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TED 678/690 / Hooghart

Electronic Reflective Professional Portfolio of Continuous Progress

Minimum Requirements
Working from the Portfolio Skeleton that you may have begun in TED601, continue to gather
artifacts/pieces of evidence that demonstrate that you are highly qualified for your current
position (or a position to which you aspire). Organize these artifacts in an attractive, accessible
electronic portfolio that showcases your abilities, beliefs, dispositions, and accomplishments,
on a website of your own, with permission-only access or public access, and with particular
attention to keeping private information inaccessible.
Hosting websites that may be used at no cost include: Weebly (, Yola
(, Tripod (, N-View/NVU (,
Google Sites( For a sample Weebly
portfolio, see:

Be sure to include at least the following:

1. Title Page (clearly listing your name, date of portfolio, and possibly a picture of you)

2. Introduction (describing the purpose, organization, etc. of the portfolio)

3. Table of Contents (a list of contents/main areas of portfolio, with links as necessary)

4. Background Information (about who you are and what you believe), including:

a. Professional Resume or Curriculum Vita (with private contact information and other
private information removed or otherwise kept private)
b. Philosophy of Learning & Teaching
c. Teaching Certificate (and perhaps transcripts &/or MTTC test score reports)

5. Evidence of Skills/Proficiency and Dispositions of a Teacher Leader (organized

according to the SHU Teacher Education Program Learning Outcomes):
a. mission (helping produce reflective, competent, purposeful, and ethical people);
b. research/theory into practice;
c. politics, ethics, & professionalism;
d. external social forces;
e. diversity, culture, & climate;
f. teaching/learning styles;
g. developmentally appropriate curriculum & design; and
h. leadership

6. Other pertinent information/evidence (if needed and/or hard to fit under above sections)

What to Include in your Portfolio

Examples of artifacts/pieces of evidence that might be included in each of the 8 Learning
Outcomes sections appear below. It may be useful/necessary to use one artifact in more than
one section, but please refrain from using it in more than three sections, or your portfolio may
appear thin and contrived.

1 & 2. Mission; Research/Theory into Practice

TED 678/690 / Hooghart

a. Professional credentials (including teaching certificate/s, transcripts, subject-

specific coursework list, MTTC scores, resume, training/workshop verifications,
awards, etc.)
b. Local class schedule/teaching assignment (past 5 years or more)
c. Evidence of successful teaching in the assigned subject area/s (including
such items as: administrator evaluations/observation notes; letters of support or
thanks from administrators, colleagues, parents, students, etc.; publicly-posted data
regarding students test scores; etc.)
d. Evidence of use of research to enhance teaching/learning (case study, etc.)
e. Reflective essay (about this course, or another, or the process of creating the
f. Pertinent professional development activities (past 5 years or more; including
grad courses!)

3, 4, 5. Politics, Ethics, & Professionalism; External Social Forces; Diversity, Culture, & Climate
a. Samples of classroom environment/rules/routines/safety measures/etc.
b. Evidence of successful engagement with diverse stakeholders and/or community
members (letters of support or thanks; evidence of service-learning or outreach
projects and/or bring-parents-into-the-school/classroom efforts; etc.)
c. Pertinent professional development activities (past 5 years or more; including grad

6 & 7. Teaching/Learning Styles; Developmentally-Appropriate Curriculum & Design

a. Subject-specific coursework list (organized by subject rather than date/semester)
b. Lesson plan(s), unit plans, and/or curriculum outlines/maps
c. Samples of student work/assessments (student identity must remain anonymous!)
d. Inventories you use to determine student learning styles
e. Pertinent professional development activities (past 5 years or more; including grad

8. Educational Leadership
a. Documentation of service activities (past 5 years or more)
b. Case study / action research project documentation
c. Pertinent professional development activities (past 5 years or more; including grad

It may also be helpful to include captions or brief explanations about why a given piece of
evidence addresses a given learning outcomeparticularly in the case of photos, illustrations,

Your portfolio will be graded based on completeness, appearance, mechanics/accessibility, and

quality of evidence, as described in the scoring rubric below.

TED 678/690 / Hooghart

TED 678/690 PORTFOLIO SCORING RUBRIC (Total Points: ________/100)

Completeness Quality of Organization/ Mechanics &

of Content Evidence Appearance Spelling
All key elements Portfolio elements for Organization makes portfolio Text produced by
(title page, introduction, which a rubric was neat, attractive, & highly TED student (for
A (91-100%) table of contents, resume, provided conform to readable; makes effective use example, the
educational philosophy, that rubric by 91- of color, graphics, photos resume, title
2 academic/ certification 100%; all and/or illustrations; use of font page, etc.) is free
documents, & all 8 artifacts/evidence is as consistent as possible; of grammatical,
learning outcome section clearly demonstrate uses clearly-labeled slides/ spelling, logical,
headers) included and the skills of the buttons/links to and within each formatting, or
clearly labeled; learning outcome section, is logically organized, typing errors; is
4 total artifacts/pieces of section in which they and free of poor-resolution or free of bad/
evidence for all 8 learning are included hard-to-read files/documents; unworkable links
outcomes combined easily accessible through on date of
common internet browser submission
1-2 key elements missing Portfolio elements for Organization makes portfolio Text is mostly free
or thin; most or all which a rubric was mostly neat, attractive, & of major
B (81-90%) elements clearly labeled; provided conform to readable; makes use of color, grammatical,
3 total artifacts/pieces of that rubric by 81- graphics, photos and/or spelling, logical,
evidence for all 8 learning 90%; most artifacts/ illustrations; use of font is formatting, or
outcomes combined evidence clearly somewhat consistent; typing errors; is
demonstrate the slides/links/buttons mostly mostly free of
skills of the learning correspond to t.o.c. guide for bad/ unworkable
outcome section in each section; contains some links on date of
which they are documents with poor-quality submission
included resolution, etc.
3-4 key elements missing Portfolio elements for Organization makes portfolio Text contains
or thin; elements labeled which a rubric was somewhat neat and/or several &/or major
C (71-80%) somewhat clearly; provided conform to readable; makes poor use of grammatical,
2 total artifacts/pieces of that rubric by 71- color, graphics, photos and/or spelling, logical,
evidence for all 8 learning 80%; some artifacts/ illustrations; lacks slides/links/ formatting, or
outcomes combined evidence clearly buttons that correspond to t.o.c. typing errors;
demonstrate the guide for each section; use of contains several
skills of the section in font somewhat inconsistent; &/or major bad
which they are contains documents with poor- links
included quality resolution, etc.
5 or more elements Portfolio elements for Organization makes portfolio Text contains
missing or thin; labels or which a rubric was less than neat or readable; numerous
E (0-70%) sequence unclear; provided conform to lacks color/graphics/photos grammatical,
<2 total artifacts/pieces of that rubric by 0-70%; /illustrations; use of fonts is spelling, logical,
evidence for all 8 learning few or no artifacts erratic; lacks labeled formatting, typing,
outcomes combined clearly demonstrate slides/links/buttons to each or linking errors
the skills of their section; contains documents that hinder
section with poor-quality resolution, etc. comprehension/
Totals: /20 /30 /30 /20

TED 678/690 / Hooghart

Electronic Reflective Professional Portfolio of Continuous Progress (Skeleton)

Minimum Requirements
Gather artifacts/pieces of evidence that demonstrate that you are highly qualified for your
current position (or a position to which you aspire). Organize these artifacts in an attractive,
accessible electronic portfolio that showcases your abilities, beliefs, dispositions, and
accomplishments. Knowing that you will continue to refine this portfolio in TED678/690, be sure
to include at least the following:

1. Title/Home Page (clearly listing your name, date of portfolio, and possibly a picture of
you) and Introduction to the Portfolio (describing the purpose, organization, etc.)

2. Table of Contents (a list of contents/main areas of portfolio, with links as necessary); this
can be the links at the top of your web page or down one side.

3. Background Information (about who you are and what you believe), including:

a. Professional Resume or Curriculum Vita

b. Philosophy of Learning & Teaching
c. Teaching Certificate (and perhaps transcripts &/or MTTC test reports)

4. Evidence of Skills/Proficiency and Dispositions of a Teacher Leader (organized

according to the SHU Teacher Education Program Learning Outcomes, explained in
detail on the next pages):
a. Mission (helping produce reflective, competent, purposeful, and ethical people);
b. Research/theory into practice;
c. Politics, ethics, and professionalism;
d. External social forces;
e. Diversity, culture, and climate;
f. Teaching/learning styles;
g. Developmentally appropriate curriculum and design; and
h. Leadership

5. Other pertinent information/evidence (if needed and/or hard to fit under above sections)

For a sample Weebly portfolio, see:

TED 678/690 / Hooghart

Siena Heights University

Teacher Education Program Learning Outcomes
(finalized in 2009)

The Teacher Education Program Learning Outcomes reflect the desired knowledge,
understandings, skills & dispositions of students who complete the teacher education program.
Consistent with a view of teaching as an art and science, the program highlights the following
outcomes with the realization that valuable, but unanticipated, outcomes will also emerge.

These are overall outcomes; no single course necessarily addresses every outcome. Students
at the graduate and undergraduate levels demonstrate these outcomes in ways consistent with
their varied levels of academic coursework, teacher candidate/certification status, and work

1. Mission
The teacher education student demonstrates:
qualities consistent with the mission of the university to assist students in becoming
more competent, purposeful, and ethical
the qualities of a reflective practitioner and a commitment to lifelong learning

2. Theory into Practice

The teacher education student demonstrates:
the ability to analyze situations in classrooms and other educational settings, in light
of current educational research
the ability to apply principles of best practice and use technology in preK-12

3. Politics, Ethics, and Professionalism

The teacher education student demonstrates:
an understanding of the political nature of educational institutions
an understanding of the demands that are placed on educators
the personal integrity, professionalism, and ethical behavior essential to the role of

4. External Social Forces

The teacher education student demonstrates:
an understanding of the influence of major social forces on the lives of preK-12
partnership with families, specialists, and the larger community
preparation and willingness to address and accommodate the educational needs of
an awareness of the social and emotional aspects of teaching and learning

5. Diversity, Culture, & Climate

The teacher education student demonstrates:
an understanding of the diverse social and cultural factors that influence, challenge,
and provide opportunities for enriching, the teaching/learning process

TED 678/690 / Hooghart

an ability to identify characteristics of the educational community and how these

characteristics impact the teaching/learning climate.

6. Teaching/Learning Styles
The teacher education student demonstrates:
an understanding of the impact of multiple intelligences and teaching/learning styles
on the teaching/learning process
an ability to identify his/her personal strengths and limitations
the ability to incorporate alternatives to his/her preferred teaching/learning style
in curriculum and instruction

7. Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum & Design

The teacher education student demonstrates:
an understanding of the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional stages of
development of preK-12 students
the ability to plan, select, and design developmentally appropriate learning activities,
materials, and assessments
an understanding of the content and methodology in various disciplines
the ability to identify meaningful learning outcomes consistent with national and state

8. Leadership
The teacher education student demonstrates:
the ability to initiate change in the classroom or other educational settings for the
improvement of learning and teaching
the ability to work collaboratively with other educators to develop communities of

TED 678/690 / Hooghart

TED 601 PORTFOLIO SKELETON SCORING RUBRIC (Total Points: ________/100)

Completeness Quality of Organization/ Mechanics &

of Content Evidence Appearance Spelling
All key elements Portfolio elements for Organization makes portfolio Text produced by
(title page, introduction, which a rubric was neat, attractive, and highly TED 601 student
A (91-100%) table of contents, resume, provided conform to readable; makes effective use (for example, the
educational philosophy, that rubric by 91- of color, graphics, photos resume, title
2 academic/certification 100%; all and/or illustrations; use of font page, etc.) is free
documents, and all 8 artifacts/evidence is as consistent as possible; of grammatical,
learning outcome section clearly demonstrate uses clearly-labeled slides/ spelling, logical,
headers) included and the skills of the buttons/links to and within each formatting, or
clearly labeled; learning outcome section, is logically organized, typing errors; is
4 total artifacts/pieces of section in which they and free of poor-resolution or free of bad/
evidence for all 8 learning are included hard-to-read files/documents; unworkable links
outcomes combined easily accessible through on date of
through common internet submission
browser application
1-2 key elements missing Portfolio elements for Organization makes portfolio Text is mostly free
or thin; most or all which a rubric was mostly neat, attractive, & of major
B (81-90%) elements clearly labeled; provided conform to readable; makes use of color, grammatical,
3 total artifacts/pieces of that rubric by 81- graphics, photos and/or spelling, logical,
evidence for all 8 learning 90%; most artifacts/ illustrations; use of font is formatting, or
outcomes combined evidence clearly somewhat consistent; typing errors; is
demonstrate the slides/links/buttons mostly mostly free of
skills of the learning correspond to t.o.c. guide for bad/ unworkable
outcome section in each section; contains some links on date of
which they are documents with poor-quality submission
included resolution, etc.
3-4 key elements missing Portfolio elements for Organization makes portfolio Text contains
or thin; elements labeled which a rubric was somewhat neat and/or several &/or major
C (71-80%) somewhat clearly; provided conform to readable; makes poor use of grammatical,
2 total artifacts/pieces of that rubric by 71- color, graphics, photos and/or spelling, logical,
evidence for all 8 learning 80%; some artifacts/ illustrations; lacks slides/links/ formatting, or
outcomes combined evidence clearly buttons that correspond to t.o.c. typing errors;
demonstrate the guide for each section; use of contains several
skills of the section in font somewhat inconsistent; &/or major bad
which they are contains documents with poor- links
included quality resolution, etc.
5 or more elements Portfolio elements for Organization makes portfolio Text contains
missing or thin; labels or which a rubric was less than neat or readable; numerous
E (0-70%) sequence unclear; provided conform to lacks color/graphics/photos/ grammatical,
<2 total artifacts/pieces of that rubric by 0-70%; illustrations; use of fonts is spelling, logical,
evidence for all 8 learning few or no artifacts erratic; lacks labeled formatting, typing,
outcomes combined clearly demonstrate slides/links/buttons to each or linking errors
the skills of their section; contains documents that hinder
section with poor-quality resolution, etc. comprehension/
Totals: /20 /30 /30 /20

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