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Hepatotoxicity During Maintenance Therapy and Prognosis

in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Maria S. Ebbesen, MD,* Ulrikka Nygaard, MD, PhD,* Susanne Rosthj, MSc, PhD,w
Ditte Srensen, MSc,w Jacob Nersting, MSc, PhD,*
Kim Vettenranta, MD, PhD,z Finn Wesenberg, MD, DMSc,y
Jon Kristinsson, MD,8 Arja Harila-Saari, MD, PhD,z
and Kjeld Schmiegelow, MD, DMSc*#

Summary: Hepatotoxicity is a known toxicity to treatment of

childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Hepatotoxicity occurs
M aintenance therapy (MT) with oral low-dose Metho-
trexate (MTX) and oral 6-Mercaptopurine (6 MP) is
a key component in treatment of childhood acute lym-
during maintenance therapy and is caused by metabolites of 6- phoblastic leukemia (ALL). MT is a delicate balance
Mercaptopurine (6 MP) and Methotrexate (MTX). Our objective
was to investigate the association between alanine amino-
between ecacy and toxicity.1 Hepatotoxicity is a common
transferases (ALAT) levels and relapse rate. We included 385 toxicity to MT28 and may result in parenchymal cell injury
patients enrolled in the NOPHO ALL-92 protocol. Data on ALAT and elevated liver enzyme levels.4,5,9 However, hepatotox-
levels, 6 MP and MTX doses, cytotoxic MTX/6 MP metabolites, icity is reversible4 and may even be related to a favorable
and thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) activity were pro- outcome.6 Despite this, some treatment protocols reduce
spectively registered. In total, 91% of the patients had a mean drug doses following hepatotoxicity.3,10
ALAT (mALAT) level above upper normal limit (40 IU/L) and To enhance treatment intensity, 6 MP increments are
ALAT levels were positively correlated to 6 MP doses (rs = 0.31; used. The resulting elevation in methylated metabolites
P < 0.001). In total, 47 patients suered a relapse, no dierence in (MeMP) is associated with hepatotoxicity and a subsequent
mALAT levels were found in these compared with nonrelapse
patients (median, 107 vs. 98 IU/L; P = 0.39). mALAT levels in
rise in serum alanine aminotransferase (ALAT). Thus,
patients classied as TPMT high activity (TPMTWT) were higher ALAT levels may reect both drug disposition and poten-
than in TPMT low-activity patients (median, 103 vs. 82 IU/L; tially also adherence to therapy (Fig. 1).
P = 0.03). In a Cox regression model risk of relapse was not MTX exerts its antineoplastic eect by the cytotoxic
associated with ALAT levels (P = 0.56). ALAT levels increased metabolites MTX polyglutamates,11,12 whereas 6 MP does
2.7%/month during the last year of maintenance therapy so by formation of 6-thioguanine nucleotides (TGN)13,14
(P < 0.001). In conclusion, elevated ALAT levels are associated and MeMP, the latter being catalyzed by thiopurine
with TPMTWT and may indicate treatment adherence in these
patients. If liver function is normal, elevated ALAT levels should
not indicate treatment adaptation.
Key Words: childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, hepatotox-
icity, prognosis, maintenance therapy, thiopurines
(J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2017;00:000000)

Received for publication April 4, 2016; accepted November 30, 2016.

From the *Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,
Rigshospitalet; wSection of Biostatistics, Department of Public
Health; #The Institute Clinical Medicine, University of Copenha-
gen, Copenhagen Denmark; zDepartment of Pediatrics, University
Hospital, Tampere, Finland; yDepartment of Pediatrics, The Uni-
versity Hospital, Oslo, Norway; 8Department of Pediatrics, Uni-
versity Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland; and zDepartment of Womens
and Childrens Health, Karolinska University Hospital and
Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Stockholm, Sweden.
On behalf of the Nordic Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Supported by the Danish Cancer Society (grant no. 9710030), The FIGURE 1. Summarized mechanism of 6-MP/MTX-induced
Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation, The Childrens Cancer hepatotoxicity and myelotoxicity. The 6 MP is converted into
Foundation, Sweden (grant no. 1999/080), The National Medical 6TGN which are incorporated into DNA where they exert mye-
Research Council (grant no. 22-2-0305), The Nordic Cancer Union, lotoxicity. Thiopurine methyltransferase inactivates 6 MP by
The Lundbeck Foundation (grant nos.: 30/98 and 38/99), The Otto formation of methylated metabolites. Together with MTX poly-
Christensen Foundation, The Gangsted Foundation, and The glutamates some of these methylated metabolites inhibit PDNS
Gunnar Jrgensen Foundation. which may enhance incorporation of 6TGN into DNA but also
The authors declare no conict of interest.
cause hepatotoxicity and increase in serum ALAT. ALAT indicates
Reprints: Kjeld Schmiegelow, MD, DMSc, Department of Pediatrics
and Adolescent Medicine, The University Hospital Rigshospitalet, alanine aminotransferase; ANC, absolute neutrofile count;
JMC-4072, Copenhagen, Denmark (e-mail: kschmiegelow@ HGPRT, hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase; MTX, methotrexate; 6 MP, 6-mercaptopurine; PDNS, purine de novo
Copyright r 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. synthesis; TGN, thioguanine nucleotides.

J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 00, Number 00, 2017 1 |

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Ebbesen et al J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 00, Number 00, 2017

methyltransferase (TPMT).15,16 TGN exert their cytotox- E-MTX was analyzed with a radioligand assay (between-
icity through incorporation into DNA (DNA-TG)14 and run coecient of variation: 3.0%).25 E-6TGN was deter-
MeMP through inhibition of the purine de novo syn- mined with reversed-phase HPLC (between-run coecients
thesis,17,18 which may enhance DNA-TG incorporation.19,20 of variation, 8.2%).26,27 Median ALAT measurements
One previous study investigated the prognostic sig- during MT were 25 and 14 times in SR and IR patients,
nicance of hepatotoxicity. However, this study was con- respectively.
ducted 30 years ago when treatment intensity, the incidence
of elevated ALAT levels, as well as overall survival were
substantially lower than today.6 We hypothesize that TPMT
ALAT levels reect both the treatment intensity and
TPMT activity was measured in 359 of the 385
adherence to therapy, and that elevated levels of ALAT are
patients (between-run coecient of variation: 2.5%).23,28
associated with reduced risk of relapse. We investigated 385
TPMT activity was determined >8 weeks after the last
ALL patients with routine ALAT measurements during
blood transfusion. The median TPMT activity was 18.2 IU/
MTX/6 MP MT with the aim of improving MTX/6 MP
mL (range, 0.6 to 27.6). The antimode of the TPMT activity
dose adjustments in case of hepatotoxicity.
distribution was 14 IU/mL.29 Patients carrying 1 allele with
low-activity polymorphisms G460A or A719G or, if TPMT
MATERIALS AND METHODS genotype was not available (n = 381), with TPMT activity
below 14 IU/mL were classied as TPMT low activity
Patients (TPMTLA) (n = 44) and the remaining as TPMT wild-type
The Nordic Society of Pediatric Hematology and (TPMTWT) (n = 315).
Oncology (NOPHO) ALL-92 MT study included 538
patients diagnosed with nonB-cell childhood ALL between
January 1, 1992 and December 31, 1996.21 We excluded 153
patients due to one or more of the following criteria; an Statistical Analysis
event during MT; allocation to high-risk therapy; Down For each patient, the mean ALAT (mALAT) during
syndrome; <3ALAT measurement; no measurement in 1 of MT was determined as a weighted average of all registra-
the 2 consecutive maintenance phases (MT phases did or did tions, each registration counting until the next registration
not include courses of high-dose MTX (HDM) [see below]). or a maximum of 8 weeks (corresponding to a Last
Thus, 385 patients met the inclusion criteria. The included Observation Carried Forward procedure). Weighted mean
patients consisted of 177 girls and 208 boys of whom 207 absolute neutrole count (mANC) and doses of MTX
had standard risk (SR) and 178 intermediate risk (IR) ALL. (mMTX) and 6 MP (m6MP) were determined in the same
Their median age at diagnosis was 4.0 years (range, 1.0 to manner.
14.9 y), and their median white blood cell (WBC) count at The Mann Whitney U test was used to compare
diagnosis was 6.0109/L (50% range, 3.0 to 14.0109/L). groups and Spearman (rs) to explore correlations. MT was
divided into the period including HDM treatment (MT1)
Risk Group Assignment and Treatment and the period, beginning 8 weeks after last HDM treat-
The nonhigh-risk group assignments were based on ment, with only oral 6 MP/MTX treatment (MT2).
age and WBC at diagnosis (SR: age, 2.0 to 9.9 y and To illustrate the dynamics of ALAT levels during MT,
WBC < 10.0 109/L; IR: age, 1.0 to 1.9 or >10.0 y and/or locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (loess regression)
WBC, 10 to 49.9109/L). Induction and consolidation was applied.30
therapy have been described previously.2123 MT started at The trend in ALAT levels during MT was analyzed
treatment week 13 (SR) or 32 (IR) and therapy continued using a linear mixed model with a random intercept and a
until 2.5 years (SR) or 2 years (IR) after diagnosis. MT random slope on time in MT for each patient. The ALAT
consisted of MTX (20 mg/m2/wk) and 6 MP (75 mg/m2/d). levels were log transformed due to a right skewed dis-
The NOPHO ALL-92 maintenance study randomized tribution. The model further included sex, risk group,
patients to either; adjusting doses to achieve a WBC randomization group, and TPMT as xed covariates. The
between 1.5 to 3.5 109/L (control group, N = 198 patients) analysis was performed separately for MT1 and MT2.
or adjusting doses based on a combination of WBC and the Event free survival probabilities were determined by
product of red blood cell MTX (E-MTX) and TGN (E- the Kaplan-Meier estimator and the cumulative incidence
TGN) levels (pharmacology group, N = 187 patients).21 of relapse for each risk group was determined using the
MTX and/or 6 MP dose reductions were only recommended Aalen-Johansen estimator accounting for competing risks
if ALAT levels were elevated and bilirubin was >50 mmol/L (delayed entry at end of MT).
(ie, 3 times upper normal limit) or coagulation factors II, The risk of relapse was analyzed by a Cox regression
VII, and X were <0.50 working units/L. model with delayed entry at the end of MT, day 0 being the
During the rst year of MT patients received alternate date of diagnosis. Patients with competing events were
pulses of: (i) vincristine (2.0 mg/m2 once) and prednisolone censored at the timepoint of event. The model was stratied
(40 mg/m2/d for 1 wk) and (ii) HDM at 8 intervals (5 g/m2/ on risk group and included WBC and age at diagnosis, sex,
24 h with intrathecal. MTX and leucovorin rescue) until 5 randomization group, TPMT, mALAT, mANC, mMTX,
courses of HDM had been given.24 These pulses were given and m6MP. The assumptions of the model were assessed by
at an interval of 4 weeks. graphical examination of the score processes. The mALAT
variable was log2 transformed due to a right skewed dis-
Blood Samples tribution. Patients without TPMT status (n = 26) were not
E-MTX and E-TGN metabolites were measured in included in the Cox regression model.
7529 blood samples a median of 18 and 21 times (SR Calculations were performed using SPSS version 22
patients) or 11 and 12 times (IR patients), respectively. and R version 3.2.0. P < 0.05 were regarded signicant.

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J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 00, Number 00, 2017 Hepatotoxicity and Prognosis in Childhood ALL

RESULTS month during MT2 (P < 0.001). This was not the case in
MT1. Figures 2A, B demonstrate great intrapatient and
Hematology and Pharmacology interpatient variability in ALAT levels during MT
The median follow-up was 15.5 years (50% range, 13.7 and Figure 2B shows the increase in ALAT in MT2. The
to 16.8 y). In total, 47 patients relapsed (36 involved the regression analysis also showed that ALAT levels were
bone-marrow) at a median time of 42 months (range, 28 to 26.7% (P = 0.02) and 19.0% (P = 0.09) higher in
215 mo) from diagnosis, and 8 patients developed a second TPMTWT patients compared with TPMTLA patients in
cancer. We observed no dierence in mALAT levels in MT1 and MT2, respectively. For patients who stayed in
patients who relapsed compared with patients staying in remission throughout MT there was a signicant correla-
remission (107 vs. 98 IU/L, P = 0.39). tion between mALAT in MT1, when HDM was also given,
and mALAT in MT2 (rS = 0.53, P < 0.001).
Hepatotoxicty During MT
For the entire MT period the median mALAT was Hepatotoxicity and Relapse Risk
100 IU/L (50% range, 60 to 157 IU/L) and 91% of patients In the Cox regression analysis model describing the
had a mALAT level above the upper normal limit (40 IU/ risk of relapse, we investigated whether the eect of (log2)
L). The TPMTWT patients had higher mALAT levels than mALAT was modied by TPMT group. Log mALAT
the TPMTLA patients in both MT1 and MT2 (Table 1). levels were not signicantly related to relapse risk for
TPMTWT patients (hazard ratio [HR] corresponding to a
ALAT and 6 MP doubling of ALAT, 1.09; condence interval [CI], 0.75-1.57;
A signicant association between m6MP dose and P = 0.66) or TPMTLA patients (HR, 1.37; CI, 0.47-4.04;
mALAT levels was observed for both periods of MT P = 0.57). As these 2 HRs were not signicantly dierent
(Table 1), but when stratied by TPMT groups this asso- (P = 0.78), a Cox regression model without interaction
ciation was signicant only among TPMTWT patients (the between TPMT group and mALAT was performed which
entire period: TPMTWT; rs = 0.32, P < 0.001 and showed no eect of mALAT on relapse risk (HR, 1.16 for a
TPMTLA; rs = 0.17, P = 0.27). doubling of mALAT; CI, 0.70-1.93; P = 0.56) (Table 2).
The mALAT was not associated with age or
randomization. The mALAT was positively correlated to Very High ALAT Levels
the number of ALAT measurements from each patient A total of 12 patients had a mALAT level above
(median number of measurements = 25). Girls and SR 350 IU/mL in MT2 and they were all TMPTWT patients.
patients had signicantly higher mALAT levels than boys Their median 6 MP dose was 79 mg/m2/d which was 23%
and IR patients, respectively. Beyond the association with higher than the median 6 MP dose for the remaining
risk group and ANC, no change in association between patients.
mALAT and the other variables were observed when
dividing MT in the 2 treatment periods (Table 1). DISCUSSION
Two decades ago we published data indicating that
ALAT Trend During MT hepatotoxicity during MT was associated with improved
The multiple linear mixed regression analysis for each outcome.6 Patients with mALAT above 40 IU/L had a
MT period showed an increase in ALAT levels of 2.7% per higher probability of staying in remission compared with

TABLE 1. ALAT in Subgroups

mALAT Entire MT mALAT in MT1* mALAT in MT2w
Median mALAT P Median mALAT P Median mALAT P
Total 99.5 80.7 109.3
Male/female 90.9/110.9 0.01z 75.8/87.6 0.03 99.1/122.2 0.04
TPMTLA/TPMTWTy 82.4/102.9 0.03z 54.4/84.9 0.03 84.3/115.4 0.02
SR/IR treatment 108.9/88.4 0.003z 85.0/75.0 0.24 122.2/97.3 0.003
Control/pharmacology8 97.1/103.9 0.30z 77.3/82.6 0.39 100.9/115.8 0.17
rs rs rs
Age (y) 0.057 0.27 0.090 0.08 0.005 0.92
No. ALAT-samples 0.373 < 0.001 0.401 < 0.001 0.28 < 0.001
m6MP dose 0.307 < 0.001 0.289 < 0.001 0.273 < 0.001
mMTX dose 0.18 < 0.001 0.19 < 0.001 0.125 0.01
mE-TGN  0.103 0.04  0.126 0.01  0.109 0.03
mE-MTX 0.072 0.15 0.071 0.17 0.072 0.17
mANC 0.127 0.01 0.025 0.62 0.103 0.05
*Period of MT including high-dose MTX.
wPeriod of MT starting 8 weeks after last high-dose MTX treatment with only oral 6 MP/MTX treatment.
zThe Mann Whitney U test.
yTPMT low-activity group/TPMT wild-type group (dened in text).
8Pharmacology group = dose adjustments by red blood cell levels of MTX and 6 MP metabolites. Control group.20
ALAT indicates alanine aminotransferase; ANC, absolute neutrole count; IR, intermediate risk; MT, maintenance therapy; MTX, methotrexate;
mE-MTX, product of red blood cell MTX;6 MP, 6-mercaptopurine; rs, The Spearman Rank correlation; SR, standard risk; TGN, thioguanine nucleotides;
mE-TGN, product of red blood cell TGN; TPMT, thiopurine methyltransferase.

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Ebbesen et al J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 00, Number 00, 2017

FIGURE 2. ALAT dynamic in ALL patients during MT. Grey lines demonstrate 7 randomly selected patients ALAT levels during MT1*
and MT2w, respectively, and shows great interpatient and intrapatient variability in ALAT levels. The black Loess line depicts the trend in
the ALAT levels in MT1 and MT2, respectively, and shows a small increase in ALAT during MT2. *Period of MT including high-dose MTX.
wPeriod of MT starting 8 weeks after last high-dose MTX treatment with only oral 6 MP/MTX treatment. ALAT indicates alanine
aminotransferase; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; MT, maintenance therapy; MTX, methotrexate.

patients with ALAT levels below 40 IU/L (0.83 vs. 0.63, between ALAT and relapse rate we found in this study may
P = 0.03). However, those ndings may be less relevant for indicate improved treatment adherence today.
relapse with contemporary ALL protocols due to increased Our ndings extend results from our earlier study23 in
treatment intensity and better adherence to therapy today. which a signicantly higher relapse rate was found for
Thus, the present study demonstrated far higher ALAT patients classied as TPMTWT compared with TPMTLA
levels than that previous report and no correlation of patients across ALL subtypes.
ALAT to relapse risk. It is important to consider the long-term side eects for
The observed association between a rise in ALAT patients having high ALAT levels during MT. Previous
levels and 6 MP dose must be interpreted with caution due studies showed that high ALAT levels normalize rapidly after
to the possibility of physicians having decreased 6 MP dose discontinuation of therapy,24,7,32 but studies from the 1970s
due to high ALAT levels. However, it is worth noticing the and 1980s demonstrated high incidence of hepatic brosis
positive association between ALAT levels and 6 MP doses. after therapy for childhood ALL.5,9,40 Parker et al inves-
A previous study in the same patient cohort found a sig- tigated liver biopsies due to clinical abnormalities and/or
nicant association between 6 MP dose and increased elevated serum enzymes in 8 of 36 children receiving oral MT.
ALAT levels following HDM administration.31 The One of the patients had micronodular cirrhosis and 3 had
mechanism of MTX and MeMP induced hepatotoxicity is brous tissue in portal tracts.5 Harb et al9 found brosis in all
unknown. However, both metabolites inhibit purine de liver biopsis from 11 consecutive children treated with MTX
novo synthesis and MeMP may be toxic to hepatic cells and 6 MP. The high risk of hepatic brosis could reect the
through this inhibition.17 Furthermore, previous studies high prevalence of hepatotropic viruses at that time due to
demonstrated association between ALAT and MeMP lev- unscreened blood transfusions. However, the most recent
els.32,33 Thus, low ALAT levels may in part reect poor study evaluating liver histology following ALL therapy
adherence or reduced bioavailability of 6 MP, at least for according to the NOPHO ALL-92 protocol, without coinci-
TPMTWT patients. Inferior treatment adherence is asso- dence of hepatotropic viruses, found mainly microvesicular
ciated with higher risk of relapse,3439 and may be con- fatty inltration and siderosis. Only 3 of 27 patients had mild
rmed through measurements of blood levels of 6 MP and hepatic brosis.4 Symptomatic fasting hypoglycemia has been
MTX metabolites, but these are only routinely available in found as a complication in ALL children receiving 6 MP4143
a few countries. Importantly, the very few patients with and has been associated with high levels of MeMP.44 Shifting
consistently low ALAT levels, and the lack of association to morning or twice a day dosage in attempt to reduce

TABLE 2. Cox Multivariable Regression Analysis of Risk of Relapse

Hazard Ratio 2.5% 97.5% P
WBC* 1.00 0.96 1.03 0.86
Age (y) 1.01 0.91 1.11 0.88
Pharmacology group. 2.08 1.11 3.89 0.02
Malew 2.07 1.05 4.07 0.04
mMTX dose 1.16 1.04 1.28 0.005
m6MP dose 0.99 0.96 1.01 0.34
mANC 2.10 1.19 3.68 0.01
TPMTWT 2.21 0.67 7.33 0.20
mALAT 1.16w 0.70 1.93 0.56
*White blood cell count at diagnosis.
wCorresponding to a doubling of mALAT.
mALAT indicates mean alanine aminotransferase; mANC, mean absolute neutrole count; m6MP, mean 6-mercaptopurine; mMTX, mean methotrexate;
WBC, white blood cell; TPMT, thiopurine methyltransferase.

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J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 00, Number 00, 2017 Hepatotoxicity and Prognosis in Childhood ALL

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