Rubric: Teacher Name: Paifeng Ye Student Name

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Category 10

Speech content accurately related to the

topic, with reasonable and convincing
Content central idea and supportive examples.

Statements are logically organized and

linked, with central idea coherently
Idea Structure supported by sub-ideas.

Use a wide range of vocabulary with high

levels of accuracy and grammatical
Use of Language correctness.

Precise timing and appropriate frequency of

punctuating, nodding and gesturing.
Stage Performance

Excellent control of time. With time span

ranged between 3.5 to 4 minutes.
Time Spent
Teacher Name: Paifeng Ye
Student Name:

9 8
Speech content closely related to the topic, Speech content mediocrely retaed to the
with proper central idea and encouraging topic, with clear central idea and run-of-the
examples. -mill example.

Statements are sensibly organized and Statements are clearly organized and
linked, with central idea properly supported linked, with central idea supported by sub-
by sub-ideas. ideas.

Use a range of vocabulary with good levels Use a narrow range of vocabulary with
of accuracy and grammatical correctness. mediocre levels of accuracy and
grammatical correctness.

Precise timing and appropriate frequency of Inappropriate timing and appropriate

punctuating, nodding and gesturing. frequency of punctuating, nodding and

Good control of time. With time span Poor control of time. With time spent less
ranged between 3 to 3.5 minutes or 4 to 4.5 than 2.5 minute or more than 5.5 minutes.

8 7 6
iocrely retaed to the Speech content gently related to the topic, Speech content digressed from the top
tral idea and run-of-the with no evident central idea or example. with no given central idea.

ly organized and Statements are inconsistently organized and Statements are organized and linked.
idea supported by sub- linked, without clear connection between
central idea and its supporting materals.

of vocabulary with Use words repetitively that are lacking of Use inappropriate vocabulary with litt
ccuracy and accuracy or grammatical correctness. accuracy and grammatical correctness

g and appropriate With no use or overuse of punctuating, Annoying timing and frequency of
ating, nodding and nodding and gesturing. punctuating, nodding and gesturing.

. With time spent less Poor control of time. With time spent less No control of time. With time spent le
more than 5.5 minutes. than 2 minute or more than 5 minutes. than 1 minute or more than 6 minutes.
ch content digressed from the topic,
no given central idea.

ments are organized and linked.

nappropriate vocabulary with little

acy and grammatical correctness.

ying timing and frequency of

uating, nodding and gesturing.

ontrol of time. With time spent less

1 minute or more than 6 minutes.

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