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Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

PetroWorks Family of Products


The PetroWorks family of productsLogEdit, PetroWorks Asset, and

PetroWorks Proprovides petrophysicists and geoscientists with the
ability to quickly and easily analyze digital well logs in a project.
Whether the logs come from early resistivity devices or from the latest
suite of wireline services, PetroWorks can help users gain the most
from their data.

Looking at the earth-centric interpretation process, as you proceed from

acquisition of data to earth modeling, several overlapping data
processing areas occur. PetroWorks began as a product centered on
petrophysical interpretation, but it now extends in both directions,
toward more specialized acquisition-related processing and also toward
more general interpretation. Virtually no other formation evaluation
software packages span the process from acquisition to interpretation
with any widespread success.

Petrophysical E&P Earth

Acquisition Data Prep Interpretation Modeling

single well

data and work flow

Petrophysical Specialists

Engineers and Asset Team Generalists

PetroWorks Asset and Pro


R2003.12.1 Introduction: PetroWorks Family of Products 1

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

LogEdit, PetroWorks Asset, and PetroWorks Pro products are

constructed so that LogEdit is a subset of the functionality and
applications in PetroWorks Asset, and PetroWorks Asset is a subset of
the functionality and applications in PetroWorks Pro.

LogEdit (including the LogEdit application and other utilities)

facilitates the preparation of wellbore data for analysis. It is
targeted for data management professionals.

PetroWorks Asset provides data preparation and interpretation

capabilities for casual users, such as asset team members, while
shielding those users from the complex interpretive applications in
PetroWorks Pro.

PetroWorks Pro provides a full range of data preparation and

interpretation capabilities for full-time formation evaluation
specialists and for others wanting the same functionality. Along
with more (and more complex) interpretive models, PetroWorks
Pro also includes Model Builder, a rapid application development
environment. Models built with Model Builder can be distributed
to colleagues as executable files (which preserves the integrity of
the code) and can be executed by users of PetroWorks Asset and
PetroWorks Pro.

PetroWorks Application Types

Two basic types of applications exist in PetroWorks: (1) Data
Preparation and (2) Interpretation. A number of utilities support these

(Parameters) (Parameters)
input output
curves curves
input output
curve curve


Data Prep Applications Interpretation Applications

Create a new version by Create new versions of potentially
applying some correction or many outputs; likely to be based on
transform on the output. empirical formulae.

2 Overview R2003.12.1
Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

Data Prep
As the name implies, Data Prep is associated with various kinds of
correction, cleanup, and editing that are necessary before certain data
can be used properly as input to interpretive algorithms. Data Prep
occurs in the nebulous area between acquisition, post-acquisition
processing (which is presumed here to include calibration), and
petrophysical interpretation.

Data Prep is almost exclusively a single-well activity and is heavily

dependent on information taken from the acquisition context. Data Prep
applications typically modify one curve to produce a processed version.
They take a single input and produce a single output, maintaining the
acquisition context of the original input.

Example applications within PetroWorks include LogEdit and

Environmental Corrections. These applications can accept multiple
inputs, but their purpose is to produce modified versions of these
inputsthey generally do not synthesize wholly new data as curves.

This type of application generally accepts multiple inputs and produces
multiple outputs. The results are based on an interpreters choice of
input and other subjective determination, like parameters, that might
specify detailed behavior of an algorithm. The algorithm is often based
on one or more empirical formulae.

The acquisition context for log curves is stressed much less. Data
source and version become more important, because outputs may be
generated iteratively by several interpreters trying various input and
parameter combinations.

Interpretation tends to be a multi-well activity. Example applications

include QuickInterp, MultiMineral, and DualWater.

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: Overview 3

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

PetroWorks/LogEdit Applications
The table below shows the applications available in each of the
products in the PetroWorks family. Applications are grouped by
functionality. LE is LogEdit, PA is PetroWorks Asset, and PP is
PetroWorks Pro.

PetroWorks Family Applications

Application LE PA PP Application Description

Project Management

Source Priority List enables you to establish separate prioritized lists for petrophysical
Manager data sources and geologic (stratigraphic) data sources. Many
interpreters can be working in the same project at the same time, and
the Interpreter/Source Priority settings tell the program whose data
you want to use. The geology list option in the Interpreter Source
Priority List Manager replaces the Session menu option Interpreter/
Source Priority available in previous releases.

Curve Alias List allows you to maintain and manipulate ordered lists of curve names
Manager (mnemonics) represented by a single name, representing a general
curve type similar to POSC trace classifications. Curve aliasing
allows you to select the curve type while in an application: Based on
your curve alias list, the system then determines actual curve names
on a well by well basis at processing time.

Preferences allows you to establish the stratigraphic framework for the session,
i.e., control which project stratigraphic column is used to for
displaying surfaces and unit in dialog boxes in PetroWorks
applications for the session

Strat Column Editor allows you to build multiple stratigraphic columns, thereby defining
the project stratigraphic framework.

Data Import, Export, and Conversion

Log Export Utility enables you to export curves to Stratamodel (SM1) and LAS formats.

Wellbore Data creates pseudo log curves from conventional core analysis data stored
Converter in the core tables in the OpenWorks database.

Lithology Curve enables you to transform computed lithology data intervals

Generator determined in StratWorks into equivalent depth-based log curves that
have unique integer log values for each lithology type.

4 Overview R2003.12.1
Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

PetroWorks Family Applications (Continued)

Application LE PA PP Application Description
Data Preparation

Environmental provides more than 200 corrections for Baker Atlas, Gearhart,
Corrections Halliburton, Schlumberger, Sperry Sun, and Welex tools.

Temperature Curve formerly part of the Environmental Corrections application, this

Creation utility enables you to create a temperature curve over the length of the
well. The curve is necessary to account for resistivity changes with
temperature in water saturation and other equations.

Curve Smoothing formerly part of the Environmental Corrections, this utility enables
you to smooth, or filter, curve data. The filters are intended to smooth
data with fine vertical resolution to the coarser vertical resolutions of
other data, such as deep resistivity measurements. The filters assume
a periodic sample rate of 2 samples per foot.

Well Data Management and Editing

LogEdit enables you to perform interactive or manual log edits on log curves.
Log Edit options include depth shifting, baseline shifting, patching,
splicing, rescaling, resampling, and gap filling.

Wellbore Parameter enables you to edit petrophysical parameter values stored in

Editor OpenWorks via a spreadsheet interface. It works interactively with
the all PetroWorks interpretive applications for selecting input and
output curves and editing both global (shared earth) parameters and
parameters specific to interpretive applications.

Strat Unit Editor allows you to easily add, modify, and delete units and picks

Curve Utility enables you to copy users curves, delete curves for which you are the
source, bulk depth shift curves, and generate curve history reports on
data from one or more wells. You can customize the interface by
sorting, filtering, and/or hiding any of 32 data types.

Basic Interpretive Applications

Preliminary calculates a number of quantities of interest for quick look and
Reconnaissance standard interpretation techniques. These include single measurement
porosities, crossplot porosities, apparent lithologic values, water
resistivity from the SP, and apparent water resistivity and apparent
mud filtrate resistivity using crossplot porosities.

Log Functions allows you to do basic log calculations such as porosity corrections
and water saturations using the Archie formula.

QuickInterp provides quick-look interpretation calculations for shale volume,

porosity, water saturation, and permeability index by various
algorithms in each of the above categories. Because it can be set up to
make all calculations in a single pass, it is ideal for reconnaissance-
type applications, or for determining reservoir parameters at a general
first-cut level. Output curves from Preliminary Reconnaissance can
be used to determine some of the parameters required by

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: Overview 5

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

PetroWorks Family Applications (Continued)

Application LE PA PP Application Description
Progressive Interpretive Applications

Shale Volume calculates up to 11 different shale volumes from up to 8 input curves.

The program also calculates a minimum or average of selected shale
volume curves. Output from this program can be used as input to
other programs that require or allow input of an externally-derived
shale volume.

Complex Lithology allows you to process rock matrices consisting of up to three different
minerals. The application returns mineral properties as well as the
conventional results of water saturation and corrected porosity. This
application requires at least three different porosity measuring logs.

OnePhiSw calculates water saturation from one of several shaly sand equations
using a single input porosity. If density, sonic, or neutron, an effective
porosity is calculated, or an externally determined effective porosity
can also be input. Outputs included undisturbed zone water
saturation, Sw, flushed zone water saturation, Sxo, if an Rxo curve is
available, bulk volume waters, and coal and salt indicators. An Archie
water saturation can be calculated if shale parameters and inputs are
turned off.

Shaly Sand lets you determine corrected porosity and water saturation from
various shale determination routines. You have the option of which
tool to use (GR, SP, Neutron, etc.) as well as whether to use linear
and non-linear shale determination formulae. You can also choose
from three different complex water saturation equations (Indonesian,
Simandoux, and Modified Simandoux).

Dual Water uses only the Dual Water shaly sand method to solve for water
saturation. The program also outputs total and effective porosities and
volumes of the main constituents of the rock: wet clay, dry clay, silt
and matrix. Hydrocarbon density can either be input or calculated
within the program. Matrix density can either be entered as a fixed
value or as an input curve. The program uses the neutron and density
logs to determine porosity, and corrects them for clay and
hydrocarbon effects through an iterative technique. Sxo is determined
from Rxo, or from the EPT measurement, or from an empirical
equation if neither measurement is available. If both measurements
are available, a variable cementation exponent can be calculated.

MultiMineral similar to Complex Lithology in that it allows you to process rock

matrices consisting of three or more different minerals. The
application returns mineral properties as well as the conventional
results of water saturation and corrected porosity. This application
requires either three or four different porosity measuring logs.

Pulsed Neutron allows you to process thermal decay neutron logs. It calculates
saturations using the dual water model given an intrinsic formation
sigma value from any pulsed neutron tool. It can also calculate
borehole corrected porosity from TDT-K Ratio and Sigma.

6 Overview R2003.12.1
Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

PetroWorks Family Applications (Continued)

Application LE PA PP Application Description
PreMRIAN, Swb used in sequence, enable you determine total and effective porosities,
MRIAN, MRIAN total, effective, and bound water saturations, bulk volume water
group estimates, and reconstructed resistivities and SP curves using not only
conventional logs but also NMR data including NMR porosities.
Uses the Dual Water model.

User Programming

Model Builder allows you to design your own petrophysical model, a mathematical
description of how you want to manipulate the physical
measurements taken from well curves. Then, from your own
specifications, Model Builder builds an executable PetroWorks
application, which you and others can run to analyze and interpret
well log data. A working knowledge of C or FORTRAN is required
to effectively use this feature.

MathPack enables you to build algorithms and apply them against one or more
curves on multiple wells and units. You can solve virtually any
equation mixing curves and constants.

User Models see and run published user-written models


Crossplot/Histograms allows you to plot up to three different curves, with multiple

discriminators, using industry standard overlays. You can visualize
the data in three dimensions in histograms and log views, and easily
transfer parameter information to other applications.

Single Well Viewer enables you to use templates created in Well Template Editor to
display wellbore data in log formats. This version of Single Well
Viewer displays vector, or multi-valued, data as well as the more
common single-valued data.

Wellbore Manager enables you to track the history of a well from beginning to end, to
examine the characteristics of a hole and the equipment in the hole, to
design a new or altered completion and production string, and to add,
edit, query, and delete mechanical data alongside your equipment

Tabular List generates a report of digital curve data for particular depth points or
units for any selected set of curves and depths. By comparing the
report with the graphical display in LogEdit, you can verify data or
confirm that data exists for a particular depth.

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: Overview 7

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

PetroWorks Family Applications (Continued)

Application LE PA PP Application Description
Visualization Utilities

Well Template Editor create customized header and trailer templates for display in various
PetroWorks applications. The templates specify display parameters
and are necessary to view well log data in Single Well Viewer and
LogEdit. Now includes the Well Template Transfer utility.

Header/Trailer Editor create customized header and trailer templates for display in Single
Well Viewer and other PetroWorks and StratWorks applications.

Well Template transfer log templates between OpenWorks projects. This

Transfer functionality moved to within Well Template Editor.

Color Control: enables you to create special color files and use them to highlight
Seismic and Log variable attributes in certain PetroWorks and StratWorks applications.
Variable Fills /
Contour and

Wellbore Symbol allows you to create your own custom symbols for well equipment as
Editor well as edit existing symbols.

Marginalia Editor Marginalia Editor enables you to create templates that include map
scales, north arrow, title box, etc. for hardcopy plotting

Report Viewer displays reports generated by Tab List, Summation, Sensitivity and
Curve Utility and enables you to save and print reports.

Mapping and Volumetrics

MapView provides you with the ability to easily construct maps of

petrophysical properties, structural maps of surfaces, isochore maps
of thicknesses, etc. Well logs can be displayed at well locations and
bubble maps can be generated to show fractional formation attributes.

Summation generates a summary of reservoir production parameters required for

determining volumetrics. Includes thin zone discriminators and
honors exact unit boundaries.

Sensitivity enables you to vary multiple reservoir cut-off parameters to visualize

the potential for hydrocarbon production

8 Overview R2003.12.1
Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

Launcher Bar Layout

OpenWorks Command Menu

PetroWorks Pro, PetroWorks Asset, and LogEdit appear on the
OpenWorks > Applications menu:

PetroWorks Family of Products Menus

The order of the functionality on the PetroWorks Pro, Asset, and
LogEdit command menus is intended to approximate a general
formation evaluation workflow, moving from left to right on the bar.
The LogEdit menu contains a subset of the PetroWorks Asset
applications, which, in turn, contains a subset of the PetroWorks Pro

The menus and their options are shown below.

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: Launcher Bar Layout 9

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

PetroWorks Pro Menu Options

To start the PetroWorks Pro program, select Application >
PetroWorks Pro from the OpenWorks Command Menu.

The PetroWorks Pro Command Menu appears. The figure below

illustrates the command menu and the locations of PetroWorks Pro

10 Launcher Bar Layout R2003.12.1

Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

PetroWorks Asset Menu Options

To start the PetroWorks Asset program, select Application >
PetroWorks Asset from the OpenWorks Command Menu.

The PetroWorks Asset Command Menu appears. The figure below

illustrates the command menu and the locations of PetroWorks Asset

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: Launcher Bar Layout 11

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

LogEdit Menu Options

To start the LogEdit program, select Application > LogEdit from the
OpenWorks Command Menu.

The LogEdit Command Menu appears. The figure below illustrates the
command menu and the locations of LogEdit applications.

PetroWorks Menu Options

The LogEdit command menu contains a subset of the PetroWorks Asset
applications, which, in turn, contains a subset of the PetroWorks Pro
command menu applications.

The following menus show the maximum number of features available; that is,
those available with PetroWorks Pro. If a feature does not appear on your launcher
bar, you are running LogEdit or PetroWorks Asset. See the applications table
above or the Accessing PetroWorks Applications sections below to see which
features are included with each of the three products.

12 Launcher Bar Layout R2003.12.1

Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

The Session menu offers session/project management utilities.

Data Prep
The Data Prep menu offers Environmental Corrections, Curve
Smoothing, Temperature Curve Creation, and LogEdit. Parameter
management for Environmental Corrections is now handled by the
Wellbore Parameter Editor.

PetroWorks Asset and PetroWorks Pro launcher bars offer PreInterp
as a menu item.

From Pre-Interp, you can launch three interpretive applications, which

are fully described in their respective chapters in the PetroWorks Basic
Interpretive Applications manual (Log Functions and Preliminary
Reconnaissance) and the PetroWorks Progressive Interpretive
Applications manual (Shale Volume).

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: Launcher Bar Layout 13

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

The Interpret menu includes the complex interpretive applications,
user programming applications, and visualization applications.

QuickInterp is intended to perform a quick analysis to calculate water

saturation and bulk volume water. You can refine your results, inputs,
and curves by specifying lithology, pore fluid, rock type, permeability,
and hydrocarbon type. You can use output from Preliminary
Reconnaissance as input for some of the parameters in QuickInterp.
These features are described fully in the PetroWorks Basic Interpretive
Applications manual.

Other interpretive application options you see on the Interpret menu

are the Cased Hole > Pulsed Neutron application (for calculating
water saturation in cased holes), and the following, available from the
Petrophysics option: Complex Lithology, Dual Water, OnePhiSw,
Shaly Sand, and MultiMineral as well as the MRIL Analysis (MRIAN)
models PreMRIAN, SwbMRIAN, and MRIAN. The MRIAN suite of
interpretive applications, developed by Halliburtons Reservoir
application group, exploits additional information about reservoir fluids
provided by magnetic resonance measurements to help in estimating
hydrocarbon saturation, effective porosity, and permeability from logs.

All interpretive applications are described fully in their respective

chapters in the PetroWorks Progressive Interpretive Applications

14 Launcher Bar Layout R2003.12.1

Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

The Utilities menu contains applications for data management and

The Help menu offers instructions for using online help, the online
manual, and release notes.

Within individual applications, you can find information on the

PetroWorks version by selecting Help > On Version.

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: Launcher Bar Layout 15

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

Typical Workflow

The diagram below illustrates a typical, generalized, workflow in


Load curve and petrophysical parameter data

Review log data

(Curve Utility, Single Well Viewer, LogEdit, Tabular Listing / Report Viewer)

View and edit log curves

(Curve Utility, LogEdit)

Perform environmental corrections

(Curve Smoothing, Environmental Corrections)

Create temperature curve and perform scale conversions

(Create Temperature Curve, MathPack)

Create reconnaissance curves (Apparent Matrix, Rwa, etc.)

(Interpretive applications, Wellbore Parameter Editor)

Evaluate lithology, porosity, water resistivity, etc.


Calculate lithologic volumes, porosity, fluid saturations

(Interpretive applications, Wellbore Parameter Editor)

Refine pay reservoir cutoffs

(Sensitivity / Report Viewer)

Create reservoir summaries

(Summation / Report Viewer)

Display results
(Single Well Viewer, Tabular Listing / Report Viewer, MapView)

16 Typical Workflow R2003.12.1

Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

Integration with Other Landmark Products

PetroWorks is fully integrated with the Landmark suite of products:

Logs, picks, and zone (unit) attributes are stored in the OpenWorks
database and are thus, directly accessible to all Landmark products
that access the database. With the aid of the Log Export Utility,
even Stratamodel can access them.

Pointsets that are created inside Z-Map Plus are automatically

available to MapView in PetroWorks.

Perforation curves that were created inside the Wellbore Manager

application can be brought into PetroWorks for use when
performing curve and isopach calculations.

Units of Measure and Systems of Measurement

Data is stored in consistent measurement units. There is a preferred storage unit for
all measured quantities. These preferences are set when the project is created so
that data loaded into the project is converted to project units. For data management
purposes, the original units of the data as loaded are stored in fields that are named
the same as the associated field and have the suffix: _OUOM.

Should you have a question as to whether the correct conversions have been
performed, you can compare the original units in the _OUOM field with the
storage units defined project wide.

Systems of Measurement consist of a preferred unit for each type of measurement.

There are four default systems: US Oil Field, SPE Preferred Metric, US Oil Field
(metric depth), and Canadian Metric.

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: Integration with Other Landmark Products 17

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

About This Manual Set

PetroWorks/LogEdit Documentation
The PetroWorks/LogEdit documentation manual set consists of the

PetroWorks/LogEdit Documentation Manual Set

Book Chapters Application
Introduction to PetroWorks Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Overview of PetroWorks Pro,
Family of Products Products PetroWorks Asset, and LogEdit
applications and command menus
PetroWorks Basics Cross-application concepts and
Glossary activities
PetroWorks/LogEdit Project Introduction
Management Curve Alias List Manager Curve Alias List Manager
PetroWorks Preferences Preferences
PetroWorks/Log Edit Data Introduction
Import, Export, and Exporting Log Data Log Export
Conversion Converting Wellbore Data Wellbore Data Converter

PetroWorks Data Introduction

Preparation Environmental Corrections Environmental Corrections
Creating a Temperature Curve Temperature Curve Creation
Smoothing Curves Curve Smoothing
PetroWorks/LogEdit Well Introduction
Data Management and Editing Curve Data in LogEdit LogEdit
Editing Editing Wellbore Parameters Wellbore Parameter Editor
Editing StratUnits, Surfaces, and Picks StratUnit Editor
Managing Curves with Curve Utility Curve Utility
PetroWorks Basic Introduction
Interpretive Applications Preliminary Reconnaissance Preliminary Reconnaissance
Log Functions Log Functions
QuickInterp QuickInterp

18 About This Manual Set R2003.12.1

Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

PetroWorks/LogEdit Documentation Manual Set (Continued)

Book Chapters Application
PetroWorks Progressive Introduction
Interpretive Applications Shale Volume Shale Volume
Complex Lithology Complex Lithology
OnePhiSw OnePhiSw
Shaly Sand Shaly Sand
Dual Water Dual Water
MultiMineral MultiMineral
Pulsed Neutron Pulsed Neutron
Appendix A: Water Saturation Equations
Used in Shaly Formations
PetroWorks/LogEdit User Introduction
Programming Model Builder Model Builder
Building Algorithms with Mathpack MathPack
User Models User Models
PetroWorks/LogEdit Introduction
Visualization Generating Crossplots CrossPlot
Tabular List Tabular List
Viewing Reports with Report Viewer Report Viewer
PetroWorks Volumetrics Introduction
Summation Summation
Determining Sensitivity Sensitivity
PetroWorks Parameters available online only; describes the
parameters required for all interpretive

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: About This Manual Set 19

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

StratUtils Documentation
PetroWorks/LogEdit applications share a set of project management,
data management, visualization, and mapping utilities with StratWorks.
Documentation for these utilities appears in the following StratWorks

StratWorks Documentation Manual Set

Book Section Application
Introduction to StratWorks Using the Color Control Tools Color Control Seismic & Log
Variable Fills
Color Control Contour &
Using the Marginalia Editor Marginalia Editor
Defining Headers and Trailers Header/Trailer Editor
Generating Lithology Log Curves Lithology Curve Generator
Setting Up StratWorks Creating and Transferring Well Templates Well Template Editor
Previewing Your Well Data Single Well Viewer
Creating Stratigraphic Columns Strat Column Editor
Mapping and Cross Sections Creating Basemaps; Making Structure and MapView
Isochore Maps
Wellbore Manager User All Wellbore Manager

OpenWorks Documentation
In addition to the PetroWorks/LogEdit and StratWorks manuals, you
may occasionally need to refer to several OpenWorks manuals to
perform certain tasks. These manuals include

Using OpenWorks. Refer to this manual for an explanation of the

OpenWorks environment .

OpenWorks Data Management. Refer to this manual for

instructions on creating and managing projects. You must create a
project with a Cartographic Reference System (described in the
Project Management and Map Projection Editor chapters)
before you can load data. This manual also provides instructions
for using some of the OpenWorks utilities like the Well Data
Manager and Well List Manager.

OpenWorks Data Import/Export. Refer to this manual for

instructions on how to load and transfer data between applications
running under the OpenWorks environment.

20 About This Manual Set R2003.12.1

Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

Manual Conventions
This manual uses certain conventions to explain how to use various
features of the program:

Menu options Menu options and button names are printed in

boldface, for example, Setup.
key Press the indicated key on the keyboard, for
example, Return.
type startow Text that you are required to type in is printed
in a different typeface (Courier).
Type exactly what you see.
type A different typeface in italics (Courier
projectname Italics) indicates that you are to supply
information. At projectname, for example,
you should enter the name of your project.
Click on Move the cursor to the option or object
specified and quickly press and release the
mouse button. Unless otherwise specified,
use Button 1.
Press and drag Press the mouse button and continue to hold it
down while moving the cursor to the option
you want or to a new location in the graphic
display area; then release the button.
Highlight In a dialog box, move the cursor to the name of
the item you wish to use and select it with the
Select Move the cursor to the option or object you
want to select and click on it.
Double-click Click the mouse button twice rapidly without
moving the mouse. The first click highlights
the option, object, or text beneath the cursor;
the second click is equivalent to pressing the
OK button to accept the selection.
Triple-click Click the mouse button three times rapidly
without moving the mouse to highlight a string
of text (more than one word) beneath the

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: About This Manual Set 21

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

Related Documentation
Because PetroWorks is an integrated product, you may find you need to
access other OpenWorks products in the course of your workflow. For
information about these following products and the related
documentation, contact your system administrator or Landmark

OpenWorks Data Management explains how to create and
manage projects, how to use many of the available utilities, how to
define cartographic reference systems for map data, and how to
export well and curve data.

GeoData Loading explains how to import ASCII well and curve

data, binary curve data, seismic line and surveys, and culture data.

OpenWorks Data Model explains the relational database

management system (RDBMS) data model and describes what
data is managed within OpenWorks and how it is organized.

SeisWorks/2D Reference Manual and User Guide explains how
to set up and interpret 2D seismic data.

SeisWorks/3D Reference Manual and User Guide explains how

to set up and interpret 3D seismic data.

StratWorks User Guide explains how to set up and interpret a geologic

Landmark Geo-dataWorks
Landmark Geo-dataWorks User Guide explains how to graphically
display project data and retrieve data from the project database.

22 About This Manual Set R2003.12.1

Landmark Graphics Corporation Introduction to PetroWorks Family of Products

About Online Help

You can access the Landmark Help system from the PetroWorks
Command Menu and each of the PetroWorks application main

Online Help Menu

The Help menu contains the following options:

Help On Help displays information describing the help system.

Online Manual gives you access to an on-line version of the

PetroWorks documentation set. Click on a menu option to view the
documentation for that option or on a manual title to view the
linked table of contents for manual in the documentation set.

Release Notes opens the online version of the PetroWorks or

StratWorks Release Notes.

R2003.12.1 PetroWorks Family of Products: About Online Help 23

Introduction to PetroWorks and Log Edit Landmark

24 About Online Help R2003.12.1

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