Cloud Computing Architecture

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Cloud Computing Architecture

Ravi Shankar Dhakar1, Amit Gupta2, Ashish Vijay 3

.M Tech Student, Sri Balaji College of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan
.Asstt. Profesor, Sri Balaji College of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan
. M Tech Student, Sri Balaji College of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan
ravidhakar83@gmail.com1, cseprof_amit@rediffmail.com2, ashishvijay2007@gmail.com3

Abstract- Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, disillusionment among enterprise users. The Internet is
whereby shared resources, software and information are often represented as a cloud and the term cloud computing
provided to computers and other devices on demand. Users arises from that analogy. McKinsey says that clouds are
dont need expertise in or control over the technology
hardware based services offering compute, network and
infrastructure "in the cloud". Typical cloud computing
storage capacity where: hardware management is highly
providers deliver common business applications online that are
accessed from another Web service or software like a Web
abstracted from the buyer; buyers incur infrastructure costs
browser, while the software and data are stored on servers. The as variable OPEX [operating expenditures]; and
two most significant components of cloud computing infrastructure capacity is highly elastic (up or down) [2].
architecture are front end and back end. The front end is the Large companies can afford to build and expand their
part seen by the client, i.e. the computer user. This includes the own data centres but small- to medium-sized enterprises
clients or computer and the applications used to access the often choose to house their IT infrastructure in someone
cloud via a user interface such as a web browser. The backend elses facility. A colocation centre is a type of data centre
of the cloud computing architecture is the cloud itself,
where multiple customers locate network, server and storage
comprising various computers, servers and data storage
assets, and interconnect to a variety of telecommunications
devices. A key element of cloud computing is customization and
creation of a user-defined experience.
and other network service providers with a minimum of cost
Keywords: Cloud Infrastructure, deployment models, cloud and complexity.
architecture. Amazon has a head start but well known companies
such as Microsoft, Google, and Apple have joined the fray.

Everyone has an opinion on what is cloud computing. It can Cloud Architectures are designs of software applications
be the ability to rent a server or a thousand servers and run a that use Internet-accessible on-demand services.
geophysical modelling application on the most powerful Applications built on Cloud Architectures are such that the
systems available anywhere. It can be the ability to rent a underlying computing infrastructure is used only when it is
virtual server, load software on it, turn it on and off at will, needed (for example to process a user request), draw the
or clone it ten times to meet a sudden workload demand. It necessary resources on-demand (like compute servers or
can be storing and securing immense amounts of data that is storage), perform a specific job, then relinquish the
accessible only by authorized applications and users. It can unneeded resources and often dispose themselves after the
be supported by a cloud provider that sets up a platform that job is done. While in operation the application scales up or
includes the OS, Apache, a MySQL database, Perl, down elastically based on resource needs.
Python, and PHP with the ability to scale automatically in
response to changing workloads. Cloud computing can be
Although not all the companies would agree on the
the ability to use applications on the Internet that store and
definitions given in this article, it is generally supposed that
protect data while providing a service anything including
there are three basic types of cloud computing: Infrastructure
email, sales force automation and tax preparation. It can be
as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and
using a storage cloud to hold application, business, and
Software as a Service (SaaS).
personal data. And it can be the ability to use a handful of
Web services to integrate photos, maps, and GPS
information to create a mashup in customer Web browsers[1].
In IaaS, cpu, grids or clusters, virtualized servers, memory,
According to Gartners Hype Cycle Special Report for
networks, storage and systems software are delivered as a
2009, technologies at the Peak of Inflated Expectations
service. Perhaps the best known example is Amazons
during 2009 include cloud computing, e-books and
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Simple Storage Service
Internet TV, while social software and micro blogging
(S3), but traditional IT vendors such as IBM, and telecoms
siteshave tipped over the peak and will soon experience
providers such as AT&T and Verizon are also offering
solutions. Services are typically charged by usage and can estate, hardware (racks, machines, routers, backup power
be scaled dynamically, i.e. capacity can be increased or supplies), hardware management (power management,
decreased more or less on demand. cooling), and operations personnel. Now, with utility-style
PaaS provides virtualized servers on which users can computing, there is no fixed cost or startup cost.
run applications, or develop new ones, without having to
worry about maintaining the operating systems, server 2. Just-in-time Infrastructure: By deploying applications in-
hardware, load balancing or computing capacity. Well the-cloud with dynamic capacity management, software
known examples include Microsofts Azure and Salesforces architects do not have to worry about pre-procuring capacity Microsoft Azure provides database and platform for largescale systems. Cloud Architectures can relinquish
services starting at $0.12 per hour for compute infrastructure as quickly as you got them in the first place (in
infrastructure; $0.15 per gigabyte for storage; and $0.10 per minutes).
10,000 transactions. For SQL Azure, a cloud database,
Microsoft is charging $9.99 for a Web Edition, which 3. More efficient resource utilization: System administrators
comprises up to a 1 gigabyte relational database; and $99.99 usually worry about hardware procuring and better
for a Business Edition, which holds up to a 10 gigabyte infrastructure utilization (when they have excess and idle
relational database. For .NET Services, a set of Web-based capacity). With Cloud Architectures they can manage
developer tools for building cloud-based applications, resources more effectively and efficiently by having the
Microsoft is charging $0.15 per 100,000 message applications request and relinquish resources only what they
operations. need (on-demand).
SaaS is software that is developed and hosted by the
SaaS vendor and which the end user accesses over the 4. Usage-based costing: Utility-style pricing allows billing
Internet. Unlike traditional applications that users install on the customer only for the infrastructure that has been used.
their computers or servers, SaaS software is owned by the The customer is not liable for the entire infrastructure that
vendor and runs on computers in the vendors data centre (or may be in place. This is a subtle difference between desktop
a colocation facility). Broadly speaking, all customers of a applications and web applications.
SaaS vendor use the same software: these are one-size-fits-
all solutions. Well known examples are, 5. Potential for shrinking the processing time: If one
Googles Gmail and Apps, instant messaging from AOL, compute-intensive or data intensive job that can be run in
Yahoo and Google, and Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) parallel takes 500 hours to process on one machine, with
from Vonage and Skype. Cloud Architectures, it would be possible to spawn and
launch 500 instances and process the same job in 1 hour.
2.1 CLOUD ARCHITECTURES Having available an elastic infrastructure provides the
In traditional data processing it is difficult to get as many application with the ability to exploit parallelization in a
machines as an application needs. Second, it is difficult to cost-effective manner reducing the total processing time. [6]
get the machines when one needs them[5]. Third, it is
difficult to distribute and coordinate a large-scale job on 2.2 CISCO ARCHITECTURE
different machines, run processes on them, and provision Cloud computing is a natural extension of the Cisco data
another machine to recover if one machine fails. Fourth, it is centre strategy [6]. Cisco has developed a roadmap of how
difficult to autoscale up and down based on dynamic cloud data centres will evolve from the current state to an
workloads. Fifth, it is difficult to get rid of all those eventual future state. In this multiphase roadmap, Cisco
machines when the job is done . Cloud Architectures solve walks through key cloud infrastructure evolution phases and
such difficulties. Applications built on Cloud Architectures architectural enablers that Cisco brings to the enterprises and
run in-the-cloud where the physical location of the the cloud computing industry.
infrastructure is determined by the provider. They take
advantage of simple APIs of Internet-accessible services that
scale on demand, that are industrial-strength, where the
complex reliability and scalability logic of the underlying
services remains implemented and hidden inside-the-
cloud.[4] The usage of resources in Cloud Architectures is as
needed, sometimes ephemeral or seasonal, thereby providing
the highest utilization and optimum bang for the buck.

2.1.1 Business Benefits of Cloud Architectures

1. Almost zero upfront infrastructure investment: To build a
large-scale system, it may cost a fortune to invest in real Fig. 1Cisco Cloud Data Centre Evolution Road Map
2.2.1 Ciscos Solutions to Enable Cloud Data Centres 10 Gigabit Ethernet
As part of the cloud data centre build-outs, Cisco is bringing A cloud data centre is designed with the high density of
some key frameworks, architecture, and building blocks to virtual machines coupled with a high processor core count.
the industry. From a networking perspective, multiple virtual machines
on a single server can quickly overwhelm a single Gigabit
2.2.2 Cisco Cloud Reference Architecture Framework Ethernet link, and multiple Gigabit Ethernet links can
Cisco has developed the depiction of a cloud reference
increase costs. Moreover, there needs to be a strategy in
architecture model, which portrays the architectural layers,
place to not only take the existing investment in 1 Gigabit
connected via APIs and repositories. If we study the
Ethernet and seamlessly integrate it into a 10 Gigabit
framework more closely, the following aspects can be
infrastructure, but to also enable migration to 10 Gigabit
articulated. At the foundation of this framework is the data
Ethernet and unified fabric (described next). Cisco is
centre technology architecture, which consists of three
bringing new terminology and implementation to the
salient blocks of network, compute, and storage. This layer
industry in this regards, called VN-Link. VN-Link is the
hosts all the services that are delivered to a cloud consumer
virtual link between the virtual machine and the physical
or subscriber. The next important layer is the security layer.
interface of the physical server. This implementation will
The key takeaway in this layer is that security is blanketed
enable operational consistency down to the individual virtual
as an end-to-end architecture across all aspects of the
machine as well as policy portability, so network and
framework. Security is considered as one of the key
security policy follows virtual machines as they move
challenges to be solved in a cloud framework; hence, it has
around the data centre. Specific benefits of Ciscos VN-Link
to be accounted for in a comprehensive sense. Following the
technology and security layer is the Service Orchestration
Real-time policy-based configuration
layer, which is implemented with configuration repository
Mobile security and network policy, moving policy with
enablers. The configuration repository stores key
the virtual machine during virtual machine mobility, and live
information such as service catalogue, asset inventory, and
migration for persistent network, security and storage
resource-to-service mappings. This layer is an important
layer because it maps the technology components to the
Nondisruptive management model, aligning management
service components and serves as a reference point during
and operations environments for virtual machines and
service provisioning. The service orchestration layer is the
physical server connectivity in the data centre
glue that integrates the lower layers to create a service for
delivery. The next layer is also where infrastructure and Unified Fabric
service management function take place. The topmost layer To continue to reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) and
is the consumer facing layer, usually exposed via a portal- to deploy virtual machines, all servers must have a
like solution. This is the layer where service is defined, consistent and ubiquitous set of network and storage
requested, and managed by the consumer. Cisco provides capabilities in a cloud data centre. One of the simplest and
not only this framework, but also key solutions to deliver most efficient ways to deliver these capabilities is to deploy
cloud services. a unified fabric. The shift to a unified fabric gives all servers
(physical and virtual) access to the LAN, SAN, and IPC
networks, allowing more to be consolidated in the
customers network for greater efficiency and costs savings.
Cisco is offering not only 10 Gigabit Ethernet, but also
lossless 10 Gigabit Ethernet, currently called Data Centre
Ethernet or Enhanced Ethernet. This becomes the foundation
to consolidate fabrics like Fibre Channel (for SAN), which
require the stringent lossless nature of a network.
Additionally, a new breed of adapters, called converged
network adapters (CNAs), would be implemented in the
server platform, which will act at the consolidation and
virtualization point in the compute layer.

Fig.2 Cisco Cloud Reference Architecture Framework Unified Computing

The unified fabric now enables a fully virtualized
2.2.3 Cisco Cloud Data Centre Building Blocks cloud data centre with pools of computing, network, and
Cisco brings an important set of technology building blocks storage resources, through the Cisco Unified Computing
at the foundation of the cloud architectures. They are System (UCS). The Cisco UCS bridges the silos in the
described as follows.
classic data centre, enabling better utilization of processors. Suns CMT processors process high-throughput
infrastructure in a fully virtualized environment, and creates workloads so efficiently that they are harnessed in content
a unified architecture using industry-standard technologies load balancing and application delivery products such as the
that provide interoperability and investment protection. UCS Zeus Extensible Traffic Manager. Suns Open Storage
unites computing, network, storage access, and virtualization products combine open source software with industry
resources into a scalable, modular design that is managed as standard hardware to help reduce reliance on high-priced,
a single energy-efficient system. This system is managed purpose-built systems. Indeed, Suns ground-breaking Sun
through an embedded management framework in the Cisco Fire X4500 Server helped the industry see the benefits of
UCS platform. combining server and storage technology in the same
system. Sun delivers virtual networking for large-scale
2.3 SUN AND CLOUD COMPUTING computing through InfiniBand to massive-scale compute
For more than a decade, Sun has been advancing the grids with the Sun Datacenter Switch 3456, scaling up to
state of the art of large-scale computing infrastructure that 13,834 nodes.
has formed the foundation of cloud computing. Beginning in
the 1990s, Sun has been a leader in helping service providers 2.4 AMAZON CLOUD ARCHITECTURE: GREP THE WEB
implement their large-scale networks so that they can serve The Alexa Web Search web service allows
up to millions of customers. Large numbers of Sun servers developers to build customized search engines against the
are employed by financial institutions and stock exchanges massive data that Alexa crawls every night. One of the
to handle tasks ranging from handling transactions to real- features of their web service allows users to query the Alexa
time fraud detection. Sun has been a leader in high- search index and get Million Search Results (MSR) back as
performance computing by developing rack-at-a-time output. Developers can run queries that return up to 10
deployment models, automatic provisioning from the bare million results. This application is currently in production at
metal to the application, and large scale virtual networking and is code-named GrepTheWeb because it
with one petabit per second throughput. Indeed, Sun can grep (a popular Unix command-line utility to search
pioneered the clouds predecessor, grid computing, by patterns) the actual web documents. GrepTheWeb allows
selling physical server time by the hour and helping developers to do some pretty specialized searches like
customers implement internal grids to support their own selecting documents that have a particular HTML tag or
operations. Just as much as these large-scale computing META tag or finding documents with particular
capabilities help Sun develop cloud computing solutions, punctuations,or searching for mathematical equations ,
they are done in the context of advancing the systemic source code, e-mail addresses or other patterns such as
qualities that these solutions require: scalability, availability, (dis)integration of life. The output of the Million Search
reliability, manageability, and security. Results Service, which is a sorted list of links and gzipped
(compressed using the Unix gzip utility) in a single file, is
2.3.1 Innovations from the Sun community given to GrepTheWeb as input. It takes a regular expression
Sun has developed foundational technologies for cloud as a second input. It then returns a filtered subset of
computing and has been a central player in the community document links sorted and gzipped into a single file. Since
development processes they have promoted. While Sun has the overall process is asynchronous, developers can get the
long maintained the Solaris Operating Systems industry status of their jobs by calling GetStatus() to see whether the
leadership, it has also spawned a corresponding open source execution is completed. Hence, the design goals of
movement around the OpenSolaris Operating System. The GrepTheWeb included to scale in all dimensions (more
MySQL database is the Web application database of choice, powerful pattern-matching languages, more concurrent users
and the Java programming language powers Web sites and of common datasets, larger datasets, better result qualities)
enterprise data centres worldwide. The community-based, while keeping the costs of processing down. The approach
open source GlassFish application server provides a Java was to build an application that not only scales with demand,
software execution container that has been extended to but also without a heavy upfront investment and without the
support Ruby applications and the Drupal content cost of maintaining idle machines (downbottom). To get a
management system. OpenSolaris Project Crossbow has response in a reasonable amount of time, it was important to
helped to expand the multi-tenancy support in Sun xVM distribute the job into multiple tasks and to perform a
hypervisor. Beneath the rich, community-supported Distributed Grep operation that runs those tasks on multiple
Software that Sun helps to foster comes the powerful server, nodes in parallel. It uses the following AWS components:
storage, and networking products that make them perform Amazon S3 for retrieving input datasets and for storing the
including standard, scalable x86-architecture servers, output dataset
Suns UltraSPARC processor powered server product line, Amazon SQS for durably buffering requests acting as a
and servers that incorporate Suns energy-efficient, chip glue between controllers
multithreaded (CMT) UltraSPARC T1, T2, and T2 Plus
Amazon SimpleDB for storing intermediate status, log, and
for user data about tasks
Amazon EC2 for running a large distributed processing
Hadoop cluster on-demand
Hadoop for distributed processing, automatic
parallelization, and job scheduling.

Fig. 4 Grap the Web Architecture-Zoom Level 2

In GrepTheWeb, all the controller code runs on

Amazon EC2 Instances. The launch controller spawns
Fig. 3 Grap The Web Architecture-Zoom Level 1 master and slave instances using a pre-configured Amazon
Machine Image (AMI). Since the dynamic provisioning and
In the next four subsections we present rationales of decommissioning happens using simple web service calls,
useand describe how GrepTheWeb uses AWS services. GrepTheWeb knows how many master and slave instances
In GrepTheWeb, Amazon S3 acts as an input as needs to be launched. Hadoop Map Reduce Hadoop is an
well as an output data store. The input to GrepTheWeb is the open source distributed processing framework that allows
web itself (compressed form of Alexas Web Crawl), stored computation of large datasets by splitting the dataset into
on Amazon S3 as objects and updated frequently. Because manageable chunks, spreading it across a fleet of machines
the web crawl dataset can be huge (usually in terabytes) and and managing the overall process by launching jobs,
always growing, there was a need for a distributed, processing the job no matter where the data is physically
bottomless persistent storage. Amazon S3 proved to be a located and, at the end, aggregating the job output into a
perfect fit. final result. In Hadoop, theres a master process running on
Amazon SQS was used as message-passing one node to oversee a pool of slave processes (also called
mechanism between components. It acts as glue that wired workers) running on separate nodes. Hadoop combines all
different functional components together. This not only the results and sorts the results by the keys. The master then
helped in making the different components loosely coupled, assigns keys to the reducers. The reducer pulls the results
but also helped in building an overall more failure resilient using an iterator, runs the reduce task (logic specified by
system. user), and sends the final output back to distributed file
One use for a database in Cloud Architectures is to system.
track statuses[7]. Since the components of the system are
asynchronous, there is a need to obtain the status of the 2.5 PROPOSED WORK
system at any given point in time. Moreover, since all Ciscos next-generation cloud data architecture is based on a
components are autonomous and discrete there is a need for unique, unified, and integrated approach, which addresses
a query-able datastore that captures the state of the system. these specific facets of cloud computing. With the
Because Amazon SimpleDB is schema-less, there is no need virtualized environment defined by a dynamic, scalable data
to define the structure of a record beforehand. Every center fabric, a workload really can run anywhere; the
controller can define its own structure and append data to a resources needed to support a workload can come even from
Job item. For example: For a given job, run email an outside service provider in a cloud-computing model.
address regex over 10 million documents, the launch Thus Cisco brings not only concepts and technologies, but
controller will add/update the launch_status attribute also key standards and partnerships to tackle these
along with the launch_starttime, while the monitor challenges.
controller will add/update the monitor_status and A beauty of GrepTheWeb is its almost-zero
hadoop_status attributes with enumeration values infrastructure before and after the execution. The entire
(running, completed, error, none). A GetStatus() call will infrastructure is instantiated in the cloud triggered by a job
query Amazon SimpleDB and return the state of each request (grep) and then is returned back to the cloud, when
controller and also the overall status of the system. the job is done. Moreover, during execution, it scales
ondemand; i.e. the application scales elastically based on
number of messages and the size of the input dataset,
complexity of regular expression and so-forth.
Sun innovations are the foundational technologies for SuperNAP site and enjoying the benefits of high-speed,
cloud computing environments that are open, standards- local infrastructure, or by using Suns services over the
based, and are the fruit of a community effort. Joining the Internet. Good cloud architectures should be impervious to
Sun cloud computing community means having the choice reboots and re-launches[8]. In GrepTheWeb, by using a
of server, storage, and networking technologies that work at combination of Amazon SQS and Amazon SimpleDB, the
maximum scale. Sun can help organizations build their own overall controller architecture is more resilient. If the
private, local clouds as a way to transition enterprise instance on which controller thread was running dies, it can
datacenters toward this new computing model while be brought up and resume the previous state as if nothing
retaining the utmost control over business-critical data. Sun had happened. This was accomplished by creating a pre-
can help companies build their own private, non-local clouds configured Amazon Machine Image, which when launched
as a way to leverage the low cost of new large, dequeues all the messages from the Amazon SQS queue and
energyefficient colocation facilities such as Switch their states from the Amazon SimpleDB domain item on
Communications SuperNAP facility in Las Vegas, Nevada. reboot.
Sun can help those wishing to become cloud providers with
the hardware, software, and management capabilities that REFERENCES
are required. [1]. Jason Carolan and Steve Gaede, Introduction to Cloud Computing
architecture, SUN Microsystems Inc., pp. 1-40, June 2009
[2]. McKinsey & Co. Report presented at Uptime Institute Symposium,
II.CONCLUSION Clearing the Air on Cloud Computing,April 18, 2009
Instead of building the applications on fixed and rigid [3]. Clash of the Clouds. The Economist October 15, 2009.
infrastructures, Cloud Architectures provide a new way to
(accessed November 15, 2009).
build applications on on-demand infrastructures. Without
[4]. Farber, R. Cloud Computing: Pie in the Sky?,
having any upfront investment, it is possible to run a job November/December 2009
massively distributed on multiple nodes in parallel and scale [5]. Jinesh Varia, Cloud Architectures, Amazon Web Services, pp.- 1-14
incrementally based on the demand (users, size of the input [6]. Kapil Bakshi, Cisco Cloud Computing-Data Centre Strategy,
Architecture and Solutions, U.S. Public Sector, Cisco, pp. -1- 16
dataset). With no idle time, the application infrastructure is
[7]. Proffitt, A. Pharmas Early Cloud Adopters. BioIT World,
never underutilized. As per the Cisco vision, cloud service November/December 2009, pp.31-32.
providers will offer both public and private cloud services in [8]. Describing the Cloud. Details of CambridgeSofts Hosted Computing
the form of virtual private clouds that will be consumed and Environment. accessed November 28, 2009.
controlled within private cloud data centers. Organizations
everywhere can augment their private clouds with Suns
public cloud offering either by collocating with Sun at the

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