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Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

PetroWorks Data Preparation

PetroWorks Data Preparation

What Is in This Manual? .................................................................................... 1

About This Manual Set ...................................................................................... 2

PetroWorks/LogEdit Documentation ......................................................... 2

StratUtils Documentation ............................................................................ 4

OpenWorks Documentation ........................................................................ 4

Manual Conventions .................................................................................... 5

Environmental Corrections
Overview ............................................................................................................. 6

About This Chapter ...................................................................................... 6

Making Environmental Corrections ................................................................. 8

Before You Start ........................................................................................... 10

Workflow ....................................................................................................... 10

Interacting with Wellbore Parameter Editor .................................................... 11

Setting Petrophysical Parameters .............................................................. 11

Selecting Input Curves ................................................................................ 12

Specifying Output Curves ........................................................................... 12

Gamma Ray ........................................................................................................ 13

Using Sperry Sun Corrections .................................................................... 13

R2003.12.1 Contents i
Landmark Graphics Corporation Progressive Interpretive Applications

Input Curves ................................................................................................. 14

General -- Tool .............................................................................................. 15

Gamma ray -- Tool and Borehole ................................................................ 15

Gamma ray -- Casing ................................................................................... 16

Output Curves .............................................................................................. 17

Chart References ......................................................................................... 17

Dual Induction .................................................................................................... 18

Using Schlumberger Tool Corrections ...................................................... 18

Input Curves ................................................................................................. 20

General -- Tool .............................................................................................. 20

Dual induction -- Parameters ...................................................................... 20

Output Curves .............................................................................................. 22

Process Outputs .......................................................................................... 23

Chart References ......................................................................................... 23

LWD Induction ................................................................................................... 24

Input Curves ................................................................................................. 26

General -- Tool .............................................................................................. 26

LWD induction -- Parameters ...................................................................... 26

Output Curves .............................................................................................. 27

Process Outputs .......................................................................................... 27

Chart References ......................................................................................... 27

Laterolog ............................................................................................................ 29

Input Curves ................................................................................................. 30

General -- Tool .............................................................................................. 31

Laterolog -- Tool ........................................................................................... 31

R2003.12.1 Contents ii
Landmark Graphics Corporation Progressive Interpretive Applications

Output Curves .............................................................................................. 32

Process Outputs .......................................................................................... 33

Chart References ......................................................................................... 33

Microresistivity .................................................................................................. 34

Using the Schlumberger MGRD Correction .............................................. 34

Input Curve ................................................................................................... 35

General -- Tool .............................................................................................. 35

Microresistivity -- Parameters ..................................................................... 36

Output Curve ................................................................................................ 36

Chart References ......................................................................................... 37

Neutron ............................................................................................................... 38

Using Schlumberger Corrections ............................................................... 38

Input Curves ................................................................................................. 40

General -- Tool .............................................................................................. 41

Neutron -- Tool ............................................................................................. 41

Neutron -- Process selection ...................................................................... 42

Neutron -- Borehole ..................................................................................... 44

Neutron -- Casing ......................................................................................... 46

Output Curves .............................................................................................. 46

Chart References ......................................................................................... 47

Density ................................................................................................................ 48

Input Curves ................................................................................................. 48

General -- Tool .............................................................................................. 49

Density -- Parameters .................................................................................. 49

Output Curves .............................................................................................. 50

R2003.12.1 Contents iii

Landmark Graphics Corporation Progressive Interpretive Applications

Chart References ......................................................................................... 50

Pulsed Neutron .................................................................................................. 51

Input Curves ................................................................................................. 52

General -- Tool .............................................................................................. 53

Pulsed neutron -- Tool ................................................................................. 53

Pulse neutron -- Borehole ........................................................................... 53

Pulse neutron -- Casing ............................................................................... 54

Output Curves .............................................................................................. 55

Chart References ......................................................................................... 55

Spectral Gamma Ray ......................................................................................... 56

Input Curves ................................................................................................. 57

General -- Tool .............................................................................................. 57

Spectral gamma ray -- Parameters ............................................................. 57

Output Curves .............................................................................................. 58

Chart References ......................................................................................... 58

EPT ...................................................................................................................... 59

Input Curves ................................................................................................. 60

General -- Tool .............................................................................................. 60

EPT -- Tool .................................................................................................... 60

EPT -- Borehole ............................................................................................ 61

EPT -- Formation .......................................................................................... 62

Output Curves .............................................................................................. 62

Process Outputs .......................................................................................... 62

Chart References ......................................................................................... 63

Processing the Model ....................................................................................... 64

R2003.12.1 Contents iv
Landmark Graphics Corporation Progressive Interpretive Applications

Input and Output Curves .................................................................................. 65

Creating a Temperature Curve

Introduction ........................................................................................................ 70

Creating a Curve ................................................................................................ 71

Depth/Temperature Samples Mode ....................................................... 72

Gradient Mode ......................................................................................... 74

Smoothing Curves
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 77

Index .................................................................................................................... 79

R2003.12.1 Contents v
Landmark Graphics Corporation Progressive Interpretive Applications

R2003.12.1 Contents vi
Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation


What Is in This Manual?

Curve data may be recorded under varying environmental conditions

that require different tool configurations. As a result, logging engineers
often must make decisions that do not always match the tool design.
PetroWorks offers interpreters several tools that can correct for
environmental conditions.

This manual describes the following data preparation tools (available

only in PetroWorks Asset and PetroWorks Pro):

Environmental Corrections (page 6), working in tandem with

the Wellbore Parameter Editor, can make over 150 different types
of data corrections for Gearhart, Halliburton, Schlumberger,
Welex, and Western Atlas tools.

Temperature Curve Creation (page 70) creates a temperature

curve over the entire range of well data for the current well list.

Curve Smoothing (page 77) filters out erroneous curve data

caused by irregularities such as borehole rugosity, enlarged
boreholes, erratic tool responses, or a toolstring pulling excessive

To access this manual online, select Help > Online Manual from the
PetroWorks Pro, PetroWorks Asset, or LogEdit Command Menu.

R2003.12.1 Introduction: What Is in This Manual? 1

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

About This Manual Set

PetroWorks/LogEdit Documentation
The PetroWorks/LogEdit documentation manual set consists of the

PetroWorks/LogEdit Documentation Manual Set

Book Chapters Application
Introduction to PetroWorks Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Overview of PetroWorks Pro,
Family of Products Products PetroWorks Asset, and LogEdit
applications and command menus
PetroWorks Basics Cross-application concepts and
Glossary activities
PetroWorks/LogEdit Introduction
Project Management Curve Alias List Manager Curve Alias List Manager
PetroWorks Preferences Preferences
PetroWorks/Log Edit Data Introduction
Import, Export, and Con- Exporting Log Data Log Export
version Converting Wellbore Data Wellbore Data Converter
PetroWorks Data Prepara- Introduction
tion Environmental Corrections Environmental Corrections
Creating a Temperature Curve Temperature Curve Creation
Smoothing Curves Curve Smoothing
PetroWorks/LogEdit Well Introduction
Data Management and Editing Curve Data in LogEdit LogEdit
Editing Editing Wellbore Parameters Wellbore Parameter Editor
Editing StratUnits, Surfaces, and Picks StratUnit Editor
Managing Curves with Curve Utility Curve Utility
PetroWorks Basic Interpre- Introduction
tive Applications Preliminary Reconnaissance Preliminary Reconnaissance
Log Functions Log Functions
QuickInterp QuickInterp
PetroWorks Progressive Introduction
Interpretive Applications Shale Volume Shale Volume
Complex Lithology Complex Lithology
OnePhiSw OnePhiSw
Shaly Sand Shaly Sand
Dual Water Dual Water
MultiMineral MultiMineral
Pulsed Neutron Pulsed Neutron
Appendix A: Water Saturation Equations
Used in Shaly Formations

2 About This Manual Set: Introduction November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

PetroWorks/LogEdit Documentation Manual Set (Continued)

Book Chapters Application
PetroWorks/LogEdit User Introduction
Programming Model Builder Model Builder
Building Algorithms with Mathpack MathPack
User Models User Models
PetroWorks/LogEdit Visu- Introduction
alization Generating Crossplots CrossPlot
Tabular List Tabular List
Viewing Reports with Report Viewer Report Viewer
PetroWorks Volumetrics Introduction
Summation Summation
Determining Sensitivity Sensitivity
PetroWorks Parameters available online only; describes the param-
eters required for all interpretive applica-

R2003.12.1 Introduction: About This Manual Set 3

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

StratUtils Documentation
PetroWorks/LogEdit applications share a set of project management,
data management, visualization, and mapping utilities with StratWorks.
Documentation for these utilities appears in the following StratWorks

StratWorks Documentation Manual Set

Book Section Application
Introduction to StratWorks Using the Color Control Tools Color Control Seismic & Log
Variable Fills
Color Control Contour & Geo-
Using the Marginalia Editor Marginalia Editor
Defining Headers and Trailers Header/Trailer Editor
Generating Lithology Log Curves Lithology Curve Generator
Setting Up StratWorks Creating and Transferring Well Templates Well Template Editor
Previewing Your Well Data Single Well Viewer
Creating Stratigraphic Columns Strat Column Editor
Mapping and Cross Sec- Creating Basemaps; Making Structure and MapView
tions Isochore Maps
Wellbore Manager User All Wellbore Manager

OpenWorks Documentation
In addition to the PetroWorks/LogEdit and StratWorks manuals, you
may occasionally need to refer to several OpenWorks manuals to
perform certain tasks. These manuals include

Using OpenWorks. Refer to this manual for an explanation of the

OpenWorks environment .

OpenWorks Data Management. Refer to this manual for

instructions on creating and managing projects. You must create a
project with a Cartographic Reference System (described in the
Project Management and Map Projection Editor chapters)
before you can load data. This manual also provides instructions
for using some of the OpenWorks utilities like the Well Data
Manager and Well List Manager.

OpenWorks Data Import/Export. Refer to this manual for

instructions on how to load and transfer data between applications
running under the OpenWorks environment.

4 About This Manual Set: Introduction November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Manual Conventions
This manual uses certain conventions to explain how to use various
features of the program:

Menu options Menu options and button names are printed in

boldface, for example, Setup.
key Press the indicated key on the keyboard, for
example, Return.
type startow Text that you are required to type in is printed
in a different typeface (Courier).
Type exactly what you see.
type A different typeface in italics (Courier
projectname Italics) indicates that you are to supply
information. At projectname, for example,
you should enter the name of your project.
Click on Move the cursor to the option or object
specified and quickly press and release the
mouse button. Unless otherwise specified,
use Button 1.
Press and drag Press the mouse button and continue to hold it
down while moving the cursor to the option
you want or to a new location in the graphic
display area; then release the button.
Highlight In a dialog box, move the cursor to the name of
the item you wish to use and select it with the
Select Move the cursor to the option or object you
want to select and click on it.
Double-click Click the mouse button twice rapidly without
moving the mouse. The first click highlights
the option, object, or text beneath the cursor;
the second click is equivalent to pressing the
OK button to accept the selection.
Triple-click Click the mouse button three times rapidly
without moving the mouse to highlight a string
of text (more than one word) beneath the

R2003.12.1 Introduction: About This Manual Set 5

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Environmental Corrections


Logging tools are designed to acquire data under a wide variation of

borehole conditions. Factors in the borehole environment, such as hole
size and mud properties, significantly affect logging measurements. For
reasons of consistency, logging companies may not attempt to
compensate for the effects of the borehole environment while logging.
Instead, a log analyst or petrophysicist will later use correction
algorithms to correct the log curves to better reflect the physical
properties of the formation.

This chapter contains the procedures for using the Environmental

Corrections application to correct these environmental corrections.

About This Chapter

This chapter consists of the following major sections:

Making Environmental Corrections (page 8) provides an overview

of the process of making environmental corrections and gives a general

Interacting with Wellbore Parameter Editor (page 11) tells you how
to use WPE to set petrophysical parameters for making environmental

Gamma Ray (page 13) contains the procedure for setting parameters
to correct logs made with gamma ray devices.

Dual Induction (page 18) contains the procedure for setting

parameters to correct logs made with dual induction focused log

LWD Induction (page 24) contains the procedure for setting

parameters to correct logs made with the Sperry-Sun EWR-PHASE 4

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Overview 6

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Laterolog (page 29) contains the procedure for setting parameters to

correct logs made with laterolog resistivity devices.

Microresistivity (page 34) contains the procedure for setting

parameters to correct logs made with microresistivity devices.

Neutron (page 38) contains the procedure for setting parameters to

correct logs made with neutron devices.

Density (page 48) contains the procedure for setting parameters to

correct logs made with formation density log devices.

Pulsed Neutron (page 51) contains the procedure for setting

parameters to correct logs made with TMD pulsed neutron devices.

Spectral Gamma Ray (page 56) contains the procedure for setting
parameters to correct logs made with spectral gamma ray devices.

EPT (page 59) contains the procedure for setting parameters to correct
logs made with Electromagnetic Propagation Log devices.

Processing the Model (page 64) contains the procedure for processing
petrophysical parameters to make environmental corrections.

Input and Output Curves (page 65) contains a listing of all input and
output curves used in the Environmental Corrections application.

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Overview 7

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Making Environmental Corrections

Interpreters can use two PetroWorks utilities, Curve Smoothing

(Smoothing Curves on page 77) and Temperature Curve Creation
(Creating a Temperature Curve on page 70), and one processing
application, Environmental Corrections, to account for environmental

For example, a Gamma Ray tool measures incident gamma rays from
down hole formations. Gamma rays are attenuated by the amount of
mass between the formation and the tool. As a consequence, the
recorded API count rates from a particular formation will be less if the
mud weight is increased, the hole diameter increases or if the well is
cased. If we were to use uncorrected gamma ray measurements to
calculate a shale volume, or sand count, the answers would vary
depending on the hole diameter, mud weight, or amount of casing in the
borehole, clearly an undesirable effect if the computation is performed
on multiple wells across a reservoir. The gamma ray environmental
corrections, given the proper borehole environment, will correct the
measurement as if it had been recorded in an eight inch borehole, filled
with 10 lb mud. Similarly, for other measurements, the routines attempt
to correct the original measurement for the original borehole
acquisition environmental conditions back to some standard
environmental conditions.

With the Environmental Corrections application, you can make over

150 different types of corrections to your curve data. You can even
correct composite curves.

Corrections, which are based on company and correction type, are

available for Gearhart, Halliburton, Schlumberger, Sperry Sun, Welex,
and Western Atlas tools. The correction routines have been supplied
largely as software libraries from the service companies themselves;
however, some of the older routines have been derived from digitization
and curve fitting of correction charts.

You will use the Wellbore Parameter Editor to define the parameters
used in the corrections (for more information, see Editing Wellbore
Parameters on page 70 of the PetroWorks/LogEdit Well Data
Management and Editing manual). After you have performed the
desired corrections, the new curve is output to the database. Output
curves are spliced into curves having the same name. (For a fuller
understanding of curve splicing, see Auto-Splicing on page 58 of the
Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products manual.)

8 Making Environmental Corrections: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

In its current state, the data model cannot read all run parameters from
the database; therefore, curves that have not been verified are outlined
in red and parameters that must be verified for these curves are outlined
in yellow.

The history file associated with this application keeps track of the wells
and curves that are included in this run session when you exit the
application. Upon re-entry, these same wells and curves are
automatically selected and included in the Environmental display.
Currently, run parameter information for each curve is not part of the
history file.

The diagram below provides a conceptual view of the Environmental

Corrections interpretive model.

Enter Environmental

Select wells, depth units, depth range, sample interval, and

processing direction.

Invoke Wellbore Parameter Editor.

Select parameters and curves.

Save the Wellbore Parameter Editor session.

Process the data in Environmental Corrections.

Check the results with Single Well Viewer or other utilities.

Enter another
application or
exit OpenWorks.

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Making Environmental Corrections 9

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Before You Start

Before you begin working in Environmental Corrections, you need to
set up some program preferences and prepare your data for processing.
See Before You Start on page 15 of the PetroWorks Basic Interpretive
Applications manual to review how to set your project preferences and
prepare your data.

Once you have completed your preparatory work, you can access
Environmental Corrections from the PetroWorks Command Menu by
selecting Data Prep > Environmental Corrections.

The Environmental Corrections window appears. See Processing on

page 16 of the PetroWorks Basic Interpretive Applications manual for
general instructions on using this window.

Environmental Corrections works in tandem with Wellbore Parameter
Editor. The general work flow is

1. Select wells, depth units, depth range, sample interval, and

processing direction in the Environmental Corrections window.

2. Invoke Wellbore Parameter Editor from the Environmental

Corrections window.

3. Select parameters and curves.

4. Save your WPE session.

5. Return to Environmental Corrections to process the data.

6. Check the results with Single Well Viewer or other utilities.

10 Making Environmental Corrections: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Interacting with Wellbore Parameter Editor

Once you have chosen your wells, units, depths, and processing
direction, invoke the WPE from within the Environmental Corrections

Why are some Wellbore Parameter Editor cells greyed out?

To assist you in efficiently using WPE, parameters that you cannot change or that
are not neededon the basis of the logic parameters you selectare greyed out.

Setting Petrophysical Parameters

WPE is set up so that when you select the logic switches needed to
obtain the output curves you desire, many unnecessary parameters are
greyed out. These visual clues help guide you in efficiently entering
other required values. For this reason it is imperative that you make
your logic and algorithm choices first. Be sure to switch off any logic
choices you dont require for the output curves you need.

The parameter groups for Environmental Corrections are

General (parameters for Tool)

Gamma Ray (parameters for Tool, Borehole, and Casing)
Dual Induction (parameters for Tool and Microresistivity)
LWD Induction (parameters for Tool and Borehole)
Laterolog (parameters for Tool and Microresistivity)
Neutron (parameters for Tool, Process Selection, Borehole, and
Pulsed Neutron (parameters for Tool, Borehole, and Casing)
Spectral Gamma Ray
EPT (parameters for Tool, Borehole, and Formation)
Input Curves
Output Curves

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Interacting with Wellbore Parameter Editor 11

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Selecting Input Curves

The required input curves are automatically sensitized and set to default
curve names. You many use these curves or select other curves.

Select Curve...
Remember you can use Select Curve... (click MB3 after selecting a cell or column
in WPE) to help you input existing curve names. You can display just those logs
that are common to all wells, or you can display all curves in all wells.

Environmental Corrections does not use Curve Aliases.

Except for Temperature curves, the Environmental Corrections application does not
use curve aliases. Unlike interpretation models, which use data that has already
been processed to remove equipment related issues, Environmental Corrections is
intended for curves that have not been already processed to remove equipment
issues. Environmental Corrections input curves are therefore different from input
curves for interpretive models and should not share curves with the interpretation
models. Consequently, the Environmental Corrections application does not use the
aliases mechanism.

Specifying Output Curves

Output curves are automatically sensitized based other parameter
selections and are set to default names. You may use these defaults or
select other names. Some output curves may not be calculated due to
the lack of an input curve or as the result of certain logic and parameter
entries. In such instances, output curves are greyed out.

Other output curves are intended to be used as diagnostic tools to allow

for comparison of results with those in the chart books. These are set by
default to no but are sensitized and can be changed to yes.

Some output curves are generated as inputs to other calculations, and

you may not wish to save these to the database. In these cases, be sure
that the Write Flag is set to no.

12 Interacting with Wellbore Parameter Editor: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Gamma Ray

Gamma ray logging devices detect radioactive materials (Potassium-

40, Thorium-232, and Uranium-238) in the formation. Gamma rays
detected are attenuated by such materials as borehole fluid, cement, and
casing. The Gamma Ray environmental correction adjusts the gamma
ray activity to correct for tool position, hole size, and fluid density.

Using Sperry Sun Corrections

Gamma Ray corrections are typically calculated as follows:

GRC = GR * correction factor

However, Gamma Ray corrections for Sperry Sun tools are calculated
as follows:

GRC = (correction factor * (GR - GR_Kcl))

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Gamma Ray 13

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Gamma Ray Corrections

Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Input curve GR
Tool and


Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun
Borehole Select one of these tool types:


Parameters (ability to set remaining parameters
depends on the tool type you choose)

Select GR tool position

Select borehole fluid
Select mud additive
Select borehole diameter input type
Select mud weight
Borehole diameter (global)
Concentration KCl
Casing Select hole casing type: open/cased
Parameters Casing diameter
Casing thickness
Casing weight
Casing density
Cement weight
Inner casing? no/yes
Inner casing string diameter
Inner casing string casing thickness
Inner casing string casing weight
Inner casing string cement weight
Output curve Corrected Gamma Ray

Input Curves
Input gamma ray

14 Gamma Ray: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

General -- Tool
1. Run pass? Select yes.

Processing the Correction

The Run pass? parameter does not actually process the correction; it merely
enables you to begin selecting parameters for a correction. To process the
correction, select Process in WPE.

Gamma ray -- Tool and Borehole

1. Do gamma ray corrections? Select yes.

2. GR tool type:

Schlumberger 1 11/16 in
Schlumberger 3 5/8 in (default)
Halliburton 11/16 in
Halliburton 3 3/8 in
Halliburton 3 3/4 in
Halliburton 4 in
Halliburton HGR
Baker Atlas
Sperry Sun DGR 4 3/4 in
Sperry Sun DGR 6 3/5 in
Sperry Sun DGR 8 in
Sperry Sun DGR 9 1/2 in
Sperry Sun HF-DGR
Sperry Sun Solar-175 4 3/4 in
Sperry Sun Solar-175 6 1/2 in
Sperry Sun MGP

3. GR tool position. In some cases the gamma ray tool is run with the
tool in contact with the borehole wall. In other cases it is run with a
resistivity log that is centered, with the gamma ray tool centered in
the tool. Standoff is specified by a switch set to one of the

eccentered (default)

4. Borehole fluid. This parameter can be set only when a Baker Atlas
or Gearhart tool has been selected. Choose one of the following:

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Gamma Ray 15

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

liquid (default)

5. Mud additives. This parameter can be set only when a

Schlumberger tool has been selected. Choose one of the following:

natural (default)

6. Borehole diameter input:


7. Mud weight. Enter a value in the Value field.

8. Borehole Diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

9. Concentration KCl. Enter a value in the Value field.

Gamma ray -- Casing

1. Hole casing type:

open. If you select this casing type, no other parameters in this

group can be set. You have completed gamma ray parameter
cased. If you select this casing type, the next five parameters
become active and may be set. Go to step 2.

2. Choose one of the following:

If you have selected a Halliburton tool, go to step 3.

If you have not selected a Halliburton tool, go to step 8.

16 Gamma Ray: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

3. Has inner casing.

no (default). Go to step 8.
yes. The following four parameters become active. Go to step 4.

4. Inner casing string diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

5. Inner casing string casing thickness. Enter a value in the Value


6. Inner casing string casing weight. Enter a value in the Value field.

7. Inner casing string cement weight. Enter a value in the Value field.

8. Casing diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

9. Casing thickness. Enter a value in the Value field.

10. Casing weight. Enter a value in the Value field.

11. Casing density. Enter a value in the Value field.

12. Cement weight. Enter a value in the Value field.

Output Curves
Borehole correction factor

Chart References

Source HLS Log Interpretation Charts (1991), p. 49, no. GR-1

Title Open Hole Environmental Corrections

Tool Gamma Ray

Charts Borehole Corrections, Open Hole Corrections

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Gamma Ray 17

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Dual Induction

The Dual Induction Focused Log is used in situations where the

formation is deeply invaded by mud filtrate. For the invasion correction,
the formation signal is split into the invaded and undisturbed zones:

CILD = GCM + GxoCxo + GtCt

CILM = GmCm + GrxoCxo + GtCt

RSR = JmRm + JxoRxo + JtRt


Rm = Mud resistivity at formation temperature

Rxo = Invaded zone
Rt = Undisturbed zone
J = Pseudo geometrical factor of the shallow resistivity device

The invasion correction is the solution of the unknowns Rxo, Rt, and Di.
A correction for deep induction resistivity and the Rxo / Rt ratio is also
calculated. Mud, mud filtrate, and mudcake resistivities are corrected to
formation temperature. Formation temperature is used to correct the
filtrate resistivity (Rmf).

Using Schlumberger Tool Corrections

The dual induction invasion charts include separate entries for the
Schlumberger 2a, 2b, and 2c charts. The 2b chart is to be used if the
expected Rxo/Rm ratio is about 100. The 2a chart is to be used if the
expected ratio is about 20 and the shallow tool is an LL8. The 2c chart
is to be used if the expected Rxo/Rm ratio is about 20 and the shallow
tool is an SFL.

The Schlumberger 2a, 2b, 2c invasion charts input a deep, medium, and
shallow, and they output only a true resistivity and invasion diameter.
Rxo is not calculated by the environmental correction libraries provided
by Schlumberger, hence those outputs are desensitized when a 2a, 2b,
or 2c chart is chosen.

The libraries that Schlumberger has provided to calculate the borehole

corrections for the LL8 shallow laterolog tool appear to produce
corrections that are about 10% to 20% smaller than those derived from
the Rcor-1 chart in the Schlumberger chart book.

18 Dual Induction: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Dual Induction Corrections

Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Input Curves Deep induction resistivity

Medium induction resistivity
Shallow induction resistivity
Microresistivity resistivity
Tool Do dual induction borehole
Parameters corrections?
Do dual induction invasion


Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun
Select one of these tool types:

(ability to set remaining parameters
depends on the tool type you choose)

Select invasion correction chart

Select shallow tool type
Do microresistivity borehole

Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun
Select one of these tool types:

(ability to set remaining parameters
depends on the tool type you choose)

Select induction standoff source

Enter Schlumberger standoff
Enter Baker-Atlas standoff
Enter induction standoff value
Enter mudcake thickness input source
Select focused log guard size
Enter borehole diameter input
Enter mud resistivity
Enter mud resistivity temperature
Enter mudcake resistivity
Enter mudcake resistivity temperature
Enter bit size
Enter borehole diameter
Output curves Induction true resistivity
Induction flushed resistivity
Induction invasion diameter
Corrected deep induction resistivity
Corrected medium induction
Corrected shallow induction
Corrected microresistivity

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Dual Induction 19

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Input Curves
Deep induction resistivity
Medium induction resistivity
Shallow induction resistivity
Microresistivity resistivity

General -- Tool
1. Run pass? Select yes.

Processing the Correction

The Run pass? parameter does not actually process the correction; it merely
enables you to begin selecting parameters for a correction. To process the
correction, select Process in WPE.

Dual induction -- Parameters

1. Do dual induction borehole corrections? Select yes.

2. Do dual induction invasion corrections? Select yes.

3. Dual induction tool type:

Schlumberger DIS-DB (default)

Schlumberger DIS-EA
Halliburton HRI
Halliburton HDIL
Halliburton DIL
Halliburton DILT
Baker Atlas
Gearhart LL3
Gearhart HRI
Welex HDIL
Welex DILT

4. Invasion correction chart:

Schlumberger 2 (default)
Schlumberger 3
Schlumberger 5
Schlumberger 10
Halliburton Induction/MSF Combination
Halliburton DIL-5

20 Dual Induction: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Baker Atlas

5. Shallow tool type:

Schlumberger LL8 (default)

Schlumberger SFL
Baker Atlas focused log. When you select this option, you must
also set the Baker Atlas focused log guard size parameter in
step 13.
Baker Atlas short normal

6. Do microresistivity borehole corrections?

no (default)

7. Microresistivity tool type:

Schlumberger MSFL (default)

Schlumberger MGRD
Halliburton MSFL
Halliburton MGRD
Baker Atlas

8. Induction standoff source:

fixed standoff (default)


9. Schlumberger standoff. This parameter can be set only when a

Schlumberger tool has been selected. Enter a value in the Value

10. Baker-Atlas standoff. This parameter can be set only when a Baker-
Atlas tool has been selected. Enter a value in the Value field.

11. Induction standoff. Enter a value in the Value field.

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Dual Induction 21

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

12. Mudcake thickness input. This parameter can be set only when a
Halliburton, Gearhart, or Welex microresistivity tool type has been
selected. Choose one of the following:

calculate bit size from borehole diameter

input from curve

13. Baker Atlas focused log guard size. This parameter becomes active
only when you select the Baker Atlas focused log (step 5):

2 inches (default)
7 inches

14. Borehole diameter input. This parameter can be set only when a
Halliburton, Gearhart, or Welex microresistivity tool type has been
selected. Choose one of the following:

parameter (default)

15. Mud resistivity. Enter a value in the Value field.

16. Mud resistivity temperature. Enter a value in the Value field.

17. Mudcake resistivity. Enter a value in the Value field.

18. Mudcake resistivity temperature. Enter a value in the Value field.

19. Bit size. Enter a value in the Value field.

20. Borehole Diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

Output Curves
Induction true resistivity
Induction flushed resistivity
Induction invasion diameter
Corrected deep induction resistivity
Corrected medium induction resistivity
Corrected shallow induction resistivity
Corrected microresistivity

22 Dual Induction: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Process Outputs
Off-chart flag (Schlumberger only)
Geometric factor deep (All but Baker Atlas)
Geometric factor medium
Scaled shallow resistivity
Shallow correction factor
Rim / Rid ratio
Ris / Rid ratio
Rxo / Rt ratio
Rt / Rd ratio

Chart References
The Halliburton without Rxo invasion chart uses the deep, medium, and
shallow resistivities rather than the deep, medium, and microresistivity
as is the case with Halliburton Desktop Petrophysics application. The
behavior of the EC model is the correct one.

The Halliburton induction invasion corrections will give spurious

results if input data is outside published ranges. Refer to the induction
invasion correction charts for acceptable data ranges.

HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book, pp. 185, 187, 199,

Source 201, 217, 219

Title Dual Induction Borehole Corrections


Charts DILTA-1, DILTA-2, DIL-1, DIL-2, HRI-1, HRI-2

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Dual Induction 23

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

LWD Induction

The Sperry-Sun EWR-PHASE 4 tool is a collar attached to the drill

stem that measures formation resistivity as drilling occurs. The LWD
Induction environmental correction adjusts for borehole size and mud

The Sperry-Sun induction corrections are taken from ECL libraries

provided by Halliburton. These corrections use the mud resistivity to
select one of the charts from the Sperry-Sun chartbook and then uses
that chart to calculate the relationship between input resistivity and
correction factors. Because the ECL libraries do not interpolate
between charts of different mud resistivities, there may be differences
between the values provided by the model and the results that are
expected from the chart book.

24 LWD Induction: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

LWD Induction Corrections

Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Input Curves Deep LWD induction phase

Medium LWD induction phase
Shallow LWD induction phase
Extra-shallow LWD induction
phase resistivity
Deep LWD induction attenuation
Medium LWD induction
attenuation resistivity
Shallow LWD induction
attenuation resistivity
Extra-shallow LWD induction
attenuation resistivity
Parameters Do LWD induction phase borehole
Do LWD induction attenuation
borehole corrections?

Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun

Select a Sperry-Sun tool

Enter borehole diameter input

Enter mud resistivity
Enter mud resistivity temperature
Enter borehole diameter
Output curves Corrected deep induction phase
Corrected medium induction phase
Corrected shallow induction phase
Corrected extra-shallow induction
phase resistivity
Corrected deep induction
attenuation resistivity
Corrected medium induction
attenuation resistivity
Corrected shallow induction
attenuation resistivity
Corrected extra-shallow induction
attenuation resistivity

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: LWD Induction 25

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Input Curves
Deep LWD induction phase resistivity
Medium LWD induction phase resistivity
Shallow LWD induction phase resistivity
Extra-shallow LWD induction phase resistivity
Deep LWD induction attenuation resistivity
Medium LWD induction attenuation resistivity
Shallow LWD induction attenuation resistivity
Extra-shallow LWD induction attenuation resistivity

General -- Tool
1. Run pass? Select yes.

Processing the Correction

The Run pass? parameter does not actually process the correction; it merely
enables you to begin selecting parameters for a correction. To process the
correction, select Process in WPE.

LWD induction -- Parameters

1. Do LWD induction phase borehole corrections? Select yes.

2. Do LWD induction attenuation borehole corrections? Select yes.

3. LWD induction tool type:

Sperry Sun EWR-PHASE4 3 3/4 in

Sperry Sun EWR-PHASE4 6 3/4 in
Sperry Sun EWR-PHASE4 8 in
Sperry Sun EWR-S 9 1/2 in

4. Borehole diameter input:


5. Mud resistivity. Enter a value in the Value field.

6. Mud resistivity temperature. Enter a value in the Value field.

7. Borehole Diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

26 LWD Induction: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Output Curves
Corrected deep induction phase resistivity
Corrected medium induction phase resistivity
Corrected shallow induction phase resistivity
Corrected extra shallow induction phase resistivity
Corrected deep induction attenuation resistivity
Corrected medium induction attenuation resistivity
Corrected shallow induction attenuation resistivity
Corrected extra shallow induction attenuation resistivity

Process Outputs
Sperry-Sun phase deep completion code
Sperry-Sun phase medium completion code
Sperry-Sun phase shallow completion code
Sperry-Sun phase extra-shallow completion code
Sperry-Sun attenuation deep completion code
Sperry-Sun attenuation medium completion code
Sperry-Sun attenuation shallow completion code
Sperry-Sun attenuation extra-shallow completion code

Chart References

Source Sperry-Sun Log Interpretation Charts (1998)

Resistivity Correction for Hole Size and Mud

Title Resistivity


Charts 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 3-8, 3-9, 3-10, 3-11,
3-12, 3-13

Source Sperry-Sun Log Interpretation Charts (1998)

Title Resistivity Borehole Correction - Fixed Hole Diameter


Charts 3-14, 3-15, 3-16, 3-17, 3-18, 3-19, 3-20, 3-21, 3-22,

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: LWD Induction 27

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Source Sperry-Sun Log Interpretation Charts (1998)

Title Resistivity Correction for Dielectric Constant


Charts 3-40

28 LWD Induction: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation


Laterolog resistivity measures true formation resistivity in boreholes

filled with saltwater mud. The variation of borehole size and mud
resistivity significantly affects deep and shallow laterolog resistivities.
The Laterolog environmental correction corrects for borehole fluid and
borehole size. When a microresistivity device is available, invasion
corrections may also be performed. Mud and mudcake resistivities are
corrected to formation temperature. Formation temperature is used to
correct the filtrate resistivity (Rmf).

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Laterolog 29

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Laterolog Corrections
Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Input Curves Deep laterolog resistivity

Shallow laterolog resistivity
Microresistivity resistivity
Parameters Do laterolog borehole corrections?
Do laterolog invasion corrections?


Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun
Select one of these tool types:


(ability to set remaining parameters
depends on the tool type you choose)

Do microresistivity borehole


Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun
Select one of these tool types:


(ability to set remaining parameters
depends on the tool type you choose)

Select laterolog standoff source

Enter laterolog standoff value
Enter mudcake thickness
Enter borehole diameter input
Enter mud resistivity
Enter mud resistivity temperature
Enter mudcake resistivity
Enter mudcake resistivity temperature
Enter bitsize
Enter borehole diameter
Output curves Laterolog true resistivity
Laterolog flushed resistivity
Laterolog invasion diameter
Corrected deep laterolog resistivity
Corrected shallow laterolog
Corrected microresistivity

Input Curves
Deep laterolog resistivity
Shallow laterolog resistivity
Microresistivity resistivity

30 Laterolog: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

General -- Tool
1. Run pass? Select yes.

Processing the Correction

The Run pass? parameter does not actually process the correction; it merely
enables you to begin selecting parameters for a correction. To process the
correction, select Process in WPE.

Laterolog -- Tool
1. Do laterolog borehole corrections?

no (default)

1. Do laterolog invasion corrections?

no (default)

2. Laterolog tool type:

Schlumberger DLT-B
Schlumberger DLT-D/E
Halliburton DLTA
Halliburton DLTF
Baker Atlas
Welex Dual Guard

3. Do microresistivity borehole corrections?

no (default)

4. Microresistivity tool type:

Schlumberger MSFL (default)

Schlumberger MGRD
Halliburton MSFL
Halliburton MGRD
Baker Atlas

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Laterolog 31

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

5. Laterolog standoff source:

parameter (default)

6. Laterolog standoff. Enter a value in the Value field.

7. Mudcake thickness input. This parameter can be set only when a

Halliburton, Gearhart, or Welex microresistivity tool type has been
selected. Choose one of the following:

calculate bit size from borehole diameter

input from curve

8. Borehole diameter input. This parameter can be set only when a

Halliburton, Gearhart, or Welex microresistivity tool type has been
selected. Choose one of the following:

parameter (default)

9. Mud resistivity. Enter a value in the Value field.

10. Mud resistivity temperature. Enter a value in the Value field.

11. Mudcake resistivity. Enter a value in the Value field.

12. Mudcake resistivity temperature. Enter a value in the Value field.

13. Bit size. Enter a value in the Value field.

14. Borehole Diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

Output Curves
Laterolog true resistivity
Laterolog flushed resistivity
Laterolog invasion diameter
Corrected deep laterolog resistivity
Corrected shallow laterolog resistivity
Corrected microresistivity

32 Laterolog: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Process Outputs
Off-chart flag
Scaled deep resistivity
Deep resistivity factor
Scaled medium resistivity
Medium resistivity factor
RLLd / Rxo
Rxo / RLLd
Rt / Rxo
Rxo / Rt
Rt / RLLd

Chart References
The documentation for the Baker-Atlas PETCOM libraries indicates
that they use a Schlumberger chart Rint-9a for their laterolog invasion
corrections. Following their convention, we are using Schlumberger
chart Rint-9a corrections to calculate Baker-Atlas laterolog invasion
corrections, but we are using library code directly from Schlumberger
to do so. This will result in answers that are different from the Baker-
Atlas 1985 laterolog chart book.

HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book, pp. 231, 233, 249,

Source 251

Title Dual Laterolog Borehole Corrections


Charts DLTA-1a, DLTA-1b, DLTF-1a, DLTF-1b

HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book, pp. 241, 243, 259,

Source 261

Title Dual Laterolog Invasion Corrections


Charts DLTA-3a, DLTA-3b, DLTF-3a, DLTF-3b

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Laterolog 33

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark


Microresistivity devices measure the resistivity of the invaded zone

(Rxo) in order to determine the diameter of the invasion. The
Microresistivity environmental correction adjusts logs for the mudcake
between the pad and the formation. It corrects mudcake resistivity to
formation temperature either by using an external temperature curve or
by computing a temperature gradient from surface and bottom hole
temperature measurements.

Using the Schlumberger MGRD Correction

The Schlumberger Environmental Correction library used for the MLL
correction calculates mudcake thickness to be

MudcakeThickness = 0.75 * (BitSize - Caliper)

instead of the usual

MudcakeThickness = 0.5 * (BitSize - Caliper)

This will cause discrepancies in comparing the output from the printed
chart book with the output from the environmental corrections model.
Furthermore, there are differences between the printed chart book and
the values of the Schlumberger library for mudcake thicknesses more
than 3/8 in.

34 Microresistivity: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Microresistivity Corrections
Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Input Curve Microresistivity resistivity

Parameters Do microresistivity borehole


Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun
Select one of these tool types:


(ability to set remaining parameters
depends on the tool type you choose)

Enter mudcake thickness input

Enter borehole diameter input
Enter mudcake resistivity
Enter mudcake resistivity temperature
Enter bitsize
Enter borehole diameter
Output curve Corrected microresistivity

Input Curve
Microresistivity resistivity

General -- Tool
1. Run pass? Select yes.

Processing the Correction

The Run pass? parameter does not actually process the correction; it merely
enables you to begin selecting parameters for a correction. To process the
correction, select Process in WPE.

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Microresistivity 35

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Microresistivity -- Parameters
1. Do microresistivity borehole corrections? Select yes.

2. Microresistivity tool type:

Schlumberger MSFL (default)

Schlumberger MGRD
Halliburton MSFL
Halliburton MGRD
Baker Atlas

3. Mudcake thickness input. This parameter can be set only when a

Halliburton, Gearhart, or Welex microresistivity tool type has been
selected. Choose one of the following:

calculate bit size from borehole diameter

input from curve

4. Borehole diameter input. This parameter can be set only when a

Halliburton, Gearhart, or Welex microresistivity tool type has been
selected. Choose one of the following:

parameter (default)

5. Mudcake resistivity. Enter a value in the Value field.

6. Mudcake resistivity temperature. Enter a value in the Value field.

7. Bit size. Enter a value in the Value field.

8. Borehole Diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

Output Curve
Corrected microresistivity

36 Microresistivity: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Chart References
The Baker Atlas corrections will yield correction factors of less than
one for (R microresistivity) / (R mudcake) resistivities over 100. This is
because the ECL correction library fixes the value of the corrected
microresistivity at a constant value when the input microresistivity
moves off-chart. This is a defect in the PETCOM libraries used for the
Baker-Atlas corrections.

Source HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book (1991)

Title MSFL Log Mudcake Correction, MGL Mudcake


Charts Rx0-1, Rx0-2

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Microresistivity 37

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark


The neutron tool sends high-energy neutrons spherically into the

formation. These neutrons are reduced in energy as they collide with
nuclei of atoms they encounter. The primary reduction in energy occurs
in collisions with hydrogen atoms. Reduction in neutron flux is mainly
a function of the hydrogen concentration within the formation, which
can be equated with the porosity.

Using Schlumberger Corrections

When a Schlumberger tool is selected for a Neutron correction, the
standoff calculation field is not available.

38 Neutron: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Neutron Corrections
Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Input Curves Temperature

Formation salinity curve
Input neutron porosity
Tool Do neutron corrections?


Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun
Select one of these tool types:


(ability to set remaining parameters
depends on the tool type you choose)

Select neutron input source

Do standoff correction?
Enter neutron tool standoff
Do tool input lithology correction?
Enter neutron tool input lithology
Enter neutron tool output lithology
Enter neutron tool standoff
Enter neutron tool sensitivity
Process Select hole casing type: open/cased
Selection Do deadtime correction?
Do borehole diameter correction?
Do mudcake correction?
Do casing/cement thickness
correction? [cased holes only]
Do casing thickness correction?
Do cement thickness correction?
Do borehole salinity correction?
Do mud weight correction? [cased
holes only]
Do temperature correction?
Do pressure correction?
Do standoff correction?
Do tool input lithology correction?
Do formation salinity correction?
Do formation sigma correction?
Schlumberger C/D borehole correction

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Neutron 39

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Neutron Corrections (continued)

Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Borehole Enter formation lithology

Parameters Enter mud base
Enter mud additives
Enter SNP mudcake density
Enter oil mud compressibility factor
Enter mudcake thickness
Use resistivity caliper?
Use field caliper?
Enter borehole diameter
Enter formation sigma
Enter water sigma
Enter limestone sigma
Enter sandstone sigma
Enter dolomite sigma
Enter mud weight
Enter bit size
Enter borehole diameter
Enter borehole salinity
Enter formation water salinity
Casing Select hole casing type: open/cased
Parameters Enter casing thickness
Output curves Corrected neutron porosity
Corrected limestone porosity
Corrected sandstone neutron
Corrected dolomite neutron
Limestone neutron porosity for
ELAN analysis (Schlumberger

Input Curves
Formation salinity curve
Input neutron porosity

40 Neutron: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

General -- Tool
1. Run pass? Select yes.

Processing the Correction

The Run pass? parameter does not actually process the correction; it merely
enables you to begin selecting parameters for a correction. To process the
correction, select Process in WPE.

Neutron -- Tool
1. Do neutron corrections? Select yes.

2. Neutron tool type:

Schlumberger A (default)
Schlumberger G
Schlumberger H
Schlumberger C
Schlumberger D
Schlumberger SNP
Halliburton DSN2
Halliburton HDSN
Halliburton CNT-K
Gearhart CNT-K
Baker Atlas CNL
Baker Atlas SNP
Sperry Sun CNP 8.00 in
Sperry Sun CNP 6.75 in
Sperry Sun CNP 4.75 in
Welex DSN2
Welex DSN1
Welex Comprobe

3. Neutron input source:

Count rates
Calibrated ratio
Neutron porosity (default)

4. Do standoff correction?

yes (default)

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Neutron 41

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

5. Neutron tool standoff input. (This parameter is not active if you

chose no in step 4.)

parameter (default)

6. Do tool input lithology correction?

yes (default)

7. Neutron tool input lithology. (This parameter is not active if you

chose no in step 6.)

limestone (default)

8. Neutron tool output lithology. (This parameter is not active if you

chose no in step 6.)

limestone (default)

9. Neutron tool standoff. (This parameter is not active if you chose no

in step 4.) Enter a value in the Value field.

10. Neutron tool sensitivity. Enter a value of at least 1.000 in the Value

Neutron -- Process selection

1. Hole casing type:

open (default)

2. Do deadtime correction? (Schlumberger only)

yes (default)

42 Neutron: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

3. Do borehole diameter correction?

yes (default)

4. Do mudcake correction?

yes (default)

5. Do casing/cement thickness correction? (This parameter is active

only for cased holes.)

yes (default)

6. Do casing thickness correction? (This parameter is active only if

you selected a Halliburton tool type.)

yes (default)

7. Do cement thickness correction? (This parameter is active only if

you selected a Halliburton tool type.)

yes (default)

8. Do borehole salinity correction?

yes (default)

9. Do mud weight correction? (This parameter is active only for open


yes (default)

10. Do temperature correction?

yes (default)

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Neutron 43

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

11. Do pressure correction?

yes (default)

12. Do standoff correction?

yes (default)

13. Do tool input lithology correction?

yes (default)

14. Do formation salinity correction?

yes (default)

15. Do formation sigma correction?

yes (default)

16. Schlumberger C/D borehole correction type. (This option is

available only if you selected a Schlumberger tool type.)

FLIC correction (default)

Panel correction

Neutron -- Borehole
1. Formation lithology:

limestone (calcite)
sandstone (quartz)

2. Mud base:


44 Neutron: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

3. Formation lithology:


4. Baker Atlas SNP mudcake density. This parameter is active only if

you have selected the Baker Atlas SNP tool. Choose one of the

1.5 gm/cc
2.5 gm/cc

5. Oil mud compressibility factor. Enter a value in the Value field.

6. Mudcake thickness input:

calculate from bit size and caliper (default). If you select this
option, you will be able to enter values for borehole diameter
and bit size in steps 9 and 16 below.
input from curve

7. Use Resistivity Caliper. This parameter is active only if you

selected the Schlumberger SNP tool. Choose one of the following:

no (default)

8. Use field Caliper. This parameter is active only if you selected the
Schlumberger SNP tool. Choose one of the following:

no (default)

9. Borehole diameter input. This parameter is active only when you

choose to calculate mudcake thickness from bit size and caliper.
Choose one of the following:

parameter (default)

10. Formation sigma. This option is available only for Halliburton and
Schlumberger tools. Enter a value in the Value field.

11. Water sigma. This option is available only for Halliburton tools.
Enter a value in the Value field.

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Neutron 45

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

12. Limestone sigma. Enter a value in the Value field (the default value
is 7.100).

13. Sandstone sigma. Enter a value in the Value field (the default value
is 4.600).

14. Dolomite sigma. Enter a value in the Value field (the default value
is 4.700).

15. Mud weight. Enter a value in the Value field.

16. Bit Size. This parameter is active only when you choose to
calculate mudcake thickness from bit size and caliper. Enter a value
in the Value field.

17. Borehole Diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

18. Borehole Salinity. Enter a value in the Value field.

19. Formation Water Salinity. Enter a value in the Value field.

Neutron -- Casing
1. Hole casing type:


2. Casing thickness. This parameter is available only for cased holes.

Enter a value in the Value field.

Output Curves
Corrected neutron porosity
Corrected limestone neutron porosity (by default turned off)
Corrected sandstone neutron porosity (by default turned off)
Corrected dolomite neutron porosity (by default turned off)
Limestone neutron porosity for ELAN analysis (Schlumberger

46 Neutron: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Chart References
The neutron temperature correction algorithm has been modified to
give answers which approximate the neutron corrections in the
Western-Atlas 1985 chart book. These corrections are different than the
one in the 1995 Baker Atlas charts.

The Schlumberger neutron corrections will not allow you to output the
value of each individual correction, unlike all of the other neutron
corrections. This behavior is due to the interface with the Schlumberger
ECL library code which makes it difficult to get the size of individual
corrections from the library.

The borehole diameter corrections have been corrected to match an

equation in the 1985 Western-Atlas chart book. This will give different
answers from previous versions of PetroWorks.

When performing a cased hole correction for the Halliburton DSN2

tool, the Environmental Correction model calculates an equivalent open
hole porosity from the cased hole porosity after cement and casing
corrections are performed. The chart for this correction is not in the
Halliburton chart book but is documented on page 5-53 of the
Halliburton Environmental Corrections Library Reference Guide (June

Source HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book (1991)

Title Open/Cased Hole Environmental Corrections

Tools Neutron

Charts Borehole Diameter, Mudcake Thickness, Mud Weight,

Borehole Salinity, Borehole Temperature, Borehole
Pressure, Lithology Correction, Open Hole Standoff
Corrections, Formation Salinity, Porosity
Determination, Equivalent Open Hole Porosity, Casing
Thickness, Cement Thickness

HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book (1994), p. 61, 63,

Source 65, 81

Title Open Environmental Corrections

Tools Dual-Spaced Neutron DSN-II

Charts POR-3a, POR-3b, POR-4a, POR-9

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Neutron 47

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark


The formation density log is a porosity log that measures the electron
density of a formation. The pad device is designed to fit a circular hole
of a specific radius. The Density environmental correction adjusts
deviations from this hole size.

Density Corrections
Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Input Curves Field caliper

Borehole diameter curve
Input bulk density
Parameters Do density corrections?

Select a Schlumberger or Halliburton Schlumberger

Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun

tool type:
(ability to set remaining parameters
depends on the tool type you choose)

Remove field corrections?

Select mud additives
Enter borehole diameter input
Enter mud weight
Enter borehole diameter
Output curve Corrected density

Input Curves
Field caliper
Borehole diameter curve
Input bulk density

48 Density: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

General -- Tool
1. Run pass? Select yes.

Processing the Correction

The Run pass? parameter does not actually process the correction; it merely
enables you to begin selecting parameters for a correction. To process the
correction, select Process in WPE.

Density -- Parameters
1. Do density corrections? Select yes.

2. Density tool type:

Schlumberger FDC (default)

Halliburton SDL
Halliburton HSDL
Halliburton SLD

3. Remove field correction? (This parameter is active only for the

Halliburton SDL and Halliburton SLD tool types.)

no (default)

4. Mud additives. (This parameter is active only if you selected the

Halliburton HSDL tool type.)

natural (default)

5. Borehole diameter input:


6. Mud weight. Enter a value in the Value field.

7. Borehole Diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Density 49

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Output Curves
Corrected density

Chart References

Source HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book (1991)

Title Density - Borehole Corrections

Tools SDL, SLD

Charts POR-1, POR-2, POR-3

Source HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book (1994)

Title Density - Borehole Curvature Corrections

Tools HSDL

Charts POR-3

Source HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book (1991)

Title Density - Borehole Curvature Corrections

Tools SDL

Charts POR-1, POR-2

50 Density: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Pulsed Neutron

The TMD pulsed neutron device determines the number of hydrogen

atoms in a unit volume. The device is severely affected by any
disturbance in the number of neutrons in the area being investigated.
The Pulsed Neutron environmental correction computes corrected
porosity and intrinsic sigma values.

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Pulsed Neutron 51

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Pulsed Neutron Corrections

Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Input Curves Formation sigma

Borehole sigma
TMD near/far ratio
Tool Do pulsed neutron corrections?


Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun

Select a Halliburton tool

Calculate ratios?
Calculate sigmas?
Calculate porosities?
Enter pulse neutron output lithology
Borehole Enter formation lithology
Parameters Enter borehole fluid
Enter borehole fluid sigma
Enter borehole salinity
Casing Do blast ring correction?
Parameters Do cement corrections?
Enter cement sigma source
Enter cement water salinity
Enter salt added per bag cement
Enter cement sigma
Enter inner casing cement sigma
Do gravel pack corrections?
Enter gravel pack sigma
Enter tubing diameter
Enter casing diameter
Output curves Intrinsic sigma
Corrected near/far ratio
Formation salinity
Limestone porosity
Sandstone porosity
Dolomite porosity

Input Curves
Formation sigma
Borehole sigma
TMD near/far ratio

52 Pulsed Neutron: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

General -- Tool
1. Run pass? Select yes.

Processing the Correction

The Run pass? parameter does not actually process the correction; it merely
enables you to begin selecting parameters for a correction. To process the
correction, select Process in WPE.

Pulsed neutron -- Tool

1. Do pulsed neutron corrections? Select yes.

2. Pulsed neutron tool type. Halliburton

3. Calculate ratios?

yes (default)

4. Calculate sigmas?

yes (default)

5. Calculate porosities?

yes (default)

Pulse neutron -- Borehole

1. Formation lithology:

limestone (calcite)
sandstone (quartz)

2. Borehole fluid pulse neutron:

liquid (default)

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Pulsed Neutron 53

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

3. Borehole fluid sigma. Enter a value in the Value field.

4. Borehole Salinity. Enter a value between 0.001 and 3.000 in the

Value field.

Pulse neutron -- Casing

1. Do blast ring correction?

yes (default)

2. Do cement corrections?

yes (default)

3. Source of cement sigma:

Calculate from cement water salinity and salt added (default). If

you select this option, complete steps 4 and 5.
Input from parameter. If you select this option, complete steps 6
and 7.

4. Cement water salinity. Enter a value in the Value field.

5. Salt added per bag cement. Enter a value in the Value field.

6. Cement sigma. Enter a value in the Value field.

7. Inner casing cement sigma. Enter a value in the Value field.

8. Do gravel pack corrections?

yes (default)

9. Gravel pack sigma. Enter a value in the Value field.

10. Tubing Diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

11. Casing Diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

54 Pulsed Neutron: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Output Curves
Intrinsic sigma
Corrected Near/Far Ratio
Formation salinity
Limestone porosity
Sandstone porosity
Dolomite porosity

Chart References

Source HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book (1991)

Title Ratio Borehole Correction Routine

Tools Thermal Multigate Decay, TMD

Charts TMD-1a (Liquid), p. 307

Source HLS Log Interpretation Chart Book (1991)

Title Computation of TMD neutron porosity

Tools Thermal Multigate Decay, TMD

Charts TMD-1b (Liquid), p. 309

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Pulsed Neutron 55

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Spectral Gamma Ray

The spectral gamma ray device gives both the gross gamma ray
measurement and computed concentrations for K and Ur. The Spectral
Gamma Ray environmental correction performs corrections for
variation in borehole size and cement/casing effects.

Due to limitations in Landmarks version of the Halliburton ECL

libraries, the Spectral Gamma Ray environmental corrections will
always return the centered result of the correction even if the user has
selected an eccentered correction.

Spectral Gamma Ray Corrections

Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Input Curves Input potassium

Input uranium
Input thorium
Parameters Do spectral gamma ray corrections?
Select hole casing type: open/cased

Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun

Select the Schlumberger tool types

Select SGR tool position

Enter borehole diameter input
Enter mud weight
Enter borehole diameter
Enter casing thickness
Output curve Corrected potassium
Corrected uranium
Corrected thorium

56 Spectral Gamma Ray: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Input Curves
Input potassium
Input uranium
Input thorium

General -- Tool
1. Run pass? Select yes.

Processing the Correction

The Run pass? parameter does not actually process the correction; it merely
enables you to begin selecting parameters for a correction. To process the
correction, select Process in WPE.

Spectral gamma ray -- Parameters

1. Do spectral gamma ray corrections? Select yes.

2. Hole casing type:


3. SGR tool type. Schlumberger only.

4. SGR tool position:

eccentered (default)

5. Borehole diameter input:

parameter (default). If you select this option, you will be able to

enter a borehole diameter in step 7.

6. Mud weight. Enter a value in the Value field.

7. Borehole Diameter. Enter a value in the Value field.

8. Casing Thickness. (This parameter is active only for cased holes.)

Enter a value in the Value field.

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Spectral Gamma Ray 57

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Output Curves
Corrected potassium
Corrected uranium
Corrected thorium

Chart References

58 Spectral Gamma Ray: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation


The Electromagnetic Propagation Log returns water-filled porosity in

the first few inches of the formation. Its primary use is for determining
the water saturation of the flushed zone. The EPT environmental
correction adjusts for mudcake and spreading loss, and it calculates
EPT resistivity.

EPT Corrections
Legend: required input curves and parameters optional parameters

Input Curves Uncorrected EATT

Uncorrected TPL
EPT porosity
Tool Do EPT corrections?


Baker Atlas

Sperry Sun

Select a Schlumberger tool

Do mudcake correction?
Do spreading loss correction?
Enter source for spreading loss
Enter EPT spreading loss
Do EPT resistivity calculation?
Borehole Select mud base
Parameters Select mudcake thickness input
Enter borehole diameter input
Enter mudcake resistivity
Enter mudcake resistivity temperature
Enter bit size
Enter borehole diameter
Formation Enter tortuosity factor
Parameters Enter cementation exponent
Output curves EATT
Delta EATT
Delta TPL
Formation resistivity
Formation conductivity
Apparent water resistivity
Formation resistivity at 75F
Formation conductivity at 75F
Apparent water resistivity at 75F

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: EPT 59

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Input Curves
Uncorrected EATT
Uncorrected TPL
EPT Porosity

General -- Tool
1. Run pass? Select yes.

Processing the Correction

The Run pass? parameter does not actually process the correction; it merely
enables you to begin selecting parameters for a correction. To process the
correction, select Process in WPE.

EPT -- Tool
1. Do EPT corrections? Select yes.

2. EPT tool type is Schlumberger.

3. Do mudcake correction?

yes (default)

4. Do spreading loss correction?

yes (default)

5. Source for spreading loss:

calculated (default)
from parameter. If you select this option, you will be able to
enter a value for EPT spreading loss in step 6.

6. EPT spreading loss. Enter a value in the Value field.

7. Do EPT resistivity calculation?

yes (default)

60 EPT: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

no. If you select this option, you will be able to enter mudcake
resistivity and temperature values in the Borehole parameter
group (steps 4 and 5 under EPT -- Borehole below).

EPT -- Borehole
1. Mud base:

water (default)

2. Mudcake thickness input:

calculate from bit size and caliper (default). If you select this
option, you will be able to enter values for borehole diameter
and bit size in steps 3 and 6 below.
input from curve

3. Borehole diameter input. This parameter is active only when you

choose to calculate mudcake thickness from bit size and caliper.
Choose one of the following:


4. Mudcake Resistivity. This parameter is active only when you

choose not to do EPT resistivity calculation in step 7 under EPT --
Tool above). Enter a value in the Value field.

5. Mudcake Resistivity Temp. This parameter is active only when you

choose not to do EPT resistivity calculation in step 7 under EPT --
Tool above). Enter a value in the Value field.

6. Bit Size. This parameter is active only when you choose to

calculate mudcake thickness from bit size and caliper. Enter a value
in the Value field.

7. Borehole Diameter. This parameter is not active if you selected

curve in step 3. Enter a value in the Value field.

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: EPT 61

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

EPT -- Formation
1. Tortuosity Factor (a). Enter a value for a in Archies equation in the
Value field.

2. Cementation Exponent (m). Enter a value for m in Archies

equation in the Value field.

Output Curves
Delta EATT
Delta TPL
Formation resistivity
Formation conductivity
Apparent water resistivity
Formation resistivity at standard temperature
Formation conductivity at standard temperature
Apparent water resistivity at standard temperature

Process Outputs
Borehole diameter used in correction
Mudcake thickness used in correction
Mud resistivity at formation temperature
Mudcake resistivity at formation temperature

62 EPT: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Chart References

Source Schlumberger Log Interpretation Charts (1997)

Title Electromagnetic Propagation and Microresistivity

Tools EPT

Charts EPT Propagation Time for NaCl Solutions (EPTcor-1),

Flushed Zone Saturation from EPT Propagation Time
(Sxo-1), EPT Attenuation for NaCl Solutions (EPTcor-
2), EPT-G Mudcake Correction Charts for Water-Base
Muds (EPTcor-3a, EPTcor-3b, EPTcor-4a, EPTcor-4b),
Flushed Zone Saturation from EPT Attenuation (Sxo-
2), Microlog Interpretation Chart (Rxo-1),
Microlaterolog and Proximity Log Mudcake
Correction (Rxo-2), MicroSFL Mudcake Correction

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: EPT 63

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Processing the Model

When you are satisfied with your curve and parameter selections, you
are ready to run the model.

To run the model,

1. Save the current WPE session.

2. Return to the Environmental Corrections window.

3. Click on the Process button to begin the calculations.

The Status window will alert you when the process is complete.

64 Processing the Model: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Input and Output Curves

Environmental Corrections input curves and output curves are listed


Input Curves Output Curves

Laterolog Standoff Corrected Gamma Ray
Neutron Tool Standoff Curve Induction True Resistivity
Temperature (Temp) Induction Flushed Resistivity
Pressure Induction Invasion Diameter
Mudcake Thickness Curve Corrected Deep Induction Resistivity
Resistivity Caliper Corrected Medium Induction
Field Caliper Corrected Shallow Induction Resistivity
Borehole Diameter Curve Corrected Deep Induction Phase
Cement Thickness Corrected Medium Induction Phase
Gamma Ray Corrected Shallow Induction Phase
Deep Induction Resistivity Corrected Extra Shallow Induction
Phase Resistivity
Medium Induction Resistivity Corrected Deep Induction Attenuation
Shallow Induction Resistivity Corrected Medium Induction
Attenuation Resistivity
Deep LWD Induction Phase Resistivity Corrected Shallow Induction
Attenuation Resistivity
Medium LWD Induction Phase Corrected Extra Shallow Induction
Resistivity Attenuation Resistivity
Shallow LWD Induction Phase Laterolog True Resistivity
Extra-Shallow LWD Induction Phase Laterolog Flushed Resistivity
Deep LWD Induction Attenuation Laterolog Invasion Diameter
Medium LWD Induction Attenuation Corrected Deep Laterolog Resistivity
Shallow LWD Induction Attenuation Corrected Shallow Laterolog Resistivity
Extra-Shallow LWD Induction Corrected Microresistivity
Attenuation Resistivity

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Input and Output Curves 65

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Input Curves Output Curves

Deep Laterolog Resistivity Corrected Neutron Porosity
Shallow Laterolog Resistivity Corrected Limestone Neutron Porosity
Neutron Porosity Corrected Sandstone Neutron Porosity
Neutron Near Count Rates Corrected Dolomite Neutron Porosity
Neutron Far Count Rates Corrected ELAN Neutron Porosity
Neutron Calibrated Ratio Corrected Density
Bulk Density Pulsed Neutron Apparent Porosity
Microresistivity Pulsed Neutron Limestone Porosity
Formation Sigma Pulsed Neutron Sandstone Porosity
Borehole Sigma Pulsed Neutron Dolomite Porosity
TMD Near/Far Ratio Intrinsic Sigma
Potassium Corrected Near/Far Ratio
Uranium Corrected Potassium
Thorium Corrected Uranium
Uncorrected EATT Corrected Thorium
Uncorrected TPL EATT
EPT Porosity TPL
Delta EATT
Delta TPL
EPT Resistivity
EPT Resistivity Standard Temperature
EPT Conductivity
EPT Conductivity Standard
Apparent Water Resistivity
Apparent Water Resistivity Standard
Apparent Water Conductivity
Apparent Water Conductivity Standard
Corrected Gamma Ray Factor
Dual Induction Off Chart Flag
Deep Geometric Factor
Medium Geometric Factor
Scaled Shallow Resistivity
Shallow Correction Factor
Rm / Rd Ratio

66 Input and Output Curves: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Input Curves Output Curves

Rs / Rd Ratio
Laterolog Off chart flag
Rlld / Rm ratio
Deep correction ratio
Rlls / Rm ratio
Shallow correction ratio
Rlld / Rlls ratio
Rlls / Rxo ratio
Rxo / Rt ratio
Rt / Rlld ratio
Rxo / Rmc ratio
Corrected microresistivity factor
Borehole diameter correction
Mudcake correction
Casing thickness correction
Cement thickness correction
Equivalent open hole correction
Borehole salinity correction
Mud weight correction
Temperature correction
Pressure correction
Standoff correction
Lithology correction
Formation salinity correction
Formation sigma correction
Difference input caliper
Mudcake correction slope
Differential ratio versus porosity
Differential limestone porosity to ratio
Differential sandstone porosity to ratio
Differential dolomite porosity to ratio
Deep induction phase completion code
Medium induction phase completion
Shallow induction phase completion

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Input and Output Curves 67

New Features for PetroWorks Landmark

Input Curves Output Curves

Extra shallow induction phase
completion code
Deep induction attenuation completion
Medium induction attenuation
completion code
Shallow induction attenuation
completion code
Extra shallow induction attenuation
completion code
Borehole diameter used
Mudcake thickness
Mud resistivity at formation
Mudcake resistivity at formation

For a list of all Environmental Corrections parameters, defaults,

descriptions, and values, see the online-only PetroWorks
Parameters manual.

68 Input and Output Curves: Environmental Corrections November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

R2003.12.1 Environmental Corrections: Input and Output Curves 69

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Creating a Temperature Curve


The Temperature Curve Creation utility creates a temperature curve

over the entire range of well data for the current well list. You can
create temperature curves in either of two depth modes:

measured depth
true vertical depth (TVD)uses TVD information when available

When creating temperature curves, you can use either of two

temperature curve creation modes:

depth/temperature samplescreates a curve for a single well

gradientcreate temperature curves for multiple wells

R2003.12.1 Creating a Temperature Curve: Introduction 70

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Creating a Curve

To access this feature, select Data Prep > Temperature Curve


A status box appears as the depth range for each well in the project is

After the depth ranges are computed, the Temperature Curve Creation
window appears.

R2003.12.1 Creating a Temperature Curve: Creating a Curve 71

Petrophysical Interpretation Landmark

List of wells in the

project and their top
and bottom depths.

If Temperature
Creation Mode is
Samples, enter

If Temperature
Creation Mode is
Gradient, enter
values in this area.

Output Curve Name

Follow one of the procedures below to create a temperature curve.

Depth/Temperature Samples Mode

When you select the Depth/Temperature Samples method, a single
curve is created for a single well, and you must enter various formation
depths and temperatures. Temperatures for all intermediate depths are
interpolated. Temperature values are assumed to be in the current
temperature units.

To create a temperature curve using the Depth/Temperature Sample


1. Select the well that the temperature curve is being created for.
(A single run will create a temperature curve for a single well.)

72 Creating a Temperature Curve: Creating a Curve November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

2. Enter at least two and up to 14 depth/temperature samples. These

temperature samples are expected to be in current temperature
units. Depths should be ordered from shallowest to deepest, e.g., 0,
100, 1000, 5000. The last depth entry must be -999.00.

Defining Temperature Curve Values

Typically, you will create the temperature curve by entering the annual mean
surface temperature at zero depth and the bottom hole temperature recorded on the
log header at the total depth, plus any intermediate depth/temperature pairs you may
have collected.

3. Enter the Output Temperature Curve Name. The default name is


4. Click on Calculate.

R2003.12.1 Creating a Temperature Curve: Creating a Curve 73

Petrophysical Interpretation Landmark

A temperature curve is created for the well.

A message box appears when the calculation is complete.

Gradient Mode
When you select the Gradient method, you can create temperature
curves for multiple wells. In this case, you are asked to enter the
temperature gradient per 100 feet of measured depth, gradient start
depth, and gradient start temperature.

When To Use The Gradient Method

If you use the gradient method, your wells should be vertical or have borehole
deviation data loaded.

To create a temperature curve using the gradient method:

1. Select one or more wells. (You can create multiple curves for
multiple wells.)

2. Enter the gradient value. This value represents the change in

degrees per 100 units. Typically, there is a one degree change per
100 feet.

3. Enter the starting depth.

4. Enter the temperature for the above depth.

5. Enter the name of the output curve. The default name is TEMP.

The curve that is created uses the 5-key naming scheme. The
Creation Routine is ENV-TEMP.

6. Click on Calculate.

A temperature curve is created for each selected well. A message

box appears when the calculation is complete.

74 Creating a Temperature Curve: Creating a Curve November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

For example, suppose you create temperature curves for two wells,
GOLD and CORUNDUM. Suppose, also, that the well GOLD already
has two temperature curves associated with it; well CORUNDUM
has none. The output curve names are as shown in the following
Curve Utility Display History report:

R2003.12.1 Creating a Temperature Curve: Creating a Curve 75

Petrophysical Interpretation Landmark

76 Creating a Temperature Curve: Creating a Curve November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Smoothing Curves


Curve Smoothing is used to filter out erroneous curve data caused by

irregularities such as borehole rugosity, enlarged boreholes, erratic tool
responses, or a toolstring pulling excessive weight.

To access this utility,

1. From the PetroWorks Pro or Asset launcher bar, select

Data Prep > Curve Smoothing.

2. Click on the Select Well button to view a list of available wells.

3. Click on the well that contains the curve to be filtered.

4. Click on the Input Curve Name button to view a list of the curves
in the selected well. Caliper and its associated filter is the default

5. Enter the Output Curve Name. The default output curve name is

R2003.12.1 Smoothing Curves: Introduction 77

Petrophysical Interpretation Landmark

6. Select the desired filter.

See the table below for a list of curves and their standard filter types.
Standard Filters Used in Environmental Corrections
No. of
Curve Levels Weights
CALIPER 5 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20
GAMMA RAY 3 .33 .34 .33
DENSITY 3 .33 .34 .33
DENSITY CORR 3 .33 .34 .33
SNP 3 .33 .34 .33
CNL 3 .33 .34 .33
ILM 9 .02 .19 .16 .16 .14 .00 .09 .19 .05
SHORT NORMAL 9 .10 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .11 .11 .10
SFL 9 .10 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .11 .11 .10
LL8 9 .10 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .11 .11 .10
MSFL-ILD BASE LOG 11 .02 .08 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .11 .11 .08 .02
MSFL-LLD BASE LOG 5 .09 .27 .28 .27 .09
MLL-ILD BASE LOG 11 .02 .08 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .11 .11 .08 .02
MLL-LLD BASE LOG 5 .09 .27 .28 .27 .09
PRX-ILD BASE LOG 11 .02 .08 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .11 .11 .08 .02
PRX-LLD BASE LOG 5 .09 .27 .20 .27 .09

Mathematically, the filtering process is an averaging process where the

data used in the average are not all given equal weights. A normal
arithmetic average (mean) just sums all the data and divides the sum by
the number of samples summed. The filtration process applies
weighting factors to the samples and then sums the samples before
dividing by the number of samples. The quotient is then inserted into
the output curve at the subject depth. The previous table shows the
number of levels (samples) that will be used in the process and gives
the weights that will be applied to each sample.

78 Smoothing Curves: Introduction November 2003

Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

PetroWorks Data Preparation

B Environmental Corrections parameters 11,

Baker Atlas 15
Dual Induction Focused Log 18
borehole conditions 6
borehole fluid 29
borehole size 29, 56 E
buttons Electromagnetic Propagation Log 59
mouse electron density 48
Button 1 Environmental Corrections
clicking 5 correction chart reference 33
press and drag 5 correction routines 8
creating a temperature curve 70
C gradient method 74
Density correction chart reference 50
cement/casing effect 56
Density parameters 11, 48
conceptual model
depth/temperature samples 72
Shaly Sand 9
description 8
Dual Induction correction chart reference 23
reference list 5
Dual Induction parameters 11, 18
creating a temperature curve
EPT correction chart reference 63
depth and temperature sample mode 72
EPT parameters 11, 59
gradient mode 74
Gamma Ray correction chart reference 17
curve smoothing
Gamma Ray parameters 11, 13
filters 78
history file 9
input curves 65
D invasion correction 18
data preparation Laterolog parameters 11, 29
tools 1 LWD Induction correction chart reference
Density 27
correction chart reference 50 LWD Induction parameters 11, 24
Environmental Corrections parameters 11, Microresistivity correction chart reference
48 37
depth/temperature samples 72 Microresistivity parameters 11, 34
documentation Neutron correction chart reference 47
for OpenWorks 4 Neutron parameters 11, 38
dragging output curves 65
defined 5 output temperature curve 73
Dual Induction overview of 6
correction chart reference 23 processing the model 64
Pulsed Neutron correction chart reference 55

R2003.12.1 Index 79
Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Pulsed Neutron parameters 11, 51 PetroWorks and LogEdit documentation 2

selecting input curves 12 introduction
specifying output curves 12 conventions used in this user guide 5
Spectral Gamma Ray parameters 11, 56 data preparation 1
steps invasion correction 18, 29
creating a temperature curve 72
temperature curve values 73 L
using Wellbore Parameter Editor to set up
parameters 11 Laterolog
workflow diagram 9 correction chart reference 33
EPT Environmental Corrections parameters 11,
correction chart reference 63 29
Environmental Corrections parameters 11, LWD Induction
59 correction chart reference 27
EPT resistivity 59 Environmental Corrections parameters 11,
filtrate resistivity 29
flushed zone 59 Microresistivity
formation density log 48 correction chart reference 37
formation temperature 29 Environmental Corrections parameters 11,
mouse buttons
selecting items with 5
Gamma Ray 8 mud resistivity 29
correction chart reference 17 mudcake 34, 59
Environmental Corrections parameters 11, mudcake resistivities 29
13 mudcake resistivity 34
Gamma ray logging device 13 MultiMineral
gamma ray tool 15 select curves 12
Gearhart 8, 15
Halliburton 8 correction chart reference 47
highlighting or selecting Environmental Corrections parameters 11,
one word or value 5 38
how to smooth curves 77
how to, environmental corrections O
create a temperature curve 70
smooth curves 77 online documentation, accessing 1
hydrogen concentration 38
I porosity 38, 59
Introduction porosity log 48

R2003.12.1 Index 80
Landmark Graphics Corporation PetroWorks Data Preparation

Potassium-40 13 Welex 8
press and drag Wellbore Parameter Editor 8
defined 5 setting up Environmental Corrections
Pulsed Neutron parameters 11
correction chart reference 55 Western Atlas 8
Environmental Corrections parameters 11,

saltwater mud 29
Schlumberger 8, 16
Shaly Sand
conceptual model 9
double-clicking to select data 5
triple-clicking to highlight 5
Spectral Gamma Ray
Environmental Corrections parameters 11,
spectral gamma ray device 56
Sperry Sun 8
Sperry-Sun EWR-PHASE 4 tool 24
spreading loss 59

tables, environmental corrections
standard curve smoothing filters 78
curve values 73
depth/temperature samples 72
gradient 74
output curve 73
temperature curve 34
temperature gradient 34
Thorium-232 13
TMD pulsed neutron device 51

Uranium-238 13

water saturation 59

R2003.12.1 Index 81

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