Violent Neighborhoods, Violent Kids: John J. Wilson, Acting Administrator March 2000

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Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

John J. Wilson, Acting Administrator March 2000

Violent Neighborhoods, From the Administrator

Violent Kids Delinquency poses a serious chal-
lenge to virtually every major Ameri-
can city. This Bulletin features findings
from the LINC study that describe the
characteristics of delinquent males in
our Nation’s Capital and the resources
available to them.
Marcia R. Chaiken
Finding little difference between
Faced with precipitously rising rates of role of basic institutions such as fami- serious, violent juvenile offenders in
youth violence in the Nation’s Capital, the lies, schools, churches, and youth- the District of Columbia and those in
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency serving organizations in those boys’ lives. other cities, the author argues that
Prevention (OJJDP) in 1995 funded congres- As set forth in detail below, the findings of existing national research can serve
sionally mandated research on juvenile vio- LINC’s research (referred to in this Bulle- as a catalyst for new initiatives to
lence in the District of Columbia. The re- tin as “the LINC Study” or “the study”) are reduce juvenile violence in the District.
search was intended to examine this trend based on statistical analyses of data col-
Indeed, since the LINC research was
and recommend potential means for reduc- lected by ILJ in interviews with a random
completed, the District has reorganized
ing violence among youth in DC. One part sample of boys. Findings are also based on
its funding delivery system for juvenile
of the research, carried out by The Urban LINC’s interviews of administrators and
justice and delinquency prevention
Institute, focused on identifying where and staff members of national youth-serving
efforts. As a result, enhanced Federal
when violence involving children was organizations with regional offices in DC
and local resources will be available for
taking place in the District. Other stud- and local organizations that receive
youth-serving agencies to develop new
ies, completed by the Institute of Law and funds for delinquency prevention. Written
policies, practices, and service delivery
Justice (ILJ), sought to describe DC’s juve- materials provided by these organizations
programs. OJJDP and other Federal
nile justice system and to examine the char- were also used as sources of information.
agencies are partnering with the
acteristics of children in three areas in The LINC study was based on theory and District to provide technical assistance
the city identified by The Urban Institute prior research from two scientific disci- and other resources as it designs and
as having the highest rates of juvenile plines: criminology and youth develop- implements an improved juvenile
homicide and violence. ment. Criminologists recognize that al- justice system.
This Bulletin presents the findings of though many people, including children,
research conducted by LINC1 which exam- break laws, only a few become persistent Thus, while this Bulletin presents some
ined the types of delinquent behavior offenders who commit numerous serious disturbing findings about the nature
found among boys living in the three most crimes. Research on youth development and incidence of juvenile delinquency
violent neighborhoods in DC and the indicates that even under the worst condi- in the District of Columbia, it also offers
tions, many children and adolescents are considerable hope for the future.
resilient and, given an opportunity to John J. Wilson

LINC is a small interdisciplinary research center learn and practice social skills, most can
founded in 1989 and based in Alexandria, VA. Recent
Acting Administrator
become productive and self-sufficient
and ongoing LINC projects include evaluations of health
adults. The LINC research concentrated on
services programs for underserved children, substance
abuse prevention programs, and programs for hard-to- determining the characteristics of the DC
reach populations. LINC has also completed research boys who were delinquent and identifying
on law enforcement tactics and community actions for resources for social skill building available
reducing crime and supporting sound child and adoles- to these boys.
cent development.
The nature of many of LINC’s findings Study Design boys lived in their households (even when
will not surprise practitioners, policy- accepting the flier and asking questions
makers, and researchers familiar with pat- and Methods about the interview process). As a supple-
terns of juvenile violence and the deep The LINC Study was accomplished mental approach to the canvass, key mem-
problems plaguing the Nation’s Capital. through the use of two main research bers of the Howard University research
LINC found, for instance, that the majority methods: analysis of self-reported data team provided fliers to community activ-
of adolescent boys in the study sample and analysis of data concerning youth ists, businesses, and churches in the three
have basic needs that are unmet. Many are services available in DC. census tracts.
unsupervised and unsupported by fami- Each research method is described in Researchers eventually interviewed
lies, schools, and community organiza- detail below. 295 boys, either in their homes or at com-
tions that could teach them skills needed munity centers. Of these, seven were unable
to lead productive lives. The most seri-
Analysis of Self-Reported to complete the interview process because
ously delinquent boys, the study found, of cognitive impairment. Interviewers used
are alienated—even from other youth in
Research staff from Howard University a seven-item Short Blessed Scale Exam
the neighborhood—and struggling to earn (Katzman, Brown, and Fuld, 1983) to assess
money (both legally and illegally). and ILJ administered a lengthy question-
naire to a random sample of 213 boys who, cognitive ability. Seventy-five of the remain-
LINC also found several barriers to effec- in the summer of 1996, were living in one ing 288 who completed the interview had to
tive delivery of youth services in DC. Unlike of the three census tracts in Washington, be excluded from analysis. Primary reasons
many cities that have made progress fight- DC, identified as having the highest rates for exclusion were that a respondent was
ing juvenile violence, DC has too few adults of juvenile violence during the previous not from one of the three census tracts or
actively working with and guiding youth in 3 years.3 The sample, the questionnaire, that a respondent was from the same house-
its most dangerous neighborhoods. Given and LINC’s analysis of the boys’ responses hold as another respondent. Other reasons
significant cuts in funding and other re- are described below. included a refusal to answer key sections of
sources, youth-serving organizations in DC the questionnaire, an interviewer’s judgment
have been forced to compete for the scarce The sample. The random sample in- that answers were untruthful, and disruptive
resources that remain available. cluded 213 boys ages 13 to 17, 98 percent behavior during the interview.
of whom identified themselves as black
Notwithstanding such discouraging or African American. ILJ and Howard As reflected in figure 1, the 213 boys
findings, LINC believes that conditions in University’s process of recruiting boys for in the sample can be classified into five
DC—even in the worst neighborhoods— interviews and selecting the study sample groups, based on the types of criminal be-
can improve. It found, for example, that a involved several steps. First, a team of re- havior, if any, they reported committing.
large percentage (22 percent) of adoles- searchers from Howard University in mid- Classification of the boys according to the
cent boys in violent neighborhoods in DC 1996 canvassed the three census tracts and type of criminal behavior committed was
resist committing any criminal acts. Even completed a form describing the physical carried out using methods developed by
among boys who are delinquent, most conditions (for example, presence of graffiti the author (Chaiken and Chaiken, 1984)
limit themselves to relatively less serious or trash) of each block face.4 They also that have been replicated by numerous
patterns of delinquency (i.e., theft and interviewed a member of each household researchers (Johnson et al., 1985). The
other property crimes or occasional to identify any boys living there between classifications were as follows:5
fights). Some of the most seriously delin- the ages of 13 and 17. Team members gen- ◆ Good kids (21.6 percent). Close to one-
quent children in DC (e.g., those who have erally operated in pairs and discussed the quarter of boys in the study sample re-
committed a robbery)2 are reaching out to project with whoever answered the door. ported committing no delinquent acts
adults for guidance. LINC also found that In particular, they asked about the number (acts which if committed by adults would
hundreds of adults living in DC are willing and ages of boys in the household, explained be crimes), and most (70 percent) of
to be trained to meet the basic develop- the $15 payment available to any eligible these “good kids” reported committing
mental needs of delinquent youth. youth who successfully completed an inter- no other juvenile offenses. However,
The findings of the LINC study and LINC’s view (pointing out that only one boy per 30 percent of the good kids reported hav-
subsequent comparison of DC with other household could participate), and distrib- ing committed one or more noncriminal
cities in the Nation raise several policy im- uted a flier about the project. status offenses (such as drinking alcohol
plications. To involve more adults in youth This approach succeeded in letting the or running away from home during the
development and improve conditions for community know about the survey; how- 6 months prior to their interview).
youth in DC, the District will need to devote ever, information about the number of boys ◆ Fighters (19.2 percent). This group of
additional resources to the development of in each household was generally not forth- boys, called fighters, reported commit-
leadership, coordination, and strategic plan- coming. Community members were suspi- ting assaults but no other crimes. Each
ning for youth. Based on studies of other cious of the team’s inquiries and frequently fighter reported committing, on average,
cities’ responses to crime, violence, and informed team members that no eligible slightly more than two assaults each
juvenile delinquency, LINC suggests specific year. Representing 19.2 percent of the
actions that need to be taken for DC to ad- sample, the fighters reported that they
dress, and eventually reduce, problems with 3
A description of the methods used to identify these
crime, violence, and juvenile delinquency. census tracts appears in The Urban Institute’s 1997
report Patterns of Violent Crimes Committed Against 5
The names used for categories of juveniles in this Bulle-
Juveniles in the District of Columbia (Gouvis, Johnson, tin were developed as part of the DC study and are based
Such seriously delinquent children also typically and Roth, 1997). on, but not identical to, the names used for categories of
commit many burglaries, assaults, or other property 4
The term “block face” refers to one side of a street adult offenders in Varieties of Criminal Behavior (Chaiken
crimes, or are involved in selling drugs. between two cross-streets or intersections. and Chaiken, 1982).

reported by boys in previous studies, sug-
Figure 1: Types of Delinquent Behavior Among Adolescent Boys in gesting that the DC boys were neither more
Three Violent DC Neighborhoods nor less truthful than other boys inter-
viewed about delinquent acts or other juve-
Dealers nile offenses they might have committed.
(No robbery or property crime) The questionnaire sought information
4.7% on the following subjects:
(Also likely to commit ◆ Personal matters, including age, race,
property and drug and ethnicity; whether the boys had
offenses and assaults) Property fathered children or been responsible
7.0% for any pregnancies; what schools they
attended; and whether they held a job.
Property offenders/Drug ◆ Participation in afterschool activities, in-
dealers cluding school programs or clubs, athlet-
15.5% ics, youth organizations, religious groups,
or any other community activities.
◆ Adult supervision received (especially
during afterschool hours).
◆ Emotions, including any feelings of
Fighters isolation.
(Just assaults) Good kids ◆ Involvement in crime, delinquency, or
19.2% (No criminal acts) gangs (during lifetime and within the 6-
21.6% month period prior to the interview).

Note: Detail may not total 100% because of rounding error. Data analysis. After research staff ad-
ministered and recorded answers to the
questionnaires, LINC analyzed the boys’
did not steal or use force to take other The questionnaire. In mid-1996, Howard responses. The primary statistical meth-
people’s money or other possessions. University and ILJ research staff conducted ods used to analyze responses were de-
Nor were they involved in selling drugs one-on-one interviews of each boy in the scriptive techniques (such as generating
or significantly more likely than good study sample. During these interviews, measures of dispersion and central ten-
kids to commit noncriminal offenses. which typically lasted 2 / hours, the re-
dency) and analysis of variance. LINC used
◆ Dealers (4.7 percent). A small percent- searchers administered a lengthy and the latter method to determine whether
age of the boys in the sample were detailed questionnaire and recorded each differences between the groups of boys in
considered to be dealers, meaning that boy’s answers to the questions.7 The 70- the study sample were real or simply the
they reported committing no crimes page questionnaire, written and designed result of chance. This Bulletin reports only
other than selling drugs and occasion- by Drs. Beverly R. Fletcher and Louis E. those findings that are statistically signifi-
ally getting into fights.6 Dealers as a Wright, Jr., of Howard University, incorpo- cant at the 5-percent level or better (mean-
group were responsible for only a rated items from questionnaires previously ing that at least 95 percent of the time, dif-
small fraction (less than 2 percent) of designed and fielded as part of OJJDP- ferences are not due to chance).
drug sales made by the boys in the funded studies of delinquent behavior,
sample. On average, each dealer re- including a parallel effort completed in Analysis of Youth
ported selling drugs slightly more than Los Angeles, CA.8 The results of reliability
Services Data
once every other month. analysis indicated that boys in the study
sample responded in a consistent and The second research method utilized in
◆ Property offenders (31.9 percent). This truthful manner.9 In addition, the patterns LINC’s study was the analysis of informa-
group reported committing property of delinquency and other offenses reported tion concerning youth services available in
offenses such as burglary and auto theft by DC boys closely resembled those DC. LINC gathered this information in two
but was not involved in drug selling. ways: by interviewing administrators and
◆ Property offenders/drug dealers (15.5 staff of youth-serving organizations and by
For additional information on the questionnaire and reviewing documentation provided by
percent). This group includes those
boys who reported committing prop-
the methods used to select the sample and administer these organizations. The types of organiza-
the questionnaire, refer to McEwen (1998). tions contacted and the procedures used
erty offenses and dealing drugs. 8
Two directors of past and ongoing studies, Dr. David to secure information are described below.
◆ Robbers (7 percent). The final group, Huizinga of the Institute for Behavior Sciences (Univer-
Organizations contacted. When select-
the most criminal of those in the study sity of Colorado) and Dr. Cheryl Maxson of the Univer-
sample, includes boys who reported sity of Southern California, served as advisers to Drs. ing organizations, LINC’s primary source
Fletcher and Wright and reviewed drafts of the survey was the Resource Directory of Youth Services
committing a spectrum of crimes, in-
cluding robbery.
as it was being designed and pretested. in the District of Columbia (prepared in July
Most reliability scales, as reflected by Cronbach’s 1994 by the Mayor’s Youth Initiative),
Only a few (three) of the dealers reported getting alpha, were consistent between the two studies and which lists and describes 618 programs
into fights. were generally greater than 0.70. for DC youth. Seventy-two programs in the

directory defined their purpose as delin- and approaches available for youth at high services in DC. Findings under each
quency prevention. Of these, 40 programs risk of committing or becoming victims of category are presented below.
administered or provided services only to violent acts, especially youth living in the
adjudicated youth or those awaiting trial, three study areas. Researchers also sought Patterns of Delinquency
4 programs provided drug treatment or information on coordination between the Even among the relatively homoge-
drug prevention services, and 8 either pro- organizations and government agencies or neous group of boys in the study sample
vided no direct services or served only chil- nonprofit groups in DC. ILJ staff collected (all adolescent boys from three predomi-
dren under age 13 or adults. Of the 20 re- additional information about the status of nantly poor and predominantly African
maining delinquency prevention programs, youth services by conducting a telephone American DC neighborhoods), the study
LINC selected 12 that represented 3 types of survey to update the Resource Directory found significant distinctions based on the
youth-serving organizations: discussed above. type of delinquency, if any, the boys were
◆ Affiliates of national organizations Gathering written materials. In addi- involved in and additional characteristics.
specifically geared to youth, including tion to seeking verbal responses from ad- In examining patterns of delinquency, the
the Camp Fire Potomac Area Council, ministrators during interviews and calls, LINC study considered both the level of
4–H/Youth Programs, Cooperative LINC asked about the availability of written involvement in delinquency (delinquency
Extension Service for the District of materials on such issues as geographic category) and the effect of the following
Columbia, Girl Scouts of the Nation’s areas served, programmatic activities pro- factors: drug dealing, age, employment,
Capital, Boys & Girls Clubs of the vided, participant characteristics, and coa- feelings of social isolation, gang member-
Chesapeake/Potomac Region, the litions with which the organizations were ship, and substance abuse.
National Capital Area Council of Boy working. At the end of each interview, LINC LINC’s findings reveal patterns of delin-
Scouts of America, Big Sisters of the reviewed with the respondent a list of writ- quency among adolescent boys in DC that
Washington Metropolitan Area, and Big ten materials to be furnished. Materials are very similar to those among youth in
Brothers of the National Capital Area. were then either provided immediately or other cities. Consistent with the findings of
◆ Affiliates of national organizations mailed to LINC. previous research, for example, LINC
whose broader missions include youth found that a small percentage of offenders
services, including the YMCA of Metro- Findings are responsible for a large proportion of
politan DC and Associated Catholic the crime in DC’s most violent neighbor-
The findings in this study fall into
Charities’ Family and Youth Services. hoods (Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin, 1972;
three broad categories: patterns of de-
◆ Local youth organizations, including Chaiken and Chaiken, 1982; and Office of
linquency, supervision and activities of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Preven-
the Metropolitan Police Boys & Girls the boys during and after school, and
Clubs and the Sasha Bruce Network. tion, 1998). As explained in greater detail
barriers to effective delivery of youth
in the “Comparative Analysis” section of
Although the number of organizations
contacted was far from exhaustive, these
12 organizations were representative of the
types of organizations then offering delin- Figure 2: Percentage of All Juvenile Offenses Committed by
quency prevention programs and youth Different Groups
development and social skills activities to
DC adolescents who had not necessarily Fighters
been adjudicated. LINC’s research focused 2.4%
on programs that DC teens could choose Dealers Good kids
to participate in rather than those that 3.0% 1.4%
youth were ordered (by a court) to
participate in.
Interviewing administrators and staff. Robbers
Property offenders 36.2%
LINC collected data about youth services
in DC in a series of structured telephone
calls and in-person interviews with 20 ad-
ministrators and staff members of the
youth-serving organizations selected.
When conducting these calls and inter-
views, the author used structured proto-
cols, which listed questions to ask and
specified a way to record responses
consistently. Respondents, however, were
encouraged to provide information in a
conversational mode rather than a didac-
Property offenders/Drug dealers
tic format. Telephone interviews lasted on
average 30 minutes, and in-person inter- 29.1%
views lasted on average 1 hour.
Note: Juvenile offenses include both delinquent acts (which are crimes if committed by
In gathering information on youth-serving adults) and status offenses (such as drinking and truancy).
organizations, LINC focused on programs

average assaulted 12 people each year
Figure 3: Percentage of All Assaults Committed by Different Groups (about 6 times as many as the fighters).
During the 6 Months Preceding the Study As shown in figure 4, boys in the rob-
ber category were responsible for close
to half (44 percent) of all drug deals com-
Property offenders/Drug Dealers
mitted by boys in the study sample dur-
dealers 4.4%
ing the 6-month period preceding the
4.6% study. The robbers also committed al-
Fighters most half (44 percent) of all property
10.6% crimes completed by boys in the sample
during the same time period.
Drug dealing. In examining patterns of
Property delinquency, the LINC study found that most
offenders boys involved in selling drugs were less vio-
Robbers 60.0% lent than those engaged in other criminal
20.5% activities.10 Consistent with prior research,
the study also found that many different
types of youth (as opposed to any one ste-
reotypical drug dealer) are involved in sell-
ing drugs (Chaiken and Johnson, 1988).
While the dealers, as noted above, re-
Note: Good kids category is not included because the group (by definition) does not engage in ported committing assaults infrequently,
delinquent activities, including assault. Detail may not total 100% because of rounding error. property offenders/drug dealers reported
being very active offenders, with each
on average committing more than 55 de-
linquent acts during the 6-month period
Figure 4: Percentage of Drug Deals Committed by Different Groups preceding the interview. This group,
During the 6 Months Preceding the Interview however, committed approximately 50-
percent fewer assaults than the fighters
and approximately 60-percent fewer as-
Dealers saults than the dealers.
The category responsible for the great-
est number of violent crimes in the study
neighborhoods was the property offenders.
These boys—who do not deal drugs but are
involved in theft, auto theft, vandalism, and
other property crimes—represented about
Property one-third (31.9 percent) of all boys inter-
Robbers viewed and reported committing, on aver-
offenders/Drug dealers
44.0% age, eight assaults or other violent crimes
each year. While the property offenders
committed fewer crimes on average than
the robbers (most of whom commit more
than 80 each year), they outnumber the
robbers by about 4 to 1 and therefore, as a
group, commit many more acts of violence.
In addition, property offenders as a group
Note: Good kids, fighters, and property offenders are not included because these groups (by
were found to commit a total of about twice
definition) do not deal drugs.
as many property offenses as the property
offenders/drug dealers.

this Bulletin, however, DC’s responses to (representing only 7 percent of boys in 10

Note that this section describes findings on all boys
juvenile crime and violence were found to the sample) was responsible for 36.2 per- who reported dealing drugs (whether dealers, prop-
differ significantly from those implemented cent of all reported delinquent acts in the erty offenders/drug dealers, or robbers). The “dealers”
in other cities that have successfully re- three study neighborhoods (figure 2). category, by contrast, includes boys in the sample
duced levels of juvenile crime and violence. This same small group committed close to whose only reported criminal activity was drug deal-
one-fourth (20.5 percent) of all juvenile ing. Therefore, even though most robbers reported
Delinquency category. LINC found that being very active drug sellers, they are considered
a large proportion of the crime in the three assaults in the three neighborhoods (fig-
robbers rather than dealers, because their reported
study neighborhoods was committed by a ure 3). Fighters, by contrast, committed criminal activity involves a whole spectrum of crimes,
small percentage of boys in the sample. In only 10.6 percent of juvenile assaults. including robbery.
particular, it found that the robber category The data also showed that robbers on

from their peers. More than half (52.6 per- delinquent behavior,15 the use of illegal
Table 1: Percentage of Boys Who cent) agreed with the statement, “I usually drugs (other than marijuana) has played
Reported Holding a Job, keep to myself because I am not like other little part in the pattern of delinquency
by Delinquency Category people my age.” The most seriously delin- among youth in the District. The use of
quent boys were most likely to agree with crack or heroin was rare among boys in the
this statement, with 77 percent of the rob- study sample, as it is for youth in other
Delinquency Percentage bers agreeing or strongly agreeing with it cities across the Nation (Riley, 1997).
Category With a Job and none strongly disagreeing. By contrast, None of the boys interviewed reported
less than half (41.4 percent) of the fighters ever having used psychedelics or hallucino-
Good kids 23.9% agreed with the statement, and 20 per- gens, crack or any other type of cocaine, or
Dealers 20 cent strongly disagreed. Although adoles- heroin. Only five boys (2.3 percent of the
Fighters 22 cents typically have concerns about fit- sample) reported having tried phencyclidine
Property offenders 26.5 ting in, the robbers seemed to have more (PCP or “angel dust”), tranquilizers, or barbi-
Property offenders/ extreme concerns. turates. One boy stated that he had taken
Drug dealers 48.5 amphetamines, and one reported prior use
Robbers 60 Gang membership. While stories about
gang wars dramatically portrayed by the of an inhalant (such as aerosols or glue).
media may suggest that gang membership These findings are consistent with research
Although most boys in the study who dealt is rampant in high-crime neighborhoods in findings around the country (U.S. Depart-
drugs—whether dealers, property offenders/ ment of Health and Human Services, 1997).
the United States,14 only 15 percent of boys
drug dealers, or robbers—committed sig- in this study reported ever having joined Although LINC found that few boys in
nificantly fewer assaults than nondealers
a gang. The likelihood of joining a gang the sample used illegal drugs other than
(with the notable exception of the robbers), was somewhat higher for the more delin- marijuana, it found that a relatively high
they carried weapons more frequently.11
quent boys. Less than 9 percent of the proportion used alcohol and/or marijuana.
Because those dealing drugs were more good kids and the fighters had ever Approximately 30 percent of the study
likely to carry weapons, assaults involving
joined a gang, compared with one-third sample reported drinking beer or wine
these boys were more likely to have lethal of the robbers. Dealers were also likely without adult permission, 18 percent re-
outcomes than those involving boys who
to have been gang members, with 30 per- ported drinking hard liquor without adult
used only their hands, feet, or a blunt in- cent reporting gang membership at some permission, and approximately one-third
strument (Felson and Messner, 1996). This
time. reported using marijuana.
finding supports the view of many research-
ers that although drug dealing may not Consistent with findings in other cities, Alcohol and marijuana use was found to
directly cause higher overall rates of vio- this study showed that gang membership be much more prevalent among seriously
lence, it results in youth arming themselves in the three neighborhoods examined lasted delinquent boys (table 2). Only 7 percent
and, as a result, causes higher homicide a relatively short time (between 1 and 2 of the good kids and 7 percent of the fight-
rates (Blumstein, 1996). years) (Loeber, Huizinga, and Thornberry, ers reported drinking hard liquor without
1996). Of the boys who reported ever hav- adult permission, compared with 12 per-
Age. Even among adolescent boys, age ing joined a gang, only 4.2 percent reported cent of the property offenders, 30 percent
was found to make a difference. The study
still being members at the time they were of the dealers, 39 percent of the property
found, for example, that the least delin- interviewed. offenders/drug dealers, and 60 percent of
quent boys (the good kids) were the
The study also found that neither the the robbers. Overall, a greater number of
youngest (with a median age of 14.65) and boys reported drinking wine or beer with-
the most delinquent (the robbers) were length of time that a boy belonged to a gang
nor any current gang membership was re- out adult permission than hard liquor, and
the oldest (with a median age of 15.83). once again, the more delinquent boys were
lated to the seriousness of delinquency, if
Employment. Overall, 30 percent of the any, that the boy was committing. Robbers more likely to do so. Slightly more than
boys interviewed for the study reported 10 percent of the good kids and fighters,
were no more likely than less delinquent
having a job during the school year.12 As boys to be current gang members. approximately one-third of the dealers and
shown in table 1, the most seriously delin- property offenders, and more than half of
quent boys were the most likely to report Although studies in other cities suggest the property offender/drug dealers and
having a job.13 that boys commit more crimes when they robbers reported drinking beer or wine
belong to gangs (Thornberry and Burch, without adult permission.
Social isolation. Like many adolescents,
1997), this study found that boys who were
boys in the study sample were likely to still gang members at the time of their in- Similarly, marijuana use was reported
report feeling different from or isolated by 11 percent of the good kids, 27 percent
terviews committed essentially the same
number of assaults and other crimes in the
As used in this Bulletin, the term “weapon” includes
weeks immediately before the interview as 15
For example, the preamble to the National Gover-
firearms (handguns, rifles, or shotguns) and knives— did nongang members. nors’ Association (NGA) Policy Statement on Juvenile
but not rocks, bottles, fists, or feet. Substance abuse. Notwithstanding a Crime and Delinquency Prevention Programs and Prin-
ciples states, “Delinquency, particularly drug- and gun-
Although the questionnaire did not distinguish be- widespread belief that drug use is high
tween legal and illegal jobs, it asked about employment related violence, is escalating at a disturbing rate.
among all adolescents who engage in Young people are killing each other. Children are ter-
in the context of prosocial activities (such as participa-
tion in religious activities). rorizing their schools, parks, and neighborhoods.
Young people are either the foot soldiers or ringlead-
The study, however, draws no conclusion as to 14
For recent examples, see Mike Robinson’s article, ers in criminal enterprises involved in drug trafficking”
whether the relationship between employment and “Chicago Cop Accused of Running Guns,” printed in (National Governors’ Association, 1999).
delinquent behavior is coincidental or causal. The Washington Post on April 16, 1999.

in these groups responsible for a preg-
nancy). Fighters, the least likely to drink,
were also the least likely to report having
gotten a girl pregnant (only 7.3 percent re-
ported being responsible for a pregnancy).

PLACE Supervision and Activities

The Urban Institute’s previous analysis
of youth crime focused on when and where
offenses by DC youth were taking place

(Gouvis, Johnson, and Roth, 1997). LINC’s
analysis, by contrast, sought to understand
the nature and extent of supervision re-
ceived by boys in areas where youth crime
was relatively rampant and determine what
policy implications arose from the study’s
Photo 2 findings on supervision. In considering how
boys in the study sample were occupied
during and after school, LINC examined
of the property offenders, 70 percent of nated a girl. Of these, 58 percent reported activities that the boys participated in
the property offenders/drug dealers, and having used marijuana. Marijuana users and programs available to them through
80 percent of the robbers. The dealers were more than twice as likely to get a girl schools and youth-serving organizations
reported the greatest use of marijuana, at pregnant as nonusers: by their own report, in the community. LINC’s findings on super-
90 percent; the fighters reported the least 8 percent of the nonusers and approxi- vision and activities are presented in the
use, at 7 percent. mately 20 percent of the users had been following sections.

Although the study generally found a responsible for a pregnancy. Findings for Adult supervision after school. Boys in
strong association between using hard li- boys who reported drinking beer or wine the study sample reported having adults in
quor or marijuana and committing delin- without adult permission were almost the their lives who care about them and want
quent acts generally (with boys who used same as for boys who reported using mari- to be there for them. Ninety-two percent
hard liquor committing a significantly juana. Nineteen percent of those who had reported having an adult other than a par-
greater number of all types of delinquent used beer or wine without adult permis- ent who cares “a lot” about them, and
acts, including violent crimes, and those sion (and only 9 percent of those who had more than one-quarter (28 percent) named
who used marijuana committing more prop- not) were responsible for a pregnancy. a caring adult in their lives (other than a
erty crimes and drug deals), it found no such The likelihood of getting a girl pregnant member of their immediate family) as the
relationship between the use of marijuana was even greater for boys who drank hard adult to whom they felt closest. For most,
and the commission of violent crimes. Mari- liquor. Although less than 9 percent of this adult was either a godparent or a
juana users, for example, reported commit- those who did not drink hard liquor re- member of the boy’s extended family (e.g.,
ting more assaults, on average, than the ported getting a girl pregnant, 28 percent a grandparent or other close relative).
boys who did not use marijuana, but these of the boys who drank hard liquor were The next most frequently mentioned per-
differences were not statistically significant. responsible for a pregnancy. son was an adult acting as a mentor. Sev-
eral boys named leaders in local youth or-
The LINC study also found that drinking Considering the different delinquency ganizations as caring adults.
alcohol (of any type) without adult permis- categories of boys in the study sample,
sion or using marijuana increased a boy’s dealers were the most likely to cause a Notwithstanding the presence of caring
likelihood of getting a girl pregnant. pregnancy (30 percent responsible for a adults in their lives, boys in DC are most
Slightly more than 12 percent of the boys pregnancy), closely followed by property likely to encounter violence—as either
interviewed said that they had impreg- offenders and robbers (27 percent of boys offenders or victims—during the hours im-
mediately before and after school (Gouvis,
Johnson, and Roth, 1997). LINC’s findings,
based on its interviews of boys in the study
Table 2: Percentage of Boys Who Reported Using Hard Liquor or Marijuana, sample, suggest one probable cause for vio-
by Delinquency Category lence during these hours: lack of adult
supervision. In particular, LINC found that
the vast majority of boys (75 percent)
Delinquency Percentage Who Drank Percentage Who Used
spend the afterschool hours unsupervised
Category Hard Liquor Marijuana
by an adult 1 or more days each week, and
Good kids 7% 11% almost half (48 percent) never receive adult
Dealers 30 90 supervision during the afterschool hours.
Fighters 7 7 The relatively few boys who reported
Property offenders 12 27 being supervised by an adult every day
Property offenders/ after school (23 percent of the sample)
Drug dealers 39 70 tended to be less delinquent than those
Robbers 60 80 who received little or no adult supervision

in the afterschool hours. Forty percent of
the good kids—as opposed to 20 percent
of the robbers—were supervised by an
adult every day after school.
For boys in the study sample, spend-
ing the afterschool hours in a location
known to their parents or guardians was
even more important than spending that
time with an adult present. Of the good
kids, only 8.7 percent reported that their
primary caregiver rarely or never knew
where they were during the afterschool
hours. By contrast, 15 percent of the
fighters, 18 percent of property offender/
drug dealers, 22 percent of property
offenders, 30 percent of the dealers, and
33 percent of the robbers reported hav-
ing primary caregivers who rarely or Photo 3
never knew where they were during that
time period. players reported committing more assaults effect of these activities and the types of
Afterschool activities. Boys in the than boys who did not play football, the
differences were not significant.
boys who participated in them, LINC
found that good kids were not signifi-
study sample reported participating in dif-
ferent types of afterschool activities. LINC
considered the relationship, if any, be-
Music groups. Approximately 10 per-
cent of boys in the sample reported par-
cantly more likely to participate in these
activities than boys in the other delin-
tween participation in these activities and ticipating in a school band or choir during quency categories. LINC also found, how-
ever, that boys involved in these clubs
the likelihood that a boy would become the afterschool hours. Good kids were
involved in delinquency. slightly more likely to participate in these reported fewer delinquent acts, with par-
ticipants committing, on average, approxi-
Athletics. Fifty-two percent of boys activities than the more delinquent boys:
approximately 17 percent of good kids mately five times fewer property crimes
in the sample reported participating in and six times fewer delinquent acts. Boys
sports during the afterschool hours. The participated, compared with 10 percent
involved in these activities also reported
sports most frequently mentioned by boys of fighters and dealers and 6 percent of
property offenders. No difference in rates committing fewer assaults on average, but
were football (35 percent participated) and participation was not found to be a statis-
basketball (17 percent participated). The of assaults, drug deals, property offenses,
or overall delinquent acts was found based tically significant factor in such lower
study showed no relationship, however, rates of assault.
between participation in these or any on a boy’s participation in band or choir.
Activities available through schools
other sports and the likelihood that a boy Clubs that focus on building cognitive
would become involved in delinquency. In or social skills. Almost one-quarter (23.5 during school hours. Many cities that
have experienced an increase in youth
other words, good kids, fighters, dealers, percent) of boys in the sample reported
property offenders, property offenders/ participating in clubs or other organiza- violence have implemented school-based
violence prevention programs.17 Accord-
drug dealers, and robbers were equally tions that focus on building cognitive,
likely to participate in athletic activities. social, or vocational skills. These groups ing to adolescents in the study sample,
however, very few or no such programs ex-
Participation in school sports appeared included math and computer clubs, radio
and television broadcast clubs, cooking and ist in their neighborhood schools. When
to have one positive effect. The number of asked if they knew of school programs or
drug deals made by boys participating in catering clubs, art and drama clubs, and
groups that concentrate on promoting civic services designed to help students solve
sports was significantly lower than the num- problems without violence, approximately
ber made by nonparticipants. Football play- responsibility and providing community
services (such as Concerned Black Men and two-thirds answered “no.” Of the one-
ers, in particular, were less likely to sell third who reported knowing of such a
drugs than boys who did not play football, student government organizations).
program, about half (16 percent of the
with 19 percent of football players and 29 Several studies have demonstrated total sample) either could not identify a
percent of nonfootball players reporting that that afterschool activities designed to in- specific program or named a program that
they sold drugs. On the other hand, delin- crease students’ cognitive or social skills no one else identified.
quent boys who played school basketball and provide opportunities for community
Approximately 6 percent of those boys
reported committing, on average, almost service are effective at preventing delin-
four times more property crimes than those quency (Lipsey, 1992; Sherman et al., 1997; who knew of a violence prevention program
mentioned the Gang Resistance Education
who did not play school basketball and Tolan and Guerra, 1994). In examining the
twice as many delinquent acts overall as and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) program and sub-
stance abuse programs such as DARE. A
nonbasketball players. While less involved
in drug dealing, football players reported Like the relationship between employment and delin-
committing, on average, approximately quent behavior (see footnote 13), the study draws no
conclusion as to whether the relationship between play- For reports on different types of school-based vio-
twice as many property crimes as boys who lence intervention programs, see Violence in American
ing football or basketball and committing property
did not play football.16 Although football crimes is coincidental or causal. Schools (Elliott, Hamburg, and Williams, 1998).

small number of boys mentioned programs
run by particular counselors or teachers, Table 3: Programs in Study Neighborhoods Available for Children
peer programs, conflict resolution programs,
and mediation. The study found no relation-
ship between boys’ identification of school- Program type Neighborhood 1 Neighborhood 2 Neighborhood 3
based violence prevention programs and
Academic 4 7 1
their level of delinquency.
Other educational 3
Suspension and expulsion. Although Drug abuse only 2
youth crime peaks in the afterschool hours, Drug and alcohol abuse 1 1
school hours in DC are also a prime time Substance abuse education 1 1
for violence, according to The Urban Insti- General health 2
tute. This has not been true in other cities OB/GYN 1
(Snyder and Sickmund, 1995). Violence Health education 1
during school hours, The Urban Institute Mental health 1
found, may not necessarily occur on school Life skills/Parenting skills 1 1
grounds, but in areas surrounding schools Crisis intervention 1
(Gouvis, Johnson, and Roth, 1997). Basic needs 1
Findings in LINC’s study indicate that Childcare 4 2 3
high rates of suspension and expulsion in DC Recreation 3 1 1
schools may be contributing to high rates Delinquency prevention 4 3 1
of violence during school hours. The major- Investigation services 1
ity of boys in the sample (76 percent), for Arts 1
example, reported having been suspended Other 1 1
from school at least once. Even among the
good kids, more than half (57 percent) Total 22 25 9
had been suspended at least once. All of
the dealers and almost all (91 percent)
examined in this study (table 3). Almost largest number of boys (9 percent) was
of the property offenders/drug dealers
had been suspended at least once. half of these organizations described them- the Boys & Girls Club.
selves as providing services for delin- According to the boys’ responses, affili-
Expulsion rates were also high in the quency prevention or intervention, and
three study neighborhoods: more than ates of national youth organizations (such
approximately 30 percent specified ap- as Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Boy
20 percent of the boys interviewed reported proaches for supporting the development
having been expelled from school. In addi- Scouts of America, the National 4–H Coun-
of life skills, parenting skills, and other cil, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America)
tion, LINC found a strong association be- skills found to prevent delinquency. Only
tween expulsion and delinquent behavior. reached a substantially greater proportion
24 percent of the boys in the study sample of boys than purely local, community-
Although only 8 percent of the good kids reported participating in the activities
and 12 percent of the fighters had been ex- based organizations. Affiliates, the study
or programs of any such community found, provided services to youth in all six
pelled, 40 percent of the dealers and 40 per- organization.
cent of the robbers had been expelled. delinquency categories. Although almost
LINC also found that community cen- one-half of the boys reported belonging to
For the 6-month period prior to the ters and youth service agencies in the Dis- or participating in the activities of an orga-
interview, the number of delinquent acts trict are failing to engage adolescent boys nization that may have been a local affili-
reported by boys who had been suspen- in afterschool activities. Although these ate of a national youth-serving organiza-
ded was, on average, more than three times centers and agencies constitute approxi- tion at some time in the past, whether the
that of boys who had never been suspen- mately one-half of the youth services agen- organizations were affiliated with a na-
ded. The boys who, at the time of the in- cies listed for the neighborhoods in which tional organization could not be verified.
terview, said that they were not in school the boys lived, less than 4 percent of the The organization named by the most boys
reported committing, on average, more boys said that they had participated in (27 percent) was the Boys Club. However,
than four times the number of delinquent activities provided by a DC community unlike those in other cities (that are affili-
acts during the preceding 6 months as did center or youth agency. ated with the national organization), some
the boys who were attending school at the Boys Clubs in DC are independent and
Eighty percent of boys in the study
time of the interview. share only the name—and not the pro-
sample were unable to name a single neigh-
Activities available through youth- borhood organization with programs de- grams, services, or staff training—of the
serving organizations. According to writ- signed to help youth solve problems national organization. Moreover, at the
ten materials provided by youth-serving without resorting to violence. Less than time of their interviews, only 14 percent
organizations, many such organizations in 4 percent named a community center or of the boys were still Boys Club members.
DC focus on delinquency prevention and other city youth service organization. Al- In recent years, major national youth
skill building. An update of the 1994 though the resource directory lists several organizations, including Boys & Girls Clubs
Resource Directory of Youth Services in the churches and other religious organizations and others discussed in this section, have
District of Columbia (updated by ILJ for this in each of the three neighborhoods, only developed programs tailored to reaching
study) lists more than 50 organizations in 1 percent of the boys named a church youth in inner-city areas and providing
or adjacent to the three neighborhoods group. The organization identified by the them with the types of opportunities that

provides skill development programs for maintained through grants and other non-
teens in schools located in high-crime profit funding sources, but salaries and
areas. While funding was available, it also benefits of officers working at the clubs
sponsored project HIPS (Helping Indi- are paid by the MPD. As DC’s budget
vidual Prostitutes to Survive), an out- shrinks or suffers cuts, services such as
reach program for teen prostitutes that these—dependent on local funds—will
included a 24-hour hotline and a van shrink or disappear as well. As part of this
sent out on weekend nights (from 10 p.m. study, ILJ conducted a survey of youth ser-
to 6 a.m.) to provide vital information vices available in DC in 1994. By 1996, ILJ
about available services. found, 15 percent of the services available
◆ Boy Scouts of America, National Capital in 1994 (92 out of 620) had vanished.
Area Council, has made an effort to re- Inactive coalitions. This is not the first
cruit boys from kindergarten to grade 12 study to recognize a lack of collaboration
attending schools in underserved neigh- among DC agencies and organizations. Re-
borhoods. Through this new outreach— spondents in interviews carried out by
and longstanding programs such as LINC as part of this research, in fact, com-
Learning for Life—the local Boy Scouts monly mentioned that they, the Federal
council provides important opportuni- Government, and various other national
ties for youth to develop social skills. organizations had separately sponsored
◆ Big Brothers of the National Capital coalitions or task forces to spearhead ef-
Area sponsors “Bigs in Blue,” a volun- forts to pull youth-serving organizations in
teer program in which DC Metropolitan DC together. Because many agencies and
Police officers serve as Big Brothers for organizations sponsoring coalitions in DC
at-risk children in the District. have been unaware of one another’s efforts,
research has demonstrated help prevent DC has many coalitions, each with a rela-
tively small number of participants and
delinquency and allow youth to develop Barriers to Delivery of
skills needed for productive adult lives most of which have failed to produce ef-
Youth Services fective action plans. In addition, LINC
(Chaiken, 1998a). According to a previous In analyzing data collected from admin-
LINC survey, national affiliates that pro- found, these coalitions often duplicate
istrators and staff of youth-serving organi- one another’s efforts and goals.
vide programs in inner-city neighborhoods zations, LINC found two primary barriers
attract far more adolescent participants to the effective delivery of youth services For example, the Office of Justice Pro-
than their counterparts in locations grams (OJP) in 1993 funded a limited num-
in the District: a lack of coordination be-
where adolescents are at a lower risk of tween the DC local government and youth- ber of cities to form coalitions to prevent
delinquency. Moreover, national affiliates violence. Coalitions formed include the DC
serving organizations/agencies in the area
are more likely to operate safely in these and an excess number of inactive coalitions Pulling American Communities Together
areas when police are responsive to coop- (PACT) Project, which brought a subset of
intended to head efforts to improve youth
erating with them (Chaiken, 1998b). services in DC. DC agencies together to discuss gaps in
services and design a strategic plan for
Efforts of nationally affiliated organiza- The “Comparative Analysis” section
tions launched in the DC area are de- addressing those gaps. A high priority of
below discusses other barriers to the ef- DC PACT was “to coordinate resources
scribed below. The information is based fective delivery of youth services by com-
on written materials submitted by the and share information on local and federal
paring DC with other cities and evaluating anti-violence efforts” (DC PACT, Undated).
organizations. how well the District is delivering services Join Together, a Robert Wood Johnson
◆ Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washing- and programs to youth. Foundation-funded project that was
ton has provided outreach programs in Lack of coordination. In Washington, founded in 1991 and is based in the Boston
five DC Club locations and in housing DC, the LINC study found, local govern- University School of Public Health, was
developments located in neighborhoods ment agencies are involved in very few formed to help communities bring about
with high poverty and crime rates. Pro- coordinated efforts to address the prob- concerted action to prevent violence and
grams provided by these affiliates of the lems of juvenile crime, delinquency, and substance abuse. With additional funding
national organization include Keystone violence. LINC’s analysis showed that juve- from the U.S. Department of Health and
Clubs (designed to present opportuni- nile justice and other local government Human Services, DC has been one of Join
ties for teen boys to develop productive agencies in nearby Northern Virginia and Together’s focal cities. Kids Count, funded
leadership skills) and, until DC funds suburban Maryland are working closely by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, was
were cut, Smart Moves (a delinquency with local youth organizations in those designed to support communities around
prevention program for younger adoles- areas, but that DC’s government agencies the Nation, including DC, to measure and
cents that is firmly grounded in research are trying to provide youth programs report on the status of children (including
on adolescent development). themselves, rather than cooperating with their involvement in violence and drug
◆ U.S. Department of Agriculture 4–H youth organizations experienced in pro- use) in order to promote public action on
and Youth Development Service, one grams and services to youth. behalf of children locally.
of the first national organizations to LINC found that the DC Metropolitan Although the efforts of PACT, Join To-
base programming for at-risk youth on Police Department (MPD) staffs eight of gether, and Kids Count have resulted in
research on adolescent development, its own Boys Clubhouses. These clubs are highly visible coalitions and concerted

strategies in places other than Washington, studies in Denver, CO (Huizinga, 1998), The Federal Government is the District’s
DC, few administrators interviewed in DC Philadelphia, PA (Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin, major industry. LINC’s study found, how-
knew about these three organizations’ 1972), Pittsburgh, PA (Browning and Loeber, ever, that although Federal employees and
approaches, and none of the respondents 1999), and Rochester, NY (Thornberry and elected officials may live in the District
were aware of more than one of the ap- Burch, 1997). As discussed above, the fun- and possess valuable leadership and or-
proaches. Staff involved in bringing these damental patterns of delinquency among ganizational skills that would be of help
approaches to fruition in DC found the DC boys are very similar to those found to community-based organizations, many
experience disheartening because of key among boys in other cities. For example, are not personally involved in any youth-
agencies’ unwillingness to cooperate. most DC boys reported committing at least serving or other civic organizations in DC.
some minor acts of delinquency involving Several rationales have been offered by
defiance of authorities (such as drinking
Comparative Analysis alcohol without adult permission). As find-
elected officials and Federal employees in-
terviewed about this lack of involvement.
ings in other studies have also shown, some Congressional leaders and staff make clear
Process DC boys were delinquent fighters but lim- that their primary responsibility is to youth
After analyzing the data collected from ited their criminal offenses to occasional
boys in the study sample and from youth- in their own States, not children in DC.
bouts of aggression. Like boys in other Federal employees suggest—correctly or
serving organizations, LINC compared its cities, a relatively small proportion of DC
findings with those of studies of youth crime incorrectly—that there is an implicit con-
boys were the most delinquent in terms of flict of interest in providing personal atten-
and responses to youth violence in other the seriousness, spectrum, and number of
cities. At the time of the DC study, the au- tion to organizations that may receive Fed-
crimes they committed. eral funds for youth activities. Others say
thor was involved in research on youth pro-
grams and violence prevention in several Given the similarities between boys in their role is to serve all of the Nation’s
DC and boys in other cities, LINC consid- children—rather than those in a particular
cities around the Nation. Twelve of these
cities (each of which had been the subject of ered whether the role of DC agencies and city. Others offer the justification that at-
organizations could be a factor in the tempts by Federal employees to bring
previous research) were selected for com-
parison with DC. Three (Arlington, TX; higher rates of violence among DC youth. about change in DC would be resented as
interfering with home rule. Yet, from a com-
Bristol, CT; and Spokane, WA) were selected
by a panel of experts for their exemplary Discussion parative perspective, the major difference
In completing its comparative analysis between Federal agencies and private in-
approaches to youth crime and violence
prevention; four (Eureka, CA; Pocatello, ID; of findings in this study and findings in dustry is that the latter realizes an eco-
studies of the 12 cities listed above, LINC nomic benefit from actively promoting
Rapid City, SD; and Redding, CA) had been
involved in an ongoing partnership of law concluded that several obstacles stand in strong programs for youth. In cities such
the way of DC’s effective delivery of youth as Arlington, TX, chief executive officers
enforcement agencies and researchers spon-
sored by the National Institute of Justice services. As a result of these obstacles, DC (CEO’s) in private companies point out that
adolescents at the highest risk of violence by solving youth problems and reducing
(NIJ); and five (Beaufort and Summerville,
SC; Philadelphia, PA; and Salinas and San and delinquency may not be receiving nec- crime, their companies have a competitive
essary support and services. In particular, advantage in recruiting the best and bright-
Jose, CA) were cities in which a new vio-
lence intervention project (VIP) had recently LINC’s comparative analysis revealed two est employees to move to and live in the
barriers to the effective delivery of youth local area. They also realize that local
been piloted by the Girl Scouts of America
and evaluated by LINC.18 The approaches to services in DC: insufficient involvement of high-quality afterschool programs that
Federal agencies and local businesses and attract and supervise adolescents allow
preventing youth violence and furnishing
safe places for youth during the after- an excess number of unaffiliated and unco- employees with school-age children to
ordinated organizations. work without interruptions and more pro-
school hours that were used in these 12 cit-
ies provided an instructive contrast to the ductively during the hours when school is
Insufficient involvement of Federal not in session. CEO’s also view the good
approaches employed in DC. agencies and local businesses. LINC found will generated by encouraging employees
The comparison was carried out with that in other cities, major industries and to play active roles in delivering services
two questions in mind: (1) whether the high-level business executives play an to youth as a form of capital investment.
relatively high rates of youth violence in important part in meeting local needs—
including those of youth (Chaiken, 1998b). Excess number of unaffiliated organi-
DC were attributable to differences in pat-
terns of delinquency among DC boys; and Responding to increases in juvenile vio- zations. In many cities, the majority of
lence and crime, for example, business organizations serving youth are members
(2) whether the high rates of youth vio-
lence were a product of the way that DC leaders in other communities have taken or affiliates of larger “umbrella” organiza-
steps to ensure that the causes of the tions (see, e.g., Chaiken, 1998b). For ex-
organizations have dealt with children,
especially adolescent boys. violence are understood and that measures ample, a city may have a large number of
for preventing violence and delinquency are Boys & Girls Club programs, all of which
Patterns of youth delinquency in dif- operate under the aegis of a regional office
undertaken (Chaiken, 1998b). Many have
ferent cities have been the subject of crimi- of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America orga-
donated their time and skills or provided
nological inquiry for more than 50 years. nization. Moreover, in cities such as Arling-
incentives for staff members to work with
Research in the area has included seminal ton, TX, and Spokane, WA, there is a high
youth-serving organizations in roles ranging
from serving on local boards and commis- degree of coordination among the vari-
18 sions to volunteering at local schools to ous umbrella organizations. Together, the
Girl Scout VIP was piloted in other cities that did not
leading afterschool programs at community organizations carve out niches of
provide a reasonable basis for comparison with Wash-
ington, DC (Chaiken, 1998a). centers (Chaiken, 1998a, 1998b, 1998c). expertise, plan services to ensure that

school-age children in all parts of the city
are served, and provide a selection of
interesting and educational activities
for young participants to choose from.
Affiliates also cooperate in citywide
assessments of children’s needs and
support one another’s fundraising
activities. In cities such as Bristol, CT,
these organizations work with the police
department and the schools to identify
youth who are getting into trouble be-
cause they are unsupervised; together,
these groups have developed a plan to
ensure that the identified youth are
brought into at least one organization and
are involved in skill-building activities.
In DC, no such cooperation is taking
place. Organizations have not carved out
different areas of expertise to address the
multiple needs of children in the District.
pelling need for early intervention. Many ◆ Family members and other caregivers.
The ILJ update of the 1994 directory of
cities have met this need by offering proven ◆ Neighbors working together in
services showed high turnover of organi-
programs such as Head Start and provid- community-based organizations.
zations receiving funds to provide youth
ing parenting classes and home visits to
services. In interviews for this study, ◆ School staff members, including
youth at high risk of delinquency (Chaiken
administrators in unaffiliated organiza- administrators, teachers, and guidance
and Huizinga, 1995).
tions made clear that they found it impos- counselors.
sible to carve out a niche of expertise. To
continue to exist, administrators explained, Providing Structure and ◆ Staff and administrators of youth-serving
organizations needed to shift missions Supervision organizations that offer educational and
when funding was lost and when addi- Because of the high incidence of violence recreational programs for youth during
tional funding became available. committed by or against youth during the afterschool hours.

Program funding, LINC found, appeared afterschool hours, many communities have ◆ Police and other law enforcement
focused on providing supervision and struc- officers.
to be based on hunches about the needs
tured activities—especially for children at
of children in the District rather than a ◆ Probation officers, prosecutors, defense
high risk for violence—during that time pe-
common base of research. Some adminis- attorneys, and other professionals in
trators, for example, knew about the DC riod (Chaiken, 1998b). The six recommenda-
the juvenile justice system.
tions below would address specific con-
Kids Count program; most did not. Some ◆ Staff of child welfare and protective
administrators described certain pro- cerns relating to the lack of supervision for
boys in DC during the afterschool hours. services agencies.
grams proudly as preventing delinquency
by building self-esteem or through athletic Bring boys under control of respon- Channel energy into productive ac-
activities, even though a growing body of sible adults. In many cities across the Na- tivities. Many cities have moved beyond
research suggests that such programs are tion, juvenile violence is declining (Poe- simply controlling delinquent behavior
not effective (Tolan and Guerra, 1994). In Yamagata, 1998; Fox and Zawitz, 1998). A to channeling the energy of youth into
addition, DC funding was cut for the nation- growing number of researchers and policy productive activities—including crime
ally affiliated Boys & Girls Clubs’ Smart analysts agree that the decline is largely reduction activities. Under the supervi-
Moves programs, even though these pro- attributable to concerted community ef- sion of adults skilled in guiding them,
grams include components shown to re- forts to bring adolescents under the con- young people are taking the lead in
duce delinquency. trol of adults who have the authority to: projects such as neighborhood cleanups,
vandalism and graffiti removal projects,
◆ Make and make known clear and spe-
Neighborhood Watch programs, commu-
Policy Implications: cific rules for behavior.
nity pride days, and cross-age tutoring
What Can Be Done for ◆ Make and make known clear and fair and mentoring programs for younger chil-
sanctions for breaking these rules. dren (Chaiken, 1998b). Recent research
Boys in DC? shows that participation in these activi-
◆ Apply these sanctions immediately to
those who violate rules. ties reduces teen pregnancy and substance
Providing Early Intervention
abuse more than standard educational
Although the youngest boys in the ◆ Make other youth aware of when and why approaches to delinquency reduction
sample were on average the least delin- particular sanctions have been applied. (Allen et al., 1997). Caring adults—parents,
quent, some very young boys (13-year-olds) The following adults in each commu- other caregivers, and staff in local unaffili-
reported seriously delinquent conduct. Such nity should work together and support ated youth organizations—provide a
conduct—together with a marked increase one another’s efforts to bring children tremendous potential resource for con-
in the seriousness of delinquent conduct under their control: trolling and guiding youth.
as boys get older—demonstrates a com-

A growing body of research, however, school hours, this officer works in partner- support and active involvement in providing
also shows that not all afterschool pro- ship with administrators, counselors, and structure and supervision to youth.
grams are effective at preventing violence teachers to reduce truancy and other Address needs of expelled and sus-
and delinquency (Tolan and Guerra, 1994). harmful behavior through a combination pended students. As a result of high rates
In fact, sports, one of the most widely pro- of teaching, counseling, and coordinated of suspension and expulsion in DC, large
vided afterschool activities for adolescent case management. During school breaks numbers of boys are released into the com-
boys, was shown to have little or no posi- and before and after school hours, the of- munity without supervision. Without super-
tive effect on violence or other forms of ficer patrols the streets surrounding the vision and structured activities, many of
delinquent behavior. Rather than focusing school and stays in radio contact with these boys are committing delinquent acts.
on athletic activities, therefore, policy- school staff monitoring school property Both to protect the community and to meet
makers may want to provide programs and nearby areas.20 the needs of expelled and suspended stu-
shown to be effective at reducing delin- Other cities’ patrol plans have involved dents, parents, school administrators, gov-
quent behavior (for example, programs not only the police, but neighbors, local ernment agencies, and youth-serving orga-
intended to teach cognitive skills). business owners, and youth organizations, nizations in DC need to explore ways to
In attempting to channel youth’s energy in an effort to minimize the chance that deliver safe and meaningful activities to
in a positive direction, policymakers should releasing large groups of students into the these students during school hours. In cit-
also aim to convince DC boys that their community at the same time each day will ies such as Pocatello, ID, and Eureka, CA,
earning power in the long run will be higher result in fights or violence (Chaiken, 1998b). youth who are removed from traditional
if they pursue legal money-earning activi- Steps taken in other cities include having classrooms because of disruptive behavior
ties in their spare time. By doing so, DC adults with police walkie-talkies patrol are placed in alternative classes with fewer
may be able to use the boys’ strong eco- streets near schools each day during ar- students and with teachers specifically
nomic motivations as an incentive for posi- rival and departure times, keeping stu- trained to address behavior problems.
tive rather than antisocial behavior. In dents engaged in constructive afterschool Rather than allowing students to wander
Redding, CA, for example, police officers activities, and transporting students di- the streets unsupervised, these communi-
have capitalized on boys’ economic moti- rectly home following these activities (by ties are providing increased supervision. In
vations by giving groups of youth “COPS which time children’s parents or other Pocatello, the community is also securing and
dollars” when they complete projects to caregivers will have returned home from seeking the enforcement of injunctions that
improve their neighborhoods. Endorsed work) (Chaiken, 1998b). prohibit students from gathering together
by local merchants, COPS dollars can be Involve national organizations. A outside a school setting during school hours.
redeemed at restaurants and other busi- survey of seven national youth-serving
nesses popular with community youth. As organizations revealed that such organ- Applying Swift and
a result of this program, boys in blighted izations are reaching significantly larger Sure Sanctions
areas who used to hang out and get into numbers of children at high risk of vio- As shown by LINC’s study, a small num-
trouble are removing litter, cleaning up lence and delinquency in cities other than ber of youth in the three DC study neigh-
vacant lots, and creating play and recre- DC (Chaiken, 1998b). According to the borhoods are responsible for a large pro-
ation areas for themselves and younger survey, nationally affiliated organizations in portion of the crime and violence. To
children. Judging from their willingness to other cities are providing constructive ac- combat youth violence and crime, authori-
approach officers and ask what needs to tivities at the very time children are most ties need to apply swift and sure sanctions
be done in return for COPS dollars, boys— at risk for violence in most parts of the to the city’s most serious juvenile offend-
in addition to the police, businesses, and country—the afterschool hours. Increasing ers. These offenders need to be identified
other residents—favor this approach.19 the involvement of the many local chapters and informed of the sanctions for specific
Adjust police patrols. Another action and affiliates of national youth organiza- categories of delinquent behavior (both
that DC may take to reduce violence and tions in the District is essential to reducing for themselves and for any “crews,” gangs,
delinquency during afterschool hours is youth violence and delinquency in DC. groups of friends, or other individuals who
increasing the number of police patrols Involve local organizations. As the act as accessories). In addition, because
during the hours that area schools release Nation’s Capital, Washington, DC, is home serious offenders should be sanctioned
students. Although one additional patrol to numerous private foundations, firms, immediately after committing delinquent
car is not likely to have a major impact on Federal agencies, and universities that have acts, the cumbersome process of handling
levels of afterschool violence, several of- spent large sums of money on research, juveniles in courts and corrections must
ficers walking the streets and talking to demonstration projects, and evaluations be streamlined.
students as they leave school have been focused on determining what works and An immediate and substantial response
effective in other cities. In Eureka, CA, for what does not work in preventing juvenile by the criminal justice system to delinquent
example, a growing number of assaults in- violence and delinquency and promoting acts can effectively control serious offend-
volving youth (including drive-by shootings the healthy and safe development of youth. ers’ worst behavior. In Boston, MA, for ex-
near one school) were essentially eliminated In fighting violence and juvenile delin- ample, Federal, State, and local law enforce-
after the police department appointed an quency, the DC community needs to tap into ment agencies have worked together to
experienced officer to serve as a school- the knowledge, experience, and resources crack down on illegal gun markets, and
based youth/ethnic liaison officer. During of all of these organizations and enlist their local agencies have made a concerted effort
to identify and control the city’s most vio-
Based on observations and interviews being carried
lent youth (including gang members). As a
Based on observations and interviews being carried result of these efforts, escalating rates of
out as part of NIJ-sponsored LINC project 95–IJ–CX–0047.
out as part of NIJ-sponsored LINC project 95–IJ–CX–0047.
youth violence dropped precipitously. To

carry out a Boston-type effort and get seri- violence, policymakers need to convince ing problems facing youth, and support one
ous juvenile offenders under control, DC will boys that if they stop carrying guns, others another’s fundraising activities. Officers of
need the same cooperation among commu- will do so too. In neighborhoods such as different affiliates of national organizations
nity groups, law enforcement officers, and Arlington, TX, youth workers have found may serve on local boards and commissions
juvenile justice agencies that took place in that teens are most likely to stop carrying together, along with key members of the
Boston and surrounding communities guns when they are involved in the process business community and top administrators
(Kennedy, 1998). of deciding when and where police will en- of local government agencies. Absent coor-
This type of community action presents join weapon carrying, how the prohibitions dination with one another and oversight of a
an opportunity for DC and its police depart- will be monitored, and what sanctions will national organization, organizations may
ment to reorganize immediately—and for a be applied for violations (Chaiken, 1998b). duplicate efforts or fail to use funds for
cause that is likely to enjoy the community’s In cities such as Boston, MA (Kennedy, direct services to youth. Each unaffiliated
full support. It also creates an opportunity 1998), New York, NY (Bruce Johnson, National organization, for example, needs funds to
for Federal agencies, such as the U.S. De- Development & Research Institutes, Inc., support costly administrative functions,
partment of the Treasury’s Bureau of Alco- 1997, personal communication), and facility maintenance, preparation of grant
hol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the Redding, CA,21 groups of boys previously proposals, and other fundraising activities.
U.S. Department of Justice’s Drug Enforce- involved in violence were informed by As a result of collaboration among non-
ment Administration and Federal Bureau of police and other juvenile justice agencies profit youth organizations in many cities,
Investigation, to act as partners in support of steps that would be taken to control adolescents in poor neighborhoods (those
of the MPD. At the same time, it allows re- the entire group if any boy in the group most vulnerable to delinquency) have ac-
searchers who have studied effective ap- violated any gun laws. Such crackdowns cess to a variety of afterschool programs
proaches in other cities to provide practical rapidly led to self-policing on the part of such as computer classes, drama activities,
advice to policymakers about the resources, formerly violent groups—and a rapid and tutoring. These programs help youth
tactics, and personnel needed to apply swift reduction in the number of gun fatalities build skills that in the short term prevent
and sure sanctions to the small number of in those cities (Kennedy, 1998). delinquency and that in the long term may
serious and violent juvenile offenders in DC. promote a successful transition to produc-
By sending a clear message that violence Improving Coordination tive adulthood (Chaiken, 1998c). Given the
and the use of weapons will not be tolerated Between government agencies and pri- lack of such coordination in DC, children
and applying sanctions immediately for vate organizations. Realizing that, under from the three neighborhoods studied have
delinquent acts, DC may encourage its the current organizational structure in DC, had access to few such programs.
most serious juvenile offenders and their no single agency can deal with the many
friends to pursue noncriminal activities. aspects of youth development and the many Conclusion
causes of delinquency, government agencies
Reducing Gun Violence As reflected by this study’s findings, vio-
in the city, including schools, the police de-
lence by juveniles in DC is far from random.
Strategies for reducing youth violence partment, and child welfare and protective
Regular patterns exist as to where and when
involving guns include making guns safer, services agencies, should work together
it takes place and what types of boys are
making them less available, and influencing and reach out to private organizations to
committing violent acts. These patterns are
how youth use them (Mercy and Rosenberg, address problems collectively (Chaiken,
essentially the same as those found in other
1998). Although the first strategy requires 1998b). Representatives from these agencies
cities—including many that have made ma-
technological advances, recent research and organizations, as in other cities, could
jor strides in reducing juvenile violence in a
has revealed a promising measure for re- come together to propose and implement
relatively short period of time.
ducing gun availability (and, in turn, reduc- coordinated action plans to help both indi-
ing the number of fatalities and injuries vidual children in trouble and small groups With resources equal to or greater
resulting from fights or incidents involv- of children who may be experiencing or than those of cities that have implemented
ing guns) (Kennedy, 1998). Recent research causing problems in their neighborhoods effective juvenile crime prevention pro-
has also revealed a way to affect teens’ will- or schools. The combined expertise of rep- grams, Washington, DC, should look to the
ingness to stop carrying guns. These mea- resentatives from different organizations success of other cities and begin imple-
sures are described below. serves children and their communities well. menting similar programs for its own
youth. Beginning in the most violent neigh-
Identify and shut down suppliers. Work- Among local affiliates of national orga-
borhoods, DC should develop an action plan
ing with local police departments in a num- nizations. Affiliation with national organiza-
for bringing delinquent boys under control.
ber of areas, including DC, ATF has traced tions sustains access to proven programs
With violence and crime in these areas con-
guns being used by youth and found that and materials designed by youth develop-
trolled, the city could then work on a more
in most cities, guns are being supplied by a ment professionals and evaluated by re-
comprehensive strategy for delinquency pre-
limited number of out-of-State gun dealers searchers. Executive directors of affiliates of
vention and youth development. Any such
(Kennedy, 1998). Once identified, some gun national youth organizations typically work
strategy, however, will require the concerted
suppliers have been closed down. Contin- together on an ongoing basis to define the
efforts of a variety of community members
ued collaboration with ATF is well advised. niche that each will fill (Chaiken, 1998b).
and organizations. Only by coordinating
Enlist the boys’ help in reducing gun Although they may not share specific pro-
efforts—across agencies, organizations,
use. A substantial body of research reveals gram materials, organizations often share
schools, and even neighborhood lines—will
that in violent neighborhoods, boys carry space, keep one another informed of emerg-
DC address and eliminate the most serious
guns for protection primarily because patterns of delinquency and control the most
other boys or men carry guns (Mercy and 21 delinquent youth.
Data collected by LINC as part of NIJ grant
Rosenberg, 1998). To break this cycle of 95–IJ–CX–0047.

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Acknowledgments Share With Your

Marcia R. Chaiken, Ph.D., is Director of Research of LINC. Tom McEwen of ILJ
directed the overall project that included LINC’s research; Anai Cuadra provided Unless otherwise noted, OJJDP
assistance in preparing data files and checking the calculation of analysis vari- publications are not copyright
ables for accuracy; Cheron DuPree provided breakdowns of DC youth services by protected. We encourage you to
census tracts; administrators and staff members of youth-serving organizations in reproduce this document, share it
DC provided hard data and qualitative assessments; Cheryl Maxson, David with your colleagues, and reprint it in
Huizinga, Jeffrey Fagan, and other colleagues provided insights based on their your newsletter or journal. However,
studies of boys in other cities; Mark Kleiman participated in an evening of brain- if you reprint, please cite OJJDP and
storming about what could be done for boys in DC; and Nancy Walsh, a Senior the author of this Bulletin. We are
Writer-Editor at the Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse, edited the manuscript and also interested in your feedback,
worked closely with the author to adapt it for publication as an OJJDP Bulletin. such as how you received a copy,
how you intend to use the informa-
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provided by Arlington Youth Services (Arlington, TX), an affiliate of Girls Incorpo- your individual or agency needs.
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