Kpds & Üds Tense System in English

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Kava Dun Sai cara andro ve Noun lute (im conc) yecan yan ta in bestest ode Bu yoplare char” deren nde. inde Duncan eimede tO YD IGamemelnde Gr Prpostedan sora Seip orun feast lteebleesk Kaz Durum Baga si eer + "WH sas keine {How su kali! + swmether(ornot ©. |amnot sro about whether she wil come (or nol. - Galp goinoyecosindonenin agi, am not concamed abou where she was yesterday. - Don nerd ofa enmyanim, | dont know about how she managed to pass thal teat - fst opm? nasi agar hmponun. une orurunds hulanimayan i” Kavaez Owum Batlacnn_bit_Prepostionn_nesnesl_larak hlamimayacag da hatataim, ee wel reposition le il nav adna nant hurl apagida Szotonmi: 4 Prop + Vig 2. Prep +t fat that that eine) 2. Prap+ whether w/w Gf geez) Ty | | i Te Pema eke lnplicedo “Tengo” konusuru ve sstoin! daha bf anayabimek in Gncelise “tine, “tense” ve “aspect” avamannun trim yap vo reali ime" fades! gryokanlamda yaganan andr. Yani dn, bug ve yarn olarak dant. Kl, ten idesiin Keim aniarn sGzbkte “indefinite, unlimited duration in which things. are considered. at happening Inthe past. resent and future” ekndevermekte, Yan time” fades! “layin gecmiste, nda ye 8 glace oldu digtnden ve snr ln sito olarak trinlanabi. ESE Yadandaksapiiaracan da anlaplacapi gb “Prosent Time’ (ganimiz), "Past Timo” (gems) ve “Future “Tmo” (gloek)gkinde 3 fark Time ment. “Tense” fil Be Ganeye ve zamane gre gekininp eylemingergekdeyme zamanin stems. Br bata hye ay yada durumiann gergekiegme an cimiayeaktarkon lana gamer yard ESS Yokon amadan gharaesgimc sonuy «bss! yap” old Buna ge, ngizcelde 2 Tense meveutr IZ=EEEE Bu pam “FUTURE kavrams tense dei mii” sorsunu beraberd gelimetud, Bu sore lice fil ‘hinlemelrinn nasi yap habtarak covaplayabri. Bindi gs dizensz ve dizer ilerin bis Fen ve Oget halen gekini yin filer 3 grp atin topianakiade Baseformipresent) Past Simple Past Paricinlo Future Bean Bogan Begun ™ Dosen Detered Deserves ™ ‘Baglamak” aramina gol ve dizer lan “begin iin V, Ve ve V alt nslensinds fin Present hal begin” olarak, Past hall “began” olarak gored. Aynca Past Particle olirak goneite perfect vo passive yaaa kulanlacak Vo (begun) gokin de worm. “Haketmek” anlanagelon“doserys” fin ‘Vs ve Vs halt neiondignds fin Present ha “deserve” olarak. Past hal ve Past Particle hal ice deserved” larak gored. 8u apktarsa future Kavramya Hg Br pucu ye da gekim you. Negen Irie do 2 Tense olduguran be igor aplamast bu gol il ckinin ddgdnldiginde de yaplaimektr. SES a PRESENT TENSE ast Tense PRESENTE FUTURE TIME Past rime Bu grupenadan sonra “olylann devam edip etmedigine,tamamlaniptamemianmadine” di bis veren| Tenge Aspect katram Sno Kazan. Sind, Tene Aspect cnucun Oana bes ea trceoylin ry 10S SYST W ENEUSH Pee SEA Simple Aspect lade een yapiar Vs (Simple Present) vo Vs (Simple Past) yapland. Gu yaplar ganl ‘duruan (permanent) vo bel arakiana hep tieaayaneylmoréon (repettion) bancederken Kula. Bansi gagen gene durom (permanent veya tke (repetition) fade! afer present” zaranda oe Vy, past zaman is Vs Kuan. BU hi kulaniin yarn Vs ypis aca bans! gepon eyfemintamamlandiie, (complete) icon de hla 2.9. dant wan to be toaed Sk hs, (present permanent) = Bana bye cava ister ‘There was a theate on i omer, (past permanent) ~ Bu hosed ty var. ‘Sho goes aboad once a mont. (present raptton) ~ Aya be pati oar Ahm tak tat exam cea yoar whe was inthe U.S. (past repetition) ~ Aline, Amonkadayon ya Wi ez 0 save gion Wie want ou for ner about maath ago (completed) = Yong bay Gc aksam yome gn gan gk NT aC Progressive Aspoctyapian ssdece "Breyer devam halinde (I progtess) oduouny ans. Gir bagka ‘eye, even tamamlanmadigim (not complete) ir. Aca, Progressive Aspect yaplon umn goa { temporary) oldupuns fade clei de Aula Dior yandan, “be Vg He yapiln “progressive aspect" ‘yaplan hig bir zaman kee (epetton) ade otek i Kuta COOK, “keer” Bren ala exer ‘ty anlamina gett, aka progressive” yapard saeco eylom vr Woo eylem devam hake, "Be Vay" Fo yaplan “progressive aspect” yap bi zaman wekerrr (repetition) ade eek icin hulanimadit cn sors kokinde herhng bir eylomin errand alayrsasapenekardeki "Vig" Bo yong smi olen 29. Somebooy —- you tee tne oy 8) hasbeen caiog ©) va eating 1) cate 4) hascales 2) had ben eating ‘Yoandok srudaverlon “thre times” yapic ymin tlvroeiin:gostren bie yap. Bu } curunda ving to yaa a,c" oe” eager dog lama. GPS Vigo Japan 2amaniar tetratama bidkmez. 8 seyerafndot “calls” Vs yapest ise gone! duurioréan baheederen kane ve zaman syn Kabul etmaz. Sara KokO “today” i sinandiniii Wen soonest de _ soe GOHAN 6: ag. Helene lady. He i alaning a conference in Bingham (n progress not complete) ~ Bun bureda do Birmingham i koneranca katy. am tying with my aunt fr tho time boing. (temporary) ~ Suan halal kalyorum, [Tense soruannda sora xonande Yor two dys, al day, throughout the yea” gb “reg” Kade don zaman adler vasa, "am far Vig” "Was / ware Vag? ve "wl bo Ving Yap Soe lamayacad ign ba yaplain vt seaneierden Socal veskigi olitlen zaman noltasindan daha oy da ein batten zaman_nolasina kadar devam etn aoser. Bu tanindan da anigiacagy Gzera "perfect tense” yapian ‘moka br 2aman nokta! i braber verse, ck a © notadan oe nub ela ya dao noktaya hada ‘ove eg i ever, Pact Aspect yapsindan olugan Otome! ans” vad, Gunar Present Perec (havelhas Vs), Past Perfect (had Vs) vo Futuro Perfect (will have Vs) yepland Bu yapia inde, kara bahecimie zaman nktasn veoeden ulnabieceyimz tk yap “havelhas Vs" aps, gnki “havefhas Vs" yopsiin Baan hatin ‘2dugu zaman nokta! dogigmaz ve bu nolta Her zaman "new" nokta. Anak, chad Vo" yapat geet arena nokadan oncsi veya onoktaya kadar dovam eden i ey anlatrken kan“ have Vs" yp eo golocokts herhang! bir okiadan Qncosin veya o aklaya tad devam aden bi yon anlar, Oz Slrak debi K, “had Vs" ve wil have Vs" yep Kulanabimem ih uygun Br zaman noklasnn vesmes arti (29) Join haste to room. (Ho is not here now) John odedan an 1) Jon fa tthe rom wen wo aot thre (He was not here when we get there.) = Oraya vata Jf oedan ays ) ohn wit neve lth rom whan we gol here (He wit not be thare when we gt ther, = Oraya vd Jon adadan aynini leak ‘Yukai a” émosinde “havea Vi" yap Kulanimisie ve hemangl bi Zaman dektas belitnomii ‘Aneat, shavothas Vs" yapisinn miaka "now" nokia! fe boglth oldugunu bedi ign bas gegen ‘lenin now" noktasndan Goo herhang! bie zamanda olsigunu ve “now” noktas: le br bagianlisin ‘unsung ads dog) eniayaba. ‘Ykandaki °° emoginde “had Vs" ops lang ve “when we got there” km ogre bos bi rata gare etmetadr. Yukari belting. had Ys" yap geese bell Bir zaman noiasndan ence lm it tiem ya da‘ noktaya kadar devam etig bi evomi anlar ein Kula 8 comlese do gost Kalan “tam raya vara anmuzda’ nce nus bir eye art etree ‘Yokandald“e*emoginge “wil have Vs" yas kilaimisr vo "when we get there” asm golcate bel ir akin igre take Yaka bolt i, “wll have Vs" ya geese bal bi zaman nokta ce big ocak ya da 0 noktaya Kedar dovar emi olocak bi eye anions in hula. BU imide do locale son em raya varma anmizdan ne amu lak br ele art erekiod Sma eyemienn gerekiogme zamena: fade eden yapian ve bu yaplann fark Kufarmiann Semele healyet: a TENSE SYSTEM IV ENGU ES Present Simple yop nerlede Klann vo hang! anianara sap olatilecein inayat: SALT {Ganok ve dozen clark apn eye niatminds Present Simple hulle They an abroad eeiy uy, (her ytalear edion Bx yom) \ i | 69, Shesiss rune ona was (oz rk pian yon) I EI (Genel crimia ve sexi bid duumisnn anitminds Present Simple yops hula 2. She ves inNow York. — 0 Now York yasyor He spanks Englehbecles Franch ~ Franca on yan ra ingle de kong Hi father wos for a bank, — Babes bir banka gaye MIE limes geraker ve dole araiken Present Sipe uta 2.9. Wotorale a 100, - Su yz drecedehaynar. The Ear roves aroun he Sun dna Ganesh eatin dinar Cofee arn Bri to, - Breivaa da katve yo PPatconot — every organ of tie body, but the most dramatic evidence ofits disruptive } benaviour—in the ver A) facta has appeared 8) tects appoars ©) ifecting / appeared ) had stood would appar ) has flected / had appeared “Atk ile igi gonel gcer ir biginin verlag. Habayecapine gb gone gegen oan deere Present Simple (V,) aanmckay Bure ge, seganelrde her tra da “aloes” ppears” gine Vy olarak gutinlennsfitrionolujan B seyoned sor kOkOndet genet ‘doy amaniematode, Son xOkGnde gone bie dade eycutn soceaekinls past | future saplin Sacto yn Sadece 8 seconoginn prosent gekimienign gbryersunus: Ba nee ogra yant B sogeneg. 2 Past yuki bw Yadenn arddan ble gene big vere fader ign “present” Kulm nulmaysim. apa Crepe Noun Clause Tense Uyumuksmnds da dopinacogi 09, Heesplinad that cotee grows in Src Past Presont scion fats) -ynos,paragratmamlams sorta past devar eden bi pargrafta, yan oglu ones! vo ‘ones pat olarak devam edorea cogancerdocncsike present lan dana lene, ancak bilinel big genet Big ania voron present yapiat sozaneklrhemen elemameye dat nz Sinaard get ba gold alanis hem Past Nom de Future arlam tapyableces) urutmamale. Hangl zamana jinsermede buunulugun Reborn devarnndan yada efor kulanimgsa, zaman fadolrnden anlsmak fnomiond. 29. Ia poole gaara protest the new government Gastaseray bets Leoas: 2-1 ‘0 clmller gazetede gagen basic ve muhlemalen bi éncek! gin goreekiogen olyara gindeme Yormatiaciar Bosnian alindak apkiamala: Past yapde ola ancak baxhlatéa. Present Simple flown, Bu bagisann gvrerne dat extn rk hat yen nktmet protest otek fond Galatasaray, Leeds 2.1 yond. ‘Ayn okie yine basin dings hullanlan i basik yukanda eli gh "gelecege” de gondorme yapabir: 129, The Prime inisor meets Clon. Basbotan, inion fe ateescak MT Sra genase tet edmese de iin dflgtime gansincan olmadiprogramlanmys eyes ve zaman {abiolrndal olaylann anistmnds ania Future oka bio kulanian yap: Present Simo onal. Bu lela govern dia eet fa, The Cod tran ans at 1 pm tomorow. — Oxord won yar saat So glee, “The concur sas at 10 pm on isa. Kansar Cuma gud sat foe Gayayacak, ‘The mecig ends at 2pm ~ Teplant seat 240 otecck. OE Siva gel test eatmese do masal ve hkaye atatimianda Present Simpl lan yagi 16. Tho poor fail esta em eotiage - Fai ale Kick i kuubede yapamakac “Te ater gls uP very early and goes 16 etn, ~ Baba gate aay v geo ne. 2 TENSE SUSTE IN ENGL “Causelefeet”(neden-sonus) ana var ive ya 6a "Sante truth” (bimeel gorge) anism ieron comelerde "I" yapsinn bap okugu yan cumleckto e ana comic genele Present Simple hula [r+ Present Smo, Present Sime 29. you eatin, met, Buev stra, ae mm ra Anions Future Possibly (gelece ono Present Simple lanai nelle olasibk) vor lo “F yapisnn bath cldufu yan ctnlecie 99. f.go tabu wl visit Topkap Palace ~Itanbu' gidersom Topkaot Sarin 2ijaetedeeogin. clause vo zaman baplapln inde 2aton goleook zama eden i” ve "zaman baglglar"nn bal blunaus yan camec an "wal J Would / be ‘ong to shall” yap goimaz ‘hen wil goo Istanbul a igo stant, “Aor you li 3 ven before. ‘The big test — over the next fw weeks when the government — to Introduce a plan to Include drug coverage in Medicare, 1) iscoming ll be expected 8) comes /war expectod (©) has ome is expectng ©) willome i expected ) wou come would to expected | Bu soca zamsn bagiacr gecudopande tk yapinss: gerokan slams Incleyelim. Canede “when zaman bls mover vo “when” Bagledan soma geien hem yan smack oer ogerondlcipnias encelke yan cimiecge gelmeres!goreken yapi eli. Bu nedenia A (ot ve E (woute segoeier ie "Gunna ign ony Conan Wh Cec ii 2 Sint GURCAN 6 finda GOO ‘AsoGid ealanan fader herzamsn cmamaklabraber gene Present Simple le kasi ‘50 ‘ar ‘00 Never Almestnever —ceasionaly Usvaly poways tat Raraly Sometimes: oneal Anne tne Notover Barely ‘tines Nosy Every dayinook Haray (ever) Nowand than os fa ene Seon Now an again ten ulanmin sadseegramer sora in ddslemayin. Singin mundo, Gzlile restatement ve rading passage bolonlrne bu yaplardanfydatanabisnc. Ome, yakin anal eer (testaement) in aero gel saolervoriken bunardan bist "SORU KOKONDE ZARE ‘GORURSEK ES ANLAMLISINI SECENEKLERDE ARAYALIMT siatejst oacakr. Rove! yaplann baka ens tleande de nz yarayacapn bi ree poston, toviet here 8) What ataye amazes the nats of the county & the graciousness and geiaty of the travelers thre {The ting abou the people wing the cous tha thoy sik bing suprised 1) The fendinese ana genecly ofthe county's inhabitants equenty pres ors. ) The county’ nies ao expec indy ana hp to owt, wich goat supsod ts 25 a nt ne es a re creatine TENSE SYSTEM WV ENGUSH Ease resent Progressive (Continuous) yepitinin nerledo klein we hang anlar sat olabiecejin secon: SEAT Kon CCurrentiy, great deal of attention —to the phenomenon, known as acid rain, the incidence TLIO inde ereklgonolayanaiten Present Progressive Kula ‘The teachers checking the exam papa ght ow: - Ofrtmen gv anda siav kata okuyr. "Now, right now, atthe moment, current, forthe time being, t present, presently” gi :aan adele eyerin konugma anda oduna art edee. Ayia, “Look! “Liston, ete resumaby, the ain concarn ofthe Japaneae canta bank at present =~ to avold =~ for ny large-scale financial collapse 2) wile having blared 18) has en having boon bam ) wa tote Bamed ©) beng blamed ) would Beto havo boon blamed 1d” soars olen "at present” zaman fades! movouts Bu nedens onctise yap raroterek grok, Bu neenta deg yantD sovenesii of which appears tobe growing in developed countries. A) ad boon ald ©) was pid ©) fs baing pot 1) has boen pak 26 on NT "Yolanda zaman falerne benzer oldu len aka emniz gern dir zaman adele ve hang! zaman kiana aggre vet: 4 aetatina ime 05945 | vanes Vay ‘itiatmoment:0 ance | Upto now :yuanakadar Up nowfu aad For yeeranon Sen ye | havernas Vy | ve has ben Vg + From mow on :bundan sonra aan tbven | wl ‘Omesin yakandoi zaman adele gobunds “now” gegmekod. Bu yap fk bana goorsok ‘yoo arelanebir aneak er zaman fadlon inde gues kath olmak "Yokanda goreogondz ZAMAN IFADELERIN| ve gamer koulonnda sizer sundugumz tm Japan, sadece gamer suo ign dOinmeyin. Snawn tm bslmerinés Cz restatement fe randing passage bsbimiringe bu yaplaréan feylanabirsinz. Omogin, yakn ania “inieis((etalomen) ign ale ogi ater vorkon bunlardan bin. “ZAMAN IrADELERININ £9 ANLAMLILARIN SECENEKLERDE ARAYALIMT soi olcair. Mevout nian baska 20 lrinde dese yrayacagn Br nelle gta a uae GOACAN. GoKe ‘Stopping the international obesity epidemic Is as tough a problem as any now facing pubile- heath ols ‘8 Publcheath ofc are tying hard, a they do wth any other prob o prevent he spread ot best trougrout no wari ') Pubficeth ofl are tnng very hard o prevent obesiy Hvougnout the word, which very Serious ke any ote prota that concerns thom. ©) Obesity is so common throughout tho word thats prverion i avery dieu problem for poate ar area ealng wh er pene, | ©) Fer putichoah ofc, tho proventen of cbosty, whch la wdesproad throughout the wor, | isan extrema cfu problem ike anyother they are curity concerned wh ©) Its not so chalenging a task for pubichealtn ofc, who ar aready dang wih many serous problems to prevent best in the won ‘Sonu kokinde gegen ve "gu anda” anlamina golon “now” zaman fades! sogenoklede -xandigda sadace D sepeneginds “eurentiy” zaman asi Bunmakta, Bu nodes og ant Deopenogar SRT Ceri ir strefgine yaplaneylererden bahsedrken Prosot Progressive kul trier. "Nowadays, ‘hese days ve for the time being” gi zarsan fade oyloran 993 bi erofine apiaginagendorme yapar. ‘99. Normally ve win ny parents, but am tang wh my aunt fe tha tine bang Nasi alemle yay, ama gu an ln lami kayeur “These days SEEMS Getecoge yonetk yapmay!plniaim7 feyanavken kllanabieespenxyapardan br tne de Present Progressive. (60. They ats. gteg maried next June Hazan evlenirtereveneceter James leaving New Jersoy tomerow.~ lames yann Now Jersey/denayiyoaynlacak Yeplan br geyden rahatsz okugumucs ve durumdan skayelGi lujumuzu ado etmek gin “always constanty" continually” ve “nvalely” gb skik bdron zara Preset Progress alain fag. They oeays making rece. — Ona stvkl gu yopyoart ‘You a8 continual leaving your ety socks around. Sen kil goraplanny hor zaman erage ators NAMEN Zamenaigderek gegen veya depen oly voy durumlaéan bahcederken “progressive” yop rh ‘Day by day, gradually, more and more” pi layin ajana agama gorakestiy gestern yep oper present ‘ir kons gn vermisse Present Progresiv kulansmina sik rst. 129, The condtonsin ou ofoe are going more ad more unbearabe = Biz ig yrndli grt pide daa da dayaninaz ober ‘Gradually: gtgde/gderk More and more: geek daa ok Dayby day: gion gine ‘0/18 826 Veg lb Vag lation ig nereasina day by day. “Hor neath yas dtorioratng gratuly unl she ded. You lb sesakina English ort ay by day ‘Agama agama clan vo anki omayan eyemlerde sire ari ldo ign Vig hur: Sensi Clair present zamanda ise ams-aro Vig: olar past zamanda be was-were Vag: oor {tre saranda se will be Vg sepeneker arstmok goo. aa st Simple yapiannnerlrde lla vo hang anlar stip laos neyo 90 now % 4. Action completed 2.Polntod ime inthe past + Olay gogo yapins vo bing oat. = Olyn geek nokta zaman vermel TSE SYSTEM I ENGUSHY 2) Completed ation n the past/A pointed time inthe pas Gegmiste mus ve lamamianrsy evant anlamak ign Past Simple Kuta Gu tor anata genekde ‘ayn getesl zaman blir Ganlde Past Sng ile lain zaman faelt teeyecek trae Tan tl ramember my excitement won I~ forthe frst tme how one's understanding of the concepts of probably and ak to and enhance diagnostic and therapeutic problems Incline eae ‘ny saw cut be opoed 5) had seen coud have boon aphos ©} could se bo apped ‘Atte tine, At that time In ancient times Unt recent (nce (ir zaman) ims wir in. Proviousy/ ancient ‘Between 1960 and 1990, fe | From 18501020 cae L Peon ee Camloce “or theft ime" zaman fades! “ponte time n the past” olarak dgerendrines. ‘urnedonle ence -Vs" yap orelemek gre. Bu nosele dope yant A sopenedi. During WW te ee ST oie Bub ana meydana glen olyardan babsedakon ki olay arsinda gok blk bie zaman fark ‘nad gn Pat Simple Kuan ter edt (981 zaman fadelor gap zaman kin pinted ime fade etmektaer Avoca “onginate™ rao] _genetikie “V;" hai clan “originated” gekinde kullanir. | fag. The fc fs signed the contrat and thon he want is scrtay topos a ence kor mead ve sana sereteinden on pestlymasn sted Pos fir Bony Sos boys isnt pol | lan tan rn 185 ts SE, = 1965tn 19800 kde land apa. ae ee ee oomnmen ants ind Oracle ay a ‘Gernot alpranlaraan bahsedrton veya gspmie var olan durumian Yad ederen “used to” anlsminds ‘More than 80 years ago, sx European nations — to submit thotr coal and ieelinduntes to ‘Ny yapsa a lla Baiada, Trkge gel duzgn ola da "wasvere Vo" yop Kuan ‘common management, so that no single country ~ the weapons of war to bo used against snot, (26, Ho movelusd owpgr a brace on his ees bo. Goce tl kort A) have agood ad fabreted 3B) agyood J out fata (©) had agree have fbisted J ©) apo wa abeeate J €) may nave sgrod had boon fteaing “There wns usd ob theater ons come in the pas = Eni bu Rig i ova ‘Vs orines akin ik olarak Past arom ger ancak Past Simple yap her kana yess engl bir niga part ets. Bart ype berate Past Sipe hulaniGnds nam Prevent Time ye da Future Time oli, Gu aaole ayaa 8 ize ap dina Vo Yap Dash eden cole "Va" apa aretemek gre, Bu nodona Sota vee sels yrumlaak daha dgrudu. 6 yaplann govrkne de dk din. a | | ii I Ce eT 5 te" yopaimn ik gle hllanms meat Egor “t's tne yap: Kendshden sonra brie takip state) anid “eine yapst meet. Ki ance rai Lygursans an core V2, soa cimiedefaveae V2 yop ver ok sage E tesnctr Daa Stay sea yuck care, cde Bt dob ya aga en ‘nem unsur “since” yapisidir. “Since” yaprsi bu sorta Preposition olarak kullaniimigtr. | “Sine” apern Peporion lara cle oar Present Perec ye sekinencehaivnocakohrea tk tosata chavo V3" (Present Perec) Sonnac Senatein tron indigo sasece © seianeie “have. become fetinde br Present Pret yom gees aye, se kkinas “wher” yop fe sere ‘en sr “199” zanon fan mtseyen Active Ginune un xenon 100 | Zena fades gakrecegnsen € scent ns tra vero “a” Vr yan OU ‘hunt cy aria Ban gor ot yan aoe ‘The once radical notion that birds —- from dinosaurs —- stronger and stronger since paleontologists frst started taking seriously «couple of decades ago 2) descended has grown 8) have descended / grew ©) had dasoended had grown ) descended i rowing CCimie onsinda "len ber” anlamindaki “since” balac vets. “Since” baBlcin yen cecginde "Va" yakinde olan “start” fl vermis. Bu durund are boglugs dank geen ana coms anne mika haveas Vs" yop nei. Bu bie sapenee incseeck, sadoce A sopenopinn inl trends "has grown’ yap: veri. Ayn, A sorentinn Hk {araindsvelon “descended” gindols Va yap ls, como bapdsk "oak" anlar ven ve ‘enetke Vs ie allan “once” sain bah lara Ruan. LANE sures me that th Department of Marne Biogeochemistry, which — up inthe 1870s, sever ince. |) wa s6t/as bon expanding ©) had ben sat was expaneag ©) would be sot wt expan ) hasbeen sei/is expanding ) would have besn eet be expanding ‘Cimriede “o zamandan ber” anismindal! since” yapst movoutur ve zr olarak klip cme ‘Sonunda vermis Eper “since” yt zat olarak hulanimigea bag oldupy fi “havea Vs" ‘etinge kulanimalde Ya da bir tagta dey, “since” yap clio sonunda ya da come } Sonuna yo is "ines" yopsina yakin bsllga"havathas V3" yan aretyine Bugle {Kini Doyukanalzedindesadece A segenaindo “has been expandig”yaprim gomez. ‘Aya. cimiodek ota zaman "inthe 1970s” zaman fadesinden olay! ik ogi Vs olmaie [SERRERTEEEI fr 15 yeas tors cay, for 3 hours now, 29, The members ofthe boars haven come together fr hee montis no = Yonatin kiats eer ayer bi araya gelneder. ‘per herhang br cies “For =. now" (fortwo years now, for ten days now, et) skin bir ‘zaman fades! grant dor yant mutaka "have I has V3" ya da "have / has been Ving" yapsie, ‘Ancak, now" omadan sadoce "for." Se dugurlan zaman fades dinorine dkkat etmek ‘ere, Sodece Mor. le yaplan lati ganelde “havthas Vs" lo Kulanica da dou yank fer zaman shave / has Vs" yapistolmayabilt Omen for two weeks” (kt hafta oyunes) obi bir-zaman Fae! Past devam eden br cmiee Vs yada "had Vs" te alaniabi. Yada, for two | weeks lat year” ib yt Bi "Vs" a“ 1) scan would have omit are boing sand could have omited 0 yl” nla veren "Yor four decades” zaman fade le bapa ve bu aman fades “now” noktasi te iss oldu ign “havefhas Vs" 1 “hevelhes been Ving veplno artlemek geek Bu nedone dog yant A sopaneidh. 2) voted i roidod 3} hadindatea/ ns resded 6) indicate woul rose 1) could have inaeatos Jha been resing [© indicate had resided ‘Criede dru yan ige en Send qucu sory KakInde Bulunan ve “son zamanlaréa” arian olon ecent kalimosés Bu ade “havathas V3" yapis le Kulanimakod Bu bine eveneter a Fora tong time now, biologists that bts of esuo placed nat to eachother = 4 ttn fee gems 3 SSCA wa [Soomro ‘Sons kok “uzun zamandi" nlm veron “for along te now" zaman Faces: le baglenaade by zaman fades “now” nokta iif ough *havelhes V3" “havetbas Boon Vinge ‘plan artemek grok. Bu nesenla dof yan B seyeneilt | CRANE 200 zomaniorts 20, There has been 2 remarkable Ieee in piesa ~ Son zaman ytd dike dor ba J -untit roconty” yaprsnin vere cierelede genolde Vs klar tear hata, {24 fade “son zamaniara kadar” arams vealed o bu anand now" nokta lan ih fesimisir, Bu nedene bu zaman adel le gonoldo Vs yap tech ei. Rneak, sadeoe recently” ya dain recent times” gb Hacer Qorursonc “now” nok fe da og iin Ba {uraelerde "havelnas "ya da “havefas been Ving” yap kur geek. “suo recent" zaman aes gegen “tense snus OSYM gu ana kadar Ve klar sermusur ra bu yap ava V" Ee de hulaniabie ‘Unt recanty, come sclentists — tas beter than the same nombor of individuals from efferent species. | 2 wink ar peomen 8) wre tink wipro Jc) tank cog to perm 1} had thought / woul! be performing ) tiovgit/ could poi 3 “Until reonty” = Vi". Cmlede bi dog yanta usphacak net ipuc lan “Unt reenty” apr kulanimir. Nomalie OSYM sinavanada sadece "recently" yap! verdinge Present Perfect (haveas Vs) yas serra “unt recently” hem "Vy" bem de “havelhas Vs Ho hulonisben fa ir api, Bu sonun sgenekin ik kiiman dkabe inclonsince ge scence "havethes Vs" yap! vermedini pSrmekteyl2. Buna gre Vs gokinde gekimlenen ani veri Esegenegi dra yant lk on plana gala. CSEETATINATACNTATLTAEETOMTIINIEE ou ono hor 69, Tho Primo fnlsterhes vite about 76 coun ofa = Bostokanbugane kadar 76 ike avert GRNEK SORU 2002 So far thy — enough bombs -~ at any clear understanding ofthe ital and ives ofthese anclnt people. 2) had not excavated to arive 15) nave not vested to ve ved ©) could nt have excavated having aves ) would ot excavate ang 5) srenot excavating /to have anived (Cie “gimaye kadar, gu ana kadar” eniaina golen “so far" fades! le baglamakiadi ve bu zaman fedesi dor yanta uagvak i sor kk en One pucuc. Hatiayacaginz gt “so far" zaman fades! “present perect(havelhas Vs)" ya da “present perfect progresive (avemas been Ving)” lo kulanimakiad. Bu redone Uk boplila games! gereken yop! 8 seceneinte mevet olan *havehas Vs" yapdr. Sacace bu uc le dod yan usgname kind, Seremnow te f wet Sati | wel wo won mon yo cde cots “Last” ve "paat” Kelinele)Gncalle Vz hulonman’ kia geloneed, ancak bu Hadeln noetinde “the” ve sowasinda now oasis kadar zanebien bir 2anain Hades! moved eee. ‘hoa haweshas Vs [naverhas Been Ving yap danek grok ‘Qvecthe pst wo decades, the mankind has experienced many unoxpecod dsastos. sank on yr ya birpok bello flake aga. ‘Over the past three years, the US economy — badly hurt by unforeseen events, ‘=o move upto set sales cords in both 2004 and 2002 2) would be would have cantoued 8) fd eon ha continued () has boon! continued 1) was continues ) Is being / ould continue ‘Cie bapndahi “on 3 ye” anlamina gucn "over the past theee yeas” fadesnin “now” oktasya pk var ve present perfect klum eter Inns hsnda ise “in 2001 and 2002" fades "pointed sie” olarsk doganoiagonde Simple Past kulanin. gorektumatoar ojanek bu nedenls “has been” vo “continued” yaplrrin bdundugu € sega 45 9. have worked llmoming nd thereto | fel exhausted now = Btn saban astm ve bu yz gina andi bien sselyorum 2. Wehve taken to exe ti em, = Buco i save gah. "his mri, is om, Ss yen dy," 9 aan acon ct aves | hea een youn, oer Fon yl peek op Sta eieare Vo" ye vores 19.0 The psychologist been abl to sole the probe othe tle boy yt = Plog kok pan protien hende gtzemed Aion: ave you sur estan Chinese food? — Dab Gnco hip in yee yn mi? Bat Nel! havent - Hay Yemen, ‘se already sxen & thte's no nee forme to eam. “Dana ance grange gore gamame grok yok ‘he has jut rive, = Sinden gt 46 | | | | ' | ‘recording people wo have nt been dagnesed pe ragurmociare gre, ku gril vrusU — toghsedlmemis Yalrce nea etilemi labile” sriams mevautur Canlede okmuz Br yop (haven't. BoEn Uiagnosed) moveutur Sepenekerdk yaplrinesendilinde,genede olumsuz clr ve sary ‘comblernde kiana ve “henda” niarna glen *yet”yaps dogs yan vated. Aya, {or kee bojugun bagi aldugu smn “present perfec” ola yplanininas da "bend" ‘lars vren “yet uae gn pucudr- Bu redone, gry yan sofenopir. jut” yap enevarda geraike wurgu amagls hullenimakadir ve gence cov yarliramstta. "Already" ypisn da “zaten, goktan”yelinéegavrebivsinz. Ba bite a6. | “already” yap brig antam vars in “Ing” Be elvan zaman nore” yop bales ve Prepaeten tak hulanimasiin yan ayn Exronsran ura sono Boje Klong "dsha Once” aarp “belo” yg art Saige gra ct trang br urn Huanatinorod, Cn gee! racy Preset Seitsll eget nu 0 resent Pret tan tech edlan de Pat fons atande Klong Phat Peete Shanna orb. ‘89. dont know her. | hve never soon hor fore. = Onutanmryorm. Daa ace on ni geod a TENSE SUSTEAA I ENLISH PS Present Peroct Progressive yapisiin nevlrde Kula ve hangh alaniara sah oablecedn SE ‘Gogo bayiayp halen devam eden bi eylemialatirien Present Perfect Progressive kan, Bu anlanda ‘yin bundan sonra devam exp etmeyecel Snel der, sneak devam etme oii gk yea rt Have N35 B00n Ving 2.9. have ben ving n Ankara or 10 years. = 1 Ankara’ yagamaseay, "state leining English in May: | have boon lamina Engh for fve months ~lnatce renee Maysts based; 5 acre fvenyorun. SA TIE "Yapian ve isn br eylerin u anda ele goebyrsa yada bi bapa dey, elon gu ano herang! ie soko is! buat se Present Pertest Progressive Kuan Actionfinied ©0, 5) Sho oaks existed, She has ean working l dy. — 0 yorgun gaanayr.Batn gan lit 1) Your eyes ae swollen, Hava ou Been enna? — Gazi ms. Aglcin mi? "Yukandaki "a" amegine fae exten gagma elem Dimi, ancak galgms eyeminin es olan yorgunka vam etree 3" emesinee de alma eyoms big. Aneak,gbsein ggasi slams eyeminn ets lark gorimettese n Yapiyorsa ve wugu “action” (eylom) Uzornée ico Prosont Perfect Progressive hula. Hatianacay ob, iru “result (conue)izernde aon Presan Prtect killin daha inc Dlr °0 ‘The mecharic hasbeen teting the cr. (Eyam devam halnde. Araba hand karim haze dei) = Tami araboy tani oder. “The machanc hae recat the cr. (Eyam iis dura, Arab kul haze) — Tene araboy tan 4B raenda katz dat ements gereken i Gren nokta Haves Vile have-hae een Vu 4..Comledettraranamy vara (ees ties) haveshs Vs aati 2. Eylem mig haveshas Vs, elem doar eos hve-tas been Vag grate Havomas boon Vag 1— Havers Vs 4 Tekrar She has called me tee ine. 2) Result ‘She ine ante the room. (ly bait) 2) tion ‘She has bean pin the rom. (oy svar een) Key Words: Daa once delay larak ele alum Present Perfect icin kulanlan zaman Wadols Present Perfct |) Progressive yapida lstuulancomicerde do hua Esa) Past Perfect yap nrelard land ve hang ansmira sap elableedin eset | 199. When he entre he cas, te lesson haa stares, 7°. ena ging ders okt balms 'e comiade yap key var; bent eam tin snfa gms lay. hic elm iso dorsin boar cay Dran baplama olay daa Once meyaana gels} ign bu cml Past Perfect ular uy fect land: zaman mua i inde olmak fades yar. Bas br camede (sade ever: |) cue) coen ta tana fn ey T000ez) Pas Parc halantinem eer al kat dine pete ey prin tba pga sanontan nce bers 1 ea, 211s. to na ntsen aon = 1000s kadaryrtipnd Buluenamt ; [Butbetime they anv, wo had aeay had our rsa = Onl goinceye kadar bz goon yogi yom 49 Post ala on be comledeeadoce “aftr” balacnn yan cumlcgine “had V3" geen. ger Va" yale genie ana comlecte Kalani Skat ex, Past Perfect yapisnin baci zaman bablaglanyia nasi kulanid9: ajaidaK) Omekierde ele ait, Bu | Smetiede Past Perot e slatlan yeni daha Gros olan eyemin cmionn hang kings hulanias erektgie kat edo 2.9, Tho'tan had let efoe we awed atte station = Tren biz istasyon vrmadan Gace Kant i “ayca “don Gneo" anna geen prior to pointd tne im th past” zaman Fae e do nce “had Va" yap: gba gore. Savi ayia “pe-Roman times” gibi zaman 9.9, We aived atthe ation ater to train hae st ONE | ton altar sors soe var SA 29, Byte ine wa anved at tho statin the an had aoa et ——<—_— =i itasyona vanrcaya kadar ren gktan KOK Throughout his trm i fice, President Cinton —by alogation relating tothe Whitewater | | | 1) Is dogged ar involved 8) had ben donged wor involved () wa donged/ had boon tre 1) hae boon dogged have Ben inves 5) was beng dogged may have been vowed ‘Chnede kc bogtuktan sonn golen ve “1992 sesimi $982 lection” zaman odes! Snceliée "had Vs" Kalani garekiemotiedr. BU anlamda “veneer anal edginde dors yap sadece Csagenepinde ola a 51 TS€ SYSTEM WW ENGUSH Cee YYokandoki Sneiade Past Perfect yapst gepmise olan i eyamdon hangin dota orca oldupuna {nistaltad Anca, “unreal” (gorgke di) sje fate etiiniz Be alatm sorgieyen yaa “eyemierin ‘ergek zaman dedi bit dorece Pat halle! lla in” bu tr yaplosaki Past Perfect klar fark Srzsineitadi, Bu yplara berber Pat Perfect hulaniiinda, gorge gegmiso olan ik om ence clan ‘dept gergak zaman: Past Simple yada Present Perfect olan bi em alaimakstonmektsr. Yan, gorok ‘aan i dere gag hal latak Past Pertecthulanimir. Se “unvea” nla ven bu yeplann Past Perfect le kulaniann: selyeim. Bu tadsler Paat Perfect ie kulanidilarnds, gocmise gorekepen rum abl fade edi Bu adele gevine dat esrb. Tin y + Subject had Vs "Kes ‘Keske”anamin: veren bu yaplarn devamida Past Perfect kulancinda gorekte gegen yan Pas br ade vesmeye galgmakiadr Bu yapidakicomislerse gepmitegoresiogon duranun fren (Unreal Past) — bahsedinekte 8u gekde “unreal” bidjime yapiarda olen gergok zamaninin bir doroce gormip han Ruler tr elit. Burdan dla. gegmige Kalan br yl, gergsk zaman olan Ve dei be derece Past hal lan "had Vs" le ae eter (99. My fatter ook us tothe enemas ght. | wah hea akon us othe these, Dan goce bam ii sinmaya gta. Kegee tyatroye girs ‘She did't come othe party. only she had come = Partie gamed: Kopke goo =n am ver Duyonat sina sas ry tr "grek” ely ve gmk dirmar (unreal) Beda sooca “pepe dy” tar yee Bu yo oe nay Geert air am) ton cidlde tulsa lay aes sorannn be drceSogn at ‘Siomacaian Peat name ship ono nly Pet Peet oanaak tural (29. She behaves asf she hailed he man, bt shes tho murderer. = Sank adam limes davranye, am kato ern ederim" amin geen “woul thr" yas pan yrs irene nica oe ‘nt flannel lan, tae Kaa aa ona ‘So ernek pnPat Perfect atone ‘99, Jorathan marod Su, but woul rater he asa mani er Jonata, Sus Ho evend! ama ben onun Suse evienmemosin lr eddy, SIE (aogmigte gergeklegon curumun tra) vats, “IP yap bap bulundu aaa Past Perfect kl ve bu Kula yne Past Time's gonsernesebutnnsxtoae 52 Svat GORCAV 6 ficken GABLE i nad vs, would have VaLeould have Vs/ might have V ‘29. lyouhad come tothe pay ast week, you ould hava mt he. ~ Garon hata parte gin ony, onuna tna, Gepmte yaptan yd ypsnayan clayann gu ana oan isin tehsoderen Kula yeaa aan corde “hd Whar met r+ nad ve, woulé Vo could Vol might Vo (nowitoday/at the moment) 29. youd not sod te car, wo woud be waking now. Egor araboy! ssimams oes, gan yaya omar 3) Would rather» Subject + had Vs 4)it clause Type 3 15) Clause mixed type "Yukandal benzeryaplan V2 kutannminda da goth Bu yaplrsangopunu hed V3 bes, alnda da loa Bu ktrymian daha i aniagimast gn agaQcak Gt abaya thar eo2 ‘sal ‘Yap: V2/ Anam : Present Future 4.4 (ighabout) imo + Subject Vi 2.bwih if oly + Subject + Vs 8.AS it As though + Subject + Vs: 4 Would rather + Subject + Vr 5. cluse Type 2 6. Would you mind + sub) + Vet Yep: nad V3 Alam: Past i e 2.1 wish only + Subject + hed Ves 1. Ast As though + Subject» had Vs 44 Would rather + Subject» had EW tause Type 6.ifClause mixed ype sein | — ‘Yokandat filer present olarak gokenendletnde devamisnnde genatie “wil Vo" yas: past ark gkimendernde 2 "would Ve" yap kul “copie yapan i eyemden daa doce balayarak, breve devam ep taariaan ya dein eyeme kadar ‘Sevan adoro satan Past Perfect Progressive kala. 29, When she came, Ih been wating for hal an hou * Ogeiinde ben yarn saat botnet. = ss ase sete “They hope that by surrounding ety contes and kay terrorist targets certimpossble for hacked planes anywhere near them, 1) wltake ito get 1) would make having got rake have got, hve made tebe got making ting ) ithe effect ofthe action that already ended was seen inthe pas ‘Gee yan ve Sten bi eyomin eis yine geome Be notada halen vam eimektoyse Past Perfect Progressive klar 9. She waa ver ted. she nad boon wesng al day = Gok yrgunds. Baan gin calms i “Hope, expect, thin TIN yopsya dovarn adr poder oaths A spond debeendineie. FRO CGolecede gondeme yaparken hullanabloceimic bidkap atornatif yapt mevoutur. Sin bu yepian, hang Gruman ve ne nla fae tire ines Konujma anda veren ai Kararan we bu karavan gereelegtimak fn stoi anistak in wal + yan kala AA TS ‘Salscekls fi yapian tain, fade aden bebe yo. da Grier "wil Vo" yap hullonrakoktaabiiz 5. George: Today's As bitty. ~ Bun Ain degum gn Regu: Realy? lla hin redial, ~ Gorokon my? Heman on rary, ‘8.9, 1208, population of Tukey wi be double. 2020 pnd Tot nus ive ataacab Bi olay gegekegmesine bal olarak rays phacak polos br durumu ade ederken Hf Cause yapisnn ‘ana eoiseigngegonooe “wl + Ve" yap Kula | | |p he ll as the exam. = Onun sine ascnsinl unyorun “They exec that infaon ye curbed inthe ast uae. _Bnosyon 200 peek cepinenecepi uy. [Fe Present Spi, wale 4G. goto eant lit Tonka Pate wanda giersom Topkaps Sarayin yar! edecgin. i | | | | | 55 | \ Gramer vo ‘vasa ana cimisinde de cocci we urdu bi yp aay —wresont_____nis Va_ ‘willbe Vi vm have Vs ) Making deductions about someone's characteristic behaviour {Gok tang Br Kgnn hang! durum asi dawranacagy He igi yaplan gkanmards “wil + Ve" yap lai © Asusval o willbe late again and he wi rat polo. Her zamank gi yne gee goacek ve Gr aomeayecok (Gelecekegeretegmetinden kacinamayacs3ymz bi geet fae ctmok fn “wil + Vs" kul ‘99. Myfathor wi be $0 next Tuesday. ~ Gnade Soh babam 50 yan gsc, SESE ana cratanan adler gence Future Tne fade eden yap le beraber tani. ‘omorow, tomorow maeming ee two weoks ator 2050, shy, ely, soon, nes year befor ong (ak gopmeden, Intathin woke et. ‘Yuhanda “gence Futuo Time ie kulanlita’ aye anatijmz zaman fader cloze test | ices ya de paragaftamamiama sorrinda past dear eden br patgadsgorrseie dat | lun. Buzaman felt ner zaman future yap de kulaninayaba “The war staid in 1940, Nex! yar/ soon Vs. Sevag 194050 baad, Eel snare aie so al cme tamara sola agafidaklbaplacann yan cimietnds present bir gimme | 1 | have been able having sean 3) are able scanning ©) wer ale obo seared ) be abot sean ) would have boon ae toto have scanned ‘Cline "yaknda® anlamina glen “soon” zaman Hades te bapamakade, bu ned Seale golcsk zaman yap oldu segancer yinelmek geek Gu nederie dogs yet D “There — no doubt thatthe ol eector—~ the basis ofthe rag economy fr any yee to ‘A has Boe / may have termed 8) 8 worm ©) was has ood 1) had been oon ) wate woud form ‘melted bu nedenleoncelte glacek zaman yapiannin ou segeneslte yonlnek geek line: boglkngeecok zaman yap aradigemzia dod yantB eogeneid, IE SMT Goloae sgl yaptginz boli Bagh ve detiemeyoock planardan behooderten “be golng t+ Wy" yan! hulaniabi {ea Theyre going to get marie on ly 1 { = VTenmrs ovoncaior j Wo re gang fo neet at ick toma aeroon. j ~ Yan Seen snr set 3 bulecag2 } | 57 2 TENSE SYSTEM IN ENGUSH 0 ada meat olan pugan ve kandaréan yo pkarek yaplan gkanmlan ade ederken “be going to + We" ys kul 2, Shelpregnant. she's gong to havea babs =O hai. Cogum ypacake | ont ft wl thin m gong faint ‘enon hssetiyon Sonn bylacagm Ta anapine "be gros" aia kk“ Vig (rezk Progressive} eps: uhm cca lonags pet sniaton ana Bekatanman sven geeleecebade or 28. She ls going ar dont at 3 pm tomorew, = Yorn saat 3 ges pyc CRE Blom dismazda yap olan programtardan bahsederon (aman tbl, Being ve dodimeyecok programiar vo glock zaman alam aan sa Preset Spl alanis. (9.9, The Oxon tain ats 1 pm on Monday = Oxo ton Pazartes saa Tee goles ‘The concot stats a 10 pm tomorrow. 0 on tho vorg of Moun Pheasa" "Boon th 0899 Vg’ Noun Phrase “Bo on he poof Va Noun Pivse™ “Be on ho bik of Vax Noun Ps °Bo on he tress of Vax! Noun vas |: deere olmak” |*snesiginde olmak ‘Yolanda verlon bu yaplar da eyfemin igndo bulunuon zamandan daha tle ie zamanda ecpokleecopianamsnvrier Bundan lay Present yapda kulanilannda bu yap da Future Time bal atnaa sorties 29. Thott ecbout fost i bagemak zee ‘The company ian the vere ef bankruptcy = Siket asin oie, Ykandaki year de oltorlan veokuma pastanoda goven baz cmiser meveutur. Omed, ‘hums pargasnsa “she fs onthe brik of graduation” (Gok yakinda mezun olaca) alam (Quen chmio pogeblir ve pare He gl ronda arhang Bee dof yan oars “she Nas UTmost completed her education” (epfimint hemen famen tamamlad)aclamina geen ode ‘futobie Bu nedene but yptara aki clmak ve dep yruriarak cer. Carpe yepmaye nietenip daa sonra ype erie aiarken (reat past) ys a geemite vara Sermagene ama yarn elon ya 6a nyeterneakaen (unreal past) "wasiwere going 0+ Vs" aoc tulanabte Bu glide rl ve Kuan Oa a,b Yo! sinavard gee “unreal Kuan Ja "yapacaktim ama yapmacin lana targmiza phate. ‘Te PM was gona ov nda, and he so (eal past) ~"Basbokan Hinder gidocekt ve oo do ap | asain oct you, bt lt havo tne unre past) Sen arayacatim ame zaman cine. its eee thlanira stip oaleceginesteyein: 1 Progressive yan nateerde hla vo hang! in progress atad vam hinds acak ofan cI ahsederken Future Progressive yep klar. “This te tomorow I wi be ravlngo London. Yann by eae Londaye soyahe eco lsat -Atthia time nox ear, we willbe ng n Spain, Gatco bu zaman opanya'ds yasyrolacage “yor olacagm ‘wil be Ving ras-were Ving “This time tomorrow fa his tme next year “This ie yertrday at this time lst year 59 29. For my brhers wean, ll be wearing ths su = kok kasi cand bu takin ebiseygyectin, } 2) nas to appt wit have boon pubched | ©) nad eppted nad boon pubished TENSE SYSTEM WV EGU 4 A ‘Yapimai daha Oncodenplanlanr eyo alatrak ih bazen Future Progressive yop: hllankdin da | gions 1) we apphing would have Been published ) would have app / willbe publishes FUTURE PERFECT (will Have V3) CGeneidets govt “amp olacak" gekindo olan Future Perect yen nerds kulanisifiny ve hang nmr eh lalaces cel ‘Golcekto bell ir zaman roitasndan once taramianmiy ocak eye alairken Future Perot Kuta, 3 yap le braber enol "by 2080, n 10 year” time, n 2080, et.” i zaman adele lant ‘Chien tk taraindaki “he 4s hoping thet” edcsnden comlenin present yap oldupu ‘niaimaitede, Ayia, cml gagan bythe time zaman fadesi zaman ils sola onamk (ir pvc ola fulniabar. Bu nedenle “by the time” yapsinn “present” fornlini segenekorde raya. Bu snlamda, soponckede future perfect ararak eonmun gSzoming layracat. Bu nedenle A sopenagindli "has to apply” vo “wil have been publish By the earty 20" century the local ceramic industry of Kitahya — more of ue butnow the ety — the focus of revival of his skied at ‘Cuma kadar rjemi tris lac, 2) ad come is 8) has come has boon (©) came was 1) woud have come would be ) was coming wil be ‘Wie wa have nad our moa bythe te hey sie. ~ Onlar glen kadar bi yomogini bari leet i ‘nto woes, the lessons il hve stated, lls hata ign drsr bapa ceca ‘Seru kokindek “by the early 20° contury™ zaman Kodes! "20 yazyitn th yillanna kadar” faniam vormekos ve bu ade “past perfect (had V3)" hularan gareki. Aycan bogukta da "now" zaman fade! pucu olarak hllanlab. Bu redone “had Vs 6" yapinan ved A segenedogrudur By ve by the time zaman fader past perfect vo future perfect yapian le hulanan zaman | ‘ctr, Barada bu yaplantekarformuze edn nedvanva__. wil have Va fa By the time past had Val By the me prosent wil have Wa el 6 | | | | | | } ay would not have favre ad looked 8) hasnt favoured wil ook ©) a not favour /toaked 1) had ot evred/ wou ook ) doesnot favour nave looked [sox koxanse dog yanta ulaymas gin en nem pues “2050 yina golndginde, 2050 | radar anlar veren "by 2080" zaman loses. utr bi zaman fades! geecokt bitte ‘ela veri gm gonotixe “wil have V3" yapisi de kulaniaad. Er sogenekirde “wil have V3" yep yok wil." le olturlan bapa bir yar sana. Bu nedene ogra yant 1) wt nave saves 5) would hove saves ©) would save ) havo saves Suet GUCAN 6 Aickan GinatZ FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE (will have been eT Baek rie kadar alee yapiyerotugumuzu aiatak in Future folewa vung zaman sea Gzonndods fect Progressive kul. Bo eg, 112020, wil have en working fr his company fr 20 years = 20,20 ye bu set gale mus cad, SET seen ed na ea pe ore ae peel i sot :te—as ha Vo meso Ree See arcana ance am cnteck "ya ea NON AOS NOIRE SELENA past wig ave shorTeagoing to have tes been Ving ‘The big test — over the next fow wooks when the government — to Itoduce a plan to Include rug coverage in Medicare, Ay Incoming wit be expected 8) comes / was expected (©) has came is expecting ) wilome is expected would come would be expected pee Se ee Coniede “when” zaman badasl evtur, Zanan taBoonn dram yan cine lak deprendigzeencld an consye gemanes goeten apa ez. Ou nade Ave € secerell eon. sorenepde! yapr arene zaman uy Yar C sepa icra! prevent pret yapet zaman talc era cee get. By nde et ant serena | resort Vapiar Past Yap Ai Voy asec Vig vw Vs Have /nas Ve hat Have-has been Veg a boon Vig Futur yar | Having road so many contemporary American writers, —t fe Impatient wth the kindof ‘ction that — In England A) was beginning / wl have boon writen 8) had begun has boon writen ‘have bogun woud Rave boon writen 1) woud bogin is boing wet ©) bogan was being writen ‘Sor KSkoki cimlyi ckumadan sogonckler dogarendiesinds ve yukandak Kurla: ‘uguaciinzda uyum Sakimindan ek uygursepenakE eogonebi heart atace than hemochromatosis. 1) ve fund ha caused ©) found causes fn cau have cause } would have ound causes ‘ors kokine bekmadan sogenelierdeporondiiainde ve yukardak Kura) uygaianzta | erm stra crea mine A * ce se Vit fow exceptions, most tofalfarian goverments —- more liberal since 1969 when the Beri Wal 2) became al 8) ee bocoring would at ©) were boconing as falon 1) haa become was fang ) nave become fl ‘Sow KERN “when {lauve litunmusu, “1269" rama Hades! Ve gerektzecinden E segenebin kin Msn | orton at” Vs aps: sory sokunget comleyttomaiamakiadr, Bona gre dog yont E sesenei. ps le devam ent "18 Svot GURCAV & fdvon GOABLZ 4. Zi badly kutanssiycomisard zaman uum olmak ono de, 2. Adecve cause (zoids “non detiing adcauee) yaya ane cane erasnda zaman yum olmak Zonunda dpi, ‘ohare, whieh she capa of Tuk, was vary col st wiser. |rOzne yukon uve anna eine an sordarda alanis dor olan ki soyenek arasinds Klabin Bu tr sordarde genetbe ne-yo ‘jumuan eleme yapiabi. Seganckiorée suruan yep tek ya da gopu 6zneye géce gekimlenmes ‘eektiine dat edn Ornapin horhangl Be sorunun sogenekins; ‘ihave dovlored 8) covelopes ehindosinulan iio vari bu srs tenga bgrizn ya sa Gano vyumuna kk ep ees Digmakiodr Bu tr soda Gnoelile Gzno-okiem yuma Ko ome yap} sora tense Digize gore seray cezmenie aya vad oe ide yepiar V1 Jon ence olarak boa ableeek BKK zen: Aneak DUVanar bask tensetine ie kasi. aoa grea aa Jamis are Ving “More and more ar dana ok | wtb Ving | Daybyrdeyginden gra. | was ware Ving TENSE SYSTEM WW ENGUSH nn sopra yi se Gre! yon ere: yaar conn ome endear ve i n arty Today, there seams to be a problom with groundwater. Unt recently, groundwater — ean, so I was not necessary to purly befor people drank 2) eon 8) have been (©) nad boon ) was E) woe In 1956, atthe age of 47, Margaret Mee — her tet Amazon expediion to observe, collect ‘and pant th Rowers of he rogion. A) made 8) hes mado (0) hed made ) was making 2) would make etwoon 1815 and 1914, the world — the greatost peaceful migration Init history: 38 million people, mosty Europeans, let their ‘omelands to start new lives n Ameria, 1) has winessed 8) had winessod ©) was winessing 1) winossos ©) woul winass 1 is generally beloved. by scientists that ions of years ago plant io — inthe wats, nd that new forms of plant fe, that could ve ‘on land developed gradual. 1) eighatad 3) has originated 0) had criginated ) hasbeen originates ) nad boon aginted lnc vane nem vain 3 5. Over the past 25 years ors, there — a sharp Increase In the popularity of parachuting as @ sport 1) vas 8) had boon ©) hasboon Die ) would bo {6 Long ago, they — out that our earths ot tat but found, and thatthe moon == round the 2) found goes 8) woul fed / went () ha foun hae gone 1) have found goes ) were Fang / was going 7. The work of sclontsts Inthe last twonty years = the world that men an travel outside the ‘art's atmosphere in spaceships. 2) showed 8) had showed ©) was shown 1) would show 5) has shown 1. inthe past 4 years, hysroponie farming — in 4 number of areas, especialy In those where water i in short supply and temperatures are to extrome for ordinary agrleulture. 1) progressed 8) would progress (©) was progressed 1) was going to proses ) has progressed Tenses Test 17.The Germans Daimler and Bonz — the horesess coach but Henry Ford — tho fist to tse the assembly lin for mass production. 1) ho vented as 1) were ivosing i ©) invent wl be 1) wou ent nad boon ) have inverted was t8.Forests — a natural air against fvalanches and landslides, but the sking Industry, which proved a boon for poor Alpine farmers, — the environment. 1) wit roid / wit damage 8) are roving ned damaged ©) proto i damaging ) provid woud damapo ) were proving damanes 40.Atore often than nt, the parson who habitually TTongest and loudest when Joke Is retold a particulary keen sons of humour. 1) iaghs/ does possass 8) i tughing hast possessed ©) wilaugh i possess 1) laughed had possessed 5) laughs wont possess 20, Over the past 15 years India — into afar more powerful beast 1) was tanstomed 1) had been anstomed ©) winave been wansfomed ) hasbeen vantomos )walbe vanstornad nen vavrcrus nem vawrvcru 84 21. Nepal's government — peace with an ethnic litenc, setting a strike that — the South of the county. |) sone /had paralysed 1) elon would parahee ©) had sone il prays 1) wae sgrng/ wae passing | ) wilson porayecd ‘22.he test usualy employed for testosterone t i | ‘abuse — on measuring the ratio of ‘Wo ‘chemicals found in the wine: testosterone siucuronigo (TS) and slucuronide (EC). eptestosterone 2») wiety 8) hat reed ©) roles )feroing ) roles 23.The athletes of anciont Grooce — potions to forty themselves belore @ contest, and tet modern ‘counterparts — everything. from Anabelle sterolds and growth hormones to doses of eta red blood cals, 2) were sing nave had 8) used nave ©) would ve / ae having 1) nad used ad ) wl use ave 2A.Sclenits — that genetic variation in chemosome 15 —- eect on @ person's fsuscepuiity to ang cance. |) concluded haa boon ang 2) willoonetude ated ©) eoncide/ woud bo acing 1) nave concuded cs ) had conclude cto MO ins ____S=[S=-=-=— Ceneerene Inalee'se “moder, Taxed ogtendigimlz kip Kaan epdeger ttn Motor “yeteno, las, ‘gerbil, zrunlulh,tvsiye, vb." anamiar veriek kn hina yaad. Br moda” yp Ne {Exneye 2 da zamana gre gekmlewer.Igicostok modal yap aha = sol "may ~ might”. "an — ‘oul, wll woul, yaplarnn yan sa “must, “ought 1", “need” ve “dre apian ss zee on ‘net, Ancak, tu yaplara ek olwak medal cimadkian tale mod! ypion gi sama veren yep 3 ‘nev (hve to, beable fo, Ayia, br moda apis den gk nama gop rt uknsiaadasahip nba. Modal yopan Keclerindon sonra sadace V lbiannds gene “Prsent Tne” ya a Future Time” fae ftater Rneak, "ould", "would" ve "migh™ yapiar baz anariannds Kensiindon sone sadece Vo {ikon be "Past Time” fade eso, ‘89. He could cpoak four languages when ho wat 10 (Past ably) = 10 ypiayhan oa sanvsabllyrde ‘1 ameto hulanian “could” yap! ainda “ality” (tench lien Yan” yapsnn Past ai. (4g. Howas avery independent child, and so he would never ake hl. ~Gokebapimsz br gocukt ve bu zd asl ard istmeza ‘uote hulanian “would” yap! geemigalgkantian ye a run alten anager yop BU snlamyia “would yap sadoca“eylm belie filler c boro ula. u ana sya, used to” ve Pat Simple yaplann: da kulsnabir. “Used to" ve Past Simple yaplan hem yam aren hem de dum bien ile ln, 44, fh ware ach man, | mht by a argo house = Zeng asa, da book bie lili, Bu cmaize akugu “might” yopisi “past yopare berber ancak “cause Ye tal getron cimilerdo kata. ibe devon past “Moder” yaplon kondlesnden sv sadece Vy sla kutoninarir, Pract Modis cy aaron ve Bie ‘eomin gormisetaamlandige (zen ba yap glecege de genermode ban) geen yr bulumatade Bu yaoi pr held depeendimemnsz mankind tert Pt vamos ae : wine, mmatnar | S5cenaet, J “ert one etme 2 ama Sear Emaar | Sa” Senn Sat, Preomer | Szitaey, pment % monsube ind “moat yen verde ananiara gre grplar hands inclayelin: Ingieo'e goal enande i oy yapa yetonopn oldu ya da boi Be yay yapabne yeni ean {ype hulanarakfdo oder Bu ania “ean yapsinn ya Sra “medal” oramasina ramen "beable to ‘ape da lanimattad, “Prosont Time" fade ederkon Suk yap asia Talk 82 Kons doi 2. She can play he uta / he = Gitar albivor) ‘She can answer these question nan hou (ably I particular circumstances : ze durum yeteneg) ~ Bu sone bi Seats covapnyebie lngtace'se gece yetonelerizden baneederken “could” yap kullanz, Burada kullndigumiz "cout et pine pir (gare by ga yt | | 2.3. When was young, gouldwas able to climb any tee Inthe forest Rake eran raga tanabilyordum. wsewere abo 10" ve “could arated bi kulanm fi sz Konsudur ogni ba bi anda be | setorigne yepimiz eyerierie (parteular action & actual performance In the past) yetenek bidet | istyoreak "could" kulnimar ve oon yeine “wasiyere able to" Kuan. 88 gekioe hulanisgode “esiwers able to yep managed 10" (4 agar) anor fapeoktd ve gsmsta"ubaysonucu ede dion bogany pare emote | was able to soompi the a one yesterday, (gogmise olan zat bi I cin zaman tebicitineysbapardm. rum) Gegrigte bel tir anda be saterigine yptm oylomlerde(patcuar action & actual performance inthe pas) yc bissgnizse “could” kulanidi sSyomighk.Ancak,istnal bir drum olarak “560, hea, understand, et." gi algiama filer ie beaber germs tk eye gondeme yapacken “could” yapsiin ‘ular. mdi 12.9 _.paud har quite cleary what eho sad to James. (particule action Inthe past) = Oru James‘ sec oy ola ot abi, ‘Olumsuz cimtde “eouldn'? ve "wasn'Uweren't sble to” kllanmlan arasind igi aie se Konass sepia. 90 Horeas be message bit he coulda wasn table to derstand (particular action inthe pas) “Mosq okay amon aniamat, | 1 Buse ean ne yes. pig lan um) sun Eger “gegmiste bie geyiyapablmis lm: rasnda Kalezanz"wae-nore able to Vo" apis trl edn 1) was abet Ve 8) couk Ve ‘Eger herhangl bir sora bophktan once "yh trrsriz dnc: sans eser™ alam ven agopidals zaian Fortunatly "| “was! were able to + Vs" yapisn dgononz ck ‘yea, “Future Ability” fase etmek in "be able to” yap “wil” ve “shall” modal yep He Berber ralnacie 29, Aftoro has take his cours, he wil be able to spk Germn very wal = Bu hursu alain ova Aimares cok kenugablecek Wo shall be abet earn te rests ofthe oamos when he eves, = 0 gstaignde mataensonuconn reneblecegiz can + Ve lb abe to + Vo could + Ve = amvisars abo tos Ve ‘hall bo ableto + Ve washwore able to + ¥6 1) Prosent Ability ») Future Abity ) Past abity *+managed to Ve: urag sonucu el elton basan”anamea soe “wasiwere able to Ve yap klar er (monauTY. Sse ‘Once las aniam vere yon aga gl grplanraim ANAT Possibility" fade enek cn hull yaplan vreceiraniamiar ve kulanidksn yd kate alarak irenomck ce, gra clei cumin ya da ohamsuz olmst gi falter kulanablecetim yapdann ner ‘acai etdoyechit. SS IE AT Cums comleerde geystloymesi mutton ten olaikann hetangi tind sz ederken yeni General Petzl bserken "may" “might” vo “could yeplannyKulaniz. Bu anand “ean” modal yop Sou comeernde Kula 2.9. The contac maybo signod al thee of the week _Mafasnunde kontat mzaianab We might goon olay nxt month. = Galook ay tale uel ‘hoy gould reach an agrement afer thes regions eu mizakerlrin arid bao gna vrei ‘Olumauz ctimlserde General Poss bison "may not” ve “might not” yaplann lana, "Could not” Yaris “ered” alaminda gi nek anlar wedi in bu grt yor aa 29. The contaclmay not be slgned al the endo he week. Kona aftasonunde nzalanmayabili Wo miaht.t goon holiday nest month. ~Galock ay ttl gtmeyebili ‘Sue : Whe can tbe atthe door? Kap kin oltr? ‘ohn: # maylmiahveould be ho postman. ~ Posto lab Bu cmilede *getecegeyonelkolasik” etatoment of fate possi ade edinektod. Bu anlar Yean” Jap kutantrasmaitad.Ancak, “an” yap da Klan) ve oss Hage eden curumlar blunt PA 29. You gan fd at firgular vasa to nd ofthis secon, = bean eonunda zens filer Ise iain exc cteen voen ugtnegstmettrct es | 2 Sarna rns as hatha pose oe | GORCAN 5 Archon Gina ya, tot clara grgkiegmesi mink clan (Theoret! Possibly cian snatihn de ean” ap tani ‘ag. Anybody can eam Garman. ~HorkosAimance dene lsh ifade eden ier yap gag devekendiig Pr Be fikely to Vs) ‘eg. Some poopl ate kal osu back probis. = Baz nsariar srt ans gk. CEA 2g. The depute de uly tobe sets for aor time. Nojusmaci uzunes br sive cozimionemeyebi. cI 2g. Myouhve pcb at home, ti Bound pot your work. Ee sonia vrs ge atilomes! kuwwetle muhtemeai tay J might J could well” yapsan "gene ola” arar vermek i kang “may { might! could” ‘ova ski laid e at nla vere. ‘2g. Homayimighteould wel find ne course feu. Dor oa zr gle "Yolanda &nekendiiniz ‘may J might / could ws angtntnaraliir"Mayimight as, wal” yapder olsitk Fade elmez ve "bart snl lan, yepian “mayimight es wo yap le vyapalim™ (09. Thor aco no buses a his ia. We avin as wel wak home Tuva odds okt Eve yaryolin bat the his meeting wi be a compet waste of imo. mavimiaht as wal ay at home «Sonn bu tpn tamamn vakt kay ocak Eve tvaam da lu “Onomsie ft gbnebien ve asia go da kutanmayan “mayimighcould as well” yapio bax sorords di olarak sunsnog. 80 savoco gamer sous in dginmeyina,Sanavn tien bolimernde Sralite restatement We ‘ading passage teomioinde by yapladonfaydalanairnia. OreQin akin ana clr (rsiioment) igi siow gop avalgjerverhen unison Bit" *MODALLARIN ES ANLAMLILARIN SEGENEKLERDE ARAVALIM" cates clack Mevout yaplen bag eons ‘iene dene yorayecsi bi mee gosto. ‘We might well find that we need more than three woeks in which o completa a report of his ind, ‘A soul tak us mote than three weak ois a repo ke this ne ') We might ax wel ryt gat his opot fnshod win tree weeks. ©) dnt magn wo can get bweush hs repr n free weeks, ut wa oy. 1) Areport ofthis has never been orawnup under tea wooks. Isat hey tat tree wooks wont be suficin fr uso raze such a report ‘ors kakonde goyn ve “las ania vor “might well” yapsnn os alam segenclere sranngindasadoce E sepeneiine aly” yap bulumakiadr Ancak B eopeneindek “might 298 well” yas diy bir star! larak sunulmugtr. Bu ik yap! aracndak fark arek, bu sea ‘ha hla ve daha hz bi gol dog yaa uagmak ge nomi. Bu edna dog yant ‘Sls yanlonn soda dzetlvebiliz May Vy = may walt possibly may nt Vo__posiy not MightYe = mightwetl —=posibiy igh ne Ve possity ro Cots Ve = could well = possibly me } Betksly oY. = possibly Beunihely to Ve = possibly not Beboundto Vs =highy thely * cout’ Vo" yon *yapamadim” gels “past nla vere “Olasiik” anlam olan horhang! be sora “eanleould” arasinds Kalreang. Bu sons bir gone! clas soni lag ign “could aeeyn Horrang! bie sonuse agadak adler! gerarsaniz Gnesi “ola ganna Ihave noida, Idowrtknow Porhapsimaybe probabiypossiy Possibly antam veron yaplragistili iden cada bunker sru ces’ gekind “ean “could “wl ve would” yoplarn kul (29. CanlGould you pass me sa peace? ~ Tuzy usar men, aan? Would you ston to me? ~ Ben ier isin? CE Bu yapiann yan sra "Would you mind. 2° yap da aca da bulunurkonkulandiinzyaplaran. Ane, bu yan ik fr uae £62 Konusucur EBs bu yaprn hemen asia ii geesecoe fil Vn Sono (i. Bu fokie kulaniindaeyemigerekestcek Ki kenga de kay fai 4; Would you mn waiting forme for fw seconde? = Bon bikap sane Leeman soni ft eakiness var my? fer "Would you mind if. 7” seine kulanlacksa "I" yapsinn ardewtan Past Simple: Vz kulansnalit. Bu yekiv kullanliinds event ka tart del bask be Ki! yapacakt, 16. Would you ind if smoked anor? = Burada sara ener sein gin eakincast var? oa Ccanyou ‘could you Would you mind + Vege? Would you mind + subject # Van? Ce oo ELT in endinen dept tesoden_ymaianan zonular arsiten ve yaar ve kuaann OHSS [proiilercenbaheederkon bu yop ular ‘You have fo work overtime fomotow.(Etomalebigstion) Yan fa mesa yapmak zorundasn Se has to hand he projct in by Monday. (Extal obigaton) = Pazartosiye kadar proj ten etmek zorunda. IOS tine got to | Has got 1" yopsdilan kawalanan zaunkiue aniatrken Konuja dings yaygin olarak Inn sterken sor cinilrinds ya da gn vercken dz comiser “may, “might, “ean” “coud” yananm | ufo. talent 2g Abe May go ou with my fonds tonight? = Bu goes akadaplarmia digany gall iyi? ‘Sun; Aah You can go ou, but dnt be ats. Taman, dig gain ama gee faina. CI eee ade edn, "have to, "have got to" ve “need to" yap. “Have to" “have got to” vo “naed 1" yaa ‘modal median in Banelar ve zarsan gore ekimleneb, Sine bu yapsaninceloyok: ust AAA Konismacin kein kaynalanan, yan ion glen zorniay aniston “must” yap kta ©. My grades are poor. must study alot (intemal bigs) = Notarm in. Gok algmalynm. Bu ce noir ebranzsenuey sin Ken kenrice Nase bir zorunlick vo Kee ken sg 0 CATT “Zr ya “rh tn yp unt en a cee hte ma an \ ' i } 1 92 | (ESSE NTS CAEN ir zr urumurun etadan kak alain sesinde gkimlenen “not have to” veya ‘udninactina dik cin ‘We have gt tobe tere at en tomorow. (Ext obfizaton) Yann 103s oreds olmak zorundoye ETT ree CSA modal olarak “needn't yap ya da Present Simple ned To” yoplon hula Bu aniamds "must yams ‘You needn't dont have te! don't need 2 wat or mo nt am back, vin dane hada belomoksorunds degen. Obligation” bagi lnde yu ana Kader rsigurz yapian asada glade de Gztoyebthiz (e.zoundanm =f Zomund deat Don't haveto + Ve Dont needt0/ needs Ve Dont have to + Ve Don'tnead to! needn't Vo Most + Ve Hav ries to + Vo Have Fs gotto* Vo Haven't naan goto * Ye "we tang ep iPr 8 gare ae” "pae ase brian 93 monaure. Svat GUC 6 flovan GOnBOZ SOA “Zorunluluk” ya da “goroklk” iron “must, "have to" ve “have got 10" yeplnnin goo hai “had to yar ve bu yap geri igo! yapmak zona alin dae ede 29, The shut to work was delayed 0 ha to wat for along tne Is sors goo, bu yazden uzun br sir bkiemek zorunda kale (SSO NS EOE SCE RY eT esmisei bir zorunilk durunanun ean Kalki anlairken Past Simple gekindo kimi "not have to" vya not need to" yep sli (29. Myhushans oroed pizza fer doers dn avenged to cook anything sin akgam yen pizza smart, bu yuzdenherhang i $9) eemome gore kalmadh Dn “Obligation” bag: end gu ans kadar gram apn agadaH sls de GzeUayeiie Paentobton ustetianion Absanc ofPartaton “ Hoel ta gatos 7 Zonundayn Zonundakeim ——_Zonunda kala ‘Yepmama gre kala Must + Ve Have has 0+ Vo Hedto+Vs Didn’thavet ve Dian need to + Ve “avsivode buunuren klandiimiz yukandak yaardan “must yas dirrine gre daha goed tavvelee fade ede. "Should", “ought to" ve “had beter” yaplan iso ayn anlariars sip, arcak “had etter” yap sade Presont ve Future alana kui, yani Pat anim ad edecck fie alanimaz Pe Must: strong advice” dc tavsive i Dena ene “must” yeisinn icon golsn zonnian (Internal obligation) fade oderuen lansmz) mist, Sma se “mst aps pop evel (trong advice klar iyi, ‘ag. Ban: | have an unbearable headsche Dayanimnae br bag adm var Nie You must 592 doctor seen! ~ Hemeon br doktragornmelsin? eG fag. You should s60“The Last Samu: isan aft god ln "Son Soma fii emelisin. Otsuka ize fi EAST Clunauz cumserds bi tasiede buurutken “mustn't”, “shoul yaptan unr. “ought not to" ve “had beter not” 43, Youmusint eat anything for § hows ater te operation “Amita sonra 8 saat boynea hi gy yomemelsn Ho shouldn't /ouaht nt tog on srckng he wants ovo fonger. Epa dana uzun yasamak siyars sigaraemeye devam cimemel. ‘She had better not lay evake ntl lat hours = Gor sate Adar yank kalmamal/kaimasa four Advice” bagi ainda gu ana kadar g6rdUghrz yop agagidak gohldeGzotoyebit re) o Should +Ve sa Shouldn't +¥e mama ‘Ought to + Vs Ought not to+ Ve Had tier +Vy—-saiyotur Had betir not +¥s-ysomasaolur Must Ve mika yp Must + Ve sak yap ‘Gross-bordr shopping fs fundamental right under EU aw and —~a8 form of tax evasion 1 mst not have boon rare 95 ‘Sor kéknde genet br Fadeden bahedinektede ve hemangi tir Mutu" yada “past” erm ‘voreok zaman fades! buunmamalindr. Ayia & Cums "is yore in ised, AB, D ‘ve E sogenllerndekiyapiann hops! “past” aram Iysmekierer, bu nedene “olarak [rGlmemet™ lamin veren ve tek “present” yap olan C soponegindek’ “shouldnt be ‘Deduction : snug gan” bagi linda gu ana kadar gbjumix yaplan apap slide de ezotoyeii oy e Must Vo et don't want us to be lat forte meeting, £0 we 2) have haste 5) sre abie to ©) hate 1) haa beter ) rooted ‘Chmiede ganel clack “gSrGgmeye geg Kalman Istemiyorum, bu noderie taksi __" sian meveutr ve "aks tulsa iy lu alanis vere ve tvs ign Futanan "had Bator” ye dou alam verektede. Bu nedenle dor yank D segenepe Dates ae f> POSITIVE DEDUCTION: “Olumlu Cikanm” (must ‘Gums cele, var olan bir duruma Bah ora ortaya gma kawoto muhiomol olan snug “must” utanarak ode eet (9.9, He hae wre for 19 hours today. He must be vor red now. ~ Bayon 13 saat alg. Sma yrgun oma PET ken br ied, var ean be dum bad leak ontaya gknasi kuwelle mutton lan soruton, ean‘ ‘yn "must kulanarak age ede. Buk karim arainda “ean” yas doa faz wlan 9. Heh st eaten 3 hamburgers. He ean be hung. i = Dana en! hamburger ys. Ae olamsz They must be at home. Look! Thar igs ae of i ‘Eve camel kt pki ap 96 | | oer \Yrolanaghanslan ade ederken “be used to” ya da "be accustomed to" yaplan koa, Durum fade ‘ten yap Hendler sea Vg a. “Noun” le deve ede, + Amislare + used to + Vog/ Noun Phrase *e lshrt 1 amialre + accustomed to+Vig/ Noun Phrase 0 aighr eg, She leused to gating up cary, ~O ern kakmays tisk | am accustomed to fying fst. You ust rad, — Ben ha yzmayaaliskmim, Sen sade bu am-used to pial work — Agee alghrom, bir gore ahgma eylomin biketen io durum Biren “be" 6 yerne dum bron yapan eye bi hale feta katandijme "get fir tani fallnimda dayne “get used to" vo “get accustomed to” Yanlan endian sor ng a da “Noun” le dover eer. + Get + used to + Vin! Noun sega 2 Gots accustomedto Vig/Noun 0 ays 2g. | otaccustomed te lningin Ankara at ast but R was adult process, ~Senunde Ankara yapamaya alisha zr bi sect ‘hope he wil gt uted te working wih us son, = Yotnda bie cagmeye agaeagin unuyorum (EEE iden yatgmiz ancok qu anda yapmadijimcz eylomierden ve sigkanlardan tahvederken “used to", “ould” aadece ey biden filer Ho) veya Past Simple Kian. AgaQydaKi cimserden “bahsedien ‘enerin arti yopamadig” anigtnakidy. 1. They bah usad to smoke tee much, but now they don. ~ Onten hors ogo ake iar yor, ara in myer. ‘Se woul tok ue othe cng at woekends when we were chien. =i goekkon hatsonsn bi sineraya gerd He wore # brace on his eth when he was hi = On yagindyhon fo takyord 7 SEMEN CGezmiteyapian eyomirin yon sa gepmise var lip atk move olrayan drumlan da “used o° veya Past ‘Simple kuloraak fade ede. Dum bigren filer “would yaoi ulsenedinz ea hella (¢9. Sho used to bo very sy wn she was your. = Kagaksonogok target ‘Thay ware very fond of playing baseball hen thay ware at high schoo. "One tceceytenbeyzbal ymsmaya ok diskindaer “Used To" ve would” kutanein: gata okie Coote: ‘Past Habit (alskaniil__Past Action (elem) _Past State (durum) ‘oat eed od ros ‘wou : Ye ve % STRATEN “Clunede “eakldon.. alam mevoasa ve sepenotirde “used to" yoksa “would Vo" yap igarateynie “Climiodo “eskidon..” anlar meveutsa vo seganklets “used 10" ve “would Vo" yapon varsa aed to" garatleyni ‘used to" yaprsnn gogmiete Bir sorece yagi unuimayinz (gogmiste, ben gocukken vs) ‘used to” yapsn "bebeKlerl dogdugunda” gb sire fade eimeyen aniamiarda kulnmayina. Wistom scholarship ~~ impose itself on the developing worl, but at last the West le boginning to realize that it has much to lear tse 1 ougitto 5) nacie ©) used to 1) mgt 2) woud ‘Sou kokinde "anak sonunds, Bat daha Sgranecsk cOk 9 bagi.” alana glen "but, at fast le baslayan fade dog yanta wag sadlayacsk be ‘Guz Comin ik ess ge bu ata tam esl ir ade var ve ark “Ba avr {tk doe” angina. Bu ania) verecak en uygun “mods” 0 “eskiden yapten {Uk yepimayan algkanit,eylom vo durumlardan” bahsederkenkulandin “used 10 Jepsie Bu soruia “used to” yeine bell Kgulardakalaniabien “would” yepet gozel Be (pil; ancak "used to" yaa "would her ki de ves “used o" yaoi Snes done rai untrayat, "Buti ata tm yanlan asada see asi; Ailare + to # Veg! NP Aisle + acustomed to + Vig! NP ~2aighn olmak “algan on (Gat + uso + Vay NP (Got accustomed + Vig! NP eats “e aigmok erin aan Used o Vs wold Vo sae Tercera bdiken Kulanailecinizgegl yaplar neve, ancok bu yeplan kulaniken, yaplime lerchin nel ypit mast kularacagimzioklrekiese. Sind bu yan vo yam troer ba yaplan ad dep iloyotn > “Would rathedsooner” yas: Kendnden sonra her zaman Ve lark hula. Gane riley da tol bi-drum ign gogo olan terchltinia fade edorion bu yap ainda sadoce Vege. Br oy bagi ‘eye fren efi anatran ise ki tara “than” yap ulnar gee ve kulalacaks (yr allaninaina geek ol ynesoge00 Ve get 28, | would rather stay at hom T) go out = Digart gels exe haay tre ederim, > "Would rathetsooner” yaps! efor inde buunan duxumdan dawn. merely eiatmak ign ‘elaniacaksa Korum ana ndeeme vaazadlicn Kaninden sora "be Vig” yas gelsek Klan. Bi {ey tp br ayo fren emit alten sel aaa than” yop kulanaak agi ve ne (be) Vn” ‘Ppt fulanir “Be yap kin kinda eka edineypsodece Vg yap da kta, 6. woud ae be saesng a None (bl working tae ro Sind trode glgyronaitanes ew uo lay tre darn, 99 ‘moonuTy. 1» "Would rathelaoonee" yop: eBer gesmise "bir gey yaRMIS I yapmams olmays tercih ederdin® ZTuminda ketaniaces oe keninion sonra Perfect yap olarak ile "have Ws" yap ie dovam ede. 2. aoc have listened him carey. Now, eat answer the guestons Gnu cia dems olmay tercin ederim Smal sian covapayamyorun > -Would rathelsooner” yan Kennden son “et” ek geek olumeur yep. 29, | woul rather not speak Geeman at home, = Evde Amanca konigmamayseelhedlyorum. “Would ratherlsooner" yots ser bagha bir ge orn Fade etek Ozere kullacakse arindan i ‘Subject (Bene) ark Katanve devant gersk 2amaninn br derece gage (one tense beck i ‘ete. Yan, Presant aris cn Past Sipe, Past eclergn Past Pers use ‘99, sould minarshe didn'tamoke, but sho sakes Neay. (Present) Bans hase sgara kmamell ama cok yer | oud caer John had accepted the fer, but he seta to work fr that company. (Past) ~Kosko Jo oki abu tig olsay, ama o sitet gamay redset NIA > "Would prefer” yrs kennden sors her zara “to Vs" lark hulle, Gene trier ya da ball br thram gn gor olan lercerimi fade ederen bu ypla arindan sadece "to Ve" ge. Bi gy! basa br ove tech eg anairken ge hin aaa rather than” ya! Kulanlarak gir ve I kulanlacaksa {ye kulanimasina geek vou) yn saeco “Yo Ve" gee. et snuldamiate tng at home Gator 63 tage Digan patton evdekaay fereih.ederim, > “Would prefr" yaps: eer ignde bulunulon cunendan dylan remnunivetsifh animak in utaniacatsa Honus ana ganda yapacod in Kenindon sonra “to be Vig” yop gotierek ula. ‘gee bapa De gye torch ein aforken se kn arta "athe than yap! klar get v yrs “tebe Vig” yas kala, "To be yn! inc hse tobarenyip sadoce Vig eps da kanal 9. | masta sessing hone CERETESD hl mation ou ao pe ntisny ove clan heen > “would protec’ apis! eGer gezmito “bir sey yapmlyapmamis olmay! tern ederim” aniaminds ‘ellaniacak ise Kendinden sonra Perec ep lr nan “Ye have V" aps ie evar exer, 29. nou petro have listed ohm early Now, cant answer the gestions = Onu dat anim elmay foci ederim ine! sorsan ceveelayamyorum > would peter" eps anid soa “not” ek gate lumi yop, (9.0. !wpuld eter not to speak German at hore: = Eide Amana konigmamay eelheayorum. Sect GURCAN & freven GORBIE “Would prefer” yas ee ska bit intr fade ere zoe kutlaniacaksa adnan be Object (esr) Tg kali ve dovaminda fi Presents ginsermode Rulunmak In “to Ve: Pesta gondemede buna fpnto neve Vs" skin gti eg. | mouldpmforher notte smoke bu she snokes heavy. Present) Onan sigaragmemesin tere ederim ame 2317 3937 iyo. ‘ve would ater them to have accapted her fr but ey refed Yo werk for Sue. (Past) Sue onlan,onun fol kabul etmis ola tercih eden, ana onarSuo'nan yanndegamayr ‘etme Carreter” fil bie geyt Be geye torch etiGiniz\ anlarken kulanabiscee ir digor yap, Yukanda Tresedimi ve sadoc fieebeabor kann “would rathersconer” ve "would prefer" yopinosan {Se larak “proor” fs (oun) arain ech yaparken do Kuan, Bu gle huang im ‘Sasnda geo yapet olarak "to ada Kuan 8g. | prefer tex coffee, - Gay kalvoye torcih ederim. Pate it ynce Kendin sons bgka bil alr da klar per tor ado deren ges ya laa ada“ hulaisa “Vg” ean; aada “rather than kl i fi “t Ve" etn gee 26. prefer aeasng a cup of ea etn a snc ~Sandch yamettonse br Badakc3y Gna oh ederim. arden rt a tne EEE fal ath cl pat gemnrineeymone 5 agi tind would rather + Ve 1a raer stay a nome 1a soone lay home rapreterio say athome ‘would sooner + Ve would prefer +t0Vs prefersth To sth ‘Would eather Vo THAN Ve ‘would prefer to Vo RATHER THAN to Vs {preter ta to coroe "woud rate: be seeping han sting hee | ul eect lop rae than os here 101 ‘Yapimas!yasak olin eyanréen bahsedetien “mustn't” yop kia. Daba once “must” yap, sumauz_taivede buurutken (negative advice) ve glumeia ekanmda budruten (negative. doa hllaniigedan sz eit. Sng se ayn “mustn't yin yasslama (prohibition) fad ee sare th Sine yn must yap (orohibition) ade et ann 29. You mustn't smoke hor. rbidon to smoke hte ~ Burda igre gemezsiniz Burd sara ome yaa ‘Arca, yaatana blctken motel onamalanna ‘2m berze alaniartpyan “be forbidden to, Prohibited to” ve “not allowed to” yapulan da kullaniabil ty ©, You arn't alowed toons this oom ti ett ony rom. ~ By ody gremezsiniz. Bu odayasodece persone! gob "is probit owt n ink onthe exam papers = Sinavkitacinsthenme halle acs yoomak yasak mustn't Ve | Amisiar not atlowed to Ve Be forbidden to Ve Be banned to Vo Be prohibited to Ve = yasak/-mamatiin “Yasatama" ara emnamesine men “aman” alam ven dr yor sa aoa Uistolenmigti | ‘Anite not supposed to Ve ‘Aritre ott Ve ‘Shouldn't Ve Ought not to Ve Hed beter not Vo itil aa tliat td edrkonyukandkiyalardan ethan ‘rao ani yan ang bin ulnabisine: Aaland anamca ok Aik farktnar olan. bu yap sinalar biden ayimamiz Baten islenmayecebeden beklnt aaand t adap tag duyacag rum ve sodarda bu yapardan herharg! bit kana. Sind b yap yt ‘ir oho resol: 102 TAT Bare vir ys tine greverdiedebuunaten veya bal bir rogram dine dlacak oan efotn ei samerian foil elon tae ederen yaya Kaan. Bu yep “must, "have fo" vos EE oun bi anon ngage ‘ag. eilcotet some dts an you are ye ham a8 soon a possible "Graz bi nlayacgim ve sen deen ka zaman Dion yazacaksin Letina start st? pm. — Fim saa 76 bapayacak sorte to Ve" yoosiin Past hot “washvere to Vo" gold. Bu yap “yapacaktim ve yap" anism [FEE cerptecimes patana vo preset gyi fade ederen halon, ag. Daby Why wore you athe pos fo yostrday? ‘Weror 5 to pot sore mito my fends a aedasanma Der retplorpoeatayacakbm (epostaladn). rwasinere to nave Vs" yais! Re “yapacaktm ama yapamadim* anlaminéa ohp geile {ovelitinos plalananancak greklgtiemeyen gy ade ederken hula 2g" The Prine Minster was to have announced the Frat decision yesterday, but the announcoment Was teed agbakon nha karan don aelayacakt, ama alum ean oT TET > "Be supposed fo” yap “beklent nlamnn yan sa bel bi program dane olscak alan eyomerin avenag ve bizarre gi eden fae ederkon yayinila hla. Bu yap “shoul” ve “ought 1 yopanna yok bir ania aja ‘2 Sarah is supposed te nae the poo by Monday. Sar roy Pazatosiye kadar iret ‘The show it supposed to fish atm, ~Géstohin eat 6 btmest lam, > -Be supposed to” yapisinin Peat hal “wasiwere supposed to geknded. Bu yan “yapmam gorekrét {ama yapmadim sniminds olup gogmstegorcaligtrimes!goreken ama yaptmayan geyler lade ederken ‘nt ‘42, You were supposed to ato he meeting ysterday. Where wor you? = Din tesiantiyskatiman geroiyordu. Nereeyain? 103 ~Beklenti” basidi eindaki tim yaplan asadidak gibi zstlevebiz: + eon aca - mon groyor esis iz } Amis-are supposed to Vs Wisore supposed 0 Vs ee Brine bir kona ak dangiken gen arive “shal” ve “should” mods! yapian kant, Sind bu yapsan Ineteyelin e.Biad: Shallwo paint he Evin foom at tna wookend? — tua ods hatasonu Boyayatin mn? Sean Yes, we could do so, Evo ahi ‘Should | eave margins on ts page? — Bu syfede honor oglu irokmal my? ‘Shall yp "1la? anions vermekign de kala. eg. Shall we dance? “Shall ypu sade | ve we Gael le slant “Shall yopisnn olumsaz hal “shall not shan” geklndese. Nase fuanan bu yap yee won't yap teh ei eae Mots yapian kondilerivien sone “be Vng® yopisi kulaniijnda genelde konusma anna adndermede uur Guniardan baie agg veri. CA Knugma anna ol i dur i gtk sth famine bulurarkon "may be Vag’ “might Be Veg” 8 fa “could be Veg" yao klar Okurauz miedo lo "may not be Vig” ¥2.da"might not be Vig” yapion ‘gt ols ce oer 29. A: Doyouknow where James is? —amestn need lduguny bivor musun? dont now bu he naymighould be sleeping st Pome, = norm ama ee yor oli 1 teste womting on te projet naw? ~ Sia poe dzeind mi galgor? S| dont kon, She mayimight not be working on 2 = Bimiyoum. Su ands peje Orne ¢algmyor oll 108 Suot GORA: iinet ATE ET RearagrD st be Vx" yo yor oimaanarindskslosbt, Bu yp ar "must rt wo Scant be Vag" yap 1 Do youknow ware James is? ~ James need oldu lyr misun? 0 F Releatna room Homuat ba leping Otssds, Upuyer na 1: Jan's hts ave of, — Jone sek 1. Thon she gant belmustn’ be studying. ~ Ovoyse,¢alrivorolamaz EEN del ypian kendiegnden soma “have Vs" yeps! soak smrise gindormede. buna. @0 site woe erie rave Vi" ln bai yapia nad kaniagsa do ban gorge c= gonseme yaad. ‘ilu yas inlet nce" (ve) alin shou” yaas cab Ono asin Eos wea ie wre eres nm genera yada semi yop ya da yomaspiz bi eenden dun “pment” SO= seer eer lal | mali” tlam veren "ehould have Vs" ya dx “ought to have Vs" ysplanin ‘esorabi tag, Kathy could pass herfnal exam. She should have studied moo. ray tl sian goqemed. Osha fia glamalya | shoulda’ have tod anything to hen He en a depends person nares a geystyemerem erekr O gave Dis ded shou have Vs ‘ughtio Ve ought tohave Vs Hed botor Ve o 0 ‘Shou have Vs ‘Shousnthave Vs Oughtto nave Vs Ought nto Rave Vs “mal “realy 105 you aie ke the eoheme, you 1 wit y 8) should nave sas ©) noes ay ) hea sa ) must have said "eer plan: begenmediyson —" gckinde tamamianmasi goreken bir dade mmoveutur ye anlanca bu sory KOkONO tamamayan en uygun dim B.soyenogidels “s0ylemeliain (ama soylemedin) deci. Bu nedeni dru yank 8 seceneddr LLG "General possiblity” slamnda bu Up yap: Kenaiednden sonra eadece Vo gotrrehulanmstk Eger eemicok! eran! br yey in digOkolasik fade ebrak fvoreak bu yap Kendlrnden sonra "have Vi" eter sanabie, ‘29. Why dnt Elona comet the meeting yesterday? Elona donnie tani gine? dont inow: She mawimiahcould have forgotton about, ‘Binjorum. Topaniy unum olail ‘Bu yap! ayn kn zaman “golcege” de gndermede tuunabil. (60. We could have finshed this as by tis time tomorrow = Yar bu ako kadar bu bei oli ofc representatives might have arsve istanbul by Tube = Ing toicr Satya kadar sab var ola, rmayhave Vs right nave Vs ‘cous have “tig abr ‘cous lab ane 106 [DNA evidence hints thet "African Eve", the 150,000-year-old female ancestor of every person on Earth, In Tanzania or Ethiopia 2) has ved 8) le ved to ving ©} may have ved ) would Wo woud be ing ‘oa cmanin il lan ve ima etmek, g6stermek” anima glen hit Hadesinden yoln chara ‘ve boytan sonra "ya da aramina geen “or yapsindan ucu dlrak cman i lasik zone Konujuldujs sonucona vara. Soynekerinclenesgnde“yagamus olabiligekinde ‘gvebieceenz gecis_zamandal bic imal bison ‘may have lived! fadesinin cinieye Sranzanya'da yada Etiyopya'da" alam: voresk, alam ve yepics cnsey uygun be kde ‘emamiadigglrmektey Buna goo, Csepenog dog yan PENT omen Could have Vs" yaps: yada versimiz "Past possibilty" aniamy dpa aynca "gegmigte kag ‘rsaardan tahsederen do kulaniabimetedr. Bu yaya ayn arama glock god "might have Vs" ve would have Vs" yeplwnin da kslantbiecogin bimek gorekr. Harionacagr Uzer I Clause Type I sin ana cimlciinse bu Ur yap da Kula ‘2g, youhad come hoe 5 minutes err, you gould have saan her. = Buraya bes daa erkon going sayin aru geben RSI ‘Yekenda da belitienz gibi “Could have Vs" yap: ukands versginiz "Past possibilty anlar Post Modal yplann Turkce Kargiilan Ula de tokrarlayalm: DU ad should have Vs: mon Jalen > Modal Konusunu gone olarak Soha iy ezomserak en apatidaki “must” lblosunda! deiner ka eee ieee eee ayaa var smayhave Vs mig one ‘ould have Vs “ig oabir ‘Obligation: zorunfula Gughtheve Vs am elebie “ 0 Past (9) Past (9 might have Vs -sbiedin "ype ane canieciinde “ola ama oma” Must Donthaveto V, Hadto Ve dnt Rave to, ‘could hve Vb Sole Dont nee to %, Didnt mood to, fouldnthave Vy mez maz rusthave Vs mig oma Zorundsym zorunda degilim —zorundakaldm —_zorunda kalmadem | mst have Ws -rmam otal erek alma canthve vs nig olsaz oT foudit have Vs: omgoamaz resdnthave Vs mana gorek yoktu ama boguna yaptn 7 2 Past (1) Past () ‘dn ave to need to Ve: yapmana geo kala zorund Kalman Must ruin Ve should have Vs shouldnt have V3 a fought to have sought notto have Vs Mutska yap Sak yapma__Yepmalydim __Yapmamalydin B-Deduction: extn a o Past (9) Pest Most cant rsthave vs cant neve Vs cd have swale mee maz -mpoimat mg oaraz 110 Mt ‘aLBiesent Abily can Vz= be abo fo Vs wtb ete ‘shallbe abe to Ve could Vy = washwore able fo Vs was! wore abl to Ve "ntanaged to” rane sadece "was-wore alo 1s" “tos igh, could, ean, coud) be tka to Ve, be unk to Vs be Bound to Vo (ray wel might wel, oud wo probably, possibly) ‘mayimaheould wal “mayimight ag well”: bar..yapam Ihave ne es doa know Pethapaimaybe neato yap eoganantz. Fm not sure ‘can Could you. ? Will/ Would you. 2 Would you mind + is subject « Ve... Would You mind © Vaya? soon Sen Dror yas rh ex ee snout nave +¥s ought ta nave+ Vs 1 malian Fmatyin Svat GURCAN & fucvon GORA mopauTy —_ ——————— [ene me aa sie ps ~ ‘have to has to Ve ‘zorundayim ‘zorunluluk / yasa / kural ‘ean Vo bile ability (yetenek) Thave got to has gotta Vo “zorundayien eran nmanebicwv “bile ability (yeteneh ‘need t0 Ve ie ve gerek vat ‘gerekiik ‘could Ve ‘bil! eee | ad to Ve ‘Zorunda kaldim ade f ieee [a oreuinotat | arene tos carenaimim | Ses onan valkras) ‘managed {wars sonucu ede elon basa ‘ature abity +d (gotoceste yetanok) wit shell be able to Vs ‘ahould Vo ought Ve “mel 9 resent advie (avsiye) nad beter “canon precenteavcetovave) | yeneral possibility Sac 7 “eli -male ~ strong advice: inay=might- ould Ve ir ‘seer pons must faaweya) igure) aoraical posebiiy 5 eancoutave (saramsal lai) am a be ky to Vs “abe a: = iaew stoi Tene sme toma ots be bound Vo “kao mute! 050 oleh Gener RATT abiual activin “Toone leit) (aisle ifecttes (aiokantiany <2 ast habit action sate Gogmgtk! alkane) be used to Ving be accustomed to Ving -ealshin Teetusedioving ct accustomed to Ving ape one ba.yapali used to would Vs seri aren F would ther Ye ‘polite request [would sooner Vo eee (barca) “wou prater toe: * apoio BE ase) prohibition yasak) Tamas “real (masta ‘expectation (been should Ve “ala ‘expectation (boon) ‘kl dang | kong toe ee oy erect (onan aT oe Sonora neta nairds | game trad son) ay ps poesiiy snake nis bir lectin . smite ae a oy oh sieanenona cou ave Vs “mein . ee a oS ce acon on) cart rome ation (egmigteolumsur arm) Pa I ooo vel aa ante DN RRA Aidt need to Ve 9 gerek kalmadh zorunda kalmadimn [absence of obligation in the past (gogmistezoranluiogun ortadan ‘eakmasi) 118 4, you pick mo up in an hour as 1 have a fow farewells to make before wo finaly lave? 1) May 5) Can ©) Mie ) stall 5) Sheu 2, Before we start spending money on 2 new ‘office, wo —= if wa — the space we aleady have more eectively. 1) sould ese can utice 8) may 00 coud have ized 0) eau 66d to tics ) soto see might have ules how much you smoke and ung cancer as a result. whether you 2) conto / might get 8) have to contol / had better gt (©) re suppoved to cone ought fo get 1) conta /may get ) nocd to contol /naveto got 4. The alee —- hundreds of fights when ‘roblems In the baggage-handling_systom Fesulld in 2 backlog of at last 20,000 bags. 2) was abl to cance! 8) would ate eanea ©) ug cancel ‘) may canes ) had wo anos! nem vaca nem yaerncrus 119 5. You —a valid excuse for your absence from the meeting, oF you =~ into trouble with the manager 2) can fd! mst get 8) ae able tind ug to gt ©) shout be fining may have gotan ) had bt ol get 5) were supposed fd bad to get 6. The bose wed to halve the omployeos" hotsaye rom four to two woeks, but the 1A) might have revered 8) was supposed to reverse ©) had to rovers ) should have reversed 5) could have rovers 7. it — more comfortable in the office this ‘summer as a new al-condioning syst has boon installed ‘A cou have Been 8) nas got tobe ©) vaso be ) had beter be ) shout be 8 Perhaps. the most outstanding occ gular in Mstory, Jini Hendrix — music, nd ro he all of his tunes by ear 1) mun have read / cold eam 8) cult oad / had oe () would ead may nave lest 1) might ot ead wae tary 5) should have rea ean learn Modality Test. 17.1 — smoking years ago, Mary. If | had, 1 ‘wouldnt be in such bad shape now. A) had beter gue 8) ous to nave gn ve () was ableto ove uP 1) am supposed io ge up ) may have gen wp 18.Mendel was bom in Heinzendort in Sosa, ‘which — part of usta, but 18 now In ‘Caechosiovaka 1) cou bo 8) woud be ©) uaeato be ) mustbe {8.Fifteon yours ago students — to internet eafe congested with students, 1) rood have gone 8) musthave gone ©) mehinave gene D) didnt vee 30 ) had ater go 20.Somoone broke ino the ous Jewel and money. the door. 2) mustnaveokes 8) haste tock (©) mont hav locked ) would have ke ) shoud hav locked Inem ynerncius — nem vavrwcrus 430 ¥ “The plane had taken off from Gormany and =, in Bangor, Maing, to rofl, but was vag because ofthe wind at about 3am. A) hed beter ana 1) has nad to and {©} was suppor tana 1) may have ane ) mustbe lansing Dr. Winocur noted that the study sssosea: only the shortterm effects of the drugs ant thre was a possibly there —~ some recoren ‘of cognitive function overtime. 1) might nave Been 1) musthave boon 1) would rater be 1) should have bese 5) nadtobo “The Mayor stated that people — in thelr yards Unless they havea hard surface parking area 1) aor paring 8) outst park ©) tt noo to park 1) nowt havo parked ) stent supposed to park It you need to change the reservation, you~ the original Booking and e-book the fh. A) wo hat fo cance! 8) nado ence (©) mayhavo canceted 1} coud eanct ) a nave encol PASSIVE VOICE & CAUSATIVES © Cie ena ee A Eee Fe EASON a “A darak genderme yor seman Girumarss Passive dye adandisgiz we amet yaps Be Vs" ‘even eat Liston hor eigen hala getters Bi fin Basie yapaies| cin nasne alas: gorekmekted:. $d Tey tied Passie hele gerebiocedmii gieblnek ign filer nesne al simadtian ya da Kap nebo tiiorna ger gupta: [AM TOSI iguel filer homen sopra endian sonra) nese mayan firs Nea almadikarndan dla bu ier fstwe yepomaci By filesn nesne amadann, fle yeneliginiz “ney, “kml” sordannn eovapstz (aspndon anys gh ative at tha meeting hal, - John tplant salonna var MT ‘3 gupiak flor hemen sagina (wndinden eos) tek naan alan fer Nesne sitkian iin Passio ‘ele Bu filer nesna adie, tie yonekigm2 “ney”, “kimi” sonanmn cimide kargilan ‘Shaundan aniyabie, ‘4 Smith pull anew doe. (Active) — Smt yn! kt nga ot [Anew ridge was bul by Smith. (Pasie)~ Smihtaratndan yon opr nga ea Frsshe clan caniede dial eines gereken geyler vari. Busladan bir tenes Passive yapsinn asl flteuiuguds, Atv olan cimede Past Simple yori Ve (bl) kullssingts. Passe yap tern "Be 'W eduguns abstnisok "be" fal Acive cimsnin zameni e Isa ona uypundlarak gotmieni. Yukardak sgn “bo” i de Ve hate ekinenecoki. “Bo” rin Vs hal "ere" otugundan dat Pasave yap “washwere Vs" kinds must ‘inca, Passive cimiode dha ecines!gorokongey 1K nese alan bi fl clan “bul” (nga etmek) fin anon sind atk br nese say, Conk, resne Pasi yaparken Eznepozisyerana geil. Bu ekade ‘acneae alan filer hemen devamlana hig nosne amedanKutanisiannda, cok Uyak mmaledger nese ‘axe oztyonuna going yan Passive yapinnstr debi. AER TL 8 gota filler homeon satina(kannden sora) Kl nese alan flor. Iki nese alakan tn i sede Passe yaplabiior Bu Bern Ki nesne adalarn, fe yéoeltQiniz “kine { ney, sorsunn cimiede Lean citundan anlayabitz i neene ain fern en sk kul “give” ir. Yaygoukishutanfan oe gt gol fitrdon bac "wend all ask, ell orm YermeN, buy, teach, offer, "eer. 431 PASSIVE VOICE 6 CAUSA eg, Sirmy gave hor a.eesent — Jimmy on bic hese vord Lo Do" Bu corn yk glve"fine "kime ney!” sorucunu yonatginzde Yona bir hediye™gelinge bi yant Sinaktaye Corin i nese! oi gn far okie Posie yapsasi mann. 2) Sho was ivan a 1st by Jimmy, ~ Ona tinny tratindan br hee ven Bu comede Indirect Object aiye aang ve “verme” eyeminden yan et desi eying dea ‘ara ebilonon “her” nesnesl done poisyonuna gedit Nese Kula Bakimndan nels, hi reane alan give" iu cred hamensafna fok nase amr. Kinesne alan i fi devant ek eae hilamimigsa cok byt inimae dij nssne dana pozsyonuna gost, ya Passive yaplrtr dened by Apresant asian to herby Jey. Ona Joy trtindan bi edie vere 2 cimede Ditect Object dye alanduagimz ve “verme" einen ae olarak elenen yan dian A present” Guije) nesnes Seno pocsyonuna got. Bu gokbe Direct Objectin cminin Sze rumuna geal Passe yop eyerin kre yolk yp gserek ign Passive yap srdnéan dat Kane ‘Yokarda eynntlanyia anal emi groban agp gil Gzeeyebii vers Verb +04, Verb +0, 03 Nasi ra ‘aha tnce do elitism ere Passive yepinin oral “Be Vi" yap. Activ i clined ane il hangi hal fetmienyrsa "Be Vi" yapisindai "be" fil halde gekimlonp cUmeninnesnes! Gzre porsyonune goes hile Pasa ype S4¥90 —:hifcomio 0+ Bevs —:pasfcilo Being v3 Been V3 To pat a Danes O Gr Oe see He tak Tye ev 132 Sve GUaCAN 9 Ravan GORBdZ ‘ag, They have prepared su tes. (Act) = Onl 2b fot Raza ‘Accu test has bean prepared. (Passive) orbirtost hanfandh 1 oraite graaogo gb Active comlade “have Ys" (Prasat pare) yap Kulap ana fil Vs gene cetmlndiginsen “be Vs" yaad "be a do Vs hal clan “been” gine Kuan .g, Youmustfinish the worcby soven oiceck (Active) = s0a yoy kadar idrmelisin ‘The work must be finished by seven olsock. (Passive) I saa yay Kade iim Br siekie ghol00 gb, Active cliiede ‘modal Vo" ops kulanip as 8 Va kind ekiendiginen “be V2" yaosndak be” de Vo a olan "be gine kala 9. They are.demolishing any sums to make way for new bukings. (Aetve) = Yor inaara yo! yapmak pn bgokgecokonduyy hora. Many sums are being demolished to make way for now bugs. Passive) = Yen enalara yo yapmak in bigot gecokondy yaar. fu emekle gsldogh gi, Actvo comiede send cokinleninden “be Vs" yapsndal lre Vig” (Prosent Progressive) yap kllaniip an Vg ill de Vig hal lan “bein” yklnde alan. 8, They expect a coos ater his wook (Activa) = Bu hata lereyen zamanlarda bi atopkesbeklyorar A ceases expected ltr his wok (Passhve) Bu nana iereyenzemaniorda bi tess bekenior. 81 omeite goaiga gb Acne cimlede “Vy” (Present Simple) yas! hulanip ana fil Vs geklnde ‘etininsginden “be Vs" ypsindai "bo a eV, hal clan “amvilre” ake Klang 0 We wi aiscuss tho now proposal tour nest meeting. (Aetve) = Yor corer golecoktplantimizéa géragecegi “The now peposae wil be dlecussed a our next meting, (Passive) ~ Yon corer glock oplantizea gbrilecek 1 emekio persogu gibi, Active cimie “wil Vs" (Future Simple) yopisiKulanip ans fil Vo gekinde {akininiginsen “be Vi apn “be” fi do Ve ha clan "be" galing Kula ‘4. They lLhave ult tre new houses by the end of rx yar. (Active) = Galacek yin sonunde yon! ia ells olacablar. ‘Theo now houses wi have been bully tho end of rex ose. (Paesve) = Gelecek jin sounds yon ev ing elimi olacek 133 PASSIVE VOICE & CAUSATIVES. Bu omekte geri gi, Active cmledo teklonsgndan "be Vs" yap a have Vs" (Future Perfect) yp kulanip ana fil Vs gene ide Vs le “been” yen lla fekilonorsa Be Vs" yapsindak ‘lane Passe yop nce de bolitignns czore Paste yap tera Be Vs" ytd. Active br cmlede ara ing tly Win ale gekmlenipeienn snes! Sene pazyenura gtr Eaiigen amisareV, (be) wanes GeVs) roe + baing Vo been Vp Rarer etdginizbmeNere "nite do ielendeagiz ook ier kulanimt we bu il eigen hae TTonttimnatt "Non nko” dive ab elon ve gk of sinayan file de (tees & Gerunds) eigen hae (emebiie Sind Intitve ve Gerund yepilary nos eigen yarableeshimi\ inceoyein: [aR Teve [Toes Parte nave | Taare | Tohave bane Geran Vee temas Fortec Corina Rava [Ravea een 9. They aro known fo test her bay. (tive) ~ On Kd davranchla byt She's noun foe ested boty. (Passive) — One kt devrait lini. ‘8, She's bleed to have killed ton people. (Activ) ~ Onur on ke lide anyon ‘Shei beloved to have boon led (Passive) ~ Onun 6ld0rddgane amor 29. |sste waitin or poopie. (Aetve) — inant bektemekten slay {dni Being waited. (Pacsiva)~ Beetmehten hosnmyor. ag, Ste-denies having accused John of heating inthe exam, (Active) OO ohn kop gekmale susloagim nar ed. ‘She denies having been accused of cheating in tho sxam. (Passive) a Sina Kpya gmokieeulandign rede. 134 rT Svot GURCAN 6 fidvon Una oe Grarrce: dovinee iranian vercek exe Br Proposition le ersber kulanip Phasal Verb die nae digene yalan oltre. cal of = cance Bu yaplar Passwe yapkinda da beraberoindek Freosionscn comlode tuum vutmayne tg, The tloroe called off te gare becaus ofthe rain. (Active) Faker yogmundan delay map ita et The game was called off because othe in, (Passive) vadmurdan delay og ital el ‘yrca ba filer geal Kedierinden sor tell i Preposton le beaber kl (2.9. operate on, nee fal th) Bu yaplar Passe yopiipinds da terabedrindeni Prepetionlanncomiede Wtidugund venta ‘ag, We insist on punctuality in tis oon, (etve) — Bu ote dati orn dururu. Puncityit insisted on inti fc, (Passive) ~ Bu oie datigin dering drat, “Te nsucor ferred othe notes toughout he presentation, (Active) _vOiremen sunum boyures polar Basvurdy /noddsn feyaand “The nooe war referred to throughout he posenstin. (Passive) = Suna dayne nls bagvurud naan foveal Pat Tae Opnch pall baze bir cnlee sft gi lv pe. Bu cimisedo fn Oganea ha eylemin nas ya da Kir tnatdon jopiapin alabnac, sadec br lam nile dumdaa. Yan. br gyn durumnu fade eer. ‘Stan olay, grandy bmi Paci i dumalarna reamen evar bidmeyen bu yplar sft gorevindet tybie 9. Herlegis broken — Onin boca kank—> Stave Passive aocive (3) “Tne message fe wt onthe envelope, ~ Mesa zarfn dzerinde yail-—> Stave Passive ajecive () “tative Pasave" yplaninblyOkti ar kendra sora br Proposition te beraber kari. 6, The Boys interested in chomisty. ~ Gocuin Knyaye as var ote i edict te heron. ~ Poor rin bagi ‘she te ore about heron ate, ~ Kond golcey hata endgel “Tey are known forthe dobt sum. — Chip bam ie taimyorar The whole bulding is eaulposd ith to lst ectnciogy. Bit ina son eke le danas. “sutve Passive” yap "be ullesrak eo bien yap ine gtmek rom. 135 _ FISSIVE VOICE 6 CAUSATIVES. Horlog ls broken. Onun bacagrkink. —> Stave Pasco ‘deste () orl at broken yesterday. — Onun boca dn kane. ‘She cou comglete her homework since she wa = Yorgun ld inn bein tamamiayamack haystd > State Passive Hing worked more ha 10 hours, se go exhausted = On san fia aly btkin ct slemesine vrniz. Soniarda vyguamamz goroken stat ut 1. Seganae sunulan in VV +01 +0 + 0 gxbundan hangin gi leapt ei igor Dir deve "eopanektei fil nesne alan i ide?” corn ove wei 2 Flnesne amayan bi fi ee pas olamayacap gn aki yaplara yeni 3 br nese alyorsa ve Bopugun devaminda nesnes! var ssf yok ie pai cepenclore Yer 4. Fil nesne aorta ve bogtfundovaminda her i nesnesi de vars aki, nesneen ie veya ll de oktkae pas seganekor yoneln, Bu goki bi came yattan sonra eo kakinde “ten, Hf leuse, uyumla yaplraDakarak oa yaa agape "Bu bilglers ok olarak aagidak! ger bile de degecendiini: 1 Bogligundevarsnda bi eda varie (wlth oat) or yan 60 pase. Eber bog | evamindai edt te sogenekork fil take in gi bikta Kula yap ie 0 zaran nese | easton sons ara; ejer edataneonra nese vares at yokea pai olan segenekee gin that” ara bos bakinas dors yan 0 past. Once pan opener pin. 3 Boglijundevarnnda herharg! i notalama fae vasa: ___() () () “bolo devarunda sno Yok, nosh boglugun cncesine gag" gat le soganalode pas yapiara gina. 44 Boslujun dovaminda hethang ie zat ver ee (exaedy, yesterday, ln 1990, 20 far) bu yaplar devamunsneane ol olmaigina bakarak kara eri 5. Boslujun devamanda Noun clause yapan "__that + SVO, what how." gb yaar var iso bu yaplan nesne oak ddganon ve nesne bogtiun dovaminda glans te Segenellede aki para gine 6. Ingtzee dy kayak clyargonoive past. Gu nedonieSzeline daisy, hier esigon ‘lak gakinieebie. Omen : "lar dleappointod | was bored, she was thrilod” gibi adler {apr olarak oaigen olarak yorunant, Gove! “hayal Knkligina wBracim’”yekindeds ve “urkglde by att e2yfem ands Ingikace manda "x olay bani hayal kina Uet yerumuya eigen dginiatr. 136 | Svat GURCAN & Aicvon GORBDZ (as nce i none an files ge Pasa yapablocopmi gmbh geklde Pas yapmas! monkan flan baga cm ise “Tat Clause” yop i in resell lid cml, By glide cgusan ‘dill gle Passive yaork lara bog Sane” konanunda “kiln eloyokn, fog, They say thane len ne nab of tating mone. (Active) subject vor siect, “on poe gana alan olan soya @ ts sald that inthe habit staina money. (Passive) = Onin para gains alkenyl syle, a, People thoustt tnasocilwonkecs were doing auabe wok, (Active) ‘atyect vet bed ~Insenlryarsmsoverondogert i yaptkenn disandyoara @ es ong sc aio: eso aaa ws Pet) = Yardisovororn dogo Bis yapthlan dlgray 0. Evenhody koows shat Kath ile er husband (Active) tect ve object = Heres Katha Rocasmy dirdagond br, © fs known tat Kay Kile her husband, (Passive) aac Kathi goose dag Ble, Bu foie "bop ane" larak it kulanlp Passive yapabimenin yan sa "That Clause” kin Snes baton clnenin Snes! Konumuna gate do Pasene ypu Bu durunsa That Clause kms “nntive”( Ve, to be Vig, to have Vs) y2o halo got. ifrifve" yap hangi han hulanfacagina iso That Cause smn eylanin ana fin zaman fe ighsnebalarak kare veri. Yan, ober "That Case” sma eer a fi feof zaman fe (ayes zamana ato) “to Vs "That Clause" kiemindali eylom ana fon daha Gace exeldognig ise “to ave Vs", ve "That Cause" Kemindak ye ana fin zamaniva ayn up Br de Sey he cies Yo be Vig” yaa hula a: They say thathesoows some ver infunta pople. (Ate) siject vor ‘object Onn dae Gok el kmsolerl ani yor He said know eae very nue people. (Passive) ‘Gnun baz’ gk eta meio tac s8yeniyer. ‘84 emekt gta gi ana il (aay That Clause kis (know) ay aman obugundn Passe yap Besedan That Clause kis to Ws" gen gees 437 ‘PASSIVE VOICE 5 cnusamves 9, People thou hel socal varies ware doing vaable woth, (Ate) sublect vero objet ~ Instr yardmaevelrindegert bir yopttiann: dlgdndyorard = Pest yaplar jer game” Konlanda ve cirie tavamiama sorlannda da egletilecedt iin ‘Soci worker were thought obo din viable work (Pass) ‘gata pupanna dha edn ~Yortmsnvelern dogo ig yori dlsUntllyord. per cme “We baglarve pas ype dover ederse ancl that + SVO" dane cet Bu omokte gorkaga gi ana fi hough) le That Cause kms (weve doing) ay zamands op ve "were (evi. Eger "" hanendekt aneler ie Balas, pas yaprdan soma “to.” He devam eden Going” yop sing bend Pause yom arden That Clause Kis Yo be Yng” etd ete. yaplara encetk vein Nese ‘that 29. Evans knows thal Katy lle hor husband (Ace) Wis toughe JF that subject verb object Hares Katyn kocasn erin Bly. He is said wove 9 zaranlignal fale Sho istnought | tohaveVvs fr zamani olay Katy is known nha lad ner hsband. (Passo) “ayn kocss oir lini. aks asit He is sid ‘ovo tobov 15u Sick gordo ana fil (know) 3 That Clause kare (klled) 05 zaman olmayip That Clause Sheisthowgit J” fohave vs —_fohave been Vs ‘erindai klled” eyemi daha once gorgelsii. Buna gre Passve Yop ardndan That Cause kam ‘lyn dae Goce gorgetestign gotoran “to have Vs" gelinge gee > Yukandatt deen tamainds That Clause kiminda Active yapiar bulunnaktadr. Passive yep, “That Cause Kiam yukandatler gb Acine dol de Passive yapda okugunda ee "to Ve" kulanmamz gehen ore ana fi That Clause 8g zaman ofdugunéa "Wo be Vs" ve "to have Vs" kulsonsnzgereken yee (hal Cause tismindl eylem aa sen daha once gergleyizse) “Yo havo been Vo" yapian kul oa. Evebody knows that Hes teated ba. (An fife Tht Clases og zaman) ‘bed verb beck “eh Phare hot ration By 2) whereby 8) sce cas Hales known toe testes bat. = Hare ht rani Biiniyor 99. Paonia consider ta! Jan's husband was murdared, (7hat Clouse daa nce ofr) subject vor object “insnlrJanrin kocasnm etartitgan0 ender. ‘mle "i bag ance He balay “past” devam etmek Jones nucband ls considered {chavs hoen murdered torch eset. Dogru yantD soz. nein kocaenin oraag0ddsundlyor Butane rok akisyai: ‘hie valuable stone i thought _during the mid ages. 2) tobe discovered 8) todecover 1) bang esvered ) tohave bos dscovred tohave decovered 138 139 ANSSIMG VOI & cuss — (scum: 4 Soponekirde aki ve pas yaplarclugu kn cnosiho aki pas clomos! yapslm. Soponeklrss! (Gecover)nesne an be ir ve bu in nesnes bslugun Sncesine kali. Bu nedeale dog yan pest ‘maid manga ak lan 8 ve E sofeneie one 2. Boslltan once ae pat, ts edenle Bol to.” He devam etme mantle C sagen de seni [8 Ave Dsoganokon rasa fark of Zama ve fath zaman anlsmd Boglatan Gace fii hough ‘ark presen gehimlenmit; yan doginme oly preset cei Boghitan sonra zaman tes kesfdins claynn gsgmite dude gost. Bu nedeno, kee cn dlsbnme evemingen daha Once ality in lstnme ve kesftme la rks mec Bu necele do dors yan eerenogar > Buraya kadar anlatlanlardon vo emerson de anlaicag! Gzore br Passive yop arkngan fi getiecehse "Yo" am Sl to gti (to Vy tobe Vg, to have Vs, tobe Vi, to have bean Vs). Aca, er Passivo yap eylomin te ksmina tanks esi atstren bi fie yapimis ie Passhe yandan soma fi Va" alaak gale 99, Paul was caught sisal the money. Pou pay galarkon yakaland, He was eon acing hom. — Eve giseron gt ‘Yanda! ki ome goge “aims (sean) ve “ptm (going) eyomlorintamams gorlmenit. Bu ytzden Passive yap sonra bu fila "Vy sklnde gti. Bu dum dgrta bPassve yap dovaninda 8 _eloakso fi yuan veraen “to” alm gob le lari uray, was caught Istound “Find” ta epee comlede “test etmek, saptamak" solaminda kulanirea psf oldgunda | seam to Vo" air CEES Baz filer hem nesne slr hem de nese almadan kufoniabir. Yan, hem “eels” (Tansive) hem de ‘sclss™ nianstve) olarak kutanisbiver, Oyeyee, bu fern sulanmanoda hk gokide de Tulaniatieceliet go2 ooone alwnele. Bu filrden en gok kullanianian guna: "open, close, grow, {develop sel print, str fish, ot.” 129. Thobankgoane at 10 2m. Banks saat 10% ati. Tho bank opened a 0-am, — Banka sat 10% ag 4 more than expected. ~Ktap bollenendan daha gok sat Tho bok was ot more than exposed. KtepBeltenenden daha ok ete 140 igen alam vor "bye y ath heap of an ahha a dat eek gerekmexed, Bohan ‘sowa gorecaginz he “by” aps eigen aniam vermeyebiy by tis metho, by means of racy, yardimiya, vats through | by ne vr bythe windows enarnds by 1986: kadar, geindginde, dence bara Vs been Vs ‘oy taraindan Profesional tennis, which gots ta in 1926 when the French player Suzanne Lenglen — $1000 US dollars fora tour, ony — fll recognition in 1968, ‘A had bn pl has roves 85) wes paid ecsived (6) has bon pid wou 02 0) is paidrocohes he ) would be paid nad coved ‘Sonu kokandegopan “In 192 “Tenge” Konumiztan 39h zarsan fas “pinted time in the past” larak dnolmolii ve | alayacaging gt allan goroKe. Ik bouton Incaendginde 6dome yapsan Ns! boeiéun sola yan eigen yep gorokmasodr, BU ‘nedanle "V2" yap eigen ha clan “was pald” yop dgru era vermokodr. Bu nodene ot yan B sagen “1 “The aucting of accounts mesns the offal inspection of a company's accounts by & qualified accountant, and this —by law each your. A) had been oquted 5) requres ©} terequtes 1) requred ) would have been raquced ‘Cie sonudaki “each year" zaman Hades be yl har sone diz olarak yaplgn Inucunu vormektedr. Ayr bu zaman ifedesnden éncak "bylaw" foges! de bize canienn “passive” yani “eigen” bi ania ier goster. Bu nedenle en uygn Seyensk “simple present passive” yap een ¢secenegah ‘Causative Structure, “tigen yap anismina geod ve yine eigen (Passe) yapida duu gBi ‘yloniertghin konds arafndan yapnemaitac Ergon yaoi “eylomin Kime yaptrulcgindan” yo da ‘sdece “eylomin yaptrdiindan” bahsecineticd Sia eigen alam veren ie! ve nas Kutalan Incteotin: SES TE ‘Sadeceeylmin yar beciyor se "have" ve “gf (geterk devarna i ha ego. fiernn ddan yanan evlemden ettenon soy — 9, navelget my clothes toned every Sunday, - Her Pazar ebiceorin dtletim. Ve ‘Sh gt hee tooth pulled yesterday. O cin cg ek He wit heb aru omorro, ~O yann sap Resitocek Yekandal Geer yrton ny clothes” (essen) nesnes "geen eens; “he tooth” (one a) enn! "gakne” eyeminden elenmaka; ve "his alr” (onun sap) nesnes!"hesme” eferninden ttkdanmelted. Bu tle “have” ve “get” filer te beraber Rulon ve yaplan eyererden ekenen pslayonda dua gn kanernden sonra "Vs" larak lenin 142 Svot GURCAN 6 frcvan GUAT SAM Sr nie Yep bier iae “have vo got erie ek cara baka flere laminas, Sen ‘ate ktanitlcok fer ve nas klar ncetyet: > Have Lat | + AGENT et yapan + Ws ake ‘have my mother Zon my clothes every Sunday. - Her Pazar anneme ebislai’ ater. ‘Se mace mo cary the bores, ~ Bana tlt tpt Ve Hor parnis don't Nee go out — Anne babas! onun cian gikmasin zn vermiyorta. e ‘kandi oles vecen “my methor” (aor) ki “Glam” sr me" ben) kis “tagima” even wher) kis "dgan gikme” even’ gerektgirn Ker. “Have, “Let” ve Make” fen bu sake (ithernson soma evens gogsepiren agent" Ho fap exvorsa dovariannds Ml yukandah Gmekierde tid "Ve alin kl > oe Force Want} +AGENT (5 yapan) "Yo Vs" ask Tall to. wage my secretary lol those documents - By Balgelesokrotarime dasyalatacagim, ‘he rc the litle boy i save the oem, — Rug goCugYoae nay cad “Tey want me oars cake otha. ~ Benim onlara kek yapmann stiyorar. ev ‘YhandatiGrekerde votion “my secretary” (selotere) hig! “dosyalama” ig: "the fitle boy" (kok oui) tis sayrima” evomial ¥e “ne” (Gen) ki "hanetama’ yin gression Kens. “Get, fore" te -Wentfiferin yan sa yukanda ffloren ve yukanda veriemeyen onlxea fil bu poke todieringen sonra elon! gergekegiron bir “agent fe takipedyorsa devamannda fl ykanas éeterde cs gto Ve ale olan. > Holp + AGENT (!yapan)+ "Wo" yada “to Ve" 9. toed Alison odo /do hs hormawork. Alsou Covi yapmsna yarn tin. 1oVol Ve ‘Ytandati kts do g4090 Wore veren “Alison” kl “6dev yapma" ig gelesen ki. “Help” ‘it endinden sonra even’ gerakeyien Br “agent lo tckp eiyrsa davarnda yada! oipekte de tii get “to Vo" wo "Ve" hands hullani. Bu @ klar arasnda arama high fer abe Konus seo 143 1 ly @.Arcvon GOnBOz ‘ped homangi bir sora “persuaded him __" scl br bogltvarsa bogltan ance "verb © object 3| 7 gkindo be fmol oraya chmstr. Burda doqanmemz gereken “persuade” fin bilmemiz goreken _ ‘anes Ki grpla bahsetiginc Sel yapiarafenindaolup acc Bu yep Gel bi yor oma in ‘at edimes!gereten trier nokta "make" ve “et” yepisnnin Passive ya “elgen” oak {eramada "To Vo" lai genllemesi yaad ‘utandmasid. "Let" Gt gonelde Passive hale huloniaz. "Lat fi le Patevo Kulanmamiz }g2rokon dura “allow” finn Passive clarsk "be allowed to" gine kta daha yay Pr ktanna 129, | as made tocar the botes.-Kutlan bana tail = BW Following World War Il job prospects for young people ~~ greatly whlch alowed them — ‘more prosperous than their parents. ‘She wasnt allowed lo spe, — Konusmasine masedeedilmed. ‘eve 1) nad improved to have et 5) nave improved tating ©) proved tot 0) wer improving having ft would have mroved/havng to fl “Yokandali reKiende de gorisiGo Gzere verien Pasave yepann devamiannda fl Mo Ver { sehlnde goin, ‘Cuiede kn! bophktan ence “allowed them." yap: Gz! ier grubnda cma i vers + 0b) + To Vs" forauna goreimektoa bu nedntecncethieC sogeneddagindimal. ‘Genet ngitzsoo Verb + Objet se devam ein yorumund Yop onside" gi binayiona i cignca bu manbk filer 95% gage 159 | cans « newmees URCAN 6 Akon Ghz | | ‘Br Prepositonn heen arian bi letestui Vso okinienet “tn” yon cnled be” in ara gles cei ones amare sa aegis tn rem co Msi | oa ce — Onun bop vated en ok apt sey dodo hikayes!okunaktr ‘She insisted on gain toe hase, — Tyatoye gmake rar et sin elon Sona Vig" kiln gorekren bal bag yp nosieyecegh | best oe ‘Yuka hi omaie “playing” fil at” edstian ve “going” il “on” etn nesnes lak Klang, By ‘tle Prepostin'dan sonra getelaose fi "Ving" ede cal. Henan) br sktviedon bansesiyorsa "go" i kendsnden srs Vig al Meso, ‘90 fishing, 0 shop go in, do swimming, e.g > Bu gee go hulanfan Prepostiontardan is by" ve “without” yaptandr. Bu yapiardan “by + Vir | eg. We went linbing inthe As last month. — Goren ay Able tmanmaya gt yatrs "rek,-arak” nlamina gemeleese. Diger yop "without + Vng” ie -meksiin, -meden” anarinis | katate PT | ‘29, By song e valubles, we managed tise ne nacetsary money, ‘jaca sralanan yap Konlrinden sora "Vag" Aulanime gorekier. Yaplann bazilannda. “tot = Doge egyaan satire geek paray playa Preposiion'skulanimst. Bu yaplara kulanian "to" Preposiony masta (five) yopan ve devarund "Wp alan toe katrimamal, He signed iho contrat without inking = Konrat, digarmeden zai, eed to eg orn | ‘atused to se gmase | Besccustomed to “2 alr oak Getaccustomed to “9 algmaie Lackforardto "dt gle Gesemek” Feat ike istomoie Be opposed to okay mak” Utrasound beams could make I possible — bran dlsease with gene therapy without Object to “karo 2 az exmake™ single incision, canthelp ‘don keri alamamake | cant boar ‘a dayanamamk eharn ederemek” | 1) to boosts having made cant stand “2 dayanamamsk tchanma ederemek” Hy 8) toteat! making Iesworth edeger nl ©) bing tated nave boon made eso use “in faytastyara yor iy 1) having wrested boing made Irs good “in ayes yor" 1 ) tohave weatet/hsving boon made There fsmo point in: “nn alam yor | Inthe habitat se alg 0. es worth ang thi ik you ely can got what you want ~ Eger gergoion stein ede edebleceksen Bu lh aimaya doer lic bopuktan ence bir sft geimeltadr ve “infinitive” konu bagi ainda da insleyecogemz ‘10 Vo" yasindan dolay © ve D eapenete elenmekd. Il bedukan tn 2 bie edt can without” buunmaktrr ve “prapesiion + Vin” ypisinsan doy Csoqeneg elonmal. A ve 3 seyenalet degerondrisginds m Bogut’ anim "active" oldubs ign ve Scola “pep + "ing" dizer erch ela! in 8 sagenes oar yan chixturmaltd, les no good eying to persuade him o come wth us = Onu bine goimays ins emeye gegmanin Br yar yok ‘can't hop eating chocolate whenever see some = No zaman gholotegarsem yomedenedomiyorun Nose of hem ft tke gang back soo. = Onlann hig tetra wy stemed 161 G&ALNDS. 6 WIVTIVES. ‘Ther was no pointin staying ere any lnger. 4 Arak ora haan Banta yok um accustomed to Leathe only hi a sie falas ~ Yager du bir masad tok ocak maya lini He was looking forward to woking wih the ew Pre Mister. Yeni bagekan de algmay At gee bekyord Ive Adjectives dye adlandinian "my, your, his, her, is, ovr thelr” yeplarndn Sona ya ay ve "3" tk alan sian sonra fl Geeiacete “Vn,” gine get 29. lemnappy abou my sister's geting mared, -Kizkaepimin evlenmesinden muta ayyanin ‘What made me onary was hee Beng ate, Ban’ hzdran gy enun gee Kamae AES Have funiretia good te yap kendlernden sonra iil alacaks Vy kl ekiicnerk gti 9. Wo hada great tne paying tnd of vocabulary game ~ Bicep tie oyun oynaysrak makemmel val gare. ‘They ha fun flag jokes o each cer. = Bititoine nia nitarakedlnion pon” ve “waste” fle Bir gay yaperak “zaman, para, ened, vB." gl br sey harcama anlamnds kllaninor ise dovamlannida Vg gklinde kamen bl gree ©49 You should ot spend your wsoiy wages buying these oifationed anes, Hatakann bu esi mod ebiesiet stn aark hrcemamasn Hes wasting is alot playing such alos in soap operas. Yelengin pombe eared boo cnomsizrleroyayarak haya. ETRY “Trouble” vo “dficulty” smi kendlerinden sora gence“ win salar da masala da dovarinnds bef geleckse Vn seklnce obi. Prepositon' ie beraber kant, Anak, 9 Shetad some aifeuty ir) gting used to working atmosphere of in. = Buna aga etamineaigmaka bra zr pk ‘She tat touble (in aring hor ca. Arabasnparktmekte shi Gok 162 Peiiesfalr Kendlrndan sonra “to Ve" alarak devam oder, ancok “busy” sat bu kuraa bi issn hyumotiadr “Busy” eft Kendendon sora bi ie lkp edocokse bu il ng kno gekimlen. EQer “pay” fa Dr sim de dovom edeoekae wth eda alarak dvarnna iim gti 29, lambuey wing my reads. — Raparanmryazmatio mesgutin tam bay wt my epors,— Rapeisamta mesgutim. Ferma! err bosupun noes igen (pa) br yap fee bud To Vode devam ede ancaksadace bu {tigers yoksand,buurds) pas oarak paknlenksa, otyn bir ksminatankik ecime mantis aku ih buyepiadan sonra Ving gelmlir. Sadoce “tnd” fil “tesptetmok" aa verse dovarnnda Yo Vs" ail 4. She was seen anna he bung ‘inadon ayikon gor, "Yaanda pasi kulan ny ds incest “eateh” ve “find” tle sk caniede do kulaniannds Aeraminds Ving aan Sze filesende ‘She caught ho sister eying on hac now cates, = Katkardegint Kenda yon eblslerin denerken bud. er vere” Uta et cle ulnkiands, er ayn tne indore yptyess Vo, suena adem rads an laren, 19 | sewhim tossing the sro (olay 8 sr) = Onu karidankarsiya gocerkon gor. | sev him groes the eves. (layin oo) = Onn karsdan karsiye geting SU eT egal "binge" ined, Az Oe pfs om trata Ving opin of Jo oulec er sumo Being V8 yap od ant bi Bu doi tego “bung VI" Jom sop cloneyi sl el patel? sxcann cone eta on ‘9 Sho ates ing asd pereonal questions = iglel soni sonmaendan nto jor. Despite baa aien some waings, he went on ang ni = Boa leben ulunuimasina region gee goinaya devant 163 GeAUNDS & NNT ‘Yoharea egns "Vig" yapsin:nomalde daha noo grgolegen bir yl alaitenklnabioay ‘Anca, beyeindigernden dane Once gerakegi vuBuamak rn "Having Vs" apis: lan. ‘0.9, They denied having taken gat inte Wega acvies of ho toro grup. Torts grb ys ip elemierinde yor ahi nar eter. ‘Bu omekt vorien “yaa di yl yer stra" eyemi “kar eyleminden daha Once geretegmit ix vurusmak pn shaving Vs" yi: Kang Se ‘Yokanda edgiiz ve aret ei eyamin data Gnceolsojuu ado oden “Having Ws" yapisinn Passive ha “Having beon Vi" gokindes (29. She concsale having oan aust fo aud = Doonan king osuguny ged, us amelte verlen “tls” eylenedigen clip “gabe eyleninden daha Ence gereliegmit. ay ‘vraag having Been Vs" yap hula “To Ws" yapian tr comleds hang! polsyniadshulaniabil ve hang! yapibrdevaminda "To Vs" kulanmin gerktirneloyoti: EEN ‘eplancimlede Gene olarak kulaniabir ve dene olarak tuloniipinda tek Oone olarak “Smell”, "find" vo “eateh” fir hgbir zaman arlanea eyamin tamarina tankik esi He 1 enesiotnsen kandienden sonra be "noun phraselobjet pronoun” etannds devariannda i her ono Veg sin lan, fag. We caught in stealing the money rom he safe = On kasadan para glarkon yoked “The police found the missing chon stoping on # bench in hep bos kay gsuklan parka br ankle vyrkonbucu. ‘Verbs Followed by Infinitive (to Va: : aoe a Sor a nae seven 7 = EEE hee [ein nes oo "Ag filer” ye asd “see, ear, wath ete, et." ior bison aman ite - shod | sndan at Kendle sna “noun passer (AT concn fence es Syer = lane Dee fet Ver een be oe water + a pase objet pronoun + Vi Ael wae yet onan +t Aton) a — Froese co ten ben a Prove va 9, He watched the baman pret boar had or eon Exe Rese [en “Samer emai oy haan ea = o [san wen anor, amenity alana bepdan sonia kate tink et: Emin aman (wh can abn yan Geto" (par) ane tun Nouns Fotowed by inftves (2): > “Ai fier ye adanan “eo, har, wath fe stent" ob er evemin tc ksmna taf | “= —y het smn Sn 7 eri re _2cton tania ein enatyarsakendltnien soa "noun phaselobect pronoun” ap devarada ft ay [poet ee he Ss ests o Gamant Exit [Power none ‘ tion [ere Faire [Neos emis‘ = [atanp——|Owtariion [ont [er a oe Watch noun pas ect proc + Vy Pa oft Asn) anes ——[oar Tie Fan stn [Vino Feet Snsn [esr ——[rasnes retype (WO en —— = 20. wn going ae Wo hous 090 Orit sa neve gen rain. 14 178 SSeHUNOS 6 wwmemves (1 To Ve oa kona: the subject: cimlenin nes! konumunds ie object lien nee onura ER Verb Followed by Gerunds: (Rainowisaee —|Coneiate [Bead (Gwe Up [Pam Renee i Coniets —[edire imsoee [Petre Report Advise [Consider [Enjoy Inctude [Postpone Resent ‘ow Deter Eons Lt race Reet ‘anipie—[Daby Emin Keep Prewent [Resa [Appreciate [Deny [Facilitate [Mention | Prohiba Risk (atenst [stew Fever Moa Propose | Sues [Avoid (Discuss Feel Like Miss Co ~ |Support [Can't help Distike Finish [Necessitate [Recall Tolerate cette [Dap |For [Ont] Recaloa | Undosiand—} “Var + Preposton” Followed by Gerunds: isan [ove of [Garp about [Dependan —|laakowerdio [Rais fom Aecounttor —|Arqweaaut | Corey wth [Dream abot [Objstto Succeed in rasa Eaievein |Coneetateon [Dream ct [Partial [Tak evaringe a |Agree on Blame for [Consist of En [Persistin. [Think about | [Apologize for [Care about |Dealwith | Forget about [Plan on [Think of [Rei or eae or eat on [aston] Reterto [Wry about “Adjocive + Preposon” Followed by Gerunds: [Setetn Gotan ated — Eanmasisaioainesenh Fro joao sedat_[Cersinof___Essenialio _Jncopensabioto Protaientin — Bucosstd Pccuionedio [leverst feet tolerant Proud of abe For fs cemedabed Faria wih jroo uted” Bupsed at firaiaat cored wit Famous tor aos of Ready or opie lamedio orden Fatal Keenan Rogardest ot Suspicious of Joracod st orscious of _Favorabato acossar/ lor Fra tte for nat [eocont wth Fond of lataentin —Revartto fed of rejed veriorttoFeeirom Pens to Response Horan o Powcpse er ray about Boog mate abou Bho __Uneonecoas tamed of Popendent of oador ster vi, Biko eter wareof Eager ar [Feseinisi bait Smiarto Weak m Gavato of Fgh or Papo aut sata wat Wood abot Eee Porte — pore — 16 (FSBRSIFHT VEN to nave ves [oPesie nana *ToBe Vis ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS SIFATLAR & ZARFLAR Stat bf nly de isin rong, bos, boy, rum ya. van Bi ven 29. prety women, blg mistake, mal caro ‘Yanda mekersegtolen sfaar kame Kako clara star, Yani sonradan ok slaak ifthe gatien yaar dopisec. Bu gekigek satan yar ea ine baz ele gfilork ction afar da ward Sena bu eklde be me ttn men eft apan elerin bat yayin lant clanianminosieyetn te sil sable st et we tous ass history posts fashion Beauly apand fick’ = anger hae hsloe povtcal ashonable benufal dependent flacive dangerous hopeless ‘ymca, bax ire “ng” ya da “ed” tks (Vs) gators ya da filer bi emi mileyen sift hase ‘lanier 2, Intersting (Vig): nerested (Va); broken (WS): ee Simsive kadar goetorion yotnr signda ast olga maikint Biopsy fa arias omen ara lana ie ede cr. danse be 10 eam Enalah ~InlizceGonmek zr dei, any bron statarkonorinden sora “That Clause” lark lalate, a.» That Ny biden str Kolernden sonra *Kararsce Durum BaGlaglan" (wh” sor wher) sbi. aa. = wh! how whether) Sect CONAN & fucka GORBLE {5 Stal, gene bare rite lin Endnd Klan ve bu ski Ilanian star “attibutve gectve” lara ania (ad + noun) 1a dangerous etamgt an extra-curricular activ, an unexpected racovery, ‘Aserfous asm was aided ovig ths he. nun yar eayesinde ci sad nln > ator “Linking Verbs" yada “Copula)” dye tanen eylem Bitimeyen fern arindan goleok “complement” yapaar. Linking Vers yep e93 kulanian "be" fie vo bu yepin arindan glen Jeolar “neane” Gof “complement” famamiayia) oak sclandinir. Bu gohlde xulanlan sara ‘predeative adjectives” ism veri. Simi “Linking Vorb" yaplannin neler olzujunu ve afatara nab {stank ineseyen: (CopuletLinking Vorb ~ ad.) > Diger bir dei, zr files ler ded, sneak baz filer dovamicinda ala arf mazar. Bu moder bu isn ier bimek gerkmelte Be) = Tresnake avery much alive Become | — They became unpleased hearing the bad news about ne red a. Prove | ~ Themethod proved helpful Get | ~ Tho commitee gor suprizedto see the applicant they ected prov ‘Appear | Tho patontappeara/seemsifooks pale, Please check is lod possi aain. Feel | ~ {fet bi exhausted because of he overloaded work tvoughout tho day Taste | ~ Thismushvoom soap tastes awl lam no sur wheter lg on wth i met! | — Tha Bowers inthe ring team smaller good, yet dort wart Kem inside Sound | — Tha music sounds let slow for uch a vigorous pry, > “Look Fel, Teste, Smll ve Sound” files “ke” Ho beraber kulanisktarnd kentiinden sora im ‘29. Tis acl fooks like he one we copied the oer day 'BU mokle goven gin hplyalaimtz makaloy bona Ny llow foes" a sine. | cant sloop ont "ast agg Onda yyemyjoram 193 ADKECTIVES 6 apVEnES. Yokanda da babseiginiz gi baz flere “ing” tks gorleek bazlan ise "Ws" hainde gkinlrip sii, rieeyeilocek by yp! aurumuna yan! sft ane geri. Bf “ng He mi yapian yosa "Vs" sok ‘etmlenen bi atin my nileyeoehususunds belie ol oybayan 2 ae vari WENA “animiadgerz tim “eileyen’pozyorunda ise “ing elenen’poisyonunda ise “sed” laksa yaplan mgt eh no ens iat — Fim yo bayleyelyl Ki hep een. Bu omekie gbilu dzoo “the fl canes! “etkleyen”pacsyonunda oldugundan "ng" skis yap fascinating” sat to: “we” éznesl G0 “etilenen" porisyonunds oldujundan "ed" tli be yap “pleased sat do ntlenms Ae) Tanumidigm2 lame at rua endz tamamlanmamiyolu3unu fade ctrok rn “ing, biti lung botrtnok ign saved” ak ya da"V> palin geinlanen sor ular. STRATE ‘Sinaia herang| bir sonnun sganekernd: |) so disappointed that 8) so disappointing that beter gerarsonz yon saanekend ng vo gotmlome® yaplar movousa “ebeyen mi ‘er etlonen mi var” sonuna evap vera. Anon, culo insane Ha BF bh vers ‘onotie V3, nsan i fader lb viyeea genale Vinge ye a ech ein sing: eileyon—_oxtig, ring, Boring, isappoiting ‘ed ikionen exc ted, bred, disappointed 99. The admission of appiston sa continuing proces, wc wl eed net yor. = Bsgrunun kabul golecok yl sonugfanacak devam eden bse ‘The USA i ne ofthe ow uly developed courts in tbe won = ABD cnyadaltamamen gelismis bik akeden bia. Bu emekirdo de gordo Gzste “eontouing” sift “ng” la yang op sen tamamssnmadin Yan “seam eden bi sien fade teed nc ete fee "eee yap “developed” yap: lark “game” een enamland ade emit. 194 zr gonolin sata "4" tals gatilork elie ei. Sunu agai gekide formule edit to. fank= rank, comers —convrely, stil ~ actualy, obvious ~ obviously towak zrfann hepsi by yola ee eines ai zat bu kurta yk olarak yap. Bunar dzone arr tak adandini late; cata; hatha gaa wet (Aozora zr) ad aw ada. weal > buzensie zartacdan olan “ate zach “ately” Ho, “hard” iso “hardly lo Kargrimamali. *Latly” Jani son zamanlarda" slarena: hardly” ie “neredayeo Ng: zar 20°” aaron sullanlan fork arate “Harly” zat hardly ever, "hardly any", “hardy anywherelanythinganyone” gb yepiarés Ge hulonabare, Burda unamemas: gereken nota gud “Marly” anim olarak clunsuik Kade ep) ‘enor zaman game lek omy vaplats hua ‘24, Wehavent heard anyting about the Biss ately, have you? ‘iz son zamanlerde Baiterden haber simak Ya sen? Wie know hardly anyone in tis neighbourhood “Bu mite neredeyee hig Kimgey tanmiyonz ‘Sony “Ij” false itn ar Kelme zat enrak diqundinomel; ginka ~4y" taht bi ime etiainde aide eden yaxgonetke bi zr dei i sat. Buna aagidai gold formate jctve tendon, ost coaty, dood deadly “au yap sat olka en bi #8 nitlerken kulamimazir. Sons bu Or yada ver unui diet om > zarfar tir cine ya brat, ya da bagka bt zarh yer doroclon ar ye da doa i eer. 8. 8) Thenaw improvements inthe canton of ho county ae amflly grat = Oke aurumundat yon dzeimete oles fi ‘She behaved unexpacty covarty an dant want to fac0 wth him. = kenmecc ete Kokakzadeurana ve onus ylogmok teed, 195 ADIECTIVES 6 ADVERES ©) The space crate ace si going on boing unaded continuously. ~ Ueayaaslan alon suo elarakgotsrimeye devam ede. ‘Yukandakt a ropinds “awful za “grat” san; b Sofie “unexpectedly” zat “cowardly ‘szncnde “continuous” 2ar “upgrade” fil ntsiemekted, of Degree darecelondirme zarflan > Bu grupta baneodeiecoginizzararéan “badly “awul/* vo “tery” zarfan Kenda alam ln “Kot gekld” anlar ok ofr "go fcalldukga” anlar da kus. 2.9. Weare tembiyadyautully dlssapcict vt the result he got tbe Oymple Everts Olimpia ly sonu bil ok fel aval lg rat > Derecelonsime bisken bir dior za “too” yap. “Gok fanlalgereginden Gok" anlar ullanip “aa” yada "zartan” niles ve negat bir cagrigimeda bdr. Dalya nega br alan olan "too" yap: endnden nce bag Zara utaniaak lent Bu gee “00” ari mse gin Kanablcok clan arr “rather far, "ail", bi” ve “much” zarfanct 9. Hels rather too vies "have far foo much exam anit. “Thi boys tele too ey. The cafe on he thi oor ea Bt 00 crores Tho quetons inthe praisency exam were much foo har > Devecstendime bitron bir ager zor griby “barely”, “hardy”, “scarosly" vo “Iti” zaanndan ‘ujmattad Bu zarlan Kendlen oki anlam igordNensen lum comielero uflenirar anak ulin cimleyi anima olumsuz yaparia, Bu zarfardan "Barly", “Hardly” vo “Scarely" zartan “neredeyse hi" ve synca “zar aorgg bela” alamlannda kulanlabisier. Ancsk “Lite” za sodece ‘noredoyse hg” ara tp 9. Thoy haraly know aboutme = Onlar bent neredeyse hig tanunyor We cous hartyaraytecarcely ansie the questions asked by tho boss. = Pato tartan soon sonia zar 207 yanoy ask He nardbarocarcoly managed not to cash inl ho paked st. ~ Parkes arabaya grpmamayzar zor sari The professor tito know abou his new assistant : Protest yn ait neredeye hig orion > Derecelonsime zarfar aasinda Gn plana gkan bir eifer grup ‘almost’, “neary”, “practically” ve “vituaty™zaranat. Bu zarar “neredeyee” lam tagimakiaiar. Ayn, “vtually" zat diger Oy zafan fara "gorgkten”aniamind da kulanlabimentode ¢6, The van elmostnearypracticaly an over th poor ay = Kaman neredeyse ava yo kad ezocot 196 T. Svat GORGAW & figvon CORBI The hurcane causing ono thousand deaths was virally calamity. = Bin isin mine yl agan kasepagereekten bi foto nen 4 get tat arc tan “ary bry sare ct wn a i (iat eek gore. 5. We baralyharay/scarcely overcame the unoresoen troubles. (We ik) ~Beslonmedikshintiann 2ar20rdsesinden goth ‘We almostinearyracticly overcame the unforeseen troubles. (We couldn't) = Beklonmed sintsnn nerdy Ustesinden gelyordik > bu gupta degerentrocogimiz Sige zarar “aly”, “quite” ve “ather™ zane. Bu zarfar“oldukga” {elnira geimeeorancak klanimiannda KOgOk taki Boknmaktac. Massa “quite” cam diper eon fark olarak “Yamamen” arom da vad Bu alana “rather ya. "iy" zara haan ‘42 thevont quite completed he wrledeson yet. Data btn tasannytamamen btimedin, Br dior fark i filer lame bskimindan oaya Ghakodr. “Faly" zat cadece est ya da zatan mlemek iin kun. Ancak, “quite” ve “rather” zaTan sft ve zara ok olarak fet nilerken de blab. 6. Laut igh manner. = Onan tara aldukga esonorum, | rather dsaporove of her atude toward th citron inthe orphanage Onur yotnnancde coca kr ttamun Keni yun garmayorun, twas a fait oogasina move =, He pay fatty wal and scrod two goal in the tet hal (ts quit cto cay that ho dad 5 He answered the queston gute carat ay Sometines, you behave rather fool even we ae publi ‘av He fot rather ted afer weking al day. 4, “Faity, “auite" vo *Rathee" zara tal ir snieborsbo “Ad + Noun” vapid kutaniacaksa “alan” ‘ola “sey” zara once; “quite zarindan sows: “rather zarndan Ore yd sonra lai, SE a fain wotknowm characte uit abot program {rather good boy rather 00d boy 197 ADIECTIVES & ADVEAES. ‘blir br eimeynilslayerek ronuymacin aya bak ve tutumun a bel bop zara guna ‘wrongly Unley Indeed evidenty Righty lucky Obviously Seousy ——Unfunatoly infact (Ofcourse Forunately—Acualy Surly Perhaps Supasaly Frankly Cceniny Possibly Naturaly Maybe ‘amnoyingy —Detnily—Propumably Personally Admittedly Clearly Realy Honesty, Undoubealy — Undertandaby Frankly, ink at ne supgeston i ute ulus. ‘The poly rgarded to have fs although amity twas never rated fat bythe press Ho was abviously voted in some llopa cts. Fortunato, wo remembered inti hat we had forgten tho keys at home Crlein bal be asin vrgularak in genlde nleyecelier Opeden here Once Kuan Zafar Bu ‘ra da edetilacapniyaygin olarak lloian zara gna Even Either Pray Excusholy Merely As wot! Exactly Mainly Solely st Aso. -Expecally Partcuary Simply Chiety ny Too Moat Purely Notably ‘99, Lemeraly eared yout lok army part fer one day, not forever ‘Only th decor wes agains th de, except fer im everybody que agree on “This is exaety what Dave been tying to hake. “The decor want tad ho somina, fo. ‘She canna o auch a ting, ether ‘Some counines, especialy Germany and France, wil nt lend the surat Zara lever Szcteyecek lusak 2.cbmloyaertr: Avot nen Nord Unfortunatly, we have ost the match ‘She speaks slow co wade 2, eatin derecslendiriter 4. Bagka zal itl ‘Tho exam was astramely #234 ‘She dives extremely carefull ‘Adv A ‘Adv. 198 ‘Sinavda hehang| bi sounun segonokeinde ©) assiow as 1) assiomly as (98 Galinler gbrrserie: yal sogonekerse silat vo zarf sunuimugsa sou KokONSE ney! Miokshinize baking. pink bu yapiar anlamca ToAgeye ayn selide geval, Eper fi fislenjersa zat, en nitlenivora fat lan segenekler ech edz ‘saa on gok arniza pkablecek 2a yap: gSzen gos Harty | Barely omen hemen hie non Searcely ute Beaty tly oredoyse | vay homes heen Approximately =| Pome > sadece i tars arasnda i msm 962 Konusy en hulantanyaplar “comparative” yopiarr. Geil [Patene “comparative” yep cusuruabl. Bunlatan bein ok Neco saan sonuna er” takes: ya da ‘fn fana heoosfaarnee coi “more ype ptioct. u ys sft “daha. ala kataks. compra yap iio er THAN use kelmoler en (agorthan aller tan! cbsaper than) THAN aun elmer ih mote canolable han /mor beau han) 199 ADIECTIVES 6 ADVERS o ©9. shot—shotr altar: ich cere. lok hecel saa * soe ‘more exhaustive; more intrest: ec (ok hacol aan) > Zartar ie kyasara bidron be yap yaplacaksa Sonu Bu hua “eri” zr dai depige. “Early” za son" “comparative” hale gett. ss leben zara deine “mare” yaisn iar le bimesne ramen sanuna “tak: alae 29, cary eat more carefily more hasty: more tank oe > Sat aie zat he yon “fast, ato”, “har yop oF tks alrak "comparative" hale got, 29, fast factor hard ante: te tertatir® > tart arsine kari Yay kina eta yikes “than jap Klint, “Than apis i ‘ane, bir esne, bir dz come, ya da bi devrik elim le ain ede. 69 Showors harder than e/a do Boron da cok pate. They gained mote experience than sho her she t/t ho = Onan daha faze devin hazandir, aps golrlrek “comparative” yapimazia. Ba sat by uaa bagi kamadan compaatve"yanlar. Bu salir agai vit (Good beter P? Falter (Doha zak Your holt farther rom te ge than ours ran Furr = (Oana wai ‘kde: (Oa yas) The theatre buling i older than ter manor house, Eider: Al iylorindon bajo can) My elder borer works fr 1M, _A> (tr: (Da son) He ave ater tan us, Lat goin kn sw oe ystray. The later wes pret tea ett a a la er i a 200 fon bahsedioreanz ln “the former, 2h tte” apr kalnablinz. few Fema aac oft meray 7 ony led. A th arma oe tater oes nn, > Bic “comparative” apn dndnde bel bagl zarar kilanarak “compere” yepinn derecas atin _aatabi. Bu grove yeyan olarak kilanian Zeraryundod: a, reer, amy a, seer, moet, arcs, ara, ven, ae, much, aot, 2B, mony. 146, This answor sounds rather beter han the previous one. = By covapdnoakindan Gok lhe We wore abo to reach a mach more logical concn sor ng debate. ~~ Uzun br taigmanin artindan cok cee mantkt sone usgabdk. ‘Sinavarda “Much [Yara ot rather ite bit na yop kiya yop in on ok hlanian vorgu kelmeon. {fool _ bei today": agin daha yt esedhyorum, Be ciiede boghiclmadan zat dofru i anlam aBe Ranaut Buy ti comodo bop ‘uu elmer geek. eo! much beter oda": Baga Gok da iy heer, “Wor catls__ mae comfortable than mine” -Onun arabes beninindn daa raat. “Clede zten kasama anions mova Bu nedente Bo orn Hac lan tk yey vou olmendr. . ‘Aya erhang i Bopktan ence “Much Har Va lot rater I te U8 Bt no” epi gBroreniz bu yaplar gofunllia hyasama yaplannin vapid ign seganekirde comparative yapiera ocak veri More than 29 milion AMicans are now infoctad with HIV; and the disease is killing — ‘Aflcane —allthe continents wars combined ‘Genesis comislerde comparative yannin “than” de bitte kallanimasi gorkig gindlebie ]snsak yasiama yaotannda than kiflanmak in sou k&kbnde tyaslama yap Kil goin do | iiado maveut mae gated: Omogin 1) eomany as 8) ether or (©) more than fool better today” cantons than" apna nas okt. Ancok “bugdn dn hissotginden da iy hisseelyorum” ana veron br come lisa zaman “than” ‘ulonsk ork: esl better today than lt yesterday, 1) not ony but s0 ‘Souda 8, D ve E sejenelerhdek yaplar daha sowa gorecepmiz ve paalel yeplar olarak halanacadimc yard. Sort kokinde boghalann devara paral yap: oad in bu yp fionmesdi. A segenendok “eo..a8" Kalb egal! ciioid ulanidi igi eames Carlee hasta ve savaglarfagsionAfrikaian deme Bamindan kyaslanmaktoa Goryo falan tok sogenek "en daha fala” arian veren “more..than” yap; bu oon ogra [ tc serene A) har than 8) sohioh nat » ©) very hight Srbno bag lek degen iki durum karpgtrma kalanrakbikecekeek bu yap lannz. Nomalde ) bath igh ana “emporaive’ yplarénine he" aadan klar, Area Bu Kulanda “comparatve”yaplr muta elrne ) te ghost or “te aera ul = 9. Thelonger youwor, the mors yousam - Me kadar uzun ste caisson 0 kdbr cok Kazan “The more money you hav, the Bator you Ine = Noadargok naan vars, 0 kadai yasarsn lee “Con who have." Then whe fave wet” ann yesana Yes. Soe pg “ga than fin bon tot ye sei aa ‘emer Oe spre’ 2 toed foi Yt See Spe Yon ‘segenedidir. ome “Tne tala someone the beta he ca play backtal Brinson ne haar anes 0 kadar skool oyneyab. ‘== an organization depends on colaborative arrangements, — kal it to lose contr 1) Noteniy but aso 8) Noster | ©) Eitr or 1) Wren then ) The mare the more 202 203 “Asis. a yp il talo “may, med fe oo i li Rls momar. ‘og. Ralf aco nue intrestetin th ne debits ee masons ‘Sora A,B ve C sepanetadndet!yaplar daha sonra girecodimiz ve parle! yap larak = Ra pik yon galgmelone Ayeun kari ep ‘utanacagens yaar, Sonu ktkinde boxthlann Sova paral yap! okmadi iin bu yaplar clenmetde. D sepanebindeh gtk De chm you, Gere hala tok seqonek “ow kadar..0 Wi ines to inte as fe peopleto the wotsng coremony as posible eadar." alae vere "Wa mere he more” yopdr; bu nedone dof yt E senegii. = Daj makin adi kadar ez nsan davet ete rivet Pm AsiSo x) >> Sat yada zarara gotten "-er" akan ‘moe’ hllans ain “comparative” yapablecomiz bdr yop: “ans yap Ou ki Haden ersenda Bae yo 6x aarthulenloblr. Olumeu Bir cOmiejte kutanacapmcz zaman gone “20” yop tech edi. (29. You shou hve a carat a you can norder not have an aciset rary = Kaza yaomamak ie cena kadr cat erate kulanatn 8) sorso ©) es/a5 1) that such 9s ) very! mor tke ‘Amman mutt be be determined # posite to be ale ogo what he wants = Br isan late ie edebime ig moamkn okt kader kre cima. 2.9. ing nthe country opi cost arb muchas ving nig ce. = Kaye yogomakbyak getters yaamak Kader pahat dei ‘ayn cov Kokunds “tho ads es provlance” Hadi Kein ve bu adele dob yank © ‘You can took atthe plan fr the ew aports centre __ lonely __ you lke but {don ‘think you wil be abo te understand. 7 > *” kas noralde aad “ad + noun” yaps Ho kutandmaz ama aredahulanlacak gm gaan A) ales Van {sk bir info “ag + alan + noun” exe yop kuti 8) s0/tat ©) such hat ) moe ban 49. Wohavert met asso stusous hoy a him 90 fa E) hat on = Bug adr onun kadar elihan i goak le kaglamack hadnt exe il Gat elas i aa ry di ® Onlin ar ylk br tor alc urn. Comiede opair areanda “efverb” Dubemakinds. 8 ve C sevonekirindeki yoplar > TS ‘dvariannda cone sacar ge, kn boxufun eva come cai ib yapiar leet E ‘yaar bien be bapa yop olan “Such .. as" yap arada bir Yad) + noun” kane geri: socenapndok “justse” yap eaya adverb aera kutonia. A eepanejinde “an + adv ¢ as” Kulanlacak bu fsin sayiablen tld fe fat OnOnde “alen” yeplan Kafer: Bunw dinda bu icin lain pramer otro eprosi seyenopinde Go “mere + adv + than" yap gramer olarak ‘sylamayan ya 63 gol sim cab ogra Comede somes "etaiin tadar yatondan bekablrln.” niem mevetis: bu nedenl ddr yant A separ: 19, Tho board i exact ma to make such a anes eure as her, but manages = Neen Kurs on arya i arastina yapacogims bekomiyad,ameben ony basarcin ‘nave econ such awful wouter as tis 0 fr here. = Burda bugdns kadar bun kadar Sa have garmodin 204 205 [ a ADECIIVES & ADVERES. nso an easy ob tot such used mats a hese inches. = Kiya burlar dr fay motor Burak oly is ‘Yokandaki omekierdn biinciinde arada sayin tokt bi ism (eurvey) Klang, bin Erle eo sylamayan i sin feather) lan ve son ek is gould) veri, > “Yapacak kadar’ anarinda kl a yp vars, Bur it Kenn Sora sadeoe tly da Zar alan “asl + adectiveladverb + as to Vs". dor eo kendndon conra a] + noun” alan “euch + adjective + noun +a Vi" yep, ‘9.0, Helsnt so quaifled as fo get the post without having some aatonlanng. ~ Baz ok optim cimadan ge gircok kadar alive dei ‘She ist such 2 quid cancdate a to del vt a hese cratic vous, ~ Bitinbu cplomack sna bag edecek kadar nth bade de > Korpissincjma colin kag kat cldupun Bolles iaijoreak half 9828", “twice 1 tie... than" ve "three tines more.than” gs yap kul 2.9 Itlenetpossbe forme to eam even half x much as hexshedoeslies sho " = Onun kazanign yar kadar ie kazaa bari i mk Se “The second mim was raly at ast vice a et athe previo one, Iie ze gegotencocaknn en az il kadar ore “The same... 8" yp raya ism stark Klar vo en aye ol sami vet, Kn zaman arade sim kutanmadn “the same ae” yapsim bi but clarak, yada ina tara elrmedile zaman da eadece ie same" gekincemulanins: mm 129, Tonys the same woh a mel ava |. (= Tony as hasty as mall nvm!) Her arades ace the same as mie. = Her grades areas god as mine) Sonue biden tir yap olan “ao.uthat” yap) arada bir sft ya da zat alrok hula. Anca, ee ‘sayen tk be sm He ulantacakca “adj + len + noun" gkinde klar mmr 9. The exam was so dict that ow poope wee ble o pase Sina kadar 20a go 9 oped ‘She was so fiat a sara that he bss prometod her before lng ~ O adr gather sehr paton cok gozmedon onto et. > *So,.that” yeti mir fader many, much, few oti fo bike kulenmamz da monk #9. She asso ite experence that she cannot 3 hi on he wn. = 0 kadar 32 denaymi vor ki bun Kend bagi yap, 206 Svat GURCAN & fidvon GRADE Human activity has destroyed plant specos that collective action fs essential for the conservation of those that remain 2) more ®) sormany (0) many more 0) the mst, ©) eemony | Sens kkonde bosukan sonra glen “that + 8VO" dog yank nen Snel paced Bu gece kullandan “tht + SVO" Gizimi *so.that sueh..that” yaplannin bi paras obi BU nedeno oncelke segeneklove “so. /such..”yaplan sani. Bu eden Eros verires ‘gerekon B segenagc. 8 soronop: areenaiginde "so many plant species that fade! ety [pkmalatr ve "so many + gogul sim + that + SVO" formolomd dofraaltadir bu nedere dog yan 8 sogonetice 5) as sun ©) many D) ate ‘Sora koktnde bogkian sora golon "that + SVO" co yan pn en Gnem uci Bu gkide kllanian “that + SVO" dizimi *so..that / such..thet” yoplannin ble pagass olabir Bu nodenle Gnesi seganeKdo “so..JSuch..” yapian aranmabr. Bu nedole noah verimes! Bsoreken sepenek D sopenefid. secenedi igarelonsiinde “eo. titie aboutmedles! Information... tat” fades cnaya gata ve xo tl * sayiamayan sim + that * SVO" {formated dogreattady: bu nedene dogs yan D sensi, B Sopoogndek! “es such yap: "hata, asda" nian voter ir wugu Zarit. Bu yapinn "that He bite klar 207

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