: OpenWells Performance Reviews assists operators,

performance engineers, supervisors, and system administrators to extract, edit and manage
drilling performance information for review and submission to the Rushmore Reviews
operations performance benchmarking system. Engineers are able to quickly extract,
modify and manage Rushmore submissions sourced directly from their OpenWells
operations reports saving them time and money.

Using Rushmore Drilling Performance Reviews (DPR), operators are able to measure and
compare their known drilling performance, for all wells in a given region or country over a
given year, against the drilling performance of their peers in the industry. This enables
operators to determine best-in-class performance as well as improve benchmarks for future
well planning processes. OpenWells Performance Reviews provides engineers with a
valuable utility to populate their submissions direct from their well operations reports. This
first release of Performance Reviews is limited to the Drilling Performance Reviews (DPR)
submission only. A future release (2007) will extend the offering to support Rushmore's
Completions Performance Review (CPR).

A separate application developed on the OpenWells framework, OpenWells Performance

Reviews enables the user to create a new DPR data set for one or more selected operations
(Events). This includes the ability to segment an Event by date where it includes multiple
operations e.g., 'Drill & Complete'. Once the operations and wellbores have been selected
for the new DPR extract, the operations performance data is extracted from the OpenWells-

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 32 of 68 June 2006

entered reports and saved to a separate DPR data set. An editor enables the engineer to
review the extracted performance data, make additions to Rushmore specific areas and save
the data. To support Rushmore reporting. the Wellbore Properties area of OpenWells Well
Explorer in Performance Reviews (only) has also been extended to support two new data
entry tabs:

Details - Performance Indicators (Yes/No values)

Drilling - Drilling Methods and Techniques

Once the performance data has been prepared for Submission, a DPR Submission Wizard
enables the user to generate an Excel spreadsheet to the Rushmore Reviews DPR format.
Data can be submitted to 'ft' or 'm' depth units. Once generated, the Excel spreadsheet is
saved with the submission data set as an internal attachment which can be opened up within
the module.

Property Loader: Introduced in the 2003.14.1.0 release, the Property Loader is a financials
integration utility provided with OpenWells that enables operators to initialize new Wells,
Events and AFEs using information auto-populated from 3rd party financials systems. A
'PL' staging area within the EDM database schema is available which operators can
configure their financials systems to populate. Once populated, the Property Loader
application is used by the Well Planner to validate the staged data and create new wells.

Testing of the 2003.14.1.0 version by an operator who have integrated their Oracle
Financials system to EDM showed that a number of minor improvements were needed to
make staging of well data more efficient. The following enhancements were performed:

Populated all Property Loader Staging Area - EDM Mappings

Corrected a number of PL - EDM mappings e.g. Geo_offset_east & north, AFE
type, Well Status, GL, congress_meridian_code
Populate AFE Date using PL staging area AFE Date
Extend to support default Unit Set configuration
AFE Report Description populated
Available from Start > Landmark > EDT > Tools menu

PROFILE enables any engineer, from a rig supervisor to a completions engineer to a business
analyst, to quickly visualize currently installed and historical wellbore information and
downhole equipment in the form of wellbore schematics and reports. This allows them to be
updated quickly with the current well configuration and history.

Real-Time View
Real-Time View is a new time-based log viewing environment integrated into the Engineers
Desktop. Real-Time View provides operators with the ability to display and output

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 33 of 68 June 2006

configurable drilling, completions, and workover data logs integrated with operations report
information entered at the rigsite. Using WITSML real-time data can be imported into EDM
via OpenWire. LAS or ASCII log data can also be imported into EDM. Real-Time View
provides a user-configurable log viewing environment with various display options available
to enable engineers to review rig and downhole equipment operations in context with the rigsite
supervisors interpretation of the rig operation. Therefore, Real-Time View enables operations
and well-planning teams to review decisions taken at the wellsite, perform detailed after-action
reviews, and identify situations that may lead to NPT.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 34 of 68 June 2006

The Engineers Desktop software is delivered on multiple CD-ROMs, Volumes 5 and 6. You can
install all of the Engineers Desktop Drilling applications and third-party components using the
three EDT installation programs:
Third-Party Components Installation
EDM Installation
Drilling and Completions Installation

For complete information on installing, please refer to Planning the EDT Installation
(EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf), which is located in CD Volume 5 in the \Products\EDT\Docs folder,
for an overview of installation scenarios. See also the specific installation guides located on CD
Volume 5 in \Products\EDT\Docs:
EDM_Install.pdf (EDM Installation Guide)
EDT_Drilling_Install.pdf (EDT Drilling Installation Guide)

To get going quickly, refer to Quick StartThe Installation Process in a Nutshell in the
Planning the EDT Installation guide.

Troubleshooting the Installation

Remember to reboot your computer before attempting to use the Engineers Desktop. If you run
into problems, please refer to the Installation Troubleshooting section of the EDM Installation
Guide or the EDT Drilling Installation Guide.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 35 of 68 June 2006

For Engineers Desktop 2003.16, all PC and UNIX products including the Engineers Desktop
applications support use of FLEXlm licensing, which is the only licensing mechanism supported
by Landmark. FLEXlm licensing has been supported with past releases, so many clients will
already be using this licensing mechanism. FLEXlm licensing is available for networked
application and standalone application use. FLEXlm standalone licensing may be used in
conjunction with a network card or through a FLEXlm dongle (bitlock) where no PC network
identification is possible.

Previous versions of the Drilling applications supported use of a proprietary Landmark licensing
mechanism called Netsecure for networks. Additionally, Sentinel bitlocks attached to a PCs
parallel port could be used for licensing of standalone installs, Crypkey licensing was also
supported for standalone installs. Use of Netsecure, Sentinel bitlocks and Crypkey has been
discontinued by Landmark and is not supported for use with Release2003 products.

The EDM 2003.16 applications require that an EDM license feature be available from the
customer's licensing server in order for the Engineer's Desktop applications to run. The EDM
license is handled as a Group Checkout for each application user on a particular PC. Only one EDM
license is checked out for all Engineer's Desktop applications being run by a user on a single
machine. Therefore, clients will need to acquire a set of EDM licenses based on their expected
concurrent user level. Please contact your local Landmark representative for EDM licensing.

Existing EDM licenses are valid for customers who have installed and run versions of EDM 2003.5
and later.

If you have:

2003.14 or 2003.11 installedyour EDM and application licenses are all valid for 2003.16.

2003.5 installedyou must obtain a new EDM license

W2000 installedyou must re-license your applications and obtain an EDM license.

To re-license, customers must contact their local Landmark representative. Refer to the LAM
2003.0-Windows Release Notes (LAMReleaseNotes.pdf), located in the
\Products\EDT\Install\LAM folder on CD 5, for details.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 36 of 68 June 2006

IMPORTANT! If you have a version of LAM server older than 7.2e (Release 2003.0 and later), you
must uninstall it before installing the LAM 2003 server.

Failure to uninstall all previous versions of LAM Server before installing LAM Server 2003 will result in a
duplicate FLEXlm service that replicates itself until it crashes Windows.

The procedures for uninstalling LAM server are detailed in the section LAM Server - Uninstallation Notes in
the LAM 2003.0Windows Release Notes (LAMReleaseNotes.pdf), located in the Products\EDT\Install\LAM
folder on CD 5. Products that were licensed under the older server will still work with the new LAM server.

IMPORTANT! If you are using a FLEXlm dongle (bitlock), you must install FLEXlm 7.2i on the
standalone or client machine.

To install FLEXlm 7.2i for bitlocks (either parallel or USB):

1. Go to your installed \LAM\bin folder, and run flexid.exe to install the bitlock drivers.

2. To request a bitlock license, run \LAM\bin\lmtools.exe. Select System Settings tab; provide the value you see
in the FLEXID9 field.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 37 of 68 June 2006

Integrated Workflows
The Engineers Desktop R2003.16 release provides a comprehensive set of documented
workflows that demonstrate to the user the full benefit of deploying Drilling and Completions
tools on a single data platform. After installation, you can view these workflows by selecting
Start > Landmark Engineers Desktop 2003.16 > Integrated EDM Workflows.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 38 of 68 June 2006

Enhancements and New Functionality

This release of Engineers Desktop contains major functionality improvements.
In addition to EDM database changes, a number of workflow improvements and usability
enhancements were made to the Drilling & Completions applications to provide for consistent
data management and user interaction with these products. Enhancement descriptions for each of
the Engineers Desktop applications are provided in their respective release notes. This document
will detail new EDT functionality and user interface components shared between the Drilling
The EDM database now fully supports Unicode; Chinese and Latin alphabets are supported in
new databases. EDM 2003.14 databases upgraded to 2003.16 will preserve all Unicode data
(including Chinese characters). All applications have been internationalized except for
StressCheck and CasingSeat. Localization support will be provided in an upcoming release.
Other enhancements include the following.

Common Well Explorer Enhancements

For the EDT 2003.16 release, the Common Well Explorer was enhanced to provide more visually
interactive information which provides the user with a better overview of the selected data set.
Additionally, Well Explorer filters provide the user with improved functionality to navigate to
relevant data.

The following enhancements have been implemented:

Well Explorer filtering capability, and the ability to save filters. Includes CTRL-F search,
advanced Search, filter drop-down menu, and display of a filter "funnel" icon over an EDM
database node when the filter is selected
Design/Case audit now includes Change History (this feature is not in OpenWells, but
OpenWells does populate Create and Delete activity for Wellbores)
Common Rig, Sidetrack, etc. visualization in a Well Configuration panel; this includes a datum
diagram and a sidetrack diagram (latter not in OpenWells). Capable of displaying negative
MSL elevation.
F7 and Ctrl+F7 Data Dictionary support added to Well Explorer Properties dialogs.
Expanded transfer file extensions that now differentiate into specific categories. For example,
rig transfer files are *.rig.xml. All applications can read historical data and therefore are
backwards compatible to 2003.5.
Able to link local and network folders as attachments in addition to file documents.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 39 of 68 June 2006

EDM Administration Utility

DEX to EDM Field Mapping - Map DEX entities to EDM Tables/Columns in preparation to
import DEX data into EDM.
EDM Configuration Transfers - The EDM Configuration Transfers command enables
administrators to perform a comprehensive import or export of EDM Configurations and
Picklist Tables. These transfers can also be customized to meet the specific requirements of the
Administrator. For a full listing of the objects imported and exported using this feature, see the
EDM Configuration Transfer topic.
System Lookups - The new System Lookups node in the Administration tree allows
administrators to customize the way picklist values appear. Keywords can be translated to the
local language to enable engineers to more easily understand the selection.
Output Reports - When generating Output Reports that have been customized in a pre-2003.16
version, a missing 'Arial Unicode MS' font error may occur. This error occurs when Microsoft
Office is not installed. Release 2003.16 has fixed this problem in Landmark Output Report files
by changing the default font used in the .RPT file from 'Arial Unicode MS 8' font to 'Arial 8.5'
OpenWells Job Types - The EDM Administration utility can now define specific Job Types for
Well Services or Construction and Reclamation Job creation in OpenWells.

The following is a recap of EDM Administration Utility enhancements for the 2003.14.1.0 release:

EDM Security Changes - Improved User, Group, and Tight Group security
Tight Access - Report Tokens and Data Entry Form configurations can now be
directly associated with Tight Group membership.
Tight Groups can now be set at the Project level in addition to the Site and Well
EDM Administration User - A new EDM Administration called edmadmin has
been added to EDM Security. This user has full control over functions within the
EDM Administration utility, but does not have DBA permissions to the EDM
Group Membership Enhancement - Group membership configuration now allows
for administrators to assign OpenWells
Data Entry layouts based on Tight Access and Event.
User Display Enhancement - User Types and configuration messages are now
displayed with the username in the Administration tree.

Other Integration Enhancements

Appearance of common status bar elements standardized for all applications

Security tokens for Design (COMPASS only) added

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 40 of 68 June 2006

Security tokens for Tubular Properties and Catalogs added

Lessons Learned, already in OpenWells, added to WELLPLAN, StressCheck, and CasingSeat
at the Well, Design, and Case levels. Lessons are saved in the EDM database
CD_LESSONS_LEARNED table and are useful inputs to Company Knowledge Management
Rig Sharing, already in OpenWells, added to WELLPLAN, StressCheck, and CasingSeat. If a
user copies a rig and moves it to another Design, the air gap (datum) in honored. Rig Sharing
Rig Editor
Rig Export
Rig drag and drop
CO2 Hazard checkbox in Well Properties dialog
Contractor node added to the Well Explorer
Added Lessons Learned support at the Well, Design, and Case levels
Added Datum selection for rigs at the Case level
Wellbore Properties dialog has TAML wellbore junction classification added

CTRL+F Search and menu added to database node (and toolbar icon has been changed to
Ability to create WELLPLAN Cases from StressCheck Designs added
Wallplot Composer extensions added
Notification when SAM (Simultaneous Activity Monitor) has stopped functioning
Added locking and security tokens for Catalog and Tubular Properties. (EDM Admin tool sets
REVOKE for all Tubular*.* and Catalog *.* and they are not exported by the xml).

OpenWells Enhancements

New Property Loader utility added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)

New Real-Time View application added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
New Fishing operations data entry form added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
Air Drilling extensions to Daily Operations data entry form added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
Production Equipment Failure data entry form extensions added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
Casing data entry form extensions added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
Cement data entry form extensions added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
DEX import/export extensions added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
Project data locking added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
Configurable Site customization import/export added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
Internationalization enhancements added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 41 of 68 June 2006

Layout Manager improvements added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)

System Picklist Editor added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
WITSML 1.2 Import/Export to/from the EDM database added (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
Rushmore Reviews Drilling Performance Benchmark (DPR) standard data generation
implemented (for benchmarking drilling and completions performance)
Report drag and drop capability implemented
New output reports added
Geology licensing to allow creation of Daily Geology, Coring, Sidewall Coring, and Logging
reports added
Completion Brines supported
Contingency Costs supported
Dual Currencies supported
Notifications to regulatory agencies captured and available within daily reporting interface (for
well spud and other significant events)
NPD CDRS module renamed PSA CDRS because of change in Norwegian management
Multi-select picklist support and picklist macro capability has been added through the Data
Construction and Reclamation Management capability implemented (including four new
reports: Cleanup Report, Construction Report, Reclamation Report, Scouting Report)

Data Analyzer Enhancements

Advanced graphing support (additional graph types and enhancements, plus 3D graphs) (in
2003.14.1.0 release) added
Template import/export mechanism (in 2003.14.1.0 release) added
Parameter picklist added
Picklist query support added

PROFILE Enhancements

Common Well Explorer enhancements

New Sketch mode in Symbol Manager
Enhanced Data Quality Assurance
Linear Scaled Schematics

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 42 of 68 June 2006

Wall Plot Composer enhancements

Status Bar enhancements
Data Entry Performance enhancements

Real-Time View Enhancements

Real-Time View has a number of new features included in this release. The following is a short list
of the major enhancements in this release.

Main Window Enhancements

First, Next, Previous and Last date scrolling buttons have been added to the main
New logs are tiled vertically, by default, to improve log comparisons.

Load Data Dialog Enhancements

Track Header Enhancements - new tool tip feature has been added over log curve mnemonic
in header. Curve lines in header displays consistent with the line drawn on the track.
Initialization File Relocation - Initialization file is now located under the user's windows profile
folder (e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\Landmark\Real-Time
Recent List - a listing of recently opened log files is accessible through the File menu
Mud Check Track

COMPASS Enhancements

Ability to import/export WITSML v 1.2 data to/from the EDM database added (in 2003.14.1.0
Offset data can now be shown in WallPlot Composer
Survey Tool optimization implemented
Configurable columns now in Survey report
Enhanced formation top entry and display supported
New columns added in the Survey Editor for Survey Quality data

WELLPLAN Enhancements

Buckling limits calculations enhanced (in 2003.14.1.0 release)

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 43 of 68 June 2006

Hydraulics pressure losses formulations improvements made (in 2003.14.1.0 release)

WELLPLAN reports significantly overhauled (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
New field for Drag-Down Friction added in Actual Loads to enhance Torque/Drag (in
2003.14.1.0 release)
Multi-Row deletion now allowed in Tubular Properties (in 2003.14.1.0 release)
Create WELLPLAN cases from StressCheck Designs (by right-clicking on a Design in the
Well Explorer, you get a dialog with options. For Subsea only, there is a Riser option)
Rig sharing capability added
Real Time module added
Basic Collapse check added to Flotation Optimization
Drag chart for Hydraulics added
Support added for FANN 70 data
Updated to OptiCem 5.2. Full Inner String Cementing, TDA, and another proprietary spacer
Centralizers and TDA added
New version of the Halliburton Redbook added
Underreamer positioning anywhere in the string supported
New WELLPLAN reports added
Enhancements to WallPlot Composer added
Wallcake thickness added to plots and animation
Enhancements were made to the Fluid Editor
Pie Charts are now available in Hydraulics
Show Lines of Interest functionality provided for all plots
System filters are provided
Tubular Properties locking/unlocking functionality provided
Tubular Properties import/export provided
Modes in Hydraulics merged to improve usability
Create Design/Case from OpenWells enhanced
Catalog selector functionality added for centralizers
Quick look TDA results added to centralizer spreadsheet
Tapered string functionality added in Hole Section editor
Custom Synthetic fluid can be created in Fluid Editor
Volume calculations: Use F12 to account for inner string if present in cementing module

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 44 of 68 June 2006

All depth-based plots now show depths on y-axis

Gas Flow Potential shown in GUI after calculations
Foam data and schedule moved to parameters and wizard for ease of accessibility
Change History added to the Case level for tracking audit information
Status bar in Case shows well information, SAM, air gap, database, and units in use
Standoff Devices dialog enhanced to support both regular standoff devices (e.g., FRDs) and

StressCheck Enhancements

Well inclinations greater than 90 Degrees - The Wellpath Editor data entry modes now handle
wellbore trajectories inputs including inclination greater than 89.99 degrees. Plots and tables
have been adjusted to properly support MD/TVD display modes.
Plot Freeze Line and Curve Highlighting - Most plots have been refurbished, including a new
set of properties tools. Lines and curves displayed in plots can be now frozen and hidden. Also,
lines and curves are highlighted when moving the mouse on top of an entry in the plot legend.
WallPlot Composer added - Users can now use the Wallplot Composer tool to customize the
design of hardcopy plot layouts, adding objects to be viewed on the screen, or printed.
Store Templates in the Database instead of Files - Templates now can be opened and stored
from the database (EDM) in two modes: user, and system templates. Also, the application has
the ability to open templates from file (*.sct) as in previous releases.
Copy Casing and Tubing Design Data from one Design to another Design - Casing Design and
Tubing Design data can be selected from a design in the associated data viewer in Well
Explorer, then copy and pasted to another design.
Better integration with PROFILE - A user creating a design in StressCheck will automatically
see a schematic in PROFILE.
Rig sharing - If a user copies a rig and moves it to another Design the air gap (datum) will be
Fix defects from previous releases.

CasingSeat Enhancements

Graphical allowable hole and casing size selector for CasingSeat: A user will now be able to
select hole sizes and casing sizes using a graphical tool in one sheet instead of entering data in
two different sheets.
Improved schematics

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 45 of 68 June 2006

Refer to the 2003.16 point product Release Notes for a more detailed list of enhancements to
individual Drilling & Completions products. For release 2003.14.1.0 enhancements, refer to the
release notes for that release.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 46 of 68 June 2006

Fixed Problems
The following legacy problems have been fixed for the Engineers Desktop 2003.16.0 release.
See application release notes for further details.

Fixed Integration Problems

633470 Installation: Install is not asking for MSDE database and not invoking MSDE Utility
to attach database. Workaround: Go to the <EDT Folder>\EDM\MSDE Utility and
run the MSDEUtils.exe to set up an MSDE database manually.
698715 Integration: There is no SAM service for a Client install. This will be addressed in the
upcoming release. If SAM is needed on a client machine, that user should perform a
local (standalone) install.
698717 Inconsistent behavior when passing OS Authentication login information to the
server for processing Windows authentication logins on Oracle 9i systems. Most
machines by default pass the Domain\UserID (for example Landmark\HBL1234). If
the user is configuring Windows Authentication and the Client is unable to login with
their Windows Authenticated user account, it may be that the Oracle Client itself is
not passing this information to the Server.
136163/136160/136162/136159 Catalogs. Some of the engineering catalog data sets are
incomplete, e.g., Casing capacities and displacements are not all present, Jar
connections missing, MWD & Mud Motor Pressure Loss response not entered, Subs
Make Up Torque.
136585 All Applications. Data Transfer File export of high volumes of Wells may fail due to
Memory error. Therefore exports of 1000+ Wells out to a single .XML file is not
recommended. The simple workaround is to export at lower levels in the data
hierarchy. Closed; will not be addressed.
701130, 701131 Importing certain types of files from a client drive into Citrix crashes
WELLPLAN, COMPASS, and PROFILE. File types affected are PROFILE wall
plots and symbol files, WELLPLAN WallPlot Composer template files, DEX import
files, and COMPASS Survey import files. This is a Citrix file-locking issue. Closed;
will not be addressed.
161038 If user selects Herschel-Bulkley as rheology model in OPENWELLS, then the
application maps FANN data into WELLPLAN fluid editor for the selected active
fluid. However, application uses rheology temperature instead of FANN temperature.
(Fixed in 2003.14.1.0 release)
161642 Integration: SAM indicator stays green after the SAM service has stopped.
163850 Data Services: Add Rig Support into Well Explorer and create WELLPLAN Case
from Well Explorer.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 47 of 68 June 2006

176307 Install: If the user clicks the 'Install' button in the EDM, Drilling, or Production &
Economics Installs, or the 'Third-Party' button more than once in any of these Installs,
the second click will generate an error, and the install will fail to complete. There is
a partial fix for this: the 'Install' and 'Third-Party' buttons have each been disabled for
10 seconds after an initial click. However, if the user clicks on another button
(Documentation, for example) and then clicks 'Install' or 'Third-Party' again, the
problem will occur. These buttons should only be clicked once. (Fixed in 2003.14.1.0
176406 Data Synchronization: After exporting an XML transfer file, the OK dialog appears
behind the main application when the transfer is complete, so the user is not aware
that the transfer was accomplished successfully. (Fixed in 2003.14.1.0 release)
177302 Save EPS model to EDM causes unhandled exception error. (Fixed in 2003.14.1.0
613204 Thread count for DSRegistryService.exe (SAM) increases each time an EDM
application is started and stopped. (Fixed in 2003.14.1.0 release)
615284 Integration: Planned casing string created in PROFILE with the Wizard will not
import as Actual in OpenWells. Fixed in 2003.14.1.0.
618433 StressCheck crashes on deletion of a grade/material from Tubular Properties in
another application (WELLPLAN).
626795 StressCheck cant save changes to plans made in PROFILE Well Designer. (Fixed in
2003.14.1.0 release)
623415 Reporting Engine: Report Manager issue with Portuguese/Spanish Windows. (Fixed
in 2003.14.1.0 release)
631984 Integration: SAM server is failing one to two times per week. Added more messages
at the server to debug this. Fixed in 2003.14.1.0.
634540 Reporting Engine: Report Manager not staying active for reports run in PROFILE.
701247 Runtime: A number of picklists get deleted from the database after a migration.
703081 Data Services: WELLPLAN crashes on deleting (in OpenWells) an Instant Case
created in WELLPLAN.
703379 Reporting Engine: Web/scroll wheel doesnt work when previewing the COMPASS
715048 Data Services: COMPASS crashes when you do a backup at the default location.
719181 Data Services: Daily Operations Data Entry forms Arrive/Depart Checklist data not
visible after Wellbore level export.
720497 StressCheck, COMPASS, etc., while ignoring locked cases, allow deletion of
721451 Data Model: Manual run of database update (Oracle) throws missing or invalid option

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 48 of 68 June 2006

721543 Data Model: MEASURE_GAL_HR unit is incorrect on database update.

722852 Data Model: Coring report fields DM_CORE.interval_base and
DM_CORE.interval_top need to be flagged as depth datum affected.
723612 Data Synchronization: OpenWells and Field/Office Data Transfer track Report
Transfer status differently.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 49 of 68 June 2006

Known Problems
The Engineers Desktop release has been a significant development effort intended to realize the
primary strategy of supplying integrated applications to the client that enable engineering
workflows. For each product, changing the application to support a new data model was a
significant challenge.
Engineers Desktop R2003.16 is being released with some outstanding issues that are known, but
not thought to prevent users from achieving the efficiency gains provided by these applications.
The following list of issues enables clients to compare observed application behavior against
issues known to Landmark at the time of release. These issues will be addressed in future releases
of EDT together with any additional issues reported by clients.

Known Integration Problems

137549 Problems with Design Phase for CasingSeat and StressCheck Imports from file.
Design phase created is Prototype; however, the phase of all sub-elements below
design (i.e., Survey) show up as None. The default is None; it should take the Phase
from the parent.
155673 EDM Admin Utility does not support unmapped network shares. This is a Java
problem with the File Chooser.
158223 Catalog entries are not available for HoleOpener, UnderReamer, PortCollar. Content
for these catalogs are not provided with a default selection; users need to create their
160619 Well Explorer crashes after importing Custom Unit System. This crash only occurs if
the first operation upon entering the Unit System Editor is to Import. If you select
another tab or button first, and then do the Import, it works fine.
161613 Data Merging Tool does not allow merging of data below an Event/Wellbore.
162270 COMPASS and OpenWells do not use the same Report Manager instance.
176411 MSDE Utility icon doesn't show in task bar; window is positioned behind others.
177462 When copy and paste a Design to another Wellbore, the datum is left undefined.
Workaround: User can manually enter the desired Datum.
700583 If WELLPLAN is open while you are making updates to the rig parameters in
OpenWells, Design Cases created in WELLPLAN wont include the latest updates.
User must close WELLPLAN and then reopen it to see the latest changes.
724913 Data Services: Some Data Services operations fail with long user names.
725029 Installation: On Windows 2000 only, after performing an install with MSDE selected,
an error may be thrown on reboot (sqlmangr.exe generates errors, and the program
will close). However, the MSDE instance is created automatically. If you run into this

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 50 of 68 June 2006

issue on Windows 2000, run the mdac_typ.exe located under the

<CD root>\Products\ThirdParty\Installation folder and reboot; the error message will
go away.
725544 Installation: None of the EDM/Drilling and Completions applications launch if
installation folder contains Russian, Chinese character set.
725895 Data Services: Copying wellpath from another design creates duplicate 0 depths.
726576 Citrix: Error generated in Citrix environment when migrating data (COMPASS For
Windows import). Workaround: Assign read/write rights to the data transfer
properties file on the Citrix server.
726641 Installation: Uninstalling Drilling will prevent EDM Publishing Service from
727011 Reporting Engine: After a few reports are open in Report Manager, additional reports
fail with out of memory issues.
727988 Citrix: Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization incompatible with some applications;
applications fail to launch; the logon dialog box does not appear. This is a known
issue with Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Manager 4s new Virtual Memory
Optimization feature. Workaround: Either turn off the Virtual Memory Optimization
feature, and re-install the applications. Applications will now launch properly.
Alternatively, a list of specific DLLs and executables can be disabled without
requiring Virtual Memory Optimization to be turned off (refer to the EDT Citrix
Guide). Citrix may address this issue in future releases.
728606 Localization: For Chinese localization, OpenWells hangs while changing language in
status bar when OpenWells Well Explorer dialog is open. Workaround: Add the
following environment variableEnableMultiLanguage (MUST be set to the value
'true')to allow multi-language input system, such as Chinese, to work correctly with
OpenWells. Other Drilling applications that re-use parts of OpenWells (Lessons
Learned and Find dialogs, for example) will also need this environment variable.
728737 Installation: Regarding 2003.14.1.0 to 2003.16 peaceful co-existence, 2003.16
installation renders 2003.14.1.0 COMPASS Report Manager non-functional after
uninstalling 2003.16.
728802 For all applications, system filters for the new Find feature in the Well Explorer tree
are only available for the installed user. Other users (for example, Citrix or client-
server users who did not install the software using their userid) will have to copy the
system filter *.query files to their local user directory. The local user directory is
where the applications look for the *.query files used for by the Find feature. These
*.query files can be copied from the following location (which is the local user
directory of the person who installed the software):
C:\Documents and

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 51 of 68 June 2006

729311 Installation: Real-Time View and Field/Office Data Transfer are not removed when
the single application install they are identified with is removed.
729667 Data Services: Long datum names causes Wellbore Copy/Paste to fail with error.
729696 Runtime: There are problems trying to save the database upgrade error log.
729776 Installation: Client install: NPD application throws runtime errors and does not
launch. The NPD application was consequently removed from the Client installation
for the 2003.16.0 release. Issue will be addressed in an upcoming release.
729949 Runtime: For the 2003.14.1.0 to 2003.16 Oracle 9i upgrade, EDM system settings -
Project Data Locking setting information is lost.
730135 Well Explorer: When working in the Well Explorer between applications (for
example, WELLPLAN and StressCheck), each application does not recognize the
others changes in the Change History until the tree is refreshed. Workaround: refresh
the tree before looking at Change History properties.
730283 Targets are not imported when a plan is imported over an existing plan.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 52 of 68 June 2006

Running Drilling Applications

Once Engineers Desktop has been installed, the PC has been rebooted, and a network or
standalone license has been made available, the applications are ready for use.
This section outlines the steps involved in opening the Engineers Desktop Drilling applications
and configuring additional EDM data sources.

Starting the Engineers Desktop Applications

Engineers Desktop applications can be launched using the following methods:

EDM Login (default)
EDM Login (using Windows OS Authentication)

EDM Login (Default)

1. From the Windows Start menu, follow the menu path specified during the installation;

Start > Programs > Landmark Engineers Desktop 2003.16 >

Select the Engineers Desktop application to be opened (e.g., CasingSeat, COMPASS,

StressCheck, WELLPLAN, OpenWells, PROFILE, Data Analyzer, Real-Time View).


2. From the Windows Desktop, double-click on the application icon (e.g., WELLPLAN), if
desktop shortcuts were created during the install.

The application Login dialog appears.

This login dialog box will only appear when the first EDM application is started. When
subsequent EDM applications are started, they use the User ID and password that was entered
for the first application (i.e., if WELLPLAN is open then there is no login required when
starting any of the other applications, such as StressCheck).

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 53 of 68 June 2006

3. Select the EDM Data Source name from the drop-down picklist. The default EDM database
installed by the EDT Installer is EDM R2003.16 Single User Db. Other EDM data sources
may have been installed; ask your system administrator for the Data Source Name.

4. Enter the username and password. The default username and password is edm and
landmark respectively, and click OK. Other user names may have been configured within
EDM by the client implementation teams.

The application window opens.

EDM Login (using Windows OS Authentication)

Your system administrator must have set the LGC_EDM_REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT

environment variable to TRUE before Windows OS Authentication will work.

1. From the Windows Start menu, follow the menu path specified during the installation;

Start > Programs > Landmark Engineers Desktop 2003.16 >

Select the Engineers Desktop application to be opened (e.g., CasingSeat, COMPASS,

StressCheck, WELLPLAN, OpenWells, PROFILE, Data Analyzer, Real-Time View).


2. From the Windows Desktop, double-click on the application icon (e.g., WELLPLAN), if
desktop shortcuts were created during the install.

The application Login dialog appears.

This login dialog box will only appear when the first EDM application is started. When
subsequent EDM applications are started, they use the User ID and password that was entered
for the first application (i.e., if WELLPLAN is open then there is no login required when
starting any of the other applications, such as StressCheck).

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 54 of 68 June 2006

3. Select the EDM Data Source name from the drop-down picklist. The default EDM database
installed by the EDT Installer is EDM R2003.16 Single User Db. Other EDM data sources
may have been installed; ask your system administrator for the Data Source Name.

4. Select the Use Windows Authentication checkbox, and click OK. The User and Password
boxes will gray out, and your Windows OS login will be used.

The application window opens.

Working with the Well Explorers

The Well Explorer can be used with each of the Engineers Desktop Drilling applications. It is
located by default on the left side of the application window. The Well Explorer functions much
like the Microsoft Windows Explorer and is organized as a hierarchical data tree, which you can
use to browse the EDM database at all levels. It can be used to perform database management
tasks, such as creating or modifying data objects, and is used to open engineering data sets for
WELLPLAN, StressCheck, CasingSeat, and PROFILE share a common Well Explorer, used to
browse and manipulate the data hierarchy. COMPASS and OpenWells have their own versions of
the Well Explorer. The different Well Explorers are described below.

Working with the Well Explorer in WELLPLAN, StressCheck, CasingSeat, and


The following figure illustrates the Well Explorer tree for WELLPLAN, StressCheck, CasingSeat,

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 55 of 68 June 2006

Well Explorer, showing the "Tree" and other components

Filter Recent Bar

shows currently shows last
selected filter selected data
items; use to
(notice funnel quickly open
indicating a filter is recently used
applied to this node) items

Currently selected data Hierarchical

item (a Design, in this "Tree"

Available Contractors

Available Workspaces

Available Tubular Properties

Available Catalogs
A document
Associated Data Viewer linked to the
Components "associated with" selected
the selected data item (the Design as an
Design, in this example). "attached
Double-clicking on Pore document"
Pressure, Fracture Gradient,
Geothermal Gradient, or
Wellpath opens the respective
editor on demand.

Well Configuration
shows the current well
configuration for the
selected Design/Case,
including sidetracks for
complex wellbores

Reference Datum
shows the current reference datum
information for the selected Design/Case

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 56 of 68 June 2006

Well Explorer Icons

Icon for this data level, or Description


EDM Database icon - the EDM Database stores all Company data sets and
supporting tables. Users can import EDM .XML Data Transfer Files by right-
clicking on this icon.

Company/Business Unit icon - a Company/Business Units stores all field,

project, or asset data owned or operated by the Company. A Company defines
common policies and other standards used throughout its assets.

Field/Project icon - a Field/Project stores all Sites associated with the Field or
Project. Each Site location is referenced to a common geodetic system.

Site icon - a Site is a collection of Wells referenced to a common local coordinate

system. A Site may be a single land well, multi-well pad, a sub-sea well, or
offshore platform.

Well icon - a Well is a surface location for one or more Wellbores.

Wellbore icon - a Wellbore is a unique wellpath or trajectory from surface, or a

tie on point to its total depth.

Design icon - a Design is a set of Cases that make up part or all of a Well design.
There may be multiple Prototype Designs present in a Wellbore, though only one
Planned and one Actual.

Case icon - a Case is a set of data and engineering parameters to analyze a

particular operation, such as a BHA Run or Casing String.

Depending on which application is open, the Well Explorer will allow for navigation to the Case
level or Design level for the well planning and tubular applications. To open the Case level,
double-click on the Case node (icon) in Well Explorer, or use the right-click menu and select
Open. For OpenWells, the Well Explorer allows navigation to the main data items, including
Companies, Projects, Sites, Wells, Wellbores, Completions, Events, Rigs, Rig Operations, and
For detailed information on the Well Explorer for WELLPLAN, PROFILE, StressCheck, and
CasingSeat, see the online help for these applications.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 57 of 68 June 2006

Working with the Well Explorer in COMPASS

Well Explorer in COMPASS is similar to Well Explorer in other applications in that you can use
its Browser Window, located on the top right section of the window, to navigate the EDM
database at several descending levels. The COMPASS version of Well Explorer contains
additional functionality required by a directional well planning and survey data management
The COMPASS version of Well Explorer is a combined browser and status window for
navigating, managing, exporting and accessing COMPASS data. It is divided into three sections.
The section located on the left of the window is the Status Window. The top right section of the
window is the Browser Window, the bottom right section of the window is the Data Viewer, and
located above these three sections is a drop down picklist, Recent, containing a selection list of
locations within the tree that have been opened recently. The COMPASS version of Well Explorer
is always available. It can be minimized, but cannot be closed.

The COMPASS version of Well Explorer will allow for navigation down to the Design level in
EDM. To open the Design level, double-click on the Design icon ( ), or use the right-click menu
click menu and select Open.
Double-click any level within the browser to open the next available item in the hierarchy. The
selected item will be reflected in the Status window. Depending on which level is open in the
browser also affects the available functionality in the menu and tool bars. Full functionality will
only occur if the lowest level in the hierarchy (i.e., Design level) is open.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 58 of 68 June 2006

When a Design is open, the user can access planning functionality through the Planning menu,
survey functionality through the Survey menu and anti-collision functionality through the
Anticollision menu.
For detailed information on the COMPASS version of Well Explorer, see the COMPASS online

Working with the Well Explorer in OpenWells

Well Explorer in OpenWells is similar to Well Explorer in other applications in that you can use
its Browser Window, located on the top right section of the window, to navigate the EDM
database at several descending levels, including Companies, Projects, Sites, Wells, Wellbores,
Completions, Events, Rigs, Rig Operations, and Rig Equipment. The OpenWells version of the
Well Explorer looks like this:

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 59 of 68 June 2006

The OpenWells Well Explorer contains four tabs: Wells, Jobs, Contractors, and C&R. Each of
these tabs displays a Well Explorer data tree. The active tab in the Well Explorer will always
appear normal while the inactive tabs will appear darkened.
To display the data hierarchy for one of these tabs, select the tab. The availability of the tabs in the
Well Explorer is dependant on the type of License your company has purchased and the active
license currently in use.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 60 of 68 June 2006

Use the Left mouse button to expand or collapse branches of the data tree and to select nodes
within the data tree.
The right mouse button has a context sensitive menu. Depending on the hierarchical level you
have selected (Company, Project, Site, Well, etc.) the menu will populate with relevant options.
Most of these options can be found in the Main menubar.
The Well Explorer allows for drag and drop functionality between hierarchical levels. For
example, you can select a Project associated with one Company, and copy it to another Company.
You can only copy the level, and not the children to that level. Therefore, if you copy a Project
from one Company to another, you must then copy each associated Site, Well, Wellbore, etc.
individually. These levels do not automatically get copied when you copy the Project.
To refresh the Well Explorer press the F5 key. This will also refresh the Preview and Reports
Two clicks (not a double click) on a node will allow the user to rename the node without having to
open the nodes Properties page. To do this click the node once to selected it and then click on it
again to enter edit mode. Enter the new name and press enter to view the change in the Well
For detailed information on the OpenWells version of Well Explorer, see the OpenWells online

Concurrency and Multi-User Support

The Release R2003.16 of EDM supports concurrency for multiple users on the same data set. The
SAM (Simultaneous Activity Monitor) server moderates the activity. Details on SAM settings can
be found in the EDM Administration Utility online help, or the Getting Started section in the EDT
Installation Guide.
A good practice for any multi-user EDM environment is to frequently use the 'F5' refresh key to
refresh the Well Explorer contents.


The R2003.16 applications and EDM database require only one user name and password when
logging on to the database.
You can set security for applications, User Groups, Tight Groups, and Users. Refer to the EDM
Security Model topic in the EDM Administrative Utility online help for details.

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 61 of 68 June 2006

Contacting Support
Landmark operates Technical Assistance Centers (TACs) in Australia, the United Kingdom, and
the United States. Additional support is also provided through local support offices around the
world. Local support office information is listed below. If problems cannot be resolved at the
district level, our escalation team is called to resolve your incidents quickly.

Support information is always available on the Landmark Graphics Support internet page located
at: http://css.lgc.com/CustomerSupport/CustomerSupportHome.jsp.

Technical Assistance Centers

North America 713-839-2200 (Houston, TX, USA)
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Email: support@lgc.com

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EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 62 of 68 June 2006

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EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 63 of 68 June 2006

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EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 64 of 68 June 2006

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EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 65 of 68 June 2006

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Email: eame_helpdesk@lgc.com

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Email: support@lgc.com

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Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 303-796-0807
Email: support@lgc.com

United States (Houston) 713-839-2200

7:30 am - 5:30 pm Central Standard Time Toll Free 1-877-435-7542
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays (1-877-HELP-LGC)
Fax: 713-839-2168
Email: support@lgc.com

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Email: soporte@lgc.com

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Email: apsupport@lgc.com

Helpful internet links are shown below.

Name Website Address

Landmark Graphics home page http://www.lgc.com
Landmark Graphics FTP Site ftp://ftp.lgc.com
Oracle home page http://www.oracle.com

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 66 of 68 June 2006

Name Website Address

FLEXlm license management software http://www.macrovision.com/support/
home page by_category/Software_Licensing.shtml
Microsoft SQL Server home page http://www.microsoft.com/sql/default.asp
Adobe Acrobat Reader http://www.adobe.com
Microsoft MSDE http://www.microsoft.com/sql/default.asp

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 67 of 68 June 2006

3DFS, 3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3DView, 3D Surveillance, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir
Surveillance, ADC, Advanced Data Transfer, ARIES, Asset Development Center, AssetJournal, Asset Performance,
AssetView, Atomic Meshing, Automate, BLITZ, BLITZPAK, CasingSeat, COMPASS, Contouring Assistant,
Corporate Data Archiver, Corporate Data Store, DataManager, DataStar, DBPlot, DecisionSuite, Decisionarium,
DecisionSpace, DecisionSpace AssetPlanner, DecisionSpace AssetView, DecisionSpace Atomic Meshing,
DecisionSpace Decision Management Systems(DMS), DecisionSpace Nexus, DecisionSpace PowerGrid,
DecisionSpace PowerModel, DecisionSpace PrecisionTarget, DecisionSpace Reservoir, DecisionSpace TracPlanner,
DecisionSpace Well Seismic Fusion, DepthTeam, DepthTeam Explorer, DepthTeam Express, DepthTeam Extreme,
DepthTeam Interpreter, Desktop Navigator, DESKTOP-PVT, DESKTOP-VIP, DEX, DIMS, Discovery, Discovery
Asset, Drill-to-the-Earth Model, Drillability Suite, Drilling Desktop, DrillModel, DrillVision, DSS, Dynamic
Reservoir Management, Dynamic Surveillance System, EarthCube, EDM, eLandmark, Engineers Data Model,
Engineer's Desktop, Engineers Link, Executive Assistant, ezFault, ezSurface, ezTracker, FG+, FastTrack,
FieldWorks, FZAP!, GeoDataLoad, GeoGraphix (stylized), GeoGraphix Exploration System, GeoLink, GeoProbe,
GeoProbe GF DataServer, GES, GESXplorer, GMAplus, GRIDGENR, Handheld Field Operator, I2 Enterprise,
iDIMS, IsoMap, iWellFile, Landmark, Landmark & Design, Landmark Logo & Design, Landmark Decision Center,
Landscape, Lattix, LeaseMap, LMK Resources, LogEdit, LogM, LogPrep, Magic Earth, MagicDesk, Make Great
Decisions, MathPack, MIMIC, MIMIC+, MIRA, Model Builder, MyLandmark, Nexus, Object MP, OpenBooks,
Open Explorer, OpenJournal, OpenSGM, OpenVision, OpenWells, OpenWire, OpenWorks, OpenWorks Well File,
PAL, Parallel-VIP, PetroBank, PetroWorks, PetroWorks ULTRA, PlotView, Point Gridding Plus, Pointing Dispatcher,
PostStack, PostStack ESP, PowerCalculator, PowerExplorer, PowerHub, Power Interpretation, PowerJournal,
PowerModel, PowerView, Presgraf, PRIZM, PROFILE, Project Administrator, ProMAGIC, ProMAGIC Connect,
Quickwell, Quickwell+, RAVE, RayMap, RayMap+, RTOC, Real Freedom, Real Time Asset Management Center,
Real Time Asset Management Centre, Real Time Operations Center, Real Time Production Surveillance, Real Time
Surveillance, Reference Data Manager, Reservoir Framework Builder, RESev, ResMap, RightTime, RMS, SCAN,
SeisCube, SeisMap, SeisModel, SeisSpace, SeisVision, SeisWell, SeisWorks, SeisWorks PowerCalculator,
SeisWorks PowerJournal, SeisWorks PowerSection, SeisXchange, Sierra, Sierra (design), SigmaView, SimResults,
SIVA, SIVA+, smartSECTION, Spatializer, SpecDecomp, StrataAmp, StrataMap, StrataModel, StrataSim,
StratWorks, StressCheck, STRUCT, Surf & Connect, SynTool, SystemStart for Servers, SystemStart, SystemStart for
Clients, SystemStart for Storage, Tanks & Tubes, TDQ, Team Workspace, TERAS, Total Drilling Performance,
TOW/cs, TOW/cs Revenue Interface, TracPlanner, Trend Form Gridding, Turbo Synthetics, VESPA, VESPA+, VIP,
THERM, WavX, Web Editor, Well Seismic Fusion, Wellbase, Wellbore Planner, Wellbore Planner Connect,
WELLCAT, WELLPLAN, WellXchange, WOW, Xsection, You're in Control. Experience the difference, ZAP!, and
Z-MAP Plus are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of Landmark Graphics Corporation.

All other trademarks, service marks and product or service names are the trademarks or names of their respective

EDT 2003.16 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes Page 68 of 68 June 2006

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