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Jewellery buying preference: Local retailers or Brands

NAME: ________________________

ADDRESS: _____________________________________________

PROFESSION: __________________

MONTHLY INCOME: ________________________

CONTACT NO: ________________________

1. Do you wear jewellery?


2. How frequently do you make jewellery purchases?

Once in a long time
Once in a year
Whenever any occasion comes up

3. Are you aware of the various jewellery brands available in the market?

4. From where do you prefer purchasing jewellery?

Local Dealers
Brands (Tanishq, Ddamas, etc.)

5. If brands, what are the factors responsible for this choice (one or more)?
I can choose from a wide variety of designs

The quality of the products is excellent
The stores are easily accessible as they have their outlets at many places.
They provide good exchange offers.
The jewellery is certified

6. If local retailers, what factors affect this decision (one or more)?

I can buy the products on credit.

The store is located near my house, and so is easily approachable.

The prices are negotiable, I do not have to buy at the M.R.P.

The products are comparatively priced low.

The retailer is very reliable as I have been dealing with him since a long time.

7. From where did you get the knowledge of this store/ brand?

Schemes launched by the store.

Recommendations from Friends / Relatives.

Pamphlets distributed.

8. How satisfied are you with the jewellery you buy?

Very satisfied


Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied

9. How important is the advertisement campaign followed by the store to make you opt
for it?
Extremely important
Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Non at all important

10. Before making any jewellery purchases, do you compare the designs and prices of the
same between the branded showrooms and the local dealers?

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