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Character Profile and Casting Consideration

As part of my F634 creative artefact, I aim to audition a number of potential
actors that I believe have the ability to take on the role of Aisha Malya and
Denian Ray. This is a vital stage in order to ensure the success of my artefact, as
the actors chosen have to be able to embody the traits and emotion of the
characters correctly, in order to allow the audience to connect with the
circumstances that they find themselves in. Furthermore, the actors have to
attain the desired look that I have envisioned for the characters in order to fully
complete my production.

Character Profile 1:
Name: Aisha Malya

As I want my film to be focused around a young relationship between two
adults, I have chosen to have my character be a 19 year old. This age is fitting, as
it reflects someone who is in her first serious relationship and has only recently
moved in with her boyfriend, Denian Ray. The audience witness Aisha as an
independent and smart young woman, who is determined to do well in life. She is
portrayed as very hardworking in the film as she does a lot of over time and
works from home too. Her aspiration is to become a journalist and cover political
issues worldwide, which is why she spends most of her time on her laptop
researching and writing. These are plans that Denian does fit into well but Aisha
loves him and is too scared to leave him. She has hope that he will change one
day and continues to try to reason with him.

Character Profile 2:
Name: Denian Ray

Denian is a 20-year-old young man who is portrayed as a countertype and
possesses several negative traits, which causes the audience to dislike him. He is
represented as a carless alcoholic with an aggressive nature and short temper.
He is depicted as having no aims or aspirations in life and relies on Aisha for
financial support, as he is unemployed. This highlights a countertypical
relationship as the man is expected to be the breadwinner while the woman
takes on the role of the housewife. He dislikes Aishas job, as he is insecure that
she will leave him for someone better because of the social and financial
freedoms/opportunities Aisha gains from her career.

Nayani Vijayaratnam

Potential Characters: Aisha Malya

Name: Elise Thompson
Gender: Female
Race: Black/Dark skinned
Age: 18

Name: Christine Sandford
Gender: Female
Race: Filipino/White
Age: 18

Name: Annie Yankova
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 18

Nayani Vijayaratnam

Potential Characters: Denian Ray

Name: Craig Jeakins
Gender: Male
Race: Mixed Race
Age: 20

Name: Rakin Rahman
Gender: Male
Race: Asian
Age: 20

Name: Gerald Recaj
Race: Albanian/ White
Age: 19

Nayani Vijayaratnam

Final Cast
I chose to cast Christine Sandford as the character of Aisha
Malya for several reasons. Her ability to portray different
emotions effectively and infer to the audience a variety of
feelings was exactly what i was looking for in the role of Aisha.
Christine was also very enthusiastic and confident during the
audition stage which makes her a very compatible member and
someone that i would enjoy working with. She has previous
knowledge of being in various productions as an A Level Drama
student, which is an advantage as she has experience and knows
what she is doing. I believe this experience on set is a valuable
asset of hers, which would allow me to complete my creative
artefact to the best of my ability. Furthermore, she has a mature
look, which is an aspect that i was looking for in order to aid the verisimilitude of
my creative artefact.

Seriously Denian? I cant do this right now. I have work
to do.

This is the line from the script, which, I used to audition Christine. I felt that she
depicted the emotion of frustration exactly how I had in mind and felt that her
tone and body language further highlighted this well as through her defensive
manner she was able to highlight to the audience her annoyance.

I chose to cast Gerald Recaj as Denian Ray for numerous reasons.
He is a responsible and reliable individual, which made me feel
assure that he would be punctual to the shoots, which was very
important to allow myself to follow my plan and complete tasks
in order to meet the deadlines set. Also, He has a high level of
confidence and is very outgoing, which makes him a compatible
individual and therefore will improve our work rate as a whole
and allow me to produce a production of a high standard. Lastly,
his height matched what I had envision for Denians character as
it highlights the control and dominance which his character
possesses over the female as well as representing a stereotypical relationship in
terms of appearances as society would expect the male to be taller than the
female and Gerald is taller than Christine, which is exactly what I had wanted for
my couple.

Stop lying to me! Im not an idiot. Is there someone

Geralds audition went really well and I was really impressed with his ability to
get into the role quickly and execute the emotions and body language necessary
to a high standard. I may need to consider the mise-en-scene of costume as
Gerald has a very smart and sophisticated fashion sense, which contrasts
Denians character who, needs to appear scruffy and sloppy in terms of
appearance and behaviour.

Nayani Vijayaratnam

Overall, I believe the auditions were successful and

I am very pleased with the actors that I have
chosen. In the scenario in which, I have a film
budget I would cast Michael Ealy to play the role of
Denian Ray as he has been in several drama films
such as Think like a man (2012) and About last
night2014. These are also based around
relationships like my creative artefact and
therefore I believe he has the right set of skills and
experience to take on the role of Denian and
portray his attitude towards being in an unhealthy
relationship and express the correct emotions to
the audience, to a high standard.

To play the role of Aisha Malya, I would cast
Jennifer Lawrence as she is an award-winning
actress and has been casted in films such as
Winters Bone (2010) in which she played the
role of an inferior and poor young female
trying to fend for herself and her family during
harsh circumstances. I believe she will be able
to use this experience to mirror a similar low
and vulnerable position, which Aisha finds
herself in within my creative artefact and
depict a variety of emotions through her facial
expressions, which will allow the audience to
sympathise with her.

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