TPJH 16-17 Parent Involvement Plan

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Tellico Plains Junior High School

Parent-Community Involvement Plan


Tellico Plains Junior High School

120 Old High School Road
Tellico Plains, Tennessee 37385

Parent Involvement Advisory Council

Ruthie Hunt - Principal
Jimmy Brannon - Assistant Principal
Lee Anne Strickland - Director of Federal Programs
Marina Debity - Special Education Case Manager
Amy Talley - School Counselor
Rebecca Richardello Teacher
Becky Duncan Title I Teacher
Josh & Kelly Butler - parents
Denise Presley - parent
Janet Belk - parent
Anissa Shull parent
Keshia Millsaps parent
Selena Wiggs parent
Tera Hawk parent
Kelly Hicks parent
Jo Cagle Community Member
Angie Best new parent contacts
(Nominations are always open for new members)
Parent Involvement Plan

The Parent Involvement Plan for Tellico Plains Junior High School has
been developed in cooperation with the principal, faculty and staff, Parent
Involvement Advisory Council, and parents. The plan was developed to:

Support the learning goals of the Tennessee Comprehensive

System Wide Plan:

Create a common vision of parental involvement and the resources

needed to sustain that vision:

Increase and improve the level of parental involvement in our

students education.

Shared Responsibility for Student Performance

Tellico Plains Junior High School believes that education should be the
shared responsibility of students, teachers, parents and the community.
Student success is greatly increased when we work together as a team.
We believe that parents play an integral role in assisting their childs
learning, and should be actively involved. We encourage parents to have
regular, two-way, and meaningful communication with their childs
teacher. We believe that parents are full partners in their childs
education and should be included, as appropriate, in decision-making
and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
Tellico Plains Junior High School encourages parental involvement and
input from the community in the Parent Teacher Organization, Parent
Advisory Council, parent volunteers, and the School Improvement
Committee for SACS. Parents are also encouraged to contact the school
with any questions regarding their childs education.
Tellico Plains Junior High School will communicate with parents and the
community about student progress and school programs effectively. The
school will actively raise the communitys awareness of how important
family involvement is to students success and academic achievement.

Methods for communication:

Newsletters a school wide newsletter will be sent home bi-

monthly that includes information on school activities and events,
classroom information, and suggestions for parents to become
involved in their childs education. Student accomplishments and
celebrations are included in the newsletter, along with breakfast
and lunch menus. The newsletter is sent home to each parent and
is available on the schools website.

Progress Reports - Teachers use several methods to ensure two-

way communication between home and school. Teachers send
home weekly papers, and progress reports. Grade cards are sent
home each nine weeks and require a parent signature.

Text Messaging - Each grade level participates in Remind 101 text
messaging service. This service allows teachers to send reminders
via text messaging to parents. Mrs. Hunt has also set up a parent
group to send messages from the principal.

Parent Portal Parent Portal and will allow parents to access
student grades any time during the nine weeks via the internet.

Phone calls - Teachers make phone calls to speak with parents

about their childs progress, and parents arrange conferences with

individual teachers to express their concerns. Parents will receive
phone calls to confirm student absences and to encourage better
student attendance: a letter will be sent home once a student has
accrued five unexcused absences. Also, the county and the school
use School Messenger to send out mass parent messages.

Open house Parents will be informed of special programs such as
Title I programs offered at their school. Information is imparted as
to how special programs support academic achievement within the
school curriculum. Fall and Spring Book Fairs are scheduled in our
library to coincide with open-house in an effort to encourage
parents to participate with their child in selecting age appropriate
books and materials.

Parent Teacher Conferences Each parent will have the

opportunity to formally meet with their childs teacher at least
twice a year or as requested at any time.

School Website School information, educational websites,

upcoming school events, lunch and breakfast menus, student
accomplishments, PTO information, and each teachers grade-level
teaching goals & 9 weeks objectives will be available on the
schools website. This year teachers will be given the opportunity
to develop their own classroom websites, accessible through the
schools website. Parents can access the Parent Involvement Plan
on the schools website, or view a copy on site at the school. The
School Improvement Plan and SACS Accreditation can be reviewed
via our website, or at the school.

TPJHS Community Facebook page - The TPJHS Community
Facebook page is used to keep parents updated on school events,
important due dates, and student accomplishments.

IEP meetings These meetings will include parents input to

develop their childs Individual Education Plan.

Local Newspaper Announcements, accomplishments, and

important school information will be submitted to the county
newspaper. The TPJHS Honor Roll is also published each grading
period in the county newspaper.

Assessment Results - An explanation of state mandated formal test

results will be sent home to parents. Ex: TCAP and Writing

Title I Parent Meeting - Title I schools host an annual meeting to

provide information regarding federal programs and expenditures
and to collect feedback from parents. The Parent Involvement Plan
will be distributed at the beginning of each school year to give
parents the opportunity to provide valuable feedback in the process
of evaluation.

Positive Behavior - Tellico Plains Junior High School will continue to

utilize reward programs to acknowledge good character and good
student behavior. Our Pawsitive Behavior Support Program
involves parents and benefits the community.

Annual survey - Annual surveys will be conducted at our school.

Survey results will be analyzed to measure the effectiveness of the
plan and to secure input regarding modification in future practices.


Common Language - Information related to the school and parent
programs, meetings, and other activities will be sent to the parents
of participating children in an understandable and uniform format.
The school will pay particular attention to addressing the needs of
those parents and children, who are economically disadvantaged,
disabled, have English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of
any racial or ethnic minority background.


Tellico Plains Junior High School will work to build the schools and
parents capacity for strong parental involvement, in order to ensure
effective involvement of parents. The school will strive to support a
partnership among the school, parents and community to improve
academic achievement. Resources for parents are available through the
school website on the parent resource page. Information on the Monroe
County Family Resource Center is available through the school office.
Assistance with various aspects of family needs is available to all parents
and community members through the school office.

Health Screening The school makes available to students hearing,

vision, dental, and speech screenings. These are organized and
facilitated by the school and community as a resource for parents
to utilize.

School Clinic Tellico Plains Junior High School has access to an on

campus school clinic. The students may utilize the free clinic and

be seen by a school nurse for minor illnesses, accidents, or daily

Middle School Transition Parent meetings will be hosted
concerning transition from the elementary school to 5th grade.

Student Learning

It is the goal of Tellico Plains Junior High School to involve families and
the community in learning activities and awards for our students. TPJHS
will distribute materials and information appropriate to improve student
academic achievement.

Standards/Objectives - Parents are informed of the State Learning

Standards and objective based teaching for each teaching/grading

Access to Standards / Curriculum - The schools website will

provide a link to the Tennessee Department of Education where
parents can view objectives for teaching/learning. TPJHS will send
home a hard copy of all state objectives that will be taught in a
nine weeks.

Training - TPJHS will provide staff training for educators in how to
reach out to, communicate, and work with parents as partners in
improving academic achievement.

Positive Behavior Support - An incentive program is in place to

recognize student accomplishments in the areas of academics,
good citizenship, and attendance each grading period. The
Pawsitive Behavior Support program is for all students in grade 5-
8. Students that do not have failing grades, have achieved
attendance requirements, and avoided disciplinary action at school
are invited to participate in special events planned by teacher
groups at the end of each grading period. Rewards such as movie
and popcorn, in-school dances, ice-cream socials, etc. encourage
the students to be present every day and present themselves as
responsible citizens in social and academic situations.

Accelerated Reader - The Accelerated Reader is a computerized

testing program for students. They can choose a book, read it, and
then take a comprehension test to earn points. The program
encourages students to read by choice, not because it is an
assignment for grading purposes. Students are celebrated for
participated and achieving goals in the AR program and are given
rewards based on the points they earn in the program.

Gifted Program This program for gifted students. These students

participate in brain games, team building skills, hands-on
activities, field trips, special projects, and using creative/critical
thinking skills. The program also encourages independent thinking
and teaches leadership skills. Students are chosen based on
teacher recommendations, class performance and standardized
test scores.

4-H - Students in grade 5 -6 will participate in a 4-H program.

They have the opportunity to participate in public speaking and
poster contests in the community. They may also choose to spend
a week at 4-H camp. Participation in 4-H is another avenue for
students to learn good citizenship skills.

Beta Club - The Beta Club consists of 5th 8th graders who
maintain a B average and display high leadership qualities.
Membership is based on academics and leadership. The Beta Club
completes specific service projects for the school and community.
TPJHS is a part of the National Beta Club, and members participate
in different competitions at the state convention held in Nashville.

After school - Tellico Plains Junior High School students have two
options for after school: the Boys and Girls Club and Circle G.

Tutoring - Before and after school extended learning (tutoring) is

provided for those students that need extra help in any subject.
Extended contract monies provide funds for the tutoring program.

Field Day - Field Day is held at the end of each year. This involves
each grade level with games that encourage physical fitness, good
sportsmanship, competition and teamwork. Ribbons are awarded
to students for their accomplishments.


Tellico Plains Junior High School welcomes and encourages parent and
community volunteers to support our students, staff and school.

Parents often volunteer to assist in such activities as field day,

career day, field trips, reward programs, fund raisers, TSAP
cleanup, and Eco Day.

Parents volunteer to become part of the School Improvement

Planning process, revision of our plan for SACS review, and the
Parent Advisory Council.

Volunteers will be recognized for their contributions at the Awards
Ceremony at the end of the year and via a hallway bulletin board
display to applaud their efforts.

Community Involvement

Tellico Plains Junior High School recognizes that our school and our
students are more successful when we have the support of our parents
and our community. The following resources have participated and we
will continue to hope for their support in our efforts to make our school a
nurturing and positive learning environment for our students. Our school
also feels it is important for our students to join with agencies in our
community to help others in need.

TPJHS participates in the Pizza Hut Reading program. Students

earn free pizza for reading achievement.

Area businesses and organizations help many of our economically

disadvantaged students by supplying them with clothes and gifts at

TPJHS has many parents who support the school by providing extra
supplies for students in need. Individual donations make it
possible for many disadvantaged students to participate in field

Many businesses support our school by donating supplies such as

paper and printing, and technology equipment. (Wal-Mart, Save-A-
Lot, Bargain Barn, TVA, Volunteer Federal, Citizens Bank).

Community organizations help our students with needs such as
shoes, glasses, and medical care. Some participating organizations
are the Lions Club, Shriners, and Kiwanis Club.

Monroe County Family Resource Center and the School Nutrition

Department provide a program for students called Back Pack
which sends food home for the weekend.

Bierley-Hale Funeral Home presents all staff members with a yearly


The Gideons present a New Testament to each 5th grader who will
accept one each year.

As a part of giving back to our community, our school helps raise

money and collects food for such organizations as the Good
Shepherd Center, the Red Cross, American Diabetes Association,
the American Cancer Society via Relay for Life, Pennies for Patients,
Monroe County Animal Shelter.

Title I Services for Students in

Monroe County
Students are eligible for Title I services based on the number of free and
reduced lunch participants. Currently, we have nine schools being served
by the Title I funding. There are two types of programs - targeted
assistance Title I and school wide Title I. Targeted assistance allows only
those students identified as eligible for Title I to be served by our
assistants at the school. All of the Title I schools in Monroe County are
being served as school wide facilities. In these schools, no student or

staff member is identified as Title I. School wide status allows each
school more flexibility in the way Title I funds and personnel are utilized.

At this time, Title I employs Reading Specialist Teacher and

Educational Assistants.

Currently, Title I funds a reading program in all nine schools. The

Reading Specialists and Educational Assistants work with students
who have been identified for necessary intervention.

Every school in the Monroe County School District shall ensure Title
I schools are in compliance with the No Child Left Behind Act of
2001 (PL 107-110).Any questions concerning the Title I program
should be directed to your principal or any of the Title I personnel
in the Monroe County Education Central Office. (423) 442-7104.

Tellico Plains Junior High School Principal Ruthie Hunt (423) 253-2250
Federal Programs (Title I) Director Lee Anne Strickland (423) 442-2373
Federal Programs Secretary - Colleen Sloan (423) 442-3972
Director of Schools Tim Blankenship (423) 442-2373

(Revised December, 2015)


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